Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, October 06, 1949, Page 31, Image 31

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    Exercise Foils Career-Girl Spread
. t m T v ; If K
For Sitting Belles Pianist
Vera Appleton recommends
f this exercise to combat
j spreading posteriors: Sit on
A the floor with legs crossed,
. clasp hands around knees,
rock back and forth.
: Tito Opens Jail Doors
For 713 Ex-Staliniffes
I Belgrade, Yugoslavia, Oct. 6
I .UP) Marshal Tito has opened
J 'the jail doors for 713 former
pro-Russian sympathizers who
i repented and now are busy road
i building.
' Radio Belgrade, quoting Min
ister of the Interior Alexander
! Rankovic, said the former sup-
' porters of the Russian-led com-
inform (communist internation-
j al information bureau) had
' "confessed" the error of their
' ways. It said they had been re-
j leased from prison, and had vol-
j unteered to work on the new
road between Belgrade and Za-
! Release of the political pris
oners was interpreted here as
evidence of Tito's confidence in
i the internal strength of his re-
i gime.
PAA ltllllVA.fl lit
mice iiijuicu in
School Bus Accident
Longview, Wash., Oct. 6 u.
A Longview school bus rolled
over twice today, injuring three
of the 22 student passengers.
Royce Wenner, the driver,
said the vehicle suddenly went
out of control while he was driv
ing at a moderate rate of speed.
The bus left the road.
Investigation later showed
that a tie rod had broken.
Eddie Laulainen, 12, was the
most seriously injured. He suf
fered severe bruises when he
was crushed under two other
boys sitting with him.
Most of the students left the
bus through an emergency exit.
Film Stars' Dinner at Ciro's
Like Any Small-Towner's
Hollywood, Oct. 6 U.R Movie stars may sweep Into Ciro's
flashing mink and diamonds, owner H. D. Hover said today,
but they usually add up the check before they pay it just like
any small-towners out on a spree.
They're not above toting home their uneaten filet mignons
in a paper sack, either. "For the-
dog," of course,
And if this spoils your illu
sions of the wild and carefree
night life of the Hollywood gods,
we're sorry. But it isn't every
body who can go nightclubbing
with $50 pandas like Humphrey
"Vmi rlnn't Viavo tn nrnrl a
pile of dough to have fun at
Tiro's," owner Hover maintain
ed. "You can have yourself a
very fine time for less than $5
a person. And I don't like it
when celebrities hand out fat
tips. Spoils my waiters."
. Not very many of 'em do,
Vs" either, he added. A heavy tip
per is usually some tourist who's
busting a gusset trying to keep
up with what he thinks the Ca
blet and the Pecks and the
Flynns do on a night out.
"Or he's some unknown ac
tor who's trying to Impress the!
natives," Hover said. "Every
body knows he's Just a nobody
trying to act like a somebody."
Hollywoodites can have all
kinds of millions, but they still
stick to the lS-to-20 percent rule
for tipping. And anybody who
really knows his way around
the glittery Sunset Strip makes
with the addition and subtrac
tion (mostly addition in the
swankier spots) before he
reaches for the folding stuff.
"I encourage it," Hover said
"People can make mistakes
Even our captains. It's not un-.
usual to see the biggest male'
start on the icreen adding up
the tab.
"It's Just smart business. Ant
they have to be smart to stay
where they are today."
And you think it's Just In hick
towns that people leave the
1 Jalopy on a side street to save
f parking costs?
Then you'd be surprised at thi
gang of big-name stars and It
was Rudy Vallee who led the
fight years ago who hitch their.
71. AA riii
wfrM r mr ' , iiiiMmiii
Thigh Shaper Whether you work at a desk or at the
piano keyboard, Miss Appleton recommends this exercise
for shaping thighs that might become heavy and flabby
from sedentary work: Squat on the floor with legs crossed
in front of you and arms spread out from the shoulders to
maintain balance. Now rise to a standing position, keeping
the legs crossed as you lift your trunk from the floor.
up turu Brauty Editor)
Most career women have jobs
that keep them glued to their
chairs all day. Perhaps the com
fort of a big cushioned seat is
one reason why they hold on
to their jobs. Give them hard
benches and stairs to climb and
there might not be as many
working girls.
It's much easier for the slim
hipped to catch a man, they say
another reason why the girl
with spreading posterior and a
good job which keeps her well
fed, and consequently well
rounded, enjoys single blessed
ness. But what of the stenograph
ers, clerks, receptionists, secre
taries, typists, librarians cash
iers and girls in a hundred-and-one
other sitting jobs, who want
to keep their girlish figures, in
anticipation of that big day?
Pianist Vera Appleton, member
of the famous Appleton and
Field piano duo, comes up with
a few answers.
Vera's problem is that she not
only spends an average of eight
hours a day seated at the piano
keyboard for practice sessions
and performances, but that her
sitting posture Is observed un
dcr spotlight on a stage before
huge audiences. Vera had to
resort to "sitting up exercises"
to combat bad sitting habits.
She says:
"The three main chair crimes
commited by girls who fall into
the bad posture category are
the slouch, the hunch and the
sprawl. The slouch sits with
shoulders let down, hands on
lap. The hunch leans forward
with head bent low, a habit that
will lead to wrinkles in the neck
and dowager's hump.
The sprawl is what causes
Cadillacs to a light post and
hoof it around the corner to
make their entrance.
Hover also has his waiters
briefed to keep a straight face
when glamour gal dripping
with ermine and emeralds asks
to take her unchewed steak
home to Rover.
"We may know they don't
even like dogs," Hover shrug
ged, "but why make a fuss? It's
their meat. They've paid for it
Paper sacks are cheap. And fil
ets are mighty tasty warmed
over for breakfast."
Along with other early radio
developments, Guglielmo Mar
coni is credited with being the
first to use an elevated wire as
a wireless antenna.
r77te Aark of a IVinccfy fast
Born In
the Elegant Eighties
...still the mark
of a IMncery Host
Russian Spied
On Mom Bomb
Washington, Oct. W) Ed
ward Manning, a former cm
ployee of the Chicago atomic
laboratory, testified today that
an accused Russian tpy had di
rect knowledge" of the wartime
work in the laboratory.
Manning, who now lives in
Knoxville, Tenn., was before the
house un-American activities
committee to tell what he knows
about Arthur Adams. In a re
port last year, the committee
named Adams as a Russian spy
who is believed now to be in
Manning said Adams knew
what was going on in the lab
oratory and that he assured d-
ams got his knowledge from
Clarence HLskey, who worked in
the laboratory.
Manning said he was dismiss
ed by the laboratory for securi
ty reasons and that Hiskey, now
a professor at Brooklyn insti
tute was dismissed, too.
It was Hiskey who introduced
him to Adams, Manning testi
fied. Hiskey has appeared before
the committee twice and refus
ed to say whether he had any
contacts with Adams on grounds
he might incriminate himself,
flabby thighs and spreading hips.
the result of too much sitting
and incorrect sitting. Actually
you can tit for hourt without
developing figure flaws of the
fundamentals of correct sitting
posture are observed."
Miss Appleton devised a series
of sitting-up exercises for her
self and pupils at her classes at
Juilliard School of Music to help
them achieve a sense of balance
when sitting, to correct posture
and figure faults incurred as
a result of bad sitting habits.
Here are some of Miss Apple-
ton's pointers for sitting belles
Sit back on a chair, stiffen
your knees and lean forward to
touch your toes. Now bend back
slowly until erect again. After
repeating this a number of times,
you should feel a tightening of
the stomach muscles on the
downward motion and a relaxa
tion as you go back.
To combat the tendency to
slouch, place the hands on the
seat of the chair, then extend
the legs backward with the body
maintaining a straight slant and
only the toes touching the
ground. Elbows should be per
fectly straight for this. Now
lower the body by bending the
elbows, until your chest touches
the chair. Remain in this posi
tion for a few seconds, then
raise the body on the elbows
Repeat six times, inhaling a
you lower the body and exhal
ing as you raise it. (It's a good
idea to make sure the chair
will not slip. Pick a heavy
Pftiuly est. kivt
rote1. Mfc4 tfcit
fcclltil vtukty
itcc 1112.
o H ,
Valentino Draws Strength
From His Hair Roots
San Francisco, Oct. 8 u.i Like Sampson of Biblical fame,
Pat Valentino believes he draws h strength from his hair
So when Pat climbs through the ropes to meet NBA heavy
weight champion Ezzard Charles in a 15-round title contest at
the Cow Palace Oct. 14, hf-T.
still have those long, wavy locks.
"It's kind of a superstition,"
says Valentino, whose real name
is Pat Gugliemi. "And I cer
tainly do not plan to have it cut
That's where I derive the power
in my punches."
Valentino, who has been kick
ing around the pugilistic ranks
for better than a decade, certain
ly is no Joe Louis with a knock
out punch but he does toss a
better blow than the average.
The record books show that
he has fought SI battles, not
counting his service In the coast
Shop until
9 P.M.
Homart Air Filters
Helps Keep Your Home Cleaner
Stondord Sizes 1,65
IxpandtMJ ftbr iktt, konrcombtl
with on-drip, dhosrvv, filter! vt
95 f dirt, toot from th air.
Gas Floor Heater
Tear Drop Combuilion Chamber
Homart... 99.50
Dependable heater hoi newly d signet
burner, steel grille floor, draft, burner.
pHot control. See It tod a I
Homart Oil Furnace
Slurdv Efficient Floor Furnoc.
Air Flow Design QQ Eft
Rr. 122.50, now '
fnjoy wwn. k..Nhful Kat. 60 cyd.
110 ..If, AC motor. Comtant-rwnninf
low WN eomplot. tombottion.
Fine Car Heater
Improv.d Allsiot. Quality
Neutral Gray . . 15.45
Put worm comfort oric.d to to.! 6'm.
fa. ..p.neobl. 6-vott motor d.Dv.rt
1 40 m. ft. worm lr er mow..
Hi! a!
guard. In that string he has
won 43, lost nine and been held
to four draws. Of course, he has
won 20 by knockouts and has
been on the receiving end of
knockout punches only twice.
This would indicate he can
take a punch as well as tos-s one.
Jimmy Bivins, rated by many
as one of the better boxers in
the business, got two of those
draws with Valentino which
goes to prove that Pat is no suck
er in the fancy-dan department.
Valentino and his wife are
both confident that he'll win the
AVE iME HEY with
Kenmore Circulating Oil
i ..... j
Weather King Heater
Dependable Warmth, low Price
9Mn. Square.. 19.95
Reliable hot water heater blanked your
cor with cozy warmth. Compact site;
Mdlrudet only SVi-in. See it at Sean.
Radiant-type Heater
Chases Room Chill in a Jiffy
U. I. Approved . . . 8.25
A ojufc, efficient, economical way to re
move chill, laty to carry! Safe! Attrac
lively finished, for 110120 V. AC
Heater-Fan Unit
Winter Warmth, Summer Breez.i
Kenmore Brand. . . 14.95
Tw. tomtorti I. on. milt. Warmth lor
ittl.f. tool tor lumm.r. Sat.l
loiy to kandl.l for 110120 rait AC.
crown. Pat hasn't had a fight
since last December, when he
won the California heavyweight
crown from hard-punching Tur
key Thompson of Los Angeles.
"I'm so certain that I can lick
Charles," he says, "that we sign- j
ed for this fight for $5,000. Some
of this I'm going to give to the
Livermore veterans' hospital
and the rest will go for expenses.
So you can see that the bout it
self will bring me nothing in
cash. But I'm sure I'll win the
The odds-makers aren't quite
as confident as Pat. In fact, the
gamblers believe he has such a
I small chance that they report
little or no business on the fight,
although there are quite a few
bets being made on when Char
les will knock him out.
If Valentino should win the
title, he would be the second
Italian in history to wear the
crown the other having been
Primo Camera.
Cloves are dried flower hurts
which crow on evererepn trees
I of the myrtle family.
Allstate Heater
Deluxe Quality for Comfort
6 Blade Fan . . . 25.95
Yoo'lt enjoy a warmer ride, froit-tre
windowi with thit deluxe heoter. Dell
on 250 cv. ft. of worm oir per minutel
Portable Heater
Cuts Down Your fuel Expense
Kenmore Brand . . , 12.95
The economical, easy way to remov chiN.
Sofel Durable heoting unit, 3-woy
witch. Two heats. I0O0-1600 Watts.
Reflector Heater
With Heatina Unit
U. I. Approved . , . 4.98
fcreet heot for small area. U rn. chrome
reflector; attractive green finish. Sate I
For 110-120 t AC, DC evy today.
Capital Journal. Salem, Ore.,
Newspaper Editors
Don't Want to Retire
Washington, Oct. 8 W The
house heard today that newspa
per editors and publishers al
most never want to quit work
ing. Rep. Cooper (D-Tenn.) was
explaining the social security ex
pansion bill when Rep. Mack
(R-Wash ), a puDlishcr, asked
why newspaper operators were
"Black Bear," Benmor," "Si's Design"
100 Virgin Wool
260 South 12th Street
9 Two burners In one cabinet
Delivers 80,000 BTU (heat units)
0 High gloss baked-on enamel finish
Gat, fume tight inner combustion chamber
Adjusto door gives quick radiant heat
Heat 2 to 6 overage rooms comfortably with Ken
more's twin circulator heater. Has automatic draft
regulator, adjustable leg levelert, exclutive Zono
sphere burner and constant level value to permit
connection to outside tank. Another Kenmore at
Sears low price!
Other Heaters from 69.93
South Wind Heater
Comfort Even for Short Rides
Quiet, Automatic. 29.95
Heati from the floor up In 90 econat.
Operate) Independent of cooling tyt
tern. Visit Sean today tee thti value!
For 110-120 Voll
mm P ; ;;
1 fl
Forced-air heot glvej you "warm-as-loast" comiort In a
iffyl It's the practical, economical, easy way to toke
the chill from the room! And, it's fuel-saving; conven
ient. Self-lubricating motor; safe, diagonal-screen
grille; heavy, rugged wires; U.L. Approved. See Itl
Thursday, October 6, 1949 31
not among tht new groups
brought under old age Insur
ance. Cooper said the wayt and
means committee received no
evidence that publishers and ed
itors wanted to be brought un
der the program.
Rep. Eberharter (D-Pa.) in
terposed to tell the house that
it was brought out In commit
tee hearings that publishers and
editors selanm retire at 65 years
the age of eligibility for old
aRe benefits.
Hot Water Heater
Dependable Allstate Quality
Powerful dniihle fun blower wirmi
rur cr with tin en. fl. el lr o