lift Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, October ?, 1949 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. Pr Unt 19e Per Unt t tlnei 40c Per Lin 6 limes 60e Par unt 1 month 13 00 Outside of Salem 15o per lint par day. Mln. lOci I time mln. SOe time mln. 11.20. No Refund READERS In Local New Col Only. P Line To Place an Ad Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES S1.M0 DOWN. New 1 Bdrm. home NE. Fireplace, hdwd. floor, utility room, at tached itiu. Lot. 10x100. Pull price 18,000. r, Call O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO., -' REALTORS " 168 High, Ph. 1-4121. Eve. Jj, Open for Inspection A Modern S bdrm. home. Large living room with circulating fireplace, dinlns room, kitchen ft breakfast nook, attached ;1 garage ft Inside utility room. Very . large lot. Penced In front lawn. Heas . onablt price for thi type of home. Can ' be een anytime. CaU at 9330 Bunnyvlew Aye. 0 BY OWNER: 6 room, large lot. Ideal lo cation. 16500. 463 Hoyt 8t. a340 FAIRMONT HILL -i Llv. rm.. din. rm., kit., nook, 2 BR, den, and bath on one floor. Full basement with play rm., BR, ahower ft laundry. , Auto Electric furnace. 2 fireplace, in sulated, weather at ripped, V, blind, ' awning, dole, gar., very 1. lot, fenred yard. 1970 John St. Phone 3-8226. a 2 40 iBDRM. home. Living room, dining room, " kitchen, bath, full basement, auto, oil : furnace, hardwood floor, ven. blind, fireplace. Lot 100x165, landscaped. Im- . proved road next to bus. 12500 down, ' bal. PH. A. Inquire 3616 Hulsey Ave.. Ph. 3-3201. 242 MANBRIN OARDEN8 110,600. Real value In thi 2 B R. home. Colotlle bath, flreplc, pecan floor, nice - nook, lg. well landscaped lot. F.H.A. loan may be i.uumed. Ph. 3-6B80. ED. LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE , 433 NORTH HIGH ST. " Ive. Ph. 2-8704 - 2-1769 - 3-3838 242 Worth $8500 ell for 37330 walking distance down town. 3 B Rm., plaster, basement, flre- place, hdwd., garagt, llv., din., kit. " 13000 down, $50 mo. E.M. Hunter, Real Estate 770 S. Com. Ph. a-4 - 3-5487 .239' BY OWNER 7 Very . attractive 1 bdrm. home. Nice neighborhood, convenient location near I Leslie school. 4 loan. 18500. Would take car a part down payment. Ph. 2-6086 for more detail. a239.l .'RFAL good small home, H.W. floor, flre- i place, full basement, lot to alley, near ' schools, bus by the door. Priced to sell. , Goodwin and McMillin REALTORS Pho. 1-4707 484 Court Ive. 2-4773 a239 fcv OWNER Leaving town, must sell at sacrifice: 2 bdrm., fireplace, hdwd. fir., full basement, nice yd. Englewood 630 ThomponAve. a.240 fOR SALE or trade: 5 rm. house. Lot - 6Bxl30. Wired for range. Will trade for '.. large trailer house. Rt. 7, Box 376T, Leo REAL ATMOSPHERE A beautirully located 2 bdrm. home com bining attractively arranged living quar ters. Full basement, party room, 3 fire places, built up lawn, fine shade trees. Price $12,500. $3,700 will handle or small house In trade. Walter Musgrave, R'ltor 1211 Edge water. Ph. 3-5700. Ive. 3-9839. a242 BY OWNER Scenic View Property 35 ACRES 8PRINO FED CREEK B ACRES FRUIT : ft ACRES PASTURE 13 ACRES IN CULTIVATION t miles of West Salem. Rt. I, Box 640 B240 $750 DOWN $50 PER MO. I't story house 3 bdrm. down - klt-chen-dinette comb. - living rm. - stair way with unfinished attic utility rm ft attached gsrane - large lot - good soil - paved street! - Keiier district -I Full price $7200. $500 DOWN ' New 3 bdrm. house - kitchen-dinette, comb. - nice size living rm. - elec. heat - utility rm. - atlaciird Karaite - Inrne ' lot - paved street - Keiier dlst. - Full price $7650. SOUTH 12TH ST. Cob? 1 bdrm. house kitchen with table space - llvinf rm. - elec. heat - Plenty of storage apace - large lot - 70 ft. front tee on liwy. - house setting far enounh buck for business space In front - Larue ahRde tret - nlct setting for home & biislneaa. Abrams & Skinner, Inc. 411 Masonic Bldg. Ph. 3-9217 " Insurance Mtg. Loans a239 WHY PAY RENT When you can buy a dandy 2 bdrm. . home romp. turn. Incl. elrc. range, re frlg. 17150. owner would aelt unfurn, r Call Pat Kemprr. $8750 Nice 3 bdrm. home, Ive. llv. rm. with fireplace, beauttlul Int. Englewood. $14,250. Lovely 2 bdrm. home In pert. cond.. car peted liv. and din. rm., kit. with nook, full bsmt., aut. oil turn. Beautifully landscaped. Writ loc. In Englewood. Gray-Himmel Realty Co. BY OWNER Modern 2 RR home with din . Ini room ft 12x30 utility room. EaM 1 , block outside city limit. Ph. 2-2775. t 'M0 7-250 Lata built 2 B R. home N E. Ph. - S-6B34. a250 "JUST OUTSIDE CITY " ' Out of state owner here to srll prae- ' tlcallr new home. 6 Ite, rms., hwd. firs. t'iruout, auto-f urn. iitix-d to all rins. ' t'nfln. upstiars. Btsirway in. Rrepr.eway. atl. sar. Lie Int. iiy water. Low down payment. MIA lrrm. .Salem Heights dlst. 6H5 Ewald, 8. oft 9E. HS ; $2250 I rm. hst. near Paulus Cannery. Good . rental. ' C. W. Reeve, Realtor 45 S. Oom-l. Ph. 3-4M10. aao 1sM DOWN, balance FIIA loan. New k modern 3-BR. home. Pavrd street, rKf j to school Immediate possession. $0350. , Call Stanley Rroan ilh STATE FINANCE CO. ) 153 S. High St., Ph. 3-4131, Eve. 2-"M i alii l SALEM HEtOlfTS Brlnt your earnest money when you li come out. This will go fast. Wax 110.700. t, now IP.500. Equity 11379. Ral FIIA loan k at $56 per mo. Kiel, taxr, ins, ft int. k, t bdrm., tit. srir.. auto ht. Ittimed , pons. S. Com'l In Libert Rd. to Salrm HU. Avt. to 3350 Winolt Ave. alJS Koon 6 room modern houese in Mill City. . Three 7IIMM lot. Large garair. 3 blocks t west of Hilltop Store. Call 1303 Mill City. Oordon Wheeler. tuo $10,500 bdrm. home In Pnalewood. Larte lot with room for apartment, Chicken-, work shop, geraar. utility im 1 C. W. Reeve, Realtor ' 048 S Com'l. Ph. 3-45O0 340 lll.MMi. NKW 3 bdrm. homoe En lr wood . Ulst. Has full basement with oil fur . nace, flrr place. alo llreplare In bane ' rrifnl, Attached itragt. $3500 down, J balance terms. Call O V. Hum with STATE FINANCE CO., i REALTORS IM I. Huh, Ph. I-41JI. Im. l-lim .!4t fan qx-UK ! own.r Will mrrltlr. ! BR hnm. vltb ,rpratt cotl,a rrnt.l j H. M4U. uu- FOR SALE HOUSES NEW AND SHINY t bedroom, living room, nook, kitchen, bath, large garace, near Lelit school. ThU home U finished to perfection. 10200. F.M.A. Urma. $7150 Clean a a Pin. 3 BR., LR kit., dinette, bath, utility. Trie. 100x113 lot, Ho garden. Quick poueaston. CALL D. L. BISHOP Chas. Hudkins & Son REALTORS 330 Jl. Hiah St. Phone 2-41W. s240 tl.WW DOWN, $50.00 per month buy modern late-built 2-BR. home. Fireplace. Hardwood floor. Venetian blinds. Fur naci. Attached garaae. Call Stanley Brown with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 S. High, Ph. 3-4121, Ive. 3-5561 241 $9500 Modern 3 bdrm. ranch- atyle hse. In nice location. Hdwd. floors, oil furnace. Very attractive hse. Easy term. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 946 8. Com'l. Ph. 3-4590. t.240 BY OWNER: Modern 3 bedrm. house with floor furnace Ac garage. S4100. 3330 Hyde St. a243 $7500 3 bdrm. home close to school and froc. Paved set. and sidewalk. Small down payment and monthly payment. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 945 S. Com'l. Ph. 3-4590. 340 $3500 Will give you the house and sell you the furniture or give you the furniture and soil you the house all for the same price. Cash. 3 bedrooms, L.R., lame kit chen, bathroom, also room for addition al bedroom upstairs. Lot 60x120. North. Would consider a trailer house for part payment. Call McQueen eve., Ph. 3-8476. $7000 Nice new home with hardwood floor and automatic heat, ranch atyle 2 bed room home, auburban. restricted area, good terms and Immediate possession. Call McQueen eve., Ph. 2-8476. Joe L. Bourne, Realtor UNFINISHED HOMES $2950.00. Located east, outside finished. Attached garage. Lot 100x180. Term. $4050.00. Located NE. 968 sq. ft. floor space. Plumbing and electricity roughed in. Electric heat. Plastered. Call O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 158 S. High, Ph. 3-4121, Eves. 3-5206 s341 BY OWNER 3 bdrm , one block to McKlnley school A bus. Hdwd. frs open circular stair way, plastered dry basement, oil fur nace. Will consider any reasonable of fer, Ph,3-5472. a3 40 3 BDRM. home on view lot. Elect, heat. Hdwd, floors, fireplace, basement, large lot. Prlct $10,000 with very liberal terms. Call O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 1SS 8. Hlah, Ph. 3-4131. Evea. 1-10 altl- Low Down Payment Old 5 rm. house, new roof, partly furn ished, clean interior, large lot. Just 13.00. Crawford. 379 N. High fit. Office: 3-3649 BURT PICHA, Realtors FURNISHED OR NOT! 3-bedroom home with full basement. All hardwood floors. Larue window. Very nlct back yard. Double garage. Close to grade school & Jr. High, $13,500 furn ished. $11,500 unfurnished. No. 343 $200 DOWN! 176 per month. 3'i bedroom home north, Auto heat, fenced In back yard. Large garaae. 2 blocks to Parochial school. ls block to store V bus. No. 365 3-BEDROOM! suburban on 1 acre near 4 -Corners. Lot of room. Good paved road frontage. Barn, shop, and small chix house. Close to school bus. $8,000 will take 2 -bedroom In town up to $6,000. No. 341 MORE GOOD ' LISTINGS ' NEEDED REIMANN FOR REAL ESTATE 201 South High Street Ph. 3-9203 Eve. & Sun. 3-1337. 4-.S74, 3-3738, 3-5905 a239 MODERN HPAClOtis home with 1 acre on city A tchool bus line. Ideal location for business. Call after 3:30 p.m. Ph. 3-7634. a244 ATTRACTIVE 2 bdrm. home only 3 yr. old. Basement; furnace; hdwd. floors. Price II1H50. Terms. SI ill KUAN HOME 10 acres. Year around creek. 3 bdrm. house. Fireplace; furnace. Burn: chicken hoiue. Plenty fruit: hrub. In. Price $9850. Leo N. Childs, Inc. R'ltors 344 State St. Ph. 3-3A63 Eve. or Supn. call Mr. Voorhees, 3-4007 b241 FOR SALE LOTS LOT 90x219. Walnut trees. Restricted I Kelter dlt. $1100. Ph. 3-3174. a24l $11,000 - 110x130 LOT Corner lot has two sinnll house. Good location for service station, or drive In rrM. Located on two well traveled St. In nortli part of Salem. Ph. 3-fiflHO. ED. LUKINHEAL REL ESTATE I 4 North Hiih St. Eva. Ph. 3-3836 2-7769 - 3-8704 aa342 RV OWNER: 3 loU, 50x350 at 3863 Brooks at. IHQO each. aa243 BRAND NEW ADDITION North, CloAe lo Hayesville school. Lots with water, electricity, bus service and fruit trees. $10 down $15 Per month. Reimann for Real Estate 201 South HUh St Ph. 3-9303 Sun. & Eve. 3-8141 4-2874 J-3..33 -";IB a 242 FOR I'linH-K residential tract in King- wood Ht. ft Cascade Terrarra. at mod erate prices ft very low monthly terms, sre the oritlnal owner A developer. C A. Robertson, Ph. 3-8413. aa2W aiHIM VIEW LOT. 3165 View avenue. City water-gai, near Salem Heights school. $B50 Ph 30PPB. a247 FOR SALE FARMS Stream & Woodland 33 acr, t miles northwest. Older house - modern - wired foor range - barn lUe stream. Only $4500 full price ome ti'tmi, B. Lsherwood Realtor 2007 N Capitol St. Office Ph. 3-3863. Ees. 3-3147 or 3-816 D340 IRRIGATED ! 393 A. FARM! NEWBFRG RIVER BOTTOM! NONE BETTER rOR MINT, SPECIAL TY CROPS. GRADE A DAIRY OR STOCK' Plmbd. Cmnt -floored bain. ALL HTES ft SERVICES! CUT FHOM I3Q.0O0I NOW .. 113.000 10 3 A . FARM! ON HI WAT ft RIVER 65 A CULT Mdrn house' Oul-bldgl PRICE CUT PROM 133.0001 NOW 113.600 1 10 0 A C R E S 13ft A CIMT 1 Salem Mail! 3 roads ft t streams. INH1GAH1.K' Lit nice) CUT TO . $14,400 I C. W. STULLER BROKFR On Wallact Rd. ' M. North of Brldael D33t" B AI TirrieMtnttlot to town. 8 A Modern 4 room home, food btstment. Darn, nog-nouM. berries, fruit and null Chat. M. Coburn. R. 1. Dayton. bJ43 Journal Want Ads Pay REAL ESTATE GRABENHORST SPECIALS BUSINESS SITE No. I btuin.M lone located on one of 8ilem mtln ftrteU. tut 140I1M N. FOR PARTICULARS CALL RICHARD E. OHABENHORST. CLOSE IN NORTH 4 bdrnu. Colonial home, oil, hot wetrr he.t. carpetlni. beautiful yard, elbla. araie. See thi flrat. CALL RICHARD X. ORABENHOR0T. 220 CANDALARIA BLVD. 5 bdrma. Auto-ol! heat. hdwd. lira., fireplace. Salem'a No. t dutrlct. FOR APPOINTMENT CALL RICHARD E. GRABENHORST. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 South Liberty Phone 3-3471 Evening and Sunday Call Earl Wast 3-0608 Roy Ferris 2-8010 - Peter Oelser 3-9968 - Ben FoUen 3-3311 e23 FOR SALE FARMS BT OWNER In Mt. Ansel dlst. Lovely 37 A farm all under cult. Willamette silt soil. Very good bldgs.Mod. 7-rm. house Equipped with tractor tnd farm mach. A grain. 113,000 equity $5,000. 4'i 20 year loan. 2Va miles east of 99E on McKee Rd. Jas. S. Ridings, Rt. 3, Box 37, Woodburn. Oreg, b20 37950. I ACRES with clean 3 bdrm. home. Barn. Chicken house. 2 acres in berries, family orchard, balance pasture. Call Stanley Brown with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS Farms and Acreages $18,500. Excellent soil, new outside builds. Nice older type house completely modern. $5,000 down. 18,500. 13'i acres, 2 B.R. house, barn, 2 good cows, chicken, fruit, nuts, ber ries, good soli. $15,750. 18 acres located Just north of Kelxer Sch. on River Rd. $7,000. Excellent 11 acre of Wil. silt oll all n new berries. Irrigation well and equipment. 5 mi. north. $24,500. Grade A Dairy. 40 acres of fine soil, cows and all farm machinery first class. Building are In perfect condition. Ph. 2-6680. Ed. Lukinbeal Real Estate 433 North High St. Eve. Ph. 3-8704 - 3-3836 2-7769 b2 15 ACRIJS, 1 mile from Aumsvllle, new 5 room home. El. water heater, wired for el. range, 2 car gnratce, 4 cows, milking machine, barn 30x38, chicken house, good well. This Is a good place, end worth the money. Goodwin and McMillin REALTORS Ph. 8-4707 484 Court Eve. 3-4773 b239- FOR SALE ACREAGE BY OWNER 7 acres, 6 miles N. Good In come, modern all-electric home, nlct barn, dbl. garage. Leaving state. Rt. 3, Box 362. Ph. 3-1857. bb239 4 Acres, 3 B. Rms. Only $8700 full prlct. Timber, good well, paving, part term or consider Salem hse. not over $4500. E. M. Hunter Real Estate 170 8. Com. Ph. 3-4649 - 2-5497 bb239 3 ACRES on N. River Road clone to Salem. Inq. at Clear Lake Store. bb240' It ACBESCrosT7oClty bus. N.Er$4800. Walt Socolofsky, Real Estate, Ph. 3-8835. bb240 M ACRES unimproved with approx. 65 A. In cultivation. Located East. Year around stream. Price $7,500.00. Call O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS H ACRE, Fine view. Inquire 401 Oregon Bldg. bbi40 5 A. 5 mile south, some prunes and walnuts. Excel, view, Price 1800. Ph. 3-8661. bh241 REAL ESTATE THRIFTY COLUMN SUBURBAN 16950 Older type house. 3 bedrooms, living roesn. dining room, kitchen, noook, lamr utility room. Quarter acre loot. Lots of flowers and shrub. 1 block to bus. Eve. 2-0473. SUBURBAN $8,750 New 3 bedroom home. Dining room, llv Ina room, kitchen, nook, hardwood floors throughout, electric hem. Larue lot. One block to bus. Immediate pos session. Eve. 2-0473. PARM 125.000 Farm 133 Bcres adaptable for dnlry oor stock farm. Barn, hen house. 22 acres In pasture, 10 acres Irrigated clover, has good deep well, plenty of water. Ootid dark soil, all fenced. Good 4 bedroom house, bath, basement. Would tradf for Income property in Bnlem. Eve. 2-0473. Call for Mr. LcClerc J. F. Ulrich Co., Realtors 317 Court Street Ph. 3-7756 c240 BEST BUYS 3 BDRM. $9250 Older type home but In very good con dition. Fireplace. Choice lot. Close to Leslie school. Basement, furnace, part hardwood floors, garage. Paved street. Easily financed. Eve. Ph. 2-7674 or 3-3558. ' $7800 SPECIAL Almost new. Close In. Hurdwood floors, garaae. Large lot. Oil furnace. Almost Immediate possession. 2000 down. Bal ance 4',. Eve. Ph 2-7ti74 or 3-3558. KEIZER Almost new. Extra larue lot. Paved street. 3 bdrms. Could bp niHdr Into 3. Insulated, weather stripped. Nice yard. Several tree. Would trnde for home near Sr. V;ncrnt school or suburban ac reage. Eve. Ph. 2-7674 or 3-3558. 5 ACRES sbdrm. okW type house. 3 tores straw berries. School bus front door. Would exchange for ft lot close In. Eve. Ph. 3-9403 or 33:.ifl. 10 ACRES Modern house. Barn. Well with plenty of water. No waste land. Would ex change for nice home in Salem. Total Price 9000. Eve. ph. 3-B403 or 3-3558. Al Isaak & Co., Realtor 3035 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-78:0. c241 HANDY MAN'S CHANCF, i acre and 4 rm, livable house: Kitraxe Close to school. Price only $36.0. Small down payment. CLEAN t BDR1. Home completely fur nished. Close In stooie ami on bus line. Price onlv 6fi:y NEW FARM IISTIMi: Very good 52 sere farm: best ol soil. v(ir:cty of fruit and berrlea. Includes machinery, live stock, end ho 'behold fiirnLshlnus. I o c:itcd about It) nil Ira nortli of Hal- tn. Good buildups. Priced to ell at 123. 000. Loo N. Childs, Inc., R'ltor 344 citate st Ph. 2-3UKS Eve, or Sun. call Mr. Selerstrom, 3-87Hfj c-241 HOI'E & bu tiding on l' acre on Holly wood Dr. Ph. 3-3675. c244 ror. VOl'R A VINO mveetment buy ttr mortgage on real estate S.ilem A eicinlty Fx a mine security yourself Amojnt $500 to several thousand dol lars, net investor 5 We make all col lections tor you It desired STATE FINANCE CO 153 fl High e "NOTHING DOWN- Small acreage, no building., all land can be placed In cultivation, or he ubclivld eit, had good drainage. Location Rood, surrounding neighborhood building up rsplillv, with good average home. No restriction on chicken, rows or horse. Owner doesn't need the tnnnev. ao name your own terms within reason. aCSOO Remember you rant cash those rent receipts. Call Joe Fve Ph 37217. STATE VETERAN Good plastered two brdroom home, about 3 years old, automatic heat tit all rooms, city sewer, water, bus and grade school about 4 block, Highland district t . Can be aold lor a low riown pavment, bal anrt like rent. Quirk possession If ne- reaaary. -now call Joe Eve. Ph. 37317. Joe L. Bourne, Realtor 1140 N. Capitol. Ph. 38316. Kve. .1131? C3.IP WANTED REAL ESTATE NOTICE! If jout propeny is for sale rent or tiehangt list H with u We nave all kinds of rash niers TA71 FINANCE CO RkAITOtH 13 Higb St ea Wt ARl In need ot gooo nouses lo tell to or ntai Salem If you wiab it list four property tot tal ee OgUBENnoRAT Rftit. KHUTOR 18 & Ubttlf St. Pboot .3411 I REAL ESTATE WANTED REAL ESTATE HWE ssoo to par down for beat bur 3 or 5 B R. houa. Ph. 2-3M. ca24' EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE SEVERAL BEND PROPERTIES TO SWAP for Salem call Crawford with Burt Plena, Realtor. Phont 3-8840. 379 N. HiKh St. b339 FOR HALE or trade my 31.000 equity In a new 3 B.R. horn for best car offered or reasonable cash offer. Large tot with nlre lawn. Ph. 4-2843. cb240 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SERVICE KTATION for least at 837 S. Commercial. Small Inventory for pur chase. Ph. 29271. Cd344 $400 Income VERY NICE 7 APT. BLDO. ONLY $28, 750.00. GIX COMPLETE BATHS, TTH IS ROUGHED IN. THIS IS A REAL BUY. IT'S CLOSE IN, THREE BLOCKS FROM CAPITOL. TERMS. PH. 3-1744. cd339 p( B1.IC ACCOUNTANT (Registered Calif ornia) wishes to buy going practice Salem or Portland vicinity, give detail and term. Write Capital Journal Box 493. cd341 A DANDY grocery store for sale by own er. $6900 takes stock and equipment. Rent building for only $30.00 month. An ideal setup for couple. Oood buslnt. Located at busy Junction on highway 99E. in heart of prosperous farm com munity. Desire change of occupation, reason for selling. Living quarter available nearby. Wrltt Capita) Journal Box No. 66. ed241 WOOD TIMBER. Hundred cord In down stuff to 14". Close Salem, Oood rd. 50c cord. Phone 2-5557 cd239 INVESTORS ATTENTION! DUPLEX WITH 150 ft. 98 Hiway front age each with 3 B.R.'. bath, L.R., kit., garage, elec. heat, plastered, drilled well, utility rm., the full prlct 1 $8500. Will show you about 17 net, Craw, ford. BURT PICHA, Realtors SERVICE STATION for sale. Inventory only. Corner of Fairground Rd. & Capi tol St. Ph. Portland, East 1108 or Salem 2-91G4. Cd339 S UNIT APT., very beat of location, base ment, auto, neat, you win not go wrong at this value. 135.000. THIS REALLY IS NICE, S Unit cottage court, each has own furnace, fireplace, H.W. floors, garage, walking distance io uapitai at aowntown. ONE OF THE BEST 5 unit tDtl. In Salem all Elec, lot large enough for another unit, g j Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 184 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 3-8389. Ive. 3-7440 Cd340' Drive In Snack Bar Seats 40 inside. Downtown location. Fully equipped. Trailer house andor car as part payment. Terms. Full price, $7000. Write Capital Journal Box 465. . Cd240 DINING and DANCING Restaurant with set-up license. Bait Includes property, equipment and busi ness located on Htway 99, $30,000. Ph. 2-6680. ED. LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 433 North High St. Eve. Ph. 2-8704 - 2-7789 cd343 FOR SALE 3 operator beauty salon. In good business town. First reasonable of fer accepted. Phont 3637 day. 3088 eve nings. cd343 $2,000 $1,000 DOWN Well equlpprd garage, $25 mo. rent u burban location north. Ph. 2-0080. ED. LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 433 North High St. Eve. Ph. 2-7769 - 3-3836 3-8704 Cd242 MAKE GOOD money In your apart time. will sen Alkuna col. vending machine for half of cost. Other recent business interests force sale. Ph. 2-4432. cd239 FOR LEASE or sale, new atore building, taxau. ai it -uarion ot. fa. a-o. Cd240 NELSON NEWS INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES PRICED RIGHT 8 -Unit new rental, low upkeep, , .$53,000 8-Cottnse court, $500 per mo. Income 148,000 S Beautiful 2 -bdrm. unit, won derful location, nothing to com pare with this In Salem 831,600 Well located, mod. shopping cen ter with established rental (none Inflated), good lease. .$150,000 These will bring a substantial return on Investment with minimum maintenance. For details see Mr. Schmidt, he spe cializes in business and income property. NELSON & NELSON Multiple Listing Realtor Personal Service by Mm who Specialize 702 N. High - Ph. 3-4622. cd240' FOR LEASE: business space new bldg. 3033 Portland Rd. Ph. 2-4432 or 3-6793 rd239 FURNITURE FOR SALE 4 PIECE walnut brdroom set with springs mnttrcss, 1100. Ph, 3-3662. d240 NEW X pc. sect, daveno. Priced for quick sale. PH. 2-3835. 4240 SAVE Closing out our entire stock of nation ally adv. Quaker Oil Circulator. 8 rm. rr rm. 9 b now $69 95. 2 rm. size rrg. $64.93 now M9 95. $5 down deliver. SAVE $60 Modern daveno A matching club rhatt with blond trim. Nice tapestry cover. Ouarantrrd construction. Ret. $159.95 now s 99. 95. lio down delivers, SAVE $50 4 piece Mr. and Mrs. bedroom suite In beautiful Prima Vrra. Suite consists of 3 Mr. and Mrs. Chest, full sire bed 30x40 inch beveled plate mirror. Reg. 1149 95 value, now only $99.93. $10 down "CHROME CHAIRS Reg. $7 95 ft $8.95 chrome chairs. Your choice tor only 15.95. Red or blut leath erette upho'sterv. II & H Furniture Co. IVM Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 3-3707 Open Eve. Until 9 p.m. d3sa WANTED FURNITURE FI'RMTt'RE, appliances and household articles ot all kind, wanted for cash. Free appraisal. Trader Louie, 3035 Port land Rd. Ph. 3-8358 days. 3-4407 tres. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK RoNiVrn and Licensed livestock buw. E. C McCtndLsh, 1127 S. 35. Ph. 38147 eJ7 RABBITS WINDS BABBITRY need rsbnti. Top prices sas ftta:e Ph 1-14M tbJ4? PETS rn Kin rt rric. tor aala. Ph. -u nui tirix O.rman ahtphrd .upptaa. I ...aa oM. Ph. 4-31. COI I. IK PI P. A. K. C. rN. 9 ,fka .Id 410 Warm DrPhl JOl) KM tirM'Tinx'tan tati ptaaona. II pair. 4910 Utartoa ttf. Ph. I-I1M. MM' AUTOMOBILES It's No Mystery Why So Many Good Folks Like You Choose Salem Automobile Co. To Buy Your QUALITY GUARANTEED USED CARS EXAMPLE: 1947 Plymouth Speccial Deluxe 4-Dr. Sedan $1495 Fully equipped. Extra nice in every way. Fully guaranteed. 1942 Chevrolet Master Del. 4-Dr. Sedan $ 895 1941 Plymouth Deluxe 4-Dr. Sedan . $ 795 1942 DeSoto 3-Pass. Coupe $ 895 1940 Ford 3-Pass. Coupe ...,'$ 495 1937 Plymouth 3-Pass. Coupe $ 395 Salem Automobile Co. CHRYSLER Home of Service PLYMOUTH 435 N. Com'l. Street Phone 3-4117 405 N. Com'l St. 495 N. Com'l St. Pontiac Good Will Cars . '46 Pontiac Sedan Coupe. R&H $1395 ; '42 Ply. D.L. Sport Coupe $545 '41 Ford Sport Coupe $445 '38 Olds Sedan $395 '37 Pontiac Sedan $ 165 '38 Pontiac Coupe $ 145 '36 Dodge $ 195 '37 Willys Sedan $145 '36 Ply. Coupe $ 65 HERRALL-OWENS CO. TRADES 680 N. Liberty FUEL S ACRES yng. oak. 6 ml. Prd. Rd. Bell turn pa Re or oy cora. van j-jvpo. wjw SEAL POINT Siamese kittens. 3 mo. old. Sired by (Knight's Miguel). Rev. Arthur Goble. 1197 E. Lincoln. Ph. Black 7. Woodburn, Oregon. ec343 SPECIAL BUY TOUR WINTER'S WOOD NOW t CORD LOAD, 110.00 PH. 2-7442 OREGON FUEL CO. OOOD dry slab or green for furntct. Dry edging 18 load, ureen eogtng la.&o load. Double load 110. Oood Clean Sawdust Ph. 3-5533 ee38 SHELL STOVE DIESEL OIL. Ph. 3-3188. Shell Oil Co. L. T. Maxwell, dlstnoutor re34B CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oils. FRESH CUT SAWPUBT Dry Slab Wood Dry Plainer Ends A Block Wood Pb 18444 PHILLIPS BROS Old fir, oak. ash A maple. 4' fir 16' alab and edgings. Ph. 314S8. te" West Salem Fuel Co. Iff IK DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD, 16-IM. CLEAN - NO BARK SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OH Phont Filem 3-4031 Also pick up wood at 1835 Edtewattr 8t.. West Salem e TRI CITY FUEL PHONE 37443 t6' Slab Wood and Edgings Fresh Cut Screened Sawdust 1J' Inside Mill Wood Dry Wood ASK FOR SAH OR KEN STAMPS FOR SALE POULTRY NICE FAT hens. While they laxt at 38c lb. live weight. Ph. 32810. At Liberty and Boone Rd. Rt. 9 Box 243. 41 NEW HAMPSHIRE chlrkg every Thurs day. Order Fry or Hens now at spe cial quantity prices (or yodr lorlcert Custom Dresnlng a specialty. Phont SS861. Lee's Hatchery. f NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks for Immediate V TiMurp demery Hutches every Tiie Foa Hatchery. 883f Stat 8i Ph 3-4tflB PRODUCE GRAPES 5c lb. U-Ptck 4c. Tomatoes 11.00 bu. U-Plck 80c. Rt. 1. Box 390, 3 mile. on Walltce rd., 1 mile stnd and gravel rd. A. E.Pelker. ff340 FILBERT-WALNI'T drying. 1 milt E. Lan (iter or.. Aunurn Koao. ciauae Mt Kinney. Ph 3-1833 L184?! APPLES: Spitsenberg A Rome Beauty- extra ftney, order your winters aup plr now, delivered. Call Hancock, 3-4280. ff24 GRAPE 4e lb. You rick. Bring contain ars. Walden, 3845 Portland Rd. f340 TOMATOES a bu. or ton U-pick 11 bu. man. Box 33, Ph. Jefferaon 104. ff343 FILBERT AND Walnut drying. Special etvicr for urn til Iota. Prions 3-3881 Left Hatchery ff TOMATOES, cucumbers, trash eggs. Frl- laard Fruit Farm. H ml N Setter school. ffHO HELP WANTED PART TIME HELP WANTED Can use few men part ttme, to make t35 any nlaht or day you art ablt to work. Car necewary. We will show you how. Call 3-41? Thursday f 00 to 13 00 No other tlmt pleasei for appoint ment. ACCORDION INSTRrCTOR. Part or full lime. Excellent opportunity No ex perience necessary. We train you. Writ Capital Journal, Box 433. c3U HELP WANTED MALE YOI'NG man 17 or 18 for heavy work. Part-lime, after school and Saturday. Applv 1 SO am. Friday or Saturday on ly Bradley Furniture Mart, 1876 M Cap itol St. ia3J8 NATIONAL CORP. offers profitable tart ness opportunity tn mktdie agM or o.der men with ear. Wrltt Boa 484 Capital Journal. 621 'AUTOMOBILES TBRMB Phont 3-4118 HELP WANTED MALE THE PORTLAND BRANCH or a national organisation la txpandlnt; Its Salem division. We can ttvt permantnt work with a good future to tht 3 men se lected. This ls a sales position and re quires that you be bondable. We are pre pared to give adequate training so If you have never sold before come In and talk to us. you may bt lust tht man we want. Ask for Mr. Merke, Senator Hotel Monday, 6 a.m. ga239 HELP WANTED FEMALE CHECK ft counttr girls. Exp. Kennedy City Cleaning Works. 1345 State St. b341 WANTED 3 women between axes of 30 ft 58 years to make appointments for salesman for reliable firm doing busi ness thruout northwest. Salary. Apply between hours of 6 a.m. to 13, Saturday. 348 N. Commercial, Rm. 33. gb33fl' EXPERIENCED Beauty Operator, capa ble of managing shop. All answers kept confidential. State qualifications and and salary expected in first letter to Box 480 Capital Journal. gb240 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS 368 State Street Phont 3-1488. gf WANTED SALESMEN NEED 3 ambitious salesmen, neat appear ing. Must have car, exp. not necessary but helpful. Men seeking an Income In Increase to 1190 per week. Qualified leads furnrlshed. If you art not ambi tious and willing to work do not wastt your time or ours. Apply In Person be tween hours of 9 a. merclal. Room 3,1. WANTED POSITIONS EXP. BEAVTICIAN wants Sat. or part "" CH 3-87.16. h341 ACCOrNTANT 4 years experience with the Bureau of Internal Revenue Deputy Collector tnd Revenue Agent 3 months traveling Auditor with CPA firm. Age 33. Desires ooMtton with Oregon ac count in gor tax office, or In account ing department of large business. Write Rt. 1, Box 111, Aumsvllle. Oregon. h344 CARPENTER work. New, repair. Ph. 3-3083. n3BS COMPETENT secretary. Several yrs. ex perience. Can furnish excellent refer ence. Call Mr. Cochran, Chamber of Commerce. PhS-B338. h241 EXPER, service station attendant wishes work. Write Capital Journal Box 487. h341 CHILD care by day or month In my home. Ph. 3-4433. h340 MIDDLE AGED practical nurae. Wall re commended. Private duty preferred. Ph. 3-4488. h340 WILL OPERATE your t our lit court, salary or communion bv couple. Excellent ref trencea. Phont 36338. h340 MARRIED man. no children desires Job on farm or dairy. 433 Mariori M40 WILL care for children in my home by the day. 1 month up to school ace. Ph. 3-5S41. h33 HOrSEWOBK by day. Ph. 3-1046. M3 TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov ing. Ins. op. Work guar. W. H. McAllls ter. 640 Trade. Ph. 3-1486. h361' Mimeographing-Typing FOES. 66S North 16th. Phone 1-8843 h3S INTERIOR FATNTfNO. Exp. Ph. 3-6768 hi S3 CI'STOM WORK: Flowlnc and discing by the hour or Job. Ph. 8-1131. Sprinter h336 CHILD CARE day or hr. Ph. 3-6685. h358 TELEPHONE CALLS TAREN. 34 hr. aerv let Former phone opr. Ph. 3-8073. h356 CH II.D CARE. 113 8 16th. Ph. 3S?6. h343 BABY SITTING. Night rtHtf. Ph. 30580 has NEW LAWN r.parad and aalrd. Llahl traetot n robbar Mht S4r. Ph. 1-9127 MSI CEMENT WORK tM . I-49M. EDUCATION Rawlins Music Studio Ytoltn .n4 rtano. Stat, accritas tMM, PK l-MII. kh90 AUTOMOBILES Bonesteeles IKl (TUDE. LAND CRUISER. FULLY EQUIPPED I1S 1141 CHAMPION ITARLIOHT COUPE. FULLY EQUIPPED ! CHAMPION 4-DOOR SEDAN. FULLY EQUIPPED I1MS UU COMMANDER 1-DOOR SEDAN. FULLY EQUIPPED aim 1040 COMMANDER STARLIOHT COUPE. FULLY EQUIPPED 11695 19 M OLDSMOBILE -DOOR SEDAN. FULLY EQUIPPED HI" 1941 PLYMOUTH 1-DOOR SEDAN 11199 1941 CHEVROLET l-PASSXNOER COUPE ! 1949 NASH 4-DOOR SEDAN 99a 1949 STUDE. COMMANDER REOAL. 1900 MILES I1399 1941 STUDE. CHAMPION, R&H. OVERDRIVE 1999 Bonesteeles Sales & Service 170 NO. CHURCH ST. TEL. 3-9277 LOOK FOLKS! OUR OWN 1948 CHRYSLER WINDSOR 2-D00R SEDAN Driven only 15,000 miles. Fully equipped. New car guarantee. ONLY , Eee Mr. Come in , Salem Automobile Co. 435 N. Commercial St. SHROCK'S ECONOMY LOT 1948 Hudson Commodore ( Sedan, R&H. 1948 Ford Deluxe Coach, very clean. 1947 Chevrolet Coupe. Heater, sportlight. 1947 Ford Coupe, sharp, and priced o low. 1946 Hudson Sedan. Extra low mileage. 1942 Chev. Aero Sedan. R&H, new paint. . 1941 Chev. Sedan. The cleanest and best in town. Plus a good selection of most makes and models. LOOK FOR THESE AT SHROCK'S ECONOMY LOT 3020 PORTLAND ROAD PHONE 2-7023 TEAGUE'S BARGAINS JOIN THE CROWD! HEAD FOR KAIS ER FRAZER'S GALA "USED CAR BAR GAIN HARVEST" AT TEAGUE MOTOR COMPANY. YOU WILL FIND THE BIG GEST BARGAINS OF THE YEAR. ALL MAKES AND MODELS REDUCED JUST IN TIME FOR WINTER. COME IN AND SAVE. GET THE BEST BUYS IN TOWN. Here Are a Few Fine Cars 1949 Kaiser 1948 Frazer Manhattan 1948 Dodge Sedan 1948 Chev. Sedan TEAGUE MOTOR CO. 3S2 N. Commercial FOR RENT ROOMS SINGLE ROOM with hot 4c cold water, teim hett, 473 N. Liberty. Jk341a PLEASANT SLEEPING room for fentle- mtn. 10SO Norway, PR. 3-4&4T. JK3i BOOM FOB gentleman. Close tn. 633 No. Winter. Call after 6:30 p.m. jk341 SINGLE and double ileeplm room. 1143 Oak At. Jk33 LARGE SLEEPING room. Gentleman. Cloee to bug. Evening Phone 34931 Jk340 FIRST FLOOR sleeping rm. for gentleman. Ph. 3-7896. JJ?3?! LARGE FRONT sleeping room for woman. Clean and neat. Ph. 3-7693. Jlc239 ROOM FOR WORKING girl. Close In. Ph. 3-4615 after I p.m. lk339 VERT close In sleeping rm. Ph. 3-7617. JU83 1 B.R. FOR 4 girls. $19 per mo. each, with home prlv. No drinkers or smokers. Ph. 3-5541: JMSI LARGE warm rms. for 1 or 3. 1SS5 N. Capitol. Jk339 NICE SLEEPING RM. Ph. 3-7158. Jk339 SLEEP. RM. Hollywood, 3036 McCoy. Ph. 36093. Jk356 SLEEPING ROOM. Hot & cold water. 461 N. Hlgh i?4?! SLEEPING RMS. for men. 365 W. 14th. JX339 FORJRENT APARTMENTS BASEMENT APT. Ac care for child. Ph. 3-3611. JP1 S RM. FI'RN. Apt. Prlv. bath. Utilities rum. 6a 8. capitoi. ipilJ CL6EIN 3 roorrTmodern furn. apt, Prlv. eru. 836 N. Winter. Jp33 NEW rbrRT APTS. S rooms and bath. range, refrigerator washing ma- chine furnish 1. Call 3-4365 after 6:30. 160.00. JP3 1 RM. FI'RN. apt. with bath. Close In. Ph. 3-0714. Jp340 t RM. modern apt. 1 sleeping rm. All Tery nice. Ph. 3-8306. Jp341 I ROOM furnished apartment, electric store. Prlgidalre. Private bath. AdulU. 1 40.00. 564 N . ConVl. JP3 1 FI'RN. apt. Will accept small child. 35 N. Summer. Jp341 t RM. furn. apt. Upstairs. 660 Trade. JP33B NICELY" FVRN. 3 rm. apt. 173. Ambassador Apt. 650 N. Bummer. Jp340 FtTtNISHEO APT7"c1om In. For two em oloved alrla. Private entrance. Ph. 3SS36 Ere. JP336 I ROOM APT. with bath. prlv. ent., range ft refrlg. furnished. 176 N. 14th Ph 36662. Jp346 ri.EAN, FI'RN. t rm. apt. Ent. ft bath. 1 b.k. bus ft market. Baby accepted. 739 B. 13th. JP340 VERT attractive modern 3 bdrm. unfurn ished apt. Heat and automatic hot wa ter. Ret. Write Capital Journal Boa 490. JP340 NEW spacious 4 rm. apt. All tlectrk PY 1-1671. JP3I0 AUTOMOBILES $2,295.00 Williams, Sales Manager Phone 3-4117 1948 Ford Sedan 1947 Chev. 2-door 1947 Kaiser Sedan 1948 Chev. 4-Door Ph. 2-4173 FOR RENT APARTMENTS 4 RM. APT. 150. 1943 Hatel after 1 P.m. JP240 SMALL newly decorated furn. apt. 135 Perth. jp33 " NEW APT. 3 rm. unfurn. except stove ft refrlg. Priced right. Ph. 3-5367. Jp339 FOR RENT HOUSES FURNISHED t B.R. mod. home, close In, Hollywood Dlst. 3 mo. only 660 per mo. Ph. 3-6386. jmS4t McNARY HOUSE at 385 N. summer. Large beautiful corner. Close to State House. H. L. Stiff. Ph. 36165. Jm341' IBDRM. HOUSE. North. Newly dorat ed. Gas range ft furnace. Ph. 6-6581. Jm240 HOUSE 130.00 month on SUverton high way. Inquire E. Ped, Rt. 1, Box 149, 6a lem. Ph. 3-1580. Jm236 t RM. furn. house. 125. Rt. 1, Box 83, Brooks. Ph. Oervais 3273. Jm241 6 BO. RM. house Englewood dlst. Leajie. 367 N. High. jm GARAGE house. Nice location. Write Cap ital Journal Box 486. Jm339 MOD. FURN. cott. One bdrm. I ml. N. of Brooki on 69E. Mrs. C. P. Martin. Jm341 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS NEW STORE building for lease. Ph. 31816 or call at 1076 Broadway. J347 FOR RENT 18x40 building. Suitable for work shop, etc. Ph. 3-O808 after 5 pm. 1176 N. Front, 1241" U DRIVE Trucks. Robinson Shell Bervlre. Center at Cottage. Ph. 39103, J- STORE BLDG. Hollywood Dirt. Inquire." 3390 Fairground. Ph. 3-1146, J339 BUSINESS RM. for rent. H. L. Stiff. OFFICE, desk apace. Conv. loo. Ph 89H3. 1345 Ft .OOR SANDERS for rent UooUomr- Ward. J POWER TOOL rantala for home and in dustrial use Howser Bros. Ph 8-1646. TRAILER house for rent at 1316 H. 8th St. J346 TO DO a good Job rent a good floor sand r We 11 everything t complete tha lob ROWSER BROS - Ph. 1-866 J lOOD USED PIANOS. H. L. Stiff. 3FFtrg (Dices and desk spaces Ph. 36693. TRAILERS 12.00 per day. Bowser Bros. 1410 S 13th, West Salem. j LINGER ELECTRIC portable eewtnt ma chines Reasonable rates. Fret pick up ft delivery Sinter Sewing Machine Co. ISO N Com ! Ph 31513 j WANTED TO RENT 6 OR 3 BDRM. house. Bush dlst. Washing facilities ft adequate heat. Ph. 3-6041. (Continued on Page 19)