10 Capital J oornal, Salem, Or.. Saturday, Ortober 8, 1919 I f YOU HAVE U UAL "is """H I "B5 Y THB BABY'S CINa.MRS. f, p - rDNT CALL YOU .'-I I 1 RADIO PROGRAMS DOUBLE TROUBLE SATURDAY P. M. . nbw,miss vwaotfSKI?, . 1 . AT- I BRAWN5KI--BLTT, JUST j; THERE SEEMED TO BE NO I ' ?Vr7 --S fi'f'jFT AFTER YOU LEFT "I J ;; POINT IN SPOILING YOUR I 7 ii- vb r r V I fs. (tirtS TOOK iS PHONE r ' i. EVENING,,' , KGW AP Newsfeoturet By WILLIAM HOBSON (Chapter 13) Peg Smith iu a frustrated man hating the vicissitudes of life that made him a man hunter, a bounty collector, or what he liked to cai; "an exterminator." The night of the raid on the Morgan, Peg Smith lay close by with a Winchester In his hands. When the shooting began he rode In close and shot the puncher out of the saddle , He knew It was Joe. Oi that there could be no doubt. And he knew from the manner Joe top pled out of the saddle from the smashing blow of the 450-graln bullet from the single shot that be was badly hit. So now Joe Allison had showed up again tonight with Jim Swin nerton. Peg Smith, with Just enough liquor down him to make him dan gerously bellgerent, was going to lind out why. Peg Smith moved toward Swin nerton and Jay Allison. He hauled and and nodded, his eyes on Jay. "You look purty good for a man wnos been on vacation," he remark ed. "I feel all right," Jav said. "Things all right at the ranch?' "So I heard." "You didn't hev much luck glvin the boys a hand with them houses Maybe the shootln' unnerved you till you had to go home to settle your nerves a oh. "No doubt about It," Jay Allison answered quietly. "I've got good reason to have bad nerves. That night of the raid a man took a Dot shot at me and nicked my shoulder. Then the other night another man coos: a pot snot at me and almost did It again. Then he showed un a third time and ducked out of sight wnen ne saw me. I came In from the line the other day and I found my warbag ransacked. I expect I'll be a nervous wreck one of these days if that fellow keeps on snoop ing around." Swinnerton started to move In between them, but never had time to make It. He recoiled as Peg Smith's right hand flashed to his nip and Jays went down simul taneously. Jay had steDDed for. ward as he drew, and his left hand flashed out. For the second time a (run barrel flashed high and gave on a uiuoaing sound as it struck a crumpled hat. Jay stepped back, sheathing the pisLui. oume men," ne said In a cold, flat voice. "Just don't ever learn. When he comes to, tell him tnai lr ne ever makes trouoie again I'll kill him." Swinnerton bent over the un conscious man. "Here, you men. give me a hand," he ordered. "Lift him to the bar." They hauled Peg Smith's lax figure up and over to his whiskey glass. Swinnerton poured a bit into the bleeding cut made by the hook hammer and the exterminator let out a groan, Tie opened his eyes, half fell over the bar, then strug gled to straighten. "Wha he began. "Shut up and drink this snap ped Swinnerton, holding out the s-lass. "You were looking for trou , o. You found it. Joe should have shot you dead. You drink this and get out of this camp." "I wouldn't do it," Jay's yoke said. "He's a vindictive man, Swinnerton. He'd turn on you and the other men and spill the wholt business to Randall or the law." Smith had drunk tht whlskev and turned. He could stand on his feet now and he was a little more sober. He ran an experimental hand up to his head and brought away fingers (Wined with blood. 1 guMS you're right at that. Joe," the lawyer said. "I forgot for a moment. Smith, from now on youll obey orders or suffer the consequences. That's the second time Joe's had to whack you over .hat thick skull because you asked -or It. From now on you're under guard in this camp with orders not to leave it, understand? Smith didn't reply. He bent and picked up his hat and, unmind ful of the winching pain, put it on. He had regained some of his braggadocio. "Ain't vou kind of fergillin' thet Brad give orders ler me to keep prowiin' met Mor gan herd of Randall's and try to liggrr out a way to git rid of them two night guards? Maybe Brad and me, bein sorta close might have somethln' to say about that. Maybe Brad, who's the real boss of this outfit, wont like It, savvy? You Just fergit the whole business till he gels back." Jay saw the iear in his eyes, and understood, bwmnerton, the lawyer, was a man of brains; It took a man like Brad Morden to handle a sit uation like this. "Let's go, Turk," Jay said. "He's right; there has been trouble enough lonigiu. Miguel, the Mexican horse thief from the Rio country, still leaned against the wall beside the trance. "The senior." he murmured, "is very rapirio with the pistol. Very very rapido." (To Be Continued) 2728 fTffi t - B-ertn.a.SW.-CacJ AT V L.-;wrAat!? law Christmas Is Coming Start now to sew for Christmas! Tea aprons like these always an excellent gift Item are easily made from a min imum of material! No. 3728 Is slash ed and gathered to form a clever yoke effect. No. 3862 Is surrounded by rippling ruffles. (Two separate patterns). No. 2728 Is cut in one size, yd. 33-ln. Applique included. No. SHGIi Is cut In one size. V vd. 35-ln. Just out! The FALL - WINTER FASHION BOOK presenting fash ions they are wearing now and new styles to come. Over 150 practical, easy-lo-sew, up-to-the-minute pat tern oesigns tor an ages. Kemem ber, it's smart to sew your own and save money. Order your copy now. price just 20 cents. Send 25c for PATTERN with Name. Address and Style Number. State Size desired. Address Capital Journal. BS1 Mis sion St., San Francisco 6, Calif. R2869 i jllll " Ducky Overalls This slmple-to-sew overall suit Is Just the right thing for the active youngster. Easy opening for "quick changes" Is pro vided with leg dosing. Add plas tic waterproof fabric lining if you like. Cut duck faces ainllqued on each knee are protective pads as well as decorative. Pattern Envelope No. R386S con talns tissue pattern for sires I year, ROOM AND BOARD '. 18 months and 3 years; hot Iron transfer for applique; material re quirements; sewing Instructions and finishing directions. To obtain this pattern, send 30c in COINS, given pattern number, your name, address and tone num ber to Peggy Roberts. Capital Jour nal, 828 Mission Street, San Fran cisco J. Calif. By Gene Ahern VKKY WELL -III FLIP A. COM TO SEE WHICH C US DOES ONE OR THE OTHER. JOB TAILS IS rOR. WAKING UP THE BEDS AND HEADS IS rOR. DOING THE VACUUM CLEANING AND , DUSTING AMvV-TLL. V TAKE HEADS WAIT A MINUTE- j NOT WITH THAT COIN, -WC LL FLIP MY QLIARTER.-M3UVE FLAMMED Lo MANY TIMES WITH THAT GYP DOUBLE-HEADED COIN feds I - l r:jir,zm 1 m r.nr?isfe ini f t-MiiUKii wi mr I i:o ft I If. 171 lISSTH'Mfl " FSSSHrf 1 r" Tf B I I Ifl.nt' -r liifrssrn' ct7:15 ' s77 1-45 smiling J v YTTT yr,2 i , I r 1 b. ' vr t y - io:isi yatt QrZ IQ h'&mQ PI . 1 1 iv.-j 1 r. v on 1 1 . , 1 ulu 1 w-a'., O 1'"" I I fjOORIN'OUER PART ) BUT fT WOULD 1 IT OH, SURE-TH6N W " 45 IP WHBDDVUH HE WEMH)TOHE ISO TH tSKMC HTiD CS03rl I OC WOMQcRI-tJl. 1 WE COULD SO Oli M WITtlE LOOK! TnlM n SVOSE DOC f A VSRV DEFINITE 1 I I IT IN WITH A ROOF AND IF IT COULD I I FEEDtN' PEOPLE ALL, f ALL THOSS MEM !ln:l5 P HrSUPTO? I PLAN IN MINO I II ALL-THTT) COST BE OONB J & WINTER NO , I COMfrKSCARRYtrSj I lnlSO u rs .afc yt I L A FORTUNE- t V MATTER WHAT! fe THINGS- 1 1AL1 It r. VI I t il 1 ' -VII I I .. si . !:3f .9 I TCK.THI5 15 IT WHY-1C3,Mk .KJcDD VC I 7LAJ MEAN I 5HOULL J EAilWtSlfcKN WWJtK Ni j.-ij 1 I ALL RIGHTEAST- HASE ALBAOV ENROLLED YOU) VHAWE GONE DIReCTLV K COLLEGE HAS NO CAMPOS,! 4:00 1 , 1WESTERU BARBEB 1 IN THE COLLEGE-IT REALLY N TO THE CAMPUS ? J 1SIR..IT IS A COkRESPONDEMCD VJ5 1 T COLLEGE OFFICES..2IST FLOOR 1 WASN'T NECESSARY FOR ) J r 1 lf k SCHOOL AND YOUR FIRST I H I tATHrUJ rviUOl Dt UN I TUW 1U AKfCAK IN Jt III I i I P-J I WU tbdJNS HWC AWtftUTJ Knn j Vine I "".nl I ' t: VP6EN MAILED TO YOUJ-- ie fez mi w ; Ul Yis VsVi-?aVKa v?.w- 1 I IS vM-'-l l n-sa hi ffai Tfcfl vyiri ifTlTtrHTinAKMAl KOLTORTMOn ZuTvH&W ThASErTEEPEM i45 5ifL HALF O'TH' FIFTY SELF, PAPPY. WHAT NEEDS THE.6E. CA1TTCRS ) I THEr ) MAMMY. TH' KK3MIES TJWElUN' 000 AolVsVK-X MILLIOU NOW WE INHERITED IMIZZUBLE . IS DIFF"RONT IS S BY WATEB-NAMtLY, SWIMHIN'. 0:15 L Vn'IC f( Gimme Eight r" fifty million or li'l. from o.THty i useful 1 they oughta arrive in th' ) 0:30 A sf,l,tJON.,5r WARN-T DOLLARS I CRITTERS? IS USEFUL,.'.' y- -WE. YEW-NITED STATES ANY DAY 0:45 HOME.. -IT WERE FIFTY A -WE V, ( KIN UtC 1 NOW-ALL FIFTY MILLION 11:00 -JZ kT-' MILLION MIZZUBLE ALREADY ) 7 .SEM- J OF 'EM. llt. ' 1:15 f SIR, I HAVE V HM-M-m-m-V V ulHV? SIR. HOW NfiiR r DO NOT " "tVTIZT J PUGHT n,HCE? UfC myZoU I WISH TO f - I HAND IN (C , f INSURANCE! HAE WUf I wish f . -fll I rnni urn 111 1 M M s 1 . - .si Tcw. iu. do n- 1 m "XJ&'T W Str i?'H"JTirt oni I" I ..7.. " . I VIOBW ON TUC I LewjiluwiOMi 1MBTU. AKc ON THa RUSTY. THEN WELL HAVE A 1W A S6COND .. A FEW MORE, THE OTHER SIPS I .l ? A BE HERE THEN Wrm BEL2A WAYl J A LOOK AROUNP. JL. INASBtONP. U I OF THE HILL. ITU. KgEP EM L RSH jf 1 1 AND TUC CMFTY FILM CANS. A S B II TrrTll I THE AJAxV WHvfwHy aI I ( v I CLL.iTS A UTTL6 OUT 'gl "OCK h' ' SfptAYIW, POslOfFKt ,J t'MDDPfAOINfiTHt - I All.' ) ( AYt ! A FAR A I'VE.-. --n I f" Oisa-W . . . w-SrV NtwCARW,6RiD6tT!-- T Tl -- H ASTI i - REA0 , WWT wW1ViMt Oirfa-AAV M VyjTHlY'Rt All UR-RRygU! 1 V3 "1 jff jA9CLi'.fc R A-w Jt""U imitslM sjLfl" I fl HAVENTGOTAPENTHOUit" V v l4 3" l-IUrrH' d& JStL A tl , 0OnTEVENOWNANETCHIN6-- f T "te ' - -- ffV MsK via SUTt'DUKETOTEll-A-VrSION tl O v.lt ,..,," J VJi 7y L --ViVf J I . THAT t THINK HES VERY FETCHING! p 30 KBC Hit T B A T A DvsIrIi Dtr Daaals Dm Jaar Can nnai or opry Graaa Or orr Tratta r Cmhimkh Dratatl DrafBil nil Paraa Hit PirU Htar Thtatra Slr Th If 9a ai HarM MrUn Dwa OrebMtra Orchaatra Nwe Was Mawaai Was NiHia Was Maaaaai iTlra Off K0IN TO CBS Nawa Chlrafaaai Dancvr Ahsl Danftr Aheasl Franltar Tawa Praallar Ttwa Mraa. la Mule Dick Havaata KlRI II AlBlB Sing It At a la Ala It Aiaia Slag It Aiaia Haaraa fV. Hanraa lOtna Aatry kjtnt Aatrr KEX 1180 ABC Hara'a H'1l'a Npalal Evaat Hiraianalraa Nawe Hara'a U VaU Haaia Cttltlaa IDava Calcaiaa Btrt Anaicwa iHotlr. Brllaa Hallr. Bvllaa Wa Sa It Tr, Batlacia Ioaa Kaniar Lana Raniar OrfhMira Orchaalra tlaRfbaitari nansbaiUra Orehaalra Orchaalra lltar Piaal OrfBBlat Orchtttr Orchaalra Barasad Orchaalra Orchaalra Orchaalra Sllaol Ina far Made rrima far Mlr Halalt Band HalBl 4 Bna KSLM 1390 MBC HuaU Maala Tabar. Brhaaa ChrUtlclaaca Oalck aa Plath Kalrk aa Flaihi IHaalara Mult Uia Vatic LanbardalaB! Lambardalaa4 Voica af Tratb Valca af Tralh Llfa Bcr. at M Llfa Baf. at W Maal Iba Praaa Moat tha rraaa K0C0 MM Kc. RhTthn Han.-h iRhvlhai R'nrh Raa'rh Van tare laalda Slary Can4lll(ht Sllvar PS.- Tin Waa Tat Ttsa Baa4 IW Tar Uaa Brad Crawfar! I Hp. at rs-Aitfstll Daaelni PartF Daaclav raiir Ira BJaa halt. iDaaca Baad lOaaca Baatf Lat'a Daae Lal'a Daaf Lal'a Daai Lal'a (Xtra Hoar Nawa Harrr Jaaiaa Raaa Maraaa Rata Maria Maalca Whalaa Jaha Wahahaa Neva BaaaMrff lOacn Baata ocb Haaaa Oaaa Haaaa Oaaa Haaaa ir Off Daaclag Party lisuiclMsi Patt Daalag rartT Daaclac Parly Daaelni Parly Dantlav Parly PawctBgPaflr naoxlnv Parly Daaelnc Party Daaclai Parly DaBClaf Parly tiin Off SUNDAY Ra4la Palplt Radla Palall J. Daa'a Haata J. Daa'a Maata iMaai. Maala Mara. Sarcaaial Charch la Taar Charch af Air Charcb af Air Charch af Air Chart h mi Air Nawanakara Haward Bmlth Malt Uka Tabar I Salt Laka Takar I Nawa Hara'a la Tata T B A T B A UnTltatlaa 1 Laarnlag Gaaat Stan Nawa Glenn Shellar, Onanlat Chlcaaa BaanS Tabla NBC Thaatra NBC Thaatra NBC Thaatra NBC Thaatra Mr. Ptslt Pea. Platform IPaa. Platform Traa. B'ndatani rTraa. B'Bdilan4 Chaak Faator Qali Rlaa Qati Rlai Unltad Natlona UnltaS Matlona Volcas Eranla Valcas - Iranta Radta City Radla Cltr H'rctt af Stars H'vaat af Start Maala aftha ! Maitcra Hollrwooi Calllas Band Bos Baad Bos Band Boa Baadjtos RavlTal Hoar Revival Hoar iRarlval Haar IRorlral Hoar Moalhornalraa Boa thorn aires Voice of Froahaar Nawa Honanea Monday Vaapera 1 day Tea a erg tCbarallera fChorallera Gallery Gaaalp Mewa CBS Srmpbeay CBS Srmabony tCBS Srmahony less Symphony lCBA Srmahany CBS Srmabony My Serenade Nawa rH'llyw'd Calllnc H'llrw'd Calllnc Harrlarara Harris-Fare 1 Spade Ram Spade Theatre Guild ThaatreCalld Theatre Gnlld Theatre Guild Albam Familiar, Maale IMaile for Tea Ma tie for Ton flrmphonctte Srmphonelte Family Hoar Family Hour Beaton Blackle iBaataa Blackle Jack Benny Jack Benny Amos n Andy Amos 'n Andy Maaie (Ont. Lath. Cb. ! lit Baatlit Ch. lat Baptist Ch. Velae Prophecy Voice Prophecy Bible Class Bible Class Lalheran Hoar Lutheran Boar In'swb meter Undlahr Fine Arts Piano Plarhease Hoar af Paltb I Hoar af Faith Parade ml Hits Parade af Hits nk's World Week'a World Measaia af larael Mr. President Mr. Praaldent Grealeat Story Grealeal Story Lalheran Boar Lutheran Hoar Maladies for Moderns Hrma time Nawa iFelle'ihtp Tale ifoUo'sblp Tale k-hayal af Air Clark Denalt Live Maria Br, Ave Maria Hr. fch'reh la Wild. lOrfSB Loft Racred Heart Wayne King Werld Serlea World Series World Series Worldderlet World Serlea World Series Werld Series Werld Scries World Series World Series Martin Kana Martin Kane The Shadow The Shadow Trae Detective rTraa Detective Grocery Hoed Gresery Hood Nlrk Carter Nick Carter Bepllat Cb. lit Bapllit Ch. let Bapllit Ch. 1st Baptist Ch bar an ado far Strlnsa hUnlted Nallens Gay Lembaroc 00 Take II ar 15 1 Leave II 30'Kfty Arman Kay siraaaa I Man's Family I Man's Family Symphony Hoar symphony Hoar Symphony Bear Symphony Hoar Dance Oreh. Dance Oreh. News Mary A. Mercer Cathalle Honr 45ethelfe Boar News Wat Maeeam Was Museam Wat Maicam IRerr.-M'C'rthy Bers.-M'C'rthy Rocky Jordan Rocky Jordan Corliss Archer Corllia Archer Horses Held! Horace Hcldt Contented Br Center) ted Br. The Whlitler The Whistler Miss Brooks MUs Brooks Berc-M'C'rlhy Berg. -M'C'r thy Voices that Live Chncng World Betly Clark Step the Mailc Atop the Mnle Stop the Muilci Stoplhe Music hV'ller Wine hell Ionella Parsons IChance af a Lifetime LJImmlo Fldlar Chanel Mather Meets Critic Red Skelton Red Skelton jaek Benny Jsck Benny Five Star Final Nliht Editor Red Bkellen Mailc for Ton Serenade Chlcaseans Prel. te Mldnlte Prel. to Mldnlte 51m Off !D rew Pcaraea Headlines W'ter Wlnchell llnlermessa Family C1se-ap Family Cioae-ap Guest Star Orchestra Rlchf'ld Rep'tr Geo. Sokolsky Orchestra krcheslra (Drew Pearson INoetarna Nertnrne Noctarne IXtra Hear Newa Muile Yea Top This You Top This Musis for Tea Muile for To Muile News (Secret Million Secret Minion Family Theatre Family Theatre Medical Billies !N W News Roy Rotors Roy Rogers Twenty Q'ltlens Twenty Q'otloni Wall. Wlnchell Lonella Paiscna Words Maala Werda Maala Daydream Mua. Daydream Mae. Music Room Muile Boom Sh'wcasa Bands Sh'wcaaa Bands Sanday Serena Sunday Seren. Mails far sua. Mails for Sub. Donald Stewart Donald Stewart Donald Stewart Donald Stewart DaHasMlnTit. Edward Arnold Ralem Collate Salem College Dava Dennis Dave Dennli Headline Newt Inslds Story iNews Editorially Muile :Naws Sign Off Sunday Salon tender Salon Nasaren Ch. Natarene Ch. Nasaren Ch. Nasaren Cb. Frank d Vol Frank de Vol mandsy Beverlo Sunday Reverta Sunday Reverie Sunday Reverie Sanday Reverie S and ay Reverl Sanday Reverl Sanday Revert rsigB o DIAL LISTING, KOAC 550 dleit d:t5, Holland Today and Tomorrow 1 Jren'a Theatre! S:IH. On lbs 1:M. Grand Opera Tonlthti S:A, News Vpbealt B:H. W Sports Club: t-M. Newei and Weathsri :00, Danes Parade 1 10:BS. in. ijinaan Leiieri o:nw, i"nw . " Willamina Teachers Guest at Reception Willamina Purchase of a dishwasher for the school cafe teria is the main project of the Willamina PTA thi year with n.vni Nwton. treasurer, re porting $327.50 received mo far and 700 yet needed. Tarhr wen introduced by Principal Kenneth Ramey at the first fall meeting with Ellen Fox presiding. Recognition plna were given Blanche Yoast, Betty Cmnr.t tnH Marv Parks, nast presidents, by Mrs. Ethel Ray. Theda Wright wai named chair man of a committee to lane a .hnnl 4n.in anil nlans were started for parent-teacher as sistance when the cafeteria is opened. The program was under the riiwtlnn nf Jessia Klnff with Dale Johnson, teacher, giving a skit apeech and three vocal numbers and Mayor J. A. New ton speaking briefly. Refresh ment! were served. Gervais Mothers Club Seats New Officers Gervais Installation of new officers of the Mothers club of the Sacred Heart parochial school was held at iti meeting Mrs. Nick Theis heads the club as president; Mrs. Freda Roosa, vice-president; Mrs. Fred Man ning, secretary and Mrs. Stanley DeJardin, treasurer. Schedules for the year were discussed which will benefit the school and the Sisters home. At the re freshment hour, Mrs. Martin Schlecter and Mrs. Peter Miller presided. Dairy Plant Opened Aurora Tom Dybvad, Canby egg and poultry broker, Tues day morning reopened the Ore gon Dairy and Poultry plant at Silverton, under a lease from the owneri. He will manage the plant and at the seme time con tinue his egg and poultry busi ness in the Canby and Hubbard areas. The plant is expected to employe !5 to 40 workers and Mr. Dybvad hopes to keep It In operation throughout the year. ACROSS L One or torn 4, Bound to Mcrgoy . t. Breach 11 Fish mm II. lepsrat 14. Ag-a It. urreylnir Instrument If. Nominated II. taepe 50. Scatter IL Mud TPkw.no 3s. Changed ST. Mln approach 51. Wild plum S9. First womaa 10. Pal SL Prehistoric ton Implement IS. Writ II. Urge 14. Son of loth 15. Fins l. Ruin II. lata n a" In th Medfterraneaa It. Row in (r Implement 40. Ft I opera 4U Charred 44. Make amend 47. Wing 41. Puff DP 10. NegAtlv SL Novel M. Well- eonldr4 It. Daily chF1ap I jiuTlAB fl iR tDHmr1a)tbI Ll0lalxBLlArBTi0l a t tWi p a p eQp a J DOWN L Knack I. And Dot r ? i N r p ?ri w y " 7i ;p;3 mm v4Mfm zi I21 a is ST it f.if fn ','':. ' ; mi "uia Ui T3" 4S K ' " : Ji I 35 si lutltn ef YMtere'ay'a Posale I. Tennt aahnala 4, VlaTor 5. CsTTtlaa aotd.M 1 ZlaaM I, lfawnltn. nleknaiae 1 (ItniaM I. j.w.l 10. Emt 1L Cuphloa Is. Abod. IS. V.n.ratlw 10. K.rrinr op.nlnsa II. Cat with a ..rtAta tMl II. Froy.rb Is. ailstur. m.ul. i Stand for U. Turn Is.Ma out IS. Thick Is. BrnUh tltl 1L olntm.nta IS. 8. Uf , 17. Lars. wlM IS. Apt., lulc. (0, r.t!l U rorhld 41. Rubber tr 1, l'ncook1 4 B.tt.r for tnlxlftf fnortat II. U-w . P CT U. BfbsM