12 Capital Journal, Salem, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Per Uh lie Per Lint I times ,40e Ptr Lin lime 60e Per Line I month 13.00 Outside ol Salem ISo per line per day. Uln tOei I time rain. 30o time mlD. 11.20. No Refund READERS In Local New CoL Ontr: Per Lme . ...10c To Place an Ad Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES SI. 000 DOWN. New 3 Ddrm. horn NE. Flreplaee, hdwd. floor, utility room, at tached garage. Lot. 70x100. Full price 16,000. nail O V. Hume With STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS IN 8. Hich, Ph. 3-4121, Eve. 8-8208 a241' Open for Inspection Uodern 3 bdrm. home. Lane llvlni room with circu lat na 11 replace, dinina room, kitchen St brekfat nook, attached garage ft Inside utility room. Very large lot. Fenced In front lawn. Reas onable price for thl type of home. Can be een anytime. Call at 3330 Sunnyvlrw Ave. 240 Sy OWNER: 8 rooms, large lot. Ideal lo cation. 16500. 462 HoytBt. a240 FAIRMONT" HILL LIT. rm.. din. rm.. kit., nook. 2 BR, den, and bath on one floor. Pull basement with play rm., BR, shower St laundry Auto Electric furnace. 2 fireplace. In- aulated, weather stripped. V. blinds, awnlnss. dble. gar., very 1. lor, fenced yard. 1970 John St. Phone 3-8328. gJlO i BDRM. home. Living room, dining room. kitchen, bath, full basement, auto, oil furnace, hardwood floors, ven. blinds, fireplace. Lot 100x165, landscaped. Im proved road next to bus. (2500 down, bal. P.H.A. Inquire 2016 Hulsey Ave., Ph. 3-3201. aa' MANBRIN GARDENS 810.500. Real value In thl 2 B R. home, Colotlle bath, flreplc, pecan floors, nice nook, lc. well landscaped lot. r.H.A loan may be assumed. Ph. 2-6680. ED. LUKINBEAL RFAL ESTATE 433 NORTH HI OH ST. Eve. Ph. 3-8704 - 2-7760 - 3-3836 a242 BY OWNER 1 bdrm., one block to McKlnley school A bu. Hdwd. fr., open circular stair way, plastered dry basement, oil fur nace. Will consider any reasonable of fer. Ph. 3-5472. S240 S KI1RM. home on view lot. Elect, heat. Hdwd. floors, fireplace, basement, large lot. Price 110,000 with very liberal term. Call O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 183 8. High, Ph. 1-4121, Eve. 3-5206 241 UNFINISHED HOMES 82950.00. Located east, outside finished Attached garage. Lot 100x180. Terms. 14950.00. Located NE. 968 sq. ft. floor pace. Plumbing and electricity roughed In. Electric heat. Plastered. Call O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 163 8. High, Ph. 3-4121, Eve. 3-5206 I 241 MODERN SPACIOUS home with 1 acre on j city St school bus line. Ideal location for business. Call after 3:30 p.m. Ph. 2-7034. a245 ATTRACTIVE 2 bdrm. home only 3 yrs. old. Basement; furnace; hdwd. floor. Price 18950, Terms. SUBURBAN HOME 10 acres. Year around creek. 1 bdrm. house. Fireplace; furnnce. Barn: chicken house. Plenty fruit; shrubs. Close In. Price 89850. Leo N. Childs, Inc. R'ltors 344 State St. Ph. 2-3083 Eve. or Supn. call Mr, Voorhees, 2-4007 a24i $7500 I bdrm. home close to school and groc. Paved set. and sidewalk. Small down payment and monthly payments. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 45 8. Com'l. Ph. 3-4590. a40' $9500 Modern 3 bdrm. ranch atyle hse. In nice location. Hdwd. floors, oil furnace. Very attractive hse. Easy terms. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 145 S. ConVl. Ph. 3-4590. 240" SV OWNER: Modern 3 bedrm. house with floor furnace ft garage. 84100. 3330 Hyde St. a243 NEWAND"SHINY S bedrooms, llvlnr room. nook, kitchen, bath, large garane, near Leslie school. Thl home 1 finished to perfection. 19300. F.H. A. terms. $7150 Clean a a pin. 2 BR., LR , kit., dinette, bath, utility. Trees. 100x113 lot, fine garden. Quick possession. CALL D. L. BISHOP Chas. Hudkins & Son REALTORS 150 N. High St. Phone 2-4129 a340 $Y OWNER Leaving town, must sell at sacrifice: 3 bdrm.. fireplace, hdwd. firs., full basement, nice yd, Englewood dlst. 630 Thompson Ave. a240 REAL ATMOSPHERE A beautifully located 3 bdrm. home com bining attractively arranged living quar ter. Full bnsement, parly room. 3 fire places, built up lnwn, fine shnde trees. Price 112.500. 13.700 wilt handle or small house In trade. Walter Musgrave, R'ltor 1311 Edgewater. Ph. 3-5709. Eve. 3-9PS9 342 BY OWNER Scenic View Property 13 ACRES SPRINO FED CREEK I ACHES FRUIT 5 ACRES PASTURE 13 ACRES IN CULTIVATION I miles of West Salem. Rt. I, Box 840 a34d V OWNER Modern 2 BR home with din ing room At 12x30 utility room Fust 1 block outside city limits. Ph. 8-277V 340 $7?! Late built t-6834. I B R. home N E Ph JUST OUTSIDE CITY Out of state owner here to sell prac tically new home. 8 Ite. rms . hwd. firs, thruout, auto-furn. piped to all rms. Unfln. upstlars. Stairway in. Brerteway, att. gar. Lse. lot, city waler, Lo down payment. FHA terms. Salem Heleht dlst. 686 Ewald, S oft 99E. 243 $2250 I rm. hse. near Paulu Cannery. Oood rental. C. W. Reeve, Realtor t4B S Com'l. Ph I -490. b340 $19M DOWN, balance FHA loan7 New modern 1-BR. home. Paved street, close te school. Immediate piweASlon. IS350. Call Stanlrv Brown with STATE FINANCE CO. 151 . High St., Ph. 1 4131, Eve. 3-5MI 31 OOOD I mom modern houeee in Mill City Three 76x150 lot. Larte aerate. 3 blocks west of Hilltop Store. Call 1303 Mill City. Oordon Wheeler a340 $10,500 bdrm. home In Enelewood. Lare lot with room for apartment. Chtcken hoiue, work shop, caraae. utility im C. W. Reeve, Realtor 49 1. Com'l. Ph. 1-4590. al40 fltnoa, NEW I bdrm. homoe Entlrwood Dlst. Ha full buement with oil fur nace, flreplare. also fireplace in base ment. Attached garaee. 12.500 don. balance terms. Call O V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS IM s. men, pn. 1. 4DI. t.,1. -siix a34l ton qi'HR e.le .ner lfl 7rlflr, "l RR h, with rparalt eottaa. rental pn. mil. ,24,. 0r.t Saturday, October 8, 1949; FOR SALE HOUSES ll.MO DOWN. 150 00 per month buy modern late-built 3-BH. home. Fireplace. Hardwood floor. Venetian blind. Fur nace. Attached garaie. Call Stanley Brown with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 151 Htlh. Ph. 1-4131. Eve. 8-5581 241 WILL SACRIFICE at 16500 for quick sale vary mod. 3 bdrm. F.H A. approved W, Heiem nom. See at 1363 Franklin, oi ler an. payment, or call j-6159. MAKE OFFER On this dream place of 2V acre north of Salem, Just off Pacific hlway. While the house 1 small, there U a large liv ing room with fireplace and picture window. It I priced at 18600. but would like oiler for out-ol-.tat owner. $7650 Two bdrm. furnished house, outside city, east. Large lot; att. garage. Good terms. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 1) N. Huh St. Phone l-7 Eve. phonea 3-fleos . 3-4591 .34 CHEAP Move In and complete. Shake exterior. bedrooms, attached taraKe. Nearly enoutrn wiring At plumbing. Mi acre, Price 12950. Small down Payment. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 945 S. Com'1. Ph. 3-4S9C Eve. 3-B&36. a242' YOU WILL LIKE IT A good prewar three bedroom, with party room In basement It ha every thing, Including fireplace and auto, oil furnace; yes, basement and Venetian Dimas. ir you nave a smaller house to traoe in O.K., otherwise the price 111.500. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS I N. High St. Phone 3-7860 Bve.pnonea 3-4591 . 3-6805 a241 TOP OF THE HILL! lovely view from thl 3 -bedroom ranch aiyie nome with large living and dining rooms. Ceramic tile bath. Hardwood floor. Attractive fireplace, patio, nice yard. 4 Acre. No. 294 ON ONE FLOOR! 3-bedroom. living room, dining room, large kitchen with Bendfx. Large bath wun oiue fixture. 112,000 P.H.A, TERMS. No. 340 FURNISHED with Immediate possession. 2 -bedroom nome close to school St bus. Large ga age. Only 1800 down. No, 388 $200 DOWN! 175 per month. 2 bedroom home with auto. heat. Fenced In back yard. Large garage. 3 blocks to Parochial School. -i block to bus and store. Immedlalte pos session. No. 285 $350 DOWN 137.50 per month. North or South. Close to bus and store. 2 -bed room unfinished but livable home. Wired for range and hot water heater. Full price. 13.976. More Good Listings Needed REIMANN FOR REAL ESTATE 201 South High St. Ph. 3-9303 Sun. ft Eve. 3-1327. 3-3738, 4-3674 3-5905 a240 VIEW HOME, CANDALARIA HEIGHTS 3 B R., L.R., D R.. kit. St nook. utll. rm. Auto, furn., dble. garage. Term. See at 345J3llve Ave. Ph. 3-4408. a340 SALE OR TRADE. NlcVfurn. duplVxTEx cellent Income. Would consider house not tar from university Si high school. JPh. 2-5463. 245 BEAUTIFUL" VIEW "' Owner In Calif, will reduce price for quick aclllon. 2000 sq. ft. of floor apace, divided Into 6 attractive spacious rms Basement, oil fired hot water heat. 2 ear garage. Only 3 year old. 90x100 ft. secluded lot. 13,000 will handle. We have the key. Call Bon Cleary. Walter Musgrave Realtor 1311 Edgewater Ph. 1-8109. Eve. 3-9939 245- NEW 4 BDRM. house at 2310 Broadway. Call at 2305 N. Liberty St. a a 49 $200 DOWN New B rm. house In Reiner dlst. Hard wood floors, utility room, attached gar age, ij. acre. Near school ft bus. Full price 16950. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 945 S. Com'l. Ph. 3-4590 Eve. Ph. 3-9636 a342 DO YOU DREAM of buying a cute new nome, hvuu. this is your answer, you won't be disss ouointeti In this nm VERY CLOSE IN. north. 2 bdrm.. full dining room, nice yard. 17950. Easy terms. ROC DOWN, A6 mo. 2 bdrm. home. H.W. iioorn, i a rune. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 0 N. Church. Ph. 3-7643. Eve. 3-0126 FOR SALE LOTS LOT 90x219. Walnut trees. Restricted Keller dlst. SHOO. Ph. 2-3174. aa24ta NICE lot on Victory Circle. BURT PICHA ntALlUHO, 3i9 W. High St. 3-3649. aa240 811.000 110x130 LOT Corner lot has two small house. Oood location for service station, or drive in rest. Located on two well traveled t. In north part of Salem. Ph. 3-6680. ED. LUK1NIIEAL HEAL ESTATE 443 North Huh St. Eve. Ph. 1-3836 - 2-7769 - 3-8704 aa342 WILL OFFER my 84000 equity or large business lot ft 4 bdrm. home on Fair grounds rd. for 13500. Ph. 3-6199. aa242 FAST VIEW LOTS. 1750 too 12500. poslte 545 Vlala Ave. Ph. 3-4284. Op- BY OWNER: 3 lots, 50x250 I St. SHOO each. t 2863 Brooks a a 343 BRAND NEW ADDITION North, Close to Havevllle school. Lots with water, electricity, bus Aervlce and fruit trers. 910 down - 115 per month. Reimann for Real Estate 201 Snutli Huh St. Ph. 3-9J03 Sun. A Eve. 2-8341 4-2874 3-3S13 3-H7;:B aa34J FOR CHOICE resldentUl traruTln King, wood Hts. to Cascade Terraces, at mod erate prices A very low monthly terms, see the original owner A developer. C. A. Robertson, Ph. 1-8413. a359 aailM VIEW LOT. 3168 View avenue. City water-gai. near Salem Heights school IK.Mt Ph 20098. a347 FOR SALE JARMS Stream & Woodland 33 seres, 9 mile northwest. Older house - modern - wired foor range - barn live stream. Only 14500 full price some terms. B. Isherwood Realtor 9007 N Capitol St. Olflce Ph. 3-3863. Eves. 1-3147 or 3-01(1 03 40 BF AI'TIFVL set ting, elos to town. I' A. Modern 4 room noue, good basement, barn, hog-hoime, berries, fruit and nuts Chae. M Coburn, R. 1. Dayton. b34.1 BY OttNFR in MtT AneeYdlst, Lovely' J7 A farm all under cult. Willamette silt soli. Very good bids Mod 7-rm. house Equipped with tractor and farm mach A gram 113.000 equity IA.0O0. 4lt 30 veer loan 9lt miles east of 99E on McK-e Rd Jas, S Ridings, Rt. I, Box 37. Woodburn, Oreg, bJ40 Farms nnd Acreages 115,500. Excellent soil, new outside builds Nice older tvpe houne completely modern ivooo down. IB.soo. 13 acres, I 11 house, barn. 3 good cows, chickens, fruit, nuts, ber rles, pood soli. 115 7M m acres located just north of Keller Srh on River Hd 17 000 Etcelient It acre of Wll. Hit sol) all in new berries Irrigation well and equipment. S ml. north 134.500 tirade A Dairy. 40 acre of fin soil, cows and all farm machinery first class. Bnlldli.a are in perfect condition. Ph 3-660. Ed. Lukinbral Real Estate ' 431 North High St Iv, Ph. 1-6704 - I 3134 3-770 t343 FOR SALE HOUSES Open ALL DAY 3330 SUNNYVIEW 3 bdrm. very modern home. Large living room, with circulating fireplace, dining room, kitchen wired for electric rang and lot of built-in, breakfast nook. Inid utility room. Attached garage. Highly polished hardwood floor thruout. Nice large lot. Nice lawn enclosed by ranch style fence. City and school bu by door. Reasonable price for thl type of home. Can be een any time Sunday, FOR SALE FARMS S79U. I ACRES with clean 3 bdrm. home. Barn. Chicken house. 3 acre in berries. Family orchard, balance pasture. Call Stanley Brown with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 S. Hllh, Ph. 3-4131, Eve. 3-5561 FOR SALE ACREAGE ? ACRES on N. River Road close to Salem. Inq. at Clear Lake Store. bb.140' 11 ACRES Close to city bus, N.E., $4800. wait socoioiaity, Real Estate, rn. -8835. bM40 I ACRES unimproved with approx. 65 A. in cultivation. Located East. Year around stream. Price 17,500 00. Call O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 118 S. High, Ph. 3-4131, Eve. 3-5208 Fin view. Inquire 401 Oregon bb240 A. 5 mile outh, ome prunes and walnut. Excel, view. Price 1800. Ph. 3-8661. bb241 REAL ESTATE CHEAP BARGAIN FOR CASH or will con sider small dn. pay t. 2 BR hse. Vacant. 78.10. LOVELY NEW HOME. Have others for sale or trade. WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 173 8 Liberty. Salem. Ph. 3-7113. c240 THRIFTY COLUMN SUBURBAN 16950 Older type house. 2 bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, noook, large utility room. Quarter acre loot. Lots of flowers and shrub, l block to bu. Eve. 2-0473. SUBURBAN 18.750 New 3 bedroom home. Dining room, liv ing room, kitchen, nook, hardwood floor throughout, electric heat. Large lot. One block to bus. Immediate pos session. Eve. 2-0473. FARM 125,000 Farm 133 acres adaptable for dairy oor stock farm. Barn, hen house, 22 acres In pasture, 10 acres Irrigated clover, has good deep well, plenty of water. Oood dark sol), all fenced. Good 4 bedroom house, bath, basement. Would trade for Income property In Salem. Eve, 3-0473. Call for Mr. LeClerc J. F. Ulrich Co., Realtors 317 Court Street Ph. 3-7756 c240a BEST BUYS 3 BDRM. $9250 Older type home but In very good con dition. Fireplace. Choice lot. Close to Leslie school. Basement, furnace, part hardwood floors, garage. Paved street. Easily ftnanced. Eve. Ph. 3-7674 or 3-J330. $7800 SPECIAL Almost new. Close In. Hardwood floors, aarase. Large lot. Oil furnace. Almost Immediate possession. 12000 down. Bal ance 4. Eve. Ph. 2-7674 or 3-3558. KEIZER Almost new. Extra large lot. Paved street. 3 bdrm.'. Could be made Into 3. Insulated, weather stripped. Nice yard. Several trees. Would trade for home near St. Vincent school or suburban ac reage. Eve. Pli. 2-7674 or 3-3558. 5 ACRES 3bdrm. older type house. 3 acres straw berries. School bus front door. Would exchanne for house & lot close in. Eve. Pll. 3-9403 or 33558. AI Isaak & Co., Realtor 1035 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-7820. c341 HANDY MAN'S CHANCE. j acre and 4 rm. livable house; mirage. Close to school. Price only 12650. Small down payment. CLEAN t BDRM. Home completely fur- nL-hed. Close to Moore and on bu line Price only S6675. NEW FARM LISTING: Very good 52 acre farm: be.it of soil, variety of fruit and berries. Includes machinery, live stock, and household furnishings. Lo cated about 10 miles north of Salem. Oood buildings. Priced to sell at 123 -000. L:o N. Childs, Inc., R'ltor 3 state St Ph, ,3-3861 Eve. or Sun. call Mr. Sederstrom. J-6789 c241 HOUSE At buildings on l'fc acre on Hotly- wooa ur. rn. a-ies. c244 FOR TOUR AVINOslment buy i" tint mortgage on real estate Salem vicinity. Examine security youraelf Amojnt 1500 to several thousand dol lars, net Investors 5v We make all eol lections for you II desired STATE FINANCE CO !1 S High e WANTED REAL ESTATE NOTICE! If your property U I rent or exchange list It with We nave ah kinds of ca.h 1uers TA E FINANCE CO REALTOR 153 S Jrtlgh 81 ea' WE ARB In need 01 gooc nouses to eel In or neai Salem It rou wish to its our property foi isle ee CRAnrMioRAT nun rfaitor H 1 Libert t Si Phone I J4M HAVE t.iOO to pay down tor best bin 2 or 3 B R liou.ve Pn S-UtfOt). i-n3J4 EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 8 BR MODERN SaIemhoue. Trade on ft acre with bldns. Rep. Ph. 8-7113. Salem. 173 S. Liberty. cb240 FOR SALE or trade my 81.000 equity tn a new 2 B R. home for best car offered or reasonable cash offer. Large lot with nice lawn Ph. 4-3Mi cb340 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SFRVICE STATION I Commercial. Small chas. Pli. 39271. or lease 1 Inventory t 837 8. tor pur Cd344 DRIVE IN Her t rour chance to an Into business for yourself. Oood location. Price only 11500 cash. Including some equipment. BURT FICHA, Realtors 379 N. High St. Eve P1RI.IC ACCOI'NTANT (Registered Calif ornia) wishes to buy going practice Salem or Portland vicinity, glee detail and term. Write Capital Journal Box S. ed341 A DtNDY grocery store for aal by own er. 18900 takes stock and equipment. Rent buildlna for onl ISO 00 month. An Ideal aetup for couple. Oood business, located at bus Junction on highway 99K. in heart of prosperous farm com munity. Desire rlianie of occupation, reason for selling. Living quarters available nearby. Writ Capital Journal Boa No. 466. cdJ4l I NIT APT., yery bet of IwatlonTbase ment. auio. heat, you will not go wront at thii value. i5 ftv THIS RF4I.I.Y IS NICE unit cottage court, each hat own furnare. fireplace, HW floors, gare. walkm dm nee to Capital Ar downtown 84 000 ONE OF THE BEST ft unit apt in Salem, all ftier . lot large enough for another unit. 931,000 Larsen Home & Loan Co. Eelutve UMlng . Personal Service 14 S. Com L St. Ph. J-9J69. Xv. .1-7440 I d240 IFOR SALI HOUSES House SUNDAY 4340 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Drive In Snack Bar Seat 40 Inside. Downtown location. Fully equipped. Trailer house andor car a part payment. Terms. Full price, 17000. Write Capital Journal Box 465. cd340 DININQ and DANCINO Restaurant with set-up license. Sale Include property, equipment and busi ness located on Hlway 99, 130,000, Ph. 3-6680. ED. LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 433 North High St. Eve. Ph. 3-8704 - 2-7769 cd343 FOR 8 ALE 3 operator beauty salon, in good business town. First reasonable of fer accepted. Phone 3627 days, 3086 eve- cd24S S3. 000 11,000 DOWN Well equipped garage, 125 mo. rent u burban location north. Ph. 3-6660 ED. LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 433 North High St. - -V' Ph- 3-7160 ' - 3-1704 cd243 FOR LEASE or sale, new store buildtaa 45x80. at 444 Marlon St. Ph. 3-4526. cd240 NELSON NEWS INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES PRICED RIOHT -Unit new rental, low upkeep. . .852,000 -Cottage court. 1500 per mo. Income 348.000 e neaumui z-txirm. units, won derful location, nothing to com pare with this in Salem 831,600 rru ioc a te a, moa. snopping cen ter with established rent.u (none Inflated), good leases. .1150,000 i.rc win unna suoxiannai return on HivtHsunpiu wun minimum maintenance. For details see Mr. Schmidt, he spe cializes In business and income property NELSON & NELSON Multiple Listing Realtor Personal Service by Men who Specialize 702 N. High - Ph. 3-4622. cd340 FURNITURE FOR SALE 4 PIECE walnut bedroom set with prlngs at mattress, imp, rn. 3-8662. d340 NEW 3 pc. sect, daveno. Priced for quick seie. rn. 2-339. d240 WANTED FURNITURE FURNITURE, appliances and household articles of all kinds, wanted Tor cash. Free appraisal. Trader Louie, 3055 Port land Rd. Ph. 1-8558 days. 3-4407 eves. da HIGHEf "r PRICES paid. Phone Olenn at Woodrr Auction Market Ph 18110 da FOR SALE LIVESTOCK MO. old heifer. Shorthorn, 5 mo, old. Ph. 8-1528. Rt. 8. Box 146. e242 LIGHT WORK TEAM St saddle horse i. Ph. 1-1819. e341 BONDED AND LICENSED livestock buyer. , V. MCCandlSh, 1127 S. 25. Ph. 38147. e257 RABBITS WING'S RARBITRY needs rabbits. Top prices 39BS Stale Ph 3-1489. eb42 PETS THE ONLY TRt'E love money can buy. Registered Collie puppies. Rea. Ph. 2-2353. Rt. 2. Box 179. ec242 SEAL POINT Siamese kittens. 3 mo. WL Sired by (Knight's Miguel). Rev. Arthur Ooble, 1197 E. Lincoln. Ph. Black 7. Woodburn, Oregon. ec243 BEAI'TIFITL German shepherd puppies, ft weeks old. Ph. 4-2531. ec240 COLLIE-PI 'PS. A. k7 c". reg. 9 weeksold! 470 Wayne Dr. Ph. 2-3013, ec240 FUEL ACRES yng. oak. 8 mi. Pvd. Rd. tumpage or by cord. Call 3-3058. t special! BUY YOUR WINTER'S WOOD NOW 3 CORD LOAD. 110.00 PH. 2-7442 te245 t FT. OLD GROWTH wood. Fireplace or furnace. 16" old growth fir 114 cord. Arnold Phillip. P. O. Box 361 Turner. Ph.lX2. ee245 OREGON FUEL CO. " GOOD dry lab or green for furnace. Dry edging 18 load. Green edging 15.50 toad. Double load 310. Good Clean Sawdust Ph. 3-5533 ee348 SHELL STOVE DIESEL OIL. Ph. 3-3186 Shell Oil Co. L. T. Maxwell, dlstrloutor ee249 CAL1 HIOHWAY FUEL FOR Dlese! and Stove Oil. FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dry Plainer Ends Block Wood Ph 86444 PHILLIPS BROS Old fir, oak, ub St maple lab and edging. Ph 314fB 16" ee West Salem Fuel Co. 18 IN DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OLD GROWTH RLOCK WOOD 11-171 CLEAN NO BARE SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVER IF OIF.SFL AND STOVE Oil Phone r tern 2-4031 Ao pica up wood at t52ft Edgewmer St West Salem e TRI CITY FUEL PHONE 87448 18' Slab Wood and Edgings Fresh Ci!t Screened Sawduat 11' Inside Hill Wood Dry Wood ASK FOR SAH OR KEN ST AM PI FOR SALE POULTRY NICE FAT hens While they last at 3c lb. live weight. Ph. 22610 At Liberty and Boone Rd. Rt. f Box 342. f241 NEW HAMPSHIRE ehlckt tm Thurs day. Order Fryi or Hens now at pe clal quantity prices tor your lockers. Custom Drennint a ipeeialty. Phone 32861. Lee Hatchery. f NFW RAMP HIRE chick for immediate or future delivery Hate he every Tuas Pos Hatchery, 9838 State St Ph. 8-4969 PRODUCE NEW HAMPSHIRE HENS oc per lb. Chicken fertiliser tor mulching 75c aack. 2 house south Liberty school, box 244. ff240 WALNUT U-Plck while they last. 190 Fisner Rd, ffjit PKU'HEfl. tomatoe. U-Pirk. Imlah Fruit Farm. ' mil on Wallace Rd. Ph. 3-0374. ff345 GRAPES 8c lb, U-Plck 4c. Tomatoe It 00 bu. u-plck 90c. Ri. 1. Boa 290, 8 mile on Wallace rd , 1 anile and and gravel rd. A. E Pf Iker. t40 FILBERT-WALNUT drying, t mile I Lan- ranter ur . Auourn noaa. ciaud Mr Kinney. PhJ-16.l3 ff3 APPIF: Spltrenberg Jk Rom Beauty extra fancy, order your winter up pi now, delivered. Call Hancork. 3-4380 ff349 GRIPE 4e lb. You pick Bring contain a. Wetden. 9848 Portland Rd. ff)4 TOMATOES a b 1 or ton U-pkk 11 bu I, -fatfertoai 904. ff34l Ban, So 88, FOR SALE HOUSES GRABENHORST SPECIALS 1 ACRE CLOSE IN 254 ft. on Pacific Highway 99 South, good 3 bdrm, home, new well, garage. ft tool shed, some fruit, excellent u tor business or aood chicken ranch. Price 96.860. CALL ROY FERRIS. PERFECT SHAPE Excellent 3 yr. old home, 1 ge. bdrm., fin room arrangement, full basmt.. oil furnace, fireplace, hdwd. fir., garage, lge. lot. bus close. Located at eda of town South. Price 111.200. FHA 16,000. CALL PETER OEISER. VIEW & BEAUTY Very attractive view home situated on a pretty corner, oak. madrona and fir tree. Ranch type fence, 3 bdrm. ' burnt., fireplace, excellent view. Price 111,600. 12,000 down, 176 per mo. CALL PETER OEISER. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 South Liberty Phont 3-3471 Evening, and Sunday. Call Earl Weat J-M08 Roy rerru 3-8010 . Peter Geleaer 3-W8I . Ben Rouen 3-3311 .240 PRODUCE FILBERT AND Walnut drying. Special service for small lot, rnone a-aaei Lee's Hatchery TOMATOES, cucumbers, fresh eggs. Frl faard Fruit Farm, ml. N. Keller school. f40 HELP WANTED ACCORDION INSTRUCTOR. Part or full time. Excellent opportunity. No ex perience necessary. We train you. Write Capital Journal, Box 422. 251 HELP WANTED MALE NATIONAL CORP. offers profitable busi ness opportunity to middle aged or older men with car. Write Box 464 Capital Journal. ga26l" PART TIME DOOR-MAN. Apply in per son. Grand Theater. ga242 HELP WANTED FEMALE CHECK Aj counter girl. Exp. Kennedy City Cleaning Works. 1245 State St. gb241 GIRL 25 year of age or older who can take shorthand it typing. Insurance of fice. Apply Ph. 3-3894 or 415 Mason ic Bid g . a; b242 WANTED: Girl for office work and re ceptionist. Painless Parker Dentist. 125 N. Llberty. 2i! TYPIST AND MIMEOGRAPHER. Congen ial working conditions, full-time, good salary. State age, training, experience. Type application. Box 488 Capital Jour nal. gb242 EXPERIENCED bakery salesgirl. Apply to Mr. Schoonover at Fred Meyer Store, 148 N. Liberty. gb241 WANTED Competent woman or girl to help with housework and care for chil dren. Room, board and good wages. Ref erence required. Ph. 3-9440. eb242 FOR A BIO EXTRA INCOME SELL CHRISTMAS CARDS1 Experience unnecessary. 21-card "lead er" Assortment sells itself at 31. Up to 100 profit! PLASTIC Cards, Gift Wraps, Everyday, etc. Christmas Cards with name, 50 for 81 up. Imprinted Floral Notes, Napkin. Get "Leader" on approval. FREE Imprint samples. Stylart, 1310 San tee, Dept. 55, Los An geles 55, Calif. Sb240 EXPERIENCED Beauty Operator, capa ble of managing shop. All answers kept confidential. State qualifications and and salary expected In first letter to Box 460 Capital Journal. gb240 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS 360 Stat. Street Phone 2-1488. af WANTED SALESMEN TOP EARNINGS on commission basis selliing for nation ally recognized manufacturer of high est qaullty paints, roofings and techni cal coatings. Protected territory. If you are experienced, want security and are accustomed to good earnings, write The Electric Paint Sz Varnish Co.. Cleveland 2, Ohio. gg240 AGGRESSIVE SALESMAN AAA-l manufacturer of established line of paints, and protective roof coatings offers a secure and highly profitable fu ture in sale. Commission bsusis affords unlimited earnings to qualified man. Ex prelence in selling to Industrial accounts, schools and farmers is helpful, but not essential. Write BOX 492 Capital Jour nal. gg240 NEED 3 ambitious salesmen, neat appear ing. Must nav car, exp. not necessary but helpful. Men seeking an income in increase to 1150 per week. Qualified leads furnrlshed. If you are not ambi tious and willing to work do not waste your time or ours. Apply In person be tween hours of 9 a.m. to 12. 348 N. Com mercial. Room 23. gt:240 WANTED POSITIONS EXP. BEAUTICIAN wants Sat. time work. Call 2-87.16. EXPERIENCED DENTAL ass t. Write Box 470 Capltaj Journal. h242' PRACTICAL NURSE or companion to el derly woman. Write Box 469 Capital Journal. h242 ACCOUNTANT 4 year experience with the Bureau of Internal Revenue Deputy Collector and Revenue Agent 3 months traveling Auditor with CPA firm. Age 32. Desires position with Oreaon ac countln gor tax office, or in account ing department of lante business. Write Rt. 1, Box 111. Aumsville. Oregon. h244 CARPENTER work. New, repair. 3-2093. h265 COMPETENT secretary. Several yrs. ex perience. Can furnish excellent refer ence. Call Mr. Cochran, Chamber of Commerce. Ph. 8-9229 h241 EXPER, service station attendant wishes work. Write Capital Journal Box 467. h241 CHILD care by day or hour. 1090N. 18th! hl" CHILD care by day or month In my home,Ph. 3-4423. M40 MIDDLE AGEDra7t!caf1n.irse7 Well re commended. Private dutv preferred. Ph. 2-4469. h240 WILL OPERATE your tourist court, salary or communion by couple. Excellent ref erences. Phone 28338. h240 MARRIED man. no clilidren desires Job on farm or dairy. 432 Marlon. h340 TREE WORK, topping, trimmlna, remov in. Ins. op. Work nuat W. H. McAllis ter. 840 Trade. Ph. 2-14H6. h3fil Mimeo.eraphinpf-Typino; .POP'S. 885 North 19tli Phone S-3648 h2S9 INTERIOR PAINTING. Exp. Ph. 3-6796 1.253 CHILD CARE day or nr. Ph. 3-8685. h:s8 TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 34 hr. serv lceFormer phone opr. Ph. 3-5072. h3."6 B,t5AREll3 Sl8th7 Ph2687rh343 BAST SITTING, Night relief." PhTso.sfiO h259 NEW LAWNS prepared and seeded Light tractor on rubber wlht doser PH 8-9137 h251 CEMENT WORK wanted Ph 2-48V EDUCATION Rawlins Music Studio Violin and teacher. Ph . State accredit FOR RENT ROOMS SINOLE ROOM with hot ft cold water, temheat. 473 N. Liberty. Jk241 WARM HOMFT LIKE lltht hjkp roomT Hotplate cooklns, refrn. 15 8. 24th. Jk243 NICE SLEEPING room for gentleman. Heat, H C water, business dlst. 3.V Center, Jk240' AI TO. heat. Separate enV. ft bath. 120 00. Clean new house near General Hosp.tal on bu line. Ph. 2-3936. jk24J PLEASANT "SLEEPINO "roomforfentle" man.1050 Norway. Ph. 2-4547. Jk241 ROOM FORentteman7C04.e In. 832 No. Winter. Call after 8 30 p m. )k241' SINC.tF and double sleeping room. 1143 Oak S jk2J9 LARf.E MFFPINO room Gentleman. Close to bu. Evening Phone 34931 Jk340 VERT close In sleeping rm. Ph. 3-7817 Jk263 sirrr. RM.HoiiTwood. 303 UcCor Ph 88091. jk33 IFOR SALE HOUSES FOR RENT ROOMS SLEEPING ROOM. N. High. Hot St cold water. 461 Jk340' FOR RENT APARTMENTS t ROOM unfurn. apt. Electric stove. Ground floor. 1264 8. 15th St. Ph. 3-0035 "ter 8:30 P m- JP242 NEW 8 RM7unfurn "duplex apt. V blinds, all electric. 2231 Lee St. J P242 4 ROOM FURN. buement apt. 627 N. winter. jp242 BASEMENT APT. 3-3611. care for child. Ph. NEW COURT APTS. S rooms and bath, range, refrigerator St washing ma- china furnished. Call 3-4205. 160.00. JpMO NICELY furn. apt. utilities furnished. Care for baby for working parent. 365 S. 18. JP242 8 RM. FURN. basement apt. Priv. ent. I bath. Oil furnace. 135 month. Ph. 2-5989 565 Vista Ave. Jp240 i ROOM FURN. apt., utll. furnished. Bus t door. 1480 Broadway. Jp240' apt. with bath. Close In Jp240' 8 RM. modern apt. St 1 sleeping rm. All very nice. Ph. 3-3306. Jp241 S ROOM furnished apartment, electric stove. Frlgidalre. Private bath. Adults. " 594 N. Com'l. Jp2 4 1 FURN. apt. Will accept small child. 635 n. summer. JP341 NICELY FURN. 3 rm. apt. 875. Ambassador Apt. 550 N. Summer. Jp240' S ROOM APT. with bath, priv. ent., range x reirig. lurnunea. 770 . I4tn. Ph. 36992. jp240 CLEAN, FURN. 3 rm. apt. Ent. St bath, ix. tms 61 market. Baby accepted. 735 . 13th. Jp240 VERY attractive modern 3 bdrm. unfurn ished apt. Heat and automatic hot wa ter. Ref. Write Capital Journal Box 490. JP240 NEW spacious 4 rm. apt. All electric. Ph. 2-7071. jp240 RM. APT. 350. 1942 Hazel after 7 p m Jp240 FOR RENT HOUSES McNARY HOUSE at 385 N. Summer. Large beautiful corner. Close to State House. H. L. Stiff. Ph. 39185. Jm841 8 BR HOI'RE with flooTlurnace at23L5 8. Commercial. Inq. at 395 N, 19th. jm34S Inquire at Jm240 8 ROOM HOUSE for rent close in. Ph. Ph.3-6874. jn.240- NEW BDRM. house at 515 Pine 8tTt75. Call at 2305 N. Liberty St. jm241 LOVELY E4.BE. HOME UNFI RN. BEAU TIFUL LOCATION. ECONOMICAL TO HEAT. FULLY INSULATED. PLAY GROUND EQUIPMENT. 890. PH. 8 -WW I. Jm2 TWO NEW CLEAN suburban mod. houses with elec. heat, hdwd. firs., ven. blinds. One bdrm. 160 mo. Two bdrm. 170 mo. Children welcome. No dogs' or cats, ft blocks to new Lincoln school. 4546 Slate St. Ph.3U25. If""4! t BDRM. HOUSE. North. Newly decorat ed. Ga ranse St furnace. Ph, 3-6581. jm240 2 RM. furn. house. 825. R Brooks. Ph. Cervals 3272. BD. RM. house Englewood dlst. Lease. 367 N. High. Jm MOD. FURN. cott. One bdrm. 2 ml. N. of Brooks on 99E. Mrs. C P. Martin. jm241 FOR REN7 MISCELLANEOUS NEW STORE building for lease. Ph. 21836 or can at iut9 uroaaway. jdT FOR RENT 18x40 building. Suitable for work shop, etc. Ph. 2-0808 after ft p.m. 1775 N. Front. J241 U DRIVE Trucks. Robinson Shell service. Center at Cottage. Ph. 29103. J BUSINESS RM. for rent. R. L. Stiff. OFFICE, desk apace. Cone loe. Ph 39133 J245 Montgomery 1 POWER TOOL rental tor home and In dustrial use Howser Bros Ph 3-3648. l TRAILER house for rent il 1210 N 5th St. J240 TO DO a good Job rent a good floor and r We Mil everything to complete the lob HOWSER BROS Ph. 3-3646 J lOOD USED PIANOS. H. L. Stiff. OFFICE space and desk apace Ph 23692 r TRAILERS 12.00 per day Bowser Bros 14lo 6 12th. West Salem. 1 SINGER ELECTRIC portable sewing ma chines. Reasonable rates. Free pick up A delivery Singer Sewing Machine Co 130 N Com I Ph 33M2 ) WANTED TO RENT 1 OR 8 BDRM. house. Bush dlst. Washing facilities St adequate heat. pn. 2-504 1, Ja241 RELIABLE party needs 1 or 2 bdrm. house or court. Pli. 3-7368after ft p.rn 1241 I'M JUST 2' months old! Am growing fast ! Need 2-bedroom home Immediate ly. Reasonable rent. Close in. Ph. 2-1943. Ja341 FI'RN. or pnrtly furn. small 2 bdrm. house, apt. or duplex. Near St. Vincent school If possible. Call 3-3621. Ja242 YOI NG WORKING couple needs "furn." apt! close Jn. Ph. 36473. Ja34I I B.R. furn. apt. or house. Up to $43. Call after ft p.m. or Sunday. 2-0685. Ja242 FARM OR HOUSE In vicinity of Salem. Year a rent in advance. Write Box 491 rare of Capital Journal. J243 ROOM AND BOARD ROOM ft board for employed lady or school girl. Private home. Large newly decorated rm, Bu at door. Ph. 3-7823. JJ341 BOARD ft room. 495 N. Cottage: JJ241 BOARD ROOM for children by day. week or month. Ph. 22606. JJ243 BOARD and room. Ph. 3-8706. it2S8 LOST AND FOUND lT6T! Blk7ord'r7purse. "l3th"ftHoTT Containing paper ft money. Reward. Pll. 2-31M. k242 MISCELLANEOUS ENFIELD rifle! new conditio 1130 S. 16th. Apt. 3. LES SPRINGER, men7 hatter. We close Saturday 13:30. POWFR TOOL RENTAL: VALLEY FARM STORE. 4345 Stlvertoo Rd. Ph. 2-7024. m359 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR I HR SERVICE IN UOS1 CASES DR HARRY 8 EM LER DENTIST Adolpn Bids. Stat ft Commrcla) St 8AI.EM Phone 1-Sm m BUILDING MATERIAL WALLBOARD Car load auppir heet rock S 4c V 5'tc. Hard waterproofed Chapce willboard In 3 thicknesses, start at 7 c sq. ft. good for bathroom ft kit chen wall. C G LONO, Ph. 3-58.1. one mile north of Kelier. mal44 PFRMA-STONE for fireplaee and home. ialtm Perma-Ston Cn . 2040 N. 18th St.. Salem. Ptiona 2-06O9 after P m 80383 FOR SALE ACREAGE 2414 14 Acre with nice 2 bdr. home, large LR,, lovely fireplace, wall to wall rug, I bathroom. Electric water aystem and light, garage. Oood 4 atanchlon barn, poultry house, hed. and 500 capacity brooder house. 1 oowc, 50 piss, sow, 370 chickens, Ford tractor harrow, due, cultivator ft power aaw all go with the Place. Priced at 136.000. For mora Information call Mr, West, 3-3031 day, and 1-6481 evenings. GEORGE W. HUBBS CO. JOHN ZEEB, MGR. 1853 N. Capitol Phone 1-3031 BUILDING MATERIALS COMPLETE PI REPLACE MATERIALS. SUPERIOR HEAT FORMS. "PERMANENT MATERIALS AT" PU.MILITE BLOCK Sz SUPPLY CO OUT EDGEWATER ST., W. SALEM. ma241 RED CEDAR SHINGLES High Mountain or Coast Timber No. 1 $7 75 DELIVERED ANY AMOUNT 100 eq. No. 3, 8 in. clear, suitable fot roof or ldewall. Ted Mutler, Ph. Sa lem 3-1196. Salem-Indep. Road. ma1 SHINGLES missing? Gutter down? Get 'em fixed up! See Keith Brown, Front it Court St., Salem. ma GRAVEL FOR concrete mix and roads. 81- gurdson. Phone 31180. ma249 NOTICE CONTRACTORS ftO-ft. trusses for a building 50x140 ft. See Christ on the Job at 1256 Ferry St. Madson Wrecking Co. ma 240 NEED- LUMBER? 4 larger amount. Builders ar reallilng substantial saving on all grade of framing lumber. No. 4. 3x4-1x8 ship lap 117 per M; 3x6-2x8-2x10 $15 per M. No. 3, 2x4 ahlplap 136 per M. Price In cludes delivery. West Salem Saw Mill, 1050 Wallace Rd. Ph. 39593. ma249 CEDAR SIDING New smpment 41x8" and xl0' cedar siding, all grades. Keith Brown, Front Sz Court St., Salem, ma SAVE Ol ROOPINO Let Ward give you com plat IN STALLED price on rour roofing need Wide range of eolora Call our outside salesman for free estimate Phone 1-3191 MONTGOMERY WARD j CO. ' SALEM. OREGON ma' DEAR CUSTOMER. Insist on your con tractor ana carpenter using me linen old growth vertical grain yellow fir finished lumber In Salem. On hand at Dick Meyer Lumber Co. 28 Lana Ave. Ph. 34939. Pree parking. ma ALUMA LOCK ALUMINUM LOCK SHINGLE. The modern permanent roof ing See your dialer of Call Dlst. 8-6401. ma372 LUMBER and mill work, cabinet, too. Everything you need, la here for you. Keith Brown, Front St Court St., Sa lem, ma NURSERY STOCK RHODES 18 Inch to 4 ft. 13 to IS, Azalea 5 for II. King Alfred bulb 75c per doz. Merrill' Greenhouse, Brooks. mb240 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS NEW 43 gal. electric water heater. Still In crate. Cost S120. Will sell lor $100. 455 N. Cottage. Ph. 3-3444. n242 BARN YARD FERTILIZER $9 yd. 4 yd. load $25. Arnold Phillip, p. o. Box 261 Turner. Ph. 1X2. n265 BED-DAVENO. Good condition $35. 3395 Triangle Dr. n242 NOX-RUST RUST PREVENTATIVE Positive protection for one year to ex posed equipment . . . longer when shed stored! Effective on all metals 1 Apply with brush or spray, even to Inside of stock tanks! 1 qt. size 79c WARDS FARM STORE Trad St High Salem, Ore. n240 HEYWOOD Wakefield baby carriage. Easy Spin-Dry apt. sise washer. Reas onable. Ph. 2-0146. n245 FOR SALE Deluxe console Singer sewing machine, like new. Reasonable. Phone 2-0047. n340 ROLL-AWAY BED and mattress, $18. 2165 laurel Ave. n341 GALENTE 48 bass accordion. 2 months old. Reg. $135, will sell for $95. Rt. ft. box248. n340 TWIN SIZE bed complete, $1S. Ph. 2-7534. n340 BOY'S full size bicycle. Oood cond. A bar- galn. 830.00. 2056 Hazel Ave. n241 ELEC, wood, gas ranges, $40.00 and up. Elec. wood, gas oil heaters, $12.50 At up. New O.E. refrig. below retail. Out board motor, baby beds, as low as $5.00. Elec. mixer, $18.00. Beds with springs St matt., $14.50 St up. Table and chairs, chests, dressers, Singer sew. machine, .22 rifle, rugs, hot plates, toasters, waf fle iron. Irons, daveno, davenport Aj chair set, end tables, jig saw, vacuum cleaners, floor lamp, rockers, cook ware sets. New apt. size, elec. range, radios, elec. roasters, coffee table, elec. wash er. Hardman Bros., 4'i mile north of Salem on Port. Hiway. Open from 8 a.m. 'till 8 p.m. 7 day a wk. n241 COAL or wood range with hot water front. Good baker, $10.00. Elmer Flather, 2192 Fairground Road. n241 CONN baritone, sliver finish. Exc. condi tion. Good baby buggy. Ph. 2-1751 after P.m. n240 USED OIL HEATERS $19.50, $29.50 and $39.50. OOOD HOUSEKEEPING INC. 467 Court St. Phone 3-9811 PRACTICALLY new 8 ft. refrig. Reason able. Ph. 3-4041. n244 L. C. SMITH No. ft typewriter, 120. Can be seen M680 N. 17th after 6. n240 I DOUBLE barreled ahotgun. Charle Da ley diamond grade. Perfect cond. Ph. 2-11 95J jnJ4 1 WOMAN'S BLACK sport suit. Site 14. In good condition. Good baby buggy. Ph. 42503. n240 31 CAL, Smith and Wesson. New condition. 920. 190 S. 14th. n240 SEPTIC TANKS, Concrete Pipeand Tlla reinforcing steel, mesh and coloring. All kind river soil, pit-run, c ravel, crushed, sand and mixes. OREGON GRAVEL COMPANY 1405 N. Front St. Phone 3-3417 n242 USED SEWING Machine. Reasonably priced Ph. 3-3139. Ralph Johnson Appliances STEEL CLOTHESLINE posts, railings In tock ft made to order. 11 45 N. Liberty 0242 SEWING Machines, electric or treadle. Service on all make. Ph. 3-7671. n254 WALLING SAND ft ORAVEL CO. CRUSHED ROCK for road and driveway, cement, ready mix concrete, garden and Bulldozing, drainage and ditching -tL hovtl and drag Una. Ph. 29249 SALEM SAND If RAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road Clearing Ditthina Sewer ft Basement Equipment Rental lb B 'a yd 10 B yds D-7 Cat ft Doter D-6 Cat ft Dorer D-4 Cat ft Doier Set a about ditching by the ft Phon Day 8-9408 Ere 3-828 Of 1-440 etalem Oreaon a1 LUMBER 341 by Jitney load. 810 per 1,000. You haul. Independence Lumber ft Mfg Co, Inc. Independence, Ore. GENFRAL ELECTRIC Crotley. Gibson and Montag Appliance at Genirt. o FENCE POSTS, poie. all typeShlnglc7 fertiliser A flat rock Phillips Bros. Rt I Box 118 Ph S148 n USED SPINET PIANO Kimball Consolette. Mahogany Queen Anne period design. Thl beautiful piano U lu.t Lke new. Substantial saving. STONE PIANO CO. iTht Valley' Finest Piino Store 140 Filrground Rd. n34J LOOS wanV Schwub tumSer Co. Mill located at Hsiel Oreen. P O. Box 201. StlvtriOB. Ph. 1732 Sl.verton. a343 IFOR SALE ACREAGE ACRES FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS ISkt IT. trailer awnlnc. Oood cond. Will aacrljlc. for 130. 888 H. Com'l. B243 Washing Machines Repaired Vacuum Cleaners Repaired Sewing Machines Repaired ALL MAKES. PICK UP AND DELIVER. W. DAVENPORT PH. 8-1671 n3 RVRBIAN aqulrrel Locke fur coat. Ala, 12. Excellent condition. Newlr glazed. Call after 4.00 p.m. except Sundays. 736 N. Commercial. Beat oiler over 175. n24I 64 NOTE PIANO A dainty Instrument of modern design. Regularly 1375. Special 1193. STONE PIANO CO. (The Valley' Finest Piano Store) 1540 Fairgrounds Rd. n241 BEAUTY COUNSELOR product. Ph. 87334 . n240 PEAT MOSS fortified with turkey drop lng. Only 90c a aack. VALLEY FARM STORE. 434S Sllverton Rd. Ph. 2-2024. n259" SHELLS for foreign ft odd caliber rlflea eackttt, isio So. Winter, Ph. 8-4912. n341 USED ELECTRIC refrigerator. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO., 373 Chemeketa. n251 USED ELECTRIC ranges. Y EATER AP- rwflnut. I.U., fd unemegeta. nasi USED WASHING machine. YEATER AP- rxiLArfun JJ., 379 cnemeketa. n2Si OIL CIRCULATORS, drastically reduced price, ykaijsh, APPLIANCE CO., 37ft Chemeketa. nSSl HUNTERS ATTENTION: Save your gain a in a ueepireeze Home Freezer. YEATER APPLIANCE CO., 375 Chemeketa. n351 ALL FAMOUS make of small appliance. XaUMUt nrrLiLANUE CO, 978 Cheme- keta. B251 SEWING MACHINES: Free Westlnghouse. ievaibk at tr LlANC E CO., 376 Chem eketa. n35i WESTINGBOUSE radio phonograph con sole, as llttl as 189.50. YEATER AP PLIANCE CO., 378 Chemeketa. n281 NEW ft USED musical Instrument ft pmet ft grand piano at reduced price. JAQUITH MUSIC CO Ph. 2-4841 1.244 PLASTI-KOTE: The cellophane-Ilk fin- isn lor your floor, woodwork or lino leum, no waxing required. YEATER AP PLIANCE CO., 37ft Chemeketa. n251 FULLER brushes, 1745 Grant. Ph. 8-8387. B244 SEWING MACHINES. New Horn electric. u.tTrf cb uf. rn, jia, Ralph Johnson Appliances M.M. deer rifle and ahell. Sporter. Oood cond. Ph. 2-8194 before 1 p.m. n240 1 EVANOIL oil tove. With a barrel and move mac. i com Din at ion wood ft ga range. Ph. 3-4084. 240" OLDER model Prlgldaire, atngle bed. 81m- mon pnng. Beauty rest mattres. Like new, Large old fashioned book ease. Round coffee table. Nice trash burner. All good furniture. 721 Ferry St. n240 MOVING by 15th. must sell Prig., deluxe ..-oven siove, reirig.. l.r. et, rugs, etc. Redwood lawn furniture.185 N. 13th. n240 ELECTRIC range, apt. ix Mon tag, 4T vvuvum Aire oil circula tor, $40. Maytag washer, $20. Ph. 2-8809. D240 APROX. 85 yds. 2 tone blue carpet. Ben- M.Jt Duiu. wbbiici. , 9 BOX 111, O mile east on Market St. 240 AIR-O-FLAME oil circulator. 8 room tilt' udoq conaition. nice lookttlg. Fb. 23192. H240 ONE MITRE box. 1368 8. 13th. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED furniture o fin regtalr. Lm oi urn. rum neiwisnillf Co Pa. l-IOOl, t rn furniture Phone I -tin Ba PERSONAL STANLEY Home Product. 855 Cross. Ph. ..-pw. r. u. wenanan. p247 MADAM MORA GIFTED PSYCHIC READER AND ADVISOR Can help you where other ha failed. Satisfaction assured. Advice an all affairs of life. Special reading 83.00. Located Just aouth of Hubbard on Highway 99E. Between Woodburn and Hubbard. Look for sign Reading Dairy and Sun. p2&o AUTOMOBILES MODEL "A" FORD Vic. New motor, ex cellent condition. Phone 3-8945. 940 N. 17th St. 4240 Eisner Motors to Sell HOT ROD '32 Ford coup. Chopped, chan neled, aieppea. Keo'it. '41 Merc. mtr. Hydraulic brakes. 4 new tire, tube. Chrome dash. 1345. 1537 M. Winter St. q240 t FORD tudor. Oood cond. Tire like new, 8800. Will trade for older pickup truck, cash. 1571 Waller St. qS40 FOR SALE or trade: 1948 4 -door Pack- arc seaan, low mileage, good rubber. 19.79 CHEV. coupe. Heater. Excellent eon- anion, og. iitjaa n. 34tn. q244 41 DODGE aed, RftH. 40 Chrysler. 37 uoaie oea., wnev. tsea., '14 Chev Sed., '28 Essex Bed., cheap. All these car are priced for quick sale. Hardman Bros., 4'i miles north of Salem on Port. Hlway. Open from 8 a.m. 'till 8 p.m. 7 days a wk. q241 Eisner Motors to Buy 1941 CHEV. Arro Sed. 81245. Phon 38105. 0,240" LIKE NEW 1937 Chev. 4-door and 1934 Chev. 4 -door 130 Lancaster Dr. 4240 8A4 TSED CAR LOT 850 your old one, 12th St. Junction. Open till 10 pm 4241 ZEEB'S USED CARS BOY SELL TRAD! TERMS 132 Fairground Road Phone -M CAR ACCESSORIES tire ft tube- at cost price. First com first served a thl if a close-out sale Dealers waloomed. R. D Woodrow Co 450 Center. a Eisner Motors Fine Cars a WESTERN MOTORS Cash for Good Clean Can PH. 3-9622 Or Drive Out to 795 S. 12TH 0.34J WE RAVE a postwar Buick sedanett wet! worth our price 11350, and other value in repossessed auto. Demonstration by appointment only. Ph. 2-4188. Commer cial Credit Corp. q240 I94 CHEVROLET edn delivery. Phone -S3. g240 (Continued on Page 13)