1 1 f " - ' yifr'Trrr-T-.---- 1 : T 1 Alodern Yamhill School The ultimate 18-classroom school in Sheridan will be located on a 14-acre site and is planned by Wilson & Endicott, Eugene architects, as the most modern plant in Yamhill county. Shown at the top is the finished building with the first unit shown below. The Sheridan school board has sold $105,000 bonds for the construction of the unit and is asking for bids this month. The first unit will have six classrooms and other facilities. The completed building will be of wood frame, brick veneer entrance with the exterior combined brick and cedar siding. (Cuts Courtesy Daily Jour nal of Commerce, Portland.) Church Observes Annual World Day Unionvale Observance of World Communion Sunday ser vice held at the Unionvale Evan gelical United Brethren church here. Rev. George Millen the pastor was the speaker. Homecoming and Rally Day will be held all day Sunday, October 16 beginning at 10 o'clock. Special music and speak ers will feature the day. A fellowship dinner will be served at noon. The regular family night will be held at the church beginning at 7:30 Wednesday evening fellowship October 12 when a dinner will be held. At 11 o'clock each Sunday the junior church will be held. Mrs. Carl Rutschman, Mrs. George Miller, Mrs. Howard Steingrube and Raymond Palmer are lead ers. Posts Will Speak Here Sunday Rev. and Mrs. Walter Post of New Guinea and other Indone sian point, will be featured in Sunday's services at the Alli ance church. Motion pictures taken in New Guinea will be ahown during the evening ser vice. Mrs. Post Is a sister of Paul Grlebenow of Fairview avenue as well as Marion Griebenow Vho if expected to arrive in Seattle, Oct. 21 from the Tibetan border. Rev. Herman J. Bohl, pastor of the Alliance church, who has been attending the annual busi ness meeting of the Pacific northwest district of the church, expects to return to Salem Fri day evening. IC Panel ACTUALLY IMPROVES Mr. Boston Fine Wines fOIT uv:atr Tot at ' OUAIT MR. BOSTON wines or California Mr. Bottna Duttller Int., Boston, Min. : S tn.s : i .T". mm W mag ings. As now scheduled the fo rums will be held at the church on the second Sunday evening ofseach month. Topics of perti nent interest will be discussed each time and plans are for a lot of audience participation. North Marion County Convention Is Sunday Woodburn A North Marion county Sunday school conven tion will be held at the Wood burn Presbyterian church at 2:30 p.m. Sunday. Officers will be elected for the coming year. The program will include con gregational singing led by Willis Geyer, prayer by Fred DeVries. roll call by Mrs. Frances Rich, seerctary - treasurer, music by urc aavnuc uuiicgc Li lu ana an illustrated address by Miss Loda Noell of the Cascade college of Portland. New Pastor Welcomed Stayton Rev. and Mrs. P. C. Walcher and daughter, Peggy Anne, are now in charge of the pastorate of the Assembly of God church, coming here re cently from Yakima, Wash. Ser vices are held Tuesday and Fri day nights at 8 o'clock and Sun day services at 11 and 8 o'clock with Sunday school at 9:45 o'clock and the Young People's group at 7 o'clock. The Newest In Sickroom Supplies By By J. H. WILLETT ol Iks CspnsJ Drat liars If you have a patient or in valid in the house you owe it to yourself and to them to have the best and most modern in sickroom supplies. Not only do the modern aids make for great er efficiency, but they are also better appearing, and easier to care for. Your pharmacist will be glad to show you the newest and best on the market, and the various supplies that are suited to your particular needs. Tkli Is Iks MS s serin sf Ull.rl.l stfverllsrsifiils sssesrlns hs Ibis paper tseb PrlSsr. Capital Drug Store State A Liberty Phone S Silt Evangelicals to Hear Paul Shen Rev.. Paul Shen, who flew from Hongkong, China, last week, will be the guest speaker at the Rally day service at the First Evangelical United Breth ren church, Marion and Summer streets. Rev. Shen is enrolled as a theological student at the Westeren School of Evangelical Religion at Jennings Lodge. He will speak at the 11 o'clock wor ship service, as well as in the Youth Fellowship hour at 6:30 p.m. The choir, under the direction of Ernest Friesen, will present a gospel musical at 7:43 p.m., with special music including an thems, and other vocal and in strumental selections. Rally Day at Clear Lake Church The Clear Lake church will observe Rally Day with a Har vest - Home festival, Sunday. Church Loyalty month will be stressed with the Roll Call Wor ship service at 10:00 a.m., with the pastor Rev. V. A. Zornes, speaking on the subject, "God's Will for this Church." A Sun day school program will be pres ented at 11 o'clock. Following the covered dish dinner at noon, a 2 o'clock service will feature Rev. G. K. Millen as guest speaker. Special vocal and in strumental music have been pro vided for all the services. The church will be decorated with the harvest theme predominating. Rev. Napp Called For Detroit Church Detroit The Detroit Church of Christ has called as the min ister here for the coming year Rev. Warren Napp of the North west Christian college at Eu gene. Rev. Napp comes from the Bremerton, Wash., church where he was associate pastor during the summer. He is a senior at NCC and plans to be in Detroit calling and working with church groups from Friday until Mon day of each week. Saturday night has been designated as youth night in the church here. Sunday school at 10 and church service at 11 a.m. each Sunday. Young people's meeting at 6 45 and preaching in the evening at 7:30 each Sunday. Mr. Napp has had a great deal of experience with young people and comes very highly recommended. Four fifths of the world's cloves come from Zanzibar and Pemba, islands off the East Africa coast. Spectacular values! Wanted December 3 Test Date for Navy-Marine Officer Plan December 3 has been set as the competitive tests to select approximately 2.000 applicants for the Naval Reserve Officers Training date for filing the applications, Eligible to take the examination, which will be given in 550 cities in the United States and- its territories, are all male high school seniors and graduates be tween the ages of 17 and 21. In addition to the age limits the applicants must meet physi cal and mental standards and successfully pass an aptitude test. Blanks and information con cerning the program are avail able from all high school prin cipals, college deans, professors of naval science, officers of na val officer procurement and na val recruiting stations. In Ore gon there is a professor of naval science at Oregon State college. Those applicants receiving satisfactory marks in the apti tude test will be interviewed and given physical examinations at a later date. State selection committees will review their cases to select the most outstand ing all-around candidates. Under the program the young men will receive a full four year, government - sponsored, college education at one of the 52 colleges and universities throughout the country where there are Naval Reserve Offi cer Training program units. The navy department bears the ex pense of tuition, books and nor mal fees required by the col lege in addition to providing the student with $50 per month living allowance. On completion of his college education the student accepts commission in the regular navy or marine corps. After two years of active duty he may elect to transfer to the appropriate re serve corps and return to civil ian life or he may request reten tion in the regular service, Gerig fo Speak Twice in Salem Ezra S. Gerig, pastor of the church of the Great Commis sion of Portland, will deliver two sermons in Salem Sunday. He will address the Bible Bap tist Fellowship in the chapel of Salem Memorial hospital at 11 o'clock Sunday morning on the subject "Getting Gods View point In This Ominous Age" study of the prophecy of Haba kkuk. At 7:30 Sunday night he will discuss the subject "Tri umph of Faith In An Age Of Scorn" at Bethany Evangelical and Reformed church. Rev. Gerig for a number of years has conducted the radio program "Mid-Morning Medita tion. 11 Iff (If (P date this year for the annual i corps colieee program. Final however, is November 12. Prisoners Help Save Institution Boston, Oct. 7 Two hundred prisoners were acclaimed today for a heroic assist in extinguish ing a $100,000 three-hour fire that wrecked the Deer Island house of correction administra tion building. The fierce flames wiped out the institution's major industries. Not a single prisoner attempted to escape. No one was injured. Two hundred of the institu tion's 675 prisoners were releas ed to help fight the flames on orders of Penal Commissioner Maxwell B. Grossman. 'I'm proud of them." he said in his commendation. "They did a splendid job." The prisoners formed a human chain, along with prison of ficials, to remove furniture, val uable pieces of equipment, of fice files and prison records from the burning structure. Included in the files were the inmates' own records. They also carried arms and ammunition from the burning building. Prisoners in solitary confine ment on the first floor of the three-story brick structure mov ed to another building, without a sign of disorder, shortly after the fire was discovered. The cause was not determined. The "gun" in a television tube shoots no bullets, but rather "fires" a stream of electrons upon a self-contained screen WHO'S SWITCHING TO CALVERT? Folks everywhere have switched to Calvert Reserve because it tastes better! CALVERT RESERVE Blended Wh laker -bo.b frtxtr-63' urain neutral -Bpinu. Calvert uutlllers corp., New York city Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon. IWanrA ltr fmmlAr WMIMlllM IUI lUIIIIIIIGj Begin Summation New York. Oct. 7 U The defense counsel for 11 commun ist leaders on trial for conspir- ac' will begin final summation today, making it possible for the case to go to the jury by the end of next week. Judge Harold R. Medina ruled' out a final defense motion tolcommission Want Better Heating Results from your steam of hot-watet system? Come in and see the new Dclco-Heat Oil-fired Boiler 1 Salem Heating & Sheet Metal Co. Dial 3-8555 Authttrixid Reprtstntalivt However, re: Seems like everybody who TRIES IT loves BEVERLY I "Wsii ifin The peanut butter that'i STABILIZED so it tprtmdt like a dream, tastes fsn as fresh-roasted peanuts, AND NEVER GETS LOOSE OIL ON TOPI Beverly it a food high in body-building protein and energy values. Let your young ones enjoy plenty! Taiht without risk I u.u.i yWra dliM4 wild tin tsvarlr lh ft, will rsfyn4 fabrics and VkIhm frHH A sporinl purchase brina ff trpmondouH Maring in 1hvv wanted fabrics. Fabrics are from wnrld famous mills Stroork, Wyandotte, Derrinjr - Millikn, American Woolen Mills and others. In 2-ply worsted Rabardine, broadcloth, men's wear coatings and coverts, fleeces and cravenette tweeds. Colors (not all colors in all styles) charcoal, wine, (rrey, black, French blue, forest Kreen, navy, brown, blue. Size 8 to 16 in Balmacaan; 10 to 8 in set-in sleeve style. Women's coats, second floor S&H Green Stamps Are Your Extra Savings Open Friday Nights 'Til 9 HI north liberty Friday, October 7, 1949 11 e testimony of several pro secution witnesses yesterday and ordered the defense to begin summation. He said he would grant three or four days' argu ment. Wheat Man Named Gov. Douglas McKay's office today announced the appoint ment of Paulen Kaseherg of Wasco, president of the Oregon Wheat Growers' leaeue. as a member of the Oregon wheat 1085 Broadway vout n. -- hwv. rM m styles! mm so It.- lH B8 A