Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, October 06, 1949, Page 30, Image 30

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    80 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, October 6, 1949
Commissioners Court
The follow ini U th official public'
tion of the record of claim before the
Marlon County CommiAilonerg' Court for
tne July term for 140, with the amount
allowed, bill continued, tit., according to
ttie record! In the office of the County
illsci Ooodwin and Melflllln. purchase
Of property, 13,500; Stat Industrial Ace
Comm., in., 1647.01: trea. of tit United
fit at, aerial nap. 1906. 74; Ladd St Buh
Salem Branch. U.S. Net'l. BanK of Port
land, withnoldlng. 13,11)10; tat tai
eommiasloa, withholding. 11.382 11. Counlr
Aueaaar: C. A. Lewi, deputy. 1301.30. Hay
Lick, deputy. 1174.73; J. L. Sttamund, de
puty. $173 32; Grace N. Bibcock, deputy.
tlaft.1t; Ida M. B'.lllie. deputy. 1147 59.
May Hollo rd. deputy, tlS4.0; Helen Sny
der, deputy, 1133.31: Alice V. Cumminas,
clerk, I1M.30; Nora Sullivan, clerk. 1113.33:
Gordon E. Tower, draftsman, 1330.00. Cir
cuit Court: A. A. Klchard. court report
r. $331.00; Ruby Hughe, deputy, 1179.10.
County Clerk: U. Remicaek. deputy.
Iltjfl.70; F. CrOab. deputy, I185.8S; H.
Howard, deputy. HB 00; Wore Barrett, de
puty. $160.48; Vernon Windsor, deputy,
$201.09; Helen L. Mulkey, deputy, $lSS.4i;
W. M. Ollford, deputy, $153 97; R. J. Slan
ton, deputy, 155.00; Donna Brown, deputy,
$66.00; Donald W. Ramaeyer, deputy,
$1j8.40. County Court: M. Reanicsek, clerk,
$45.00; O. L. Brown, tenog 185.00. Court
House: Ed. Brasher. Janitor, 1156.85; W. A.
Ontion, Janitor, $152.59; Wm. Morlarty.
ian:tor, 1143.79; Edwin Booth, deputy.
$145.50: Ruth Hutchtru. elev. oper., (7190;
M E. LindJiey, elev. oper., $76.40. District
Attorney: Gordon Moore, deputy, 1323.55;
pom M Albm. secretary. $143 50. Dlttrlcl
Court: Cluru Brown, dep. clerk, 1161.71;
Barbara Smith, dep. clerk. 1188.65; Gloria
Kob.nson, dep. clerk. 161.31. Oiatrlct Court
Constable: Gloria Rob i anon. dep. eon
ataole, f90Q0. Hemllb Department: W. J.
6ione. M.D., heaitn officer, 1576.65; F. R.
Coleman, co. sanitarian, 1376.70; I. O.
Lemon, co. sanitarian, $346.33; Batty
Cooper, aanitarian. $281 35; W. B. Quinn,
co. aamtarlan. 1256.25; Bernlc Yeary. co.
P H.N.. 2jl.80; Leslie L. Stone, clinic,
nurse. $152.41; Merwyo Darby, Co. PH N
S1j.7i; Evelyn L. Schreder. co. P.H.N,.
$.'05.70; Joan Schneider, co. P H N 1202 90;
Helen Bteyaert, co. P.H.N. , $47.45; Jane
Domkowam, co. P.H.N.. 1216.70; Erna Ber
tpcher, co. P.H.N., 1181.90; Helen Wania
gard, co. P.H.N., 1214; Jean Wright, co.
P.H.N., . 1197.25; Gertrude Finnemore, co.
Pll.N, $55.76; Vera Wood, clerk-ateno.,
$ IBS. 60; Mona E. Davu, clerk-ty pLst,
1155 55: Odessa Melby, clerk, $157.80; Alice
Beramann, clerk-typUt, (126.20; Danel
Loe, clerk-typist. (130 05; Francl Reler
on, health educator, (255 55. Hreltenbiiih
Justice court: Edison vie iter, juaiice oi
peace, 189.10. Jefferson Juallce Court: E.
E Howell, justice of peace, 1)21.55; Ueorae
P. Armstrong, constable, 114.85. Mt. Angel
Jut lice Court: N. J4. Lauby, Justice of
peace, $9.90; Peter J. Bursar, constable,
fttf KQ. SHverlon Justice Court; Alf. O. Nel
in, justice of peace, $139 38, F. N. Burch,
c.erk. (4K.50. K. J. Jackaun, constable,
$Ji. Woodburn Jut tie Court: T.C. Gor
man. Justice of peace, (U3.1&; W. C.
juiJier, constable, (49 j0. Mary V. Oorman,
clerk, $34.85. Juvenile Department: Nona
V lute probation officer, (217.62; D. J.
Jeiuen, a-iiSlant, 1205.18, L. 14. Johnaton,
an-nos., 1U2.70. Predatory Animal Con
trol: Victor Howard, hunter, $246.92.
County Recorder: AlelJa Dickmen, deputy,
llui.oo; Virginia orliton. deputy. $127.47;
Kamona Evaiw, clerk, $lil.J0. Irene John
un. clerk, (151.20; Joun Lanka, clerk,
iJJ.83. Registration and Election: Oladya
Willie, dep. county Clerk, (178.17. School
(Superintendent: J. F, Remington, deputy,
$U2.48, Vivian S. Hut-nia, supervisor,
I. uo.uo, Marguerite R. Burton, upervlor,
UH.OU; (Jiiriitmo V. Morley, ecretary,
$142.25. Sheriff's Office Legal: A. I.
Jonnsim, deputy, $214.70; B. H. Smith, de
puty, (202.60; Wm. DeVall, deputy, 2U3.J0;
Jonn Harger, deputy. (221.95; Murel Wood,
deputy, 1210.90; E. O. Scott, deputy,
Ilii7.27; Laurence Wright, deputy, 1198.40;
Cilea Coukhn, deputy, $169.20. Sheriff
la: H. r'. Domwalla, tax dep., $234.80;
II. T. Evan, cashier. $213.84; Vlolette
Wrj,t, bkKP. macli. oper., (181.81; Lydla
Jrialuou, deputy, (170.90; Evelyn Mnnu,
deputy, $72.67; Gerraldin White, deputy.
$36.96. County Surveyor: Nella 81mm.
vcretary, (149.80. County Treasurer: Aud
rey H. Ewtng, deputy, $143.04. Veterans
tiervlce Office: H. C. Saalfeid, aervlce of
ficer, (2S2.J0; LUllan Klippert, secretary, 1
tt2.24. Dog Control Board: Ervln A. Ward, 1
dug control officer, (194.11; R. J. Stan- I
tun. cierk. $100. County Knalneer: H. S.
Swart, engineer, $330.50; A. M. Preens 11.
v-crelary, (143.19. County Property: H.
Win. Tlnelsen, land agent, 1166.06. L. M.
Johnston, atenog., (45. Mlse. hi. E. Llnd
ey, elev. oper., 128. IS; Alice J. Balllie, clerk., $145.27; Victor Howard, preda
tory animal hunter, $207.87; Floyd L. Blei
mund, watermujiier, $70.9$; Wilson J.
Wilt, clerk, 1133.65; J. P. Aaplnwall. la
bor. (214.26; Ueibert J. Balr. labor,
$110?. 88: J. A. Burn, labor, (136.91; Wm.
H. r'lcke, labor. 1153.48; Harry H. Law
re nee, labor. $257.40. Harold L. Martin,
labor. $222.01; Edward 8c h milt, labor,
$214.30; Frank Woelke, labor, (265.59;
O. D. Blncgar, labor, (245.39; Henry Bow
er, labor, (219.67; Lawrence Bower, labor,
$176 80; Wm. P. Croker, labor. $230.91;
Frank N. Dick, labor. $36.70; W. M. Duch
teau, labor. (207.90 Orvllle L. Dunlgan. la
bur. (275.43; S. K. Ely. labor, (226.10;
Harvey Olrud. labor, $203.08: Eric Uiutil
in. labor. (201.95: Roy Hatfield, labor.
$.'13.49; Harold K. Kepplnier, labor.
$.127 85; Ben Kerber. labor, $65.03; John
A. Kinney, labor. (126.76; R. W. Kinney,
labor, (260 30; Barney J. Kropp, labor,
(192 93: Laurel Lamb, labor, 1246.54: Fiord
Lsuber. labor, 1224.25; E. A. Lawrence, la
bor, (270.19; Virtll Long, labor. $211.44;
W. R. MBAiey. labor, (237.61: John McAL
lLster. labor. (207.92: Ralph McAllister, la
bor, 1302 86; Wm. Naftster. labor, 13J8.
I) P. Scharf. labor, (271.89: Win. Shaw,
labor. 111H.S9; Aueusl Smith, labor.
$JJ3B0; Robert Smith, labor. 1325 19: Glen
I. Spenrer. labor, 1210.31; Earl D. Stand
lev, labor, 1211.73: Lloyd X. Taylor, labor.
$l!47.77; A. M. Thela, labor. 156.02; Nick
Th'i.v labor, (219. 16; Raymond Tltu. la
bor, 1174.54, Orvllle L. TriiMel), labor.
C':i4.41; Huih Webb, labor. $2(18 39; Ham
Vveje. labur, $189.65; Lee WrlU. labor.
$a:i.'ill0: Tony Woelke, labor, (242 68; Thro
dore Kiientl, lnbor, $265.35; Win. H. ltren
ner labor. 1247.16: Menno Delke. labor.
(116 11, Llovd Jarman. labor, $20: Tom
Ritcher. lalior. (239 42; Joa. A. Hobl. la
bor. (219 87. W. Shelley, labor. 1201.49;
Gme H ml line, labor. 1216 01: Arthur J.
Tarkinier. labor. $204.77; Ted Wan oner,
labor. 1)83 31; L. W. Webber, labor. $205.15:
W O. Williamson, labor, 1226.17: J. C.
Curnutt, labor. 1313 55. John AncWson.
Jr.. labor. 1336 46: Wm Bunt Ins. labor.
$23 60: L. R. Cooper, labor. (317.77; E J.
Cwr, labor. 1113 36; Axel Joluuon, labor,
$169 30; J. R. Patten, labor, (197 SO; H J.
rtr.n. labor, 214 85. C. O. Rcu. labor,
$J20 61; A. B Rostad. labor, $216 22. D
W. ftrlfried. labor. $21.95, H. F. Hyversnn,
lnbor. (16 63; M. J. MrCormlck, labor,
$?04 0l; David DuboU. labor, (I6K34: Vir
gil H Fahey. labor, $197 70, P. H. Hoatrt
ler. labor. (301 11: 8. U. Martin, labor.
$199 87. Cecil R. Rorston, labor. (307 91;
Delbert 0. Shelllto. labor. 185.46; I. J, Ri
chard, labor. (216.61; Arthur Blackburn,
labor, (206.97; A. A. Richard, labor,
1204 01; Cna. Tucker, labor, $209.53; E. H
Biuby. labor. $189 05: C. A. Cobine. labor,
1182.79; Tom Bo den. labor. $315.32.
George Fra jendlener, labor, (200.94; J. C.
Fowler. constable. Breltenbush dlst.,
(24 75 StaytoBi Justice Court: W. H. Bell,
justice of peace, 1123.15. Henry Smith,
conMable. $19 80. Leon a Peterson, atenoc.,
(29.70. Mlse.:Myron Robert Helvcy. drafu
man. 169 35. B. R. Mc Car land, surveying.
1125 31: Warren J. Hick, aurveni,
U28 66; Floy C. Mudd. bailiff, $128.66;
Florence Young, matron, 12.52: R. How
ard, clerk. 110 49: Ruin Huichiru. elev.
oper., $24 46. Harry Becker, hauling rock,
(456: L. M. Cue. haulmi rock. 1452; Cleo
Kepp:nner, hauling rock. $468; Jonn Nag,
hauling oil. iTJt, Ray Lick. T.E.. 156 85;
J. L. Slegmund. T.E., 139.70; Bryan Good
enough, atty. fee. 115; The Spa, meal.
133 10; Ralph C. Coxhead Corp., equip.,
(655; Salem Blue Print Co., sups.. 189 75;
LeMon W. Howell, per diem and T.E.,
132.90; Dr. Gerald B. Smith, exam.. 15:
Grant Murphy. T.E, $7.75; Nat. Ajun. of
County Official, adv., (312.74; Jno. W.
Hamaxe. 1 e., 12; e. l. rtoser, i.e.,
(12.35; Utility Supply Co., equip., $52.83;
George E. Allen Hardware, sups., (0 86;
Industrial Electronic Corp., sum.. (79.74:
Otis Elevator Co., exp 18.50; Dr. Theo
dore Stuckart. exam.. 110; Capital Office
Equip. Co, exp., $18.75; Sybil C. Catlln
it Frank H. Spear, rent, (200: Cooke Sta
tionery Co., lup., (4 90; Earl Adam, T.E.,
$210 54; Dr. D. L. Calllcrate, exitm., (5;
r. Scott MeCune, exam., 15; John Be h mid.
aroage oiposhi, 1100. iieaiin uepart
nenl: Rower. Davis it Hoffman, account
ng. (60. Joanne Bunnell, sups.. 128 50;
Capital City Laundry and Cleaners, laun
dry. 113 97; The Capital Drug Store, aup..
(2411; Dr. M. W. Crother. med. erv..
(41.71; Charles Drthlck. psychologut.
$22 50: Dr. Margaret Dowel, med. aerv..
(20; Dr. Lucille Fortner, med. serv.. 120;
A. C. Oragg, pontaae, (41; Hendrie Medi
cal Lab., lab. service, $125; Jackson Medi
cal Supply Co., aup.. 16: Johnson, Ste
wert At Aldrlch. printing. 119.15; Dr. Rob
ert E. Joseph, med. aerv., (48: Thomas
Nelson and Sons, sup., (4 so; cnarirs k.
Peck Dental Lab . sups.. 175; Perry Drug
Store, sup., 156 59; Physician St Hasp.
Supply Co., up., 1414.40; Tne Qu Urn-
berry Pharmacies, aup.. 12.30; aalem Me
dical Laboratories, lab. serv,. 130; School
ULHt. No. 24, UPH., 137.80; Bcnool Ult. NO.
4, tele,, 11.15; Sharp St Dohme Inc.. sup.,
IS. 90: Shaw Surgical Co., sup., (156 84;
So. Calif. State Dental Awn., sup., (75;
Dr. W. J, Stone, petty cash. (B.3n; Tide
water Assoc. Oil Co., ana, (156; Wynkoop
Blair Print. Serv.. printing. 110.45. Misc.:
John W. Hanrahan, fees. 1345.50; Fred W.
Lanite, fees, (412.25; A. W. Simmons, fees,
(159 75; Norman C. Alexander, indemnity,
17 50; Floyd L. Bailey. Indemnity, 112;
Albert W. floclwler. Indemnity. 112: Her
man Hart, Indemnity, (8: Ojcar Lindqulst,
Indemnity. 17.50: L. Henry Mllburn, In
demnity. (8; Arthur C. Scott, indemnity.
18; Dr. Wolcott Buren, exam . 15; Dr. R
P. White et al, exam , $10; Dr. Roaco C.
Wilson, exam.. 135; Dr. Paul Wolfe, exam..
J 10; Dr. Milton A. K a rosier, med. care,
120; Pa In lea Parker. Dentist, extraction,
(3; Denver Young, board of prisoners,
(538.53: Abram St Skinner Inc., bond.
125: Af .O. Nelson, rent, 40; Emery J.
Jackson. T E.. (13; W. H. B-ll. rent. etc..
135; T. C. Oorman. rent, (15; S. C. Miller,
constable. T.E.. 110.43; Mrs. Elmer Berh
told, care, 18: Jacob A. Brraunberxer. care.
(18; Mr. Wm. Johnson, care. 122; The
Boy St Girl Aid Soe., court comm., 130;
Catholic Charltlea Inc., court comm., $60;
Children Farm Home, court comm., 130;
Oregon Protective Society, court comm..
io. 105 Nitlcyt, Inc. Lumber i.k Syru
1 col x 100 hnei (100 lin Ncippt
Ruthrauff & Ryan, Inc.. SrJitle
I low food on coIIm be? Clung to CiiUlrn West and hiow.
Pichei fl u or grwtl you with your first ( sip. And that
extra nclinen payi oB in Hvingi, t'! )t nuke it as usual
rfeular-drip-Silfx. There's a Colden West grind (or every
method. But use 13 leti. That's 20 extra tups of collca
enjoyment per pound. That's saving of up to S(.
116; J. H. TurnlcUt. court gemot., 149;
Pierce Auto Freight Line Inc., frt., II 25;
Delbert Hupp, bount r, $10; A n C
Booth. T.E, 131.65. Marguerite R. Bur
ton, T.E, $4.0$; Josephine Fox, exp., $3;
Vivian 8. Hoenlc, T.E.. $7 90: Harley W.
Libby. exp., $1; Oenevigve Oldenburg, exp.,
(3; Grace A Randall, aup., 11.35; Dept.
of Agriculture, aealcr. 162.25; Burke' Ca
mera Snop. misc., 14.16, City of Salem,
radio. $6. Davidson' Auto Service, trans..
I?3 75: William DeVall. Iran., 12 7ft; Gen.
Petroleum Corp., gaj. 141.40; M. R. Wood,
xp.. $0.75; L. M. Wright, trans. 15 60:
H. F. Domngalla. T E, 1$ 20: Roen Type
writer Exchange, gup.. 17.50; Yeater Ap
pliance Co., equip.. $67.92, H. C. flaalfeld.
T.I, $1150; E. A. Ward. T E.. $77 50; Carl
H. Downer, sheep killed. $37: C. A. Peru,
turkey killed. (50: Mr. Robert 8c ha far,
sheep killed. (21.50; Denver Young, exp.,
(300: Ore. State Board of Forestry, forest
patrol coll.. 13.447.20; Mt. Angel Flax Fes
tival Comm.. allotment, 8400. The Bobhs
Merrill Co.. law book, (1$; The Lawyer
Co-op. Pub. Co.. law book. $5: West Pub-
Uthlng Co.. law book. $ll; Achiressocrapn
Muitiirapn corp.. aup.. u.iwog; Amer
ican Brash Co., sups., 182.11; J. O. Blair
Son, rep.. 135.50; "Stan" Baker Mo
tor, rep.. 119.08; Baldwin Mount, rep.
146; Ballou Si Wright, rep , (55.39; Paul
H. B asset t. rep., $15.73. Bearing Master
Sale. Inc., aup.. 15.91: Blake Moffltt
At Towne, aup, 181.43; Bower. Davis St
Hoffman, audit. $700: Bradflcld Lbr. Co..
sup. 19: E. H. Burrell. reps.. (10M5
Capital Auto Part, tup., $17.88; Capital
City Bindery, sup., $196 55; Capital Jour
nal, adv.. 175.40; Capital Lbr. Co.. bup,.
1153; Monroe S. Cheek, trans.. 175.91: City
Water Department, water. 169 58: Colum-
ola Equip. Co.. rep.. (245.77; Colyear Mo
tor Sale Co., rep., (7.74: The Commercial
Book Store, equip., 11.769.10: Commercial
Sand St Grav Co.. aup., $180.66; Frank
N. Dick, labor. $3 80; Dooilttle Muter
Serr. Sta., sup., (209 39: Dough ton Hard
ware Co.. sups. $16.23; Down Olax Shop,
sup.. 133.60; Mr. E. F. Ellson. refund, 11:
Engineer Sand St Oravel Co.. gravel,
1711.40; Ray L. Farmer Hardware Co.,
suns.. 125.07; Firestone Store, sups.,
(15.43: The First Nat. Bank of Portland,
freight, 11.731.65; W. Foaaholm. sign.
113.96; Free Oarage, rep.. 12 30 Freres
Frank Lbr. Co.. lbr.. 18: Oeil 9t Van Han
del, lbr., (11.50; The J. K. Oill Co.. sup..
t56.82; John R. Goldsmith. M. D.. exam..
151: The B. F. Goodrich Co.. sup..
(678 08: A. C. Oragg. postage. 1120: The
Haloid Co. aup.. 1454.96; J. E Haaeltlne
Co., aupa., (93.76; Frank J. Heelr, atty.,
156.80; Herrold-Phllippl Motor Co., rep.
(150; Hill St Hill Distributors, aup.,
113.48: Howard Cooper Corporation, rep.,
1166.28; Interstate Tractor St Equip. Co.,
reps,, (33.79: Ira Jorgensen, rep., $336.41;
Jorienson-Btelnke'a, rep,, 13.22: H. A.
Judd, petty caah, 116.56; Kay Typewriter
Co., exp., (18.50; Cleo Kepplnger, hauling
grave, (32.50: T. L. Kuhns Co., reps.,
116 27. C. J. Lewi, gas, (15.87: Lovger
ft Contractor Mac, sups.. (76 28: Jas. H.
Maden Co., rep., 1201.92: Richard H.
McColly, hauling gravel, T332 64: Douglas
McKay Chev. Co., rep., $36.99: A. B. Mc
Lautchlan Co.. reps., (56.52: Peter S.
Melssner. labor. 17; B. 3. J. Miller, labor.
U0: B. J. Mlnden Lbr. Co.. lbr.. 1835 24;
J. H. Mlssler. sups.. $10; Harvpy O. Moen.
hauling gravel. 1362.19: Mountain State
Power Co.. light and power. (57.68; Need
hams Book Store, aup.. 1340 99: Nelson
Enulpment Co., rep., 132.77: NorrU St
Walker Chemical Co.. sups.. (8.75; North
west Industrial Laundry Co., laundry,
(4 89: Oregon Electric Co.. freight. 1550.46:
Oregon Grgvel Co., gravel, 1563.25; Oregon
Physician service, dues, HOS B5; Oregon
State Hwy. Comm.. reps. (9.91; Pacific
Building, rent. 1167 HO: The Pacific Tel.
St Tel. Co. tele.. 1163.13; Pack Brother),
sup., 146.82; Perry' Drug Store, aup..
13.73; L. V. Petergon, btilldoitng, 173;
Portland Gen. Xle. Co., LAP, 1308.11;
On onset Oarage, rep,, 15.73; Red Cross 1
Phirmacr, gup. 116 01; Remington Rand
Inc. equip., (6.717)7; Roy J. Rice, gas.
19.56; Edward Rick, rep., (3; Saffron
Supply Co., rep., 14.98; Salem Auto ParU
Co., rep., 114.71: Salem Concrete Pipe St
Pro. Co., gup., $347.53; Salem Hardwire
Co., aup., 110.1$: Salem Memorial Hosp.,
x-ray and care, (217.50; Salem Navigation
Co., rep., (125: Salem Steel St Supply
Co.. rep., 15 43; Sanitary Service Co..
Inc., an. aerv., $1.90; Senator Coffee
Shop. meal. $33; Shell Oil Co., gaa.
$482.14: Silver Wheel Motor Freignt, Irt,
13.75: H. A. Simmon. iaa St dieael. 11.
514 31; R. Old Smith. Jr., hauling gravel.
1321.34; Southern Pacific Co.. freight.
1947.07; Stancal Asphalt B-tumu Co.
sue.. 114.916.76: Standard Oil CO. O
Calif , (a St dleael, 1318.84: State Public
Welfare Comm., assistance, $82 344 30: The
Statesman Pub. Co.. adv.. (80.0): State
Tire Service, aup., (19 .96; Stayton Oravel
Co.. gravel. 13.30: Stayton ParU Service.
aup.. $1,213 40; Steinke'. reps.. 125; Stev
en Equip. Co.. rep.. 113.13: E. G. Byron
At Son, sups., $1.033 90; Truck Sale and
Service Co.. rep.. 13 68: Union Oil Co.
of Calif., ga. etc., 1317.78: Union Title
Co., report, 112.50; Unruh-Knapp Print.
Co., aup., 146.70; Valley Motor Co.. reps.,
190.19; Valley Motor Co.. tran.. $101.59;
Valley Welding Supply Co.. rep.. (27 90;
Walling Rand St Oravel Co., gravel. (1,
295.13: OH Wardr, sups.. 137.48: Geo me
E. Week, equip., (55; Western Union Tel.
Co., tela., (24.19; Willamette Valley Trans
fer Co., frt.. (13 61: Woodbury Co.. rep.,
1170.46: Clyde Woodruff, aup., (13 50:
Denver Young, postage, etc , (13; Zeller
bach Paper Co.. sup., (117.88; Walter H.
Zosel, aup., (242.04.
July 1. 1949 Petition for County to re
locate Mehama-Elkhorn road; Resolution
and Order fixing bounties for predatory
animal. July 3. Laurence Pletrok, Permit
to move combine and baler; Regulation
by Oregon Liquor Control Commission.
July 5. Beer II cease. Josephine Manoli;
Resolution to establish county road from
part of Lawless. Dearborn and Harcourt
Street; Indemnity el lam of Floyd S. Mat
thew, final hearing 730 49; Order for
levy of tax on tlmberlands; Perm.t to
haul logg. Gene J. Hettwrr. July I, In
demnity claim of J. M. Obersinner, final
heharing 71049; Order regulating park
lag on Court House grounds; Order to es
tablish a County road out of part of Har
court. Dearborn and Lawless Street. July
8. Agreement with City of Salem lor Oil
ing of S. 23th St. and County road 835;
Indemnity claim of George B. Hager and
Edward V. Harg reaves, final hearing
73049; Confirmation of Vacation of the
Plat of Chemeketa. July 9, Final hearing
on Indemnity claim of Flovd L. Bailey,
O.scar Lindqulst, Albert W, Boc lisle r;
Dance Hall license, Joa L. Hlmmel and
Carl L. MorrLson: Permit to move com
bine. A. I. Eoff, O. A. McNeff; Financial
report of Kelezer Rural Fire Protection
District. July 11, Permit to haul Iors, Tom
Burton, w, Li. mailings; rermtt to
move combine, R. S. Burr, E. M. Phillip.
RuAsell M. William. Lewis Judson. Paul
Townsend; Permit to lay tile. Empire Con
struction Co. July 12, Pole line permit,
Portland General Electric Co.: Permit to
haul log, H. E. Penrod; Permit to move
combine, Claude C. Ashby; Permit to move
baler and rake, E. S. Coat and Son;
Deed to United States, 0.13 acre In Sec.
16. 10-S-E; Motion and Order setting hearing-
Aug. 12 on Vacation of Portion of
Sunnyside Fruit Farm No. 10. Jalr 13, In
demnity claim of Lewi E. Judson, final
hearing 73049: Beer license, R. J. Cuta
forth; Permit to move thresher and com
bine, Henry Ledebur; Permit to move com
bine, M. E. McCauley, J, J. Thompson. Da
vid Oerlg, Autu Hayes; Order for Sheriff
to board prisoner. July 14. Permit to haul ,
logs. W. E. Hulebacher; Permit to move
combine. Jame E. Frailer. Harry Hum
phreys. B. R. Wallace: Pole line permit
to Portland General Electric Com-
oanTt Permit ta haul loca. Maurice D.
Mora and Boyd L. Hilton: Minute of
Courthouse Commission meeting. July 18.
Petition for Court to procure additional
right-of-way lor Baiem-suverion tmnway
a per 1945 aurvey; Petition against re
location of portion of Salem-Sllverton
Highway a per 1943 urvey; Petition
against relocation of portion oi eaiem.
Silverton road: Petition to maintain pres
ent Court House as a Museum and Court
House and build new or:ice else
u nere: Permit to move combine, Cna.
Kellogg; Permit to haul log. Maurice D.
More and Boyd L. Hilton: Quit claim deed
to Dennis R. Hannan el u July li. Per.
mlt to move shovel, I. R. Hitchman: Per
mit to move combine, F. D Mitchell. Al-
mond A. Rich, C. A. Johnson. July 19,
License to operate carnival. M. J. Martell;
Permit to move combine. W. R. Berndt,
Lvman Eder. W. o. Hanna: Permit to
haul log. Bieienberg Bros., waiter l. Max.
July 30. Permit to move building. Oate
and Son; Beer license. Aronld A. Krueger
et al; Annual report by County Treasur
er. July 21, Permit to haul loga. Capitol
Lbr. Fuel Co.: Permit to move combine
and baler; Permit to move combine. Duane
Sears. E. J. Mullen. July 23. Request by
Southern Pacific for County to apply to
PUC for grade crossing on Kapphahn
road: Permit to haul logs, Floyd R. Per
sons. Order for refunds to Jo. A. Brown,
Annen Bros.. C. A. Johnson, and Paul
Dozler, balance of money advanced to
cover laying tile acrcoss road; Agreement
with Southern Pacific HE: repair of road
near W. Stayton. July 23, Order for Sher
iff to collect i cost of Herd Inspection
from owners: Permit to move combnle, El
mer Mtnch; Permit to haul log, Walter L.
Rak. Felix Hajuina: Permit to operate
carnival. M. J. Martell. July 25. Permit to
move combine. Geo. and Arthur Kuenzl;
Permit to haul log, T. A. Coo ley. July 26,
Beer license. J. P. Schimberg; Permit to
haul logs. Lawrence Bergerson: Pipe line
permit. Oscar Pollner; Petition to name
"Lori an Lane." July 37, Quit cltam deed
to City of Salem for land In Mountain
View Tracts; Pole line permit. Portland
General Electric Co.; Permit to haul log.
H. A. Russell: Eaaement deed to South
ern Pacific for railroad purpose; Permit
to move eombtne. Karl Dettwyler; Permit
to haul Iocs, Gene J. Hettwer. July 36, In
demnity claim of Floyd L. Bailey, final
hearing 1949; Permit to move combine;
H. Van Cleave; Permit to haul loaa.
Mike Schwlndt ; Additional petition re-
TtU 1 -1.1 KV," jft
. III I S Mm
.ueatlnr Count? to relocate Uehama-Etk-norn
road; Warranty Deed from John Ed
er to Marlon County for a atrip of land
in T, ft S. R. 1 W. for right-of-way. July
29, Permit to move combine, Thorn a Jon
es: Pol line permit it) to Pacific Tele,
and Tale. Co.; Order naming "Lorian
Lane." July 10. Permit to move combine
and thresher, 0. A. Bear; Pinal hearing
on Indemnity claim of Floyd S. Mat
thew, Joseph M. Omersinner, Edward V.
Hargregve, George B. Hager. Lewi I.
Judson; Bond of Kermit J. Peterson a
auistant County Veterinarian; Two tran
fer Order; Order to cancel charge against
J. H. Turntdg.
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