AUTOMOBILES Pontiac Good Will Cars M6 Pontiac Sedan Coupe. R&II $1395 42 Ply. D.L. Sport Coupe $545 '41 Ford Sport Coupe $ 445 '38 Olds Sedan $ 395 '37 Pontiac Sedan $ 165 '38 Pontiac Coupe $ 145 '36 Dodge $ 195 '37 Willys Sedan $145 '36 Ply. Coupe ' $ 65 HERRALL-OWENS CO. TRADES 660 N. Liberty S-S-S Rocket S-S-S TRADE-IN SPECIALS '48 CHEV. AERO SEDAN (PERFECT) $1495.00 47 OLDS 98 CONVERTIBLE (PERFECT). . 1875.00 '48 PONTIAC CONVERTIBLE (PERFECT) . . 1795 00 '47 OLDS 76 CLUB (PERFECT) 1455.00 '46 FORD V-8 COUPE (PERFECT) 925.00 '48 CROSLEY STATION WAGON (PERFECT) 475.00 LODER BROS. OLDSMOBILE 461 CENTER BT. PHONE 3-7P7J Kit FAIROROUNDI ROAD PHONE 9-M.O AUTOMOBILES CAB ACCESSORIES tires A tubes at COM price. First com nrst serveo as mis is eloae-out Ml. Dealer welcomed. R D. Woodrow Co.. 450 Center. Eisner Motors Fine Cars WESTERN MOTORS Cash for Good Clean Cars PH. 3-9622 Or Drive Out to 795 S. 12TH qJS' MOTO RCYCLES, SCOOTERS 4 HIAWATHA motor scooter. Excellent eond. Ph. 2-8021 or 1935 N. 24th after t fsssssirsstrsssssssr1 FARM EQUIPMENT m it an mvlir (rat-tor with laaae- son blad. Good running cond. Ph. 3-4716. 1M42 FINANCIAL How Many Bills! Do you par each month and what do they amount to. add them up . . . then phont Personal for a loan on their "Smaller Payment" plan one loan and one monthly payment . . . generally much less than the. monthly total you are now paying. You may spread the payments over 20 months. Borrow widely where a loan would really help. Come in or phone the "yes" Man, he saya "Yea" to 4 out of A. PERSONAL FINANCE CO. OP SALEM 611 State. Rm. 125 Ph. 2-2484 C. R. Allen. Mer. Lie. S-112; M-105 T244- AUTO LOANS WILLAUKTTI CREDIT OO. 182 S. Church Parking a Plenty Ph. 1-2437 Lie. No. M-159 8-1S4 $ CASH $ Hollywood Finance Co. 1980 Fairgrounds Road Next Door to Bank Pre Perking Phone 27032 Lie N U36B-4MH Floyd Kenyon, Mgr. f PRIVATE MONEY Special Rates and Terms On Larger Loans Long and Short Tim Payment ROY H. SIMMONS 1M South Commercial St. Phone 1-tlBl SFK OS FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4 OR 4'A INTEREST t to 40 Years and No Commission Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS 244 Slate St Phont 2-8662 GENERAL FINANCE CORP. LOANS Lie. 6-133 and 11-331 and ROY R. SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS 136 8 Commercial St. Tel. 3-9161 FARM AND CITY LOANS VI,'-. and 5 Tot' OWN TERMS of repayment within reason. Cash for Real Estate Contracts and Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 201 Pinner Trust B'di Ph 3-7162 r AIRPLANES TAYLOR CRAFT airplane. Sell or trade for isle model ear. will oemonsiraie oy aDDOlntment. Del Thomas. Jefferson. Ph. 3R3. f246 TRAILERS 16 FT. OLinV.m house trailer. Sleeps 4 Oood condition 3240 Pi. Com'l 1343 DIRECTORY AlfrilNO HA CHINES All makes used michlnee sold, rented repaired rtoen 4A Court Phone 1-6771 APPLIANCE SERVICE ELECTRIC ROME appliance repair serrlce new appliance V'..ices Kieetrie Phone Free estimates - Trade-ins accepted on S-MM 197 8 Liberty St o AT-t'R DOOR SHARPENING Lawn mowers, .rtsnrs. fcnlve sharp en d. Dexter. 1230 Center. 3-8833. 0 ALTO RADIOS Authomed Warrant? Repair Station for ail if.ekea of Auto Radios Morrow Ra-ilo Co 153 8 Libert Ph 1-6&M f MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towing service da phone 1-9II6 Rlgm V 1804 331 Center bTrakes Mike Panek, 375 S. Com'l. Ph. l-SUl Brake and wheel aliening specially. 0251 BRICK WORK Brick block work of all kinds. Ex prtenced, competent masons. Call Davidson Btolv, Ph 1-8247. o25t BV. ILDING carpentry Remodel. rrpair that home now Terms No down payment Phont 2-48)0 n Bl II.DING CONTRACTORS Alt Bros. A'io house raised. New foun dations. Phone i-h9. oni Bt XLDOJ.INO Bulldorlng, leveling, road bMr . clear tnt. teeth for brush. Vires II Huskey. 1016 Dean Robinson. Ph. 2-6M1 or I-41M 0265 CASS REGISTERS Instant delivery of new RCA easri register At mates anid ren'ed a..-ed. Roe a. tie court, fa. 1-6771. AUTOMOBILES DIRECTORY CEMENT WO EE For expert guaranteed satisfaction new or repair of foundation, sidewalks, drlrewavs. patios, eurba. wall, eta. Call 3-4850. o CHIMNEY SWEEP Furnace chimneys vacuum cleaned Eiuiey. 771 8. 2 Lit. Ph. 1-7176. o3&9 CONCRETE WOIK If It's made of concrete, on your work. Ph. 2-1136. let us bid 0364 DRESS MAKING Alt, dress making. Oood used clothes for sale. 360 State St. Rm. 37. o344 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING Vlnce's Electric for electrical wiring, contracting, repairing. 157 0, Liberty. 3Jf0S o EXTERMINATORS Cockroach, Moth Exterminator Service. Ph. 3-3056. Lee Cross, 1555 Pearl. o?59 Breitnaupt's for flowers. Dial 1-1179. o FTTEL OIL t'hel. stove A dlesel ott. Ph. 2-1116. Shell Oil Co L T. Maxwell, distributor. 0341 FTRNACE CIRCULATOR SERVICE HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS J. R. Wat kins Oo products Free de- .ivery 1717 Center. Ph. 3-8395. INSULATION John-Man vllle. phone 3-3746. INSTRUMENT REPAIR Expert musical in t rumen t repair. All work fully guaranteed. JACQUITH MU BIO CO.. Ph. 1-4641. 0344 JAINTOR SERVICE Window Cleaning Janitor Service Floor Wailnc Bulldlnga Faetorlaa - Homes Estimates Without Obligation AMERICAN BLDO. MA INT. CO, Ph. Salem 1-9133 c LANDSCAPF NURSERY P A. Doerfler & Sons, Ornamentals. IBP N Lancaster Dr at 4 Cor Ph 2-1322. o DELUX SERVE SELF Laundry. 146 Jef ferson St., Phone 23432. LAWNMOWERS Sharpened, guaranteed service. New power and hand mowers. Call Berry W. Scott, 147 6. Com'l St. o2S9 MATTRESSES Capital Bedding. Phone 1-4069. MUSIC LESSONS Spanish St Hawaiian Guitar, Mandolin. OFFlt'E FURNITURE SUPPLIES Desk chairs, file and filing supplies, safes, duplicators and auppllaa, desk lamps typewriter stands, brief eases ?leree Wire Recorders, Boon. 4M Court Jf Strom's are equipped to painting Phone 1-1491 PAI NTINQ PAPE R HANGING Painting papering. Free cat. Ph. 3-2608 OZSl PAPER HANOI NO Expert Paperhanalng and painting. H J. Wood worth. Ph. 2-9861. Free est. 0262' Jerry Johnson. Ph. 14611. minting" Vpaperhangino Painting and paperhanglng. Free wtl- mate. Ph. 1-9513. 657 onpiping. oaeo Painting & paperhanglng. Int. ext. dec. H. E. (Woody) Wood. Ph. 1-8072 OKI' Plt TURE FRAMING Picture framing Hutch eon Paint Store PhOJe 2-6687 Fisher. 644 ConTl. Ph. l-lOlt REFRIGERATION SERVICE Miller Refrigeration Serrlce Co. Ph. 1 SAND A fiRATOl Garden SolL crushed rock. Shovel and drarline excavating, waning Band Gravel Co.. Phone 3-9249. Valley Sand Oravei Co Silt, eand A f II dirt Eirevating IDB novel cats Trtetor scoop a truer ror in noviat Ph Office 24002. rS. 17146 Salem Saw Wrks. Ph. 3-7601. 1393 N Bth. OIBB' 4EWl.fl AND SEPTIC TANKS Electrle Roto-Rooter Excluslvt Patent Raear 'herw Steel Chitting Blades Clean Sewers or Drains SeetW Tank Cleaned Heaa Ph 1-1331 or 1-1466 SEPTIC TANKS M'ke'a, S-Ptlc Service. Tanks cleaned Roto Rootr Service on Sewers 1071 t;m St.. W. Saem. Ph. 1-9466, 1-5127 K F Hamel Septle tsnsJi ea-e;, Ectrlc machine service on ewe and drain line Guaranteed (tart. 1141-P'fi St.. West Salem. Ph. 1-7404. elf Vacuum Pumping, no mileage charge Call us collect Todd's Septte Tank S-rrire. 1S4S State Bt Phone 3-0714, SEWING MACHINES Repair gutrsnteed all makes. Ph. 33S69 1091 Erigewater. Wait Salem. o364 Bouiht. sold, rented, repaired. EZ terms. Ail makes, w. Devenport, Ph. l-7ni 0254 All makes repaired, free estimates S.nger Sewing Machine Co. 110 Commercial Ph l-JSll Journal Want Ads Pay St. Bernard Tries Out First Show Hansel, huge mascot of Timberline Lodge high on Mt. Hood in Oregon, retains custom ary sad look while standing in nearly two feet of snow, the season's first. It piled up three feet in some places and the lodge ordered its ski tow into operation. AP Wircphoto) Sea Lion Quickly Swims Channel Calais, France, Oct. 10 U.R Burt Kennedy, Hollywood script writer, claimed a world's chan nel swimming record today of four hours and 54 minutes for his California sea lion, Pierre Cilion. Pierre flipped into the Eng lish channel at Cap Gris Nez yesterday after a lunch of her ring. He scooted to the English coast about twice as fast as any human ever made it. The best previous record was 10 hours and 45 minutes set by Venceslas Spacek of Bohemia in 1926. The m -year-old sea lion. weighing 75 pounds, was kept from frolicking off after more fish by a 40-foot rope attached to a harness around his middle. Kennedy held the other end of the line in a rowboat towed by a motorboat. The unortho dox swimmer touched ' British territory at Leatheroote's Point near Dover yesterday afternoon. The sea lion's channel swim was the outcome of a "Truth or Consequences" program broad cast by NBC on September 24. Kennedy missed a question and his consequence was to go to France, all expenses paid, as manager of a mysterious chan nel swimmer who, he was told was known only as "Otto the Great." Kennedy and the sea Hon were flown separately to France and only on his arrival there did the Hollywood writer learn the swimmer he was to manage was a sea lion. DIRECTORY TYPEWRITERS Smith Oorona, Remington Royal, Under wood portables AD makes tued machines Repairs and rent Roen. 456 Court, o TRANSFER S STOBAOB "roeal At Distance Transfer, storage Burnet oils, coal Aj briquets. Trucks to Portland dally Aaent for Beklns House hold goods moved to anywhere in 0 8 or Canada banner Transfer j Storage Ph 3-3131 0" VENETIAN BLINDS Salem Venetian Blinds made to order or reflnlshad- Reloheldt Lewis 1-3629 Elmer The BUndman. Ph. 37328. WEATHERST RIPPING Free estimates. T. PULLMAN. Ph. 1-591 o35 WELL DRILLING Fred Wrmore, Rt. S. Box 111. Ph. 2-513!. o263 WINDOW SHADES Washable. Roller Made to order. 1 Dot Del Relnfaoldt A Lewis. Ph 22619. WINDOW CLEANTNO Acme Vlndow Cleaners Windows, walls m woodwork cleaned. Floors cleaned. waxed and polished. Ph 2-8237 1 47 Court. Lansdoa, Culbertsoo and Mather WOOD A SAWDUST Wert Salem Fuel Co Ph 2-4031 LODGES yTX 1-O.OJ meets ever Wed nesday niftht Visitors we) A AinsworUi Lodge No. 201. A.F. AU., Tuet., Oct. Uth. Stated, 7:30 pm. 242" , Salem Lodge No. 4. A. P. & K A.M., Wed, Oct. 12, E. A. de- gTP. 7:30 pm. 243 A Kingwood Lodge No. 204 AT. St AM. Stated communication Oct. 10, 8 p.m. West Salem City Hall. 241' LEGAL NATIONAL " FOREST TIMBEft FOR SALE Sealed bids will be received by the Forest Supervisor. New postoffKe Build ing. Eugene, Oregon, up to and not later than 100 PM. Parlflr Standard Time, October 27, 1949. for all the live timber marked or designated for cutting, and all merchantable dead timber located on sa area embracing paroxlmateiy T ecres within the SW1 of Section II, and NW1, of Vet Ion 14, T S . R 6E , W M . WlUamette National Forest. Oregon, estimated to be 133.000 feet B M . more or less, of Douclas-fir. and I.OftO fet BM, more or leas, of western redeedar and other siwlej of sawtimber. No bid of less than 4 76 per M fet for Doutlas flr. and II 04 per M feet for western redeedar and other species will be con sidered. 1500 04 must aceompanr each Old to bo applied on the purchase price, refunded or retained in part as liquidated dam sees according to conditions of sale The rlgnt to reject an? and all bids is reserved Before bids are submitted, full information concerning the timber, the conditions of sale and the submission of bids should be obtained from the re.' Supervisor, Eirene, Oregon, or the District Ranger. Detroit. Ores on. Sept. 14, Oct, 14 C2 MARKET QUOTATIONS f.iiMto.K gtark.f Br Valley atltlng Cumpan hm et-orr lamb. ,1-J.nt) to lb u.. . !' :'" 'O s4 l!0 Ciuti-r fowa M.oo to 110 00 fat dairy cowg ttv u 10 ,iu..u Bulls ill ou to m on Calves, good (300-450 lbs) 115.06 to 317.00 Veal 1150-300 lbs.1 top ...117.00 to 319.00 Pertlatd EssUfde Market Corn sold lor i aa to u .io a nve- dozen ear box on the Portland Ea..ts'.de Farmers Wholesale Produce market to day. Top quality local tomatoes were una?r tl.OO a flat top with California toma toes selling for 12.25 a flat and 13.25 lug. California aucchlnl squash brought 12.00 a lug. California ou nee was ouoted at 12. flu a lug with local offerings at 4 to 6 cents pound. Broccoli was 11.35 a lue. Turnips brought 75 to 80 cents a dozen bunches. Carrots were 65 to 00 cent a dozen bunches. Lettuce sold for 12.76 to 63.25 a crate. Portland Produce Bulterfat Tentative, subject to Imme diate change. Premium quality maximum to .36 to 1 percent acidity delivered In Portland 63-46c lb., 92 score 41-64c lb., 40 score, 67-60C, 89 score, 65c. Valley routes and country points 2c leas than ftm. Butter Wholesale run duik cuDes io holeaatera: grade 93 score, 62 cents; A 92 acore 61c; B 90 score. 69c lb.; C 89 score, 56c. Above prices are strictly nominal. Cheese Selling price to Portland whole sale: Oregon singles 3B-40c; Oregon 6 loaf 43-43c; triplets ll less than singles. Eggs (To Wholesalers) A grado large. BS'.i-efl'iC; A medium. 51-54 4c: grade B large. 564-58'ic: small A grade. 42,c. Portland Dairy Market n u tier trice to retailers: uraae a a prints 67c: AA cartons 68c; A prints 67c. A cartons 68c; B prints 64c. Eggs Prices to retailers: Grade AA large 73c dos.i certified A large, 68c; la rue. 67c: AA medium, 66c; certified A, medium, 57c; A medium, 55-66c; A small, 43c, cartons 2c additional. Cheese Price to retailers: Portland Oregon singles 39-43c: Oregon loaf, 5 1b. loafs 44lt-46e lb.; triplets, IVi cents less than singles. Premium brands, singles, 51 'ic lb.; loaf, 3. Penltrr Live Chickens No. I quality FOB Plants. No. 1 broilers under 3 lbs. 24 -36c fryers 24-l lbs.. 24-36c; 3-4 ins.. 37- 29c; roasters 4 lbs and over, 27-28c: fowl. Leghorns 4 lbs. and under, 18-20c. over 4 lba. 20c; colored fowl all weights, 22-23c; roosters, all weights 18-19c. Rabbit Average to growers, live wanes. 4-5 lbs.. 16-tOe lb.: 6-6 lbs.. 16-18c lb.; colored 2 cents lower; old or heavy does. and bucks, 8-12c; fresh fryers to butchers, 50-53c. Country-Killed Meats veal, top Quality. 30-32C id.; oiner grades according to weight and quality 1th poor or heavier ao-anc. Hogs: Light blockers. 10-3 lei sows. 31- 3tc. Lambs: tod quality, springers, js-jvc mutton, 13-14C. Beef: Good cows, 20-220 lb.: oanners- cutters, 20-22c. Fresh D rested Meats iWholexalers to retailers per ewt.l: Beef steers, good 500-800 lbs.. 14346: commercial, 127-30; utility, 131-34. cows Commercial, 131-33; utility, ?? 30; canners-cutters. 123-26. Beef Cuts (Good Steers): Hind quarters, 154-55; rounds, 148-51; full loins, trimmed, 173-78; trlanbles, 132-34: square chucks, 140-42; ribs, 152-55; forequarters, 134-38. Veal and calf: Good, 437-40; commercial, $33-35: utility, 126-32. Lambs: Good-choice spring lambs, 141 46: commercial, 836-40: utility. 133-35. Mutton: Oood, 70 his. down, 816-16. Pork cuts: Loin No. 1 4-12 )b. . 150-52; shoulders 16 lbs. down. 139-40; spare-rib.-. 147-50: carcasses. 132-13; mixed weights 12 per cwt. lower. Portland MUcellaneowa Caaeara Bark Dry 13le lb., green 4c lb. Wool Valley coarse and medium grades. oe in. Mohair 15a lb. en 12-month growth, nominally. Hides Calves, 30c lb., according to weight, kips 2So lb., beef ll-12c lb., bulls 6-7e lb. Country buyers pay 2o less. Nut Quotations Walnnla Franqucttei, first quality Jum bo, 34.7c; large, 32.7c; medium, 37.3c econd quality Jumbos, 30.2c; large, 28.2c medium, 26.2c; baby, 23.2c; loft shell, first quality large, 3B.7c; medium, no ac; sec ond quality large, 372c; medium, 34.7c oauy 23 ac. i iiBeria jumoo, zoe id.i targe, jec; medium, 16c; small. 13c. Marchand President Bethel Farm Union Bethel At the October monthly meeting of the Farmers Union at Bethel school, election of officials was held. Roy March and was re-elected president; Arthur Schultz. vice president: Cora Sapplnfield, secretary' treasurer; Joseph Carruthers, chaplain; George Bahnsen, con ductor; Paul Perlich, doorkeep er; Gus Schlicker, Jacob Neu feldt. Arno Spranger, executive board. Group singing, discussion on modern farming methods and on legislation pertaining to farm ing, and committee reports were had. During the social hour Mrs. George Hain and Mrs. Arno Spranger served. Oklahoma's the mistletoe. state flower Is 'Advertisement! II L Why icntch gnrl itrninn sugrhopeieigir IIWIIIIIM Find happr rdicf itomanyoihcrg Of QV do ui gooth. ins, mediegtcrj Bt.SINOL, th. flrTrJlTlj populgroinlmenl LvICIIlU m Stocks Decline Irregularly New York, Oct. 10 W StockJ eased lower today In market devoid of wiling pressure The volume of business wtl at the rate of 1.100,000 shares for the entire day. Traders noted that offerings contracted as prices slid down while buying enthusiasm mount- ed with rising quotations. The rails as a group turned in the best performance with a majority of the leaders unchang ed to higher. Steels and Motors, on the other hand, stayed on the down side. Lower were Youngitown Sheet & Tube, Republic Steel, General Motors, Chrysler, Sears Roebuck, J. I. Case, United Air craft, Eastman Kodak, Ana conda, Standard Oil (N. J.), Certain-teed, and Santa Fe. Higher were American Wool en, international Paper. Ever- sharp, American Bosch, Home stake, Northern Pacific, Union Pacific, and Eastern Air Lines. STOCKS BT thf, Auorutrd Pr-,11 America Can Am Pow it LI Am TH it Ttl Anaronda Indix Aviation Brth Hoelni; Airplane Call! Packing Canadian Paclllo ........ in.. aulwltb Sou ........... r, Vnlt,. rnntin.ntl Can Crown Zpii.rbach " . curtl.i Wright Douglas Aircraft ... Uupont ae item ... General Electric. ... General Fooi General Motors .... Goodyear Tire .... Int Harvester Int Paper Kennerott Llbby McN L ... Long Bell 'A" .... Montgomery Ward Nash Kelvlnator ... Nat Dairy NY Central Northern Pacific . . Pac Am Fixh Pa Gas A: Flee .... Pa Tel St Tel Penney J C Radio Corp Rayonler Rayonler Ptd Reynolds Metal ... Richfield Safeway Stores .... Sears Roebuck Southern Pacific .. . ios . 17 12'. . i2 .1004 . 634 . 13 'i .. 35 Standard Oil Co. ., Studebaker Corp ,, Sunshine Mining .. 68 ' 24 S Transamerlca Union Oil Cal .... Union Pacific United Airlines ... U 8 Steel Warner Bros Pie .. Woolworth , 45 Farm Union Juniors Elect New Officers Central Howell The Cen tral Howell Farmers Union Juniors met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beutler and elected officers. Lloyd Butler acted as chairman until the pre sident was elected and he then took charge. Officers are: Pre sident, Robert Beutler, and sec retary, Donald Bassett. There was no vice president elected. Mrs. Evelyn Sainsbury. state leader, led In the singing of songs and in discussion about how the prices of grain this year affected the farmers. Those present were Robert Beutler, Eldon Beutler, Donald Bassett, Mrs. Vera Bassett, Jaunita McDevltt, Karl Rehm, Elmer Haury, Donald Setter and Dean Way. Mrs. Leon Flux and Lloyd Beutler are replacing Vera Bassett as junior leader this year. Mr. and Mrs. Beutler served refreshments. Yeepee Again Visits Widow in St. Louis St. Louis, Oct. 10 Vice President Barkley made another flying trip yesterday to visit his attractive friend, Mrs. Carle ton S. Hadley. Barkley spent the afternoon with Mrs. Hadley, a 38-year-old widow, and then took a midnight plane for Washington. There have been many re ports of a possible marriage be tween the two. Barkley flew here yesterday from Chicago. He had given a talk the previous night In Mil waukee. The roots of some species of the Yucca plant can be used as soap. (Adrartlatiricntl HOWTOPUTOUTRREOF STOMACH UIQR PAW cautwdT by cscwss erwttf rtnnt just suffer freen arowtwhttr petti td ronatant burning- of gtenaeJi rslcwra. twit lion, was, bee. rl from, other aneteiew efjssS bv aina,h Pfwr, tiumm relief of a.rh getd ate eh Mr - OR MONEY BACK 1 Formtil. erf F. H. Pfaader, I'h.G.. eontalna hotwM ntg. Aeld .leer wpfem. b.v. farmed IMl.aosgoO Pftmder'g T.bhrt. t. pm g M mn. ti,t Plunder 'g Taaeft toeap, KIDNEYS MUST REMOVE EXCESS ACIDS Help 1 5 Mil., of Kldnwf Tuba Flush Out Polaonoua Waiti Whey, dlenrtter of klHnet iNmetkm permlfaj poisonous matter to remain In pour blood, it may cause nartrin backache, rheumatt pains, lea; Pl as, lose of pep and rnerg-y, get ting up niahti, swelling-, ptifflne a under th yea, bexlerhes and dikilneea, Frequent et rant pBsaaiea With smarting; and bumlnw tometlmea ghowe there (g somethinf wrong With your kidneys r bladder. Iton't wait I Aak yonr dmgrltt for Doan'g Pfll a. a stimulant dfuretle, need gueeeesfnlly by millions for over 10 years. Uoan'e ) harpy relief and will kelp the IK mllee atf kidneT ttihee flu ah out poieonoW watMlinfj, pour Wood, (rat Ioa' FUis, i SALEM MARKETS Owpl.1.4 tr.M r.p.rt f Slm 4..ltrf l.r Ih, nl4.Br .f C.piLI J.ain! tall P,d Prlr.i; E M.,h U.K. b.pbii rii.ii4 w., r.d 13.10. P.pllrpt Buying prlet -Orftdp A color. 4 htu lie; grid. A Ltshorn hrnj. U-lPci grtda A eolortd fry.n. thrtp tb. " B.Fl.t rrlcfp Bxlr, larst AA. f6e; Itri. AA. tie. l.r,. A. ,3-e.Sc: nullum AA. IS: WMltum A. tO-l!r: putl.u. S4-37C Wkt4.ialp Prt, Elf vhol.itl, prlcf, l1c pbo.t Ih.M prlc.i ,bov pr.rtp A ,.nral!r uot4 ! 10c; medium ftft. Premium 64-5e. No. 1. 63e; No. 1. 67 ie : i buying prices'. Better Wholesale grade A. 47c: re sell 73a, Chleaga Live leek Chicago. Oct. 10 0J (UBDAi Live stock market - Hoes: Salable Market fairly ac tive; fully steady both butchers and sow; top 14.60 for several loads choice 230 to 270 lbs: bulk good and choice 330 to 300 lbs, 16.26 to H 10. 190 to 220 lbs. to 16 35: lew around 150 lb st 16 50: good and choice sows under 400 lbs.. 16.50 to 17.25: few 17.50: 425 to 500 lbs. 15 50 to 16 bo: odd heavier as low as l so; good clearance. Sheep: Salable 2 500. Market not lully established, scattered early sales and few bids about steady: deck common native wooled lambs. 19.00: holding best fed wooled lambs about 23 00: deck common to medium western slaughter ewes. 8 25 Cattle: Salable 12.000. Calves 600. Mod erately active: slaughter cattle steady to 2b cents higher; vealers steady to 1.00 higher; atocker and feeders strong: top 35.10 Equaling the years hltfil lor a load of choice to prime 1270 lb fed steers, few loads 35.00 and 15.50; mwt choice at ere 12 50 to 34 50: good to low cholco grades, 27 50 to 32 00; medium to low good. 19 60 to 27.00: load of choice mixed yearlings. 33.35: load of choice 1000 .b fed heifers. 31.50; most good and choice fed heifers. 26.00 to 50 00: god bref cows, 16.35 to 18.00; mwl common and medium cows, 14.00 to 16.00; cannera and cutter, 11.00 to 14.00: medium and sood sau." fine bulls, 17.r0 to 19.50; medium to choice vealers. 23.00 to 37.50: several losds choice Colorado yearling feeding steers, 25.00 to 25.50. Porlland 1.1 yet tor It Portland. Ore.. Oct, 10 U Rl Livestock; Cattle salable 2700: calves 600; market opening slow; early sales steady: liberal supply grsAJ steers unsold early: load low good 935 lb fed steers 35 50: few early ales low medium graders 19 00 to 21.00: common down to 16 00: medium heifers 17.00 to 19 00; few 20.00: common heifers 13.50 to 16 00: cutters down to 11.00; ear ly sales canner and cutter cows 10.50 to 11.50: common and medium beef cows 11.50, to 16 00: good youns cows 16 00: common and medium sausage bulls 14 00 to 16.50; asking above 17. M) for good beef bulls; sood vealers steady at 23.00 to 23 00; heavy calves 20.00 down. Hobs salable 1000: market uneven: In fluenced by Hawaiian shipper demand: early sales steady to 50 cents lower; Rood and choice 180 to 320 lbs 20.50 to 3100; good 350 to 500 lb sows 16.00 to 17.00; feed ers mostly 31.00. Sheep salable 1750: market active. steady; good and choice slaughter lambs lOstly 21 00 to 21.50; extreme top 32.00: good feeders 17.00 to 18 00; good ewes 6.00 to 6.60. Prowler Discovered Buckingham Palace London, Oct. 10 A prow ler was discovered in a Buck ingham palace bedroom a few hours before King George VI returned there today from a va cation in Scotland. Newspapers gave this account of the incident: A maid, aroused early Sunday by noise, got out of bed and tripped over a man. Police and palace guards search ed the palace and Its grounds for an hour and a halt. They fi nally found the man hiding un der bed clothes in a spare room. Scotland yard officials said the 26-year-old prowler has been placed under medical observa tion. "We have a request to drop the whole matter," the officials said. Friendly Neighbor Club Meeting Again Webfoot The first meeting of the Friendly Neighbor's club after several months was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Russell May in the Webfoot dis trict, Mrs. Robert Dorsey, Mrs. John Hackworth, Mrs. Archie Radcllff and Mrs. Ray White be coming members. A shower was given Mrs. John Hackworth, who recently lost her home by fire. The club voted to sponsor a 4-H summer school scholarship, and the first card party to raise funds will be held at the Web foot grange hall Saturday eve ning, October 15. Refreshments were served. The November meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boynton at their home In Dayton. Birthday Club Sheets Gervais Fifteen members of the Parkersville Birthday club met at the home of Mrs. James Manning to honor her birthday and also surprise her with a gift shower. Games and a social aft ernoon followed. f Advertisement. I n."i. lag i HUteHNAUY rsa cAu5to EH arables i la highly eew- ITCH lagleae and weild een linne fer life If mmi tapped. Us ale eawae t the lick - aalte tiluk st tsjtesawa to ordinary treatment, t.. SOB kllle lave Hch-mlte alsaeal Inalaatly Oatr Ihreo dare KXROR treataaent t reoelretS. "Mall or41ert gtvew preen! attention Al all Pred Merer Drag leetleng and etb er OOflD Drag k I area." (AdvertiMment) GreatChristopher For ovor Four Dcada Amor r as' Frrtwat Havd ond Soft Com or Cal toaas Ummm&f. It Rornovea whetrw o4aes Psela 1 f nit ant Rdto!', Dowej eaN Bvaporg. 60c and 39c. Ad.. KAI.KM IIRtfi O. IU Slate St, Salem r tully BJ helps aonen blackhead tips for easy removal. Buy at dmjrx'st today 1 kuTicunAJ Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Most Grains in Easier Tone Chicago, Oct. 10 W' Most grains eased on the board of trade today, although corn ral lied late in the session following reports of severe wind storms In Iowa. Wheat encountered light sell ing pressure throughout the day, A little support came from mills, presumably lifting hedges against sales of flour to the ar my quartermaster corps. Wheat closed i-4 lower, De cember $2.11 corn was lower to H higher, Decern Sl.lSV.-'g, oats were unchang ed to 'a lower, December 67 1 h -', rye was lower to ' high er, December $1.49, soybeans were -1U lower, November 32.332-14, and lard was 5 to 10 cents a hundred pounds high er, October $11 35. Woodbum War On 'Squirrels' Woodburn An ordinance prohibiting reckless driving on!;!'8" 1;, K"r bf,rn Spr,:'mb" . , . , ,, b I 21. 1896 at Parker, tile dauie liter of Frank the streets of Woodbum was passed by the city council at the regular meeting this week, giving police the power to clean up "squirrel driving." It pro vides a fine of not less than $15 or more than $250. The police were also instructed to enforce the curfew ordinance. which provides that it is unlaw ful for anyone under 17 years of age to be on the streets, ii parks, public places, vacant lot or other unsupervised places or in places of amusement unless accompanied by a parent, guar dian or adult or on an emergency errand or legitimate business, and also makes it unlawful for such parent, guardian or adult person having the care and cus tody of a minor under 17 years of age to knowingly permit the minor to violate the provisions of the act. The adult In such case is subject to a fine of not less than $2 or more than $10. A contract to scale, inspect, reline and paint the city water tank was authorized with the Dixie Tank and Bridge company at a cost of $800. A contract for necessary repairs will be en tered into after the Inspection if desired. Other business included adop tion of a sidewalk assessment ordinance, approval of the trans fer of a beer license for Heinle's place to Mr. and Mrs. George Reis of Portland and authorizing the installation of a street light at the intersection of Front and Cherry streets. Circle Ends Vacation Silverton The Mizpah circle of Immanuel Lutheran WMF, following a two months' vaca tion, plan to resume meetings for the autumn and winter sea sons. Thursday evening In the church Fireside room, hostesses to be Mrs. George Walker and Marie Thorklldson. Presenting the topic for discussion will be Mrs. E. V. Swayze, circle chair man. Portland Drain Portland. Ore.. Oct. 10 (UP) Cash grain; Soft white, soft white no rex. white club, hsrd red winter ordinary 217' bid. Hard white basrt ordinary no bid. Onts: No. 2 38 lbs white 55 00 bid. Barley: No. 2 45 lbs west 53.00 bid. $$ MONEY $$ FHA w Real bstate Loans Farm or City Personal and Auto Loans State Finance Co. 15 8. High St. Mr. 8-216 IH-Z2 Come One Come ALL Bendix Laundry Forum TUESDAY, OCTOBER 11 2:00 P.M. AND 7:30 P.M. at PL UMB J ram coriAi awomt To Sell Your FILBERTS ' WALNUTS SEE H. R. JONES BUYER FOR ROSENBERG BROS & CO. HIGHEST MARKET PRICE CASH ON DELIVERY AT SHRYDER TRANSFER CO. 28S S. Cottage Monday, October 10, 1949 21 OBITUARY Mary Itabelle Benedict Albany Mary laebelta Benedict, 88, route 1, Brownsville, died at the home of ner daughter, Mrs. Geo rue Manning. Brownsville, October 7. Tne body it nelnn sent by the Fisher funeral horns to Cherokee. Okie., to be interred at TlmOer Lake, OK Is She was born April 7. 1AM, near Lexington. 111., end came to, Oregon from Oklahoma. Bhe was mar ned at Coltax. Ill . to Otho K Farmer in 1"A4. Mr. Farmer d:ed in 1R94 and In 18f9 she was married to C H B-ne-d.fl at Timber Lake, Oili., who died ;a 1937. Surviving are four chl'.dren, Mrs. Oertrude Hankirts. Alva. Ok la.; Mrs. Anna Mav Manning, Browne v:i;e, Ore.; Mrs. Martha Eerby. Cold iter, Kans., and Scntt Farmer. San LjU Obwpo. Calif. t four grandchildren, six sreat grandchil dren and two great great grandchildren. Mrs. Rsgna Jenen Monmouth Funeral services were held from the First Baptist church In Mon mouth Saturday for Mm Raima Jensen who died Tuesday in Salem. She was 73. Rasna Jensen was born at Sacred Heart, una 38. 1876. Sue was ma or Jensen In January, 1896, They settled on a homestead near Taylor, North Dakota, where they lived until 1907, then selling their farm and moving west to Poulsbo. Washington. In 1911 they moied to KalUpell, Montana. In 19-16 they moved to Monmouth where she re sided nince that t;me. She U survived by her lij.,baiid: two daughters. Helen Wil HarruMin of Monmouin. an1 Flna Bos track of Je-fferaon. four orut, Heimer Jensen of Columbia Fa: La, Montana. John Jen sen of Portland; William Jerwen of Hslrey and Elmo Jensen of Arlington. Va.: thir teen irandchlldren: and four treat grand children. The Walter L Smith mortu ary u in charge of funeral arranse menu. Interment In the Bellcrest Memor ial park in Salem. Mabel Brawn Kerr Monmouth Funeral service., will be nr.a it i o doc wedne.vday at the? Smith Funeral home in Independence for Mabel Bron Kerr who di.-d at the fam- 'Site had been In i: nealth for several and AUDI. Brown, rnrly pion.'T.. of the Suv.r community. She wax married to Walter J. Kerr in 1919 who .iiruve al..n one daughter. Yvonne Henery of Salem and one brother. Karle F.rown of Cor valli. Hunnl will he held al Mt. Crelt Abbey in Salem. Mr... Kerr was very ac tive In ail community affair. Edna . SlrRae S:aymn -funrr.t' ferv.r's ror Mra. Ed na S. Mrltr-e. 59. re.Mtienl of firavton cine. 191B who died at n Salem hospital Sun day, will be held from Ihe Chanel of tti. Weddle funeral home at 2 o'clock Wednes day. Rev. W. H. Lvman. Salem, olflclat Ina and burial here in Lone Oalt ceme tery. She waa born at Annahelm. Calif., Nov. 10. 18H9. Surviving are her hus band. Everett Mc-Rae. Stayton: two aonje. Lnui McKae. Salem, and Richard Mc- . Stayton: three alatera and a hrnther Tilly Walker and Julia Mlnch. both of Salem- ET.lan Swank, Redmond, and Emll Stripling, Salem. Olenda Ramey e-tavton oravealn. gervlceg for Olenda la Rnrney. three. day old dan...,, a. Mr. and Mra. Frank Barney. Mill city, will be held Bt tha Falrview e.em.te.w at 2 o'clock Tuesday under thg direction of the Weddle funeral horn,. Sh. waa born In Saiem Oct. 6 and be.ldea her parent, la aurvlved bv a. gutter, LeUaD. France. Barney, Mill city. : DEATHS Mrs. Loalse Eatclta. Hall Mrs. LoulJte Estella Hall, at tr. t. dence at 540 Water street. October 8, at the age or 77 years. Survived by three daughters, Mrs. Laura Wonch and Mrs. Lela Buhan of Olympia, Wash., and Mrs. Lola Christie of Salem: two sons. Ar thur Hall and William Hall, both of Sa lem; two brothers. Qua Berkhoff and Pred Berkhoff. both of Wapello. Iowa: 16 grandchildren and four grest grand chil dren. Announcement of services Ister hf th Clough-Barrlck c npany. Spencer Gordon Sparrow Siencer Gordon Sparrow, late resi dent of Snlem, route 3. at a local hospit al. October 8. at the aae of 39 years An. notincement of servleea later by the How- eii-cowaras cnapel. James W. Ingram James W. Inn-ram, at the residence at 1343 South Commercial street. October 10, st the ase of 62 years. Father of Mn. Marie Wesolowjtki and Mrs. B B. Sut ton, both of Portland. Announcement of services Ister by the Ho well-Ed wards chapel. Pete (ting In this t?ttr October f. Pete Bin, lata resident of 284 North Commercial street. Announcement of services later by W. T. RUtfn company. Nothing: Down Pay Monthly VENETIAN BLINDS And Shadra We also waah.. ret ape, palnl and re-alate ywr old Venetian blinds ELMER, Tha Blind Man Call anytime for Free Estimates Phone 3-732K 14r3 Ruffe St. West 8aln We rive S H Green Stamps Why Suffer Any Longer When others rail, use our Chinese remedies. Amazing success for 0000 rears in China. No matter with what ailments you are afflicted disorders onualils bean, luoss. Uver. kidney gas, ionstlpatloo, ulcers, diabetes, rheumatism, gall and bladder, fever -kin. fmale eomplaiots. CHARLII CHAN HFRR CO. Office Bears ff to ISee. and las. Only tH4 N. Cennerelal Phone tlPM SALEM. OBB. ING -HE A TING PRIZES Phone 3-4964 4