i 10 Capital Journal, Salem, cuuiinra AorxBTiiiNOi Ull lie . Pr Lin I tloiM ...40fl Pr Lint 11dm I0 I Ptr Line 1 month 13 00 Outl4 .1 ttltm lo ptr lint pir . tar. Mln. lOet t tlnat mln. S0 tlmtt nln. 11.20. No RefundJ EIADEHS la Lsttl Nan CoL Onlr: P.i Lint Ho To PUc an Ad Phone J-1406 j FOR SALE HOUSES 0.000 DOWN. New I bdrm. home NE. JFireplao, hdwd. floor, utility room. at tached firui. Lot. 701100. Full price 11.000. Civil O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS I BDEM. home. Living room. dining room, kitchen, bath, full feu orient, auto, oil furnace, hardwood floora, ven. blind, fireplace. Lot 1001)61, landaceped. Im proved road neat to biu, 12500 down, bal. F.H.A. Inquire 1611 HuUej Ave.. Ph. 2-330 1 . a343' MANBRIN OARDENS 816,500. Real value In this 1 BR, home. ColotUe bath, flreplc, pecan floor, nice nook. If, well landscaped lot, F.H.A loan mar be assumed. Ph. 2-6680. JED. LUKINBEAL REAL EH TAT 1 433 NORTH HIOH ST. " Bvi. Ph. 3-1704 - 2-7769 - 1-1636 - aa f BDRM. home on Tltw lot. Elect, heat. Hdwd. floora, fireplace, baaement, lane lot. Ft Ice 110.000 with very liberal term. Call O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS UNFINISHED HOMES 82990.00. Located out, out. I da finished. Attached Karate. Lot 104x160. Term, 64950.00. Located NE. 966 aq. ft. floor pace. Plumb in and electricity roughed In. Electric heat. Plastered. Call O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS Ml . Hlth, Ph. 1-1111. Kit. j.m 111- MODERN SPACIOUS home with 1 acre en city & achool bua line. Ideal location for buffnoa. CaU after 1:30 p.m. Ph. 2-7034. a345 iTTRACTlVE 3 bdrm. home only 3 yr. old. Basement; furnace; hdwd. floor. Price 18950. Term. IURURBAN HOME 10 acre. Tear around creek. 3 bdrm. home, Fireplace; furnace. - Barn; chicken house. Plenty fruit; ahruba. Close In, Price 19850. Leo N. Childs, Inc. R'ltors 344 State St. Ph. 3-3063 Eve. or flupn. call Mr. Voorheej, 3-4007 a34l 02, MO. NEW 3 bdrm. homoe Engl e wood Dlat. Ha full basement with oil fur nace, fireplace, also fireplace, In base ment. Attached garage. 13,500 down, balance term. Call O. V. Hume with -STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 161 S. High, Ph. 3-4131, Eve. 1-5306 a341 IT OWNERt Modern 3 bedrm. house with floor furnace a, garage. $4100. 21.10 Hyde St. a243 REAL ATMOSPHERE A beautifully located 3 bdrm. home com bining attractively arranged living quar ter. Full basement, party room. 3 fire places, built up lawn, fine ahade trees. Price $13,900. $3,700 will handle or small house In trade. Walter Musgrave, R'ltor 1211 Edgewater. Ph. 3-8709. Eve, 3-9039 t J?42 17350 LaU built 3 B.R. home N.E. Ph. I -6834. a259 I JUST OUTSIDE CITY Out of tat owner here to sell prac tically new home. 6 lie. rmi., h'd. firs, jhruout, auto-furn. piped to all rms. Unfln. upstlars. Stairway In. Breezeway, att. gar. Lge. lot, city water. Low down i payment. F1IA terms. Salem Heights I dlst:585Ewald,S.off9E. 343 ll.ooo DOWN, $50.00 per month buys e modern late-built 3-BR. home. Flreplac. Hardwood floor. Venetian blind. Fur- ' Baca, Attached garage. " Call Stanley Brown with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 163 High, Ph. 3-4131, Evea. 3-5561 a34l WILL SACRIFICE at $6500 for quick aale very mod. 2 Mrm. F.H A. approved W, Salem home. Sea at 1362 Franklin, of fer dn. payment, or call 2-6189. a342 MAKE OFFER On thta dream place of 1'4 acre north of Salem, Just off Pacific hlway. While the house la small, there Is a large liv ing room with fireplace and plct 11 re window, it la priced at $8900. but would Ilka offer for out-of-state owner, $7650 Two bdrm. furnished house, outside city, aaat. Larsa lot; att. garage. Good terms. I SALEM REALTY. CO. i REALTORS , 16 . High St. Phone 3-7660 , Eve. phones 2-6608 - 3-4591 a341 ! CHEAP Move In and complete. Shake exterior. 3 1 bedrooms. attached garage. Nearly enough wiring ft plumbing. 4 acre. 1 Price 83P50. Small down payment. : C. W. Reeve, Realtor i 46 S. Coml. Ph. 3-4590 1 Eva. 3-1536. a34J- i YOU WILL LIKElT " ! A good prewar three bedroom, with ' party room in basement It haa avery ' thing. Including fireplace and auto, oil 1 furnace: VM hmnt and natltn ' blmrti. If you hava a smaller house to I trade In O.K., otherwise the price Is I 811.500. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS let N. High St. Phnna 3-7660 Eve. phones 2-4591 - 2-6605 a341 jMl.K OR TRADE. Nice turn, duplex, Ex cellent income, would consider house not far from university Ac high achool. Ph. 2-5463. a349 BEAUTIFULTVIEW " Owner In Calif, will rediire price for aulck actllon. 3000 aq. ft. of floor space, divided into I attractive spacious rms Basement, oil fired hot water heal. 3 ear garage. Only 3 years old. 90x100 ft. secluded lot. $3 000 will handle. We have ; the key. Call Ron niearv Walter Musgrave Realtor mi Mtewater Ph. 3-6109. Eie. 3.!!ft NEW 4 BDRM. house at 3310 Broadwav. ! laii a i ijua n. utterly st, aJ49 ( $200 DOWN New I rm. house in Kelier dlst. Hard wood floors, ut lilt v room, attached gar age. t arre. Near achool ft bu. Full price lflft0. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 48 8. Com'l. Ph. J -490 rvt. Ph. 3-9536 B243 aJ40 Really Nice 16750 Lovely new 3 bedrm. home with dining room ft nook, large thtni rm , hardwood floor, large aardrobea, oil furnace. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 8. Commercial Ph. 2 )849 3-&I60 aJ42 IX5 DOWN, balanre FHA loan! New modern 2-BR. home. Paved street to achool Immediate possession. 18350 Call Stanley Brown with STATE FINANCE CO. 111 . Hun at, rn. I 4i:i. i,u. rum To Place Classified Ad; Phone 2-2406 Ore., Monday, October 10, 1949 FOR SALE HOUSES TOP OF THE HILL! lovely view from thL J -bedroom raneh ityle home with line living and dli room. Ceramic I: it bath. Hardwood floor. Attractive fireplace, patio, alee yard. S Acre. No. 294 ON ONE FLOOR! I -bedroom, living room, dining room, large kitchen with Bendlg. Large bath with blue future. 113,600 P H A. TEHM8 No. 640 FURNISHED with Immediate possession. 3 -bed room home close to achool it bu. Large gir ate. Onlr $800 down, No. 381 $200 DOWN! 876 per month. 3'4 bedroom home with auto. heat. Fenced In bark yard. Large garage. 2 block to Parochial School. block to bu and atore. Immedlalte poe euion. No. 369 $350 DOWN IS7.50 per month. North or South, Clue to bu and atore. 3 -bedroom unfinished but livable home. Wired for ranee and hot water heater. Full price. $3,8"5. More Good Listings Needed REIMANN FOR REAL ESTATE 301 South High St. Ph. 3-9303 Sun. At Eve. 3-1337, 3-2716, 4-3874 3-5903 a341 BY OWNER-3 bedrm. modern house, floor lurnace, garajf 3ino. $1300 down, 837 per month for 10 years. 3330 Hyde St 346 McKillop Real Estate REALTORS South Salem CLOSE TO GRADE and Junior high school, fine large lot 95x130. paved afreet and ldewak Id, all this and a three bedroom home with living room, dining room, la rice kitchen and bae ment for only $5950. Term. West Salem 3-BEDROOM HOME, living room, large kitchen, lot of bullt-ln. Paved atreet and sidewalk. Close to chool. F H.A. ap pralUed thle property at 17.000. Make u an offer. Englewood District LOVELY 3-BEDROOM, modern home with unfinished second atorv. Full base ment, large lot, paved street, rinse to acnooi and shopping center. Priced to sen at in, wnrp, COME JN OR CALL Daytime Phone 3-5131. Eve. Ph. 3-5914 or 3-8406 McKillop Real Estate 403 CENTER AT HIGH WK MAKE REAL ESTATE LOANS 1243 BARGAIN FOR CASH CONSIDER TERMS BUYER 3 bdrm. hse. Close. Vacant. Lovely new hse. $7850. WILLAMETTE RFAL ESTATE 172 8. Liberty. Ph. 2-7113. Salem. a241 BY OWNER. Hollywood dist, 4 bdrm. hse. corner lot. Paved street. City bus at door. Close to school. New auto, burner. Full dry basement. Fireplace. Hardwood floors. V. blinds. 13000 will handle Ph 2-85B7. 1705 N. Church. 34fl' HIGHLAND DIST. Nearly new 3 bdrm. home. Full bath, wired for rnne. Attached ssrage. Near Hkhland school. Price $5500. Approx $1000 dwn. McKINLEY New 6 rm. home. Hdwd, firs., auto, ht.. at t ached Karaite. Quiet district Price 17(100. Small dwn. pvmt. SALEM HEIGHTS New 2 bdrm. home. Coved ceilings hdwd. firs., all electric. At hecatdg hdwd. firs., all electric. Attached gar age. Price $7B50. Small dwn. pymt. CAPITOLA Part brick home and brick tile. Beauti ful setting. Choice location. Lawn, ahrubbry. etc. Hdwd. firs., fireplace nice dining rm. Lge. lot, Dble. garage Price jonoo. COLBATH LAND CO. 10SJ Center. Ph. 3-4552. Eve. 3-8651. a343 CHOICE ACRE ft HALF Near new Salem school. Don t miss this attractive plast. 11.1. in.Miiaircii, surrounded by charm ing lawns, big shade trees, shrubs ft flowers. Roomy pit ry, hse., (arane. BEN DIX GOES. Immed. poas. $8000. Loav dn. pvnit. SII.VERTUN ROAD ACREAC.F. 5 A. at edKe of city, highway frontage. Plaster ed 4 BR home Plus Ite. shed ft barn Elec. water system. $1000 dn. will move you In, NOW IS300 or $7500 for approx. 3 A. ft bldns. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 164 S. Com'l St. Ph. 3-83B9. Eve. 3-7440. a343 FOR SALE LOTS LOT 90X219. Walnut trees. Restricted KeUerdlst. $1100. Ph. 2-3174. aa24l $11,000 110x130 LOT Corner lot has two small houses. Good location for aervlce station, or drive in rest. Located on two well traveled t in north part of Snlem. Ph. 3-66B0 ED. LUKINHEAL RFAL ESTATE 443 North High St. Eve. Ph. 3-3836 - 2-7769 3-8704 MIDDLE GROVE tracli. new "aub -division $15 dn. $15 mo. including water ft light Close to achool. Ph. 3-3289. General Real Estate 255 Center aa346 Near McKinley School $13,600-AI1 on one floor. I.lv. rm.. dinette, ktlrhen, I bedrms., bath, large utility, forced air oil furnace. Insul aied: living rm. ft 3 bedrm. have beautiful new rarnet. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 8. Commercial Ph. 3-3849 Eve. 3-5260 a343s WILL OFFER my 14000 equity or lane business lot A 4 bdrm. home on Fair grounds rd. for $2500. Ph. 3-6189. aa343 east view lots, nso too $200. op posite 943 vista Ave. Ph. 3-4284. RY OWNER: 3 lots. 50x250 at 3865 Brooks m. mu eaciv aa343 BRAND NEWADPrTION North. Close 1o Havesville school. Lots with water, electrlrlty, bus service and fruit trees. $tU down $15 Der month Reimann for Real Estate 301 South HUh St Ph. 3-9203 Sun. ft Eve. 3-B241 4-2674 3-2532 3-37.18 aa242 FOR CHOICE residential tracts In King. kooci 11 is. a cascade Terraces, at mod erate prices ft verv low monthly term, see the original oarer ft deteloper. C A. Robertson, Ph. 3-8413 aa259 MAilM VIEW LOT. 316H View avenue. City water-gaa. near Salem Hetihta achool f5 Ph 70018 aa247 FOR SALE FARMS nTU'TIITL aettlnn. rlosg to town. ' A. Modern 4 room houie, good basement, ham, hnt-houe, her Men, fruit and nut J."has, M Coluiin, n. 1, Dayton. b341 F.irins nnd Acreages 115 500 Excellent aoil. new Outside builds Nwe older tvpe house completely mrnlfin. $5 000 down. $8,500. 13'. acres. 2 B R. house, barn, 3 aood co. chicken, fruit, nut, ber ries, good soil. tl7Mi. acres located Jiut north of Keifer Sen on Hher Rd 17 Hon Excellent tl acres of WH. gilt oil all in new twrrles. Irrigation well and equipment. 5 ml, north. 124 Mto Grade A Dalrv. 40 acre of fine soil, cow and ll farm machinery fust class. BuiMini ara in prrlect condition Ph 2-6(t,tl). Ed. Lukinhral RcaI Estate 4il North High St. Eve Ph J. 8704 . 3.. 18.16 - 3-7766 B343 :. I ACRF with rlean 3 bdrm home Brn. Ciiwxrn house. 3 acres in bet tie Family orchard, balance pasture. Call ntnnlev Hroftn mm STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS .13 High, Ph. 1-4131, Eta. 3 SMI 141' FOR SALE HOUSES OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS WANT TO LIVE JUST EAST OF TOWN? We neve a nice 1-bedroom auburban home with a good unflnlahrd UMtalre and about acre of land. About S year old. 16910. REAL BUY Located aouth: new well-built 3 B Ft. hoir. hardwood floor. Bice kitchen, full basement, automatic oil furnace, double gare.ee, large lot. 31750 down. Full price 19750. IN THE ENGLEWOOD SCHOOL DISTRICT A very good home on Pearl St. Very well finished throughout am NEED A NEW 3-REDROOM RANCH STYLE HOME? We have a dandT for sale, lt'a lust being completed and la located on Bunny view Ave. Ha about 1300 sq, ft. floor apace. If you hurrv you mar choose your own color scheme. 111.750 buy It. Only 13250 down. SPARKLING COLONIAL Lovely grounds, beautiful living room and dlnlnt room. 4 bed rooms. l' plumbing, attractive kitchen with aunny nook, fine basement, patio with larve outdoor fireplace. Call for an appoint ment to see thu very complete colonial home. OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS 477 Court Street Eve. 3-3468 - OWNER MUST SELL 13900-2 yr. old Living, kitchen, large bedroom, bath. Large lot Sin 196. Fruit and nut tree. Nice garden apace. View property, close to achool and bu. NEAR LESLIE SCHOOL $75003 bedrooms, living, dining, kitchen, bath. Full basement Hdwd. A fir floors, nice yard and shrubs. Choice location, 3 block from achool. This house 1 spotlessly clean. FAIRMOUNT HILL $7750 View property. Nice setting in ahgde trees, outdoor fire place. Lawn and shrubs, 1 bedroom and bath up, living, dining, kitchen, 'i bath dn. Elec. heat; fireplace. McKINLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT 111.000 yr. old. Bung, atvle. 3 bedrms., living, dinette, kitchen, bath, full basement, auto, oil furnace. Beautiful yard, fruit trees, garden space. 3 blocks from school. CALL OR SEE ANDY HALVORSEN Office 2-8639 191 South High fit. House 3-7163 A. A. LARSEN, REALTOR FOR SALE FARMS AT LAST WE FOUND IT! Here's 30 acres, rich, rolling Howell Prairie loam, on pvmt., near store and school, 7 A. In bearing berries, 3 A. orchard ft nuts. Lovely 4 BR home, fireplace, elec. heat, 3 car garage, good barn ft other bldus. Extra 4 rm. house rented. A profitable ft desirable location for 318,000. Good IDEAL FOR DAIRY. This 56 A. at east edge of Salem, on pavement. Approx imately 10 acres in rich bottom land. Irrigable from pear round stream, bnl. rolling Willamette loam. Older style, mod. 5 BR home, good 40x60 12-stan-chion barn can be Improved and en larged for dairy herd. Silo, granary, ma chine shed, poultry and hog houses. El ectric water svstem. Surrounded by fine grove of fruit and nut trees. THIS HAS TO BE SEEN. Price and term will Please. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 164 S. Com'l St. Ph. 3-8389. Eve. 3-7440. b243 FOR SALE ACREAGE BY OWNER 7 acres. 6 mllea N. Oood In come. Modern all-electric home, nice barn. dbl. garage. Leaving state. Rt. 2, Box 262. Ph. 3-1857. bb243 86 ACRES unimproved with approx, 65 A. In cultivation. Located Fast, Year around stream. Price $7,500.00. Call O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 5 A, ft miles aouth. some prune and walnuts. Excel, view. Price $800. Ph. 2-6661. bh241 REA I, ESTATE CLOSETlN ON99E .1 ACRE Very cute I B.R. home, lie. rm., kitch enette, fireplace, elec. heat, garnue. Lot of flower ft shrubs. Has about 300 ft. of hlway frontage. Shown by appointment only. K Ik gins. GOOD RENTAL Older typg home, completely furnished New elec. alove ft re frig. Prk-e rom plele, only $4900 cash. Appointment only. Kiaglns. BURT PICHA, Realtors 379 N. High St. Phone: 2-3649 Eve. 3-5390 C341 BEST BUYS 3 BDRM. $9250 Older type home but In very good con dition. Fireplace, Choice lot. Close to Leslie school. Basement, furnace, pnrt hardwood floors, garnue . Paved ftrert. Easily financed. Eve. Ph. 2-7674 or 3-3558. $7800 SPECIAL Almost new. Close In. Hardwood floors, garaae. Larae lot. Oil furnace. Almost Immediate possession. J2dO0 down Hal- ance rve. rn ?-7fi74 or 3-3558. KEIZER Almost new. Extra large lot. Paved street. 3 bdr ma. Could be made Into 3. Insulated, weather stripped. Nice yard. Several trees. Would trade for home near St. Vincent school or suburban ac reage. Eve. Ph. 3-7674 or 3-35S8. 5 ACRES Sbdrm. older type house. 2 arres straw berries. School bus front door Wo ild exchange for hmee ft lot close In. Eve Ph. 3-9403 or 33558 Al Isaak & Co.. Realtor 3035 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-7820. c241 H4.NDY MNS riMNCE. acre and 4 rm. livable house, r a rage. Close to achool. Price only J:6S0. Small down ;;""'. ,,, , J 1 1. LAN X BDR 51. Home completely fur- I ntshed. Close to atoore and on bus line. rrice onir iflms. NEW FARM LISTING: Very good 53 acre farm: bcM of soil, varietv ol fruit and berries. Inrludr machinery, live lock, and household furnishings. Lo cated about 10 miles north of Salem. Good buildings. Priced to sell at 123, 000. L N. Childs, Inc., R'ltor 844 State St. Ph, 2-3A63 I Eve, or Sun. call Mr. Sederstrom, 3-6789 C241' noi'SR A buildings on 14 acre on Holly wood Dr. Ph. 3-3675. f244 TOR VOI'R fAVINGinhes1mentPuy a tier mortgage on real estate Salem ft fieintty Fiamtne security yournelf Amojntl 1500 to several thousand Ar lara, net lrvetora 6 We make all col lection for you If desired STATR FINANCE CO 153 High e DUPLEX. " SALE OR TRADE W4.NT LARGE HOUSE CLOSE TN MODERN HOME TO TRADE ON INCOME PROPERTY W1U.AMETTI RFAL ESTATE 173 8. Liberty. ph. 3-7113. Salem WANTED REAL ESTATE NOTHt! If tour property t for aaie rent or etchante list it with ua We bare all I'nds of cash iivr T FINANCE CO It 41 TOR-. I5 S High Bt e WE 4KB in need 01 tooe nouses to act l or neat Salem if you wish to ils four pronert for tale e ORARrMIORST RBOS. REALTORS 13 Libert Rt Phone 1 3471 ea RAVE $500 to pay down for best buv 3 or S B R house, Ph. 2-2fog a RESORT PROPERTY wrt'OM. RE H: Retiring couple mil find lonely new two-helroom home nh larto att if. of excellent construction fully Insulated. Has fireplace oil fur nace, elec. tr. htr and heat, garaie. Full lot. Beautiful view. Must be seen to be appreclaled Owner resires cash or half rash with balance on satiafac' lory term. Writ Bug l$j, NeUcott. Ore tc243 IFOR SALE HOUSES Fireplace, hardwood floor, a good deal at 111,500. 3-8053 - 3-5096 Phone 3-4115 - 3-4116 3-3633 a243 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SERVICE STATION for lease at 837T Commercial. Small Inventory for pur chase. Ph.393.71. Cd244 14 RENTALS, basement, auto heatTlarge lot, close to State House ft stores, if you want a good Investment let ua chow you this. 6 I'NIT COl'RT, this really Is good, large trees. Clcs In. Call for appt. $48,000. ACROSS the street from the State Office Blda. 5 apt all furnished, hot water heat. Very good income $32,500. Will ac cept trade. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Persoonal Service 164 S. Com ! St. Ph. 3-8389. Eve. 3-7440 cd243- PI IILIC ACCOUNTANT (Registered Calif ornia,! wishes to buy going practice Salem or Portland vicinity, give details and terms. Write Capital Journal Box . cd241 A DANDY grocery atore for sale by own er. $6900 takes stock and equipment. Rent building for only $30.00 month. An Ideal setup for couple. Good business. Located at busy junction on highway 99E, in heart of prosperous farm com munity. Desire change of occupation, reason for sellins:. Living quarter available nearby. Write Capital Journal Box No. 466. Cd241 DINING and DANCING Restaurant with set-up license. Sale Includes property, equipment and busi ness located on Hlway 99, $30,000. Ph. 2-6I5RO. ED. LUKTNBEAL REAL ESTATE 433 North High St. Eve. Ph. 2-8704 - 2-7769 Cd243 FOR SALE: Or trade '4 A. ft hse. for best car offered, or small down pmt. ft $25 per mo. L. Doyle, Rt. 1, Box 80-A, Broolca. eb243 FOR SALE 3 operator beauty aalon. In aooi ousinesa town. First reasonable oN fer accepted. Phone 3637 day, 2086 eve nine. CJ243 $2,000 - $1,000 DOWN Well equipped garaae, $25 mo. rent u burban location north. Ph, 2-6680. ED. LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 433 North HUh St. Eve. Ph. 2-7769 - 3-3B16 - 2-8704 Cd242 FURNITURE FORJSALE For Sale, Furniture Don't buy any Item of new or used fur niture until you have shopped the Glenn Woodry Furniture Mkt., 1605 N. Sum mer. We 11 save you money, d246' 4 RMS. of furn., 1 yr. old. Excellent con. it ton. 108 Lanstna Ave. 1243 WANTED FURNITURE IT'S YOUR MISTAKE If you sell used furniture, appliances, snorting goods, household effects with out Iir.vr getting my price. GLENN WOODRY PAYS TOP PRICES Ph. 3-5110 for Immediate Results da' EI'RNITI'RE, appliances and household articles of all .kind, wanted for cash. Free appraisal. Trader Louie. 30S5 Port land Hd. Ph. 1-S55S days. 2-4407 eves ! da AUCTIONS AUCTION TUE., OCT. 11th, 8 P.M. Olentiwood Ballroom. 4 ' mile." Snlem on 99 E Furniture, appliances GLENN WOODRY dd24l El RNITI RE APPLIANCE auction every 1 ues.. 8 p.m., Glennwood Ballroom, pay cash or sell on commission. Gleni Woodrv. auctioneer Ph. 3-51 IP. l1 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK I MO. old heifer. Shorthorn. Ph. 3-1528. Rt. 5, Bex 146. nOMlEO AND LICENSED livestock buver. E. C. McCandlsh, 1137 8. 25. Ph. 38147 RABBITS WING'S R 4RRITR Y needs rabhttj. Top price.. lis' Pt f ,pi i.hrq eb?4? PETS THE ONLY TRI E love money Can bu. Reentered Collie puppies. Reas. Ph. 2-3353. Rt. 2. Bog 179. ec343 SEAL POINT Siamese k1ttenT"3mo.Pld Fired by Knight' Mlsueli. Rer. Arthur Goble. UP7 F Lincoln. Th. Black 7. Woodhurn. Oreenn er343 FUEL SPECIAL BUY YOUR WINTER'S WOOD NOW I CORD LOAD. 10 00 ril. 2-7442 ee345 FT. OIO liROHTH aood.-Fireplace or furnace. 16' old growth fir 114 cord. Arnold riilllip. P. O. Bog 361 Turner. Ph. 1X2. ee245 OREGON FUEL CO. GOOD dry slab or green for furnace Dry edlne $6 load. Green edging 13 50 load. Double load $10. Good Clean Sawdust I ' Ph. 3-5.S33 ee248" SIIEII 'STOVE S DIESEL OlirPh3-ll66 Shell Oil Co. u T. MaxwelL dLtri3.itn el! CALI HIGHWAY fVtk. FOR Ptese: and Store Oil PREH CUT SAWDV6TT Dry Slab Wood Dry Flilnet Ends St Block Wood Ph 1644 ea PHILLIPS BROS Old Dr. oak. ash A trana 4' lab and edging. Ph. 11458, REAL ESTATE GRABENHORST SPECIALS PLANING MILL Class "A" location In West Salem; our track, ground lease all Improvement, equipment, inventory included in sale. TERMS can be arranged to sailslactorv ruetomer. CALL COBURN L. GRABENHORST COUNTRY PARADISE If you are looking for a real nice aecluded modern country home with 16 acre of land and a small creek, see this before you buy. 6 nice lge. rooms, with bsmt.. dbl. plbg., oil furnac beau tiful rork fireplace, hdwd. fir, thruout. Flniahed rustic. Shade tree, beautiful yard, dbl. garage ft barn. CALL O. H. GRABENHORST, JR. 245 CANDALARIA BLVD. Nwe 3 bdrm. home. auto, oil heat, hdw. fir., dbl. garage. Salem" No. 1 residential district St priced to sell. CALL RICHARD E. GRABENHORST GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 South Liberty Phone 3-3471 Evenings and Sunday Call Earl West 2-0608 - Roy Ferrl 2-8010 - Peter Gelaer 3-9968 Ben RoUen 2-2371 FUEL TRI CITY FUEL PHONE 27442 16" Slab Wood and Edging Fresh Cut Screened Sawdual 12" Inside Mill Wood Dry Wood ASK FOR Bitti GRUEN STAMP West Salem Fuel Co. 16 U DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD, 16-IN. CLEAN - NO BARK SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone Fvlem 2-4031 A lo pick up wood at 1S35 Edgewater St., West Salem ee' FOR SALE POULTRY NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks every Thurs day. Order Fry or Hena now at spe cial quantity prlcea for your lockers. Custom Dressing a specialty. Phone 22B61. Lee's Hatchery. f EW HAMPSHIRE chick for immediate or future delivery Hatches every Tuea Fox Hatchery. $630 State St. Ph. 3-4969 PRODUCE ANJOU PEARS 50c, $1. Bring boxes. 1165 Hlnes. Ph. 3-7315. II2431 WALNCT WASHING and drying. Ton lots, Specialty. 72 hrs. service. Del Thomas. Jelferson, Ore. Ph. 383. 11246 PEACHES, tomatoes. U-PlckTmlah-Fruit Farm. mile on Wallace Rd. Ph. 3-0374. II245 FILBERT-WALNUT drying. 1 mile E. Lan caster Dr., Auburn Road. Claude Mc Kinney. Ph 3-1632 ff249' APPLES: Spitzcnberg ft Rome Beauty- extra fancy, order your winter s sup Ply now, delivered. Call Hancock. 2-4280. ff249 TOMATOES a bu. or ton. U-plck $1 bu. man. Box 33, Ph. Jefferson 504. ff243 FILBERT AND Walnut drying. Special service ior small iota, rnone Lee's Hatchery. ff HELP WANTED FILBERT PICKERS. 4c lb. Box 154. .. I. Eorf, Ft. 6 g243' ACCORDION INSTRUCTOR. Part or full time. Excellent opportunity. No ex perience nece&sary. We train you. Write Capital Journal, Box 423. g251 HELP WANTED MALE" NATIONAL CORP. offers profitable busi ness opportunity to middle agfd or older men with car. Write Box 464 Capital Journal. ga261 PARTTlriMEOO"MAN,. Apply In per son. Grand Theater. ga242 HELP WANTED FEMALE CHECK ft counter gir,Js. Exp. Kennedy City Cleaning Works. 1245 State St. Bb341 STENOGRAPHER: Full time. Shorthand required. Apply In person to Hock Bras., 260 Stale St. Kb PORTRAIT color artist, experienced. 420 ureaon Bidg. gb243 WANTED: Salesladies! Must have at lepst 2 years experience selling ladies' rendy-to-wear. Excellent working con ditions. 5 paid on sales. Apply 404 State St. gb243 GIRL 35 years of age or older who can take flhorthand Si typing. Insurance of fice. Apply Ph. 3-3894 or 415 Mason ic Bldg. gb242 TYPIST ANI"MtMEOGRArilER7Coneen- lal working conditions, full-time, aood salary. State ase, train in, experience. Type application. Box 468 Capital Jour nal. Rb242 EXPERIENCED bakery saTesgir 17" Apply to Mr. Schoonover at Fred Meyer Store. 148 N. Liberty. gb241 WANTED Competent woman or girl to help with housework and care for chil dren. Room, board and good wages. Ref erence rentilrcri. Ph. 3-JM40. ftb242 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS len stntp strppt Plinth 2-HRS ef WANTED SALESMEN LONG NEEDED INVENTION 7 Established company. Every home, fac tory, store, farm a prospect. Low price, long profit. Exclusive. Fine out fit. No deposit. Information sent a:r mnll. Write; Red Comet, Inc., Dept. lift. Littleton. Ohio. fc241 WANTED POSITIONS EXPERIENCED hotel and club chef. Good cost man desires position in Snlem. Write James H. Doan. 295 BUler Ave.. Salem. Ore. h246 EXPR. MIDDLE AGE woman want house work & cooking. Ph. 3-3161, Km. 1J3. WANTED practical nursing by hour or stay in. 1409 N. Church, apt, 5. h243 Ph. 1VJ42 EXPERIENCED DENTAL ass't. Write Pox 4i0 Capital Journal. h242' PRACTICAL NURSE or companion to el derly woman. Write Box 469 Capital Journal. h242 ACCOUNTANT 4 years experience with the Bureau of Internal Revenue Deputy Collector and Revenue Aent-3 months t-avcllnf Auditor lth CPA firm. Ace 32. Desire." position with Ores on ac count tn eor tax office, or in account ing department of lame business. Write Rt. 1. Box 111, Aumsvllle, Oreson, h344 CARPENTER Work, New, repair. Ph. 3-3093. h265 COMPETFNT secretary". Severalrs. ex per.ence. Can furnish excellent refer enre. Call Mr. Cochran, Chamber of Commerce. Pn. i-9229. h341 EXPFR. srrvlce station atendant wishes org. Write Car Hi Journal Box 4fi7. h241 CHILD care by day or hour. 1090 N. lfttv h241 TREE WORK, topping, trlmnilnt. remov in. Ins. op Work guar W. H. Mc I lis ter, 840 Trade. Ph, 3-1436. h261 Mimeogra phing-Typing POFS INTERIOR TAINTING. Exp. Ph. 3-67M h353 CHII o"AREday or h7PhT-6685 h:.1 TEirrnoNE CM IS HKIN. 34 nr. aerr Ice Former phone opr. Ph. 3-5072. h3.(6 CHII DCARFri8 8 16thPh :6876"h24.1 BABY SITTINoTN.ghl rVllefrph. 3-0580 h:t Nrw I WNS prepared and seeded Heht tractor on rubber aiht dorer Ph 8-81:7 CEMENT WORK anted- Ph- 3-4850. n j REAL ESTATE c341 EDUCATION Rawlins Music Studio Violin and teacher. Ph. Piano. Stata accredited hhsso 3-6013. FOR RENT ROOMS SINGLE ROOM, with hot ft cold water iteamheat, 473 N. Liberty. Jk241 WARM H OM EYLIKE 1 i g lit hskp. roomT Hotplate cooking, refrlg. 196 8. 34th. Jk242 PLEASANT SLEEPING room for gentle man. 1050 Norway. Ph. 2-4547. Jk241 WELL Fl'RN. sleeplnT7rnTciose In. H ft C wtr. Men only. 737 Center. Jkl43 ROOM FOR gentleman. Close In. 632 No. winter, can alter 6:30 p.m. Jk341 VERY close In sleeping rm. Ph!2-7817. - Jk263 SLEEPING room. 370 Bellevue. Ph. 3-1477. Jk343 NICE SLEEPING room for gentleman" Heat, Hot ft Cold water, business dis- trict. 355 Center. J It 242- SLEEP. RM. Hollywood, 3035 McCoy. Ph. 3603. jk256 FOR RENT APARTMENTS 3 ROOM unfurn. apt. Electric stove. Ground floor. 1264 S, 16th St. Ph. 2-00.15 after 6:30 p.m. Jp242 3 RM.. PRIV. bath. Utllltlefum. Inquire 330 M lis Ion at. Jp241 Fl'RN. APT. 1st floor. Private "entr" All elec1075 N. Capital.Ph:L3-8706. Jp246 3 RM. Fl'RN, apt. Close In. Employed ad UltJLPh. 2-6905. Jp243 VERY LARGE-2 mePRef rUT t as heat. Close to bu Si achool. $37.50 per month. Ph. 3-8519. Jp243 NEW 3 RM. unfurn. duplex apt. V blinds; all electric. 2231 Lee St. Jp243 3 LARGE RMS. ineltheruppcir$45 ,Vr lower (50. Duplex. Fully furn. Self-contained. Basement storage apace. Ph. 2-53o4 after 6. J55 E. Wilson. jp241 2 ROOM FURN. basementapt. 627 ?f Winter. Jp242 BEAIJTIFI'I.LY f nrsldpTrTrnent! Elec tric throughout. Insulated & weather stripped. $70 a month. Adults pre ferred. Call 3-5765. Jp243 APT. A RM. for rent. 360 N. Capital. JP243" S ROOM unfurn. apt. upstairs. Out- Ph. 3-5998. 1045 N. JP243' door entrance. Cottage. St care for child. Ph. NICELY furn. apt. utilities furnished. Care ior Darjy ior working parents. 365 S. 16. JP242 RM.JFURN.j.pt. $27. 2210 Hazel. jp24l" RM. modern apt. St 1 aleeping rm. All very nice. Ph. 3-3306. JP341 3 ROOM furnished apartment, electric stove. Frigidaire. Private bath. Adults. MH.mi. nm n. Conn. Jp241 FOR RENT HOUSES McNARY HOUSE at 385 N. Summer Large beautiful corner. Close to State House, h. L,. Htiir. Ph. 3B1B5. Jm241 BEDROOM modern house In Woodburn $35. Call at 2045 Lee street, Salem. Jm243 SMALL HOUSE in Silverton court, un- mrnisuea excepi ior electric range & washer. 2 blocks from downtown. See at Hi A. Flske atreet. $45 per mo. Call owner 3-7921. Salem. Jm243 SMALT, 3 RM. partly furn. house. Not modern. inquire 02 William Ave. Jm243 3 BR HOUSE with floor furnace at 3315 a. commercial, inq. at 395 N. 19th. Jm245 NEW 4 BDRM. house at 515 Pine St. $75, wan ataJ05 n. Liberty St. Jm241 LOVELY 4 B.R. HOME UNFURN. BEAU TIFUL LOCATION. ECONOMICAL TO HEAT. FULLY INSULATED. PLAY GROUND EQUIPMENT. $.90. PH. -!'" Jm242 TWO NEW CLEAN suburban mod. houses with elec. heat, hdwd. firs., ven. blinds. One bdrm. $60 mo. Two bdrm. $70 mo. Children welcome. No drs or cais. fi blocks to new Lincoln school. 4545 Si ate St. Ph. 3U25. Jm242 2 RM. furn. house, $25. Rt. 1, Box 83, Brooks. Ph. Gervals 3273. 4m341 NEW 2 Bedroom house, close In. 674 N. Church. Jm243 MOD. FURN. rott. One brinnT" iTmCN! of Brooks on 9SE. Mrs. C. P. Martin. Jm241 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS NEW STORE building for lease. PhTai835 or call at 1079 Broadway. J247 FOR RENT 18x40 building. " Suitable for work shop, etc. Ph. 2-0808 after 5 p.m. 1775 N.Front. J241 V DRIVE Trucks. Robinson ShriPeervlce. Center at Cottage. Ph. 20103. i BUMNESS RM lor rent Stiff. OFFICE, desk apace. Conv toe Ph 39133 J245' Montaomer J POWER TOOL rental for home and in dustrial use Howser Bro Ph 3-3646 1 ro DO a good Job rent a good floor eand r We eil everything to complete the Job HOWSFR BROS . Pn. 8-3646 J "OOD USED PIANOS. H L "stlft j IKI'U E uaces and desk apacea Ph 35632 TRAILERS $2 00 per day Howser Bros 141u b 1 2th. West Salem. J SINGER ELECTRIC portable sewing ma- etvnea Reaonaa.e rates. Free plcg ut ft delivery Singer Sewing Machine Co MO N Com 1 Ph 33513 J WANTED TO RENT 3 OR 8 BDRM. house Bush dlst. Washing lac II! tie At adequate heat. Ph. a3-6041 Js241 RELIABLE party needs 1 or 3 bdrm. house or court. Ph. 3-7368 after 6 p.m. Ja34l I'M JUST 3'n month old! Am growing fast! Need 2 -bed room home immediate ly. Reasonable rent. Close in. Ph. 2-1943. JB241- NEED 3-room house or apt. with rang A refrin. at once. Have I mo. girl. Ph. 3-8805. Mr. Kaason. Ja343 3 B.R. HOUE. unfurn.. with stove!" Pre ferably close in. Contact Mr. Chlids, Union Oil Co., Ph.3-7676. Ja243 Fl'RN. or partly furn. small 3 bdrm. house, apt. or duplex. Ner.r St. V;ncent school K possible. Call 3-3621. Ja243 YOUNG WORKING couple need furn. apt close in. Ph. J6473. Ja241 YOUNG rMPLOYFnTouplewantl or 3 bdrm. partly furn. house with aarnee. Ph. 2-8.'61 afler 6 p.m. ja243' I RR. furn. apt. or house. Uptn 143. Cud after 6 p m, or Sunday. 3-068V Ja243 WANTED: I.4RGF well heated aleeping mom. or small apt Perm. Ruine man Write Box 471 Capital Journal. ja246 FARM OR HOUSE In vteinlf t of Salem Year rent In advance. Writ Box 4P1 rare of Capital Journal Ja24.l ROOM AND BOARD ROOM A) board for employed "ladV school girl. Private home. Large ni decorated rm. Bua it door. Ph. 3-: J241 BOARD room. 4tt M. Cottage. J241 IFOR SALE ACREAGE 24ii ACRES 14 1 Acre with nice 3 bdr. home, large L R-, lovely flreplac, wall to wall rug, 3 bathroom. Xle'etrle water system and lights, garage. Good 4 stanchion barn, poultry house, sheds, and 600 capacity brooder house. 3 eows, 60 pig. sows, 370 chickens. Ford tractor A harrow, disc, cultivator 4c power saw all go with the place. Priced at $36,000. For mora information call Mr. West, 2-3031 days, and 1-6411 gvgnlngs. GEORGE JOHN lis: N. Cpitol ROOM AND BOARD BOARD A ROOM for children by day, wees or monin. rn, aaouo. jJJ BOARD and room. Ph. 3-8706. J.258 LOST AN D JFOU N D LOST: House keys on High St. near Grand Theater. Brown leather case. Call Independence 234 collect. k243 LOST! Black cord'r. purse. 12th ft Hoyt. Contain In paper ft money. Reward. Ph. 2-2151. k342 MISCELLANEOUS ENFIELD rifle, new condition, 1130 8. 16th. Apt. 3. LES SPRINGER, men's hatter- 464 Court We close Saturdays 12:30. m244 POWER TOOL RENTAL: VALLEY FARM STORE, 4346 Silverton Rd. Ph. 3-3024. m359 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 3 HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolpb Bid. -State ft Comircla) 6U SALEM Phone 3-3311 m BUILDING MATERIAL WALLBOARD Car load aupply sheet rock V 444c, W ft'ae. Hard waterproofed Chapco wallboard In 3 thicknesses, atarta at 7'ic aq. ft., good for bathroom 6s kit chen walla. C. G. LONG, Ph. 2-5821, one mile north of Kelzer. ma244 PER MA-STON ETorli replace and home" Snlem Perma-Stone Co., 2040 N. 18th St.. Salem. Phone 2-0605 after 6 p.m. ma263 SHINGLES No. 1 $7.75 q. No. 2 $5.00 aq. No. 3 $3. 00 sq. C. G. LONG, Ph. 2-5821. One mile north of Kelzer. ma246 PLYWOOD Large stock, low priced, 5 thicknesses. For walls, cabinet work, flooring. Each sheet of material your choice. C. G, LONG, Ph. 2-5821. 1 mile N. of Kelzer. Ria246 DOORS 1 panel doors. 3'6"x6'8" complete with frame and hardware $10. New glass doors, $10.25. Raised panel Colonial front doors M?.50. Mahoeany slab doors $24.50. C. G. LONG, Ph. 2-5821. 1 mile N. of Keizer. nia246 COMPLETE FIREPLACE MATERIALS. SUPERIOR HEAT F03M8. "PERMANENT MATERIALS AT PUMILITE BLOCK St SUPPLY CO. OUT EDGEWATER ST.. W. SALEM. ma341 RED CEDAR SHINGLES High Mountain or Coajst Timber No. 1 $7 75 DELIVERED ANY AMOUNT 100 ma. No. 3, 8 m clear, suitable for roofs or sidewalls. Ted Muller, Ph Sa lem 2-1196. Salem-Indep. Road. ma shingles missing? Gutter down?" Get 'em fixed up! See Keith Brown, Front St Court St., Salem. ma GRAVEL FOR concrete mix and roads. 81 gurdson. Phone 31160. ma240 NEED LUMBER? 4 larger amount. Builder ara realizing substantial savings on all grade of framing lumber No. 4. 5x4-1x8 ship- lap $17 per M; 3x6-3x8-2x10 $15 per M No. 3, 2x4 shlplap 136 per M. Price in cludes delivery. West Salem Saw Mill, iuau waiiace hh. Ph. 39593. ma249" CEDAR SIDING New snipmeni 4x8" and '4X10' cedar siding, all grades. Keith Brown, Front st Court St., Salem. m' SAVE ON ROOPINO Let Wards give you complete IN STALLED price on your roofina needs Wide range of colors Call our outside aaiesman for free ae timet Pbon MONTGOMERY WARD j CO. SALEM. OREGON " i SiDINGTsflAKE'S New White asbestos siding $10 gq. Car load supply. Save money, no paint needed. Cedar shakes In the carton u sq. unflcrcourse Included. C. O LONG, Ph. 3-5821. 1 mile N, of Keizer ma246' DEAR CUSTOMER, insist on your con tractor and carpenter using the finest old growth vertical grain yellow finished lumber In Salem. On hand at uicg Meyer Lumber Co. 25 Lana Ave J"h. 34939. Free parking. ma AH MA LOCK ALOMINTJM "LOCK jtllNGIE The modern permanent roof ing See your dealer of Call Dlst. 3-6401 ma272 LUMBER and mill work, cabinets, too. Everythinn you need, 1 here for you, Keith Brown, Front 61 Court St., Sa lem, ma FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS NEW 42 gal. electric water heater. Still in crate, cost $120. Will jell for $100. 453 N. Cottage. Ph. 3-3444. n242 BARN YARD FERTILIZER $5 yd. 6 yd". ioaa liij. Arnold Prillllp. F. O. Box 261 Turner. Ph. 1X2. n265 BED-DAVENO. Good condition $35. 3395 1 riangie Dr. n2il HEYWOOD Wakefield baby carriage. Easy Spin-Dry apt. size washer. Reas onable. Ph. 3-0146. n245 ROLL-AWAY BED and mattreM, 18. 2166 Laurel Ave. n241 BOY'S full size bicycle. Good cond. A bar gain, S30.00. 2055 Hazel Ave. n24l ELEC, wood, gas ranges. 340.00 and up. Elec. wood, gas oil heaters, 112.30 Si up. New G.E. refrlg. below retail. Out. board motor, baby beds, as low a $5.00. Elec. mixer. $18.00. Beds with spring St malt., $14 50 A: up. Tables and chair, chests, dressers, Singer ew. machine, .22 rifle, rugs, hot plate, toaster, waf fle Irons. Irons, davenos, davenport St chair set, end table. Jig saw, vacuum cleaners, floor lamp, rocker, cookware sets. New apt. aire, elec. range, radio. elec. roasters, coffee table, elec. wash er Hardman Bros., A't miles north of Salem on Port. Hiway. Open from 8 a.m. 'till 9 p.m. 7 day a wk. n241 COAL or wood range with hot water front. Good baker. $10.00. Elmer Flathera, 2193 Fairgrounds Road. n341 l'EO OIL HEATFRS$150,I3P.50 and $39.50. GOOD HOUSEKEEPING INC. 467 Court St, Phone 3-1611 PRACT!CI.LY new 6 ft. refrif. Reason able. Ph. 2-4041. n24 1 DOUBLE barreled shotBun. Charle Da ley diamond grade, perfect cond. Ph. 2-1195. 24i SEPTIC TANKS. Concrete Pip and Ttlf reinforcing steel, mesh and eolorlng. All kind river aoil, pit-run, c ravel, crushed, sand and mixes. OREGON GRAVEL COMPANY 1405 N. Front St, Phone 3-3411 n342 USFD SEWING Machine. Reasonably priced Ph. 3-3139. Ralph Johnson Appliances STEFI. CLOTHELINK pats railing in tock made to order. 1143 N Liberty 0243 SALEM SANTj a, if RAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road Clearing Diuning B'er A Basement Equipment Rental l B--' yds 10 B-S yds D-7 Cat A Dorer D-6 Cat A Dorer 0-4 Cat A Doeef See w about dltchtni b trw ft Phone Days 3-9409 Ere J-63M or 3-440t 1MB, Oroaoa IFOR SALE ACREAGE W. HUBBS CO. ZEEB, MGR. Phont 1-1011 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS LUMBER 3z4'a by Jitney load, 10 per 1,000. 3Tou haul. Independence Lumber all Mfg. Co Inc, Independence, Ore. GENERAL ELECTRIC Crosier. Olbaoa and Montag Appliance at Gevurta. n FENCE POSTS, poiea, all type dhlnglea, fertiliser St flatrock. Phillip Bro. Rt. 6. B01 US. Ph. 31458. n USED SPINET PIANO Kimball Consolettt. Mahogany Queen Ann period design. This beautiful piano U Just like new. Substantial saving. STONE PIANO CO. (The Valley' Finest Piano Store) 1540 Fairground Rd. n243 LOGS wanted. Schwab Lumber Co. Mill located at Haiel Green, P.O. Box 201. Sllverton. Ph. 1722 SUverton. 18x7 FT. trailer awnlng.'aood eond. WilT acrltlcc for $30. 688 N. Com'l. n342 Washing Machines Repaired Vacuum Cleaners Repaired Sewing Machines Repaired ALL MAKES. PICK UP AND DELIVER. W. DAVENPORT PH. 3-7671 H263 RUSSIAN squirrel Locke fur coat. Slit 12. excellent condition. Newly glazed. Call after 4.00 p.m. except Sundays. 738 N. Commercial. Best offer over $75. n241 64 NOTE PIANO A dainty Instrument of modern deaiga. Regularly $375. Special 1195. STONE PIANO CO. (Thi Valley'a Finest Piano Store) 1540 Fairground Rd. n242 PEAT MOSS fortified with turkey dropt lngs. Only SOc a sack, VALLEY FARM STORE. 4345 Sllverton Rd. Ph. 3-2024. n359a SHELLS for foreign 6c odd caliber rifle Sackett, 1510 So. Winter, Ph. 8-4912. n241 USED ELECTRIC refrigerator. Y EATER. APPLIANCE CO.. 375 Chemeketa. n351 USED ELECTRIC range. Y EATER AP PLIANCE CO.. 375 Chemeketa. n251 USED WASHING machine. YEATER AP PLIANCE CO., 375 Chemeketa. n25' OIL CIRCULATORS, drastically reduced price. YEATER APPLIANCE CO.. 378 Chemeketa. n351 HUNTERS ATTENTION; Save your game in a Deepfreeze Home Freeger. YEATER APPLIANCE CO., 375 Chemeketa. n351" ALL FAMOUS make of small iPPllance. YEATER APPLIANCE CO., 376 Cheme 'ta. ' n361 S E WING MACHINES: Free Westinghouae! YEATER APPLIANCE CO., 375 Chem-gfcet- B351" WEST INC. ROUSE radio phonograph con soles. A little, as $89.60. YEATER AP PLIANCE CO., 376 Chemekta. n351 NEW A USED musical Instruments at ptnet St grand piano at reduced prlcea. JAQUITH MUSIC CO, Ph. 3-4641 n344 PLASTI-KOTE: The cellophan-Uk fin- ian ior your noora, woodwork or lino leum, no waxing required. YEATER AP PLIANCE CO.. 375 Chemeketa, n251 FULLER bru.be. 1745 Grant. Ph. 3-8357. n244- SEWING MACHINES, New Home alectric, $89.95 St UP. Ph. 3.3139. Ralph Johnson Appliances ROOFING Willamette Valley Roof Co., 10 Lana av. n34l ALUMINUM FLOCK FEEDER Adjustable to 4, 5, 6 Inches in height. Rustproof, -long wearing! Feed aaving lip prevent spilling. Wirt guard keep bird from rooatlng. 48" long, 10" high. Only $2.47. WARDS FARM STORE Trade St High Bu. Salem, Ore. n341 1 EVAN OIL HEATER. Oood cond. $29 SO 1544 Ferry St. LARGE NORGE circulator 185. Ph. 3-6658 after 6 p.m. n343" ELECTRIC range, apt. slue Mont a C burner, $139. Custom Aire oil circula tor, $40. Maytag washer, $20. Ph. 2-8809 or 3-6658 after 5 p.m. n243" 315. FOR SALE MOD. baby crib. AdL spring, mattreAs. Oood condition. 405 Marion. Ph. 2-1802. n243 NEW KEYSTONE movie projector 2fl750. "r" ner eirc. iron, never used. 89.75. Ph.33769. 2i3i SEWING Machine, electric or treadle? Service on all makes. Ph. 3-7671. n254" WALLING SAND St OR A VICT, CO ' CRUSHED ROCK for roads and driveway. rey mix concrew, garden aand Bulldonlnt, drainage and ditching. -yd. ahove) and drag Una. Ph. 3-8249 FIRE SALE Yes. the bos say he'll fire u If wo don't increase our volume. So come in St let us show you how much you can ave on new At used furniture. Glenn Woodry Furniture Mkt. 1605 N Sum mer. Ph. 35110. Term. Trade. Delivery, 11343' WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED furniture to flag A repair Lm Bro Furn Reflntahlni Co Ph a-1001. UED FURNITURE Phone 1-8188 PERSONAL STANLEY Home Producu. 655 Croa. Ph. c- nenanan. n247 MADAM MORA GIFTED PSYCHIC READER AND ADVISOR Can help you where otheri ha failed Satisfaction assured. Advice on all affair of life. Special reading 13.00. Located Just gouth of Hubbard on Highway 99E Between Woodburn and Hubbard Look tor sign Reading Daily and Sun. P350 AUTOMOBILES Eisner Motors to Sell WANTED: Clean ua-O ear 3160 South commercta, BY ORIGINAL OWNERt 1841 Che?. 4 Dr. cpeciat Ltenixe senan, R. A H. 1850. Phone 2-0646. q43 FOR SALE or trade: 1948 4-door Pack ara edn, low mileage, food rubber. Pru S-347L 4243 m mtV. coupe. Heater. Excellent eon- 41 DODGE aed. RAH. '40 Chrysler. 37 Dodge Fed., -37 Chev. Sed., -$4 Chev. Sed.. '38 Essex Bed., cheap. All thesa car are priced for quick sale. Hardman Bros.. 4't miles north of Salem on Port. Hiway. Open from t a.m. 'till I p.m 7 day a wk. qji Eisner Motors to Buy 8A4 USED CAR tOT 80 A your old ona. I3tb Si Junction. Open till 10 pm q241 "ZEEB'SlJSED CARS ST . Kt,L . TKAOI TERMS m riraraui,4 rm pbom l urt (Continued on Page 21)