-1 irw wMi 8 - J rojsss Green Stamps Case On Trial On trial before Circuit Judge George R. Duncan, it the case of The Sperry It Hutchinson company vi. Maurice Hudson, corporation commissioner, and George Neuner, attorney gener al, with a heavy array of attor neys present. The company is resisting an opinion of the atto ney general to the corporation commission to the effect that the "green trading stamps," which the plaintiff states are in use in over 1000 Oregon stores, are "securities" and come under the purview of the Blue Sky law. The attorney general ruled that tnese ramps must be registered I with the corporation commis sioner as securities under the law. This the company denies and asks the court for a declaratory judgment. The company asserts that these stamps are used in or dinary commercial transactions and it never was the intent of the legislature in passing the blue sky law to include such tokens. In fact, the plaintiff company contends there are numerous other similar tokens used not coming under the law and to enforce it against the plaintiff would be discrimina tory. The company avers that use of the stamps is merely a method of discounting bills for cash and are the customer's evidence of cash payments for retail pur- Chest Campaign Ready for Polk Dallas Community Chest drive in Polk county will start in some sections early next week, according to Oscar Chris tensen, Monmouth, chairman. who has been organizing the drive all around the county this week. A kickoff breakfast will open the campaign in Dallas at 7:30 a.m. Tuesday, Hal Martin, Dallas chairman, announces. Lions club and Chamber of Commerce solicitors will leave the break- lapnal journal, Salem, Ore., Monday, October 10, 1949 3 chases. They state that the stamps are sold to merchants on a basis of $15 for S000 stamps. fast and begin soliciting in the community with hopes to con duct a speedy drive. Heading the Lions workers will be Jack Eakin and in charge of a Cham ber of Commerce team will be Jack Crider. In Monmouth, a luncheon is planned for Monday to initiate the campaign. Elwayne Lieual len, registrar at Oregon College of Education, is chairman here. In other sections of the coun ty, chairmen are being chosen and plans made. Ray Herbst will lead the Independence soli citation with the goal placed at $1750. Bert Keck has accepted the chairmanship at Grand Ronde, which was one of the few communities to achieve its local goal last year. Carleton Brown, last year's general chairman, is working in the Brush College-Zena area. Mrs. Ilershel Wait will head the drive at Rickreall, and Mrs. Ir vin York has agreed to contact residents in the area between the Oak Knoll golf course and Holman state park. Quota for the county drive it $12,000, and it is hoped to sub scribe an additional $500 for the USO. Ailv'T'Mmtatt How Many Wear FALSE TEETH With Little Worry Eat, talk. ugh or anrete without frar of interim false teeth dropping, allpplng or wobbling. PABTEETH holdi platti firm rr and more comfortably. Thli plea ant powder has no tummy, footjr, paity list or feeling. Doesn't cam name. IV 9 alhallna (non-acldl. Checks ' plata odor" identurt breath). Get FABTEETH at any drug tore. Justice Douglas Mending Slowly Yakima, Wash.l Oct. 10 W U.S. Supreme Court Justice Wil liam O. Douglas was reported mending steadily today, six days after he suffered 13 rib frac tures and a lung puncture when his horse rolled on him. He is expected to be able to leave the hospital here within a week or 10 days. His brother, Arthur, head of the Statler hotel chain, visited Douglas briefly yesterday. Liberty Shows Little Interest in Scouting Liberty The Liberty Com munity club was called to order by Wayne Blaco. Mrs. Harold Rosebraugh introduced Princi pal Marion Miller, vice princi pal, Louis Bartlett, teachers, Mrs. Mary Lovett, Mrs. Robert Hammond, Miss Agnes Palmer, and Mrs. Florence Whelan. Clark Lethin spoke on organ izing a Scout and Cub troop, and Robert Hammond offered to be the Scout master. The boys present were not interested In a scout troop and the parents showed lack of interest by not attending the meeting, although It is felt that a Boy Scout troop Yuma Endurance Fliers Set Mark Shortly before they equalled the record for endurance in their light plane, Bob Woodhouse and Woody Jongeward took on another load of gas. The previous mark was 1,008 hours. The men hope to keep flying another week. Refueling is done from a car travel ling 80 miles per hour. (AP Wirephoto.) Is badly needed at Liberty. Some mothers present were interested Cubbing for the younger boys. It was discussed whether the Community club should continue with such lack of interest shown in the community. The club has always sponsored the Scout troops but due to the fact that parents do not care about their children's welfare, it will vote in November to continue or dis continue the club. Hunters Bag Moose Wheatland Clyde M. La Follette, Ted Hensley and Frank Williams of Wheatland and Clarence Aspinwall of Brooks have returned from a 15 days' vacation trip, hunting moose in the Fraser river district in Brit ish Columbia, Canada. They brought back three dressed moose, average weight of 300 pounds, and one black bear, and they are in the cooler. 10 n P. M. DRIVE-IN MARKET Hard Day at the Office? Winter Rain in the Face? You Can Sit in Your Car While You Shop at Our Place 1011 Drivc-ln Market Next to Safeway on S. Com'l. OPEN TUESDAY AND EVERYDAY Save Up to $50.00 During Hogg Bros. Sensational Used WasHier Sale 100 Used Washers Must Be Sold! k Prices Are Slashed for Fast Sale! All washers art re-built to factory specifications with genuine parti. Every oni has years of washday service for you. It is another big washer event that will sove you dollars today and sove labor for years. They will go fast so sea them today at our showroom. HERE ARE JUST A FEW OF THE MANY TERRIFIC BARGAINS! 8 Maytag (Guaranteed 1 Year) MAYTAGS Square aluminum tub choice . . . 64.50 MAYTAGS Square aluminum tub Your flQ 50 choice . . . MAYTAGS Late Model Round Por celain tub Q A Cn Your choice V EAST Wringer Type Your 54 50 choice . . . JtiiU EASY Spin tvpe Late Model eholce ... Tt.7J EASY Spinner Type Your 70 CQ choice ... ' JU EASY IRONERS (New) Regular Price 129.95 1 WARD WAY .... 1 SPEED QUEEN . 29.88 44.95 1 THOR Wringer type l ate model auto matic pump 1 KENMORE Auto, pump 1 ZENITH 49.50 54.50 49.75 Open Til 9 P.M. Fridays IIUAMETTt VALLEY'S LEADIMC IPPIIADCE t lOMt FOMISBEU j , SALEM OREGON CITY J Automatic Washers (Guaranteed Satisfaction) 1 BENDIX 1 BENDIX 94.50 134.50 1 BENDIX Late Deluxe .... 159.50 1 WESTINGHOIISE matndro- 169.95 1 LAL'NDERALL 169.50 1 THORS White FuTeU,B. 49.75 1 LITTLE GIANT Tray Washer Laundry trays in cluded 129.00 value, only 64.50 IIS South Commercial Dial 3-9148 Many Others to choose from! US .M .i 1 Downstairs Store Means Savings For You! SENSATIONAL VALUES IN A BIG, VARIED SELECTION OF STREET DRESSES, HOUSE DRESSES ir Sleek Rayon Satins -A- Smart Duco Romaines Rayon Failles Practical Crush-Resistant Rayons, Prints, Plains Taffetas Moires ir Actually Hundreds of the Latest Styles -k and Patterns COME... SEE... BUYandSAVE It's a brand new, more-of-everything selection. Mor Quality , . . more Style . . . more Detail . . . and what values! Almost any pattern you could wish for in this sensational collection of dresses. There are belted styles, two piece styles, wide choice of sleeve and collar Styles, and all now at these two low Penney prices! COMPLETE VARIETY OF SIZES Si- 198 E90J;j r. if p ENNEY'S Downstairs Store PAY CASH... CARRY IT... YOU SAVE !