Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, October 08, 1949, Page 6, Image 6

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    INSTALLATION of new officers will
feature the lemi-monthly party for
Sojourner olub, Thursday afternoon,
the event to be at the Salem Woman's
club house, salad luncheon to be at 1
Mrs Harold H. Hciserman heads the
new officers as president.
Mrs. Milo Taylor is chairman of the
committee of hostesses for the afternoon
and assisting her will be Mrs. Coye Mor
ris. Mrs. Clyde A. Warren, Mrs. Arthur
Cole, Mrs. Howard Ragan and Mrs.
Charles Shaw.
By Marian Lowry Fischer
LANS for her wedding are being
told by Miss Charlotte Frances
Zielinski. who is to be married
October 15 to Arthur M. McKay.
The ceremony is to be solemnized at
930 o'clock in the morning in St. Vin
cent de Paul Catholic church, Rev.
George O'Keefe officiating. Mrs. Joseph
Henny is to be matron of honor for her
sister and bridesmaids will be Miss
Helen Zielinski, a cousin of the bride
elect, and Miss Mary Theresa McKay.
Joseph McKay is to be best man and
the groomsmen are to be Ernest Zielin
ski and Bert Bernards. Ushering will be
Joseph Henny, Dennis Manning and
Lloyd Ferschweiller. For the music,
Mrs. Charles Nelke is to be soloist and
Wayne Meusey will play the organ, also
Miss Zielinski is the daughter of Mrs.
Dorothy B. Zielinski, Mr. McKay the son
of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McKay of St.
Honoring the bride-to-be, Mrs. Ed
Zielinski, an aunt, Mrs. Morrell Crary
and .Miss Helen Zielinski entertained
this past week with a miscellaneous
shower at the home of Mrs. Zielinski.
Feting Miss Zielinski were Mrs. Jo
seph Domogalla, Mrs. Alvin Van Cleave,
Mrs. Rudolph Wacken, Mrs. Mike Za
hara, Mrs. Lawrence Zielinski, Mrs.
Ralph Gilbert, Mrs. John Zumstcin,
Mrs. Lloyd McDonald, Mrs. Charles Ol
son, Mrs. Charles Zielinski, Mrs. Joe
Zielinski, Mrs. Archie McCorkle, Miss
Vera Zielinski, Mrs. Hattie Van Cleave,
Mrs. Dennis Manning, Mrs. Louise Zie
linski, Mrs. Earl Hammer, Mrs. Daisy
Mclntyre, Miss Alice Perrine, Miss Hel
en Zielinski, Mrs. Andrew Feilen, Mrs.
Clarence Zielinski, Mrs. Morrell Crary,
Mrs. Joseph Henny and Mrs. Ed Zielin
ski. First of her weck'y at homes for the
new season will be observed by Mrs.
Douglas McKay, wife of Oregon's gov
ernor, Tuesday afterno'on. Local friends
and visitors in the capital that day are
asked to call each Tuesday afternoon at
the Jerris avenue residence of the Mc
Kays. Among hostesses of the new week
will be Mrs. Leon Perry, who is to en
tertain Tuesday with an informal lunch
eon at her home, honoring her mother,
Mrs. Henry Ji. Marsden, Sr., who return
ed recently from Germany following a
stay there with her son and daughter-in-law,
Major and Mrs. Henry H. Mars
den, Jr. Guests will include old friends
of Mrs. Marsden.
Mrs. Earl S n e 1 1 returned the latter
part of the week from a visit at Arling
ton. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kirk will be
hosts to members of the Subscription
club committee at their beach home to
morrow for the day and for dinner.
In the group will be Mr. and Mrs.
John R. Caughell, Mr. and Mrs. Brey
man Boise, Mr. and Mrs. Donald McCar
gar, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Phillips, Sr., Mr.
and Mrs. Werner Brown, Mr. and Mrs.
Ronald E. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Hnllis W.
Huntington, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd W. She
pard, and the Kirks.
Johnson-Myers Wedding Recent
J I J'-; xf :
I m L A W
RRIDR AT A nt'At TIH'I. wrriiling lal Sunday allrrnoon In thr Hrl rreshvterlan rhurrh Mrs. Ilrnrr n.
Jnhnvin Jrannr Mtrnil, Known hrrr Kith hrr altrnitanm. In In right. Mt Ci rare tihields. brlrlrsroairt ; Mrs,
l.lovil V. lwls l.tanlre Myirl, Fugrne. matron of honor for hrr twin nlMrr; the bride: and Sharon MrNall. the
flower girl. Mrs. Johnson la the daughter of Dr. and Mrs, Burton A. Mjrri, tnttgn Johnson, ISN, ton of Mrs,
Don Johnson of talrm.
National Business Women9 s Week
43 tfeiy frf'r M l4 Iklv k 4 'If ;K
DISCl'SSING PLANS for the National Business Women's week, opening tomorrow,
club. Lrfl to right: Mrs. Marlon
Dancing Parties
Two dancing parties are on the cal
endar for next week-end.
Wisteria club's first dance of the sea
son is booked for Friday evening in the
Veterans of Foreign Wars hall, dancing
to be between 9 and 12 o'clock with
Guy Albin's orchestra playing.
Officers of the club and their wives
are in charge for this dance, including
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Aschenbrenner, Mr.
and Mrs. Floyd I. Baxter and Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Quistad.
For Waverly Club
Waverly club's initial dance of the
new season is to be next Saturday eve
ning. October 15, a buffet dinner dance
being arranged at the Marion hotel be
tween 9 and 12:30 o'clock. Wulfer's
orchestra is to play.
Robert G. Brady, Jr., as club vice pres
ident is in charge of naming commitees
for the dance.
Mrs. P. W. Hale entertained Thursday
evening at an informal party and shower
honoring Mrs. M. S. Leek (Ruby Wheat
ley). Pink and blue featured the dec
orations. Honoring Mrs. Leek were Mrs. Ray
Redding. Mrs. R. A. Magsulet, Mrs. Ed
ward Rands, Mrs. S. A. Wheatley, Mrs.
Howard Perry, Mrs. Kenneth Morris,
Mrs. Eric Horlin, Mrs. H. K. Morris, Mrs.
Glenn Scherich, Mrs. Thurston Gilchrist
of Albany, and the hostess.
Gamma Phi Beta alumnae have post
poned their October meeting from the
second Monday until tile third Mon
day, October i7.
Event With Reception Following
Wooden, Mrs. tmily iiowaru, i.ira.
Ethel Farr,
Mrs. Silas E. Fairham has planned a
dinner to honor her daughter, Miss Ed
ith Fairham, and the latter's fiance, Pe
ter M. Gunnar, for next Thursday eve
ning, the event to follow the Gunnar
Fairham wedding rehearsal. The dinner
will be at the Senator hotel, covers to
be marked for 18, the group including
members of the wedding party, the fa
milies and Dr. and Mrs. G. Herbert
Smith as additional guests.
Miss Fairham and Mr. Gunnar are to
be married next Friday evening in the
First Methodist church, the service to
be at 8 o'clock.
Mrs. Stuart Compton will be hostess
Thursday evening for the meeting of
Chapter CB of P.E.O. Sisterhood.
Governor and Mrs. Douglas McKay
will be among those attending the Pa
cific International Livestock Exposition
horse show Monday evening. Governor
McKay is returning from Arizona that
afternoon, Mrs. McKay to join him at
Portland to go to the show.
On Friday evening, Governor and
Mrs. McKay will be among special guests
at the banquet of the Oregon State Med
ical society meeting in Eugene.
On Saturday, the McKays will be
among the Salemites attending the Ore
gon State-Montana football game at Cor
vallis. A party and shower honoring Mrs.
Carlton Greider is planned by Mrs.
Glenn McCormick, Mrs. Marie Ling and
Mrs. Ethel Lau on Thursday evening
at the McCormick home. Guests will
be members of the Soroptimist club of
which Mrs. Greider is a member, and
other friends.
JrtnMi!r Studio Piclurt
Jeten-MlUer Studio Picture
are these four in the Salem
Mrs. Charles Forrette, general
Salem Group Arranges Breakfast,
Formal Dinner, Tea for Week
The new week will be an auspicious
occasion for the Salem Business and
Professional Women's club whose 150
members join thousands of fellow mem
bers for the annual observance of "Na
tional Business Women's Week," opening
tomorrow. The week each year is set
aside by the National Federation of
Business and Professional Women's
club as an occasion of recognition for
women in business and the professions.
A breakfast tomorrow morning, the
annual formal public affairs banquet
next Wednesday evening, and the tea
to compliment past presidents of the
local club on Sunday, October 16, are
the three major social gatherings of the
The pre-week event was held this past
Monday, the Salem club presenting
Mayor Dorothy McCullough Lee of Port
land as guest speaker for its annual pro
gram at the Chamber of Commerce
Service to the community and an
understanding of its problems are
stressed in the theme for the week.
The breakfast Sunday morning is the
annual event honoring the club presi
dent. Mrs. John Versteeg as this year's
president is the honoree. The break
fast will be at 9 a.m. in the Cave room
at the Senator hotel.
At Breakfast
A "surprise program" is planned. Miss
Betty Elofson is general chairman for
the breakfast. Mrs. Eugene Estes is in
charge of decorations. Mrs. Jessie Mick
elson and Mrs. Alma Werstlein in charge
of music; Miss Ruth McAdams for res
ervations: Miss Minnie Just and Miss
Helen Hiller. tickets: Miss Zula Van
Gilder and Mrs. Katherine Hughes, host-'
Following the breakfast the members
will go in a group for "attend church
Sunday'1 at the Jason Lee Methodist
church. Mrs. Ver?loeR's church.
"Eoost Your Town. It Boosts You."
the general theme for the week, will be
the top'C for the formal banquet pro
gram next Wednesday evening.
Mrs. Virtor P. Morris of Eugene
is to lie guest speaker.
The banquet will be at 6:30 o'clock in
the Marion hotel Mirror room.
The 30th anniversary for the Salem
club will be featured in the decorations
fur the event. Mrs. Byron B. Herrirk
is to give the collect and Miss Alberta
Shoetaake will give the flag salute. For
the music. Mrs. Robert F. Anderson is
to sing. Miss Hazel Brockhohn is to
play the piano, Miss Margaret Ralins
will give violin solos and Mrs. Dalbert
Jepsen is to play the 'cello. Mrs. Alma
Werstlein is to lead the opening and
closing soni;s.
Mrs. John Verslrrg will preside.
Mrs. Arthur Wrririle is general chair
man for tiiis public relations banquet.
Members of her committee are: Mrs.
Vivian Hoenig. Mrs. Paul Heath, Mrs.
K. N. Voorhees. Mrs. William Linfoot,
Miss Jean Spaulding, decorations; Miss
Mathilda Gillrs. Mrs. Sue Booch. Miss
Mildred Yetter. Mrs. Hallie Shard, tick
ets: Mrs. Jessie M. Davidson, Mrs. Dana
Billctcr, hostesses: Miss Ruth Mc
Adams. reservations.
Past presidents of the Salem cluh,
which today Is observing its 30th
anniversary, will be honored at a
tea for which the club members will
be hostesses next Sunday afternoon,
October 16.
The tea will be given at the home of
Mrs. Emily Howard. The affair is ar
ranged between 3 and 5 o'clock.
Mrs. LuVerne Hardwirke. Miss Vada
L. Hill and Mrs. Mabel Clock, the three
directors of the club, are the commit
tee arranging the tea.
Honor Tast Presidents
Mrs. John Versteeg. local president,
will introduce to the line. In the receiv
Opens on Sunday; Salem
COMMITTEE ARRANGING the tea to honor past presidents of the Salem BPW club!
on October 16 includes these three directors, left to right, Vada L. II. 1, Mrs. Mabel
Clock and Mrs. LuVerne Hardwlcke, chairman. The tea Is to De av ine nome 01 mrS,
Emily Howard.
ing line will be the honored past presi
dents attending the tea.
Assisting about the living room will
be Mrs. Sue Booch, Mrs. Alma Wesrtlein,
Mrs. Viola Parks, Miss Minnie Just, Mrs.
Dana Billeter, the latter to pass the guest
Pouring during the first hour will be
Mrs. Robert M. Fischer, Jr. and Mrs.
E. A. Tueski, and during the sec
ond hour, Miss Hazel Roenicke and Mrs.
Hallie Shard.
Inviting guests into the dining room
and serving will be Mrs. Blanche Hull,
Mrs. Thomas E. Rilea, Jr., Miss Alberta
Shoemake, Miss Eleonor Roberts, Mrs.
Jessie M. Davidson, Mrs. D. L. Ringle,
Miss Ellen Van Arsdale, Mrs. Eugene
Mrs. Vivian Hoenig is chairman for
Mrs. Jessie Bush Mickelson is arrang
ing the music, featuring a string trio,
Miss Carol Lee, violinist, Miss Sidney
Kromer, 'cellist, and Miss Laurel Herr,
pianist, the three also to sing in trio.
Pi Beta Phi alumnae are meeting next
Thursday evening for their first gath
ering of the fall, the meeting to be at
the chapter house.
Hostesses will be Mrs. Kenneth Potts,
Mrs. Joseph M. Dcvers, Jr., Mrs. Loren
Hicks, Mrs. Peter Gaiser, Mrs. Harrison
W. Elgin, Jr., Mrs. Ralph Nohlgren, Mrs.
John Copenhaver, Miss Adelle Egan,
Miss Carolyn Brady.
Mrs. Prince W. Byrd is to entertain for
her study club meeting Monday after
noon at her home, the group to meet for
salad luncheon at 1 o'clock. Mrs Jack
Stump of Monmouth is to be guest to
discuss books and reviews for the group.
The auxiliary to the Marion-Polk
Medical society is to have its first meet
ing on Tuesday evening, at the home
of Mrs. Burton A. Myers, dessert to be
at 7 o'clock. Mrs. Robert F. Anderson
is chairman of the committee of host
esses. Mrs. Horace Miller is president
of the auxiliary this year.
KD Dance club has arranged a party
for this evening in Four Corners hall,
dancing to be between 9 and 1 o'clock.
On the committee for the hard times
dance arc Mr. and Mrs. Louis Cross, Mr
and Mrs. Larry Moorman and Mr. and
Mrs. Harlan Moorman.
Mr. and Mrs. K. B. Kugol will be
hosts to their card club this evening.
Auxiliary Silver Tea October 18
Calendared for Tuesday afternoon, October 1R. is one of the important events
of each fall in Salem, the annual silver tea of the Salem General Hospital auxiliary.
This year's event will be at the beautiful home of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J.
Fry, on South High street.
Hours will be between 2:30 and 5:30 o'clock.
The silver tea is one of the ways through which the auxiliary secures funds
In purchasing needed equipment at the hospital. This year the auxiliary plai
to use the tea funds toward purchase of a new stretcher for the operating roor
and a new sterilizer for the laboratory, and beyond that, to accumulate funds to
assist with the proposed new nursery.
Mrs. Lora Taylor Hawkins and Mrs. John H. Carson are co-chairmen for the
lea. Mrs. Lester Barr is chairman for tickets. Mrs. Charles S. Campbell and
Mrs. Edward Roth are in charge of the refreshments.
Mrs. P. D. Quisenberry and Mrs. Paul R. Hendricks are chairmen for decora
tions. Mrs. Wilmer C. Page is chairman for the group contacting those to assist
in the dining room.
Mrs. Carl E. Nelson is president of the auxiliary.
Jesten-Mtller Studio P'rl
Delta Gamma alumnae are to be el-
fertained Thursday evening by Mjs
Vivian Chandler, Mrs. Albert A. Con
and Miss Virginia Mason at the hoiie
of Miss Chandler.. The meeting is It
8 o'clock. New Delta Gammas in tl
city are invited to attend.
Junior guild of St. Paul's Episcorll
church is meeting Tuesday at 1 p.m. flr
luncheon at the parish house, this beilg
the first meeting of the fall. The guld
is sponsoring a rummage sale on Octorir
14 and 15, and members are asKea
bring their articles to the Tuesday met
Mrs. E. G. Sanders and Mrs. E.
Smith will be hostesses Tuesdef aflf-
noon to members of Chapter BC bf
P.E.O Sisterhood, the meeting to best
1:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. San
ders, 1050 Lamberson,
Chapter AB of P.E.O. Sisterhood Bis
Its meeting planned for Monday e-
ning, Mrs. Glenn Briedwell and Mrs
Etta Pearl White to be hostesses to e
group at the home of the former
Mrs. Carlton J. McLeod will entertin
Wednesday evening at her home for
meeting of St. Cecelia guild of St. Paul'
Episcopal church at 8 o'clock.
Executive board of the American le
gion auxiliary, Capital unit No. 9,
meet Monday at 8 p.m. at the home of
Mrs. D. A. Appcrson, route 5, Box 191,
Regular meeting for unit No. ljfl,
American Legion auxiliary, will be next
Tuesday evening as a business session
in the Salem Woman's club, basemiit
Regular day for (he S:lem Women's
Golf association will be Wednesday at
the Salem Golf club. Annual meeting
is slated for October 19 with the final
golf day on October 26 and the stagelte
party on November 2 to wind up the
A two-ball foursome event is planned
by golfers for Sunday, October lSsJ
Delta Gamma Mothers club announces
its first fall meeting for 2 p.m.. MontUy,
at the sorority chapter house. Ol'ficf rs In-,
elude; Sirs. I.estle J. Sparks, president;
Mrs. L. M. Case, secretary; Mrs. O. B.
Long, vice president.
Mrs. Arthur A Fisher is to be hostess
to her bridge club Wednesday afternoon
for dessert and cards.
CluVs 150
AMONG COMMITTEE workers for the national week in the BPW club are these,
left to right: Miss Eleonor Roberts, publicity co-chairman; Miss Betty Elofson, chairman
for the breakfast tomorrow; Mrs. Arthur Weddle, chairman for the public relations ban
quet Wednesday.
AAU W Tea to Honor New Members
New and prospective members of the
Salem branch of the American Associa
tion of University Women will be hon
ored at a meeting and tea next Friday,
October 14 at 2 o'clock at Baxter hall.
There is to be a speaker, to be named
Miss Elise Schroeder, president, has
announced that all women in the com
munity who are interested in member
ahip in the association are invited to
attend. Women with degrees from
AAUW approved institutions are eligible
to national membership. Women not
currently registered as undergraduates
who have eompleted, as regularly ma
Vtriculated students in any college or
'university listed as approved, at least
two full years of non-protessionai worn
are eligible for associate membership in
the Salem branch.
Chairmen of the AAUW study groups
will outline their programs at the next
meeting. The association sponsors study
groups in international relations, liter
ature, child study, social studies and
travel and also a recent graduate social
group. A new gardening study group
is being organized for the first time this
The association also may sponsor
groups in interior decoration, art, French
and Spanish. Membership in many of
these groups Is open to any women in
the Salem area who desire to partici
pate in the education program of the
association but are not eligible for mem
bership. " Miss Mabel P. Robertson, chairman of
' the membership committee, and her
" committee members, Miss Marjorie Ches-
' ter and Mrs. John R. Goldsmith, will
introduce new members of the associa
tion at the meeting.
Following the meeting, tea will be
served. Mrs. Custer E. Ross and Mrs.
George Rossman will pour.
Hostesses, appointed by Mrs. Gordon
Carl, hospitality chairman, include Miss
Ida Mae Smith, Miss Mary Ann Foley,
Miss Jessica Kinsey and Mesdames C.
' E. Gray, Maynard Nelson, Gordon O.
Leonard, Howard I Sargent, T. W.
Churchill. Wilbur S. Ankney and Nor
man W. Frees.
" Mrs. W. O. Mills, decorations chair
man for the branch, has appointed Mrs.
George E. Allen as chairman of decora-
"i tions for the tea. Mrs. Ellen A. Fisher
will assist with the decorations.
leaving the latter part of next week
for San Francisco will be Dr. and Mrs.
Floyd Utter. Dr. Utter is to attend the
national convention for the American
Dental association. Mrs. Utter plans to
remain in California for a month, going
on south after the convention.
Gaiety Hill Garden club is meeting,
Monday. Mrs. Walter H. Smith to he
hostess to the group at her Mission street
home at 1 o'clock.
Social afternoon for members of Chad
wick chapter, Order of Eastern Star,
will be Tuesday, dessert to be at 1:15
o'clock, followed by cards.
On the committee are Mrs. S. A,
Wheatley, Mrs. Frank J. Jirak. Mrs. J.
E. England, Mrs.' F. E. Wilhelm, Mrs.
Clarence Bower, Mrs. Jasper O. Barrcll,
Mrs. F. C. Rock, Mrs. Julius Pincus, Mrs.
Cora Smith, Mrs. Effie Luehrs. Mrs. A.
Ochlcr. Mrs. Edith Kelly, Mrs. Richard
G. Severin.
Soroptimist club's regular luncheon
meeting will be Wednesday noon at the
Golden Pheasant. Carlton Greider of
, the VMCA staff is to be guest speaker.
On Monday evening will be held the
regular meeting of Marion auxiliary.
Veterans of Foreign Wars, at the VFW
hall at 8 o'clock.
Members Plan
Jestn-Miller 8tudio Fict-iro
HE ANNUAL flower show and
guest day meeting for the Salem
Woman's club will be next Fri
day, October 14, at the group's club
house, this being the regular meeting
date. The executive board will meet
at 1 p.m., the general club at 2 p.m.
Mrs. George Kaye, who recently left
Salem to live in Portland to open the
Kaye and Kaye studios there, is to be
guest speaker on the topic "Interior
Featuring the musical program will
be songs by Josephine Albert Spaulding,
accompanied by Mrs. Alfred A,
Mrs. James A. Garson and Mrs.
George E. Crockett are co-chairmen for
the flower show part of the program,
Mrs. Percy R. Kelly and Mrs. L. M.
Ramage and their committee in charge.
Mrs. George W. Ailing, club president,
invites all interested in the program to
Salem Memorial Hospital auxiliary is
meeting Monday afternoon at 1:30
o'clock at the hospital. Mrs. Thad
Moreland, Mrs. Frank Jirak, Mrs.
George Hewitt, Mrs. A. J. Becker and
Mrs. Richard Upjohn are the committee
of hostesses. The board meeting is to
be held at 12:45 o'clock at the hospital,
Mrs. George O. Leonard, president, pre
siding. Laurel Social Hour club is to meet on
Tuesday, dessert to he at 1:30 o'clock at
the home of Mrs. F. X. Hoereth, Mrs.
William Zimmerman assisting.
Rotana club members will be enter
tained by Mrs. Lylc Rains at her home,
1580 Jefferson street. Monday evening
at 8 o'clock, this being the regular
monthly session for the club. Miss
Zclma King is assistant hostess. Mrs.
Rains is leaving soon to make her home
in Portland.
Prof. Paul Beal of the Romance lan
guage department at Willamette uni
versity, who returned recently from a
trip to Europe, is to he guest sneaker.
His topic is "France As It Is Today "
Otficers of the Royal Neighbors of
America Sewing club wiil arrange a
luncheon Wednesday for the group in
Mayflower hall at 12:30 o'clock.
Tea Planned Tuesday
A tea of interest to a large group is
arranged for Tuesday afternoon as the
season's opening event for the Salem
Women's Army and Navy League. The
tea will honor new officers and new
members of the group and is to be given
at the H. G. Ma:son residence. 185 South
15th, between 3 and 5 o'clock Tuesday
Greeting at the door will be Mrs. Far
ley Mogan Mrs. Bert A. Walker is to
pass the guest book.
In the receiving line will be Mrs. W.
C. Dyer, Jr.. last year's president of the
league. Mrs. George Spaur. this year s
president, Mrs. Maison, Mrs. Raymond
Olson. Mrs. Richard N. Chase. Mrs M.
H. Saffron. Mrs. Henry A. Meyer.
Assisting about the living room will
be Mrs. Robert Brownell, Mrs. T. W.
Hardisty. Mrs. Leonard Hicks. Mrs.
Frank Keating, Mrs. Stephen Foucl , k.
Pouring during the first hour will ie
Mrs. Hugh Adams and Mrs. Francis T.
Wade, and during the second hour. Mrs.
Carl H. Cover and Mrs. Sidney D. Hoff
man. On the directorate in charge of the
tea are Mrs. Dyer as general chairman:
Mrs. Wallace S. Wharton, Mrs. Cover
and Mrs. Chase, invitations: Mrs. Adams
and Mrs. Wade, decorations: Mrs. Mo
gan, tea: Mrs. Hoffman and Mrs Rob
ert S. Gentzkow, arranging for assistants.
Varied Activities During Period
EACH SPECIAL event in a club
on the special week's committees for
Mrs. Claude W. Jorge nsen.
TONTA club has a busy week ahead.
Wc On Tuesday evening, the club
'' ' is meeting for a special gathering
at the home of Miss Genevieve Morgan,
Miss Delia Stephenson of Everett, Wash.,
district governor for Zonta clubs, to be
a special guest. Miss Alene Phillips,
Miss Nellie Schwab, Miss Lena Belle
Tartar and Mrs. William E. Smith will be
hostesses with Miss Morgan for the
Next Thursday noon brings the reg
ular luncheon meeting for the club at
the Golden Pheasant. The Blue Cross
plan is to feature the program. Jos
ephine Albert Spaulding is to sing, Mrs.
Alfred A. Schramm as accompanist.
Semi-formal Halloween Benefit
C.W.K EVENT OF the fall for the Junior Woman's rlub membership and ue,ts will he the annual benefit dance
planned as a Halloween week-end event Saturday, October 2!l, at the armory. The rommillee met Ihls week to plan
for the event, ratherln. at the new home of Mr.. Kusene Morrison, chairman of the dance, on Mwell avenue. In
the upper picture are: Left to rlaht, Mr.. Morrl.on. Mm Peerv T, Boren. Ml.. Bet.y Jean B'r,nr. k., In
Lewis Mis. Marilvn NeKon. In the lower picture, left Ui rihl, are: Mm. Clarence Htanlry. Mr. Mam Kpeertra, Mrs.
Don Cannon, Mrs. L. O. Stoddard, Mrs. Donald Cooper, co-chairman, and Mrs. Tom Gabriel.
activity requires workers for reservations, music and tickets. These three are
the BPW club, left to right: Misa Ruth McAdams. Mrs. Alma Werstlein and
On Friday and Saturday several Sa
lem members will be at Medford for
the annual fall conference of the Zonta
clubs in Oregon and Washington. Miss
Dorothy Pearce, Mrs. Margaret Rose
crans, Dr. Helen Pearce and Miss Gene
vieve Morgan will be among those at
tending from here. Miss Morgan is the
district vice governor.
The October meeting for the board
of directors of the Salem YWCA will be
next Tuesday morning at 9:45 o'clock
in the YW, Mrs. Alfred A. Schramm,
president, in charge.
Dance Set by Junior Woman's Club
Jeatf n-Miller Studio PlcUr
DcMolay Mothers club announces a
benefit card party for the evening of
October 24.
The party will be at the Masonic tem
ple at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Paul Baker is
general chairman.
Reservations may be made with Mrs.
Louis Lorenz or Mrs. Lloyd Hughes.
President of the club is Mrs. Harry
First meeting of the club Is planned
as a luncheon next Thursday, October
13, at the Masonic temple. All DcMolay
mothers are invited.
JrM'n-MIU'r atudio Picture!
RIDE this afternoon wai Misa
Pauline Miller, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Steve J. Miller, who wai
married to Chester Rosa Morrow, Jr.,
son of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Morrow of
Hubbard. The service was solemnized
at 2:30 o'clock in St. Joseph's Catholic
church, the Rev. John O'Callaghan offi
ciating. Lavender and yellow chrysanthemums
and asters were arranged at the front
of the church for the wedding, and yel
low and white chrysanthemums, tied
with matching satin ribbons, set off the
first few pews.
For the music, Mrs. Frank S. Thomp
son of Gervais sang, Mrs. Mary Barton
playing the organ.
Given in marriage by her father, the
bride wore a slipper satin gown de
signed with a fitted bodice and a row
of tiny buttons down the back, a lace
yoke and long pointed sleeves. The full
skirt had inserts of lace and the train
was edged with a ruffle of the satin.
With the dress the bride wore a strand
of pearls, gift of the bridegroom. The
fingertip veil, lace edged, was arrang
ed from a tiara of seed pearls. For her
flowers the bride carried a bouquet of
pink Turner chrysanthemums with a
white orchid in the center.
Miss Caroline Miller was maid of
honor for her sister. Her gown was in
lavender and with it she wore a halo
of lavender chrysanthemums in her hair
and carried a nosegay of the yellow
chrysanthemums. Mrs. John Hagan and
Miss Marie Miller, sisters of the bride,
were the other two attendants. Their
gowns were identical to that of the maid
of honor, but in yellow, and they wore
tile yellow flowers in their hair and car
ried nosegays of the lavender blooms.
Ronald Eckstein was best man. Ush
ers were Joe Pettit and Gordon Bennett.
The two mothers both wore plum-colored
gowns with black accessories and
corsages of orchids.
Following the church service was a
reception in Mayflower hall. Mrs.
Wayne Kunze and Miss Jacqueline All
port had charge of the gifts and passing
the guest book was Miss Betty Miller,
sister of the bride. Mrs. Leo Miller and
Mrs. Lena Goodman, both aunts of the
bride, served the cake. Miss Verlaine
Walker was at the coffee urn, Miss Eve
lyn Benz at the punch bowl. Assisting
with the serving were Mrs. Clarence
Cox, Mrs. John Cooter, Miss Dorothy
Neuharth, Miss Fay Rolie, Mrs. Fabian
Nelson, Jr., Mrs. Robert Swanson.
Among out-of-town guests at the wed
ding were Mr. and Mrs. Leo Miller and
son, Duane, and Mrs. Lena Goodman,
all of Tacoma; Mr. and Mrs. William
Davis of Camas, Wash.; Mr. and Mrs.
Marion Crews of Stevenson, Wash.; Mr.
and Mrs. Free Crews, Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Richlederfer and sons, Malcolm and
Theron, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Kase
berg and children, Patricia and Larry,
all of Wasco, Ore., Miss Shirley Utting
and Elmo Manani of San Francisco, Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Aebischer of Sherwood,
For going away the bride wore a
cardinal red fitted suit with black hat
and accessories, and corsage of orchids.
Following a trip into Nevada and Cali
fornia the couple will be at home in
Salore club for young business wo
men has planned a program meeting for
Monday evening at 8 o'clock in the
YWCA. Mrs. Katherine B. Hughes of
the Stevens and Sons store staff is to
show a picture on Gorham's silver, pre
senting the history of silver and how it
is made. A question period will follow.
Miss Lavonne Schuessler, president of
the club, invites all Interested to attend.
Members of Chapter BQ of P.E.O.
Sisterhood will be entertained by Mrs.
Ralph K. Purvine and Mrs. Lillian Ek
hlad, .Monday evening, at the home of
the former.
UO Parents Meet
Arranged for Monday evening is the
fall's first gathering for the University
of Oregon Dads and Mothers clubs of
A no-host dinner is to be served in
Mayflower hall at 6:30 o'clock.
Invitation is extended especially to
parents of new students as well as to
parents of present students and alumni
of the university. All attending are to
take their own table service and any
who may not have been contacted by
the committee are asked to call Mrs.
W. W. Baum, 38164.
Special guests for the evening will be
Vergil S. Fogdall. dean of men at the
university, and Mrs. Fogdall; Mrs. J.
Allan Wickham, dean of women, and
Mr. Wickham
On the dinner committee with Mrs.
Baum, who is general chairman, are
Mrs. Merrill D. Ohling. Mrs. Robert M.
Fitzmaurice, Mrs. H. H. Barlow, Mrs.
G. S. Hoffman, Mrs. A. E. Archibald,
Mrs. E. C. Charlton, Mrs. John H. Car
kin, Mrs. L. V. Benson.
Officers of the two clubs this year
include the following; Mothers club,
Mrs. Grant B. Fallin, president; Mrs.
Aubrey S. Tussing, vice president; Mrs.
M I). Fidler. secretary; Mrs. Oliver B.
Huston, treasurer; Mrs. John R. Caugh
ell. social chairman: Mrs. G. S. Hoffman,
chairman fnr the club rummage sale.
Dads club: John R. Caughell, president;
M. I). Fidler, secretary-treasurer.
MciiiImts of the local group of the
White Shrine of Jerusalem have arrang
ed a special social meeting and no-host
dinner for next Wednesday evening,
October 12, the dinner to be at 8:30
o'clock in the Masonic temple for all
members and friends.
Spinsters club is meeting Monday
evening, Mrs. Carl ('.. Collins, Miss Es
ther Baird and Mrs. James II. Nirholson,
Jr., lo entertain the group at the Col
lins home.
The Wednesday afternoon literature
group of the American Association of
University Women is meeting this
week at the home of Miss Ida Mae Smith,
625 North 15th, at 1:15 o'clock. Miss
Brenda Glass of the state library if to
bt the. speaker.