2 x i isnyy. .. flFTS SEE, WHAT'S THE FIRE DEPARTMENTS PHONE NUMBER?" MtTK)HM 1QA Q WW1ITMI MYSTERY FIRES 'Tito Warns Huns Of Catastrophe Belgrade, Yugoslavia, Oct. 10 U.n Yugoslavia today warned the Hungarian people their com munist government was leading them Into the same "catastro phies" of the prewar regimes 1 ' jJJlL 'vJcirT' V official ISOO-word note handed V s I IhrrTW Vaw ,0 Hungarian Minister Sandor Kerestes. It carried Marshal Tito's first answer to the live Soviet satel lites who broke their friendship and mutual aid pacts with Yugo slavia. The note was expected to be followed quickly by similar mes sages to Poland. Bulgaria, Czech oslovakia and Romania. The note said the Yugoslav By DAVID G. BAREUTHER government had persistently pur- New York Fire that starts without a spark is aettine closeLhin inu,.. H.. h.t ,"I2"!!ly. tClen,ilU- . tn' wo"" not 1"' new Both the National Bureau of Standards In Washington and the catastrophic " National Board of Fire Underwriters in New York are study- it accused Hungary of: Ing the mysterious chemical processes involved in spontaneous 1. Calling for revolt by the combustion, which causes Olly-.-w. , . , v., ,! Dennle alilnst their Why Do Oily Rags or Pile Of Hay Burst Into Flames? A Dog's Life:l!tl What Tito Leads Russian Cartoons I Capital Journal, fUlem, Ort., Monday, October 10, 1149 1 rags in your home to burst into flames. This study is part of the ef fort being made to reduce the nation's fire loses. Within the past year fires have taken nearly 11,000 lives and caused an aggregate prop erty loss of $715,000,000, with supplementary losses running several times greater. Few householders realize that there are a number of common substances which heat up by themselves and under certain conditions cause serious fires. Experts have found four general classes of such substances: 1. Substances not themselves combustible, but which may cause Ignition. Commonest in1 this class is unslaked lime. when it geU moist, It heats up. 2. Substances which catch fire below ordinary tempera tures. These are chemicals like hydride of phosphorous. You don't have to worry about these unless Junior has a chemistry set. 3. Substances which oxidize sufficiently at room tempera tures to burst Into flame. These Include oils, such as linseed, soya, cottonseed, olive and oth ers, when spread on rags or clothes. The oily mop you leave In your cellar can burst Into fire. Some metals, such as Iron, will Ignite spontaneously when reduced to powder. Char coal and soft coal will heat when left to themselves. 4. Hay and grain which are In a class by themselves. There's .still a lot of mystery about ex actly how a pile of innocent looking hay starts to get hot without any aid from man or woman. The commonest theory is that this la due to what the scientists call microbial thermogenesis. It means that microbes in the hay get busy after the hay is cut, and soak up a lot of oxygen. This causes a chemical reaction and chemical reactions always produce heat. Because of the mass of hay. the heat can't escape. It builds .JSJ i i f) ill" Y tj "lawful government. 2. Trampling upon the funda mental rights of the Yugoslav minority in Hundary. 3. Violating diplomatic immu nity of Yugoslav representatives by arrests, abusic treatment and expulsion. . 4. Giving "extensive help" to Yugoslav "traitor-criminals" in their plots against the Tito re gime. 5. Smuggling criminal "fascist elements and spies" into Yugo slavia. d. Arbitrarily breaking econo mic agreements to further the ec onomic blockade which the "U. S. S. R." and the governments Ixift ''A ll 'THE PUCPOGF ROMi HU , "k I mmjiu rii Plane Will Pick Up Lowell Thomas Tues. Oily Cotton ball is cut in half in bureau of standards revealing charred center. up and speeds up more microbes to produce more heat. The next thing you know, Farmer Jones' barn is blazing. All the experts can do about this so far is to warn the farm ers not to cure their hay before putting it In the barn. Moisture seems to speed up the microbial thermogenesis. Also, farmers are adviseed to take the temperature of their hay. If they stick a theremom eter into the hay loft and find the temperature reaches 212 de grees it is time to call the fire department. Householders, too, get a few tips from the fire experts Throw away all oily rags, they urge. Don't store newspapers or com bustible materials such as Chris tmas decorations in the attic. Warm weather can speed up chemical reactions. If you must keep oily mops, hang them up where plenty of air can circulate around them. The air carries away the heat that might be generated. Or keep such mops in metal cans. The can keeps the heat-producing oxygen away from the oil. New Delphi, India, Oct. 10 (U P) American News Commentator subordinate to it have organized Lowe11 Thomas will be brought against Yugoslavia." to Calcutta next Tuesday for 7. Violating the peace treaty i medical treatment of an injured by stopping reparations (the Yu-' right hip, it was announced to slav government formally has day. asked the diplomatic chiefs of; The U. S. embassy said it had nussia, tne u. s. and Britain to received a message from an consider this violation.) Furthermore, the note said. "Hungarian border patrols are constantly violating Yugoslav territory with the aim of pro voking unrest." No War For 20 Years Rome, Oct. 8 (& Atom Bomb Scientist Enrico Fermi predict ed today that if the United States maintains atomic suprem acy over Russia there will be no war for 20 years. American rescue party asking that the embassy's plane stand by at Siliguri airstrip in far northern India near the Tibetan border on the morning of Oct. 11. A message received from the rescue party said Thomas had suffered a contusion of the right hip and was being brought by litter to Siliguri. Thomas was injured when ' pictured as a dog is shown thrown from a horse while on an I barking in the direction of the expedition into Tibet. By TOM WHITNEY AP NrwifralurM Moscow Tito has become the principal target of Soviet politi cal cartoonists during the past several weeks. This applies not onlv to the Moscow press where many poli tical caricatures directed at the Yugoslav political leader have appeared but with equal force to the provincial press. He is shown often as a "pug dog" frequently with paws be spattered with blood and almost always on a chain being held by a hand labelled Wall Street or Uncle Sam or Britain and the United States. He is often portrayed as an executioner carrying an axe or gallows. Invariably he is pictured wearing an officer's hat often with the emblem of skull and crossbones on it and always re sembling the type of hat which Himmler wore. Often in these cartoons Tito Retired General Gels Chance to Go to School Los Angeles During his 23 years in the Marine Corps, Brigadier Gen. Raymond C. I Scollins received a liberal edu cation in the school of hard knocks. But despite his rise from private to brass, he wasn't satisfied with his education. So, recently retired, he Is now student Scollins at Loyola Uni versity here. He's enrolled in the college of business adminis tration, taking a course that will lead to a degree In Industrial relations. "I Joined the Marines when I was 14", the general said. "While I gained Invaluable knowledge of many things through travel and experience, I always wanted a college edu cation." Gen Scollins saw ac tion at Midway, Guadalcanal and Guam and earned a purple heart at Okinawa. Heads VFW Auxiliary Sheri.ian Beulah Parrett. president of the VFW auxiliary, announces that Sally Edmiston was elected district president at the district meeting held in For est Grove. She takes the place of Maybelle Stone, McMinnville, who recently resigned. Seattle is named for an In dian chief who befriended the first settlers. Starts WednesdaylA Lebanon Selects New Police Officer Lebanon Appointment of a new police officer was sanction ed by the council. He is J. L. Fuller, recent arrival from Mis sissippi. The councilmen are considering the request for a second prowl car to be added to the police department. Other council business Includ ed a request to the Southern Pa cific to construct sidewalks across its right of way at three streets, Hiatt, Williams and Tangent. Kenneth Fuller, street chair man, announced that 58 sepa rate city projects under juris diction of the street department have been completed, and that the city streets are now In good shape for winter. The council refused all bids on gas and oil to be purchased by the city for use during the coming year. The recorder is to prepare for new bids to be submitted separately on gas and oil. R. P. Lynch, chairman of the local weeks committee, reports. A breakdown of local figures shows that three disabled per sons cannot find Jobs in the clerical and sales work, for which they are fitted. Eight per sons, disabled with injuries ranging from arthritis to ampu tations, cannot find jobs in the service industries. Five of these eight are veter ans. Five Injured non-veterans cannot find employment in skilled work and eight persons, of which two are veterans, can not find employment in the semi-skilled line. Unemployable Are Checked at Albany Albany Albany entered the National Employ the Physically Handicapped Week this week with 28 persons unemployed be cause they have injuries that have kept them out of work. Amity Considering One Campaign Plan Harry V. Collins New GOP Chief for Marion County By MARIAN LOWRY FISCHER Harry V. Collins, Salem district telephone- manager, Is the new chairman for the Marion county republican central com mittee following the meeting and special election for the group late Saturday afternoon. Collins succeeds Orval Hager, Jr., who resigned recently when he moved his residence to Portland. Mark Hatfield, . instructor in political science at Willamette university, was chosen alternate chairman, replacing Mr. Collins when the latter became chair man. Al W. Lbucks was elected con gressional committeeman to fill the vacancy caused by the death of George Manolis. All three selections were by unanimous vote of the same 40 precinct workers attending the meeting. Appreciation was ex pressed to Hager for his work as chairman, a post he held since last January, and also respect was paid to the late Mr. Man olis, long an active worker In the committee. Several precinct workers ex pressed favor of a plan to hold a series of meetings by the cen tral committee official and pre cinct committeemen and women in various sections of the coun ty. Jim Collins, who is in Mult nomah county temporarily as sisting the central commiteee there in precinct work, gave a talk. He discussed the plan of organizing neighborhood units, emphasizing the program as one where party leaders "do not talk to but talk with" the voters in the precincts. The new chairman, Harry Col lins, also gave a talk before ad journment, stating every one ) who calls himself a republican Amity The Amity Commu nity club held Its first fall meet ing since the summer vacation at the Methodist church. H. N. Wilcox, the new president, presiding. Phil Meeker. Co m m u n 1 1 y ; should be willing to work ac Chert chairman, reported thatuvely in the party. Apathy has the drive got off to a good start. no place In party work and un- Discussion was new regarding less Americans generally take aEVER concovmi Cmm-md see HOW THIS WOHOfifuL WALL COV&AN& CSSS UP KITCHN$, OATHS, CvrfLOfftrtS xvOMS. MY BAX0-OAtHAMt( loots, ft,s, ciAAMSitice m. PLC... HVJ?NOS fifNISHIN6! " " i. ai,ejsrro -0 fB 5S sMoorf, PAST 7t WALL, 7HATS AIL ! ftx apply, irs pirAf, !SSUS rOCSL-fieE AS yet eertsotVAU- cosrtctss nttf JtA SQUABt FOOT. IM COCOAS TO swrveY PCOArNO SCHM.. S tMAOWAU. ATYOUliftOoA COVr6 0t-RS TOMY. StnsfKTION tWUYT)SO CONOOLIUM-NAIIN INC., bmy. K 1. C ftf Harry V. Collins Soviet Union, the peoples' de mocracies" and the "camp of peace, democracy and Social ism". He also is shown frequently in the company of such fiRurrs as Franco, Tsaldaris, Churchill, de Gaulle, Blum, Hitler and Himmler. Furthermore, the Fascist sym bol, the swastika, is often to be seen in the cartoons usually at tached to the figure represent ing Tito. Football Fans Prank Brings Injuries to Boy Minneapolis, Oct. 10 IPi Wil liam Bunker, 10, was in critical condition today from injuries suffered in the prank of high school football fans. Witnesses told the police Wil liam had alighted from a street car last night after a football game. Pupils remaining on 'he car reached through a window and seized his arms. The car started. William was dragged several feet. He feel under a rear wheel when the pranksters re leased him. William suffered a mangled leg, shock and possible Internal injuries. He also warned that Oregon is To Rebuild Winecoff regarded as the last frontier In f Atlanta. Oct. 10 (UP)pians the west for the GOP and that!or "building Winecoff hotel the democrats are going to do wmcn ,1" persons died everything they can to swing Oregon Into the democratic line. Some discussion was held re garding a plan to get voter reg istration for the many workers who will be coming in for the Detroit dam project. in a fire Dec. 7, 1948, were an nounced today, T. W. Fox said the new hotel will be absolutely fireproof. the amount allocated to Amity In comparison to larger cities in the county. Also the feasi bility of combining all other drives for funds such as polio, cancer, Red Cross, Boy Scouts more interest In their govern ment the nation is facing a seri ous situation, he declared. Col lins criticized leadership that allows the nation's debt to pile up and gives no thought "about etc., under one major drive. Noj,hose who must pay the bill action was lanen. i ne next reg- - ular meeting will be November'. ''""' - .'' 2. Y FOR RENT Ground floor suitable for large Office or Store. Also 2 story concrete ware house with electric eleva tor. STATE FINANCE CO. 153 S. High St. Telephone 34121 Come One-Come ALL Bendix Laundry Forum TUESDAY, OCTOBER 11 2:00 P.M. AND 7:30 P.M. at I CONGRATULATIONS : i Virgil T. Golden Co. Mortuary f F On Your Opening Glad to hart a small part in tha construction of your manif ictnt Funtcal Home. SPRINKLERS BY L. C. FREDRICKSON Smarter and Slimmer in a Few Weeks Without Dieting! 1 At last a new, easier way to reduce without dieting. All you do is eat delicious AYDS (aids) Vilamin and Mineral Candy before meals as directed. Your appetite is curbed; you eat less and lose weight automatically. With simple AYDS reducing plan you eat plenty never go hungry. It works! And it ia absolutely safe. A child can eat AYDS. Money-hack Guarantee Users report weight losses of up to 10 pounds or more wilh their very first box. You too must lose weight with your first box or your money refunded ($2.80). Get AYDS today. rp FC Scientific Weight chart. Coll for yours. Or ' enr fre( w(tn mail or phont orders. No obligation. AYDS VITAMIN ClNDV IIUClNt PLAN Z0P Ni -a Jy '2.89 Capital Drug Store Stat and Liberty "On the Corner" .i.S,aN; v. . w t ' ' iff i 1 !7 Serving Salem and Vicinity OS Funerol Director for 21 Yeori Convenient location for both friends and family. Direct route to ceme teries no cross traffic. New modern building ample parking space. Complete funeral services within the means of everyone. - i MIlaaaaT-tfaaaasaaW ---taaVr - 1 ' T ' "T Kaaaaaaaaa-aaW- ' 1 i 1 aiiiiiakt,l 1 v ;. v. i Lv U tircil 1. Cald draft I. (Iff Virgil T. Golden Co. Mortuary S53 K7 E America's 1 Greatest J Salel f PL UMB IN6 'MCA TIH6 PRIZES Phona 22093 Rtt. 9 Box 641 " 605 South Commercial St. T.l.phont 4-2257 i