Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, October 06, 1949, Page 29, Image 29

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Red Feathers
"She hasn't dared show her faoe tines shs turned us
down en the Community Chest drive "
Rowboat Racer Beat
Columbus by 24 Days
Boston (U.R) Americans today are familiar with speed records
being set to all parts of the world and being broken just as fast.
But here's one record that isn't likely to be challenged:
Across the Atlantic ocean in a rowboat in 45 days!
The record was established during a rowboat race from Boston
to Cornwall, England, 58 years
The time of the winner, Josiah
W. Lawlor, was 24 days less than
it took Columbus to cross in the
oposite direction.
Both rowboats were of the
same size 14 feet, 11 inches
over all.
The other contestant was Will
iam A. Andrews, a Manchester,
Mass., piano-maker. His boat,
the Mermaid, had capsized sev
eral days previously. He had
righted it single-handed.
Brannan Plan
Held Socialistic
Secretary of Agriculture
Brannan's program of subsidy
to farmer and consumer was
branded "socialistic" by Lowell
Steen, president of the Oregon
Farm Bureau while discussing
farmers' problems before the
Salem Rotary club Wednesday
Steen expressed opposition to
the proposal for 90 percent par
ity being discussed in congress
and said that if agriculture
should be so favored other lines
of industry should be recogniz
ed along similar lines.
Steen likened the economy of
the country to a three legged
milk stool with agriculture,
dustry and labor constituting the
legs. If one becomes too short
or too long the entire stool tips
The speaker said high produc
tion in industry, agriculture and
labor was essential to the total
economy. "Labor must realize
that shorter hours and a less
number of units of production
will hurt it in the long run,"
he stated.
. As for the farmer he wants
protection for his "right to earn
the privilege of getting what he
earns," said Steen.
The pair started June 21,
1891, and at the end of the first
month Lawlor's Sea Serpent
was 1.10C miles ahead. Both
craft had auxiliary sails to use
with a following wind but the
only method of communication
was via bottles tossed to passing
Lawlor's log records that he
fell overboard twice in storms
and capsized his frail cockle
shell vessel once. He brought it
right side up only by jumping
on the exposed keel. His log
ended with this advice to future
"Don't go to sea, boys."
Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday. October 8, 194929
Mrs. Huber Honored
Lyons Mr. and Mrs. George
Keeley of Portland spent the
week-end at the home of her
mother, Mrs. Alice Huber. Mrs.
Keeley was hostess to a party
honoring her mother on her
birthday anniversary. Guests
were Mrs. Percy Hiatt, Mrs
Harry Elmer, Mrs. Pat Lyons.
Mrs. Floyd Bassett, Mrs Earl
Allen, Mrs. Alex Bodeked, Mrs.
Norman Johnson, Mrs. Clyde
Bressler, Mrs. Bert Lyons, Mrs.
Roy Heineck, Mrs. Donald Huber.
Stevens Retained
Farm Union Leader
Roberts At the Farmers Un
ion meeting H. G. Stevens wa?
re-elected president; J. W. Isley
vice president; L. H. Zielke, secretary-treasurer;
and those elec
ted to serve on the executive
board were: Harry Williams.
Frank Boehringer and Mrs. Har
vey Schuebel.
Stevens read some messages
from the national president
There were general discussions
in the legislative and agrcul
ture reports on releasing the ban
on farm commodities from for
eign countries.
Added Room Rented
By Stayton Board
Stayton Because of the over
crowded conditions existing at
Stayton grade school, it has been
necessary for the school board
of district No.77 to rent a room
in the rear of the Church of
Christ and engage Mrs. Lois
Clark of North Santiam as
In the class are ten from the
second grade and 14 from the
first grade. The grade school
now has nine teachers and Jean
Graham of Salem is the princi
pal. The state flower of Arizona
is the sahuaro cactus.
Here's The Money-Saving Way To Feed Your Dog
Rich in Vital Minerals . . . Plus All Known "Dog-
Health" Vitamins!
Try this quick mooey-saving wf to
feed your dog let a, red meat plus vitamins
and minerals your dog needs daily. Ever
can of Ken-L-Ration contains 6ne cuts of
U.S. Govt, inspected borse meat. You'll
see from the very first can you serve that
your dog really loves this fine food it's
so good for him. Get 3 cans of Ken-L-Ration
from your grocer or dealer today.
Imagine! A 54-in. panel bed ... a 4-drawer chest and 4-drawer dresser
. . . all for one low price! Finished in bleached or dork walnut . . .
carefully constructed with all of the authentic details of an original.
Moke it a point to visit Senrs today to see this suite! Then you'll know
lv why it pays in dollars and cents to shop at Sears and save!
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Smooth Float-In -EZ
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Plenty of Free Parking
Shop 'til 9:00 P.M.
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Shop in Air Conditioned
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