McKay Endorses BPW Week Governor Douglai McKay'i statement in recognition of "Na tional Business Women Week" hai been released by the Salem Buslneu and Professional Women's club. The national week opens Sunday next, October 9. Governor McKay's statement follows: "Intriguing statistics come to my mind as I begin to prepare this message of congratulations to the Oregon Federation of Business and Professional Women's Clubs, Inc. "I am reminded that (1) 51 per cent of the nation's registered voters are women (2) that women control the manner in which 85 per cent of the country's money is spent, and '3) that, in Ore gon, alone, the number of Federation clubs has increased from 31 to 48 and the number of members from 1800 to 3000, all in only three years' time. "Women are truly on the march toward the place they have always deserved in the business and political life of this Republic and this Commonwealth. "It Is a privilege to salute their impressive lists of accomplish ments at community, city, county, state and national levels of responsibility. I am happy, therefore, to endorse the observance in Oregon of National Business Women's Week, October 9-15. Douglas McKay, Governor." Mrs. Eggiman New Auxiliary Head Silverton Mrs. Howard Eg giman was advanced from the vice-presidency to the position of president, following the resig nation of Mrs. B. B. Howell, presdent of the Silverton Lions auxiliary, Monday evening at the business hour of the pro gram and dinner at the Double J restaurant. Thirty-seven mem bers attended. To replace Mrs. Eggiman as vice president, Mrs. C. J. Towe was elected. On the acceptance of the resignation of Mrs. V. V. Runyan as treasurer, Mrs. Loy all Timm was elected unani mously. Both Mrs. Howell and Mrs. Runyan are planning to re aide away from Silverton for several months. Mrs. Clifton Dickerson was presented a past state secre tary's pin for her recent service In that position by a past state president of the Lions auxiliary, Mrs. A.L.V. Smith. The mother of Mrs. Dicker- son, Mrs. Elizabeth Brazier of Silverton and Woodburn, was a social guest and was given a surprise, the group observing her 71st birthday anniversary with a decorated cake presented by her daughter and served dur ing the dessert hour. The coming year's projects of the club favorably discussed in cluded the filling of the duffel bag at the Peery store; sponsor ing the Girl Scout troop: and imgKsstE&s mmurtmi tmmmim the individual donation for spe cial cases of aid to children with poor eyesight. Mrs. Eggiman gave the re port of the visitation to Holly wood club in Salem, and Mrs. A. L. V. Smith told of the state convention- at Astoria. SILVERTON Among local relatives planning to attend the Saturday morning 9 o'clock wedding of Jack Kauffman nd Miss Bonnie Fahlen at Stayton Immaculate Conception Catho lic church are the grandmother of the bridegroom-to-be, Mrs. Lydia Dawes, her two sisters, Mrs. Ida Makinster and the fam ily of the George Kirks. WELCOMED home the first of the week from a trip to the east are Mr. and Mrs. Urlin S. Page and Mr. and Mrs. Vern D McMullen. They were at Atlan tic City to attend the national meeting of the American Title association, and also stopped in New York City, Washington, D. C, Philadelphia and Chicago. Today's Menu (Br Iht Associated Prui) After School Snack Hot Cocoa with Marshmallows Red Apple Bowl Peanut Butter Cookies Peanut Butter Cookies Ingredients: 1V4 cups sifted all- purpose flour, Vt teaspoon bak v . .... iAH'l Eastern Star Chapter Meets The regular meeting of Chad wick chapter, Order of the East ern Star, was held in the Maso nic temple on Tuesday evening. The members were surprised to find the chapter room redecor ated and equipped with new plush opera chairs. The new furnishings and baskets of asters added much to the enjoyment of the evening. The worthy matron, Mrs. D. M. Eby, chose this time to pay honor to all the matrons and pa trons under whom she had serv ed on her way to the east as worthy matron. Those thus hon ored were Mrs. G. A. Reeher, Mrs. Fred Keeler and Mrs. E. E. Bergman, worthy matrons of other years, and Herman John ston, Earl Wiper and Fred Keel er, past patrons. A special guest was Mrs. William Mcrnott of Woodburn, who is the grand chaplain of Oregon. All guests were seated in the east and pre sented with corsages and gifts from the worthy matron. Invitations were read to be guests of Albany chapter on Oct. 25 and Venus chapter on Oct. 21 for their friendship nights. Also, invitations to various receptions for grand officers, including one to Independence chapter on Oct. 29, honoring Mrs. Paul Robin son, grand conductress. It was announced that Chad- wick chapter will participate with the other Masonic orders of Salem in religious services at the Masonic and Eastern Star home at Forest Grove on Nov. 27, and that on Nov. 1, Chadwick chap-l ler will have another friendship night with members of nine chapters as guests. All guests spoke to the mem bers for the good of the order and the worthy patron, Jason Frizzell, also told of the work of ' the chapter for the home at For est Grove. Refreshments were served on the fifth floor at the close of the meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Mem Pearce were in charge of the serving assisted by Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Van Wyngarden, Mrs. Gor don Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bramble and Mrs. Lcona Stutz-man. Capital Journal. Salem. Ore.. Thursday, October . 1949 7 Club Elects The Young takican club for young men and women in domestic and industrial work held its meeting this week at the YWCA and elected officers as follows: Miss Katherine Hansson, pre sident; Jack Leo, secretary; Ben ny Gearheart, treasurer; Miss Dolly Wood, Bobbie Shultz, Miss Edna Fitzloff, refreshments com mittee; Miss Betty Otis, Ross Hannawell and Kenneth Wright, social committee. Next meeting is October 17, at the YW, sponsor of the group. HOSTESSES this evening for a supper will be Mrs. Thomas Holman and Mrs. Floyd W. She pard, the affair to compliment Mrs. Gregory Lancaster. The party will be at the Holman home. Smarter and Slimmer in a Few Weeks Without Dieting! At last a new, easier way to reduce without dieting. All you do is eat delicious AYDS (aids) Vitamin and Mineral Candy before meals as directed. Your appetite is curbed; you eat less and lose weight automatically. With simple AYDS reducing plan you eat plenty never go hungry. It works! And it is absolutely safe. A child can eat AYDS. Money-back Guarantee Users report weight losses of up to 10 pounds or mors with their very first box. You too must lose weight with your first box or your money refunded ($2.89). Get AYDS today. CDCC Scientific Weight chart. Call for yours. ris&S stnt frss with mail or phone orders. obligation. AYDS VITAMIN IANDV IDUCIMt tLAM Or No , '2.89 Capital Drug Store State and Liberty "On the Comer" Recently Wed Mr. and Mrs. Norman Nibler, the former Florence Crosby, were married September 10 at Woodburn. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cyrillus J. Crosby of Woodburn, Mr. Nibler the son of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Nibler of Gervais. (Alyse studio, Woodburn) ing soda, V4 teaspoon salt, 6 tablespoons shortening, Vi cup peanut butter, 6 tablespoons granulated sugar, Vt cup brown sugar (firmly packed), 1 egg, teaspoon vanilla. Method: Mix and sift together the flour, baking soda, and salt. Cream shortening, add peanut butter and cream again. And the granulated and brown sugar gradually, creaming well. Add the egg and vanilla and beat thoroughly. Mix in the dry in gredients until they are blended. Shape into a roll about 2 inches in diameter; wrap in wax paper and chill overnight. Slice thin and place on greased cooky sheets. Bake in a moderate (375 F.) oven for 10 to 12 minutes. Makes about 3 dozen cookies. SALE OF TAX FREE FINE FUR COATS AND CAPES $144.00 Up Hager's Fur Shop Thursday 1225 S. Commercial Street shoes with that $20.00 look . v ' Why pay fv more? f IA world i tetailen of womerit 6.99 X fine genuine suede and calf Exciting news for budget-wise women who want really beautiful shoes! The newest styles, made the famous QualiCrait way in the finest genuine suedes and calfskins ... at good-news pricesl Of course we can fit you ... . sizes 3 to 10, AAAA to C. J?. 0. exclusive at II mm M ' Salem's Newest Shoe Store for Women" 170 N. LIBERTY 4.98 I Phis Fed. tax, PROMOTION YES, IT'S TRUE! This month opens Price's 43rd year in Salem. In celebration, we're having an anniversary promotion and of fering bigger, better than ever values for you . . . the cus tomers who have made this record possible! BARGAINS SUCH AS THESE! We are offering the largest selection of fine fur coats, capes and neckpieces. Bought at a drop in price of about 30. Be sure to see these beautiful coats before you buy. We hove grouped together o number $1 AA of broken lines of fine hose. Regular- 1 P' ly sold for $ 1 .95. Come ond get them R while they last at W pr. ? BY PENDLETON " Scotch plaids and many plain colors. The most wearable garment on the market. Each robe made from the very finest fabric, and only $25.00 and $29.95 GENUINE LEATHER J Red, green, black, brown and rust. At very reason able prices 1.954.95 We will offer some of our better Jewelry tf regularly sold up to $3.93 and tax, to make this an outstanding promotion. A very fine selection for only 1.00 and tax tmSB I Sorry, we cannot mention the name, but these are all perfect 51 gauge, IS denier. 35 Df. We sell them regularly with the label 1 r" t $1.95. We are allotted a few dozen for promotion at only $1.35. Be sure to come O $A QO nd get them while they last at only .. prs. Wt have selected several patterns regu larly sold as high ss $18.95 to make this a sensational promotion. At only 9.95 In the finer quality of tissue faille, crepe t and wool. All good styles, sizes and colors. Regularly sold to $29.93. To pro mote fast selling will be sold at only 14.95 i msm i BY PENDLETON A new sensation. Pendleton things for men have been on the market for many years but the women's division has only been in production for a few months. Pendleton wear for women is probably the most outstanding line for casual wear in many years. Come in and see them. We will offer fine raincoats for a short time. Beautiful fabric In navy, kelly, red, $ brown and wine. These coats are ex cellent values at $19.99. Come and get one or more at only 12.95 We have selected for this occasion on. hundred umbrellas regularly sold up to $5.95 to give our promotion momentum. We offer them at 3.95 mm We have selnctcd from our regular stock j of fine handbags a couple hundred out- standing numbers and as a special pro motion will offer them at only 6.95 tax inc. You must see the new display of finer Fall hats for better wear. You can pick up an ordinary hat for casual wear any place but for special occasions and when you want to look just right it must come from Price's. o JDAjlfX'f 135 N. Liberty OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS TILL 9 P.M. Add 20 (or Mill Orders