20 Capital Journal, galem, Oregon, Friday, October 7, 1949 THREE BEAUTIES ADMIT BEING 'MRS 'Miss New Orleans' Sponsors Upset by Charges of 'Fake' New Orleans, Oct. 7 U.R Bwildered by wive, motheri and falsies, (he sponsors of a recent "Miss Orleans" contest were a dis illusioned lot today. Postmortems among the IS beautious entries brought forth "charges that: 1. At least half the contestants 9 Men Found Dead In C-47 Plane Debris Asheville, N.C., Oct. 7 m Ranger Tom Huffman reported today that all nine men aboard an air force C-47 transport that crashed in the mountains near here were dead. The wreckage of the plane was found six miles from the Blue Ridge parkway, three quarters of a mile down on the east side of Mount Mitchell, highest mountain east of the Mississippi. The plane was found as ground and air corps groups be gan their second day of search ing. The plane, en route from Washington to Brookley air base at Mobile, Ala., had been missing more than 42 hours. Loan Company Gets Location in Salem A branch of the Pacific In dustrial Loan company will be established on the Liberty street side of the Guardian building during the next few weeks, ac cording to announcement by Donald Speer of Portland, vice president of Pacific Finance. Pa cific Industrial Loan is a sub sidiary of Pacific Finance, i Fred Schott, who had been the concern's manager in Ogden, Utah, for a number of years is being transferred to Salem. The room in which the company will be located is now in the process of being finished. The company will engage in the small loan business and will have a staff of four persons. Bus Hits Truck ! Roseburg, Ore., Oct. 7 U.R) State police said today a south bound Pacific Greyhound bus with nearly 30 passengers aboard slid into a ditch after colliding with a truck yesterday. No one was injured. Passengers were transferred to another bus to continue south to Medford, regon. wore falsies, and 2. Three of the girls were married and two were mothers, including the winner. The three beauties "accused" of being "Mrs." instead of "Miss" readily admitted it. But nobody would own up to the "falsie" charge and it re mained unproved today. Bell Wayne, a black-haired, olive-skinned model who didn't place in the September 7 con test, said that at least half the girls "came to the contest with their chest in their purses." At least one of the "deceivers" was a first, second or third-place winner, she said. While Miss Wayne didn't name names, it was reported that she referred to the titlist, red-haired Darwin Greenfield. The winner disdain ed the charges. She said she had showed other contestants proof positive that she didn't need any padding. Miss Wayne based her conclu sions on the fact that about half the girls dressed in the main dressing room but the rest "went off into dark corners or parti tioned rooms to put on their ' bathing suits." Miss Wayne apparently felt called upon to expose the falsies after judges revealed that she failed to tell them she had been married and was the mother of a 5-year-old son. I She admitted it but said she I had been divorced for three years. The winner, Mrs. Greenfield, also admitted that she had a 3-year-old son and a 1-year-old! divorce. Another contestant, honey haired Lee Roberts, said she is married to a student at Tulane university. When the embarrassed spon sors learned of the winner's sta tus, they tried to award her a 'Mrs. New Orleans" title and' give 17-year-old Betty Nieto, the runnerup, the Miss award. But Mrs. Greenfield would have! no part of that and kept her trophy. Tokyo Rose Gels 10 Years in Jail San Francisco, Oct. 7 Tokyo Rose, who "couldn t be lieve they would send me to jail," today faced 10 years in prison and a $10,000 fine in ad dition to the stigma of being a traitor. The diminutive former UCLA coed whose real name is Mrs. Iva D'Aquino, stood in abject silence as Federal Judge Michael J. Roche pronounced sentence. Shortly before the court pro nounced judgment yesterday Mrs. D'Aquino said: ."I couldn't believe they would send me to jail. I did everything I could for the Americans. The sentence appeared to stun the 33-ycar-old woman who stood with downcast eyes, body stiffly tensed and hands clasp ed behind her. She had been standing for al most a half hour while Defense Attorney Wayne Collins plead ed for the minimum sentence five years imprisonment and the $10,000 fine. The maximum is death. Collins said he would appeal and ask for bail for his client next week. If he fails, Tokyo Rose will go to a federal prison, probably the federal reforma tory for women in Alderson, W. Va., where Mildred "'Axis Sally" Gillars, her counterpart in the European war theater, is held. If Mrs. D Aquino fails in her fight to keep out of prison she would be eligible for parole Hunters Kill Three Choice Angus Steers Prlnavillt, Oct. T () A rifle man who killed three choice Angus steer was being sought in central Oregon today. Ballistic! tests were asked after bullets were taken from the steers on Frank Holub'i cat tie ranch. They were shot last week-end. Edgar Albert, state depart ment of agriculture investigator said the shooting appeared de liberate, not that of a hunter who mistook the animals for deer. Dairyman Convicted For Bangs Violation St. Helens, Oct. 7 W) A dairyman convicted here of re fusing to permit cattle to be test ed for Bang's disease announced plans today to appeal the case. Chester Grooms, Scappoose, was fined $30 and $19.65 in costs in justice court. There also was a 15-day jail sentence, which was suspended. after serving one-third of her sentence. Hearing Aid Center Zenith Aurophone Superphonic Batteries for all makes of hearing aids . . , cords for most instruments. Let as know your needsl Mail orders Filled Promptly Morris Optical Co. 444 State St. Phone 3-5528 Salem, Oregon Catetije4 Oil IS HERE! j i Yes . . . the New Modern ? Clean Way to Heat Your ' Home! Prove to yourself : It's Calerixed Oil for you! . . . The chemically treated t Safe Fuel Oil that removes soot and carbon aa It burns! ' Permit free, eaay pumping of oil! i Reduce Strainer 4 Clogging! a Can Be Stored With I Absolute Safety! 1 Ask About It No! j DIAL j 35606 or 35622 I For Your Load of s CATERIZED OIL! Howard J. Smalley OIL COMPANY 140 S. Broadway Cleaning Plant Destroyed Albany, Ore., Oct. 7 W) Fire destroyed the Hub Cleaners here late last night, leaving Intact only the walls of the building. Flames from the building, lo cated on the Pacific highway I There are almost 42,000 loco near the east city limits, were motives in service on U. S. rail roaring high when first noticed. I roads. I A) 7 I i 2 : gP 1 Pi mBBBBBBM EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 10TH ALL-DAY BANKING MONDAY thru SATURDAY 10 A.M. to 5 P.M. Providing you with the most convenient and complete banR Ing service possible comes first with ut. We believe that our banking offices exist for your benefit ...and that "banking hours" should be primarily thoae which suit your convenience, not ours. Therefore, our new "open" hours will be from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. every weekday, including Saturday. These longer hours will make It easier for yon to make sav ings and checking deposits, arrange for loans, have access to your safe deposit box, and use the many other helpful services of our bank. Our employees will benefit by this plan, toe, a H means a five-day week en a rotating schedule. SALEM BRANCH mi MI'S MCMSEt i-Vi FIDEtAl DiPOSIT SCT INSUHANCl K39 COSPOHATIOM FIRST NATIONAL BANK Or PORTLAND INIOW SHoWfllNKs at 1Kb 0 M 6) JO la 0 Bros.! EW IW EW built-in fluorescent lamp ... it lights the entire cooking top. Higher back panel pro tects the wall. switch knobs are easier to read ... no need to stoop, bend or reach. storage drawers move smoothly, quieter, a new triple nylon roller. 6 60 time signal has two speeds . . . one, with stopwatch accuracy for measuring up to 6 minutes . . . another for up to 60 minutes. smarter looking styling by world famous Ray mond Loewy. Rodlontube Cooking Unite have been designed lor speedier, more economical ooklng. They're flatter end wider to more heating ur lace comet in contoctwith ut.i. ilk Tip up lor easy cleaning. LIBERAL CREDIT TERMS miP nri n in - - m m i aw aw m mm u kAKlil 1 ) PEN J WILIAMJTTI TALLIT'S LEADIHC APPIIAMC! I I9NI rilRISHIS 0 I'!". I 5ALEM OREGON CITY 1 115 South Commercial Street Phone 3-9148