r - r-u t - Capital Adjournal An Independent Newspaper Established 1888 GEORGE PUTNAM, Editor and Publisher ROBERT LETTS JONES, Aui.tant Publisher Published every afternoon except Sunday at 444 Che meketa St., Salem. Phones: Business, Newsroom, Want Ads, 2-2406; Society Editor, 2-2409. Full Leased Wire Service of the Associated Press and The United Press. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this paper and also news published therein. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: By Carrier: Weeklr, tie; Monthly, 11.00; Ons Tear, .12.00. By Mall In Oregon: Monthly, 75c; 6 Mos.. $4.00; One Year, $8.00. V 8. Outside Oregon: Monthly, $1.00; 6 Mos., $6.00; Year, $12. 8 BECK Popular People 4 Salem, Oregon, Monday, October 10, 1949 Opposing the Genocide Convention e nrr en r :rr t r-s s- tun The American Bar association at the recent annual ses sion of its house of delegates adopted a resolution disapproving an international Genocide convention, be- !L .' 1 ..It-! i:...C.nnl .tn.inna InnlxrlirtrV CaUSe 11 inVUlVKR VlUtl CUIinmUUUnOl iurairaio, iik.iuu.uk .... ... CIIDDCD "international tribunals which might supercede American Jrj rUK SUrrtK courts and endanger the self-governing power of American states." The ABA has before this opposed American participa tion in international action of this kind. Last year it op posed the universal declaration of human rights and the (SET COMFORTABLE)- Vf' UlJJJIJfl &XyJm 3 - FOB A LITTLE ''f , P $ - L04FIN6, THAT V ' ','SJl Vv, d j? M NEWSPAPERBOV 1 ' ; S) MY FOLKS AHe V COMES BVANO 1 ( ALWAYS POINTINU)- -A MAKES MY ,( I l HIM OUT TO MS, f' (CONSCIENCE FEELI- 'A i -1 i -) TOO. I KNOW J & GUILTXANO l - JUST HOW Ojl """ i THEN I CAN'T f ,MJI- V--l FEEL. ' ' V ENJOY COINS J m ... . ' fMrJ! )' WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND General Vaughan Goes Deep-Sea Treasure-Seeking By DREW PEARSON Washington In the confidential files of Sen. Clyde Hoey's investigating committee is a report on Gen. Harry Vaughan and his partner, John Maragon, in which they seek sunken treasure at the bottom of the sea. ' And as usual, they pull a lot of political wires to get the treasure. CAPITAL CARTOON Red Feathers This it one part of the Vaughan - Mar agon investiga tion which Sen ator "Just - the -Usual- Proce d u r e" H o e y wants to sup press. It is also 7 n President Tru-M I? man is exerting it-' u s.. pressure to hush ' . up, despite the fact that he made his great reputation as a senate investigator. Here's another one Community Cheat. " bo didn't give to the' Mr. Anon Observes By DON UPJOHN As a rule letters from Mr. Anon aren't given much shrift but nronosed covenant of human rights, alleging that they one has just been received by County Judge Grant Murphy which are not substantiated by documents involved. maybe shouldn't be born to blush unseen. Says the writer. I trust The Genocide convention does not create or establish the tempest in a teapot over the outs.de appearance of the such a court to supercede American courts. Article VI ppos c""nuse wl" nul ... ,..y u,y . .-.., u.8 ... merely reads: ing and build . "Persons charged with genocide , . . shall be tried by a com- new one, before, petent tribunal of the state in the territy of which the act u,e id fjre trap,; was committed, or By such international penal trmunai as may Burns down and have jurisdiction with respect to those contracting parties which destroys all the shall have accepted its jurisdiction." i records Any- The parties to the convention, by signing the treaty, way, who says do not assume any obligation to assist in the creation of there is any such a tribunal, nor to accept its jurisdiction if estab- thing pleasing lished, reserving freedom to decide upon acceptance when- 10 lhe eye ever such a plan has been elaborated and its jurisdiction complete u n i- stipulated. . p . . . Senate ratification of the Genocide convention would ations from the uninspired mon E. r a. WW i lantic Marine Salvaging Co., and then he would 'report to General Vaughan.' "In the course of the conver sation," Massey continued, "he (Maragon) repeated several times 'I will go back and report to General Vaughan.' I re sented this. "Maragon gave me the defi nite impression that he was an employee of General Vaughan. He talked to me in a tone of giving me an order that the con tract be given the Atlantic Ma rine Salvaging Co. I also resent- Most interesting phase of the ed this. The above caused me secret Vaughan - Maragon treas- to express my feelings rather ure hunt is that they cut another heatedly." company out of the deal de- spite the fact the other company ,,.. ,.. i u ,,.,. had a prior contract to salvage gon., highhandedness jhat he Ur,rKEN7IFS COLUMN the ore in the sunken SS Ed- discl,ssed th matt wi)h fw VOCCfyZ.f C J lUt-UVlfN ward Luckenbach. associates, Joseph Tarian and Vaughan's friends got the con- Charles E. Kauffman, and asked tract without competitive bid- them to sit in as witness if Mara- ding. gon called again. They did so, This was the only case in his- and after the next meeting Kauf- tory where a salvage contract fman wrote a report which was let without competitive stated: bidding, except one where the "I asked who he (Maragon) inmmissinn did not own the renrespnfpri and hp mnlipH 'I'm cargo. with the general.' This meant Domination, is a strategic move by Moscow aimed at winning over nothing to me so I asked what the republic recently established in the. British-French-Amerl- The SS Luckenbach, sunk in general and he answered, 'Gen- can zones of Germany with Bonn as capital. Salvation Is Free (The American Weekly) One of the most unusual ex amples of a minister who used ineennitv to exnanri hi flork B0 feet of water off Key West, eral Vaughan.' was that of the Rev. Willard Fla., by a Nazi sub in 1942 was "Before Maragon left he said Buckner, pastor of the Baptist carrying a cargo of tin worth he was with the White House. East German Republic Bulges Red Empire Into Europe By DeWITT MacKENZIE (CJl Foreign Aftilrs Analyst) ' ,' Proclamation of the Eastern German republic, under Russian The Soviet Union thus is intensifying its drive for a unified Germany which-, church of Stayton, Ore. Faced more than $2,000,000. with dwindling attendance at his The cargo, owned by the U.S. Sunday sermons, Reverend government and partly salvag Buckner decided that one way ed. now comes under the mari- to fill his church was to bring time commission and the U.S. in It was my assumption that he "'1.. JLff Ptoyee. prota- MoscoW- an's staff. "As a matter of fact, during The estab lishment of this Eastern repub- the parishioners himself. So metals reserve corporation, plus our first meeting, Maragon went ljc does.t to my desk, picked up the phone, V, kn.ink, - QO U. . . nvi,,nB firm Tho farffft Sal not constitute an agreement to have American courts otony f the present capitol and started making the rounds, vage Corp., of New York. The r wnl- "ouse ana aim nilcil BUl.ll a PrOUD. DLMlUSLIll Uldll uiitaji b uuuuaj, oll. yiknmg up M 1 ...... . -, --- superceded by international tribunal court has been created, whether it will be bound ma terially alter the status of that part of ...... ... ... 7n..L ....... uiai u a i t ui court has been created, the United States will decide look any worse than the "raft- a load of previously delinquent surance companies which paid MaraBOn's activity waV in- Germany as " uroi ha fimwa mom trt Kinirih mr inp envprnmem. miu lucic- - t.nii.t rate im with-a-barrel-on-top," which is tu. i i u u. t: :. seven feet below street level delivered his .sermon. XIIK SU11ULO BI1UUIU ItttllV UltJ tUH VCII LIUII "11 .... . , , :..i,i . :ui t .,n, . i,:ii, r T.,t on one side "by mistake! a hu.,, a, I""5-,""" ."" ""V"- i-ast. its functional, and the jr,jj,it;, hulii an ficvnucu ill nuii uci inrtiijr uuut:i aiiiiui , , . and then fore have a stake in salvaging one side "bv mistake!" At drove them home again. the sunken tin. dicated later by the fact that rZ ,, .1 ' " h ,nj i-.. i The Russians al- ats m Ut Maekcml and now prevails in Communist Russia under Stalin. cjtizcn and taxpayer. P. S. And "Genocide" is defined as "the use or a user of deliberate, for hewin's sake don't clutter systematic massacres toward the extermination of a racial, up the yard with that out-moded political or cultural group" and is an atavistic throwback 70-vear-old antique fire haz- to barbarism. ard!" V Exterior Plan of the County Court House of folks under a dictator, but are plugged up by fear. But, even in a democracy, as evi denced by above letter, the writ er sometimes is afraid to attach his or her own name, but just For the past week the Capital Journal has been receiv ing letters-to-the-editor expressing opinion on the exter ior plans for the proposed county court house. These let ters followed publication of views of the capitol group buildings and the proposed court house. The capitol group buildings followed a general archi tectural pattern or, at least, to the average person look ing at them, they appeared to be rather uniform in gen eral pattern. But the court house drawing stood by itself. And that seemed to be the case, even allowing for the why, nobody knows, drawing instead of an actual photograph as in the case of the other buildings. These letters came from residents of Marion county, for whom the court house is being built. All, but one, were of the opinion the proposed county building did not con form in outward appearance to that of the adjoining capitol group buildings. The Belluschi plans were of modern design, but "dif ferent" from the other buildings. Perhaps that was all right with the court house advisory board. Belluschi had done some excellent work around Salem. Perhaps the board felt the actual building would have a more conforming appearance after its construction. Whatever shortcomings may be had by a democracy it at least can bring out all shades and differences of opinion which exist just the same in the minds glasses. Plan Glasses With Sex Appeal Chicago, Oct. 10 U.B Dele gates to the 54th annual oonven tion of the of Opthalmology tion today determined to dis credit the old one about: "Men seldom make passes, At girls who wear glasses." "A vicious wisecrack," said that hie lVniua,,lroA frian. DL-causc 01 .., getting the contract. ready have communized it heav- the Western German republic. As a matter of fact, German politicians at Bonn have been agitating for the incorporation of the western part of Berlin in their government. Thus far, the three democracies have refused to make such a move because it obviously would antagonize Rus sia. Now that Moscow has estab lished the Eastern German re public, the Bonn government may get its wish. Then we shall ily and are maintaining control have the odd circumstance of insurance companies through Vauehan alen i-ailorf ihr with a big armv of Red tr0Ps- one ci'y serving as capital of ineir agent xne wiku uaivBsc maritime commission official S4tn annual oonven- rrn .sj . rnntrart Nov 6 """" American Academy CtaS"- ot SUich' '"M??? 'nt "C" P'lm Beach, Fla.. to salvage the nZ vZ.T tSl" What has been done by set- two separate government at the ting up the republic is to create same time, a symbol of nationalism which the Muscovites hope will prove Whatever mav liaDDen as re- said he was no' relation to the aUvl 4 Wtes.te,rn. Germany gards the capitali tne East Ger. general. However, he sided with Mara- and bring about a union. That's an idea, which man Communist lpaHpro In npn. ot claiming the new satellite eov- ic ""r""- B- amazing mi. Maragon ana me waukee nals ripsnits tho earlipr tak it spriniistv and fail to war n..jj..i,. :iu -i wauKee pais, aespite tne earner rrraiuc.u i.i.i.ioij. H" 0DDOSit on of Massev. ped in and pulled the rug right ... out from under them. Instead Our observation has been at who wear specs can read a cook book. Maragon's badgering continu- POOR MAN'S PHILOSOPHER Getting a Roaring Lion To Look Into a Lens cargo of the SS Luckenbach. This contract had no time limi tation and is still legally in effect. i ..." .u. , ....... course, cuts two ways, for the rnment Fririav rlaimprt t .nir s.a'l However, one year later, the gacn contract to Vauehan's M 1- Western Powers are equally fr a11 Germany. 8'rt amazing Mr. Maragon and the wauk.. Ml. ripsnite rlipr bent on drawing Eastern Ger- More than inridpntallt, thaw many into the Bonn republic. ,. . . . t. . " ' n . , . . . . . also have their eyes on the great So a hot contest is in prospect. ijc(,i '. , B; industrial resources of Western Cprmnnv VH11UI1 UWII at ... , . . .:.l . "'' " .u..iu,u- ... watching the marriage license V" efl- and Massey describes an- " " "al we lhe new government lmmedi- counter there are just about as tract to recover the sunken ore other meeting in March i949 as been callmg the 'Russian zone ately cabled New York, asking manv sals with glasses as with- . . : .,'.,"" ioiiows: Maragon s manner . , i a.1. iL ianicn ana z.eKe ftiram oi iviu- -v-.. out who get their names on the ,.!, wa extremely otficious and dotted line. At least the gals X2ll v..nh prf t ho agaln ne talked m a tone o .... giving me an oraer to award the a manuiacturers rep.e!,e..iBwve contract to the Atlantic Marine In Milwaukee and is a close Salvage Co " friend of Harry Hoffman, Mil- By this tjme ,he Maragon. waukee advertising man. Hot- Vaughan combination had gone iiiiau is iiic ovr M.,VV'. hpaH to Admiral of occupation" now has become that tho Bio Fr.r w.ior, a communist state which takes ister. aeain take un tho r.ormar tone of '""y question. The message was an Thus the Red empire bulges westward into Central Europe like a huge fist or battering ram. Within this bulge lies Berlin, appeal to Soviet Foreign Minis ter Vishinsky to work for uni fication of Germany through the eastern government. The new regime denounced the Bonn government. The feel- By HAL BOYLE New York CP) Winston Churchill once grumbled to Yousuf Karsh, "You can even make a roaring lion stand still to be photo graphed." It was a reluctant tribute to a sensitive young Armenian who has become one of the greatest lens artists of our time. He has But opinion as expressed in the letters-to-the-editor made everybody doesn't see it that way. from Joan The court house advisory board would do well to confer pL puis -no'k again with the architect to see what "adjustments" could a",1(1 birdie" be made to make the exterior plans be in greater har- nd after 15 mony with the adjoining capitol group of buildings. years of stalking Public buildings which will stand for generations be- celebrities with long to the public. The opinion of that public should have his camera, some consideration. Karsh has a matchless g a 1 lpry of portraits. Th Mice...,; Dr.l, Butithastak- . , ui.iv. en considerable doing to cot them, for famous the seven deep freezes sent to Smithi chairman of the mari. once proud and powerful capital jng was mutual, for Bonn char Mrs. Truman, Vaughan and oth- time commission and to Com. of the Reich and, next to Paris, acterized the formation of the er bigwigs at the time Maragon missioner Carson. And, despite the most Populous of the conti- communist dominated Eastern was caught smuggling perfume, previous refusals by lower of- nen,al cities- republic as a national catastro- though the deep freezes were ficiaIs to jve ,h Milwaukee That it a highly important phe. paia lor oy pu, .- firm a contract, higher-ups in circumstance, as i poimea out it i, easy to see that warm iij- yviin.li, v i .":, the commission finally yielded. " Previous column, ana is nueiy purchased four airplanes and Maragon and Vaughan won out. to figure heavilv the struggle mice ji.ui Massey has since tried to lur -umru' UI " oermany. prices from the government. whitewash this decision. But Berlin not onIv is tne hub of central r.urope ine greatest That's good. I have many good Armenian friends. But you know of course, the only way to keep Armenians healthy and strong is to exterminate them waukee dropped in at the mari- once in a while The late General John J. Per shing, rising from a sickbed for his last portrait, said, half-joking, half wistful: the interestinff fart ic that Shortly after President Tru- thnnoh tho r,Miti,.i . :jj transportation center of the con man came back from his Key maritime commission ok'd the tinent but it is dear to all Ger West vacation in December Maragon deal the prvate in- mans as the symbol of the coun 1948. Robert Stefanich of Mil- slirance underwriters in New lrv's former greatness. A na waukee, representing the Atlan- York and the RFC have tint vot tion's capital and its flag rank ic Marine Salvaging Co., of Mil- BjveI, .heir nk together in the hearts of its Apparently the Vaughan-Mar- cll'zns- times are in prospect. On display! agon axis did not have enough The situation is curiously fact that, drair with them- anrf it'a r.nu, - complicated by the question as to whether the Mil- whlle Berlin Iies witnin the Rus" waukee firm with a contract slan zone' aI1 four Pwe have from tho mariiimo immi,. areas which are under their con- time commission to see if he could salvage the ship which had sunk just 25 miles north west of Key West. The commis sion told him to send a diver "Take a picture the American down to look at the cargo, after .. fi.-i- nr.,h di' trol in the city itself. people will remember for a hun- which they would talk to him. Beach., with a contract from the Because of this, Britain dred years." In January. 1949, Stefanich insurance companies, have the Franee and America are said by rarsn saio one oi nis most came duck, saia ne nan nui uvvn rj-ht in caWmao tho , . aipiomauc omciais in wasning. ton to be considering the idea of adding their Berlin zone to Tk m;....., To;r:- :i.. 1 i.:i. l ...i i .. ." .. ... " -iui.iu proplc often are more difficult to difficult subject! was Lord Bea- able to send a diver down, but Luckenbach Its Hpcmwl mrinfh U'lth an nvor.nll fnot naiimn in avmnA K. . . ,, ... ... . , - i-UCKenoacn. """'"'u pnnmgrapn man ohuii-.i. verDrooK. oecause or nis restless warned a contract ior salvaging $25 millions. The 5000 members of the four railroad Churchill was a case in point, energy. But "The Beaver" was the vessel just the same. His brotherhoods, whose strike idled 20.000 nnn-nnpratinir Karsh ambushed him in Otta- so pleased with his portrait he conversation was with Jerry C. n. i.i, nniKeu inn ut-cuuse ucmHiuis ior grievances, RWr Winston had made a stir mostly for "feather-bed" stipulations, like extra engineers ring wartime address. Still flush and firemen on deisel locomotives, were refused. Wages d ,rom hi sP'l'h. the premi- were not an isiia " licin'i wanl hi" P'c,ure ,aken- wue noi an issue. Reluctantly he paused before The I 'nil ed Tress says railroad officials say the losses the camera and lit a long cigar, include $15.5 millions lost in revenue, nlus SS million in When Karsh held out an ash- wages. Industrial and business losses total another $3 million. iCopyrifht 1941 . The brilliant new Silverplate pattern by wa in the house of commons just exclaimed: Massey, admiralty counsel, of "You have immortalized me." the commission, who later re- Karsh mentioned the incident ported: to an acquaintance of Beaver- '"Since he had not done what brook, and the man said: he promised, I considered he "Karsh, are you sure that was was wasting my valuable time a good idea." desperately needed on other At 40 Karsh has photograph- maritime commission business tray, Churchill only clamped ed most of Europe's monarchs and making a nusiance of him his jaw more firmly on hi and a majority of the world's self. I told him so in so many l,,uio ton statesmen Hinlnmata mnii wnrH eiinwhile, many towns along the railroad's 11-slate Karsh impulsively reached military loaders. "Early next morning," con route have rt'.-'.orted to motor trucks to haul mail, produce out, murmured "Forgive me, "But the man whose portrait tinued Massey in his official and the most essential freight and express shipments. So 'ir" anl Plucked" the cigar from I would like most to make it report, "to my surprise he walk far, no cases of real hardship have been attributed to the ,h" "l" of tv" astounded slates- Stalin," he said. "A good pic- ed in with John Maragon. strike although every community served bv the Mo-Vac nian- Then he stepped hack and tore might help to explain him "Maragon stated that he i . 1 : n I. . ,J Li. nn.Arn in f " V, 1 1 rf- h 1 1 1 In tho u.nrlH 17 . V. -. .,,n,,l J . j-tn tho matlnr nt nh. nas n t tne ininart nf tho H ,,,!., n.i .-. .... .... ..... r.r ....u ...... ... i a glowering lion at bay. Nowhere has any emerirencv hecn nmrlaimed in the The result was an unforget- towns served by the road. All points reported truckers able portrait. It caught the filled lhe gap. at least to the point that no town or citv on Pir' of besieged Britain in one Yf fOHQ KlHa OT HOUSe-LleCininQ tho rniila u-ou i. - ,:..Ui L , , . i inHnmil:ihlo faro . . ' " uKin iniicn. rtrKansas appearen to ne ,' . j .. . . . u the hardest hit 1'nnmnlnvmont ... ... Karsh doesn t try to catch hit Plants closed from ln-U nf n,uir,-l.' n..t.,.,.in Art i.".i suhiects in odd poses. - iiiun unin, i mi ir.i ii ir, ni rti linil (.jo unenipioyen as a direct result of the strike. taining t contract for the At- Loses His Clothes, Keeps His Head Tuscola, III. M"i Roy Jones, farmer of near here, lost his clothing in a combine accident but he didn't lose his head. After he was stripped naked, Jones put on his best smile and drove his tractor two miles to find additional clothing and medical care. Luck Was With Selmar Elizabeth. N. J. tP Selmar Hilborn, a New York Indus trial diamond salesman, was thinking of something else when he set down his suitcase to unlock his car. Hilborn got In the car and drove off, leaving th suitcase titling on the sidewalk. The salesman missed the rase about 15 minutes later. He came bark posthaste. Luckily, the customer he had Just finished calling on had found It and kept it for him. It was full of diamonds. Hi ?r 0 ' 'Whv should I pick on a man when his fork's in his mouth?" Tt s the same old story in everv strike, employes and " employers penalized as well as the public losses that "When I make a picture. I never can be made nn. ry to make it an embodiment All in the Line of Duty r-j-f r Portland. Ore.. Oct. 10 (US' Patrolmen Earl Morehouse and Floyd Trimble delivered a baby Sunday without a hitch. The mother, Josephine I.. Wrlsley, J4, was rtportrd in "fine" condition at the county hospital. The baby, a hoy, wat In Isolation and had not been weighed. The officers marie out a terse report: "Called to deliver bab. Delivered tmt." of the man at the height of hit life. I try to bring out the hu manity In him, the Judiciout blending of the good and bad. And I'm not so interested in whether people like their pic tures as In whether people who know them do." Karsh says the most interest ing man he ever photographed was Bernard Shaw. Shaw be gan his interview by remarking- What are you Armenian? Boston The three men told six-year-old Martha Murray they were going to "clean" her house were right they did. Martha greeted her mother, Mrs. Margaret Murray, on return from a shopping trip yesterday with this Inquiry: "Mummy, why are we having our house cleaned out?" Pressed further, the child explained that the men had en tered and told her they were going to "clean out the plare." Mrs. Murray discovered H28 In cash and $ 26 radio missing Nof That Kind of Bull Reading, England It't a tough situation. The Ministry of Food tent the Mtster Butchers Associa tion an old bull as part of Reading's weekly meat ration. The association tent It right back. "Too tough." a spokesman said. "This particular hull must have been five or six years old." He taid the association wasn't taking that kind of hull from anybody. Ss torn Reading butcher thopt are short of meat this week. Want More Efficient Heat? Let us show you the Dclco-Heit Conversion Oil Burner with th exclusive "Rotopower" unit! Salem Heating & Sheet Metal Co. iVc Ehganc.. .lovely. elegant. ..an extiting mr riage of romantic splendor and modern simplicity... designed for yon by Gorhnm'i master artists, See AVtr Eleganci today! "4l ftnmtt" tt for vicht. "HttMHii fort! tg.Tt. : Dial 3-85SS . Authorized RepnsenMtvt v 1085 Broadway If it't that't all you need to know Livetley Building State St. Ph. 3-M1