Capital Women Edited by MARIAN LOWRI FISCHER 6 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, October 6, 1949 Golf Group Plans Finale For Season Salem Women's Golf associa Hon ii in the midst of winding ud the season until spring. Planned for Wednesday, Oc tober 19, is the annual meeting with election of officers. The annual "stagette" party is dated for Wednesday, Novem ber 2, as the finale of the sea son. The affair will begin at 4 o'clock with dinner at 6:30 o'clock, followed by entertain ment. Next Wednesday brings the usual women's day and the final golf day will be October 28 reports Mrs. Harold M. dinger chairman of the group. For the day's play yesterday. Mrs. Ralph Hamilton won class A: Mrs. Kate Bell, class B; Mrs. Louis Gerlinger, class C. Garden Club's Anniversary Event The 35th anniversary of the Salem Garden cli'b was observ ed at the meeting of the group, Monday. The luncheon preced ing the meeting honored past presidents. Mrs. W. E. Ander aon gave the club history. Each past president was introduced. For the music, Mrs. Gladys Mc Intyre sang, accompanied by Miss Alice Crary Brown. Clever placecards were lapel arrange ments of chrysanthemums. The club business meeting and program followed the luncheon and were held in the upstairs room of the Salem Wo man's club house. Dr. E. J. Kraus of Corvallis was the speaker, discussing ear ly chrysanthemums. Winner of the prize for the best floral arrangement at the meeting was Mrs. Lee Canfield, her arrangement including pom pom dahlias and delphiniums. Mrs. Kern Mills gave a report on the plana being made for the Christmas freens show. Several new ideas for meet ings have been arranged for the program this year under Mrs Ben Maxwell as club president A birthday table is planned, honoring members whose birth days come the month of the meeting. Also at each meeting there is to be a surprise table. This month's was set up as a picnic table and featured weiners and buns on sticks to represent a flower arrangement. Special prizes at Monday's meeting went to Mrs. Arthur Martin and Mrs. Karl Andre en. Little Girl Honored Victoria Tiernan oelebrated her second birthday, October 4, and in honor of the accasion her mother, Mrs. Robert Tiernan, en tertained that afternoon with an Informal party at their South 17th street home. Pink and blue Go to Conference Four members of the Salem Soroptimist club leave this eve ning for Bellingham to attend the northwest regional confer ence for soroptimist clubs in Oregon and Washington. Among those going from here making the trip Dy train, are Mrs. Glenn McCormick, Mrs, Walter Barsch, Mrs. Marie Ling, Mrs. Winifred Pettyjohn. The conference opens Friday. At the club meeting yesterday, Mrs. Ethel Lau was named sec ond vice president, replacing Mrs. John S. Beakey, who re signed when she left for Phoe nix, Ariz., to spend the winter. Mrs. Margaret Callaghan was elected to the board in Mrs. Lau's position of director. Com mittee reports were given. favors and decorations featur ed the party. Feting victoria were Mrs. Wayne Allen and Patty; Mrs. John Lewis, Mary Helen and and Rickey: Mrs. Stuart Thede and Jody; Mrs. Carl Holm and Cathy; Mrs. Robert Cole, Cheryl, Deanna and Candis; Ken Tier nan; Mrs. Anton Bren and Mrs. Margaret Sorgie, both grand mothers of the little girl; and Mrs. Tiernan. rift m f., , or. sots auffifdnuuA ' kiSIMM m mtxtm e W fJsflMsj W m wr we m js. ' a t I fa ---h: y, ;.'.. -i A i . Ait - v '4 Wedding On Saturday A wedding for Saturday aft ernoon will be that of Miss Paul ine Miller and Chester Ross Morrow, Jr. The ceremony will be solem nized at 2:30 o'clock in St. Joseph's Catholic church, the Rev. John O'Callaghan officiat ing. The bride-elect is the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Steve J. Miller of Salem, and Mr. Mor row is the son of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Morrow of Hubbard. The reception following the service is to be in the Mayflower hall. Mrs. Lloyd Hilliker honoring Misi Marjorie Grenz. Miss Grenz will be wed in St. Thomas Catholic church in Jefferson, to John Douglas Murry of Albany. Miss Grenz is the daughter of W. F. Grenz. MEMBERS' of the Home Eco nomics group of the Brush Col lege Grange met Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Wayne Henry. Plans were made for the rum mage sale to be sponsored Octo ber 14 and 15 at the Argo hotel. Mrs. A. E. Utley is in charge. Also, the members reported they have received the boxes of Christmas cards which they sell each year. The committee is sponsoring a bazaar in November. ... j JEFFERSON A pre-nuptial HOSTESS to her bridge club vine. Mrs. Charles Mills was an shower was held at the home ofiTuesday was Mrs. Ralph E. "'ur-1 additional guest. Miss Gray Wed To Salem Man From Portland comes an nouncement of the marriage of Miss Margaret Gray of that city to Norman McDonald, son of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent McDonald of Salem. The wedding was September 18 at the Montavilla Seventh Day Adventist church. Mrs. George Machado, sister of the bride, was matron of honor and Miss Helen Gray, also a sister of the bride, was the bridesmaid. Irwin McDonald of Los An geles was best man and usher ing were James Dutro, Charles Golden and Herbert Brown. A reception followed. Mr. and Mrs. McDonald will be at home in College Place, Wash. Party on Birthday David Hillpot, son of Mr. and Mrs. Waldron Hillpot, Jr., ob served his first birthday Sunday and in celebration of the event his mother entertained with a party during the afternoon. Honoring David were Kathy and Rebecca Goodrich and Wes ley Woodrich,, Jr., Duane Hew itt, Jr., Terryl Hillpot, Susan Turner, Jeanne and Tommy Windedahl, Miss Hester Hillpot, an aunt of the little boy, Mrs. W. P. Hillpot, Sr., his grand mother, Mrs. Gladys Edwards, Mrs. Earl Viesko, Mrs. Nellie Williams, Mrs. Nellie Woodruff, Mrs. Duane Hewitt. Bride at Albany Mrs. James Francis Dombrosky, who was Mary Anne Cooper before her wedding in September, was married in St. Mary's Catholic church at Albany. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence L. Cooper of Albany, Mr. Dombrosky the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Dom brosky, also of Albany. Ftatttring daytime tr Jail frtci m lustrum tissue faille, sprinkled vith groupt " liny iultent rver the bodice, Set-m task that ends in a floating panel. Navy, tedar-green, earbon-blue, ttchnictlor red, teat-blue, tofet-bromn. Miss-in- B-tween lism 10 t 30. .or tie titrter fgurt. $2995 Jlte Jadluonelte 429 Court St. 9 Ml o GET YOUR RAINCOAT NOW, AT THESE SPECIALLY REDUCED PRICES. ALL ARE WELL-KNOWN MAKES IN VARIED ASSORTMENT OF CHOICE FABRICS. u 1 Qt V Beginning Friday . . Our monogrommer will begin monog.-omming Christmoj cords, station try, gift matches, notes, napkins, in order to hove them ready for those who wish to mail early. Then, too, it's a good plan to select your monogram gifts early while as sortments are tomplete. DON'T DELAY . . . ORDER NOW! GIFT SHOP JJt" l.v ROBERT AND MARY JOHNSON THE ALBERTSON'S ALL REGULAR REGULAR REGULAR REGULAR 14.95 16.95 19.95 26.95 NOW NOW NOW NOW sMslilllllllllH 995 095 25 19 J CLOSING OUT ALL ' 2 L See Our Coat SPECIALS! - ALL WOOL COATS 00 W)75 95 PRICE! TWEEDS COVERTS GABARDINES SHARKSKINS SPECIAL SUB? PURCHASE! Values to 79.50 See these marvelous values in all wool worsted Suits. Everyone reduc ed for a real buy. The amount is limited so don't delay, if you intend to buy a suit at great reductions! Values to 49.95 m95 3 (5)95 Just Say 'Charge It' Ktfiy9S '460 State. Just Say 'Charge It" Lm