Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, October 08, 1949, Page 12, Image 12

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Pontiac Good Will Cars
'46 Pontiac Sedan Coupe. R&H $1395
'42 Ply. D.L. Sport Coupe $545
'41 Ford Sport Coupe $445
'38 Olds Sedan $395
'37 Pontiac Sedan $165
'38 Pontiac Coupe ....$ 145
'36 Dodge $195
'37 Willys Sedan $145
'36 Ply. Coupe $ 65
MO M. Liberty
1948 Hudson Commodore 6 Sedan, R&H.
1948 Ford Deluxe Coach, very clean.
1947 Chevrolet Coupe. Heater, sportlight.
1947 Ford Coupe, sharp, and priced o low.
1948 Hudson Sedan. Extra low mileage.
1942 Chev. Aero Sedan. R&H, new paint.
1941 Chev. Sedan. The cleanest and beat in town.
Plus a good selection of most makes and models.
PHONE 2-7023
WANTED: Clean uaeO cart.
3100 South Commercial
1037 CHEV. aedan. No dents. Oood tlrei.
New paint. 1274. 861 Roaemont. Ph.
19.17 FORD Coupe. In good running con
dition. $150. 1090 Shipping. q240'
3S FORD Fordor.
R &H. 1720 Lancaster
'49 HIAWATHA motor scooter. Excellent
cond. Ph. 2-8021 or 1935 N. 24th after
4 pjo. .a242
BEST BUT on Harley Davidaon motor
cycl. '48 45 cu. In. Terms. May be seen
morn. b eves.. 629 N. Winttr or days at
j"0 ' r
10 CLETBAC crawler tractor with Isaac
son blade. Oood running cond. Ph.
3.4785. qji
Penonal Finance Co. 818 Btate. Rm.
125. Lie. - S-122 - M-165. C. R. Allen.
WANT LOANS on real estate (1800 to
112 000. Good security tt good Interest.
Rep. Ph. 1-1111. 112 6. Liberty, Salem.
182 8, Church
Parking Plenty
Ph. 1-1451 Lie. No. M-1M S-154
$ CASH $
Hollywood Finance Co.
198 Fairground Road
Next Door to Bank
Free Parking
Phon 17032 Lie N US 69-8291
Floyd Kenyon, Mgr. 1
Special Rates and Terms
On Larger Loans
Long and Short Tims
111 South Commercial SL Poena 1-9161
I to 40 Tears and No Commlsslog)
Leo N. Childs, Inc.
144 Stats St. Phons 1-8663
Lie. S-1M and U-l
S. Commercial St. Tel. 3-0161
AV.". and B4
TOUR OWN TERMS of repanntnt within
reason. Cash for Real Estats Contract
nd Second Morutacea.
101 Pioneer Trust Bids. Ph. 1-7162 t
W FACTORY built. New stoves. Oood
cond. Very reasonable. Fir Crest Trailer
Park. N. River Rd. t240
is rr r.tinrit houae trailer. Sleeps
flood condition. S240 So. Com'l. t243
WANT RIDER from Ssm to Albany or
Corvalli Mon. thru Friday. Ph. 3-8M8.
All makes oetd msehlnss sold, ronttd.
repaired Roan 4M Court Phone 1-8T7J
ELECTRIC HOME appliance repair at met
new appilanem Vioct's Biectrle Phone
Pre sat: mates Trade -In accepted en
1-9239 1 37 8 Liberty St
Lawn mowers, sriMora. knivej sharp
ened. Dexter. 1220 Center. 3-6833.
Authorwed Warranty Repair Station
for all makes of Auto Radios Morrow
Radio Co, 151 8 Liberty Ph 1-6955
iMiti. rriP rib Bhona I-91I6 Night
1-1804 13" Center
Ulks Panek. 2T5 8 Com I. Ph. 1-5161
Brake and wheel specialist.
Bn.-k Jk block work of all kinds.
perlenced, competent masons. Call
DaviLoD Bros.. Ph. 3-6347. 0256
Remodel rrpa:r that horns now Terms
Ni down payment Prion 1-4650
Alt Bros. A Io botues raised. New (nun
dan una. Phons 3-59Q9. Q342'
Bj.ldorinf . Ievrl;ni. road bids.. clear
Ine, teeth for br-uh Virtl! Hiftty. lft10
a ix lew Ave, pa. 3-1144, Btkia. !
Dean Robinson.
Ph. 2-6537 or 1-4306.
Instant delivery of new RCA east
register Al makes sold rented,
pa:-ed Roen 456 Court Ph 1-677
For expert guaranteed satisfaction new
or repair of foundation, sidewalks.
driveways, patios, urba, walls, etc. Call
Purnac chimney vicuura cleined.
concrete wobk Bus Driver Admits
iia,a.&gaa "l Stealing $4500 in Fares
press makinq Colorado Springs, Colo., Oct.
Ait. drau mutini. oood iui eiothw 8 (U.R) A 54-year-old bus driver
tor !. aio Bt.t. at. Rm. . oiu charged with embezzlement ad-
electrical contracting mitted today that the nickles
vine.. ILctrlo for lectrlc.l wlrlM. and dimes he cribbed from fares
eontractlDf, rtplrlnt. 117 S- Liberty
j.-o o and express charges netted him
exterminators $4,500 over seven' years,
cockroich. Moth ixterminator service. District Attorney James F.
ph. i-imt. Le croa. km Petri. o- Quine ,aid Joy L Pitts, veteran
rLO'"T driver for the Cripple Creek-
Brcith.u.ri tor nower. DieJ i-tiTS victor Stage Lines, admitted the
ntL "- thefts since 1943. Pitts said he
t'hel; itove ea dleael oil. Ph. I-S1B6. nhnilt 00 nut of parh
Shell Oil Co I T. Uaiw.n. dutrlbutor. ep; " . Z UU 0Ut OI eaC"
e34i day s collections.
Vacuumed el repaired. Diorak. Ph. ! jALtM MAKIt I J
HOUSEHOLD PRODUCT Completed from reporfe el Salem dealere
. . for the evidence of Capital JonroaJ
J. R. Watklna Oo. mtM. tw Reader.. (Reylud dally).
4T.ry 1717 Center. Ph. S-5W. o Retail Peed Prleee:
insulation ,v?!.l,T',,:.
. Rabbit Pellet. S4.30.
Johna-ManrlUe. Phono i-74. o Dairy Feed (3.70.
INSTRUMENT REPAIR Poultry! Buying price. -Oraile A color-
fd hen. 33c; trade A Leghorn hen..
Expert mualctl Intrument repair. All u.lfle; grade A colored fryer., three lb.
work fully guaranteed, JACQUXTH UU and up, 27-39e. Orade A old roostera, l&c.
BIO OO., Ph. 1-4141. o34t Egge
. Buying Price. Eitra lane AA. 6c:
JAINTOR SERTIOR lane AA. 5c; lane k. 3-Sc: mrdlum AA.
.... , g-n . 53c: medium A, Sl-ft2e: pullet., 34-37c.
W lnflOW Oleanin? Whole..le Price. Egg wholesale price,
a-r,!.. nee W.zrog '",0 tlx"" P"ee.l abore grade A
AMiIU0AJJ. , . .A ' : (buying prlte.l.
Ph. Salem I-H3I fillt wholeealo grade A. 7c: re-
P A. Doerfler Sou, Ornaroontau. MO DIRECTORY
N. Lanoarter Dr. M 4 Cor. Ph t-1131. .
. . ... ... Hlke'a Septic Service. Tank, cleaned.
DELUX SERVE SELF Laundry. 141 Jef- sm Rooter Service on Sewer.. 107
ferton St.. Phone 33433. ' ELm St, w. Saetn. Ph. l-(ttt. 3-5337.
Sharpened, guaranteed gervlce. Hn J- ""' " ' eHirn!.
power and hand mower.. Call Harry Electrle machine aervlee on ewe and
W. Scott. 147 S. Com'l St. o359 drain line.. Ouaranteed work. 1143-8'h
-- SI, Welt Salem. Ph. 3-7404. o340
- . ... .. Tacuum Pumping, no mileage charge.
Capital Bedding. Phone S-40M. c, , c0ect ToM., ,, T,
MUSIC LESSONS Service. 2343 state St. Phone 3-0734. o'
Spanish Hawaiian Oultar. Mandolin. SEWING MACHINES
Banjo, ate. 1533 Court St. Ph. I-75IHL R,p,ri guaranteed all make.. Ph. 35588.
0340 1081 Edgewatcr. We.t Salem. 0284
OFFIC1 FPRNTTTJRR e SUPPLIES Bought, .old. rented, repaired. EZ termT
Deak eh.lra, fllea and NUng auppllea. makai. W. Devenport, Ph. 1-7571.
afea, duplicator and auppllee. deak Q254'
lamps, typewriter etaDda. brief Mae. ,rj m,lM repaired, free climate,
lore. Wlra Recorders. Rows. 4M Court ,, g., utrh'm Co 130 No
Commercial Ph. 3-3312. o
Interior painting. C. Horn. Ph. 1-1311. aatnltb Corona. Remington Royal. Under
0257 wood portables. Ah make need machine.
Tlfatrom'. are equipped lo do lout Repair, and rent Roen. 456 Court, o
painting Phone t-3483 0 TRANSFER STORAtll
PAINTING a PAPERHANOINO -oc.l k Tranafer. ..or...
Pklotlot tfc pperlDf. rrtt ut. Ph. t-2oa Burner olla. eoal ttrlqui'U Truckj t
o361 PortlirnJ dtvlty. JUenl for Beltlnj Houj
Pi-rsnivrivn hoW oodJ BiOFfd to nnrhtrt In 01
Kxprrt ind ptlnllnc. 8. Ph 1-8131
J. Woodworth. Ph. I.Mt, rrt VtflANru.INnc'
--. .,w '" Silem Ventitlin Bllna m4t lo order oi
Jrry Johmon. Ph. t631. 0 rtfDlrtfd fuinholdl h UU I-S39
Pilntlni A piprhin!nff. int. fit. timer Tht BUndmin. Ph. 37338, o
dec. H. I. .WO,! Wood. Ph. 1.1.71. iFrTATHTRTfRippINO
P.lntlng and paperhanglng. Free ealiT climates. T. PULLMAN. Ph. t-58.5
mate Ph 1-8513. 337 Shipping. O240 "'
Picture framlna l.tchata Pal.l Store "" s" ".
Phove l-n .
i,-y,-7ZmtA . into aas7. Wabaole. Rolier Made to order 1 Day
FUher lt4Com L Ph. 1-1011; 0lS7 ,, 4 Uwll n , ,.
rRlr.PRATIOHRVICE wlyl0. ctlAwn)0
MUler Refrigeration Seme. Co. Ph. 1-1". Aem. , .,.'
-m oodwor tlmfd Floors elttned
SA.ND OKAVM. .i9 ted po.ljhd Pb t-t311 14
OirdfO Soil, truihtd rock. ShoTel and Court Luidt-i. Culbtruoo ond U.tftfr
drifilnt ciciTitinc. Willlnt Bind
Oriil Co., Ptiont t-tW. ffOQp BAWDI ST
Valley Bind OrM. Oo Bill, nod wt gftni Co P, ,.4M1 e.
til dirt (iciTitlnt 10B thovtl cou
Tractor aeoop tmckj for Urt mvim nnr:ir
Pn offKa UQQl. wa m WUbEa .
gAWS m l.O OJ meeu tvery Wea Ba wrk. Ph. )-toi. UM If ith DPffdhy night Vlsltori wt,
pan ..itif
agffgB9 ap in-nt TAfdi A King wood Lxxige No. 204 AT.
nator iharji tuoi ohim Biadw M Stat communication
cian Btirtra ot Drama BptM Tint Oct, 10, I pjn. Wet 8alemm City
Cloasod Bom. Plv t-U m l-HM Hfcii( 241.
Stock Market
Marking Time
New York, Oct. 8 M Demand
for low-priced shares helped to
prop today's stock market.
Profit taking sales bit into
some recently popular issues and
on the whole the market show
ed a thorough mixture of gains
and losses. Most changes were
A fair amount of business was
done for a Saturday although the
ticker tape came to a full stop
more than once. Turnover was
the rate of around 600.000
shares for the two-hour session.
Callahan Zinc and American
Zinc were among the most act
ive issues, both up around Vs.
point. Callahan closed Friday at
H and American at 6.
Among the steadier spots were
U.S. Steel, Bethlehem Steel,
Willys-Overland, Hudson Mo
tors, Go o d y t a r, Montgomery
Ward, Douglas Aircraft, Admir
al Corp., American Telephone,
Western Union, United Gas
Corp., American Smelting, San
ta Fe, Standard Oil (NJ), Super
ior Oil of California, and R-K-O.
Wheat and Corn
PrirAC halt v
I UVJ gyillrilij
Chicago, Oct. 8 ( Wheat
and corn sold off on the board
of trade today, although large
declines were reduced in a rally
which started shortly before the
close. The July wheat contract
showed the most weakness
throughout the session, falling
more than 2 cents before mak
ing a slight recovery.
The rest of the market was
lower with the leading cereals
during early dealings. Late in
the session, however, a fair sized
demand developed in soybeans
Prices shot up quickly, going
above the previous close. Some
buying came from previous short
sellers. Rye also developed late
strength. Trading was quite ac
tive for a Saturday.
Wheat closed . 'A lower, De
cember 67 H, rye was V4-54
higher, December $1.48V, soy
beans were lVt to 3 cents high
er, November $2.34,A-, and ac
tive lard deliveries were 2 cents
lower to 3 cents a hundred
pounds higher, November $10.60
fjm0mmmimi'i'i'yqsmm nm.w ' oswnimn m mm sLuwi..y; WW! 1 W imam hmhwi
Pewee Tagged
man up
ers In the third world series game at Ebbets
field in Brooklyn, is tagged out by Jerry
Coleman, Yank second sacker, as he tried to
iBt tha Aiioc la ted Pr"aa
Amerlran Can 97 , 1
Am Pow Si Lt 13',
Am Tel it Tel 143',
Anaconda 21
Bendlx Aviation Jl
Beth Bteel 20 n
Boelnft Airplane 21
Calif Packing
Canadian Paclfie 13
Case J I JB
Caterpillar 92
Chrysler 53
Comwith & sou
Cods Vultee 10 '
Continental Can 1'
Crown Zellerbach 2ff
Curtlsa Wright 1
Douglaa Aircraft
Dupont de Nem 64
General Electrle 17 14
General Food 45
General Motora 65 :4
Goodyear Tlra 33',
Int Harvester 2i"t
Int Paper 62
Kennecott 474
Libby McN & L 8V
Lnng Bell "A" 24
Lsomery wara &2T
Nash Kelvlnator 14
Nat Dairy
NY Centra 10
Northern Pacific
Fac Am Pish 12'
Pa Gas & Biro 12
Pa Tel & Tel
Penney J C "
Kadio corp uv
Rayonler 25
Ravonier Pld
Reynold Metal
Safeway Stores
Sears Roebuck
Southern Pacific
Standard Oil Co
Studebaker Corp ;
Sunshine Mining
, 3
. 42 '4
... 34S
Union Oil cal
Union Pacific
United Alrllnei
U 8 Steel
Warner Bros Plo
Wool worth jj.
Salem Livestock Market
ir Vane Packlna ComDanTi
LamtM H9-00 to 120.00
t-eeder lamb -iz-oo 10
pwu ::.:o to 14 00
Cutter cowa W.00 to lio.oo
Fat dairy cowa to
At.11 til 00 to IIS 00
Calvei. rood (300-450 IbJ) 15.00 to 117 00
Veal (150-300 lba.) top ....117.00 to 119.00
Portland Produce
Bultcrfat Tentativt. iilDjec. xo imme
diate change. Premium quality maximum
to .35 to 1 percent aciaity aenrerea m
Portland 63-66c lb.. 92 acoro 01 -64c lb.. 90
score, 57-60C. 19 score, 65c. Valley routes
and country points 3c less than first.
Hatter Whole a a TOH DUia cudm vo
wholesalers: grade S3 score. 2 cents; A
92 score Ale; B 90 score, 69c lb.; C 80
score, 66c. Abova prlcea art strictly
Cheese Bellini priet to poriiana wno-
sale: Oregon singles 30-40c; Oregon 6
loaf 42-3c; triplet i1 less mm
But (To Wholesalers) A arsoo iara,
eS'A-COl'ic; A medium, Sl-54'ic; craria
B larte S6S-ftBl.c; small A grade, 42,0.
Portland Dairy Market
Butter Prlca to retailers: uraae
prints 67c; AA cartons 06c; A prints
btc. a cartons one; a prima mc,
Kggs Prices to retailers: Orado A A
lario 13c dot.; certified A lane, 68c;
lares 67c; AA medium, 68c: certified A,
medium Me: A m odium. SS-ftOc: A am a 11.
43c, cartons 3c additional.
Cheese Price to retailers: roniana
Oregon singles 39-42c: Oregon loaf, 6
Ib. loafs 44S-4SC lb.; triplets, 14 cents less
than singles. Premium brands, singles.
si He id.; loai, ts.
Lira Chicken No. 1 quality POB
plants. No. 1 broiler under 1 lbs. 3ft-3c
lb.: fryers 24.3 lb., 25-J6c; 3-4 lb.. 27
2c; roaster 4 lb, and over. 37-29e; fowl,
Leghorn 4 Iba. and under. 1B-20C, over 4
lbs. 20c; colored fowl all weights, 33 -33c;
roosters, all weights 18-19c.
Rabbits Average to grower, live white,
4.S 1h 18.20a lb : 6-6 lb.. 16-18c lb.:
colored 1 cenu lower; old or heavy dots,
and buck. l-12c; fresh fryer to butchers,
Conntrv.Kllled Meats
Veal, top quality, 30-12 lb.; other
grades according to weight and quality
with poor or heavier 32-28r.
Hogs: Light blocker. 10-llot km, ll
Lambs: Top quality, springers, 38-39e;
mutton, 12-i4c.
Beef: Oood cow. 10 -33c lb.1 eanner
rutters, 30-S2e.
Fresh Dressed Meats
(Wholesaler to retailers per ewt.t:
Bcff steers, good S00-800 lbs., I4S-4S:
commercial. 127-30: utility, 131-34.
Cow Commercial, 131-33: utility, 137
10; etnnera-cutWs. 133-36.
Beef cut (Oood Bteersi: Hind quarters.
8&5-S7; rounds, IS2-55; full loins, trimmed.
173-77; trlansles, 131-33: square chucks.
139-41: ribs. IS2-5S; forequarters. 117-36
Veal and calf: Good. 137-40; commercial,
133-3S: utility. 128-32.
Lambs: Oood -choice spring lamb. 141
46. commerrlal. 136-40: uttlltv. 133-35.
Mutton: Oood. 70 lbs. down. 616-11.
Pork cuU' Loin No, 1 1-12 lbs., 156-87;
jthoulder 16 lbs. down, (40-42; spart
ribs. 147-50: csrca.Mr., 132-31; mlitd
a-elthts 12 per cwt. lower.
Portland Mueellaneous
(asrara Bsrk Dry Wit lb, green 4c lb.
Wool Valley coarsa and medium graLta.
45r lb.
Mohair 35c lb. on 12-month growth.
Hides calves, ane id., according to
weight, kips 350 lb., beef ll-13c lb, bulla
6-7c lb. Country buyers pay So less.
nai Waetailons
Walnat rranqutttes. nrst quality jum
bo, 34 7c; large. 32 7c; medium. 37 3c;
econd Quality jumbos. 30. ac; large, as ac;
medium, 26 3c; baby, 33 1c. soft Knell, first
amy largt. .7c: meaium, ioac; see-
nnd quality large, 37 3c; medium, 34 7e.
be by 33 3c.
ruber is Jumbo, int is. i largs, iac;
medium, 16e; small, lie.
Barbara Krauger Honored
Buena Vista Mrs. Frank
Krauger entertained for her
daughter. Barbara's birthday.
with a party with her school
mates as guets. Games were
played and luncheon served.
Helping her celebrate were Mar
tha Sue Krieg, Sally Krieg, Ann
Powell, Lois Graber, Joslyn and
Roberta Banta, Judy Cook and
the honor guest, Barbara Krauger.
Reese, first
for the Dodg
Oregon CIO Turn
Bridges Down
Bend, Ore., Oct. 8 UP) Long
shoremen won support from the
Oregon CIO convention here yes
terday, but delegates figuratively
turned their backs on Harry
Bridges, the longshore leader.
They rejected a resolution
calling for the federal govern
ment to withdraw its perjury
charges against Bridges. Thus
they followed the recommenda
tion of the state CIO executive
Portland longshoremen, who
offered the resolution, argued
that the perjury charge ws "srt
of an attempt to weaken their
Opponents, rebelling against
what they called "left-wingers
. . . iciiow travelers . . . agents
of a foreign nation" denied that
the case had any effect on the
longshore rank-and-file.
They then complimented the
longshoremen for their "militant
conduct" of the Hawaiian dock
strike, and called It a "noble vic
There was brief mention of the
bargcload of "hot cargo" pineap
ple at The Dalles, Ore., but no
indication as to whether Ion"-
:horemen would be willing to recently when Victor (Cookie)
allow unloading now that tne,neVincenci was given his walk-
Hawaiian strike virtually is set
The barge was brought over
during the Hawaii strike, and
was picKetea by longshoremen.
The owners were unable to un
load. Previously longshoremen
indicated the barge would have
to return to Hawaii before they
would consider unloading it.
Lions Club Issues
Silverton 'Paper'
Silverton The members of
the Lions club received their
first copy of "Lion Lines," pub
lished by Dr. A. L. V. Smith, at
Wednesday evening's dinner and
business program meeting at the
Double J banquet rooms. Gene
Smith, president, was in charge.
assisted by Phillip elites, secre
tary. Frank M. Powell, rone chair
man, told the group of the West
Salem meeting during the past
week. One resolution of the
zone meeting emphasized the
importance of club visitation
with special programs. The
president named a local mem
ber committee to arrange a pro
gram for the visitation with the
Mill City club In the near fu
ture. To serve on the committee
will be Bill Evans, Dr. A. L. V
Smith, Dr. R. F. Schmidt an,d
F. M. Powell
The "Laff It Off" play report
as to finances will be given at
the next regular meeting, it was
announced. High school coach
Murl Anderson, urged support
and attendance at the first game
of football Friday with Molalla
Mra. Satlft Rllrn Marahv
lint. ad:e EUn Murphy, lata raaident
of 610 North Commercial atrfet. at a
hospital Friday. October 7. Mother
of Jamea I. Murphy of Portland and alater
or Mm. C. L. Chan of Watertoan. A. D,
Mra. Ocortc Clum of Willow Lake, 8. D..
Mra. C. V. Kolna of LaPorte City, Iowa
Clarence Down of Orind Coulee, Wa.
Fred Doanea of Stockholm, 8. D, Brt
Downe of Rapid City, 8. D, Charlea
Downea of Kearntr. Neor, and W.
Down of Salem. Survived alao by two
arandchlldren and anvaral nleeea and
nephew, Inrludtni Mra, Fred Preier and
Mra. Nila Clutlt, both Of Salem, Racita
tion of th rosary at the Vtrtll T. Ool
den chapel Sunday October t. at I p.m.
Serrlcea will be held at St. Jaiteph'i church
Monday, October 10, at 10 a.m. Initrmcnt
in Bticreai Memorial para,
MonmoutriFun.ral aervlee. for Pe.rl
Orvsl Black, St. who died In S.lem Thure
d.v. will be held In Delias Sinday at I
oeloek from the Hnkle and Bollman
chapel and burial In the loor cemetery.
He was born Sept 7. IHS0. Surviving are
his widow. Mr. R-ibv Black. Monmouth,
and a sister. Mrs. Morris Rises. Ros.burg,
auo sev.r.l nieces and nephews.:
Henry Lot. Kapllntr
Mill City Punaral aerrlcaa for Henry
Levi K iPlinter, II. wera held In the
First Prebvterlan church In Mill City
Thursday afternoon at I o'clock. Ur.
Kapltmer died at hi hornt hera tarlr
Monday mornlni fnllowlni a Mnferlnt
lllneaa. Interment " lh f",r-
vlt cemetery. Dr. D J. Periuoon off Id
ted. Pall bearer Included F-d Haynea,
4 Bertram. 1. O. Hudon. Char la Dola
ia! Al OdMU, Fred Orlmas.
Born May I. ll1. In OreenfiaM, Maaa .
tot aama t MM Cltr is 1101 whtra fe baa
advance to second after Yanks' catcher Yogi
Berra caught Eddie Miksis' high foul back
of home plate. Phil Rinuto, Yank Short
stop, backs up the play as Cal Hubbard,
second base umpire, calls the play. Yanks
won, 4-3. (Acme Telephoto)
Max'e Baer to
Take on Charles
In Exhibition
Sacramento, Calif., Oct. 8
(fp) Fat and 40 Maxie Bacr
who dead-panned this week
he's on the comeback trail to
regain the world's heavyweight
crown he lost in 1935, will
appear In an exhibition match
at Seattle November 1.
His opponent? Ezzard Char
les, recognized as champion by
the National Boxing Associa
tion. The date and site of the
match were announced here
yesterday by Promoter Jack
ie King.
Reporr 'JoJo' to
U Df,l C.
IVianage rWU jQCS
Sacramento. Calif.. Oct. 8
Joyner (Jo Jo) White, who
quit under fire last season as
manager of the Seattle Rainiers,
may guide the destinies of the
Sacramento Solons as business
manager. ,
The Sacramento Bee said
yesterday it had learned from
reliable sources that White will
take over the Sacramento busi
ness managership early next
week. The post was left vacant
ing papers by controlling Inter
ests of the Solons.
After leaving Seattle, White
finished out the season as a util
ity outfielder for the Hollywood
Stars. He was an outfielder with
Sacramento when the Rainiers
lured him north several years
resided since. He was married In 1002
Albanr. Oregon, lo Clara Bheptierd
Kapllnser who preceded him In lour
rear. .eo. Kapllnser worked for the
Hammond Lumber during the
working rear, of hui life. Survlvtnta
ar. one .on. Lel.nd, of Mill Cltr: one
daughter. Mr.. Minnie of K.lama.
Wash : one .later. Mrs. Minnie uumg.n.
of Salem: three grandchildren and one
sreat granddaughter.
Mr.. Annie Whitfield
Lebanon Mr.. Annl. Whitfield, a res
ident of Oregon for 41 years, dlrd here on
Oct. 6. She we. born Jan. 2i. 186a, In
Rochester. Pa. Service, will be held at 10
a.m. Tueedar at the Howe-Huston chapel
1 Rev. H. D. Robeson orncieung.
Oravejode service, will be held nt 3 p.m.
at Riverside cemetery. Portland. Surviv
ing are .on.. Oeorse of Foster, Percy ot
Seaside, Fred of Lebanon end H.rrr of
Elkton; dsughters, Mrs. Pearl Johnson.
Portland. Mrs. Carrie K.y and Mrs. Ruth
Oould. Lebanon. Mrs. Mery White. Ore
gon City: 17 grandchildren and nine great
Herald Ea.ene
Lebenon H.rold Eugene
well known merchant of Lebanon, died at
his home. SSI Eat Sherman atreet. on
Oct. g. He was born Nov. 13. 1.88. In
Sleepy Eye, Minn. Survivors sr. hi. wid
ow. Florenc; d.uehter, Mr.. Audrey Ow
ens and .on. Robert, ell of Lehnnon:
brother.. Wlllard L. of Portland. Merrill
W. of California: .latere. Mrs. A.onla
Stratton and Mr.. Marten Hewctt. Calif
ornia, and one grandchild, services will
be held Monday at 7 p.m. St tli Howe
Huston ehspel with Rev. IRoy crnsley of
Sprlnsrield officiating. Burial will be In
the IOOP cemetery.
Mr.. Allre Heller
St. Paul Funeral aervlee. were held at
St. Psul Oatholle church Friday mornln.
at t:30 o'clock, for Mrs. Alice Heller. 43.
who died unexpectedly In Mesa, Arlr.,
with .hlpment lo St. P.ul. her
home. The Rev. Father M.vwell. oftlcl.t
Ing and the Unger Funeral Home. Ml. An
gel. In charge. Burl.l wu In St. I'.ul
Catholle cemetery.
T. I. Werth
WlllBmina Funeral aervlreji wre heM
Tuetvdnr afternoon al the MethodlAt
church for T. J. Werth of Willamlna. He
died Sept. at the Salem Memorial h-w-pltal
at tht ae of 72 year. 1 month
and 1 day. Burial wan In (irrn CreM
cemetery In Sheridan. Sen ice pre con
dueled bf the Rev. Arnold Flnkbe:nner,
an old friend of the family from Malio.
Trauaotl J. Werth wax born AuauM 2ft.
1117, near Berlin. Dermanr, and ame to
America In tUM, aettlma with hit par
enta In Crandon. D On Ma Jl. 1H02,
he waa married to Maria Schuerch, at
ZelJ, S. D In November. 190, they moved
to near Willamlna, where the raiaed
their family. Preredlna Mr. Werth In
death wira hia father, mother and two
brother. Survivor include his wife,
Maria; a dauahter, Mra. R P. Jahn of
Grand Ronrte; three aons, Reinholdt
P., of Willamlna, Wllmer U. of Dalla-v and
Victor T of Cloverdale; an adopted daugh
ter. Ft he) Hir-kenben of Portland; four
brother. Alfred of Amltv, Pred of Pow
ell Bu'le. Conrad of Denver, Colo., Walter
of Willamlna; acveral aistera, Alma ! ti
ke of Inlare, S. D, Amanda Oilman and
Lucr Schaa4 of Newbert, KllratteUi Henp
of Pax-o. Waxh.. Mane Btreerh of Or
am. Ca!lf. Martha Harrla of Portland.
Lillian Oordon of Arco, Idaho: IS trand
chilrtren od two treat trandehtldren.
Ia nymptom. not b dlAPtue.
Rectal Ailment Ars
the Underlying Factor
Hemorrhoids and other colon
ailments mint be corrected.
Ns isou ot Time
No llmpttalltntlon
Free Iienc rlptlve Rnoklrt
Naluro-Rectal Specialist
1144 Center Hi. .-lem. Ore.
fapllal Journal, Salem, Ore.,
Wolves Expect
Breather in Fox
College Contest
Oregon College of Education,
Monmouth The OCE Wolves
will be gunning for gridiron
victory No. 3 Saturday night
when they tangle with the
George Fox College Quakers at
fairgrounds stadium in Mon
The contest is expected to be
a breather for the Wolves, with
freshmen playing a bigger por
tion of the clash. Bill McArthur,
head coach at Monmouth, is fair
lv deep in reserves this season
and hopes to give them added
experience in the Quaker game
Most of the cuts and bruises
sustained in the Linfield en
counter have disappeared and
drills have stressed condition
ing and defensive work since
Mold. la Fumbles
Aid Silverton in
21-0 Grid Win
Silverton Taking advantage
of a number of opposition mis
cues, the Silverton Foxes Fri
day night racked up a 21 to
Willamette Valley
win over the Molalla Indians.
Three touchdowns, one by Mo
lalla and two by Silverton didn't
count because of penalties.
After playing ascoreless first
half, the Foxes took advantage
of three Molalla fumbles shortly
after kickoffs. The touchdowns
were made by Jim Lance, and
Jerry Denson. All conversions
were made by Bob Scarth on line
Whirworth Nabs
Top in Evergreen
League on Win
Ellensburg, Wash., Oct. 8 VP)
Spokane's Whitworth college
was at the top of the Evergreen
conference football ladder to
day after coming from behind
to win its second straight league
game last night. Central Wash
ington was the victim, 14-13.
Two touchdown passes tossed
by fullback Ed Kretz in the
final quarter and conversions by
Bob Cruzen pulled the game out
of the fire for the Pirates. Cen
tral lost its chance for a tie
when Don Doran failed to con
vert after shoving over for a
touchdown in the last minute of
Chemawas Nose
Sublimity, 7-6
Chemawa By the margin of
the conversion point, the Chem
awa Indians nudged Sublimity,
7-6 in a Marion County B league
encounter Friday afternoon. The
Indians scored after a 70 yard
march when Dick Thorpe went
over from close in. The conver
sion was gained on a plunge by
Louie Belgarde.
Recovering a fumble Ed High
bcrger ran 75 yards to score
Sublimity's marker. The at
tempt at conversion failed.
Jefferson Edges
Mill City, 13-12
Mill City The Mill City Tim
berwolves matched touchdowns
with the Jefferson Lions Friday
afternoon but couldn't convert.
Consequently Jefferson won the
Marion County B league contest,
13 to 12. Leo Poole scored both
Mill City touchdowns. Jim
Grimes performed a similar feat
for the Lions and aerialed for
the point that won the game.
Wt will Poy Top Prices for
Depend On I's tor a Square Deal
305 So. Cottog St.
To Sell Your
285 S. Cottogt
Saturday, October 8, 194913 ,
Gar dell a Comes
Back Organized,
Inks with Cards
New York, Oct. 8 (Or
ganized baseball welcomed
back the last of Its exiles,
Danny Gardella, today and
heaved a tremendous sigh of
relief over removal of Its only
remaining legal nightmare.
With dramatic suddenness,
Gardella announced last night
that he was withdrawing his
$300,000 damage suit and
would try a baseball comeback
with the St. Louis Cardinals.
This Involved a bit of back
room maneuvering becaus
when the little outfielder
Jumped to the Mexican league
in 1946 he was the property of
the New York Giants, without
a contract.
The matter was worked out
to everybody's satisfaction,
baseball officials disclosed,
and all are happy.
"Danny has asked for and
received his unconditional re
lease by the Giants and will
sign a 1950 contract with the
St. Louis Cardinals," the
statement Issued by Gardella'!
attorneys said in part.
Falls City Kids
Bag Black Bears
Falls City, Ore., Oct. 8 (U.R)
Meet the Bear brothers of Falls
Early this week 11-year-old
Stanley Poe bagged a 280 pound
black bear with one shot.
Friday his 14-year-old broth-
Steve Poe, dropped a 300
pound bear, almost in the same',
spot and again with a single'
The boys are sons of Conley
Poe, veteran hunter in the Falls t
City area Both bears killed by
the Poe boys were brought down
in Jess Reiber's prune orchard a
on the edge of town. Dogs be
longing to Conley were used In
tracking down each.
Estacada Wins
Canby Go, 13-7
Canby AH of the scoring was
confined to the second period
Friday night when the Canby
Cougars lost a Willamette Val
ley league football game to Es
tacada, 13 to 7. The win kept"
Estacada at the top of the heap
along with Sandy.
Canby s touchdown resulted
from a pass and run play. Per-
kett to Kee, for a total of (0 1
Gervais Drubs
Turner, 20-0
Turner The Turner Tigeri
were unequal to the task of
coping with the Gervais Cougars
a Marion County B league
contest Friday and the latter
won 20 to 0. The Cougars were
held during the first period but
Pat Maloney tallied a touchdown "
in the second quarter. Two ad
ditional touchdowns were added
in the third one by Earl Belle-,
que and another by Doug Hall.
is coming
to Salem!
Watch for the
Grocery Co.
Phone 34146
Phon. 3-4966