Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, October 07, 1949, Page 10, Image 10

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    10 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, October 7, 1949
Salem 'd Clturck
Court Btrott CfcrUHaa Chvrch lTth and
Court Street. W. H. Lymtn. MlnUUr.
nibla Ichool Assembly 1:4ft: Momlni wor
hip 10:50 o'clock; Mrmon lubjeet, "The
Ore. Creator". Endeavor Hour
:30; Ivenlnf Worship 1:30 o'clock. r
taoa subject, "What I Heard About You."
New Calvsrr Chapel Fill Ooepel 1143
V. Liberty St.. Salem. Paetore: Rev. Claude
C. & Mary W. Bell. Bervleae: Bun. echool
X, Morning wonhtp 11; vcnin urvlce
Jason Ui At the morninf vorihlp at
11 the Busmen and Professional Women's
elub of Salem will worship at Jason Lee
church. The pastor, or. iouii i;. juroy,
will speak on the subject: "Religion In the
Life of the Business Woman." Mrs. Olen
Humlston will sing solo: "The Ninety
and Nine." Evening worship at 1:30. a
duet will be sung by Mrs. Mildred Yunker
and Robert Xlempel.
Christian Missionary Alliance North
Mb at Oalnes St. Herman J. Bohl. pas
tor. Sunday school, :. Morning worship.
11- Young people, 1:30. Evening services,
flrat Brangolkal United Brethren
Whera Marlon crosses Bummer. Rev. Wil-
nter N. Brown, pastor. Sunday scnooi,
46. Morning service, 11. Rev. Paul Bhen,
Honfrkong. China, guest speaker. Evening
ervlce, 1:46. Oospel musical by choir.
Plret Chsrch of Christ. Brlentlst Liber
ty and Chemeketa 6t. Sunday school, 11.
Morning service. 11. Lesson-sermon sub
ject: "Are Bin. Disease, and Death Rial?"
Nursery for children up to 3 years of age
provided during the morning service. Eve
ning service at 8. Lesion -Sermon subject:
"Are Sin, Disease, and Death Real?"
Jeans Nam Pentecostal 1116 Lewis St.
Jtonald V. Blttser, pastor. Sunday school.
10. Morning worship, 11. Evening evan
gelistic, 7:46.
Truth Center 382 N. Cottaie. Cvenlni
service. I o'clock Tuesday. Oct. 11. Sub
Ject: "Real Prosperity." Library, 13 to 3
p.m. Noon meeting,
United Pentecostal 449 Perry street.
Rev. Nathaniel Wilson, pastor. Sunday
school. :4S. Morning service, 11. Evening
service, 7:46.
West Balem Matbedlet Third and
Oerth. O. Leonard Jones, minister. Church
school, 8:48. Worship, 11. Sermon: "How
Shall We Advance?" Youth Fellowship,
6:30. Young Adult Fellowship, I.
First preabyUrl an Chemeketa at Win
ter. Chester W. Hemblln, pastor. John L.
Ooodenberger, assistant pastor. Church
school, 8:46. Identical church services.
8:46 and 11. "The Trickster," sermon by
the minister. Junior high group, 6:30.
High school fellowship, 8:30.
Reorganised Church of Jesus Christ or
Latter Day Saints Chemeketa and 17th
streets. Chas. H. Aiher, pastor. Church
school, 10. Preaching service, U. Oeo. W.
Speed preaching. Zlon'j leacut, 6:30. Bi
ble class, 7:30.
First Spiritualist 348 N. Com). Rrv.
Chas. Cooley, speaker. Circle at 6:30. Ser
Tica at 7:30.
Knight Memorial Congretatlonal Nine
teenth and Ferry streets. Louis E. White,
minister. Sunday school, 8:4&. Morning
worship, 11. Sermon subject, "The Soul's
Decision." Junior church and ehurch-tlme
nursery, 11. Pilgrim Fellowship groups for
senior high and Junior high young peo
ple, 6:30. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Arnold, Mr.
and Mrs. Waldo Lowery, Mr, and Mrs.
Louts White, counsellors.
Central Church of Christ Chemeketa
at Cottage. M. C. CuthberUon. minuter.
Bible school, 8:45. Preaching and worship,
10:45 and 7:30. Young people, 6:30.
Christ Latheran Btate street at 18th. C.
R. Schuls, pastor. Mission Festival services
at 6:45 and 11. Rev. H. Nottbohm, Port
land, guest speaker. Bunday school and
Bible classes, 8:50. All-church picnic at
Paradise Island at 13:30 p.m.
Foursquare Gospel 400 N. 18th St. Sun
day school at 8:46. Worship, 11. Crusader
young people's service, 6:46. Evan Untie
service and Illustrated message, "Some
Thins Ara Certain," 1:46, Rey, Roy Wor
th Ins ton pastor.
Bethany Kvangellral and Reformed Ma
rlon and Capitol Bts. Rev. Russell May
or, pastor. Bunday school. 10. Morning
worship, 11. Evening worship, 1:45. Rev.
Erra Oeiig, pastor of the church of the
Great Commission of Portland.
t. Mark Br. Lntheran 343 N. Church
Bt. Rev. M. A. Oetsendaner, D.D. and
Rev. John Bagllen, pastors. Bunday school,
8 46. Morning worship service, 11. Sermon
topic: "Does Jesus Care?" Luther Lea
gue, 6:30.
Christian A Missionary Alliance Rev.
H. J. Bohl, pastor, Sunday school, 8 45.
Morning service, 11. Special speakrrs,
morning and evening, the Rev. and Mrs.
Walter Post of Indonesia, Evening aerv
Ice, 7:30.
Bethel Baptist North Cottage at t
Street. Rev. Rudolph Woyke, pastor. Sun
day erhool at 8:45. Morning worship at
11 with the following sermon subject:
"I-ost Things." Youth meetings at 6:30.
The film, "Choosing Rather." will be
shown by Harold Johnson. Evening ser
vice at 7:30, the pastor presetting on the
topic: "Consider Jesus Christ."
Fslth Tabernaele no5 N. 6th. Bunday
school, 10. Morning worship, 11, Evangelis
tic, 6.
First Baptist Marion and Liberty Bts
Dr. Lloyd T. Anderson, pastor. Hev. C. E
Brlckwedel and Rev. Victor Lourki. enun
ciate pastors. Sunder school. 8:4V Mom
ma, worsntp. 11. Rev. Alfred Danielnon,
wrstern representative of the conserva
tive Baptist Foreign Mission enrlet v,
guest speaker. Youth meeting. 6:15. Eve-
nlng goppel meeting, 1:30. Rev. Daniel
son, speaking.
Rslbert Memorial Baptist One mile
Borth of the underpass on hlffhwav OH-K.
Rev. C. E. Brlckwedel, peslor. Similsv
srhonl. '4.V Morning worship, 11. Mrtxnite
by the pastor. Young people s league, 6 30.
Evening evangelistic service, 1.30.
Fear Corner's Baptist Per. Victor
ixucxs. pastor. Located on Btate and ri
ma. Sunday erhool, 6:46. Morning wor-
Ship, 11. Rev. Vlrtor Lourks. sprakinit.
Young people's meeting. 6.45. Evenlne
gospel service, 1:30.
I, John's I.alheran IMo. Rnod H. W.
Oross. pastor. Ber vires al 6 and 11. Bun
day school and Bible class, 10.
Leslie Methodist South Commerrtel at
Myers. O. Wesley Turner, pastor. Sunday
srhool, 8:4ft. Morning service. 11. Bermon
ubject: "l,oval Ambassadors of Ood."
Youth fellowship. 6.30, Evening aervire,
T:30. Bermon subject, "There Is a Way."
Klngwood Bible 1136 Kim street. A M
Fsdenrerht, pattor. Blbla srhool, 6 s
Morning worship. 10 46. Youth groups
meet, 6.46. Evrnlng gospel service, 7 46.
First Christian High and Center. Pud
lev Strain. Associate minister. Waller
Naff. Churrh srhool, 6 4ft. Morning wor
ship and communion. 10:M. Morning ser
mon: "Invisible Writing of Ood." Dudley
Strain. Anthem "Reek Ye the Lord"- Ho'
berta. Solo: Kles1e-. Mllhand, Kavmonrl
Leunlni, tenor (Warren Downs, ehellist
and Patty Jot Hammond, acrompanlti.
Youth groups for Junior high and Phi
let a, 6:16. Evening service, 7 30. Milr
will be furnished bv the children from
tli a Oregon Si a it School for the Blind.
Charles Addleman, statt secretary, will
bring the evening meisaie.
W Wl til
III '1 NliU'J I N.
Ml I
Liberty Terranumium
Is Made by Brownies
Liberty The Liberty Brow
nie troop 112 held its meeting af
ter ichool in the school lunch
room. The Brownies each brought a
small plant and together made
a terranumium. Hostesses for
the meeting were Eileen Beck
and Cheryl Faye Fries.
Brownies present at the meet
ing were Patricia Billings, Eil
een Beck, Joyce Clark, Cheryl
Fries, Betty Knepper, Sharon
Robertson, Marilyn Knepper,
Doris Rybloom, Joan Wirth, Ar
lene Rybloom, Patricia Whelan,
Marilyn Clark, Helen Bonofog-
ski, Deanna Schendel, Donna
Stringer, Carolyn Griffis and
Joan Lustoff.
The girls were under the lead
ership of their leader, Mrs. Ar
thur Wirth and assistant leader,
Mrs. Charles Rybloom.
Hazen to Address
Ben Hazcn of Portland will
be the speaker at the first meet
ing of' the Presbyterian Men's
cub next Tuesday evening, Oc
tober 11, at 8:30 p.m. at the
church. All of the men of the
church will gather for the din
ner and a fine program of fel
lowship and entertainment that
has been arranged by Paul Bale,
the Men's club president.
Hazen, a very prominent busi
ness man and civic leader who
has received many honors, is rec
ognized as one of the most en
tertaining speakers in the north
west. The officers of the club,
under the direction of Bale,
have worked out many novelty
features for their various pro
grams during this coming win
ter. This meeting is the first
in this winter's series. The din
ncr will be served by the ladies
of the church.
Church of -lesus f hrlt of the Latter
Day Saint (Mormon Sunday school at
evenins service at 7,
Christian Srlen-e -
Sunday school at
0:45. Services at 11.
Walsh, pastor. Sunday masses, 8 and 10.
Weekdays, 8.
Assembly of fiond Berrel H. Scott, pas
tor, Sunday school, 9.4f. Divine worship,
Young people s socrcty at 6:45. evan
gelistic at 8.
Churrh of God Hev. F. E. Nil, pastor.
Sunday srhnol at 10: worship hour at It;
evening services at 8.
Beventh Day ArivrntUt Elder A. D.
Chllson. Bnlrm. and Harold Johnson, lo
cal elder. In charge. Subhnth school, Sat
urday, morn Inn worship at 11. Sat
urday; Sunday evening evangelistic serv-
Marqunm and Motalla Congregations,
MethndKt Rex Kendall, pastor. Joint pas-
itr. Forenoon services at Marquem.
afternoon at Molnlla,
Plltrlm llollnesa D. i
'. Olson, pastor,
ion by pastor 11.
7. Evangelistic
Sunday school, 9:45. Sen
Vnung people meet al
sermon at 8.
MethodM Ben F. Browning, pastor.
Sunday school 9 45. Norman N'aegell. supt.
General workup 11. sermon by pastor.
Youth Fellowship and evenlne service, 7
no a.
First Christian Church -Arthur Charles
Bates, minister. Bible school 9:45. M. B.
Ford. supt. Bermon following rommunoln.
11. subject: "Lawful but not Expedient."
Senior and Junior t:K at 7. MuMcal pro
Rrnm durlnii the evening srrmnn hour.
i. r. T. piny hart direct lug the young
anuii vesiea cnoir in an hour s program,
assisted bv Mrs. Robert Frv vocalist of
Salem. Mrs. Clyde Will am son accordion
and sr-lolM. of Albany, and Clary Tokstad.
pianist, of Silverton.
Immanuel Lutheran B. L. A 1 mile, pas-
toor. ntiimny Acaooi in. cis.vea lor an ase
group.-.. Divine worship, 11. sermon bv
pustor. Anthem, senior choir. The WMP
sponsor a dlnnrr following forenoon ser
vices. Luther League 7:30.
Trinity Lutheran Substitute castor.
Sunday srhool and Bible classes in, Mrs.
Mar !li a Isn arson, supt. Divine worship,
11. Rev. Robert Hovland. West Salem
Htble Academy director, speaker. Guests
the HuMnrss and Professional Women's
club members.
Calvary Lutheran - Pastor, substitute.
Runriny school nnri Bihle class in. Miss
ola .inhh'nn, supt . Morn Inn worship, II,
Hev. P. w, Er Irk. son of Salem will be
the speaker.
Christian and Ml. Inner? Alliance-- Gor
don T, linitvolrl. minister. Sunday srhonl.
10. Oscar Kniiuin. supt. Rally Day obser
vance. Com mini Ion service and sermon,
pastor In rlm-pe. II. Evening service 6
ncloitc. report gltcn of the district praver
Shoes Rcpoired While You
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Keep cold drnft.i from
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Dallas Churches
Evangelical Mennanlta Brethren A. P.
Toews, pastor, Bunday school, 6:36. Morn
ing worship, 11. Bermon, "The Hidden
Treasure." Fellowship groups, 1, Evening
service, 6:16..
Christian and Missionary Alliance O.
Ernest McOarvey, pastor. Bunday school,
8 46. Morning worship, 11. Sermon by the
pastor. "Whet Ood Hath Wrought." Eve
ning evangelistic hour, I. Sermon, "Lost,
One Soul."
Bait Creek Baptist Emanuel Wolff, pas
tor. Sunday school, 8:46. Morning wor
ship, 11. Sermon. "The Power of Hid
den Sin." Evening service, 6.
Apostolle Faith Forrest Damron. pas
tor. Bunday school, 6:30. Morning wor
ship, 11. Evangelistic service, 7:60.
First Presbyterian Earl William Ben
bow. D, D.. pastor. Sunday school. 6:46.
Worship service. 11. Dr. Robert Sandl
lands, African missionary, will speak.
Trinity Lutheran Karl Ufer. pastor.
Bunday srhool. 10. Divine service, 11.
Senior confirmation class, 7. Luther Lea
sue, 8.
First Christian Kenneth Johnston, pas
tor. Bible school, 9:45. Morning worship,
11. Bermon, "The Family and the Church."
Fellowship heur, 6. Christian Endeavor.
6:30. Evening service, 7:30. Sermon, "Men
Against God."
Evangellral I'nlted Brethren R. William
Elmer, minister. Sunday school, 9:46.
Morning worship, 11. Message by the pas
tor. Evangelistic Bible study hour, 1.46.
Film, "The City of David."
Assembly af Ood Alfred R. Brown, pas
tor. Sunday school. 9:45. Morning wor
ship, II. Christ Ambassadors, 7. Junior
Christ Ambassadors, 7. Vesper service, 7.
Evangelistic service, 8.
First Methodist Clark 8. Ens. pastor.
Church school. 9:45. Morning worship. 11.
Dr. Roy A. Fedje, district superintendent,
will apeak. Fellowship dinner, 13:30. First
quarterly conference, 2.. Intermediate fel
lowship, 5:30. Senior fellowship, 6:30. Eve
ning service, featuring colored slides, 8.
Grace Mennonlte J. J. Regier. pastor.
Sunday school. 10. Morning worship, 11.
Evening service, 7:30.
Christian Science Sunday school. 9:45.
Service, 11. Subject of the lesson sermon
for the week Is "Arc Sin, Disease and
Death RealT"
First Rantlst Bunday school. 6:46.
Morning worship, 11. Training union, 7.
Evening worship, 8.
Monmouth Ed! nopal Cyril F. Hanney.
vicar. Holy Baptism, 8:45. Morning pray
er, 8. Churrh school, 10.
Church of God Henry Loggan, pastor.
Sunday school, 8:43. Morning worship. 11.
Young people's meeting, 6:45. Evangelis
tic service, 7:46.
Seventh Day Advenllat Sabbath school.
9:45. Bermon, 11.
Falls City Sevrnth Day Adventist
Preaching, 11. Sabbath school, 9:30.
Falls City Free Methodist Gilbert John
son, pastor. Sunday school, 10. Morning
ice, II. Young peoples meeting, 7; JO.
Evangelistic service, 8.
Falls City Methodist James H. Rover.
pastor. Sunday school, 10, Morning wor
ship, ll.
St. Thomas EpiscopalCyril P. Hanney,
vicar. Church school. 10. Morning prayer,
11. oiy Baptism, larjo.
Free Methodist R. W. McCormlrk, pas
tor. Sunday school, 9:45. Preaching ser
ies, ll.
Oak Grove Chanel Fremont Faul. pas
tor. Morning service, 9:46, Sunday school
St. Phillips Catholic-Father John Bab-
yak, pastor. Mass, 8:15.
t'nlon Missionary Baptist Harmony
community. W. A. Heard, pastor. Sun
day school, 10, Sermon, 11.
Church af Christ Bible study, 10. Com
munion, 11.
Bridgeport Sunday School H. Schmidt.
Supt. Sunday School, 10.
Eola Sunday School Sunday sohool. 8:48.
Service, 11.
Church of Jeans Christ of Latter Day
Saints Elder Miller presiding. Sunday
school, 10. Sacrament meeting, 11:45.
nirnrnii ninoi; nrnoai J. I . iniBB-
sen, supt. Sunday school, 8:30.
Falls City Christian Cherles Knox, pas
tor. Sunday school, 10, Morning worship,
11. Christian Endeavor. 6:30.
Roberts Organizes
Full Sunday School
Roberts Peter J. Becker,
Missionary of the American
Sunday Union organized Sunday
school at Roberts Sunday.
Larry Buhler was elected su
perintendent, Mrs. Jesse For
ester, assistant superintendent
and Mrs. G. S. Higgins, secretary-treasurer.
The meetings will be held In
the school house at 10 o'clock
with Mrs. J. Forester, teacher of
the adult class, Larry Buhler.
the young people's class and
Mrs, G. S. Higgins, the primary
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Prof. John W. Berry
Berry of Pacific
Addresses Forum
"What would Christian com
munity demand of active Chris
tians?" is the topic of John W.
Berry, professor of sociology at
Pacific university at the first of
a series of six forums to be held
during the winter at the First
Congregational church in Salem.
Opening at 8 p.m. Sunday, Oc
tober 9, the meeting will consist
of the main address and a dis
cussion period following the
speaker. Dean Gregg, head of
the liberal arts department at
Willamette university, will act
as moderator for most of the se
"The public is actively urged
to attend," states Mrs. Alden
Bowes, chairman of the commit
tee of the Young Adult group
which is sponsoring the meet-
Rally and Homecoming
Program Is Arranged
Woodburn Rally and home
coming day will be observed by
members and friends of the
Woodburn Christian church Sun
day, October 9, starting at 10
a.m. Bible classes will be held
for all ages. On the program
will be a tenor solo "The Lord's
Prayer," by Charles MacKenzie
of the Canby high school, a duet
by Marie and Margie Priest and
a sermon by Rev. D. D. Priest.
A basket dinner will be served
at noon.
Mill City Churches
Presbyterian Dr. David J. Ferguson, min
ister. Sunday school, 10, morning services
o nocie. sermon subject, "Building
Partners". Youth fellowship 6:30.
Christian Church Thomas Courtney. Jr.,
pastor. Bible school, 8:45. Morning worship
11 o'clock. Christian Endeavor hour 6:30.
Evening worship 7:45 o'clock.
Catholic Rev. Mat, pastor. Morning ser
vice 8 o'clock.
Free Methodist Rev. Donald Hlnkle,
pAstor. Sunday school 10. Morning ser
vices 11 o'clock. Evening services 7:30
Community Rev. Wayne Watklns. pas
tor. Sunday school 10. Morning worship 11
o'clock. Evening service 7:48 o'clock.
Down Town The Tall White Spire
8:50 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.
"Marching Orders"
Sermon by the Pastor, Brooks H. Moore
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HO Hull. .
V; I.'...'
r'hrh mt Gad Third and Grant Bts.
Raymond W. Hood, pastor. Church school
10. worship 11 and 6. Y. P. 1.
Assembly ( Gad Second and Lincoln
a i.Mirr Gibson, oastor, S. 8. 8:46.
Preaching II and 1:46. Y. P. 6.46.
Free Methodist Young and Oaten St(.
Mrs. Rose! la B. Douglas, pastor. S. B.
8:46. Preaching 11 and 7:45.
christian Lincoln and Doud Bts. Don
Priest, pastor. S. S. 10. Service 11. C. E.
7. Evening service 8
Bfelbodisi xoung ana a bis. urmn a.
Trick, pastor. Church school 10. Worship
ran r llBT E. Lincoln St. 8. B.
8:46. Worship 11 and 1:46. Y. P. 6:45.
Bethel Presbyterian 3 miles east on
Union school road Earl K. Fenton, pastor.
Worship 10. 8. S. 10:46.
Churrh af lesus Christ af L. D. 8.
I O.O F. hall Bunday school 10; Sacrament
meeting 11:30
St. Ames Catholic (Hubbard) Attended
by Woodburn parish priests. Sunday
asses 8:30.
At. Marr'e Episcopal Lincoln at
Cupid's Court. Clarence C. Blocum, Vicar.
Church School 8:30. Divine worship 11.
BIBIC D.pilll Ur.n., n.ll, B.iueinie.
and H.rrlson. Earl Baker, paitor. 8. 8.
Immanuel Lutheran Harvln N. Chris
ten sen, pastor. Doud and Oswald sts.
Worship service 11. S. S. 10.
Gervals Presbyterian Ernest Tremblay,
pastor. S. S. 10. Worship 11. C. E. 1:30.
St. Luke's Catholic V. L. Moffenbeler,
pastor. Harrison between 3rd and 4th.
Sunday services 7. 8:30, 10:30. Devotions
4. Weekday mass 8:15. Devotions Friday
The Reoraanlsed Church of Jesus Christ
or Latter Day Saints Corner of Second
and Oarfleld. Oeorae Omans. oastor.
Church school 10. Preaching 11. Zlons
League 7. Lecture study 6.
First Presbyterian Oarfleld and Third
Its. Earl K. Fenton, pastor. 8. B. 8:45.
Divine worship 11 and 7:30. Y. P. 6:30.
Stay ton Churches
raptlst-Rev Winerd Buckncr. pastor
Sunday school, 10. Uornlni worship, 11
Training hour, 7:15. Evening service, A.
Cbnreh af Christ Clyde Freeman, pas-
.o. Bible school, 10. Worship service, 11,
foutb Fellowship. 6:30. Evening worship.
Church of Christ L, U. Seld, minister
Bible study, 10. Morning worship, 11. Eve
nlns worahlp, 5.
Methodist John Uo range, pastor. Bible
school 10. Worship service, U. Youth Fel
lowship. 6 30. Evening worship. 6.
Assembly of God Rev. Kelvin Stock
s' 11, pastor Sunday school. 10. Mornlni
lervlce. 11. Youni people's meeting, 6:46.
Evening evangelistic service 1:4&.
Immaculate Conception Catholic Rev
Hath. Jonas, pastor. Sunday services:
Masses 6, 7:30 and 8:30 a.m.
St. Partlck't Catfaolla (L?ons Father
Leander Schneider, paittor. Winter sched
ule. 1st, 3nd and 6th Sundays, mass
10. so a.m.t Ird and 4th Sundays mass at
H:30 a.m.
Onr Lady of Loordea (Jordan) Father
Leander Scnnelder, pastor. Winter sched
ule. 1st, 2nd and 6th Sunday, mass 8:30
a.m.: 3rd and 4th 8undays. mass 10:30
Baptist Bruce Wakeman, pastor. Sun
day school 10, morning worship 11, Youth
Fellowship 7. evening service 8.
Charch of Christ Wm. F. Morse, min
ister. Bible school 10, morning worship
11, Junior meeting 1, Young People's meet
ing 7, evening services 8.
Methodist church Rev. Fremont Faul.
pastor. Bunday school 10, morning wor
ship 11. Junior Fellowship 6, Youth Fel
lowship 7.
Assembly of God William H. Beachy.
pastor, Sunday school 8:49, morning wor
ship 11, children's servlca 7:30. evening
service 6
Eorningi contiitentl
obove overage
Dividends declared
every six months
Once" 1-4I J
First U. B. Will
Hold Rally Day
The annual Rally Day and
Home coming will be celebrated
at the First United Brethren
church, 1145 Mission Street, on
Sunday, October 16. There are
few people here now who were
here when this church was built
and dedicated in 1890, but it is
hoped that all those who are still
living in Salem now, as well as
those who have attended since
that time, and those attending
now will come to the Rally.
Rergular morning services will
follow Sunday school, which
meets at 10:00 a. m. and at noon
a basket dinner followed by bap
tismal services at 2:30 p. m., con
ducted by the Rev. Noel W. Bow
man, Conference Superinten
dent, and evening services it
7:30 p. m.
Baptists Observe
Samaritan Day
Good Samaritan day will be
observed in First Baptist church
this Sunday by members of the
local congregation. It will be a
time of annual sacrifice for the
cause of missions when an
"above and beyond" offering
will be given to the conserva
tive Baptist foreign mission so
ciety with 168 missionaries and
appointees stationed in approxi
mately nine areas of the world.
Sunday will be highlighted by
the presence of Rev. Alfred
Danielson, western representa
tive of the conservative Baptist
foreign mission society, preach
ing at both morning and evening
services. A unique presentation
of the cause of missions will be
given Sunday night.
Young Adult Choir
Presenting Concert
Silverton Mrs. P. T. Ploy-
hart, director, is presenting a
special program of sacred mu
sic by the young adult choral
choir o the First Christian
church Sunday evening begin
ning at 7:30 o clock in the
church chancel. The public is
Soloists are Mrs. Robert Fry
(Elaine Hamre) of Salem, and
Mrs. Clyde E. Williamson, sister
of Mrs. Ployhart, of Albany and
Mrs. Robert Edgerton.
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Turner Churches
rhrlatlan Caureb Bible echool 8:4ft. Uri,
Cronirini 8. S. 8upt. Mornlni worship 11.
Gilbert Carey, paitor. C. I. Junlora. C. I.
Sr. 1. evening service 8.
M. C. Cbarrh Sunder school 18. Joe
Holt. eupt. Mornlni worship 11. Dr. It. M.
Assembly af God Sunday school 6:46,
P. Rodgera. supt. Morning worship 11.
Ethel Oute Onuat. Christ's Ambassadors
7. Eva Hansett. leader. Evangelist services
Bethel Baptists to
View Movie Film
The S o u n d - M ovie film,
"Choosing Rather," will be pre
sented by Harold Johnson at 6:30
o'clock Sunday evening at the
Bethel Baptist church to the two
young people's groups of the
church. The film presents the
Christian witness and musical
talent of four young people. The
public is invited. The church is
Invites You
Two Worship Services
Every Sunday
8:45 am. 11 i m.
Sunday School 9:50 a m.
u it.
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sion. fromo oium Arm founda
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Illustrated Message
ST 1
long distance
helped me
close the sale
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Cabinets Fromei
Ph. 3 5953