IS Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon. Friday, October 7, 1949 r THANKS BUSHELS, T I HOP6 WE lfrGi60NNY HONEYLIFE rTHArS RIGHT. CUPCAKE I 1 Tf MR. BRVN5KI-I-I"M , KfTA-rrS BEEN A 1 HELP YOU HAS SURE BEEN WONDERFUL KINDA HOLD MV BREATH SOME-J I ( AFRAID t HyVC IAD NtTVW PRPCT ANNIVERSArW CELEBRATE A I TO US SINCE WE FOUND TIMES ".' M H I VFOR VOU J RADIO PROGRAMS DOUBLE TROUBLE FRIDAY P. M. T rWB-M-- r JTk MILLION MUKC. EACH Ul HCK,' WE HAVE V V WELL, MISS - )x " 1 tMS llMrWH. CUPCAKE le SO MANY BLESSINGS "THE S"a7- IS EVERYTHING-? J STSSfc -'Mkrff'V1 - 4f-7ykr3 BABY YOUR GOOD JOB IVS X 7M I I ItH hv ,, Jtt im J LmZj- FR'ENOS LIKE STEVE AND T ftW 111 T '-I V7 KEX KSLM AP NewtfeofurM By WILLIAM HOBSON i (Chapter 11) "So that's why one or two o ttt men were giving me quee kpka," Jay Mid. "I gueu the fat', an the (Ire now. It'll be Just a mat tar of time until Mike Randal finds out. You can't keep anythlm Mae that quiet. I'm afraid Joe'i li for trouble." f'Not ntcetiarlly, waa the re ply. "First ol all, I spread the word around that you only got ntoked In that Iracas at Randall's ranch, not (hot up bad like the boys first reported. Second, Hank tipped Joe in nere alter every body was In bed last night. Again M orders. He's In my cabin now and none of the men ever dart to enter It." fHow Is he?" A little better but still a sick boy. That long ride dragged be hind a horse didn't help things a bit." JtVhafs Peg Smith doing here kn camp? Turk said you don't wel come strangers." ''since you're In with us. you might as well know. Peg Is stranger. He works for us. But he's on Mike's payroll as a sort of aeout to keep an eye out lor norse- tracka that the line riders miss aad well, you might as well have It: Mike's a little suspicious about you for some reason, and Peg's keeping an eye on you, too, with orders to make reports to the ranch." Jay grunted. They were ap proaching a large two-room cabin bttllt of red sandstone hauled up from the creek. "Hes doing a good job, all right. I saw him a couple of days ago snooping around on my run east of Old Sandstone. I'm rtty sure It was him. But when i went after him he burned the breeze over a rldge and out of skjht. I stIU think it waa him took shot at us that night." rAt you. not at us," Swlnnerton buckled. "He admitted It this aft ernoon when I accused him of It. Mm says that orders or no orders from Mike, as well as myself, he's going to square up for that whack over the head." They had approached the front door of the rock cabin, which was closed. Swlnnerton opened It and Jay followed him Into a comfort able living room. ."My housekeeper usually sleeps m the other room, but Joe has her bed," the lawyer explained. "She'll sleep In the front room when I'm not here so's to be able to look out after Jot. You've nothing to worry about, boy." This last was spoken in a good-fellow tone of voice. Brother, Jay Allison thought, I've got plenty to worry about. A middle-aged Mexican woman appeared in the doorway leading to the next room. She looked at Jay, her eyes widened, and she froae in sheer astonishment. "Madre de Dios!" she exclaimed. "M It it It the ghost." "No. Mrs. Benches. It's not a boat," Bwlnnerton laughed. "It Is the twin brother to the wounded one. A secret that you must keep. Jow Is he?" hi stepped aside and beckoned. J- followed the lawyer Into the saeond room that was Dart kltohen. Joe lay on a elean bed between atteets. Ha was freshly bandaged, shaved, and was propped up high on pillows, reading a book. 'He put down the book on top i ue eneei ana gnnnea. jay was w-evid at tht tight of him. He was still a badly shot up man but he was far different-looking from he other time Jay had seen him. "Mom art you feeling, Joe?" he "A Utile tired and sore from - long haul on the travots, but Bank took it slow and let me rest. And then Mrs. Benches fed me afxl rave see something to mahe me ateap a while. Ill be wp and around In no tirai. How't things ait the ranch?" .Jay sat down and toid him av trrthbw In detail, feeling himself ftt a Mi)c red In the face at ht related hit parting with mien, after the quarrel. Joe Allison Jet out a laugh. ttfi etrletly a one-man woman, that sweetheart of mine. You say she'l got a real pretty friend? Must e tough on you. having to stay wajr from the ranch. Hot dog!" "I'm very happy about It," Jay .runted, and meant It. "You can lave your women. Ill ride solo.' "That grinning jackass don't :now what he's missing, Jim," joe said to Swlnnerton. Jay changed the subject. "We've got to have an underttandlng now. I'm sticking out my neck to help you get out of this meat. There was a gent even took a shot at me the other night, thinking It was you." "Peg Smith, eh? Took a shot at my brother, eh? I'm going to kill him if it s the last tning I ever ao, you wait and see." jay rose, "xou u ao no sucn xooi thing. Aren't you In enough of a mess as It is? Smith it on Mike Randall's payroll as a scout for horse thieves and to keep a check up on me. You kill him and Ran dav will forbid you a foot on the ranch. You get that Idea right out of your head, Joe. "Cut out trie lecture, protestor," chuckled Joe Allison. "You just stick to line riding until I get back Into the saddle; then watch my smoke." They talked on for a few min utes and then Mrs. Sanchez, the buxom Mexican housekeeper, moved into the room. "Enough," she said. "He will sleep now. I turn out the light." Jay bid him good-bye and went out Into the night again, Swlnner ton walking beside htm. They passed the cabins again and the dog began to bawl, but re mained out of sight back of the cabin. A fiddle was scraping and jay saw two or tnree couples on the floor. Turk was walttlng with Lu cia, the glowering Miguel leaning his back against the front wall by the door. His gun sheath was still empty. Jay, however, had eyes only for one man. At the bar, gulping a big thot of whiskey, stood the angular form of Peg smith. (To Be Continued) SIZES 12 44 2022 Mix-Match MagM Your Pall Winter wardrobe needs plenty of new separates I Try this skirt film with a alight flare In tlmelv tweed or plaid ... the high-buttoned wesklt In a color blending plain . . . the collared wesklt version In velveteen. (All In one pattern.) No. 3033 It cut m alses 13. 14. 16. II. 30. M, M, Co, 43, and 44. Size It skirt, m yds. M-ln.: wesklt. lu, yds. M-ln.; collared wesklt, 1 yd. M-ln. Just out! The PAXL-WINTER FASHION BOOK presenting fash ions they are wearing now and new tylea to come. Over ISO practical, eaey-to-sew, up-to-the-minute pat tern designs for all agea. Remem ber, It't smart to tew your own and savt money. Order your eopy now price just au cents. Bend 36o for PATTERN with Name, Address and Style Number State Site desired. Address Capital Journal, 662 Mis sion Ht., Ban Francisco S, Calif l - a m 'P JTnXJA- i'NVJ.l ' Ke01f .SV .y, PATTHtN Nc BMU Party Charmer Crochet this pretty party dresi for your "pride and joy" to wear when tht occa sion calls for "draas up" Easily and quickly made of lightweight cotton, the skirt and bodies are trunmed with demure velvet rib bons. Pattern Envelope No. R3614 con tain! complete crochetlnt Instruc tions, itltrh Illustrations for slsr 1. I and I years, To obtain this pattern, send 30r in coins, given pattern number vour name, address and tone num ber to Peggy Roberts. Capital Jour nal, &Jt Mission Street, San Fran cisco I, calif. 1:00 pi.w H,kr TfcUkOfM Klek ':I5Nv Hear TaLHcws I 1 TT I I 1 I 1 I 1 Ihaal. r m 1:45 Uf. .1 an., i a avj 'e&JW&f pfbA (M? SHI Ife ns ' II (ROM JblUcd nu 3 i it' v i i f&omjs-jv'. xmo i 1:30 u wsMr&2vsa-D ' "Pi I J r- r-,' w I I I I IO-7 gtOOPrM Wtrinf .. eiei . $: 1.1 ITnt Wrlm O t""'--;'-- W yech? Twaro run Trt Ttmf of &ctm ocav. vrvi and i nam 1 irsilr nc...n - W THIS IS A LARGE BARGE- WE.COM VaJ D INTO HEAVY DOUGH t I NEED, ONE MOST g tff A MISSION-1 MM NEED YOUC( STTRONq H K I FLOOR OVER A POHTTTON -ROOF IT WET! W R YOU TRIED TO BE RESOURCEFUL, SB RIGHT ARM SHOULD MY SWIVEL H i-r'i p I ANO ENCLOSE IT AGAIMST THE ELEMENTS Mj f 8ULO ANYTHNCJ MY CHLO- Q La.--TOt3Ue FCJL TO CARRY SUFFICIENT 3 t:4J I WITH CArWPti ANO OLD WINDOW SPSH WV LATELYf AVUw .(W A PERSUAOVENES- 10:0oh. , . t:45 Brdw.y C-g. r 6EE ..WE'RE IN ( HOPETkE CAMPUS IS : I 11 I ll lTOATS CUMNY-W J J WAIT MERE I ,. mn 1 I T:H " THET3WKI ALREADyJ ( AS KJlCE AS TME ONE . H UTmSSEEMS X2k4. tb WW1LE 1 T5f aVHJ f:soH.t Iter -" 'T 6AR.BER. WE JUST LEPT. j., , M T BE THE Q fl LOOK -J.LL BE f"1 tiSKhl-il. T -WCOLLESE MUST BE Si S--a JgcTltfP: S-VoiSHT BACK AH " E l IMTrite th' yew-mited STATES not ) J -m '-8nd,jest W we i&eaoeriv V-nvbodv r&uTKrfnT-Ie isthataway BoT its " us x addition I between si looKirr forward I which feels V dont your . quite a swim FuM auS- 1 kijmies.r J to bciiv vou and u to those Mylieh frustrated it hurt Tsoul-WC tpialia. maint vo , N we part T we is mightYi POINTED shoes) or mean, J vouR-ct-K isun- u afeebed Yo'uL eats fish. I s, weary a they wears f lin kick FEE.iN)natcheicl. sit hongrv? i- I AIR." part f we is ) those round-1 in America.V ( us to thar its au. A.-most 1 1 v- homin5 1 f a nice. toed boots' . S hearts so unnatch lunnatch L 'LC'::'fi part ' Pana"Y ' c vearS J J) (yContentjfcReral li'l - rlEyjEFF. LOOK AT THIS.' f '"f2M WHAT V I'M SONNA I ITvVO DAVS LATER I Mlf:&MM$MW& M IJUSTB0U6HTMEWPyjAMAS fJn U CM A I WRITE To HER. -, ' IqU BoV SHE ff sTj CaifTH4T VW6 E4SV MONIf. Vtf POUW BUT WVT ABOUT TVC ou, VE FIXED TVUT UP, THE 90(6 SS HE HAP T ...j,-,, r T OUT THEY W EPE TO TAKE REAL PILOT AND A6ENT? TOO. WE 6EMT THEM A TIP THAT THE TREASUTy Jwp!Sf B 6IVB ME ALL THE P0PE.R16HT 0N A pi,ot ANO AN A6ENT I' TH6Y B TRVIN6 TO 1 A FAKE MESSAGE BOve ARE 6ETTIN6TOO 1 UP TO DATE. HOW PIP O0 I OF THE 60VEI7NMENT AT FINP OUT WHY TWEY WERENTCANCEUN6 THE . CLOSE. COULPNT THEY ,Tr2?rSi -i U ANP TOTO B6LZA 6ET ABOARD I CAF IaTIuCAS: WE JUT PICKED UPt X APPOINTMENT, HAVE A MAN ON JIVSSSl j THAT MOE TYCOONS VArTl rE ID l " Mr-', Jf E "ET' -JSSSt T i i i ii wmat's mew). in i orr7i i iit.i "lir-- ih i i Ml, DOS ALCfyShi, NOTWI NS1 WITH rT---OM,NCrTM,N3, ! M , fC JJ M. D WHAT'S rrMUCM.EXCEOT r VOUTJ EXCEPT that i I f ' h&- ' 0 VOuVlDONl WON0tRHtRll i ivifpciv TREATED i YOU LM TOHAVt HAD A AVE1--THAT ft Vt4' 1 I lf KlXtUllN'Wt" (JVA7 Tf) T ' j KOIN H CB1 fTh. Ultl rkftl. Yak lrif SrMk4La-c It U JaHmillt MIL ilrlBf HIUIII l Dart !? It ! JiuHmm Kllta Brrwa Biti A Imwn Ym fklf nraf uti iriciiu UlM-17 Dhh F'fkU Ilia My DcrMjr rifkti Lwcll TfcHM Vkt Mn Umk lib rt M. Tb Glkrr tYr FBI Tht GUtw hrr FBI Mr Favorite lah fCl.k If rklUIorU lllEhtBtraii ill wrlfMi-tri Har Ltir-fU tCoDMrl Hear rna4t )Catrt Boar IaI Ltmi Orth. kCarl Haar Mima Trtaiary Baai ntwi mum PIUbI B-Bar-B Baali klkkrUI Hcatar Caadla Llfkt Fltblaf aai Haatlai Clak pltbcaaUr TbU la HiiU rtaca B14 hltaakT taadar (WaaUra rWaaUra klaa BStu Final Rlah. tartar Pall. Lcwla Jr. Warwick Thaafc. Ktra Baar KOCO 14M Kt. BbrthM Baafh Bbrtha BaBalt Blnr Cratkr BaiintM Ntwt aa4 iUrar Eailaal Jaaka ralyB Kb If hi klan-Ba Btralrbt Arraw MaUaBB4 Htralfbt Arraw 8alaa-BB4 Mtat tba Baa lnalaai-BaBd Haal Iba Baa Dalaa-Baa4 LK.wi I Malaal Nawaraal bla-U I klaa Hull Hrlaet Nawa INtwt Maala Lava Mrattrr Kua Marfan TBA Orcbattra Blfn Off ifl al ala-a-baa4 Mawa Warwick Thaat. Maala Tan Want Maala Tan Want MaelanM Maatarna Mactarna ilafltnrna Vita Off SATURDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. ffawa KOIN KOIN OIN Klaak Klaak Black pin Dawnkaat Dawn Dawnkaat tanai'Va Baji Arranaav Braaktaat an a Flaaa Kiwi t'a FraUat banlar Mlaa Uaalar Mlaa l:(K.piary Laa Thaatra at ,r,'a Cara t xayiar i i oaj Mi" isrpa Kin Cala TrlaK-ran Cantral Varland Tanaa SKawa uraad Cantral Tarlana Tanaa Btara Orar Bollrwaad Clva and Taka Btara af Ear ape (Olra and Taka jcoantr Fair Feb oca Coantr Fair AdvlacdlMaat thi Hltml AdvlaadjMaat tba Mlaaaal Newt R'lnokaapar Marcb TIbm Bbapaar't saaciai . O. Afaal Kaaaarcb Ad. Nawa Braakfaat Oana Braaklaat Gang tap Tradaa Barrala CanntartBaTan af Baat Nawa DSavan af Bait Mttsa af Flaaaaramraal'n JtaUdlaa Halanaa Bacar. Nartbwaat NawaPapalar Btara af Tomorraw Tamarraw Arn7Mleh, ArmrMlch. Armr-Mlcb. Arm r -Mich. Knawa New a Motbrr Baat Famllr Fartr Famllr Farty N'awapapar Nawapapar Wb.08C Wb.-OIC Wn.'OSC OSC OSC ArmTMl.h. Army 'Mien. Urnr-Mlcb. Armr-Mltb. ArnyMiea. Araay-Mieh. kraiy-Micb. Arwr-Mlcb. Wn.-OSC .OSC Wn.-OSC Wn.-OSC Wn.-OSC Wn.-OSC Newa Crna-ptta banlar Janctiaa bin Cancert uaaa Canaart Rex Koary rry wlaratr Malady Fantasy pbnrcb Nat. KOCO Klaak KOCO Klack frax Btttar Kawa mn an Land kxtaaalan karr- Rlnc SlBza Paatar'a Call Warld Sarlaa Warld Serlaa World flerlaa World flcrlea World 8arl World Sarlaa World Marias World Strlea World Jlfrlaa Top Tradaa Kewa Nawa Bab Ebarly Varlttlta Maala Wltkant Wardt Man Farm' Farn IOrctan-WgC OraroB-WSC JOraaoB-WSC Orrian-WNC Orsaan-WSC OraaoB-WSC k)raaon-WSC Oraaan-WNC loraion-WgC Oraron-W8C HenlBfway wawa Marina Band feanaat Vina (Contort Far or I tea (Sat. Saranada Sat. Saranada ISat. Saranada Sat. Saranada At tba Opera At tba opa'b Newa Nary Band atrMatlnaa feat. Matlnaa Bat. Matlnaa Bat. Matlnaa kit. Matlnaa Sat. Matlnaa Rat. Matlnaa Bat.Matlnaa Cbln.TJp Chat. Chin-VP Cbal. Chln-Up Chat. Cbln-Up Cbat. Spot II ta Maala Bpotllta Muala Cartaln Calla Car tola Calla DIAL LISTING. KOAC 650 lZNAr Friday F.M. Chlldran'a Tha MJAL atari 1:1ft. On tba Upkaati 5:S. R0 Sparta Claki tiM. Nawa. :1B, Dlnnar Maladlaai d:M, Maala af Ctaaha- alayaklat 1:18, Bran lag Farm Banrt Kaaaarak Bapartt I:1S, Bara'a ta Vataranai l:M. A.W.S. Nl-bal BP1 ll:tt. Sin Off. lAii- Saturday A.M. lt:M, Nawat . IXWMVt 10:1ft, Eapaolally far Waniani Tba Con a or t Halli 1I:M, Naw 11:18, Naan Farm Bonn 1:M. Blda 'la Cowboy t 1:U, Voica af tba Armyi 1:4k, MHody Lana; t:0A, Maala af tba Maatorai :M. Selanca Newt at tba Weak, S:4S. Spirit af tba Vlklnaai 4:M. Tanr and Toar Sacarltyt 4:18. Sanaa af tba Waati 4:48, A Laak at Anatralla. Falls City Honors Teachers at Party Falls City The teachers of the high tchool and grade school were honored at the Falls City Methodist church with union services and a reception. The following program wat given: Piano Solo, Mrt. Fred Hughes; Scripture Reading and Invocation, Rev. Gilbert John son; Vocal Solo, Mrt. Vernon Murphy; Instrumental Music, The Luhde family; Sermon, Rev. Charles Knox; Welcoming the teachers, Rev. Gilbert John ton, Rev James Royer; Respon ses, Mr. William Zyp, City Supt.; Vocal Solo, Mrt. James Royer; Group Singing; Benedic tion, Rev. James Royer. The church wat decorated in fall flowers, given by Mrs. Char lei Joslin, Mrs. Archie Palmer, Mrt. Fred Hughe, Mrt. Chatter Burbank and Mrt. Virgil Davit. A cortag wat presented to each teacher. Refreshment! were served. Mrs. Virgil Davis presiding at th. punch bowl assisted by Mrs. James Royer and Mrs. Fred Hughes. ACROSS L ladian mulbanr 4. Ooodbr i. iaia talk 12. Rlvar In I 11. 8 trln f of ears 1. tjarorn IS. Part 17. Therafora 19. Insect's fcalar 20. Plana hand la 21. Coquatta 21. Buceanara S. Was dafaata IT, Lode cut 21. Toward 29. Slamaia eolB 10. Extra part 21. Equality 23. Pronoun 22. Tba moo 24. Maintain 2(. Ornamant 2T. Ancient Cblnaaa an hand 22. Lot It atand 40. Kxpraaalon of approval 42. Howf ii. Organ of nearlny 41. Help to a baaeball pltehor 42. Annoy 49. AfflnnatlTa 20. Caata off IL Amarloan hamorlat tHtfh motiDtata Oantl murtnur mt WW'1 P mm 31 32 W' M 1" u ST Wl is m 'F ""1 w w mv s I 1 I LJ I I ..M- I .. eIcIlI AJ I R wM uDES Solution tf Vttttrdty't Putxl U Plavir M a strlnr Imtrum.ot xippiot s. r.if 4. I.Mtlllll. D.m. f. Country Columbus ourbt: abbib I. CnsMt a rioir I. Kind of for la. Part of a urvt lL Insect II. Acid is. Cltr la India to. Crown II. Talent and llklnt tt. O.m. of ehanat 32. Woodworking tool li. ItorobonM IS. Virl.Uts IT. Flood 10. Bsbj tad.ra 11. Relit. II. B.rssla 14. Lowait pan tt a .hip II 17. B.wlld.rt II. flippy 40. Oc..n 41. Month 41. Utility 41. Btrlv. 44. Pt.e. Hi 4T. X-elamatle. "-7 BOARD By Gen Ahtrn NC TUT PINKV IS BACK ON WIS rrraiNG job VOU ANO I WILL DO TWS HOUS -WORK LIKE RUNNING THE VACUUM CLEANER, DUSTINS, ANL MAKIN(p TWS BEDS WELL DIVIDE 1 IT INTO TWO 1 JOBS -AND FLIP A COIN TO SEE ; WHO DOES THE LIGHT HOUSEWORK OR. MAKES THE , W ItX. USS (vV 19 J 1 ?. ! TW3-H6ADEO i COIN AND I CHOOSE THE ! VACULvW . cleanins . : y AND DUSTING '