Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, October 08, 1949, Page 8, Image 8

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Let's Show Fight
IfaO 31 &J ! ... It 'J
Coach Lorrn Mart,
who pulled Ml first
stringers In the final period of the Salem
Bend fame Friday nljht (Ivei hit team the
lowdown on their play and what to do.
Mort, who watchei closely from the slde
lines, keeps on top of developments by
Rock Powers Vik Gridders
In 7-0 Victory over Bend
A powerhouse drive, spear
headed by Jim Rock, gave the
Salem high Vikings their second
Big Six league victory Friday
night when they tripped Bend,
Rock carried the ball seven
times and nipped a pass from
Gene Garver as the Viks op
ened their offensive steam in the
third quarter. Big Jim went
over his right tackle behind per
fect blocking for the touchdown
and made good on the conver
sion. The first half of the game was
a see-saw battle with the Vik
ings apparently confused by the
Lava Bears' tight, 8-2-2-1 de
fense. But the Salem high
gridders were a different team
in the second half.
Coach Loren Mort and his
By FRED ZIMMERMAN, Capital Journal Sports Editor
An Idol's Reward
The fellow who can do more
diamond draws more adulation
line of athletic endeavor. The
instances make matters pretty
the hero of the diamond divulges.
ually go all out to show their
there is Joe DiMaggio, the Yankee Clipper who, despite in
juries and illness, has been invaluable to the New York club
throughout the season. Modest and unassuming in spite of his
spectacular ability, he has played
and given the Yank owners the
has been plenty.
Fans Shower Down
Prior to one of the recent crucial games between the
Tanks and Boston Red Sox, DiMaggio was showered with
numerous presents by his admirers. Here is a partial list
of what the popular Yankee outfielder received: two auto
mobiles, a boat, two watches, chain, knife, wallet, cuff links,
gold buckle, tie pin and cuff links, art work, trophy, two
television sets, rifle, bronze plaque, $100 hat, golf bag,
electric blanket, radio, thermos jug set, gold key chain,
silver loving cup, phonograph records, driving glasses, sun
glasses, candy, shirts, clock, oil painting, carpeting, roaster,
gold money clip, medal of honor, statuette, neckerchief and
clip, mattress and springs, cheese, potatoes, oranged, wal
nuts, lemonade, lima beans, paperweight, wallet, metal
elephant, elephant portrait, dozen golf balls, ash tray, tote
bag, cocker spaniel, traveling bag, alarm clock, silver money
clip, many ties, taxi service and believe It or not 100 quarts
of Ice cream.
Talks Illuminating
Probably the majority of football spectators go to the game
to watch the ball carrier and little else. But those who boo and
growl when an official steps off 15 yards against their favorites
would have done well to attend Friday morning's session of
the Salem Breakfast club. The reasons for the penalties were
well explained by George Emigh, Harold Hauk and John Kolb,
all members of the Salem Officials association. Incidentally the
association's principal objective is to provide uniformity in
game control.
Cooperation Needed
The National Federation of High Schools, an organiza
tion that pretty much blankets the nation, has been striving
for simplification of rules within its own group as well as
between colleges and high schools. So far the collegiana have
not seen to go along with some of the regulations put Into ef
'fect by the high schools. As a result the fan who sees a col
lege contest one week and then witnesses a game on the
high school level the next grows a bit confused as to the
penalties. For instance the rule concerning out-of-bounds
klrkoffs on the high school level permits of no second try.
The receiving team either takes the ball on the yard mark
where It goes out of bounds or on the 40, whichever Is the
more advantageous. In college football, the kicking team
gets a second boot If the first one goes out of bounds.
Substitution Rule
In high school play a coach may substitute no more than
two players while the clock it still running and may send In
any number while the ball is dead. The collegians have decided
that no substitutions may be made without penalty, except when
the ball is dead. In college play there is no longer any reason
for the customary mad scramble on a fumble when the ball goes
out of bounds. The rules now state that the ball is returned to
the team that last had possession, regardless of who touched It
just before it went out of bounds.
Illegal Use of Hands
This undoubtedly is the rule that drew fire from Coach
Frank Leahy during the Notre Dame-Washington game. Coast
Conference officials call It a bit closer. Players on offense
while in the act of blocking mus keep both hands on their
chests with their forearms and elbows on a horizontal level.
Any tendency to strike an opponent by raising an elbow out
of position calls for 1 penalty , . , Simplification of rules
would go a long nay toward speeding up play while causing
less confusion among the spectators. However, coaches who
are trying to outsmart the opposition, nsually dig up some
thing that Isn't covered In the rule books. Kn before the
next season rolls round the regulations committee has to
take care of the situation. I
assistant. Hank Juran, who
spyglassed the encounter from
atop the Waters Park grand
stand roof, went Into a half
time huddle which gave the
Vikings the solution to the
Bend defense: hit the ends.
As the second half opened
Bend, unable to make yardage,
kicked out to the Salem 20's with
the ball downed on the Salem
29-yard line. Rock and Dale Ol
son battered around the ends ov
er the center field stripe and
continued their end slashing to
bring the ball to Bend's 10-yard
line for first and goal to go. One
play did the trick.
A third-quarter threat of the
Bears was stopped dead on
the Salem 12-yard line where
the Vikings took over on
downs and kicked Into Bend
things better on the baseball
than any individual in any other
women adore him and in many
embarrassing, far more so than
And all classes of admirers us
appreciation. In this connection
the game for all It's worth
best in his power and that
telephone connections to Hank Juran, his
assistant, who watches play from the roof of
the Waters park grandstand. Players who
are visible, from left: Gordy Sloan, Dour
Rogers In front of Mort, Jerry Grows, Vic
Schweits, Jim Rock and Frank Parker,
draped with a hood.
territory after failing to gain.
The waning minutes of the
game saw the Bend team pushed
back on their own side of the
The game emphasized the im
provement of the Vikings in vir
tually every department except
aerials. Their running and
blocking as well as kicking
showed late-season form.
'lid Silrm
Robinson LI Anil
CullUon IT Btcon
Ml L O Slntf,
Nrbfrill! C Gravrii
Thorn won R O.,
Steldl RT
RumuMcn R B. ,
KiltM Q . ,.,
Wad H ...
Brown H...
.. Ollxon
., Roger
... Sloan
Abbott F .
flutu: (Bend) Enda Oavvoll. Btandlfer.
Sample. Tackle Martin, Troxel, Thorn
ber. Guard Hamby, Rlnehart. Centers
Benaon. Hood. Back A r money, Burmel
ter. Gardner, Ollliand, Holliday, Steven,
i Salem t Ends Boyd. Goheen, Norton.
Stull. Tack lea AllUon. Parker. aVhuiae,
Thompson, Miller. Ouardi Hart, Peterson.
McMullen. Centers Enter, Panowici,
Sodeman. Back Bridies. Covalt, Davis,
Stewart. Hauren. OUon. Oarver. Scortnt
touchdown: iSalemi Rock. Conversion:
Rock tklekt.
Official: Bill Beard, referee: Wayne
Rower, umpire; Bu Btiham, head line-'
Sacred Heart to Host
Columbia on Saturday
The Columbia Prep Rams, an
undefeated football team of the
Portland area, will invade Sa
lem Saturday night for a mix
with the Sacred Heart Cardi
nals. The kick off time is book
ed for t o'clock on Watera field.
lne Laras aner dropping meir
first two engagements, downed
IflC OH1EKI jug" .ijivm x at a I
week 6-0. Coach Father John
O'Callaghan, expects to start Jim
Colleran and Clark Ecker at
ends; Tom Morisky and Don
Mock at tackle positions; Paul
Riley end Dick DeRosier at
guards; Vern Daniels at center,
Frank Schlageter and Jim Wei
mals will fill the half back po
sitions with Quarterback Al
Pearl and Captain Jim Lancas
ter at the fullback spot making
up the rest of the lineup starters.
Columbia Prep has announced
their starters with Pat Schwab,
LE; Ed Hughes, LG; Roy New
man LT; Bill Perrault C; Jack
Niedermeir, RE; Pete Heitkem
per, RG; Lane Robertson, RT;
Joe Siri and Martin Counnly at '
VFW to Sponsor
Amateur Battles
An amateur fight card for the
benefit of the polio fund is be
ing arranged under the sponsor
ship of the Veterans of Foreign
Wars. The card will be run off
at the armory the night of Octo-
ber 19 with Packey McFarland
and George Mahlstrom in charge
of the talent.
Falls City Tops
Falls City Falls City decis
ioned the State School for the
Deaf Friday afternoon in a six
man football tilt, IB to 18. Each
side scored three touchdowns and
Falls Cilty won by the margin of
the only conversion point col -
University Alleys
Thelfloar Clearer flf Danfelt 4M,
Parler Ml, Creair M. It a men Mft. !
laney 4; Lata Plarlat ( Rltsmlller
Up I on J1, Luta 471, Cematofk 171,
Blchea 141.
Nakle'a Tavera (ll Crawford 4H. Fe
lt ar 4.. UrNtell 41t. Nagler 411. B1
ftl4 llratlM ri dial at (It Strattnn ..
Olnty. Jr. S17. tratton 41J, Pare 473, F
ana 411.
I'Ditaraal Fana C. Valriei S4fl,
Oven 437, Stealer 4M. Brim 4ft, Vl
li ft), nirhlanil Market (4t Cauf
Ml, Marr 110, Owen 151, Johiuon 4M,
Llndaey 4M
alem l.laMInf nf Aaa. (a Flrkrell
4.11. M err ham 4lt. Theda 4M. plauU 1H4.
Bolton 4M Raleat Hardware ili-W'tt
SMI O arrl r 147, Keenan 9. Fare ft4.
Infland'a Fel I hop (It Brann tM.
P-iifh 47 Pi' nal and 4U. Fee 4M Cla'st
I7. Maf1)er Milk l WewwIMrd 111.
ftrhftrt 473, Dunran 4M, Straw 4M. Mnf
b 4t
GaW aeeaeealai til tnau 443,
Astoria Becomes First
Top Prep Upset Victim
i By th Aocltfl PrcMl
Astoria became the first ma
jor upset victim in the slate
high school football race last
night, dropping a 13-12 decision
to Central Catholic of Portland.
Astoria, the distrl ct 7 favor
ite, was rated two touchdowns
better than the Portlanders, ncl,,,',,, lhan fxpect(.d , bow,.
loonea ii in ""J ing over Gresham. 32-12.
0 lead. But in the third quar- Tne ,wo district ,Md
ter the Portlanders took ad- Hillsboro and McM innville. stay
vantaR of breaks to jump to a fd pa(.f Hillsboro battPred
13-12 advantage, then spent the Forest Grove 52u whe Mc.
last perioa repuiMiiR asiuiw
At the opposite end of the
state Pendleton was upsetting
The Dalles, 13-0, although the
decision is not expected to
affect the district I race, which
now lies between Milton-Free-water
and La Grande.
Milton-Freewater absorbed a
28-2 thumping by Walla Walla
last night, but the loss did not
affect the school's standing In
the Oregon chase.
While Grants Pass, the defend
ing state champion, rested in
Oregon teams added polish. Un-
beaten Merjford downed Eureka.
Calif.. 20-0, and Klamath Falls
romped over Springfield. 45-6.
The district 3 favorite, Marsh
field, continued to win, outscor
ing North Bend, 20-12.
Stars Play Host
To Pads in 5th
Playoff Game
Hollywood, Oct. 8 ) The
rallying Hollywood Stars, hoping
to heap extra honors atop their
Pacific Coast league pennant
grab, host the San Diego Pad
res tonight in the fifth game of
the final Governor's Cup series.
The Stars squared the series at
two games apiece with a 7-4 win
last night. They will send Gor
dy Maltzberger (18-11) against
the Padres' Kewpie Dick Barrett
(H-6) tonight.
Hollywood settled last night's
contest with four runs off Red
Adams in the first inning. Jack
Salveson, Star reliefer, picked
up the win, twirling five frames
after starter Glenn Moulder was
touched for three runs in the
opening inning.
Ban Ditto
Moulder. 6a!vron S'
.300 000 0104 10 1
.400 101 lOx 7 t 1
Kipp 8 and Moore;
, Roy and Unxr
half back spots, Philip Galluzzo
at fullback and Quarterback
Charlie Kay. The Rams are
bringing a 33 man squad to Sa
lem. As yet the Preps are un
defeated this season
.... . s .
Hospitalized as
Amnesia Victim
John Conders, starting line
man on the Viking Jayvee
team, was hospitalized Friday
with temporary amnesia as a
result of a practice game In
Jury. Conders, who plays left ta
ckle sustained a bump on the
head which caused a tempo
rary loss of memory. The In
jury meant that Conders, 187
pound lineman, would he miss
ing from lineup for the Bend
Jayvee contest.
Cat Reserves
Top Reed Grid
Team by 47-0
Reed college of Portland prov
ed no match for Willamette's re
serve football club on Sweetland
field Friday afternoon and the
latter turned in a 47 to 0 victory,
iThe score was 27 to 0 at the half.
Scoring touchdowns were John,
Skimas (3). Ray Myers, Ken,
Sutter, Irv Roth and Mark Cot
ton. The Bearcat reserves will meet
the Portland university second
string here next Friday after
Correct for Newport
S Oft m.
1 51 p m.
1 H l m.
3 Id p m.
I 17 . m.
3 41 p m.
3 S7 m.
VH .m.
I in in.
11 m.
t 14 p m. -I
4 . m.
t J. p ra.
In in
i" - is
lori n
fUlllIU) 1
Jnnet Ml, C1"r 4'-. Irnnt 12. Olnet Sift:
TrallwaT Cafe (It Jnhnon 4ftft, Rhine
hart ft3, Olon ft 40, Turin 4A1. McNall
Intl. hith tains'. nh OInn Traitwara
Cafe, 141. Ind. Mari ene. Fartet, Thrlft-
wa cieanera, Bfll, Man team aerier, L,utl
rierltt, JM.
Capital Alleys
nf rMTrtt i,
n.ilrh'a Mark rl Clin 1111 Karr
S47. Raw 487. Fhipr MW. raallrtl Bedding
ti Laron Aid, Wllkmnn B7&, Young
604 Poiilln 5T.
Wrxtdr'. Parnltare t KHrhen ft
Ollnarr HffS rorrman 41 Adnlnh daft.
H vnka Rlalr I I M Cluttltrv J, R.t
ler Ml. Mi:frd 44, Nuhr Ml,
frlrn Farnltarr 'fi Virirh 3 Fr e
en 4t. rWiniwk via Hrtll sun fn.
ert r'Nnetraeilan (li Rrant S3I, Gardner
471 Oanrmn 441. Rnrr 113
H-th team nei anil tame Ptin
I Furniture. Ji4 ind H iufh Ind eritl
and tm, Joho rnetea, Ml and 141.
In district 4 Salem and Eu
gene remained neck and neck.
Salem downrd the tough Bend
eleven, 7-0, while Eugene took
It easy with a 27-0 victory
over Cottage drove.
Hood River, the district S fa
vorite, showed even more
Minnville measured Oregon City,
In the district 8 race at Port
land Grant and Roosevelt emerg
ed as the only unbeaten teams.
Grant dpfeated Franklin, 13-0,
and Roosevelt slapped down Lin
coln, 3B-6.
More. Sports Page 13
Bearcats Have
Open Date After
CoVOtC ColltCSt
I '
Willamette university s
ders have an open date next
week following their struggle
with the College of Idaho Coy
otes at Caldwell Saturday night.
Coach Chester Stackhouse and
his corps of assistants plan to
take it easy for a day or two
after their return from the big
spud state before plunging into
preparations for a tilt with Col
lege of Puget Sound at Tacoma
the night of Sept. 22. The Log
gers. no longer members of the
Northwest conference, edged the
Bearcats in a homecoming en
gagement here last fall 7 to 6
Willamette's next home ap
pearance Is scheduled for Oc
tober 29 when they entertain
the Lewis ft Clark Pioneers,
the game will be the top event
of the annual homecoming
When Coach Stackhouse and
his players left for Caldwell
early Friday they expected I
tough assignment with the Coy
otes who are now busily engag
ed in defending the Northwest
title won last year,
Final Rounds of
Salem Golf Club
Tourney Slated
Called east on account of the
serious illness of his mother, Leo
Estey will be unable to meet Jim
Russell Sunday In the final
round of the Salem Golf club
championship. The match will
be staged upon Estey's return
In reaching the finals Estey
defeated Bud Waterman, Jim
Hunt and Clay Carson in suc
cessive weeks. Russell forged to
the top by eliminating Jim John-
' I I U-..... I
riiKiu unansis wno wiu meet
over the 18 hole route include:
first Rnaaf Dlil-.m -n,J DmK
rngnt finalists wno will meetj
first, Roger Putnam and Bob
Johnson; second, Laurence Alley
and Glen Lengren; third, Rex
Kimmell and B. Thomson; fifth,
Zigler and Gwynn; seventh, Jo
seph and Filler; eighth, Chase
nd Hauk; ninth, Kletzing and
Tweed, Glattand
Eastman Battle
To Golf Wins
Woodburn Winners of the
September eclectic at the Wood
burn golf club announced on
Thursday were Mrs. Waivo
Tweed in Class A; Mrs. Ray
Glatt in Class B and Mrs. Lucy
Eastman in Class C.
The annual golf banquet date
was announced for November 6
which will close the season. Mrs.
Alma Timm, Mrs. Gladys Mc
Laughlin and Mrs. Agnes Jones
were appointed as the decorating
committee for the banquet.
Hostesses Thursday w e r i
Mrs. Evelyn Blinn and Mrs. Lil
lian Ahrens.
The Series in
Facts, Figures
mr the JUxociited frrjuii
N Ynrk 'Al
Brooklyn NL
Firat tame
Yfirk, Ort. ft.
it Yankee atadium. Ne
New Ynrfc ,
and Rerra.
i .0 1
and Campanella; Remold
Rrond lame at Yankee atadium, Hew
York, Ot, I.
Brook! vn .1 1 If
Ne Yftrk t I
Roe and Campanula Rahl, Fate
and Rilvrra. Niarhna l.
Third nmt at Bbbeta field, Rrnoklra.
Ort. 7.
Nw York 4 ft
Brooklyn I I f
Rvrne. Paie '4 and Rerra; Brane. i
Bant a ' and Campanella.
Pnurth and fifth nmi kt Bhbeu field, I
Brnoklrn, uct. I and f.
S.xtn and evnth itmM 'If nrrr i
at Yankea atadium. New York, Oct. 10
and 11. I
Financial ftiure"
Yeeterday'a attendanre' 13. 7M.
Rrlpw (net i: I1A4 t)l 71 1
CimmiMinnrr i harr 134,401 ftd.
Flaven' anare- MS 441 4)
Chirui' and leaiuM har m Ik 71
Attendance for tne three tamo IMMI
R-t:pt fnr thre eam ITM.IMM.
Comrr tMloner a ahar for threw tame,
till 1M 40
Plevera' ahar after three lamaa; ItM.-
r ihj and Teaiuaa lhart tftr three
limw, M7a.ltl.ll. i
ii M MiinHH i in , iviliMj huibmiihmi miiMi.ilii,ii'iS n r- niiii'' Sin tiiorlrnriniiii H
Iil1n T l t ill i
Dugout Coaching
(right) coaches Togl Berra,
as the latter waits for a pop
Dodgers' Eddie Mlksls in the
the third World Series game
Fireman Joe Speaks
Page Admits Close Shave
In Ninth Inning Uprising
New York, Oct. g (UB This
had a real close shave.
Those home runs In the ninth Inning by
Olmo and Campanella were the result of two
things tiredness and carelessness. Against
Olmo I simply eased up. I figured he'd be
taking Instead ef swinging on the pitch that
he hit Into the stands.
But he fooled me completely. With Cam
panella It waa different. I was a lot more
careful but a lot more tired, too. My curve.
Instead of breaking sharply, Just hung up
there and Campanella did the rest.
You can bet I was careful when they sent
Edwards up to bat for Branca. I kept feeding
him my fast ball and the last pitch of the
game, the one Edward atruek out on, was a
fast one right on the corner of the plate.
Those Brooklyn hitters can make life in
teresting for you when you're out there on
the mound. Especially that Guy Reese. He's
slways Jumping around and looking like he's
going to belt your brains out.
iWoodburn Beats
. . . s SI si esi
iNAt. AnCjeK 13-12
9 '
In Last Quarter
Woodburn Trailing 12 to fi
and with time running out, the
Woodburn Bulldogs came
through with a touchdown and
a conversion to edge the Mt, An
gel Preps. 1S-11 In a WVL game
Friday afternoon.
The two clubs failed to score
in the first half but the visitors
registered a touchdown in the
third on a plunge by Gordon
Bigler. Woodburn registered a
T. D. of its own when Scott Od-
gers crossed the final chalk
mark after Dean Seaton had set
up the play on a 44 yard run.
The Preps forged ahead in
the fourth on Paul Ruccheit's
four yard plunge. With min
utes lo go the Bulldogs en
gineered a series of plays cli
maxed hy Seaton's touchdown
plunge. He then kicked Ihe
extra point that won the
Starling lineups:
martini Dnetiiu
Vandehry . ,
J. Hail
C- 8 ton
4t Aricrl
. LFR....
. . LT R . . . .
,.I.OR ...
.. C ,
i . RT L. ...
Mrtnnler ,
WM1 ...
Odiera ,.,
" P"Bi"r
. BtKhheu
;f;;Hopsters Swamp
Dallas, 38 to 0
Independence Scoring single
touchdowns in the Tirst, second M-P season next Friday at Mon
and third periods and three in mouth.
the fourth, independence high
swamped Dayton Friday after
noon 3ft to 0. Allan Posey ta 1 -
i .lied three of the six pointers and
Tranlr Walks! Rnh Rnhininn anH
Bill Davis one. each. Two con
versions, the only ones of the
contest, were added by Davis.
$$ MONEY $$
m Real t.state Loane
Farm or City
Personal and Ante Loans
State Finan't Co.
IU R. Hlth U Llrt M-KI
Salem, Oregon. Saturday, October, 8. 1949 Page 9
WV t, 'iiii,ivirriir met timm
Yankee Manager
Casey S t e n g 1
Tank catcher,
foul off bat of
first Inning of
at F.hhets field
rrmir'i Note: Joe Pate, one r baseball's ulilandinv relief piti-ban, uaia Mna to
the reeen of the Sew Tort. Yankee rtaterdar. taltln. than ahead of In lb
atria. Iwa tamea to em. In Ihla article. Past tella how ha won.)
old lo th. UnltMl rM)
was one
time I
College Jcctfra High School
Calleca 9rtrea
Bv the Ajuorialed Pre!
Lm Anaelei Loyola 53, Prexno State 13.
Snulhrrn Orrnon 31. San Franc Uco
Stnle 31. (Tl-i
Ann .Ifwe State 41, Pepprrrilne 13.
Colorado Min IS, Wextern (Colo.t
State 7.
Muwoiirl Mlnea 41, North weal Mw
aourl 13.
Evanville 17. MUwonrl Vallr 7.
fioiilh Dakota Mine I, Northern State
. tw
St. Thorn a (Minn.) SI. St. Olaf T.
Emporia Ka 13, Roe khurat f.
Hawaii 37. Denver 14.
Abilene Chriailan II, South waa tern
Te.i 10.
Hardin 30, North Tetai fUata IT.
Drake 40, Aotith Dakota 4.
Alnhama 41. Dtiqueene S.
Vlllanova 3D, St. Mary'a (Calif.) 30.
San PranriM-o 11, Detroit 14.
North Dakota 31. AiiaiwUna (S D.I f.
Temple 37, Syracuae 14.
Whitworih iSpokanei 14. Central Wajth
Inatnn 11.
Iwm Clark J.V. 13, Pacific TJnlver
Blty J.V. 13. 'Tlet
W.ililnton FroAh 30. Idaho Proah T.
Salem Academy
Suffers 31-7
Loss at Newport
Preliminary to the? oppning of
the Marion-Polk lnaRiio next Fri-;
day. Salptn Aradrmy went to
Newport Friday and came home
n nn the sliort end of a 31 to 7
n count. The Newport club, one
'r of the better coast lis, scored
! three touchdowns in the initial
P(r'0' anr ,nrn tapered off with
one in the third and another in
,tne fourtn Th(, Academy quad
Karnered its sole marker in the
fourth when Dennis M irk r I son
went over from six yards out.
The conversion was by Bob
Salem Academy will open the
Just Received!
The new "Neutral Clutch"
s h. r.
Come in and see It. Let us give
you a demonstration on how It
opf rates.
Also hosts hnth nrw and used
Terms available
10" Chemehela Ph. Jn."
In Brooklyn, After mere eoaehing from
Stengel, Berra fired the ball t Jerry Cole
man to tag Peewee Reese as he attempted ta
steal aecond. Umpire Art Paaaarella warned
Stengel against eoaehing from the playing
area. Yanks won, -J. (Acme Telapnoie)
While I'm on the subject ( the Dodgers,
I'd like to say that Branca, pitched a whale
of a ball game. He had It yesterday. Believe
me. I know when I batted against khn he
showed me a curve and fast ball that made
me stand up and take notice.
Maybe there was a lot ef neeesure en me
when I came Into the game In the fourth, bat
I didn't notice It. All I knew waa that the
bases were full, Olmo was at the plate and
I had to get him out. That's all I was eon
eerned about,
I used a fast ball on Olmo and got him en
a foul fly which Tommy Henrich made a
great satch on. Then I threw a side-arm
curve to Snider and he hit It en the ground
to Coleman.
The Item that pleased me most was my
control. I think It was pretty good yesterday.
You know, I never realised that a few rain
drops fell out there In the ninth. Bat there
was a good reason.
I kind of had my hands full.
lea Schaat learaa
(Br the Am Mia ted Fraaal
Salem 7, Bend 0.
Pendleton 11. The Dalian t.
Central Catholic (Portland) M, A.
torla 13.
Hnod River 13. Oreaham 11.
Walla Walla 31. Milton Freewatar I,
Albany 13, A-h land II. (Tit)
Klamath FalU 4ft. Aprlni field t.
Med ford 10, Eureka, Calif., t.
Prlnevlllt 39. Uadraa f
Marhflald 30. North Band M.
Roaaoura SI, Reedaport 0.
Kuaene 37. Cotlaa Orovt 0.
Junction city 12, Elmlra It.
Newport 31. Salem Academy T.
Drain I. Willamette I. (Tie.)
Silver ton II. Molalla .
biarada 13. Canbv 1,
Sandr 30, Datlaa t.
Woodburn 11. Mt. Aniet 11.
Tirard S3, Beaverton 0
Mllrraukie 31, CorvallU C.
Hlllaboro 13, Porcat Orove IS.
McMlnnvlllt 37. Oron City
Newhera 13, Weat Linn .
Rainier IS. Sherwood II.
Parkrtwe It. Hill Military (Poflland I t.
Camaa th, St. Helena 1.
Sea ppoo-e 3. Sea Ida 0.
Monroe 13, Philomath t.
Taft 4ft, Altisiaw 11.
.lefrer-on IS, Mill City II.
Mnro It. Maupln t.
OeriaU 30, Turner 0.
St Paul 7. Aurruivtlle .
Redmond 11. Burn IS.
Al-ea 11, Amity 0
John Dav 12. Powder Vlly t.
Yamhllt 11, Sheridan 1
Chemaaa 7. Sublimity f.
Fnrlland SchnU
flranl 11. Franklin
Ceveland 7, ,Ierfernn d.
Ren -on II. Wa.-htntien T.
Roo.eolt .! rnroln I
Thot phone number ii
889 No. Liberty
"Oar reputation
rear seeoritr"