Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, October 07, 1949, Page 9, Image 9

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    Capital Journal, Palem, Oregon, Friday, October T, 1949
Fisher's Bulb Offer
Brings Big Bargains!
Western gardners planting now can look forward to
guy arrays of colorful flowers, this spring: Giant golden
trumpet daffodils! Creamy narcissus with delicate reddish
Flower boxes, borders and
beds are due to burst into bloom.
The Fisher Flouring Mills Com
pany makes it possible with an
nouncement of four Zoom Bulb
Premium offers featuring big,
asy-to-grow, spring flowering
bulbs . . . complete with simple
planting directions for everyone
from inexperienced backyard
putterers to experts on big es
tates. Big Healthy Bulbs
Contrasting sharply with the
bulbleU and smallest-bloomlng-size
bulbs often selected for pre
mium offer the bulbs chosen
by Fisher's are large, healthy
bulbs, produced In Washington
State by some of the nation's
finest growers In fields that
ompare with Holland's best.
Purchased In huge quantities
by Fisher's the bulhs are of
fered to western garden lovers
at the lowest prices in history
for bulbs of this size and qual
ity. Savings will be passed on to
flower lovers as a special in
ducement to try Zoom, Fisher's
Instant - cooking whole wheat
cereal. Each order calls for a
Zoom boxtop.
"We produce quality flours
and cereals because we know
that's what people want. That's
the reason we're offering top
grade bulbs," said E. G. Law
rence, Fisher sales manager.
Value High
As an example of values
huge Golden Trumpet Daffodil
bulbs which produce gigantic
deep - yellow trumpet - shaped
blooms are offered at the amaz
ing low price of 12 for 50c . . .
a good $1.75 retail value.
Another typical value feat
ures an exclusive new guarantee
of one dozen Bonded Bulbs of
choice named exhibition varie
ties for Just $1.00. Quality is
guaranteed. Included are King
Alfred and Orange Glow Daffo
dils and Lady Diana Manners
and Early Perfection Narcissus.
In addition to the 12 bulbs, a
bulb growers' dividend 1 Tha
lia Narcissus is added as an ex
tra value. This group of bulbs
is a bulb gardener's collection
selected by expert growers who
point out that bulbs of various
types have wide range in normal
size. Good King Alfred Daffo
dils average almost 2 inches
across or 6 inches around. Other
Narcissus are often smaller. Cro
cus and iris bulbs average less
than an inch across, or 3 inches
around, and tulip bulbs are
about lH inches across or 4V4
Inches around.
Spring flower colon all blend
together. Small mixed groups
make attractive iipota of color In
the border. Fisher bulb offers
gravida Ideal combinations of
Recommended by Experts
The bulbs in the Zoom assort
ments are the sizes recommend
ed by expert growers as most
vatisfactory to zoom Into bloom
In the spring! To get bulbs
buy Zoom and send boxtop and
money to Plant House, Mt. Ver
non, as indicated in advertise
ment on this page.
Clip This Coupon
Inclosed li (nd
Zoom boxtops.
Send order Immediately, post
paid, as checked.
SMS Value Soe
and 1 Zoom box top
Zoom Speeds Up
School Mornings
The small frey and Big Sister
and Dad all eating breakfast at
different times . . . what a prob
No, not a problem at all, say
homemakers, who find that Zoom
is absolutely perfect for "stag
gered" breakfast times.
Dad has to get oft first, so
mother puts the water on to boil
for Zoom, starts the coffee and
sets the table with practically
one motion. Then the Zoom is
stirred Into the boiling salted
water and she turns off the heat.
Presto a hot breakfast ready
along with the morning head
lines when Dad yawns in from
Big Sister ooms
Swish! That's the way Big
Sister comes In for her break
fast late as usual, and It's a
good thing that there's a portion
of Dad's Zoom kept hot for her.
She has to spoon up HER nour
ishment on the run, literally! (If
she Just wouldn't insist on all
that fancy curl-combing, she'd
have more time, of course.)
The school-agers are last, and
In almost as big a hurry. And that
school bus Is SO Important. Susy
cooks her own Zoom and cats It
from the dish she cooks it In.
But speedy Zoom is for speedy
folks of all ages, so Mother Just
stirs up another batch of Zoom
and everybody is happy and on
their way in no time at all.
Daffodil Queen
Harvest time for daffodil
blooms is festival time in
Washington State. Here a fes
tival queen holds an armful
of golden trumpets. Zoom
bulbs bargain bring blooms
In reach of all!
. Bar IOOM! Gl Baikal
Crocuses bring the first sign
of color in the Spring. Some peo
ple plant them right in the lawn.
See FISHER offers!
Bar ZOOM! 0.1 Balba!
Bulbs grow Indoors as well as
out. They're easy to raise in pots
or boxes as well as gardens. All
Fisher offers include easy plant
ing instructions.
Two Good Mimer Get Together
- r-r
-t.r t.1 1 rrx C- i ,
a. . f
Uhen it comes to mixing, the No. i spenuuy of WAI.TFR O'KKCFE.
well-known rsdlo comedian, k addlnf enough jokes to the recipe to
tir np the audience with laurhs for Campbell's Soups and Pork and
Beans on the NBC "Double Or Nothing" radio program, 11 a.m.. Pa
cific Time. Anyone can be a good mixer with FISHER'S BISKIT MIX.
It's easy to turn out tender blsklts, muffins, waffles, dumplings, and
eren cake, with certainty of success! Both O'Kcefe and Fisher's have
unbeatable formulas In their own lines. Look for the RED SPOT
with the name "Fisher's" through It!
Menu Memos
By Mary Mills
For your fall menus, I suggest
2 cups Fisher's Biskit Mix
2 pounds (8 medium-sized)
Apples (dual purpose: good
for cooking and eating with
the skins on)
6 tablespoons Milk
f tablespoons Fat (clear
bacon drippings are grand)
W to H cup granulated sugar
18 teaspoon Salt
1 teaspoon Cinnamon
1 tablespoon Butter
Set the oven for 450'F. If you
use a metal pie pan ... or 425
if you use Pyrex. Next wash
your apples. Core. Cut off ends
and slice to thickness of silver
dollar (about 18 Inch). Pack
the apple slices (pes, the pretty
pink or yellow skin Is still on
em) In a pie plate, cover with
a second pie plate and shove 'em
into that oven. Sugar? No, not
yet please.
Next, measure the milk Into a
two-quart saucepan and put it
on to heat. Drop the fat right in
to the hot milk and when the
milk is steaming, take the kettle
off the fire and stir contents
until fat is melted. Now, drop
the Fisher's Biskit Mix In. Stir
it Just enough to get the dough
smooth. Have ready a pastry
cloth and stocking-covered roll
ing pin if you own 'em. If not,
cover molding board and rolling
pin with paper towels fastened
with rubber bands. Rub well
with Fisher's Biskit Mix. Dump
out the dough and cut in half
and pat each half into a small
ish round. Roll out dough and
line 9-inch pie plate.
Yes you can handle this
dough while warm. Don't roll
too thin.
Next, mix the sugar with the
salt and cinnamon. Then take
out the partly cooked apples,
spread half in the lined pie plate.
Add half the sugar mixture. Dot
on half the butter, add remain
ing apples, sprinkle on remain
ing sugar mixture and dot with
remaining butter.
Cover with top crust from
other half of dough. Wet edge
with cold water. Cut the "trim.
mings" in strips for an extra
edge. "Crimp" with fingertips
dipped in Fisher's Biskit Mix
Brush top of pie with cold milk
Bake 20 minutes at 425" F. for
Pyrex ... or use 450" for a
metal pan.
Mothers Grin as
Coaches Groan
With the first of the confer
ence football games under way.
the crying season for coaches
soon will be over . . . and mothers
know that most of the moans
have been mere sound effects.
That is. the really heavy-duty
conference weeping reaches its
peak with the initial kick-offs,
although an occasional piteous
whimper will continue to be
heard when the proper circum
stances arise.
After the actual battles start
the college generals suffer the
comparative silence,
outrageous slings of fortune In
No Material
It is hard to evaluate the out-
and-out claim of a coach who
says he has positively no materi
al to work with against the
brave, dry-eyed, game-though
licked role of the coach who
"We'll be all right. I hope. At
least we'll do our best. Nobody
will be able to say we didn't
If we take the coaches' words
for it, almost all these early
games up and down the coast
will be lost by both teams.
Energy Essential
There's only one thing you
can be sure of in this matter of
phsical effort, whether It's foot
ball or a race with the weather
to get your fall bulbs planted
a lot of energy is going to be ex
pended In the next couple of
Active play and active work
call for a backing of nutritious
food the kind of food Fisher's
products provide. Take wheat
germ, for example. It contains
more protein pound for pound
than do most lean meats. You
can put Wheat Germ, one of
nature's finest foods, into any
meal. Added to muffins, pan
cakes and cookies, it makes a
touchdown-scoring team.
"I am a senior in Home Eco
nomics," writes a college student
to Fisher Flouring Mills, "and
thought you might be interested
in results from comparison tests
recently made in the foods lab
oratory in our Food Purchasing
course. Judging of products was
done on the basis of flavor, tex
ture and appearance by the class
with further consideration given
to cost, and preparation time.
All of the comparisons were
made between one or more com
mercial products and a similar
home-made one.
"We compared seventeen vari
eties of homemade biscuits and
three commercial mixes. Fisher's
Biskit Mix received the highest
quality score of all 20 products
on flavoring, texture and appearance."
( Daffodils, ( Nar
cissus, 1 New Thalia
tt.DO Value 11.00
and 1 Zoom box top
City State
Mall to: Plant House, Dept JJ
Mt. Vernon, Washington
27, of course !
MIX 27 contains
BUTTERMILK for flavor
SHORTENING for tenderness
Sparkling Stone-Set Rings
Sensational Zoom Offer
I'm Sure Glad I
Ate My Zoom"
1 From the gem-bearing gravels of the Far East eome the
world's most romantic stones . . . among them, ZIRCONS, sec
ond only to diamonds in sparkling brilliance. And at this pre
holiday season Fisher's millers of Zoom, announce the most
dramatic premium offer of the year: Genuine Zircons in smartly
styled sterling silver and 14-carat rolled gold plate settings at
prices so low they are almost beyond belief.
Mined In Indo-China, rut In
Siam by experts these are
Boys and Girls! Here's how to
get a handsome gold-plated foot
ball charm for watch, knife or
bracelet, just In time for the
football season. Send your name
and address with one Zoom box-
top (no money) to Fisher's, Box
84, Seattle, Washington.
Low-cost Meat
As Zoom for breakfast costs
about a penny a serving, accord
ing to findings, It has come to be
a standby as a food dollar
stretcher and a favorite of the
family besides! In this respect.
Zoom meets another standard of
home management experts:
Zoom tastes good. It is poor eco
nomy to serve foods just because
thpv mrm Inw tn mt If th fnm-
lily does not enjoy them.
costly-looking stones that add a
spark of captivating beauty to
the hand and to the whole en
rmhle. It takes an expert to tell
these flashing white Zircons
from diamonds.
Engagement or Gifts!
Beautiful as engagement rings
" "
vje anniversaries, party favors.
vlSltf IS graduations and Christmas. Yet
.1' VJ J3 vou can buy them for as little as
JLjiatl.tSSl&rM $2. including all taxes and pos
tage, through your purchase of
Fisher's Zoom.
All ages favor Zircons . . .
grown-ups wear them as cock
tail rings, dinner rings, party
rings and "pinky" (little finger)
rings, as well as engagement
rings. Zircons are slightly ter
rirfic with the teen-timers, too.
These "exquisite gems can be
proudly exhibited at parties,
dances and school functions.
They're thrilling to receive . .
exciting to wear. Teen-agers
say: "Wow! Will my friends'
eyes pop when I flash this ring!"
Fisher's make this unparallel
ed offer as an Inducement to
try a cereal so good It wins
friends at first taste . . . Instant
cooking whole wheat Zoom.
Allow at Least 10 Days
Since these rings are such
sensational values and since
orders are due to pour in by the
thousands Fisher's advise ring
purchasers to order Immediate
ly ... to buy Zoom now and
mail orders Without delay. Al
low at least 30 days for mailing
Among the ancients the num
bers 1, 5 and 7 were considered
lucky. Moderns- recognize 27 as
especially lucky for it is the
number of Mix No. 27, FISH
and handling. There Is no re
striction on the number of rings
that may be bought, though I
Zoom boxtop must be enclosed
for each ring ordered.
Semi-precious cousins to dia
monds mined, cut and set Just
like them Zircons are daizling
in their own right. Like Zoom
their popularity is growing by
leaps and bounds.
Choice of Styles
The advertisement below Il
lustrates the choice of styles:
the 1H -carat solitaire ... the
large fiery-bright 2-carat soli
taire . . . the flashing, sparkling
cluster dinner ring ... all amas-
ng valurs that aay: "T is for
The address for mailing order
Zoom Rings, Box 84, Seattle,
$Fk$, tS'A. V"Sa'7 Thii ntly tootling ctutttr
x l " SY99t. iVVV fatur.t, cn large Zircon
I vWm ' iff A' JflST- --iAL- fionhtd by rh.fwifow tot 4
VI W LWtil? TOSys aBaaO 'n ajtming nlvtr or glow-
VCjkw l'liSrSflr-SS sf ing gold. 14-K reiiojd joid K
lariTrT I mm' P'01
yrysV 1 N0T y" 0NLV aV
Jfrk- TfP 1 0fd 'rri boKtopi Toxti
StM JWJKr Br M mm ml m pot'og porl
f k J 11 VOU JAVI $11.00.
I V1 find Your King Six. 1 Us, This CoupnT WHOLE WHEAT CEREAL jSj
ORDER NOW I DON'T DELAY! 'y ''';-'geg
i i-.i....w "" '",. , ivr-s&siP
0" u-ctt MiKaiw ii im !! i- w, y yrr-? f s i
Oaitllat wtltalcM a 1m tailaat . C" V'aC"Y'VI)fcf J
Cl..lm " I " ' "ww '
(Allow at laatf 0 aayi Hi athvafy) Fadaral end lion ToM ImluOfa. XJY)-..y S
tr turn
l 2i i:i 1111 iii iiii
Or4t to Zifi
til. W.h.