IS Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Monday, October 10. 1949 MtrmAilt-Ja Huf A CHEESY 2O0 FOR A 8UBVEV RADIO PROGRAMS ON THE PEBCIVAL FRKS' ESTATE, DOUBLE TROUBLE LEFTY OFFE8S MB --WHY IVE SOLO 'SEBVCV ON ORDINARY APARTMENTS FOR MORE BUT WTL MONDAY P.M. SIT TIGHT, AUNT HARRIET" LfPTY will (.ALL BACK- T MAYBE THE BABY OTTER f IT COULDN'T BE 1 T BUT DON'T YOU WORRY.l ninfiT fVT i Mr Mr-.Afw m aikivd n or ahf - I inAD rj' A tpain e n ,.rti ri I STRAIGHT , SONNY t J'MH. BRAVWSKI3 FIRM WHO'S WILLING TO WORK Bibbs - I T b7'l i. tTCALLED-ALL JUNIOR CAN ALWAYS GET A JOB.' jV" " " ' u 'lil V"t-ifl . MONDAY' V - kS."w J V K0IN I KEX KSLM UN MBC K0C0 UM Ke. I AjMi is" mwi i y-s- a mi ii i s- u i m y.i i i v . w AP NawifcoturM By WILLIAM HOBSON I (Chapter 13) They cot back to the cabin late Jrith Turk Pennock nound aleep In ynt saddle. He fumbled (or the rund with one foot, didn't (lnd and fell flat on his bark. "You to on In." Jay said. "IH lake care of the horse." a He watched the other line rider mo stumming toward tne caoin. Jay turned the horses loose and moved on through the darkness. ' Ht awoke st daylight as was Bis custom. No matter how late he stayed up at night, the habit Df years caused him to awake at daylight. He dressed, watered and fed the horses, csme back and pegan to cook breakfast. The fracas with Peg Smith the night before was still in his mind. He only boped that the man dldn'tt, find but the truth; that the real Joe was tight there in camp, badly wounded. Bmtth would kill him In a moment. He knew the man too well by now. Smith would kill and kill quickly, Do matter what the consequences. , Jay thought, I can't take any chances. I've got to kill 8mlth. And Mike Randall will be furious Jhen he finds out about It. U. u.o.pKa1 V.. elrullnA. all Ikal iay. keeping to the prairie and pushing back strays. Nothing hap pened. Life flowed on for four more days until the afternoon Jay came across tne Hats toward the cabin And saw the horses; three of them ground-tied in front of the cabin He hauled up by the corral and un addled, turning his mount loose to head for the water down below. They always kept one fresh horse in tne corral to round up the others. He strode toward the cabin, and Ihen he saw her. Ellen. Beside her was Mary Seltzer. Then Mary's Jrottaer Harry came out of the door way and he understood. They had ridden fifteen miles from the ranch. He came up with a slight grin Of embarrassment on his face and fie saw the lieht in Ellen's evex No doubt about it: she loved his orotner joe. "Joe, how are you?" she called and came to meet him. J "All right. I guess." he answered taslly. "You're kind of a long ways from the home ranch, aren't four "Mary and Harry wanted to see that this country looked like and we decided to ride up. We can go pack tonignt. Tnere's an early moon nd It will be fun. How have you been?" 'Pair to middling. I reckon." he nswered. He nodded to Harry and then to his sister. "Mary, how do you nice rancn ine?" " "Very much." she smiled. "Ellen has been telling me about how you towboys lived In these line camps nd we decided to ride up." Jay looked at Harry. He wore Boots and spurs, and something about his mien said that he had known horsemanship In the East, a "Good," Jay said. "No strays to day and I got In early, Turk will ba along In an hour or so, so Til start getting supper. Not much can offer you, though.", "As hungry as I am, Joe, I could at anything," she laughed. He went Inside and shed his sun belt and chaps, after placing his rifle On the, bunk. He rode with a rifle on his saddle all the time now. He remembered what had happened in Brad Morden's horse thief camp. Ire could not afford to take chances. Q He sloshed water into a basin and oiled up his sleeves and washed, mii headed for the stove. Tt was matter of minutes until he had a fire going In the stove and some Jaot water on. , K looked over at Harry. "Turk's aot part of a bottle of redeye around mm some place If you'd Ilk a Vwik. IH m II I can find It." ' taw the doubt In Ellen's eyes bat paid no attention. He came mek with the bottle, placed it on titcnen tames onciotn top. brought two glasses, one filled (with wwtar. "Help yourself, Harry. uVOoht not b a bad Idea to take vovr horses out and grain them for I She rid back. Horses get hungry no." Harry said. "Thanks. Joe. I hadn't thought of that. Mary, you and Biienr Iter." Mary said. "I'm tired after mat long noe. Ellen Randall laughed openly at her. "Long? Only fifteen miles. Joa here does thirty every dsy, plus another five chasing back strays. It's nothing uncommon for a man to do eighty miles in a day, li ne nas to. and has the ngnt norse. or horses. That wasn't a ride; it was a lob. I'll take the same. Joe." He brought lortn more glasses and then went to work mixing dis cult dough. Harry Seltzer finished his drink and rose. "I d better go out and feed the horses," he said We watered Just before we ar rived." "I'll go along with you," Ellen said quickly, a little ton quickly And Jay felt a dull anger rising slowly inside him. She thought he was his brother Joe and she was doing it to make him Jealous I'd like to break her neck, he thought savagely. "Harry has a lot to learn," Ellen explained. "He wouldn't even know enough to loosen the cinches." They disappeared through the doorway and Jay. his lips tight. went to ne potato sack. Joe, can I help you?" Mary in quired. "I'm really not as help less as I look Just because I'm from the East. Here, let me peel those potatoes. He helped her put them into a pan of water and gave her the paring knife. He went back to the biscuit dough, seething. The oven was getting hot and he cut the biscuits almost viciously with the top of a baking powder can. plopping them into the hot pan (To Be continued) 1 24067 I sizes io ly f 1 1 TRANSFWy, 3 II Basic Bolero Suit The bolero- fAcket teams up with a high-waist- band skirt to create an ideal basic outfit ... a simple blouse com pletes the costume! Use transfer pattern No. 11320 to add sequin or bugle bead accent to tne blouse. (Two separate patterns). No. 3406 Is cut in sizes 10. 13. 14. 16. 18. and 30. 8ize 16 suit, 3' yds. 54-ln.; blouse, 1 yds. 39-ln. no. uno is a not iron iransier pattern containing 7 different motifs suitable for applique or embroid ery. Just outl The PALL - WINTER FASHION BOOK presenting fash- Ions they are wearing now and new styles to come. Over ISO practical. easy-to-sew, up-to-the-minute pat tern designs lor all ages. Hmem- ber. It's smart to sew your own and save money. Order your copy now price just ro cents. Send 25c lor PATTERN with Name. Address and style Number Stale Size desired. Address Capital Journal, 5.SJ Mls- "Just a touoh In a glass of wa-lon St.. San rranclsco 8. Calif. R2870 16 .erA V XT l,S Orrhlris to You Here la an en chanting crochet and embroidered motif to add to your linens. The delicately shaded orchid (possess ing all the fragile beauty of the real flower) Pattern Envelope No. R2S70 con tains hot-Iron transfer for spray designs measuring 13W by 21, inches, color chart, complete cro cheting instructions for medallion, stitch Illustrations and finishing di rections. To obtsin this pattern, send 30c in COINS, given pattern number, vour name, address and rone num ber to Peggy Roberts. Capital Jour- s.'s Mission street, ban rran- Iseo 3, Calif. W . III- - sail u ' k' tfw If iM I 1 ft i ti iai T r T .. I - J: tt $foiir mrjk O l""""vJ Y pe9J5H' O OL'B TOMGUt-- YE! WITH ROCKV OEftW ( H.YS-HE 0g I STILL CANT BtUEUS OF OXSKE-AND EftCM I MOWD VWJ I C THE PROMISE OF A FEW I I TO BELT ANY GUY WHO ( BRING THE MESSAGE p rWE BEEH A HUHTJPE0 BOARDS OR A WNNOOMI TO 0O IT? ) THC COMMUNAL SPIRIT B COMMUNAL SPIRIT rS I BUT ONLY FOR THEIR I ".iJ, r MEN-ANO TMS VY 1 CASH -OR A ROLL OB fc. jg RIGHT-WORK OR GET ( OWN 3O0O"AND OURJ. J 9: ; 3 YER BRAINS KrloCX 9:30 DID YOU CiMD Nl THERE IS NO CAMPOS- SLIVOU, MEAN WEL WG - WE'RE " ? " J-iLE m (OUTWUERETUE 'EASTWESTERM BAPBER SAREMT GOIM' CSUR) ' I GO IMS V 1 2:15 . j-ilCAMPUS OP TMeJ COLLEGE IS A CORRESPCNDEWCEJanYPLACE )US5rEI I iJOMgl .-V' 1 2:3" Am immKjRattgn official-I rtoLDOMS(tOTTAT4?Tj 'wel.l,twat TSOP'rSA THEAt.vou "-v'trie where I 1 quota is J the LX Tj. v yoursoul.T ) ABE AT RCOTTfrZ -ze-FELLER.T J United Y. did ya 1 ALL Souota b OFfiDl V WERE (3KCMI where do K States, come. A fillcd up.1V for ' K ruUrLu, (not people-) L 7 n- CANT 'voo think 1 of H FROM T J ---( WHAT?) OF COURSE.'.'- jT r W RE S ' whovou XRoLfrHe king-? V jhE king; V you little sap- f have you X' "" P$ , J I was just I lA LOOKIN- fOR. )HISHNtSi eVKATKING? J ' HAV A VOU WOULDN'T EVM ) evER BEEN ) STUNG BV THE ) M JEFF?V-me ' W MMPLANr 2) J10" H0W TCS N TOUCH ( MEN u : KZi., ,i JnTi jsSpwSi' thb J ii!sMZk I n- sounps cony, but rr Kl SSi'fl?; !SLZi,ls. VPSH FWSP IV. . 4JtgKrUS SAW SOMETHING I Ag (p A LHJ. WNT s s unc s- sove 1 vryi 1 V (Z -Z- OONAL.O, 1 S-OOTiN, ) . VOUAN3VQUC q f VXVA,v I ML)MTr-' 7V l3?l6HT IDEAS At THE Tveiu i.n TnNlftUT TH i MASty. ..I ME AN-.. THE 605 AND I" N0W rvFPV I WHOEVER 5Mt0R HE"MAV ) 5WEETLI6HT mi7t OUFM JtSZTi """D 0UR CURRENT MERCHANDISE MORNGTHEROX BE- -MARTV THINK THI A GR ET N SaU K fXlfJll PARTICULAR EASTER RAP&IT J . CARDCO., npiNWURWORK yV 1 UGGV WHIPS "SOWE ASKED J SIGNED ONLV WITH CAN LAV SOIBEN E60J fOR " M WHERE MARY THESIOAYJ! W ,ir VT mUVoNdV? 4vRABBlr, 1 A 'l jl KGW no NBC lite abo Oa liurtllt Ntwa Vlc ml rUtlNt Stmt Canal r Mataaa Canlf MaUaai Dlraa. Ifr Dlr?. Plar Dirk rmmrW Dick rHl )lHlnatra, Klnl. i Nrwa Railraai Btmr J Rallraa! Hr n Telrvbaaa Br. jTrltpbona Hr. ) Hfitrr BrandM t.Hrnrr Brandos kam Hayas Cnrr't t Chalet Sporii Final Bob Balna Q'nl Was Mntrata Wax MuituH Wax Muiaun Slfn"ofl Mta4U ThtaUr ail TkaaUr Bad la TbaaUr Kadi Thaaur Mr FrUaal hmt My Fr(nd Iran Bab Hawk Bab Hawk lLawfll Tbaaiai laiitb ihaa Talaal Scaala fTalaal laaala aaar iaaeiaaa naar iaselaaa Baalak ;iub II .-Star Final rnu and Warld Alrfla Orfhaatra karcnada fChlfaceaaa Prtluda Prrluda Hln Oft Cballaatt Tabaa Jack Arailtaa Uacb Araaatrats adllaa Kail- blaaaa CdlllM alaalb Laaa Baar lLaaa Baafar K.I laillb Lata l-itb LB-Bar B Bab IB-Bar-B Bacb Mil jTaaa Mil Gabrltl Htattr IN awe fTclla Taat Maala Kala taiHh Eata Saitlh Kala "ib . J. TayiM Arihar Gaatb Rlla Maa TIh Wax MiiM BaxMFiai Rtchfltld Bt. nlanaaii LCsneart Hoar Coaart Hoar Caacart Hoar ranctrt Haar Me maa Mtanaa Its Off Kbrlhaa Bnrh. BhTlhai Bark. IBIag Craab Baalatas naa Candlallfht ftllvar iMardtr Exaarta M ardor CiaarU riaaa Eld Klaaa Kid Ut floa. Da It li Gaa. Da II Tha lalal Tba lalal fNtwo INVwirtM aila Muala Fultan Law 1 1 lor?al Nawa Naara Maala Lara Hrilvrr Thla Dar Traaaarr Varlaliaa lia OH Pal O'Brla Maa. Jarkaat llralra Kalfbl Maa. Q'lrbark Track MM Track 14M Track lM Track liaO Track U Track iH Ncwa Bill ftltra Frank Baca Frank Race Mua. Ynu Want Mui. Yoa Want Nactarna Nae.urn N'octarn Rita Off TUESDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. 6:00'Hodia Fadia 6:15iNcwa 6:3liParai Tlma $:45larai Tlaaa 7:00!arlr Bird 7 'IS Old Hiph 7;3ftNwa 7:45Saai Harea "S:oos"""i g.jlSraooth Maala g.QlJark Bcrrh Second Cap Second Cap Homctownera Ncwa MarrlBK far 1 Lor a l.awtaa 'Dick Harmca Eaay Llatcnlm Double ar Noth. noabla ar Noth. Today 'a Chldrn I'-'tht of War! Ltfc Bfaatlfnl- lewa Pepper Vounf HapplncaB Barkatacc Wife Stella Dallas Lorenio Jonee iWldder Brown A Girl Marrlca Par. Facea Life Juit Plain Bill Frt. P. Farrrell Welroma Tray, 3:15iWclcome Trar. 3. reliant Mary 3 :45I-r Jrf"B 4Q0'Woman'a See ret 4: 15 Road of Llfo 4:Sf) Or. Paul 4;45'Sanny Side Neva KO IN Klecfe KO IN Block KOIN Block kOIN Hock Ncwa CB Ncwa IFrod Bck ICeniaaatr Nowi New. Grand llaai Roiemarr Wondr WarrtB Aunt Jenny Helen Trent Hur Gal Saadar Blr sitter Ma Porklna Dr. Malona Galdlai Llxhl Mra. Barton Parry Mama Morah Draka Brlthter Day Newa Coma Got II ! Brlxht at Llfht; Art Baker Rarny'd Felllaa (iarry Moora I Garry Moora Newipaper Newapaper Meet Mlaaaa 1 Meet Mlaaaa I T unefally Yoart 'Newa I Arthur Godfrey Arthur Godfrey I Arthur Godfrey Arthur Godfrey Arthur Godfrey Cart Maner Marrow I Keep mIIIbi Keep SailltBc iKoop SbiIIIbk Keep Urn lllng kewa A iron sky Hatea Zeko Manaora Breakfaat Clab treakfaat Clab Hreakfaat Clab (Break fast Clab Unklattar Lfack Narataa Galea Drake 'Mr Tree story IMr Traa Storr (Ntwa Mua. Tlaaok'perj IMaroh af Time Newa Newa Br'kfaat Gaac Br'kfaat Gang Top Tradoa Barf. Coantar Muale Ha rea af Real Haven af Real Newa Mala Clab Link let Or railar'a Call Rldera Par, f. Betty Crocker Clab Tlma N"weternra jN'weatemeri Newa Top Tanea Meet MenJeaa Breakfaat In Hollywood Kay Wet Kay Weat Jay Utewarl Jay Stewart Bride A Grao Bride A Groo Newa pvoaaaa af Wk, lOreaaalllea Walla Serea. LadleaFlrat Ladlea Flnt fQaeen for Day aeea far Day Top Tradoa Newa W Newa Bob Kberly Tel-NelrhbT Harvey Hardlnt prxan Reverlea Rlni Slnti Acalnat Hterm Acalnit Storm Mra. Flxll Maale Be Seated Ted Malona Med. Romance I Mad. Romancee1 Kanlrrel Cate iSaulrrel Ca Say with Maalc Say with Muale Scwa David Raaa FultoaT Lewie" Hrmlntway Behind Story ICarm, Cavallcre1 KOCO Klerk KOCO Klack Tex Rltter Newa A Sate. Top a' Morntnc Top a' Morning Harea af Real Haven af Real W eatcra Melody Church la Wild Time forMel'dy Time for Mcl'dy Stare Sinx Thamaa SW Newa ,Memer. Maala ITune Tlma M Kera Maale Marl " Muale Mart Jaa Garber Vocal Varletlea Hoilyw'd Maala Hollrw'd Muale Newa Ted Dale Mac'a Melodloa Mac'a Mrlodlea Mac'a Melodies Mac'a Melodies Mae'aMeledlea Mac'a Melodies Mar's Melodloa Mae's Melodies Mac'sMeladies Mae's Melodirs Mara Melodies Mae's Melodies MoTleTlme " Pblleaopher B ran be Beaut. B C i be Beaat. IffSAC Monday P.M. S:. Children's IXVyAVV Theaters A:I.V On the Upbeat 1 :M, ftM S porta Clab, :, Newa; :1S, Dinner M Hod lei 1 :M, Maale af Caerha alavakiat 7:1.1. Evening Farm Hoari :Bt, Webfont Hnddlei R:IK. World In Review! :M, Cimpui Recltalt , Maale Thai Rndnres: P:I5. Evening Medllatlonii 1:M, Sign Off. DIAL LISTING. KOAC 550 lAir Taeadar A.M. 10:. Tha r UAV New i 11:lft, Eaperlally for Wament 11:, Srheal af Alrt 11:15, Can cer! Halli IS, Newai It:i5, Neon Farm Hear; IX:IB, Polk Ceanty Agent) :. Spot Marbetai 11:411, Ry Warner, Slh 1:15. School ar Alri 1:3. Melody La net 1, World Oar Affallrt t:0. Memory Booh of Muslei tAh, School af Alrt S:M, Newai 1:15, Muale af the Maalersi Fairview District Youth Headed East Fairview Robert Watts of Fairview district, in senior class in Amity union high school, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Watts of this district, left Portland Fri day to attend the four days na tional convention of the F.F.A. and American Royal Stock show this ten day's for best F.F.A. up to elimina- stock Judging at Kansas City. He received trip as award project leading tion contests in last year. Enroute returning he will vis it Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Stal der and family, also Mr. and Mrs. Wallace W. Watts and fam ily at Denver. Mrs. Stalder is a sister and Wallace W. Watts is a brother of James Watts. ACROSS L Furb 4 Through t prefix T. Make wen li. Beats 14. Wild buffalo) of India, 15. Volunteer 16. Tout 18. Bobbin 19. Small soft ma fa 2D. Auricle 21. 8ea eagle 23. Brother of Moaea 14. Title of a knljrhl . JB. Burn 2S. Kxlat 80. NecattTa 11. Strong bole S3. Exact eatla- faction 15. That maa 16. Note of tba acala IT. afountala ridn 11. Dutch IfquM) measure 41. Lead atrlpa for faxien Inn window panes 42. Cook in resaal 4 ft. Tear 47. Siio of ooi 42. Oil f.f roa petal: variant 49. Urooved M. Mistreat 12. EnRllsh dramatist IX. Complains 15. So. Amnra mountains 1C That woman !t i Llelprig A P a s jN.elfe b a ICB A L TEjRED ffs L OET VIE ClE L T Slip 1 N EN O SHC R R 8 R o yBc r e t e Tllat P E E MIS !JL A T fJN OT soberUtoy Solution of Saturday', Putll A N vT t ra r I ,1" SAMS A P t 1 W A NT oL o e tjr a u rn A L Af NEw CT. RIMTM urv. DOWN 1. Idollia I. Put off r 1 II W I p illI i i I ITi "1111 W 1 1;H' A Mewtfawfaraa I. Attack 4. Oriental dwelling I. Pronoun I. Gailnir T. Chance t. Gaelic I. Brazilian Indiana It. Looking araorouelT 11. Eatt Indian weight IS. Lonr finb 17. Artificial language It. Witty person 22. Caper 11. Hub ef wneela II. American author 27. Doctrine 21. Came inttetbtf 21. Rolled ten 32. Encourajr 13. Open court 14. Roman aea sod IT. M oha m medaa nobtea It. Stuck in the mud 41. Mkelr 41. Fertile piaeen 44. Lock 48. Stack 41. Biblical character 4t. Health resort 1ft. Roman money 11. Any monkev 14. What ROOM AND BOARD By Gent Ahem W rtlal' SY BUT I'LL BE PLAGUED W M TRIM SAILAWTH TVE iT WITM OSE HCH W A SCHOOMRC I EJKS0UT ( ' X m, H I r LUMPS AND A v'Ory y ( twe sheets , 71 T nb" 9 ? ALL ASKEW