I Capital Edited by MARIAN 6 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, October 7, 1949 Alumnae Name New Officers Kappa Alpha Theta alumnae held their first meeting of the fall last evening, Mrs. Lora Tay lor Hawkins and Mrs. Richard Slater being hostesses at the home xi Mrs. Hawkins. New of ficers were chosen. Mrs. Donald Fisher is the new president, Mrs. Oliver Mansfield, secretary; Mrs. Cliff Robinson, treasurer; Mrs. G. S. Hoffman, Panhellenic representative. Mrs. Richard Hayward, re cently of Seattle and now resid ing in Salem, was a new alumna welcomed to the group. The club voted to continue its project of sending boxes to the young French boy "adopted" by the group. Attending the meeting, be sides the four new officers and the two hostesses, were Mrs. Charles Heltzcl., Mrs. Willard Marshall, Mrs. William M Smith, Mrs. Clyde Carroll, a vi sitor from Oswego, Mrs. George Schwarz, Mrs. W. W. Baum, Mrs. Victor Gibson, Mrs. Frank J. Burke, Mrs. Wayne Hadlcy, Mrs. Philip M. Brandt, Jr., and Mrs. Hayward. Dinner Events Among hosts for the week-end will be Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Bonesteele and Mr. and Mrs. Merrill D. Ohling, the two cou ples planning dinner parties on Friday and Saturday evening at the Bonesteele residence. The parties are the first in a series of dinners planned by the hosts this month. Sixteen guests are a.sked for nch evening, a buffet dinner to be served, .followed by cards. LT. CMDR. and Mrs. Donald Tfoughten of Long Beach. Calif are expected to arrive Monday to spend several days visiting here with Mr. and Mrs. Gus Moor. Commander Houghten is M the naval reserve air force. The visitors are en route to Canada. SUBLIMITY Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Scharbach and family of Salem were hoots at a din ner given in honor of Mrs. Scharbach's mother, Mrs. John Halfman, on her birthday. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. John Halfman of Sublimity, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Halfman and tons. Gerald and Merril, of Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Locke and sons, Donald and EuMene, of Sublimity. Mr. and Mrs. Heal Fischer and son of Olympia, Wash. HOSTS Sunday evening for members of their oiub will be Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Benson, the group to meet for dinner and cards. In the group are Dr. and Mrs. Frank Prime, Mr. and Mrs. Ri chard A. Meyer, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Newman, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn MeCormick, Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Owens and rhe Bensons. CONGRATULATIONS are be ing extended to Mr. and Mrs. Burton C. Selberg upon the birth of a son, Jeffry Day Sel berg. at Salem Memorial hospi tal, Thursday, October 8. Also welcoming the new arrival is an older brother, Eric. ective women need M O J U D THIGH-MOLD STOCKINGS Bend, sit, stretch or sloop our Mojud Thigh Molds moit with you . -. specially mad wilh four magic t trips that stop garter runs, tcerp teams straight, hold 'f arlert firmlr , . . work miracle ( Hosiery Happiness for you! 1.45 NOW AT Kay's 40 ITAT I STREET Women LOWRI FISCHbB : Changes on Board At the meeting of the execu tive board for unit No. 136, Ame rican Legion auxiliary, this week Mrs. Sam Harbison resign ed as first vice president and membership chairman. Mrs. Theodore Ullakko was named to succeed Mrs. Harbison in the work. Mrs. Clyde A. War ren accepted the good cheer chairmanship held previously by Mrs. Ullakko. For Bride-Elect Miss Shirley Post, who is to be wed on October 23 to Harold McCauley, is to be honored at brunch planned for Saturday morning by Mrs. Charles Shaw at the latlcr's Vista avenue home. The group will honor Miss Post with a kitchen shower. In the group will be Miss Post and her mother, Mrs. Howard Post, and her sister. Miss Char lotte Post; Mrs. Winston Burris, Mrs. Ray McCauley, Mrs. L. N. Thompson, Mrs. L. A. Ballmer, Mrs. Jacob Foos, Mrs. R. E. Nickens, Mrs. F. P. Colgan, Mrs. Arthur Cole, Mrs. Oscar Price, Mrs. Claude H. Post, Mrs. L. P. Campbell, Jr., Mrs. L. E. Leffler and the hostess. Marriage Announced Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Hafner announce the marriage of their daughter. Miss Lyla Mae Haf ner, to Charles Bruinekool of Knoxville. Iowa, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Bruinekool of Knox ville. The wedding was an event of July 10 at the Redmeer Luth eran church in Richland, Wash. The couple are at home in Richland, both being employed there. This past week they visited a few days with Mrs. Bruinekool's parents here. ROYAL NEIGHBORS of America held their regular meeting at the veterans hall on Wednesday night, with Mrs. Josephine Quamme presiding. Mrs. Mae Logan of Portland, the state supervisor, was pre sent for the meeting. Plans were made for the annual homecom ing dinner to be held on Novem ber 18 with Mrs. Archie Elliott as general chairman. Paul We dowsky and Mrs. Nellie Fundcr- buck were elected into member ship. Refreshments were served in the dining room after the meeting with Mrs. John Acker man, Mrs. Virgie Gamble, Mrs. E. A. Jackson and Mrs. Stanley Quamme acting as hostess com mittee. ON WEDNESDAY several members of the Woman's Guild of the First Congregational church attended the annual meeting of the Oregon Fellow ship of the Congregational Wom en hn Portland. Mrs. C. A. Rat cliff, Salem, spoke as state chair man of women's gift work and in the afternoon told informally about her experiences in Eng land. Other women attending from here were Mesdames R, D. Byrd, Howard Doak. K. W. Heinlein. Hjalmar Anderson, W. B. Strg ner, S. R. Huntington, S. J. But ter, S. S. Huston, George B. Dur ham, P. L. Calvert and Robert Haley. SAVES MONEY FOR MILLIONS LWV Group At Portland A Salem delegation conferred with state leaders of the League of Women Voters in Portland Thursday and Friday on the sub ject of "How to get more and better-informed voters out to the polls." The league's current emphasis on voters' service also includes the question of "how to get the best possible candidates nomi nated for office," according to the Salem chapter president. Mrs. Hal DeSart, who attended the Portland sessions with four other Salem members. The others were Mrs. H. D. Smithson, Mrs. Mark Astrup, Mrs. John Goldsmith and Mrs. Monroe Sweetland. For the Sa lem league, Mrs. J. W. Sullivan is chairman of the voters' serv ice committee. Mrs, DeSart emphasized that the league is nonpartisan, organ lzed to present factual informa tion for voters and to encourage wide public interest in their lo cal, state and national govern ments. Golden Wedding Is Observed Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Joe Serdotz ob served their golden wedding an niversary last Saturday, Octo ber 1. A family dinner was serv ed at noon and during the aft ernoon some SO friends called for an informal at home and buffet luncheon. Mr. and Mrs. Serdotz were married SO years ago in Dickin son, S.D. and have lived in Sa lem the past 24 years. Seven of their nine children are living, including Charles Serdotz of Glendive, Mont., Mrs. Katie .M a r m a n and Mrs. Louis Schlauch, both of Marman, Mont., Mack Serdotz of Port land, Mrs. Harold Bowman and Miss Marianne Serdotz, both of Salem, and Nick Serdotz, who is in the veterans hospital in Portland. Two sons are de ceased. Attending the family dinner were Charles Serdotz, Mrs. Ka tie Marman Mrs. Louis Schlauch, Miss Betty Mercer and Mrs. Archie Harper, all of Glendive. Mont., Mr. and Mrs. Nick Serdotz, Mack Serdotz and Mr. Kipp, all of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bowman, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Meier, Mr and Mrs. Carl Shaffer and Miss Marianne Serdotz, all of Sa lem. VISITORS at Corvallis for the day Thursday were Mrs. George the master crnitsnwn uU.U.ttIM,. K9 n...vi;Wv; 'I VhV ''::;::';.ljiJ i.rij . Of At , v x vt Wt . I LONDOX AIRE...df!linfd to become the pivot of your ell planned wardrobe. r Birthday Event Mrs. Marvin Brown entertain ed Saturday afternoon at her home on Parrish street, with a party for her daughter, Connie Diane. It was Connie Diane's second birthday. Those attending were: Mrs. Linford Buren and Darilyn Kay, Mrs. Stuart Compton and Kathy Mrs. Clarence Frey and Chen Ann, Mrs. Dale Brown and Rich ard, Mrs. Harold Guined, Mich ael and Tommy, Mrs. Arthur Jensen, Karen and Lowell, Mrs. Robert Brown and Roger, Mrs. Stanley Wolcott and Jack. Beta Sigma Phi Chapter Meets Eta chapter of Beta Sigma Phi held an open meeting, Wed nesday evening, at the home of Mrs. Wilbur Pearson. Th meeting was presided ov er by the president, Mrs. Burl Cox. Short talks were given on the aims, history and purpose of the sorority by Miss Norma Sletton, Mrs. Wayne Rose, Mrs. Melvin Bcdsaul and Mrs. Carroll Addison. Miss Tina Duerkson gave an interesting report of her European trip that she took dur ing the summer. The plans for the annual fall pledge banquet, which w'l be held with the Alpha Epsilon chapter at the American Legion hall, October 26, were announc ed. Honor guests attending the meeting were Mrs. Duane Chre tien, Miss Murial Cross, Mrs. Laura Foote, Mrs. Ray Rhoten, Mrs. William Simms and Miss Ruby Strand. Music Teachers The Salem Federated Music Teachers group met this week at the home of Mrs. Hal DeSart. Several music teachers from Portland were guests, among them Mrs. May Ross Walker, state president; Miss Marjorie Trotter, a past state president; and Mrs. Mary Craig, state chairman for the festival com petitive events. Mrs. Walker reported on the national convention at Seattle. The local group made plans for a silver tea to be given early in December. Following the meeting, re freshments were served. Alexander and Miss Dorathea Steusloff. They were guests of Mrs. Roy S. Keene, formerly of Salem. Mrs. Alexander spent a few days last week as guest of Mrs John Lansinger in Portland. Mil r Store for Safari. . 3! 1 s urn -V I . v,t Installation For Unit Kingwood unit, American Le gion auxiliary, met this week for installation of officers. Mrs. Eugene Dietz and Mrs. Raymond Higgins were the installing offi cers. Those installed are: Mrs. Irl Folsom, president; Mrs. William Knower, first vice president; Mrs. Robert Dickson, second vice president; Mrs. Carl Mobley, se c r e t a r y-treasurer; Mrs. Emmett Dickson, chaplain; Mrs. Elizabeth Hoffman, histo rian; Mrs. O. B. Long, sergeant at arms. Convention reports were giv en by Mrs. Emmett Dickson, Mrs. Carl Mobley and Mrs. Wil liam Knower. The group voted to sponsor a Camp Fire Girls troop in West Salem. The president and secre tary of the unit are to attend the school for presidents and secre taries in Portland, October 13 and 14. Mrs. Myrtle Quarry was a guest at the meeting. Mrs. Haley Heads Local Navy Mothers After a vacation of several months, Salem Navy Mothers met at the home of Mrs. John Cage on the Silverton road. Mrs. R. L. Wright was hostess to the group. Plans were discussed for next year's work and the following officers were elected: Comman der, Mrs. Ivell Haley; vice com mander, Mrs. James Beall; ad jutant, Mrs. C. M. Briggs; treas urer, Mrs. E. A. Boyle; chaplain Mrs. F. A. Smith; matrons at arms, Mrs. J. C. Jones and Mrs Clem Ohlsen; color bearer, Mrs Norma Armstrong. Mrs. Smith gave an interest ing account of a trip taken this summer through the southern states, up the east coast to New England states, and back the northern route to Spokane. Members present were Mrs Clem Ohlsen, Mrs. C. M. Briggs Mrs. Ivell Haley, Mrs. James Beall, Mrs. Norma Armstrong, Mrs. Fred Barker, Mrs. F. A. Smith, Mrs. J. C. Jones and Mrs. Florence Wright, retiring com mander. New members added were Mrs. Genevieve Olson and Mrs. Paul Bassett The hostess served refreshments. MRS. WILLIAM SCHLITT entertained for her bridge club Thursday, the group meeting for luncheon and cards. Mrs. C. L. Newman and Mrs. A. L. Adolph son were additional guests. Added Advantage of a master crafts man to tailor your suits is offered by JOSELLI It's the voice of au tumn, in suits fashion-tailored by JO SELLI, exclusive at JOHNSON'S. The London-Aire Priced ever-so-low 39.95 What obout time pay ment? Just this. Select your JOHNSON'S word robe. Pay Vi down, and Vi a month. Oh, yes, on JOHNSON'S Inunwov, i plan. $l will hold anv aar. ment in '"e store. Tu u:.u.. :J. i iic miiicsi tunsiacra tion for the lowest price is olwoys given at Ladies tep&c YW Groups Younger girls of the YWCA are planning their fall activities, under the leadership of Miss Norma Wallace. Y-Teen director at the Salem branch. The second week of October will mark the first meetings for the Tri-Y groups. These groups meet at the YWCA at 7:30 o'clock in the evening. They are: The Ann Guthrie chapter. which meets the second and fourth Mondays, with Mrs. Doro thy Brown as adviser. Grace Elliott chapter, second and fourth Wednesdays, Miss Carolyn Brady, adviser. Winifred Heard chapter, sec ond and fourth Wednesdays, Mrs. Renner, adviser. Rhoda McCullough chapter, first and third Wednesdays, Mrs. Joyce Patton, adviser. Abbie Graham chapter, first and third Wednesdays, Miss Bet ty Edwards, adviser. Margaret Meade chapter, first and third Mondays, Mrs. E. L. MacCrae, adviser. Another Try-Y group, the Marion Cuthbert chapter, which is composed of girls living in rural districts, meets at the sen ior high school, under the lead ership of Miss Fisher. Y-Teen groups in junior high school are now being organized. Serving as advisers for these groups are: Misses Marie Cor ner, Nancy Lawson, Doris Mc Cain, Nancy Phillips and Gen eva Phillips. All advisers are students at Willamette univer sity. SALEM chapter, Order of Eastern Star, has arranged its homecoming meeting for this next Saturday evening, October 8. There will be a no-host sup per at 6:30 o'clock, followed by the chapter meeting at 8 o'clock, advance night to be observed. VISITING HERE through over the week-end are Mr. and Mrs. Anthony DeLeo of Port Townsend, Wash, as guests at the home of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer H. Page. Mr. and Mrs. DeLeo arrived Wednesday evening from a six weeks trip to the east and are stopping here en route to Port Townsend. Penmey Your choice of leathers . . . SUEDES - PATENTS - KIDS - CALFS Your choice of fall styles . . . PUMPS - STRAPS - TIES - SANDALS Your choice oi fall colors . . . GRAYS - GREENS - BROWNS - BLACKS PAMPER YOUR PURSE AND PAD YOUR FEET AT PENNEY'S SALEM, ORISON Party for Miss Meyers Miss Maxine Meyers, who Is to be married October It to E. David Bartruff, was honored at a linen shower and party for which Mrs. Robert Lang and Mrs. Don Dougherty were host esses Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Lang's mother, Mrs. Robert Judson. The evening was spent infor mally and games were played. A late lunch was served. Feting Miss Meyers were Mrs. Frank L. Meyers, Mrs. Lena Bartruff, Mrs. J. V. Fryberger, Mrs. John Falk, Mrs. George Davis, Mrs. Leonard Howe, Mrs. Jack Alloway, Mrs. Betty Winn, Mrs .Clarence Cox, Mrs. Nick odemus Wiess, Mrs, Harold Meyers, Miss Peggy Meyers, Mrs. Judson, Mrs. Dougherty and Mrs. Lang. Mrs. Hedrick Back In Salem Studio Many Salem friends and for mer pupils are welcoming the return of Mrs. Mary Talmadge Hedrick, prominent violist and violinist, who has been in con cert and orchestra work in Los Angeles for several years. She will open a music studio here at 965 North 5th. Mrs. Hedrick has been a mem ber of the Hancock ensemble, a concert organization comprised of professional artists and spon sored by the Hancock Founda tion at the University of South ern California. Concerts were given on tour throughout south ern California in schools, col leges and for clubs and musical organizations, as well as regular weekly radio broadcasts. The group was discontinued last January due to other activities INVISIBLE SWEATER MENDING! .., Hose Mending Downstairs Pulls! Holes! Miller's BcsMfaovn i remedy to relieve ries of child's cold VICKS VARORUa Kit oir IN SALEM Of Women's New Fall Shoes at a Sensationally Low Price PROOF THAT ARE THRIFTY of Its cellist and sponsor, Alan Hancock. String quartet and chamber music groups are a major activi ty in musical life in the south, and Mrs. Hedrick played in musicales with Ferl Foth, vio linist of the Roth quartet, Horace Britt, cellist, recently with the Persinger trio, Bruno Steindel, world famed cellist of the Ber lin Philharmonic and Chicago Symphony, Gaylord Browne, violinist, and others. Working in motion picture studio orchestras gave opportun ity to play under such conduc tors as Jose Iturbi, Vladimir Bakallinikoff, Franz Waxman, Aaron Copeland and Roy Har ris. While in the south Mrs. Hed rick studied with William Prim rose,, violist, and took a course in Dounis technical studies with Abraham Weiss. HOME FROM a stay in San Franfisrn nrp Mrs Prinpp W Byrd and Mrs. William McGil christ, Jr. They attended three of the operas while there, "Car men, "Tosca, and raust. m Dessert Lunch (Across from Senator Hotel) OPEN 6:30 o.m. to 12:30 a.m. Tuesday thru Sunday OPEN 6:30 a.m. 'til 7:00 p.m. Monday BREAKFAST LUNCH DINNER SPECIAL NOTE To dance clubs and other business and so cial organizations: For your MIDNITE SUPPER or SNACK, MAR'S will OPEN on REQUEST. FOR RESERVATIONS Phone 2-5434 9q M4M PAIR NEW STYLES AT PENNEY'S