"WW iinimwi uifiiiwnnii i.im. .in in m. ,.inmi Tornado Hurls Auto 15 Feel Houston, Oct. 7 () A brief tornado ikipped through the east side of Houston today. First report said a few houses were damaged. An automobile on Telephone road was picked up and hurled 15 feet. Witnesses said the twister moved across the area in a black cone. Houston, whose 500,000 popu lation makes it Texas' largest ci ty, was hit by a hurricane early Tuesday but suffered little dam age. The automobile, owned by Mrs. Paul James, a laundry em ploye, was turned for an end-over-end flip and deposited up right on a street curb about 15 feet from where it was parked. Clifford W. Phifer, a cafe owner, said he saw the twister moving in from the south. "I stood at the door of the cafe and saw it lift the car in the air, flip it over one time and drop it," he said. He said the twister lasted only a few seconds. CDA Meet Tuesday Woodburn The monthly meeting of the .Catholic Daugh ters of America will be held Tuesday evening. The commit tee in charge will be Mrs. Bera Brandtl, Mrs. Rita McCann, Mrs. Evelyn Oahtes, Mrs. Anna Lenners, Mrs. Agnes Ledtke and Mrs. Emma Otjen. Highway Personnel Go Back to School It was "back to school" for over 30 employees in sub-profes sional grades of engineering in the state highway department as they started training in college mathematics Wednesday night, October 5. at the Salem high school building. The class, arranged by the highway personnel department in cooperation with the System of Higher Education, is taught by Dr. James F. Price, profes sor of mathematics at Oregon State college. The course is to extend for eleven weeks and of fers regular college credit as well as counting in promotional examinations. ChineSe NaHOnaliSlS Capllal Journal. Salem, Oregon, Friday, October 7, 19493 Chinese national 1 s t warships Fusan, a south Korean port, Dalaaea truinUinr outside Shanghai, has been re- Agent Harold F. Fish said. KClCOJC rrcigniCI leased, the local agent for the Seoul. Korea. Oct. 7 U.B The "ne announced today- LiIie ot the valley are some- Isbrandtsen line's freighter Fly- The ship now Is on its way to times called "fairy ladders." ing Independent, detained by "Vince's ElecUi fcr Vacuum Cleaner (' rJ?TffrJV777i ( Li SALES SERVICE l ffA & j - l-k! 1 REPAIRS RENTALS W YfifyC) I fC. Cf "fc-usf HousehoTd Commercial 111 I f M I I Jl ft M I Jl I fOhl . Also Waxers 11 s, V 7 i I f H 2 ALL WORK Ft'LLS II J l - 7 J GUARANTEED VSS-Sf'' J Free Pick-up and Delivery T-,1'"'? PHONE 3-9239 1iT fj SjjjsjsaVssassssssssassasssaT ntwio r sohsmun entwines, we. seoKjmsas Yugoslavia Greets Its Workers Under a picture of Mar shal Tito in Belgrade's Square of Brotherhood and Unity, Yugoslavs demonstrate in honor of returned workers on new Zagreb to Belgrade road, near completion. Workers received no pay, only food and lodging. Pilot Blamed lor Clark Crash Los Angeles, Oct. 7 U. The civil aeronautics administration charged today that incompetence of Commercial Pilot James I. Hayter caused a plane crash in which Singer Buddy Clark was killed. His incompetence caused a forced landing on Beverly Blvd. Saturday night, "creating a grave hazard to the lives of per sons in the vicinity," said a com plaint filed with the civil aero nautics board yesterday. Hayter was accused of violat ing civil air regulations by over loading hit five-place twin-erf' gine Cessna plane, carrying In sufficient gasoline, and flying into a cloud formation when he knew that his fuel was nearly gone. Decker's is coming to Salem! Watch for the Opening Announcement Youngstown Kitchens at home-town prices! You know you've always dreamed of a bright, work-saving kitchen like this. You've seen them lovely, roomy, luxuri ous Youngstown Kitchens advertised in the biggest magazines and in your home town papers. Now you can actually see them firsthand in our showroom. Come in and check the work-saving features, and the special en gineering that lets the right sink and cabi nets fit any kitchen, perfectly! And check the low, home-town prices! Let us show you how, by selecting the right Kitchenaider and roomy base and wall cabinets, you can have your dream kitchen ... at a price you can afford I Come in today. BY MVLLI.NS LUMBER wnN O YARP, tWSl R5f BBfflfTfcsK WfBPB WWs. " SALEM, OREGON Penney's Keeps Your Feet Dry! WJ Sfs Bsaal "L FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY. .. ECONOMY PRICED WHAT SIZE BOOTS DO YOU NEED? MEN'S LIGHTWEIGHT SPORT BOOTS At a Thrifty Penney Price 4 .39 Short Men's 6-12 Sizes 6-12 8 .90 TOP LACE PACS FOR THE FAMILY Men's 16" Sizes 6-12 Regular or Wide 5.79 At Penney's, rubber boots are a serious matter each one must pass our grueling laboratory tests, so that your feet, in any of these 4 styles stay dry, protected and comfortable. Firm-gripping cleat-style soles. DOWNSTAIRS STORE Sportsmen! This is your boot. It's comfortable . . . sponge innersole. It's rugged . . . all-rubber with cleated sole and heel. It's adjustable . . . the dual blind permits cutting down to a shorter height. . . . Adjustable knee harness and belt strap . . . snap fasteners to hold boots in place when rolled. Women's sizes 3 to 9 8.50 DOWNSTAIRS STORE Penney's outfits the family for hunting, fishing or farm work. These rugged pacs have cleated soles for sureness afoot . . . sponge innersoles for comfort ... live rubber uppers. Men's 12" 6 to 12 5.29 DOWNSTAIRS STORE F V AffrT.f 4 n ww v TWTm TTT7 'ferJ ft 1 pcl GALOSHES AT BIG PENNEY SAVINGS Boys 3-59 Sturdy, lightweight galoshes designed for slushy weather. Wonderful for children . . . their snow suits can be tucked in. Dad and Mom will like the waterproof gusset ond warm cotton lining. Outfit the family . . . you'll save at Penney's. Boys' 2'i-5'i 3.59 Youth's 11-2 3.49 RUBBERS FOR ALL THE FAMILY Penney-Priced! jF Men's Sizes 6-12 I Penney's hos bright finished storm rubbers for the family! And just check our low prices! Reinforced at tip ond toe for long wear . . . plenty of give so you can get them on or off easily. Boys' 2'i-5'i 1.69 Youths' 11-2 1.59 Women's 4-10 1.59 Misses' 12'i-4 1.49 Children's S-l 2 1.39 WOMEN'S SMART SIDE ZIP BOOTS Red Color! 3-98 Really smart-looking boots to moke you feel really dressed up in stormy weather! Plenty of protection provided by the oil-rubber construction. Easy to get on and off. Buy yours today at cash and carry Pen ney's! Sizes 4-11 Red 3.98 Sizes 4-11 White 4.29 :IIUntMilJ..'MyiWWV.VA,Will-ll.!H.'l.'l4'HII )