Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, October 10, 1949, Page 16, Image 16

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16 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Monday, October 10, 1949
USC-Bears Meet in Top
Coast Game on Weekend
Shoe String Tackle jjsjr?
. Ban Francisco Forty Nlners Is stopped after a
short fain in the first quarter of the came
. against the Cleveland Browns at San Fran
cisco. John Yonaker, Brownie end has
Perry by the ankle as Tom James (82)
Cleveland half comes In to make the tackle
sure. No. 42 is Derrell Palmer, Browns'
tackle. San Francisco defeated Cleveland
58 to 2S. CAP Wlrephoto)
National Honors Heaped
On Coast Sports Patron
AP Jacwafaataraa
Los Angeles National rec
ognition has come to multi-mil
llonaire Paul H. Helms of Los
Angeles, a philanthropic sports
enthusiast long established as
tne of California a most gener
cms patrons of athletics.
J Helms, a baiting business ty
coon with a physique as sturdy
s a lightweight champion de
spite his 60 years, recently was
Rendered two honors of coast
to coast distinction.
I The amateur athletic union
of the U.S. appointed him an
AATJ delegate at large, an
i honor bestowed on such dls-
tlnguished gentlemen as Gen.
4 Douglas MaeArthur, Amos
Alonso Stagg and a few others.
J In August the Football Writ
ers Association of America,
meeting In Chicago, named
Helms an honorary member, one
pf a scant few individuals so
designated by this organization.
, These tributes are treasured
things to take a place along with
Innumerable other citations for
Unstinting support of all thin-'
thletic, amateur or professional.
A partial run down would in
elude a collection of lifetime
basses to major and minor lea
(ue baseball games (ha pays his
Way to all events regardless);
chairmanship of the Southern
California Olympic Games com
mittee; member of the Southern
California Tennis Patrons asso
ciation; the local football writ
ers chapter; underwriter, at a
Cost of $23,000, of an Invitation
al basketball tournament, and
jnany other similar honors and
Typical, It might be noted,
was the presence of 90 under
privileged youngsters at a re
cent professional football game
all guests of Helms.
' I wv
& Ik JLi'
San Francisco, Oct. 10 uR)
University of Southern Califor-1
nia and the Bears of the Uni
versity of California, emerging1
as two of the three power-house
football clubs of the west, meet
In Berkeley Saturday In a con
test that has a good chance of
settling the 1949 Pacific Coast:
conference championship. t
Along with the surprising!
UCLA Bruins, these two teams
have emerged from the pre-pen-nant
race season with outstand-j
ing records neither has tasted'
defeat, although USC was held;
to a 13-13 tie by Ohio State on
California, a 35-20 victor
over Wisconsin, probably will
be a slight underdog In the
contest, although the game
may be rated a toss-up.
The battle, which will attract
a capacity crowd of 80,000 to
Berkeley, holds the key to the
pennant race. Each club still has
to play the well-balanced UCLA
team that came through with a
14-7 win over Stanford on Sat
urday. The Bruins step outside the
conference this week to take on
the strong Santa Clara Broncos,
who yesterday defeated Port
land university at Lodl, 28 to 13.
In other conference games,
Washington, upset by Oregon
State, 3-7, takes on the Stanford
eleven in a battle of the have
nots. Washington State, which
was doused by Oregon, 21-0. en
tertains Idaho, and Oregon State
entertains Montana.
Oregon will take on Colorado
at Eugene.
hard by the main Helms baking
plant in suburban Culver City,
which will cost close to $500,
000 when all units are complet
ed in 1950. It houses the founda
tion and its staff. It is the scene
of many sports gatherings, is
open to the public and is a
haven at all hours of the night
or day for harassed sports and
radio people in need of back
ground material.
Helms also is active in nu
merous civic matters not per
taining to sports, and his easy,
good humored approach to
any subject belies his intense
enthusiasm and energy.
He names baseball as his fa
vorite spectator sport. He thinks
there is no thrill greater than
World Series ball game. But
he can still reel off the sequence
of plays that led up to that dra
matic last minute 16-14 victory
of Southern California's Trojans
over Notre Dame in 1931.
The same goes for a sprint
race, crew, a basketball con
test, a championship tennis
match Paul Hoy Helms can
discourse at length, and with
astonishing technical skill, on
most any given sport.
It is a mystery bow the man
manages to operate and cor
relate all of his many In
terests business, sports,
civic welfare, the grand opera,
social rounds.
There must be two Paul H
Helms. There must be, except
that there can't be but one.
Scio High Thumps
Halsey, 41 to 0
Scio Scio high school turn
ed in a thumping 41 to 0 foot
ball win over Halsey Friday af
ternoon with the Sprague broth
ers, Joe and Francis, contribut
ing largely to the win.
Halsey was caught flat foot
ed on the first play on a 45 yard
pass and run play from Sprague
to Morris.
Baker Paul H. Helms shows a few of his many trophies at the
Helms Athletic Foundation Hall In Culver City, Calif.
Base of the Helms fortune
Is a vast baking company he
established here around 1926.
He came here from New York
and Buffalo where his busi
ness acumen had been demon
strated previously.
He was born at Ottawa, Kan.,
Sept. 19, 1889, attended public
schools In Buffalo and gradu
ated with a B.A. degree from
Syracuse university In 1912.
Last year the university con
ferred an LL.D. on him.
Base of the Helms sport pa
tronage Is the Helms Athletic
foundation and Helms Hall.
The foundation is directed by
Helms' Indefatigable chief lieu
tenant, W. R. (Bill) Schroeder
It conducts extensive research
boasts of one of the finest sports
libaries and museums in the
country, and each year honors
with trophies and medals liter
ally hundreds of athletes, young
and old, past and present, in all
categories of sports. Mr. Helms
has spent more than $250,000 on
the foundation alone since It
came into existence in 1936. I
Helms Hall is the building.!
Come One Come ALL
Bendix Laundry Forum
2:00 P.M. AND 7:30 P.M.
Stars Clip Pads, 8-4,
Win PCL Playoff Finale
Hollywood, Oct. 10 (U. With
the same consummate skill they
showed during the regular sea
son, the Hollywood Stars knock
ed over the San Diego Padres,
8-4, yesterday to win the Paci
fic Coast league's Governor's
Cup and the 115,000 that goes
with it
The able pitching and timely
hitting which kept the Stars
ahead of the pack since April led
to four straight playoff victories
over the Padres. The border
towners swept the first two en
counters of the final best-of-sev-en
Willard Ramsdell, knuckle
balling right hander, had the
honor of pitching the final
1949 Hollywood win. He was
aided by the hitting of Gene
Handley, Frank Kelleher and
Mike Sandlock, and the abil
ity of his mates to capitalise
on three San Diego errors.
Handley hit a roundtripper in
the first inning with none on,
and Kelleher got his 31st circuit
clout of the season with one on
in the fifth.
The line score:
.ro Ml Ml MS 4 I I
Hollywood !0 430 Ms 1 .
Llndt, Jurlttrti ll, Thompaon III and
aitchty; Ramadall an. Sandlock.
Pacific Coaat laaaua final playoff aland
inga: W L
Hollywood (Won Oovcrnor'a Cupi ,...4 S
San Dlcco Jj 4
Sunday'! game:
Hollywood . Ran D!0 4.
Today bny
in Bonded Whiskey!
lwar V
mm A
KenfM'ky Straight
IiiMirlion Whiskey
Bottled in Bond
10 proof
BT A -wr-. 1 .
(By the Auoctated prMr
atuMa Northwtit Colltte Football
Oregon Stat 1, WaAhmlitoo 3.
Oraicm tl, Wt hint ton State
Collet- of Mi ho 41, Wtllametta 14.
Patilie Unlvliy 25, Lin f if Id 0.
Whitmin l. North Idaho Collect 1.
Lewij fc Clark 26, St. Martin 0.
BrltUh Columbia. 11, Eutero Oreion
Collate 0.
Western Wtuhlniton II, Pacific Lu
theran 13. ITU)
Puiet Sound 13, Eastern Washington T.
Oreion College of Education 30, Geout
Pox Collect (Portland) 0.
o Wttar
wo SWOOP .
a gafnultT kshmd mimxm
14 qt.
pint fj
enjoyed In tine
American homes
I M lil I ill 1 1
Extra Special Offer
to all
1800 -'2300
.mmmw m atm mw
If ftim f?A NtHn I Ala f I AllU
iWlJb iffb UWJUb
MRCUrr m-FAsVaWM coon
WMha iWa-waH Itrat M raw Mmbg)
ftr fore on ?en an croW for anr new ear, eonatder
Not one no, no on of ihe oilirr cars in the
price rtnie aboa iitm rem all thf slue of the big,
powerful new Mrrcury!
For ownrrs aay Mercurv is the bwt-lcxJtinf car
for lbs money ... the muinl lo-hnndlt . . . imoothrtu
toHfWr , , . and, by all odds, the
Beat of all, this bit new Mercury is artuallr
among the lAririaat of all ran on the road girds
yon antra mileage ea STary gallon!
And don't OTrrlook MfTenrr's fmatrr tnfttf 1 1 1
grmirr dfpmdahility, and aignsr.fAaniwr muiie
Conaidrr eYcTTthlng carefully price . . , roliie
. sfve . . , and performance and you'll make
your nr it rar Mercury, tool Come in for a dem
onstration today!
Tail Tas aaa nra Ms ritCI mciNd: J sar-
H Hwttry taf M law 11- unMm rk.
$gm 0 m Dlractlonwl Tarn tndt
nZa DOWN Uinta, Oil Filler, IW
af W Clatk, Orllla
Owvrata, Foww - Raboof
aaj ataacM art raaf fm- Cuanlainaal SwwK. oil.
M tat CM lllKT arm III So Air Claanwr.
430 N. Commercial
Salem. Ore.
for the next days!
We will make you an EXTRA SPECIAL
ALLOWANCE on your present Pontiae, Dodge,
or Oldsmobile.
Here is your opportunity to own a fllERflJUY, which
is making automobile history.
So before you decide on any car at any price it
will pay you to get our EXTRA SPECIAL
Hurry! Drive in today!
430 N. Commercial Salem. Ore.