82 Capital Journal. Salem. Or., Thursday. Oclnher 6. 1949 1 Business Review Features El Article by Vandeneynde Gene Vandeneynde, manager of R. L. Elfstrom company, is author of a two-page article in the September edition of Oregon Business Review on the subject "Small Retail Stores Helped by Buying Offices." Buying offices are a type of pool-buying. Says Vandeneynde: "Buying offices properly set up can perform the same services to a group of smaller retailers as the central buying office gives to the large chain store, and, at the tame time, render service to the manufacturers with whom they deal. "Good buying offices can as sist manufacturers in the im provement of their lines, with suggestions on finishes, better construction, and features which will tend to make the merchan dise a better value at little or no extra cost in manufacture and a much better value than the average dealer can buy individ ually. "Buying offices are constant ly in touch with manufacturers of all types they are in a posi tion to keep stores advised con cerning new merchandise and on the future plans of manufac turers. They are able to de termine if the manufacturer has the necessary equipment for the production of the merchandise he offers, what his past record of experience is, whether his fi nancial condition is such that he is in a position to buy raw materials in the right quantities. Buying offices are kept constant ly informed on new ideas and new sources of supply; they are always in touch with factories and understand production prob lems. This latter is Important because many factories fail to deliver because of shortages of iraw materials, installation of new machinery, or failure of subcontractors to fulfill their agreements. Buying offices can aid stores by making available definite delivery Information upon which they can depend. They can advise in the selection of specification items that many individual stores cannot obtain. Some manufacturers will take orders far in excess of their ability to produce, some attempt to go into types of merchandise in which they had no previous experience: information on such matters is readily available from the buying office to the mem bers of the buying group." The article further discusses the four types of buying offices, namely, the associated buying office, the independent, the store's own buying office, and the commission agency. Advantages under proper oper ation and cooperation between store and buying office are discussed. Small glass Jars with screw on tops make excellent contain ers for bolts, nails or similar items in the home workshop. Nothing Down Pay Monthly VENETIAN BLINDS And Shade W alas wiih,, rrtapa, paint and rt-alat ysar aid VrnrtJan Mind ELMER, Tha Blind Mon Call anytime for Frre Estimate Phone 3-7328 1453 Huge St. West Salem We five 8 H Green Stamps LOW ON ONE SIDE? WHKRRIE TAILOR ING COMPANY Will tailor that coat to hang perfectly. Par Virgin ITmI rant-Ira alia. IA3.A0 to t;.M ropeoata. SIMM to SUNDIN, the Tailor 1M Booth Libert r Dial l-HH Balcm TOMORROW IS Now yoo con hove the PAINT COLORS yoo want! "Wonderful! Why dldnt someone think of it before!" If you've ever been disappointed by toe limited color range of ordinary paints (and who hasn't?) that's what youll aay bout Murphy Color-Scheme Paints. Now you tan choose from 77 of the loveliest paint color you ever aaw everything from gorgeous decorator shades to the softest pas tels. Now you can have the color you want in the finish you want flat, aemi-glosa or glota without Paying a premium! Every can of Murpby color. Scheme Paint is custom tinted to your order, jutt before using . That means rash, rru color. See our Murphy Color Cabinet .. . learn bow easy It is to vary each of the 7 7 hades, lighter or darker. a you desire! Murphyircw2WiPaints "HI OIVI IH GREEN STAMPS'' Hutcheon Paint Store 162 North Commercial Dial 3-6687 "BUY YOUR PAINT AT A PAINT STORE!" mm m so w n "WE OIVI 8JcH GREEN STAMPS" Hutcheon Paint Store 162 North Commercial Dial 3-6687 "BUY YOUR PAINT AT A PAINT STORE!" Be Ahead Of The Crowd! Get There Early! Doors Open 9 A. M.! Now! The sale you've waited for! Yea re r Day .... where there's bargains galore! You'll shop and save as never before! Heating pads . . . kitchen utensils . . . roasters ... and many, many other quality items at SENSATIONAL SAVINGS! TOMOR ROW IS YOUR DAY ... so hurry down tomorrow and PROVE TO YOURSELF this is the greatest appliance sale and savings in Salem's history! yU4 WESTINGHOUSE LAUNDROMAT with Exclusive Water Saver! 299.95 Saves up to 10 GAL LONS of Water a Load! Washes Cleaner Slanting; Front . . . Easy Load ins; Economy Model 219.95 Liberal Trade-in Allowance sJ YOU WOULDN'T BELIEVE IT! W A Your Old Mixer or Beater is csj. s t lf ' I Is-' J lllABaWII . I gf 1 I I w m m m i ? 4 aaw .;,-m avw fl VIA I II V. w V t it m I BUil am. A-.- 7 - 1 S - vcV' I Dignified Credit WESTINGHOUSE CLOTHES DRYER 239.95 ;' i 1 Towards purchase of one of our fa mous new electric mixers of your choice! westinghouseS 9.95 HAMILTON Oft OC BEACH 37.ZD EXCLUSIVE automatic dry dial! CONVENIENT LOADING PLATFORM Only dryer that shuts off auto matically at the selected degree of dryness! Saves ironing time! Liberal Trade-In Allowance Dignified Credit WESTINGHOUSE REFRIGERATORS j Just Think of It! 1 I Your Old Cleaner I I j $2495 I 1 Towards purchase of 1 deluxe Universal or I LEWYT tank type I It vacuum comp I e t e I 4 with chest. DORMEYER KITCHEN-AID SUNBEAM 40.95 57.54 39.50 Come in and let's talk it over! T with EXCLUSIVE COLDER-COLD! As Little as 189.95 WESTINGHOUSE RADIO H212 AMFM console model Beautiful true tone! Modern cabinet in dark mahogany will harmonize with either period or modern furniture FREE Westinghouse rYour Old Roaster or - fi am rh r 12,2 109.95 I lU.UU K XI A allowance on a U II brand - new modarn fjj If everhot Roaster Liberal Trade-In Allowance Dignified Credit S that sells ragularly at 3W5J l IT - rj 156.50 V 1 J Liberal Trade-in Allowance f.r your old perrulalor II mm y as trade In en a If ".".".ra- 1 1 nrw modern MAN- K 1 1 prrrulator worth 1S.95. or a fin KHEfTIF.I.D 1 I perm I alar refularly VI I srlllni at .S. 1 I ASK ABOl'T IT! Larger models available at like low, low prices! Entirely new in conception and design! More bottle storage space! BIGGER meat storage capacity! Liberal Trade-In Allowance Dignified Credit ' FAMOUS WESTINGHOUSE RANGE 189.95 timer sstrs BAKE In ANY RACK POSITION! NOW waist-high broiling! S large storage drawers! Liberal Trade-in Allowance j Your Old Iron Is E 4.00 J I toward a new 1 WESTINGHOUSE au- I Dignified Credit Built In Sewing Lamp Automatic Check Spring Control Instant Control for Backward and Forward Sewing Built-in motor. 1350 stitches per minute. Dignified Credit WESTINGHOUSE WATER HEATERS with 10-Year Worronty Push the button for EXTRA HOT WATER All th eheat you pay for goes directly into the water! Scientifically designed baffle plate pre vents Incoming cold water from mixing with th ehot water more hot water each tankful. Liberal Trade-In Allowance f Dignified Credit FREE 30-DAY TRIAL! NOTHING TO BUY! Folds away Into li sq. (t. of storage spare. Irons shirts in 4 1 minutes. Sit while you iron! Single knee control does everything! Tr 1 Here's an j I Easy Dollar! Bring In your old iltch- ? M en pot or pan . . . it's I I good for a dollar on a f I I new beautiful Eckoware I J I or Revere Cooking tMhiasirnerJ Liberal Trade-in Allowance 99.50 9 Dignified Credit "SALEM'S SMALL APPLIANCE HEADQUARTERS" YEAYEES APPLIANCE C, AT OUR NEW MODERN STORE 37S CHEMEKETA I Imagine! Your eld t fi hot-water bottle er f heating pad it worth J ( 3.00 I Applied to a SAMF- I SON HEATING PAD I VI that sells at I IV I