12 Capital Journal, Salem Oregon, Friday, October 7, 1949 MUST PROVE HIMSELF Jimmy, 14, Boy Killer, To Sweat Out Chance Canon City, Colo., Oct. 7 U.PJ State Prison Warden Roy Best said today that 14-year-old Jimmy Melton will have to prove "like any other prisoner" that he merits another chance to go straight. Jimmy, a boy who go all kinds of chances after murdering his 16-year-old sister, muffed them three weeks ago. Jimmy fled from Boys Town Neb., with another youth, slug ged a man and tried to steal his car. Police caught them almost immediately. They sent Jimmy back to Can on City to serve his murder sen tence of 12 years to life impris onment, imposed two years ago. Best, whose active support of the boy had given him the chances he threw away, said he plans to "let Jimmy sweat" a while. In regular prison garb, Jimmy works six days a week in the prison rug factory. The rest of the time, he is confined to his cell. Best hinted that all of the boy's chances aren't gone. After Jimmy spends a little time in the prison, Best said, "I'll have a talk with him and see what he's thinking." Medics Bar File To Justice Agent Spokane. Oct. 1 VP) The Washington Medical association, listed by its parent organization as one of IS affiliates involved In a justice department anti trust investigation, barred Its file to a department agent last week, Dr. Donald C. Corbett of Spo ane, association president, said here last night that the agent requested access to the files at Seattle headquarters. He was re fused on advice of the associa tion's legal counsel. The president said the turn down will stand until the board of trustees can consider the mat ter. He added that he was un able to say when the board meeting would be called. The American Medical associ ation trustees announced in Chi cago yesterday that it and 15 af filiates, including the Washing ton association and the King County Medical society, are un der investigation by the justice department. Stock Show Opens For Nine-day Run Portland, Oct. 7 (IP) The Pa cific International Livestock Ex position, the northwest's biggest stock show, will open its annual nine-day run here tonight. A record 343 head of beef cat tle were entered. The total en tries, not counting horses, reach ed 2462. In fact, two shifts were ordered In judging. Four-H club and F.F.A. exhibitors will have to give up the space for their 1000 animals to light horse ex hibitors Wednesday. Building Permits Set Albany Record Albany Bunding permits for construction costing an estimat ed $63,503 were issued here during September, bringing to $1,193,720, a new high record the total for the year thus far, records at the city engineer's of fice reveal. Total of permits issued last month was 29, including six for residential construction costing an estimated $30,550, three for non-residential buildings cost ing $25,800; 11 for residential alterations and repairs totaling $3,655 and three for non-resi dential alterations totaling $3,500. Tens of thousands of cross ings of plants are sometimes re quired to produce a distinctive new type. Ancient Indian rulers in Mex ico used to carry rare orchids in their hands, as a mark of rank, when they appeared In public. Furniture Mart For Builtwell Davenport Suites 1978 N. Capitol Since 1941 Please! . . . Turn Down That Light! When you sit in a lighted room and have to face the light, do you want to shield your eyes because they hurt, because the glare bothers you? A visit with a careful eye exami nation should do away with this difficulty. Get your new glasses nowl ft. Dr. E. E. Bnrlnr USE YOUR CREDIT AND OUR EASY PAYMENT PLAN Opfomefrsfs AT BORING OPTICAL Now in Our New Modern Office and Laboratory CORNER 12th AT CENTER Dial 3-6506 Dr. Sam Hughes HERE'S THEVWF0R COMFORT Cn (q50 l-- OJ Tapestry fCj) it Rotates Others 49.30-59.50-63.00 -79.50 SIT IN IT . . . AND REALLY RELAX Hart's the truly modern chair . . . perfect to place In front ef your big view window ... an extra-comfortable chair for television viewing, conversa tion group, or jutt plain relaxing. Tht Roto-Rock may be moved onywhera without lifting, rotates In a full circle on a ball-bearing, beautifully finished wood bote. Has long-wtaring no-tag springs under a deep, soft-cushioned eot. Choose it in new covert, lush colort. Sea it today! OCTOBER lift 111 Open Friday Night 'til 9 DAYS Sale! 69000 yards of fashion rayons for all your saving needs... 98c to 1.50 yard values 59 yard We've yards, and yards, and yards of the loveliest fabrict you can imagine all housed under this tiny price of 59c. Crepes, satins, failles, gabardines, spun rayon prints, french crepes in a host of color. You'll want them for skirts, blouses, jackets, formals. Widths from 36 to 42". A wise word to you come earlv! Fabrics, mezzanine """"""74 l I ? 'til ' - on r i ;.v Afc Tviv kn-Jttei. iMMNfeWlk SMHHIMlfct9anttatf fcill iftlrihif life lilt' "" " - Z$A ,-.V i s S Men! you'll wear this Gabardine Raincoat half of the time Buy it today at savings It ; V ''' t 11 $0.79 J . $12.t Weather prediction for the next ISO tlayst Expect ahoat 101 daja of rain (fi gure based oo the average year). lis information we have from the Weather Bureau! Made of fine Cravanetted Gabardine that sheds showers like a duck. Styled with raglan sleeves, balmacaan collar, slash pockets. Putty color, sixes 34 to 46. Men's clothes, main floor Special Purchase CANNON LIDO' TOWEL Three-Plece l"8 c 9 Ennemble, only 2.17 Solid color with dubby border. Chooje in these favored colors: aqua, fla mingo, petal pink, mimosa yellow, sapphire blue, mist grey. Domettict, mezzanine Sheer Washable S 1 89 NYLON PANELS 1 Sire 43 inrhes wide, full 81 inrhe, long. Lovely, filmy sheer panels, wit II the advantage, of nylon. First quality, with deep hem, all ready to han(. Off-white color. Reg. 2.49. Curtoint, down.tain "ill il 'isJi ' i 117 nortlh liberty t