8 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore Thursday, October 6, 1949 1 t trim run ill isiiii-iTir,ii-ii mint i Bin hum, i in i.nin i i m -j n ti liffrnnnTnr.ii t'liiw.i y.-'---"'- ' '"'' Campus Clippings By MARILYN HILL OREGON STATE COLLEGE With the rushing programs now completed students have ' settled down to the usual routine of classes and studying while looking forward to the many ac tivitiet planned for the year. Many Salem names were noticed among those pledging the sororities and fraternities this fall. Sororities pledged the record number of 314 girls to their ranks, with 20 Salem girls included in this figure. Pledges are Claire Maxwell and Barbara Owens, Alpha Phi; Sylvia Mc Clelland and Fay Rolie, Alpha Xi Delta; Ann Brown and Mar- lene DeWitt, Chi Omega; Martha Durham, Alvis Miller and Marl jo Ogle, Delta Gamma; Donna Dunz, Delta Zeta; Audrey Sim- Salem Women at Silverton Meeting Silverton Honored guests at the Tuesday night dinner meet ing of the Business and Profes sional Women's club at Imman uel Lutheran social and Fireside . rooms, were a past state presi dent, Mrs. Arthur Weddle, of Salem, and the president of the Salem B4PW club, Mrs. John Versteeg. Eight new members were initiated following the for mal banquet. Mrs. Irene Roubal, club presi dent, served as mistress of cere monies, and presided during the brief business session. Mrs. Earl Spencer, assisted by Mrs. Lela Quintall at the piano gave vocal selections. Miss Thora Aarstad arranged the program numbers. Coming events of interest to club members announced in cluded the observances of Na tional B&PW week, October 9 to 15; the Salem banquet pro gram with Mrs. Victor P. Mor ris of Eugene as speaker, Octo ber 12; the local president's breakfast at the Eugene Field lunch rooms, Sunday morning, October 9, at 9 o'clock and at tending in a body at Trinity Lutheran church for forenoon worship services; the past offi cers tea, Sunday afternoon, Octo ber 16, the place to be named later; and a trip to Lebanon, Sunday, October 23, to attend the Central Willamette district conference as an all day affair. Initiated Tuesday were Miss May Hanada, Miss Betty Heid enstrom, Mrs. Bess Holland, Miss Lillian Peterson, Mrs. Mary Ril ey, Mrs. Nina Southmayd, Mrs. Genevieve Carter and Mrs. La Boux White. For the ceremonials of initiation Miss Helvle Silver directed the singing with Mrs. F. M. Powell at the organ. Miss Hannah Olson was herald; Miss Thora Aarstad presenting the scroll; Miss Lela Quintall, the wand; Miss Grace Hudson, the torch; Miss Letha Brokke, the nike; Miss Stella Dybevik, the ship; and supporting the circle, Misses Mary Klceman and Lois Spencer. The honor guest, Mrs. Weddle reminded the members of the national area and regional ses sions of the future, urging plans for attending as a vacation ges ture. The guests were also told of the highlights of the Salem B&PW club which has been ac tive for the past 30 years, and was the group assisting in the plans of the Silverton club. mons, Kappa Alpha Theta; Bev erly Bcakey, Dianne Perry, and Joanne Hendrie, Kappa Kappa Gamma; Sue Barnes, Shlrlee Newbry, Lorraine Welling, and Barbara Zumwalt, PI Beta Phi Thais Crandall and Barbara Spagle, Sigma Kappa. Added to the fraternity list during the second rushing peri od were Daryl VanCleave, Al pha Gamma Rho; Eldon "Corky" Shafer, Alpha Tau Omega; Ger aid Brog, Sigma Phi Epsilon and Jack Jones, Sigma Pi. Baby, It's Cold Outside" is the fitting theme for the nickel hops, Friday night. Sponsored by the Associated Women Stu dents, the hops are held In all of the women's living groups and the men travel around to suit their choices. In previous years the houses have provided their own music but the danc ing records will be aired over a local radio station this term A really practical education in the art of fighting forest fires was given to the forestry majors last week. Eighty-two students were on the fire line at one time during the active blaze that burned close to 800 acres sur rounding the McDonald forest near Corvallis. Emery Hildebrandt won third nlafo hnnnrR in the national peace oratorical contest with his speech, "In the Minds of Men. This senior has already added many trophies to the OSC col lection. The physical education de partment presented a humorous and informing show for the freshmen women Wednesday night. All of the activities of I the department were shown to two girls who played the part of bewildered freshmen. Styles in gym outfits from years ago brought many churkles from the audience. The badly defeated Beavers of last Saturday's game will jour ney to Seattle this week-end. Although disappointed at the outcome of the Cal game, eager students are planning a rally for the team and will be glued near their radios to hear the results with the Huskies. DAYTON The Dayton Civic club met for its regular meeting, Monday, at the club rooms in the City hnll. Mrs. Lloyd Good rich presided in the absence of the president, Mrs. Roy Ed Wards. There were obouty 30 mem bers and guests present. Mrs. Howard Holt, Mrs. E. R. Zinsli, end Mrs. Delbert Temple became new members. A flag was pre sented to the club from Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Nultbrock. Mrs. Harold Robinson had charge of the program, assisted by Mrs. Jack Von and Mrs. Clare Ackerman. The topic was "What Is Hallowe'en?" Approprinti of the meeting. Wed 60 Years Lebanon Mr. and Mrs. Steve A. Culbcrtson observed their 60th wedding anniversary last Sunday. Wed on October 2, 1889 in Kentucky, they came to Ore gon in 1903 and moved to Leb anon in 1925. Of their 13 chil dren, those now living are: Ro bert, William and Albert of Leb anon; Fred of Forks, Wash., Barney of Bend; Mrs. Eleanor Sparks of Lebanon, Mrs. Rosa Brown of Florence, Mrs. Mollie Faulkner and Mrs. Alma Kess ler of Albany. They have 24 grandchildren and 21 great grandchildren. For their anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Culbcrtson enter tained at a family reunion Sun day. Dinner was served on the lawn with a wedding cake marking their sixtieth mile stone. Later in the afternoon a spe cial service was held for them at the Church of God, of which they are active members. The pastor, Mrs. Lena Summers, presented to them a miniature fir tree bearing 60 new dollar bills, gifts of relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Culbcrtson live in the south section of Lebanon. (ROM COAST TO COAST Mothers APPROVE... 1 EJiminofM KW brokkQ M- ? A 1 Actum correct doaoga TW 1 Eoiy to pfv fmmmmmtwmm l o fc ASPIRIN - Each tablet In "4 adult fOR CHUORtN dose. 50 tablets 35c. fttBtttfm Your Prescription Store WHEN YOU THINK DRUGS THINK SCHAEFER "It Pays to Trade at SchoeferV 7599 Prescriptions Accurately Filled 1949 EVERYTHING FOR THE BABY We hove a complete line of medical needs for babies. Let us fill your prescription, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIAL! JELLY BEANS Amnrtrd or All Black 18c lb., 2 lbs. 35c Sold In round Lots Only Lett than pound tales, 30 C SCHAEFER'S DRUG STORE The Original Yellow Front Drug and Candy Special Store in Salem 135 N. Commercial Phone 3-5197 or 2-9123 I . a rt (Y . u 1 S II 11 1 11 1 1 11W11 1 t A J l I l l 1 1 11 1 I 11 Ml 1 1 ! tfU 1WI fV 1 1 1 1 . li Mil 1 11 11 1 1111 1 1 -f A S IV ' 1 V f1 U V a NL, 1 'I'll.llW ll IWfli I A 1 HTvv in i j?-. i v i ivrii u II II II ira fAlf lull li II i W a1 r I JkW AAA I i I X I I II II II II I vO- I I II 1.1 II II r i n - ' i h i.i & T li ii i ii 1 1 i . i i rta i iw in w u n n ti iai xw Ml I f II I II 111 X II II II II II E 4 111 I II U VJ II II II 11 I M . 1 i V I I ttTV A A 4 A A Am li If- KF VIII- If -PVIW li-WIW ' ' ' el -.. v -5 v '' : . S . ' i ' . , . " r -.-. .. fLi i i -' Mmmmmmm r,,imr ..fraii,,,,, , i ! rjiis ! u !.,. VIVID FASHIONS IN" STARRING ROLES! TONIGHT AT THE HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM 8-9:30 (Doors Open at 7) A panorama of the newest fashions in coats, suits, dresses, formals, sportswear, lingerie, leisure coats and all accessories. -PLUS- Teddy Jenks and ballet numbers. Dorothy Pederson, concert pianist. Martha Hrubetz, concert soloist. It's all free for the whole family! A complimentary orchid to the first 500 ladies!