AUTOMOBILES I Pots! Jalopies ! Clunkers ! Dogs ! Call Them What You Will ! ! CASH OR TERMS . . PAY WEAKLY WEEKLY Don't Forget! Three Big On our BIG DOWNTOWN LOT At PRICES Where 1. 1937 Stude. Coach, good, ready and willing . . $395.00 2. 1935 Terraaplane Sedan, Cheap BUT good . . . 75.00 3. 1937 Buick Sedan, BIG, STURDY, and only . . 355.00 4. 1937 Ford Coach, Rough & Ready Will. U.Spec. 150.00 5. 1937 Terraplane Sedan, Big & Roomy, and rum 100.00 6. 1939 Chevrolet Coupe, seen better days, but runs good 395.00 7. 8. 9. 10. 1937 Chrysler Sedan, worth every cent of , . 1934 Ford Coach, needs motor 1936 Buick Sedan, runs and is a Buick too . . 1937 Pontiac Sedan, has late Mercury motor 11. 1937 Plymouth Sedan, 12. 1937 Hudson Sedan, clean and good 295.00 13. 1935 Ford Cpe., body is 14. 1935 Chevrolet Sedan, 15. 1935 Chevrolet Coach, 16. 1936 Chevrolet Sedan, body 17 18 1938 Hudson Coach, better than you think ... 395.00 1936 Olds Sedan, good all the way 295.00 19. 1937 Nash Sedan, anything but good 20. 1935 Chevrolet Coupe, take a chance on this one 95.00 21. 1935 Plymouth Sedan, new paint and motor runs 265.00 22. 1936 Stude. Sedan, rum good, body old and racked with pain 195.00 23. 1936 Terraplane Coach 145.00 24. 1939 Nash Sedan, looks better than it is 295.00 25. 1936 Chevrolet Coach, 5 cylinder special 85.00 26. 1934 Pontiac Coach, new brakes and runs .... 85.00 REMEMBER!! Your OWN THREE BIG DAYS Shrock Where Chemeketa goes to Church DON'T FORGET WE DO HAVE 7 vum V Good Financing on All Cars 1947 LINCOLN, 19,000 MILES $1665.00 1947 FORD TUDOR, VERY CLEAN 1295.00 1946 DESOTO CLUB COUPE, NEW PAINT . . 1145.00 1946 MERCURY SEDAN, ONE OWNER 1285.00 UN-USED MILES FOR SALE! 1937 BUICK SPC. - Radio, good motor & tires . 245.00 1937 CHEV COUPE - Ready to go 245.00 Warner Motor Co. LINCOLN - MERCURY DEALER 145 CENTER PH. S3012 Valley Motor Co. PICKUPS 1947 Ford 1-ton, 4-speed trans. 1948 Ford tt-ton 1944 Dodge H -ton, 4-iped trans. 1941 Dodge -ton 1941 Chev. H-ton 1937 Chev. tt-ton, 4-speed tram. TRUCKS 1947 Ford CO M. Stake body, 2-spttd axle. 1848 Chev. flatbed 1946 Chev. ehassis & cab, 5-speed tram. 1946 Chtv. chassis ft cab, I-speed Brownie DUMP TRUCKS 1949 Ford 4-5 yd. box, 2 -speed axle 1948 Ford 4-5 yd. box, I-speed axle, S-ipeed Brownlt 1940 Chev. 4 yd. box, 2-speed axle WE CAN GIVE YOU FAST DELIVERY ON NEW PICKUPS AND TRUCKS - ANY SIZE Valley Motor LIBERTY AT MARION WE STARTED SOMETHING All Right, Boys -COME and GET 'EM! WE BELIEVE YOU CAN'T BEAT THESE PRICES 1949 Ford Custom Sedan. Like new 1948 Ford Super Deluxe Sedan. A dandy . . 1947 Ford Super Deluxe 8-Cyl. Extra clean 1947 Ford Super Deluxe Sedan-Coupe 1948 Ford Deluxe Tudor 6-Cyl 1948 Ford Deluxe Bus. Coupe. RftH 1949 Willyi Jeepster. A sweetheart 1947 Chev. Stylemaster Bus. Coupe 1947 Crosley Pickup 1940 Buick Super Sedan 1940 Dodge Sedan. R&H 1939 Plymouth 2-Door 1937 Pontiac Coupe , no rt. C 1 n v.nnn Save Money on This special uner 1948 "Anglia" English Ford. 30 to 40 miles per gal. All leather upholstered. This is not used car. Just one of our courtesy cars. This week only . . . $900.00 THE CAR LOT OF SENSATIONAL VALUES AND CARS WITH A PERSONALITY DON'T FORGET THE LOCATION Valley Motor Mart BIOH AUTOMOBILES DOG SHOW Junkers! They Are Still October 7, 8 and 395.00 31.62 95.00 395.00 265.00 looks better than it is rough, but motor rum 85.00 body needs girdle 115.00 Salem Hi Special 125.00 too much wood in the 195.00 .... 125.00 Terms Within Reason You Make Them We Take Them! OCTOBER 7, 8, ft 10th THREE BIG DAYS . . . Motor Company Your Hudson Dealer Salem, Oregon Phone 3-7922 A GOOD SELECTION OF LATE MODEL CARS. ALL MAKES AND MODELS. Q239 IT MAY BE RAINY BUT YOU NEVER GET SOAKED AT WARNER MOTOR USED CAR LOT! ! Truck Dept. PHONI 3-3147 ..$1799.00 . .$1295.00 . .$1195.00 ..$1295.00 . $ 995.00 . .$ 995.00 ..$1545.00 ..$1145.00 . .$ 350.00 . .$ 475.00 . .$ 495.00 . .$ 395.00 . I 165.00 .$ 145.00 AT CIMTia SALEM IAUTOMOBILES Puppies! Old Iron! Better Than Walking ! ! . . TERMS OR CASH Days Only! 10 you CAN'T Afford to Walk SAVE SHOE LEATHER DOCTOR BILLS GOOD HUMOR DOLLARS & CENTS WAVE IN HAIR PRESS IN ' PANTS PREVENT SUNBURN WET FEET COLDS IN HEAD STIFF NECK WANTED TO RENT RELIABLE party nerds 1 or 2 bdrm. house or court. Ph. 3-7368 alter 5p.m. )a34l- I'M JUST 2'i months old! Am Browing full Need 2-bedroom home immediate ly. Reasonable rent. Close in. Ph. 2-1943. Ja241 WANTED Nice turn, or unfurn. t. Business ilrl will furnish refer. Ph. 2-4382 after 6:30. Ja239' FI'RN. or partly furn. small 2 bdrm. house, apt. or duplex. Near at. Vincent school If possible. Call 3-3621. Ja242 YOUNG WORKING couple needs lurn. apt. elose In. Ph. 36473. Ja241' FARM OR HOUSE in vicinity of Salem. Year's rent In advance. Writ Box 491 care of Capital Journal. Ja243 WOULD LIKE TO BENT 30 or 30 acres of farm land. Ph. 3-1121. Ja239 ROOM AND BOARD ROOM it board for employed lady or school Birl. Private home. Large newly decorated rm. Bus at door. Ph. 2-7823. JJ341' BOARD tit room. 49S N.Cottage. JJ241 BOARD ROOM for children by day, week or month. Ph. 22608. JJ243' BOARD and room. Ph. 3-8706. JJ258 LOST AND FOUND LOST: Lid for washing machine. Between Beacon St old Sears Farm Store, on Sept. 28. Ph. 4-2861. k239 LOST Orange Persian cat, vicinity 1980 8. Mlgb St. Child's pet. Ph. 2-4646. Re gard. k239 POUND: Lady's wrist watch. Sat. nlte. Corner of State ft High. Call mity 172. k239 MISCELLANEOUS ENFIELD-"rifle, new " condition, $50.00. 1130 8. 16th. Apt. 2. m241 LE8 SPRINGER, men's hatter. 464 Court. We close Saturdays 12:30. m244 POWER TOOL RENTAL: VALLEY FARM STORK, 4348 Silverton Rd. Ph. 2-2024. m259 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR t HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY 8 EM LER DENTIST Adolpb Bid. --State St Commercial Sts SALEM Phone 1-3311 Bia BUILDING MATERIALS WALLBOARD Car load supply sheet rock V 4ic, 6'ic. Hard waterproofed Chapco wall board In 3 thicknesses, starts at me sq. ft., good for bathroom St kit chen walls. C. O. LONO, Ph. 2-9821. one mile north of K elier. ma 24 PER MA-STONE for fireplaces and home. Salem Perma-Stone Co.. 2040 N. 18th St., Salem. Phone 2-0605 after 6 p.m. ma 263 SHINGLES missing? Outter down? Oct 'em fixed up! See Keith Brown, Front St Court St., Salem. ma GRAVEL FOR concrete mix and roads. 61- furdson. Phone 311S0. ma349 NOTICE CONTRACTORS 80-ft. trusses for building 60x140 ft. Set Christ on the lob at 1256 Ferry St. Madaon Wrecking Co. ma, 240 SALE ENDS SATURDAY! BUILDINO NEEDS AT SLASHED PRICES! Here's your last chance to cash in on Wards tremendous sale) Roofing, sldlna. Insu lation, wall tile, kitchen cabinets, etc. etc. ... all going fail! AND . . . save ar te btr on odd-lot samples and slightly damaged Items. Hurry . . . harry . , . HURRY! Don't let the crowd beat you to HI Make huge aavints now! Check these typical values , . then toma in quick and aavet Re. 1 60 2-8x8-1 Screen Doors .... 8.95 Ret. 1.79 Granulated Rock wool .... 1,48 Reg. 11.95 Asbestos Siding 12.88 Reg. 45c Aluminum Tile 39c Reg. 2 29 Rock Wool BatU 3.88 Reg. 7.98 3 In 1 Shingles 8 37 BUT NOW FOR BIO SAVINOS PAY LATER' ONLY 10". DOWN. BALANCE MONTHLY. MONTOOMERY WARD 155 N. Liberty, Salem. mi 239 NEEDLUMBER? 4 tartar amounts. Builders are realizing aubatantlal t a vims on all grades of framing lumber. No. 4 2x4-1x8 ship lap 117 per M 1x6-2x8-3X10 115 per M No. I. 2x4 shtplap 136 per M. Price In cludes delivery. W-st Salem Saw Mill. 1050 Wallace Rd Ph. 39593. miSB CEDAR SIDING New an.pment x8" and SxlT cdar md in all grades Keith Brown, Front At Court Sts.. flakm. ma SAVE Oft ROOFllfO Let Wards glvt you oompiet IN STALLED price on rour roofing needs Wide range of colors Call our outside sale man for free estimate Phone 1-1191 MONTOOMERY WARD CO. SALEM. OREOOM DEAR ClSTOMrn. tnilit on your con tractor and carpenter unini the flnent eld growth vertical grain yellow fir fin lined lumber In Salem. On hand at Dick Meyer Lumber Co. II Lana Ave Ph. )493f. Free parking. ma ALUM A LOCK ALCM1NUM LOCK JHINDLE The modern permanent roof ing See year wiaitr of Call Out 1-6401 B11272 LUMBER and mill work, cabinet, too. Everything you need. U her for you. Keith Brown, Front 4k Courl St., St. km. ma BUILDING MATERIALS RED C7DAR SHINGLES High Mountain or Coast Timber No 1 $7 75 DELIVERED ANY AMOUNT 100 sos. No. 1, t in clear, suitable for roofs or sldewalls. Ted Muller. Ph. Sa lem 3-1196 Balem-Indep. Road ma FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS ROLL-AWAY BED and mattress, til. 3165 Laurel Ave. nil GALENTE 48 bass accordion. 3 months old. Reg. (135, will sell lor l5. m. 5. box 341. n240 BOY'S full size btcvcle. Oood cond. A bar. gain. 130.00. 2055 HaaelAve. n241 EL EC, wood, gas ranges. 840.00 and UP. Elec. wood, gas oil heaters. 112. Ml ft up. New O.K. refrii. below retail. Out. board motor, baby beds, as low as 15.00. Elec. nlirr, 118.00. Beds with springs ft matt., 814 50 it up. Tables and chairs, clients, drtAsers, S:nger sew. machine, .22 rifle, ruis. hot plates, toasters, waf fle irons. Irons, davenoa, davenport chair set. end tables, Jig saw, vacuum cleaners, floor lamp, rockers, cookware sets. New apt. size, elec. ranae, radios, elec. roaster, coffee table, elec. wash er. Hardman Bros.. 4't miles north of Salem on Port. Hiway. Open from 8 a m. 'till 9 p.m. 7 days a wk n241 COAL or wood range with hot water front. Oood baker, 110.00. Elmer Flat hers, 2192 Fairgrounds Road. n241 CONN baritone, silver finish. Exc. condi tion. Oood baby buggy. Ph. 3-1751 after 6 P.m. n240 USFD OIL HEATERS 819.50, 129.50 and 139.50. OOOD HOUSEKEEPING INC. 467 Court St. Phone 3-9611 n PRACTICALLY new t ft. refrlg. Reason able. Ph. 3-4041. n244 STEWART CLIPMASTER Has every improvement for faster, eas er, better clipping! Smooth running ball bearnitl motor completely self-contained In handle. Antl-frtctlon tension control makes blades last longer 132.75 WARDS FARM STORE Trade te High St. Salem, Ore. U239 L. C. SMITH No. 5 typewriter, $20. Can be seen at1680 N. 17th after 6. n340 DOUBLE barreled shotgun. Charles Da ley diamond grade. Perfect cond. Ph. 2-1195. 1)241 ROOFING Willamette Valley Roof Co.. 30 Lana ave. n239 WOMAN'S BLACK sport suit. Slxe 14. In good condition, oood baby buggy. Ph. 4-2503. n240 n CAL. Smith and Wesson. New condition. 820. 190 8. 14th. n240 SEPTIC TANKS, Concrete Pipe and Tile reinforcing steel, mesh and coloring. All kinds river soil, pit-run, travel crushed, sand and mixes. OREGON GRAVEL COMPANY 1405 N. Front SU Phone 1-3417 U242' USED SEWING Machines. Reasonably priced. Ph. 3-313S. Ralph Johnson Appliances STEEL CLOTHESLINE posts, railings In ock it made to order. 1141 N. Liberty. n242 SEWING Machines, electric or treadle. Service on all makes. Ph. 3-7671. n254 WALLING SAND St O RAVEL CO. CRUSHED ROCK for roads and driveways. cement ready mix concrete, garden and Bulldozing, drainage and ditching 4-yd. ahoval and drag Una. Ph. 1-9249 SALEM SAND As URAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road Clearing Ditching Sewer fe Basement Equipment Rental 15 B "4 yds 10 B yds. D-7 Cat St Dozer . D-fl Cat as Dozer D-4 Cat St Dozer See us about ditching by thi ft. Phone Days 39408 Eves 3-1241 or 3-4400 fealem Oregon u LUMBER 2x4'a by jitney load, $10 per 1,000. You haul. Independence Lumber tt Mig co, inc., independence. Ore. GENERAL ELECTRIC Crosley. Gibson and Montag Appliances at Oevurta. n FENCE POSTS, poles, all types. Shingles fertilizer & flatrock Phillips Bros. Rt 6. Box III Ph. 31458 n WHITE TREADLE sewing machine. Reas onable. 985 Saginaw, rear apt. or ph. 3-4519. n239 TWO 1 M.M. deer hunting rifles. Pb. 3-1303 n239 WOOD CIRCULATOR, oil circulator, wood heaters, gas ranges, wood ranges, sew. Inx machines, old I drawer chest. 145 SouthChurch. n239 BED DAVNEPORT 110. Daveno 810. Rock er 12. Heat Master roaster with timer. Good small circulating heater. Window 5x6 ft. with frame. 145 black gab. coat 110. 740 Chemeketa. n239 USED SPINET PIANO Kimball Consolettt. Mahogany Queen Anne period design. This beautiful piano Is just like new. Substantial savings. STONE PIANO CO. (The Valley's Finest Piano Store) 1540 Fairgrounds Rd. n243 LOGS wanted. Schwab Lumber Co. Mills located at Hazel Green. P.O. Box 201, Silver ton. Ph. 1722 Silverton. n242 WHITE chiffon St satin formal, alc 14. Could be used for wedding dress. Ph. 3-5937 evenings. n239 Mx?-FT. trailer awning. Good cond. WlTl sacrlflce for 330. 1S3 N. Com'l. n242 L. C. SMITH No. 5, 120. Can be seen at 1680 N. 17th after 6. n239 FOR SALE or trade for rifle. Smith es Wesson .38. Also revolving clothes line 84. Ph. 21390. n239 Washing Machines Repaired Vacuum Cleaners Repaired Sewing Machines Repaired ALL MAKES PICK UP AND DELIVER W. DAVENPORT PH. 3-7871 A263 FROG1L oil circulator. 633 N. 17th St. H239 RUSSIAN squirrel Locke fur coat. Size 13. Excellent condition. Newly glared. Call after 4 00 p.m. except Bundara. 716 N. Commercial. Best offer over 173. n!41 64 NOTE PIANO A dainty Instrument of modern design. Regularly 1375. Special tl95. STONE PIANO CO. (The Valley's Finest Piano Store 1 1540 Fairgrounds Rd. n!41 BEAUTY COUNSELOR product!. Ph. 37334 H340 PEAT MO fortified with turkey drop Inns. Only 90e a sack. VALLEY FARM STORE. 4343 Silverton Rd. Pb. 3-2034 B259 MIEI.L4 for foreign V odd caliber rifles Sackett, 1510 So. Winter, Pb. 3-4913. 241 USED ELECTRIC refrigerators. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO.. 373 Chemeketa. n251 uTl'D ELECTRIC ranges- YEATER AP PUANCE CO., 375 Chemeketa. n2H LFDWAVlHNOWneaYEATra AP PUANCE CO., 375 Chemeketa. n2l' OIL CIRCULATORS, drastically reduced prices. YEATER APPLIANCI CO- 375 Chemeketa. B251 HUNTERS ATTENTION! Save your game in a Deepfreeze Home Freezer. YEATER APPLIANCE CO., 371 Chemeketa. n251 ALL FAMOUS makes of small appliances YEATER APPLIANCI CO, 37 Cneme Eft a. n251 SEWINO MACHINES: Free WMtlnshouat". YEATER APPLIANCI CO, 371 Chem keta. B361 WFSTINGHOUSE radio phonograph con olM. As Cttle as Ml 50 Y EATER AP PLIANCE CO.. 375 ChemeketaJ n251 NEW rED musical Instruments 4k spinet 8t rrand plar.os at reduced prlctt JAQUXTH MUSIC CO, PB. 14641 A344 PLASTt-KOTE: Tht cellophane -Ilka fin lab for your floors, woodwork or lino leum, no waxing required. YEATER AP PLIANCE CO, 373 Chemeketa. n351 r0R SALE MISCELLANEOUS FULLER br isbes. 1743 Oraot, ph. 8-6357 n344 sEWING MACHINES. New Horns electric 19.91 UP. Ph. 33139. Ralph Johnson Appliances n24S t M.M. deer rifle and shells. Bporter. Oood cond. Ph. 2-8194 before 1 p.m. n240 1 EVANOIL oil stove. With a barrel and stove mat. l combination wood ass rane.Ph. 3-4084. n240 OLDER model Frigidalrr. single bed. Sim mons springs. Beauty rest mattress. LI ice new. Large old fashioned book case. Round coffee table. Nice trash burner. All good furniture. 721 Ferry St n240 MOVING by 15th. must sell Frig., deluxe 2 -oven stove, refrlg. , L.R. set, rugs, etc. Redwood lawn furniture. 185 N. 13th. n240 ELECTRIC range, apt. slxe Montag. 4- burner. 8129. Custom Aire oil circula tor, 140. Maytag washer. 130. Ph. 2-8809 n240 APROX. IB yds. 2 tone blue carpet. Ben- dix auto, washer. Rt. 9 Box 437. I mtiea east on Market St. n240 DAVENO AND matching chair, Lawaon tyle : maple dining room act. bedroom furniture. All good condition. 435 Wayne Drive. Manbrin Oardena. Phone 3-3051. 10 a.m. -12 or 3-6 p.m. n239 AIR-O-FLAME oil circulator. 6 room size. Oood condition. Nlca looking. Ph. 23182. n240 ONE MITRE box. 1368 8. 13th. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED furniture vo glue repair Lse Bros, rum RSftnialiUf Co "a l-TOOl FTTtNITURr Phnne I-9IS5 OS PERSONAL RUNDOWN? LOST PEP? DOCTOR SAYS: "Felt pepless. OstreS Tonic Tablets ave pep quick." Dr. A. W. For body weak Just because lacking Iron. Intro ductory slxe only 50c. At all druggists In Salem, at Fred Meyer's. p239 STANLEY Home Products. 853 Cross. Ph 2-5448. F. O. Renahan. p247 MADAM MORA GIFTED PSYCHIC READER AND ADVISOR Can help you where others has failed. Satisfaction assured. Advice on all affairs of life. Special reading 12.00. Located Just south of Hubbard on Hlxhway 99E Between Woodburn and Hubbard. Look for sign Reading Dally and Sun. p250 AUTOMOBILES APPRECIATION COUNTS! You hive proved our poller to be rlthtt Your continued patronue of our vide selection of fine Used Cars, priced risht, and backed by our Reputation, tells us what YOU want. We will continue to please you! We'd like to show you our exceptional values in Guaranteed Cars ftO50 for 30 days or 1000 miles. Terms? Of coursel Come In TODAYI 1948 Dodge $1745 1948 Plymouth $1495 1947 Mercury $1365 1947 Dodge $1595 1947 Ford $1295 1947 Plymouth $1295 1940 Chrysler $695 STAN BAKER MOTORS DODGE-PLYMOUTH Headquarters FOR A BETTER BUY BETTER TRY "STAN" BAKER UNION AND HIGH O.2J0' ATTENTION 1949 Cher. Stylellne , Deluxe 4 -dr. Tu-tone, extras, J500 ml. Only 11795.00 1941 Chev. Fleet master Club Cpe. Dove gray, one owner, U.OOO ml. Extras. Real sharp. Only 11495 .00 We have some more models, at the same low price. Cash or terms or trade If your oar Is clean. SPECIALS 194 Indian Motorcycle. Cost 1976 a year ago. Our prlct now t 395.00 Some terms. House Trailer. 18 ft. Fully equipped. Only I 495.00 1121 Pontiac Sedan. It runs too S 65.00 Wt will sell any Unit on the lot for a small profit for cash, no trade, remem ber this when you buy your next car. Kannier Used Cars Across from MKN Furniture West Salem Q239 MODEL "A" FORD Vie. New motor, ex cellent condition, pnone J-fl5. uso n 17th St. O240 lMt CHEV. coupe. Heater. Excellent con dltlon. 1460. 2020 N.4th. 244 '41 DODGE sed. RAH. '40 Chrysler. '27 Dodge Sed.. '17 Chev. Sed., '34 Chev. Scd., '21 Essex Bed., cheap. All these cars are priced for quick sale. Hardman Bros.. 4' miles north of Salem on Port. Hiway. Open from S a.m. 'till 9 p.m. 1 days a wk. j241 1941 Stude. Champion Tudor. R&H and OD. This clean, economical car priced at 1595.00 Eisner Motor Co. S52 N. High Salem. Oregon Q239 1948 CHEV. Fleet master Sedan. 12.000 actual miles, heater, seat covers, original Jet black finish. ThU la a beauty. Sea It today. 11495.00. TRADE TERMS . Orval's THI LOT WITH THI TURNTABLE Onttr at Church flu. Ph. 3-4702 q239 Eisner Motors to Buy 1946 Plymouth Club Coupt Dark blitt. RAH. A boautr In A-l m'ch. condition. Eisner Motor Co. Ill It. Hllh Salem. Oraion .131' Eisner Motors to Sell 1MI CHEV. Aero Bed. Illll. Phona 9S'0. q340 LIKE NEW 1917 Chev. 4-door and 1934 Chev. 4-door. 1720 Lancaster Dr. q240 Car and Truck Auction EVERY FRIDAY AT 7:30 P.M. Lane Sudtell's Auction Sales Yards i MH I of saiem on Silverton ftnnd Phone !- q23( SAO CHED CAR LOT 180 tts your old one, 12th SU Junction Open till 10 .m qa4i '49 Chev. Sedan Driven 1900 miles. Save 1200 on this one at 11195.00 Eisner Motor Co. m 151 W. High Salem. Oregon a239 ZEEB'S USED CARS atnr sell . tkads term til Palrirwvsds Road Phono 19454 '41 Chev. Tudor A real valu. only 14900 Eisner Motor Co. 152 W. High Salem. Oregon 21t Journal Want Ads Pay AUTOMOBILES 1947 BUICK St'PFR SEDANET. ORIGINAL LIGHT GREEN FINISH. RADIO, HEATER. DE FROSTERS WINDSHIELD WASHERS. EXCELLENT TIRES, 11645.00. Orval's THE LOT WITH THE TURNTABLE Center at Church Sts. Ph. 3-4702 0239 CAR ACCESSORIES tires tubes at cost price Flru coma first served as this is a close-out sale. Dealers welcomed. R D Wood row Co., 450 Center. ' Eisner Motors Fine Ca;s WESTERN MOTORS Cash for Good Clean Cars PH. 3-9G22 Or Drive Out to 795 S. 12TH , i q243 WE HAVE a postwar Buick sedanrtte well worth our price (1350, and other values In repossessed autos Demonstration by appointment only. Ph. 3-4168. Commer cial Credit Corp. q240 T40 CHEVROLET sedan deUv7ryTPhnne 2-9836. q240 1949 CHEV. FLEETLINE TWO-DOOR. BEAUTIFUL LIGHT OHEY FINISH. FENDER SKIRTS. UNDFRCOAT1NO. WIND SHIELD WASHERS. OIL PURELATOR. 8000 ACTUAL MILES. A REAL VALUE AT 11745.00. AT Orval's THE LOT WITH THE TURNTABLE Center at Church Sts. Ph. 3-4702 0239 Save $600 1949 Mercury sedan. Radio, heater dE overdrive. 91995.00. Eisner Motor Co. 352 NHlgh Salem. Oregon q239 WANTED: Clean usro car. Bob Uarr 2100 South Commercial '87 FORD pickup. Very good meeh. cond. Radio ft rack. $285. Ph. 3-3998. 1205 Ferry St. to after 5 p.m. 240 E. Ma drons. q239 1946 CHEV. Fleletmaster Sedan. New medium blue finish. Rndlo, hfHter, windshield wash ers, electric gas lock. A real valuta at 11195.00. TRADE TERMS Orval's THE LOT WITH THE TURNTABLE Center at Church SU, Ph. 3-4702 0.239- 19.1? CHEV. sedan. No dents. Oood tires. New paint. 5275. 851 Rosemont. Ph. 39510. q240 11)37 FORD Coupe. In good running con dition, siso. 1090 Bhipping. q40 Sp-FbRD-Fo7dor7R7&H.n20 'Lancaster Dr. q240 MOTORCYCLES, SCOOTERS BEST BI'V on Harlev Davidson motor cycle. "48 45 cu. In. Terms. May be seen morn. & eves., 029 N. winter or days at Wnrnfr Mootor Co. qn240 FARM EQUIPMENT USED TRACTOR TIRES, popular sizes. (5.00 and up. Montgomery ward & co.. Salem. qb239 9 CLETRAC crawler tractor with Isaac son blade. Oood running cond. Ph. 3-4785. qb242 FINANCIAL Personal Finance Co. 518 State. Rm. 125. Lie. - 8-122 - M-105. C. R. Allen. Mar. r240' AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 183 S. Church Parking a Plenty Ph 2-2457 Lie. NO M-150 S-154 f $ CASH $ Hollywood Finance Co. 1980 Fairgrounds Road Next Door to Bank Free Parking Phone 27032 Lie N M38B-8291 Floyd Kenyon, Mar r PRIVATE MONEY Special Rates and Terms On Larger Loans Loni and Short Tlmt Payments ROT H SIMMONS 139 South Commercial St Phona 1-9181 SEE PS FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLV 4 OR 4' INTEREST I to 40 Years and No Commission Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS 344 State St. Phone 9-3883 r OENERAL FINANCE CORP. LOANS Lie. 8-133 and M-32S and ROY R. SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS 136 8 Commercial St. Tel. 3-9181 r FARM AND CITY LOANS 4".-. and 5 YOUR OWN TERMS of repayment within reason Cash for Real Estate Contracts and Second Mortsnaes. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO 201 Pton-T Trust Bid Ph 3-7182 T TRAILERS 35' FACTORY built. New stoves. Oood cond. Very reasonable. Fir Crest Trailer Park. N Rlvrr Rd. 1240 DIRECTORY ADDING MACHINES Alt mares nrwd mechtnee aold, rented repaired Roen 409 Court Phone 3-4773 APPLIANCE SERVICE ELECTRIC ROME appliance repair service new appltane. Tinea's liectrla Phone Free estimates Trade-ins accepted on 3923 187 8 Liberty St O AT I'S DOOR SHARPENING ttTO RADIOS Authonred Warranty Repair Station for all makes of Auto Radios Mono Radio Co.. 153 8 Liberty Ph 1-6953. o MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towing service day phona S-9IM Rlgnt 2-1B04 SS" Center Mlk Pan, 373 8. Com'l. Ph. 3-5161 Brake and wheel aligning specialists. 0259 BRICK WORK Brick A block work of all kinds. Ei PTieneed, competent masons. Call Davidson Bros., Ph. 2-3247. o258 BTtI.I)IN(i ("ARPENTRf Remod-L '-pair tnat home now Terms No down payment Phone 1-4980 o bc iT. n i s rfc ovr r act or Alt Bros. Alio housf raised. New foun dations. Phone 3-5909. 0242 e in o Dean Robinaon. Ph 1-1517 or 2-4308 02)9 Bulldnilng. leveling, road bldg., dear tnt tth for brush. Virtll Huskey, into Fairvlew Ave. Ph. 1-3146, Salem. o3S9 CASH REGISTER Instant delivery of new RCA cash register al makes aoid. ranted, re-pet-ed Roan 458 Court Ph 2-6771 o CEMENT WORK For eipert guaranteed satisfaction new er repair of foundation, aidewalka drive wars, patloa, aurba, walla, tte. Call 3-4150 o CHIMNEY SWEEP Furnace chimneys vacuum clean-d Ensiey. 771 8. 21st Ph. 3-7176. o359 CONCRETE WORK If It's made of concrete, let us b:d on your work. Ph. 1-1136. o34 DRI.HS M4.K1NO Alt. dres- making Oood used clotti tor taM. J Stale St. Rm. 37. OJ44 Capital Journal. Salem, Oregon, DIRECTORY ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING Vmce's Electric for electrical wiring, contracting, repairing, 157 S. Liberty EXTERMINATORS Cockroach, Moth Exterminator Service. Ph. 3-3058. Lee Cross. 1555 PearL 0259 Brelthauot'i for flowers Dial 3-9179 o t'hel. Move St desel oil. Ph. 3-3186. Shell Oil Co L T. Maxwell distributor 03,1 FURNACE A CIRCULATOR SERVICE Vacuumed A repaired. Dvorak. Ph. 24963 HOt SI HUID PKODLCTB J- R Watklns Oo products Free o tvtry 1717 Center Ph 3-5395. Q INIL4TION Joiins-Manvllle Phone 3-3748 o INSTHI Ml XT B EPA1R Expert musical intrumrnt repair. All work fully guaranteed. JACQUITH MU. SIC CO., PI). 3-4641. o244 JAINTOR SERVICE Window Cleaning Janitor Service Floor Wailnt Biilldmits - Factories - Homes fcrirr.atM Without Obligation AMERICAN BLDG MA INT CO Ph Salem 3-9133 ' LANUSCAKr MR5FRT f Doerfler & Sons. Ornamentals 150 N Lancaster Dr at 4 Cor Ph 2-1322 o DELUX SERVE SELF Laundry. 345 Jef ferson St. Prione 23152. o LAWNMOWrRS Sharpened, guaranteed service. New power and hand mowers Call Harry W . 8c ott. 147 8. Com'l St. o359 MATTRESSES Capital Reddlna Phone 3-4069 MI'SIC LESSONS Spanish ft Hawaiian Oultar, Mandolin, Banjo, etc. 1523 Court St Ph. 1-7509 0240 OFFICE FURNITURE SUPPLIES Desk chairs, files and fllini supplies safes, duplicators and supplies, desk lamps typewriter stands brief eases Pierce Wire Recorders. Roen 454 Court Interior palntlm. C. Horn. Ph. 2-3518. o257 ifatrom's are equipped to do painting Phone 2-2493 PAINTING PAPERHANGING Painting St papering. Free est. Ph. 3-3(108 0281 PAPERHANGING Expert Paperliaimlng and painting. H. J. Woodworth. Ph. 2-5868. Free est. o252 Jerry Johnson. Ph. 34631. o250 PAINTING ) rAPEHHANGlNQ Painting St pnperhanElni, Int. St ext. dec. H. I. (Woody) Wood. Ph. 1-5072. o258 Painting and pa pern a nit tna. Free esti mate Ph 3-0513. 857 Shipping. o340 PICTURE FRAMING Picture framlns Hutch eon Paint Store Phcve 3-8087 PLUMBING Fisher. 144 ComT Ph. 3-3019. REFRIGERATION SERVICE SAND A GRAVEL Garden Soil, crushed rock. Shove) and dragline excavating. Walling Sand St Grave) Co., Phone 1-9249. o Valley Sand St Oravei Co Silt, sand A Ml dirt Excavating 10B shovel A cats Tractor scoop St trucks for dirt moving Ph offlco 24002. rea. 37140 c Salem Saw Writs. Ph. 3-7603. 1393 N fith. o35ft SEWERS AND SEPTIC TANKS Electric Ruto-Rooter Exclusive Patent Rasor iharp Steel Cutting Rlades Clean Sewers or Drains Septlfl Tanks Cleaned (teas Ph 1-1327 or 1-9401 SEPTIC TANKS Mike's Septic Service. Tanks cleaned. Roto Rootrr Service on Sewers. 1079 Elm St.. W. Sarm. Ph. 1-9401, 1-3327. O201 K. F. Hamel. Septic tanks cleared. Electric machine service on ewe and drain lines. Guaranteed arork. 1143-1' h St., West Salem. Ph. 3-7404. o249 Vacuum Pumping, no mileage charge Call us collect Todd's Septic Tank Service. 2545 State St. Phone 2-0734. o' SEWING MACHINES Rfpalrs Ruaranteeri all makes. Ph. 35MI9. 1091 EriitewaLrr, Went Salem. O304' Bought, sold, rented, repaired. EZ terms. All makes. W. Davenport, Ph. 1-7671. o354 All makes repaired, free estimates Binger Sewtna Marhlne Co. 130 No Commercial fir 3-3311. o ry PEW H ITERS Smith Corona. Remington Royal, Coder wood portables An makes used machines Repairs and rent Roen. 450 Court, o TRANS FEF s) STORAGE '.oca! St Distance Transfer, storage Burner oils, coal St briquets Trucks tt Portland dally Aaent for Begins House hold coons moved to anywhere In US o. Oanada La r mar Transfer j Storage Ph 3-3131 o F.NETIAN BLINDS Salem Venetian Blinds made to order m re finished. Relnholdt Lewis 2-3839 Elmer The Blind man. Ph. 37321. WEATHERMTRII'PINO Free estimates, T. PULLMAN. Ph. 3-5963. 0259 WELL DRILLING Fred Wymore, RL 2, Box 117. Ph. 2-5135 0239 WINDOW SHADES Washable Roller Made to ordf-r. 1 Day Del Relnholdt A Lewis Fh 23631. o (vYndow clkaninq Aomt Indow Cleaners Windows, walls A woodwork cleaned Floors cleaned wated and polished Ph 3-13.17 347 Court. Laoidoo, Culbertsoo and Mather WOOIISAWINO Atkins Croia. Ph. J-1674 or 3-1171. 0239 noun sawdust Wrst Hulem Fuel Co Ph 9-4031. tO DOES gjQ l.O.OJ meets everj Wed nesday night. Vtslton wei oome Pacific Lodge No. 50, A.F. & AM. MM. Degree frlday, Oc tober 7, 7 p m. 239 Journal Want Ads Pay urn i . (1 'I'M : Friday, October 7, 1949 19 right Promised For River Bill i Walla Walla, Oct. 7 The Pacific northwest is not going to take the refusal by the sen ate public works committee to authorize the coordinated Co lumbia river program, lying down. Senator Harry Cain, said here today. The co-author of the amend ment which was rejected by the committee arrived here Just be fore noon to address the com munity chest kickoff luncheon. "You can say that we are go ing to be in there fighting on the street corners and swinging with both fists to salvage this program." Cain, a member of the com mittee, said the vote was 6 to 3 along strict party lines with the democrats all voting to up hold President Truman in de laying authorization of the co ordinated plan until the CVA is sue has been decided. "It is a sad thing when the destiny of this part of the coun try gets mixed up in fourth-rate politics," the senator remarked. After his talk here which fol lowed the line of the community chest movement throughout the nation and the need for funds, Senator Cain boarded a plane for New York where he will leave for Europe Friday. Bride Killed In Crash Monterey, Calif., Oct. 7 U.R) Mrs. Carla Jean Collins, 22, 4517 S. Tacoma, Tacoma, Wash., was killed yesterday when the auto mobile in which she was riding collided head-on with a truck. Her husband, to whom she was recently married, Charles, 21, Portland, Ore., was critically in jured. His address was listed as 3225 NE 41st street, Portland, Oregon. LEGAL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN to all persons particularly Interested and to the general public that a hearing will ba held before the common council of the city of Salem. Oregon, at the city hall on the tenth day of October, 1949, at the, hour of 1:30 p.m., to consider an ordin ance to change from a Class I Residential District to a Class II Residential! District the following described premises, towlt: L.01 rive (5i subdivision of Blocks 31 and 35 of Tew Park Annex No. 1 to Salem, Marlon County, Oregon. (See Volume 11. Page 27. Record of Town Plata for Said County and State. BY ORDER OF THE COMMON COUN. GIL: ALFRED MTJNDT City Recorder. Oct. B. a. T. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that tho County Court for Marlon County, Oregon, has fixed Thursday, the 27th day of Octo ber. 1949, at the hour or 10 o'clock A.v. at the court house in Salem, Marlon Cosva ty, Oregon, as the time and place of hear ing of objections. If any. to the final account filed by the undersigned In tho estate of RAY ORANT, deceased, and for settling said estate. DATED this 22nd day of September, 1941 J. K. WEATHERFORD, Jr. Administrator WEATHERFORD A THOMPSON Attorneys Sept. 23, 10. Oct. , 14. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE HEREBY IS OIVEN to aJl Br. sons particularly Interested and to tho general public that a hearing will be hold before the common council of tht city of Salem, Oregon, at the city hall on tho tenth day of October, 1949, at tho hour of 8:30 P.m.. to consider an ordlnani tsi change from a Class I Residential District to a Class II Residential District the fol lowing described premises, towlt: Lot Five (3) Subdivision of Blocks 31 and 35 of Yew Park Annex No. 1 to Salem, Marlon County, Oregon. (See Volume 11, Pace 27. Record of Town Plata for said County and State.) BY ORDER OF THE COMMON COUNCIL: ALFRED MUNDT, City Recorder. Oct. B t. 7. SHERIFF'S NOTICE OF RALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY TN THE JUSTICE'S COURT FOR THE SILVERTON DISTRICT. COUNTY OF MARION. STATE OF OREOON. In the Matter of the taking up and salt of an Estray heifer by J. D. Drake By virtue of an Order issued out of tho Justice's Court tor the Silverton District, County of Marlon. State of Oreaon. on September 23. 1949. I will sell at Publlo Auction on the 17th day of October. 1949. at 2 O'clock in the afternoon at the farm of 3. D, Drake, located about 10 mtles S.E. from Silverton. Oreaon, on the Sliver Falls State Park Highway, tht following de scribed heifer, to-wlt: a year old white fact heifer Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 4th Octo ber, 1949. DENVER YOUNO Sheriff of Marlon County, Oregon First publication Oct. 1. 1940 Last publication Oct, 14, 1049 Oct. 7 and 14. Relieve Menstrual Pain New Jill Tabs New Ask your druRRist for further information Northwest Orujr & Chemical Products Co. 3106 S.E. 50th Ave., Portland Why Suffer Any Longer When others fall ui our Chinese remedies Amailng success for 5000 rears in China No matter with what ailments you are afflicted disorders lnusltis heart, lunas. ller. kidneys eas, constipation ulcere, diabetes r he u mat Urn, gall and bladder, fever ik in. female oomplaJol. CHARLIE CHAN CHINESE HERB CO. Office Roar 9 lo Tiea aaa Sat. Onrr t4 N. Cowtaaerslai Fhant 119M ALRN. ORR rgaiEpqaas