22 Capital Journal, Salem, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING., Pl Line 15C Per Lin t time .40e Per Lin 6 times ,60c Per un 1 month S3 00 Outside of Salem 15e per tin per day. Uln. 10c; I time mln 80c 6 times mm 11.20. No Refunds READERKio Logs! News Col Only: Pi Lid . . 30c To Place an Ad Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES MODERN 2 bdrm. $6500. Ph. 3-6183. a238 RENTAL PROPERTY showing good re turn on Investment. 1516 0th St. 4 rm. house, plastered, paved street. 13350. Terms. EAST EWALD. New 3 BR modern house Wirrd for rane, El, water heater, city water. Only $3,950. I. E. SALEM. New 3 BR better-built home. 1 acre fine black land, drilled well 15750. E. E. MEREDITH Rlt. or B. M. MASON 176. Commercial. Ph. 3-ad41. a238' SI .IWO DOWN. New 3 bdrm. home NE Fireplace, hdwd. floor, utility room, at' tached garage. Lot. 70x100. Full price J 6,000. Call O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 151 6. Hlili, pn. 1-4121, Evrs. 3-52011 a241 Open for Inspection Modern 3 bdrm. home. Lame living room with circulating fireplace, dining room, kitchen ft breakfast nook, attached Karaite ft Inside utility room. Very large lot. Fenced In front lawn. Reas onable price for this type of home. Can be seen anytime. Call at 3330 Sunnyvlew Ave, a240 BV OWNER: fl rooms, lame lot. Ideal lo cation. $6500. 462 Hoyt Bt. a240 FAIRMONT HILL Llv. rm.. din. rm,. kit., nook. 2 BR. den. and bath on one floor. Full basement with play rm., BR, shower ft laundry. Auto Electric furnace, 2 fireplaces, in sulated, weather stripped, V. blinds, awnlnxs, dble. gar., very Ig. lot. fenced yard. 1070 John St. Phone 3-8226. a240 MODERN 3 bdrm. home. Pull all base ment with 1 bdrm. Child's play room and lots of cupboards. Newly decorated. En if le wood dlst. New auto. Montag oil furnacePh.3-7931. a 21 8 t BDRM. home. Living room, dining room, kitchen, bath, full basement, auto, oil furnace, hardwood floors, ven. blinds, fireplace. Lot 100x165, landscaped. Im proved rnad next to bus. 12500 down, bal. FHA. Inquire 2615 Hulsey Ave., Ph. 2-3201. 8242 McKillop Real Estate REALTORS t-BEDROOM HOME, llvlnt room, lane kitchen, lots of built ins. Paved street and sidewalk. Close to school. FHA ap praised this property at 17,000. Make us an offer. t-BEDROOM HOME. Larue living room with fireplace, good dining mom, fine kitchen, lots of builllns. Hardwood floors throughout, Full basement, auto, oil furnace. Paved street, larne lot, good Inwn and shrubs. Bus past front door. FHA appraised this home for 111,500, make us an offer. j COME IN OR CALL Daytime Phone 3-5131 Evening phones 2-8406 or 3-5514 McKillop Real Estate 493 Center at High WE MAKE REAL ESTATE LOANS m a238' MANBRIN GARDENS 110,510. Real value In this 3 B R. home. Colotlle bath, fireplc, pecan floors, nice nook, lg. well landscaped lot. F.H.A. loan may be assumed. Ph. 2-6030. ED. LUKINIIEAL REAL ESTATE 433 NORTH HIGH ST. Eve. Ph. 2-8704 - 2-7709 - 3-3836 a242 Worth $8500 sell for 7350 walking distance down town. 3 B Rtns,, plusler, busement, fire place, hdwd., gnrnge, Uv., din., kit. 12000 down, $50 mo. E.M. Hunter, Real Estate 770 8. Com. Ph. 2-464D 2-5497 a239 BY OWNER Very attractive 2 bdrm. home. Nice neighborhood, convenient location near Leslie school. 4 loan. JI1S00. Would take car as part down payment. Ph. 2-6086 for more details. a239 REAL food small home. H.W. floors, fire place, full basement, lot to alley, near scnoois, dus oy the door. Priced to sell. Goodwin and McMillin REALTORS Pho. 3-4707 484 Court Ev. 2-4773 a239 BY OWNER Leaving town, must sell at , sacrifice: 2 bdrm., fireplace, hdwd. fin., full basement, nice yd. Enalewood di.it. 630 Thompson Ave. 240 fOR KALE or trade: 5 rm. house. Lot 69x130. Wired for range. Will trade for la rue trailer house. Ht. 7, Box 378T, Leo Standlsh. a239 REAL ATMOSPHERE A beautifully locate 2 bdrm. home com bining atlrHctlvely arranged living quar ters. Full basement, party room, 2 fire places, built up lawn, fine shade trees. Price 112,500. 13,700 will handle or small house In trade. Walter Musgrave, R'ltor 1211 Edgewater. Ph. 8-8709. Eve. 3-9139. r a242 t4on i acre, profllHbly improved with straw berries, cane berries, elc. Very pleasant home; one bdrm. clown A 2 up nmMn lshedt, excellent -dt-ep well. 1185 Clear view. E. A. McOLAUFLIN, REAL ESTATE 328 N, Com'l St. Ph. 2-5211. Eve, 2-303 A 238' BY OWNER Scenic View Property 25 ACRES SPUING FFD CHEEK 8 AritKS KKUIT ft ACHES PASTURE 12 ACHES IN CULTIVATION I miles of West Salem. Kt. fl, Box 640 J 40 $750 DOWN $50 PER MO. I' slory house - 2 bdrms down - kit-clieti-dmette rnmb. - living rm. - stair Way with untiiiuiied all it- ullllty rm St attached enrnve - Innr lot - good ioU - paved streets - Keiaer district -Full price 17200, $500 DOWN Hew t bdrm. house kitchen-dinette omb. nire sire llvlnt rm. elec. heat - utility rm. - attached Karage - lame lot pavrd streets - Keiner dlst. - Full price 97650. SOUTH 12TII ST. Cory 1 bdrm. house kitchen with table space - living rm. elce. henl - plenty of storage space large lot - 70 ft. funt pK on hwy. . house selling far enough back for business spare in front - Lane hade tree - nice jetting for heme A business. Abrams & Skinner, Inc. 411 Masonic Blda. Ph. 3-9217 Insurance Mtg. Loans aJ3fl WHY PAY RENT When yon ran buy a dandy 1 bdrm home enmp. furn Incl, eke ranne. re frlg. 17150. Owner Would sell unfurn. Call Pat Kemper. $8750 Hlee t bdrm. home, lee llv. rm. nh fireplace, beautiful lot Enilettood. $11,250. Lovely 2 bdrm. home in perf. cond., car peted llv. and dm. rm . kit. with noi.a. full bsmt, aut. oil furn. ftnulirully landscaped. Well lor, In Kmlcwood- Gray-llimmel Realty Co. Ph. I-6451. Kve. 1-5397, 1-6901. 3-43M m a239 Y OWNER Modern I BR home with dln Int room 13x20 utility room. East 1 block outside city limits. Ph. 2-2775 a24P f BDRM. home. Neerin plumbing, wiring, fixing. Onod rental proposition for han dyman. Ph. 39465 a3.l fttiLaTiMWiir B.iiomiili Ph I-4U4. .25 j Ore., Thursday, October 6, 1949 FOR SALE HOUSES JUST OUTSIDE CITY Out of state owner here to sell prac tically new home, f Ue. rnu., hwd. firs, thruout, auto-furn. piped to ill rtns. Unfln. upstiara. Stairway in. Breezewav. stt. gar. Lut. lot, city water. Low down payment. FHA terms. Salem Heights dM. 585 Ewald. 8. off DOE, a 2 43 $2250 ear Paulas C. W. Reeve, Realtor 945 8. Com'l. Ph. 3-4590. a240 Beautiful 5B.R7Home Wall to wall carpets upstairs St down, auto oil furnace, double plumbing, lane ii v. rm., wonoeriui view, Located in So Salem high on a bluff in fir irove on 4.13 acre. Ideal setup for rest home. Price has Just been reduced to 121,000. Owner does not need such lane horn and will consider a smaller horn In trade, preferably So, Salem. BURT PICHA, Realtors 379 N. Hli-h St. Office 2-3049 Evj2-5390 or 3-7451 238 ICiSO DOWN, balance FHA loan7New modern 2-BR. home. Paved street, close to school, immediate possession. 18350. GM1 Stanley Brown with STATE FINANCE CO. 153 S. High St., Ph. 3-4121, Eves. 2-5581 a241 SALEM HEIGHTS Bring your earnest money when you come oul. This will go fast. Was 110.300. now (8500. Equity (1279. Bal. FHA loan at tao per mo. inch taxes. Ins. St Int. 2 bdrms., att. tar., auto lit. Immed. pass. S. Com'l to Liberty Rd. to Salem Hts. Ave. to 3350 Wlnola Ave. a239 GOOD a room modern houese in Mill City, inree ioxi.iu ious. Large garage. 3 blocks west of Hilltop Store. Call 1303 Mill City. Gordon Wheeler. a240 $10,500 3 bdrm. home In Enitlewood. Large lot with room for apartments. Chicken house, work shop, garage, utility im. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 945 S. Com'l. Ph. 3-4590. a240" MOST UNUSUAL Beautiful setting for home. Native trees. Also 3 acres full bearing walnuts and 3 acres fronting on Broadway. Small modern house. New greenhouse. Fine spot Tor flower lover or commercial gardens. All 6 acres platted 20 lots. Opportunity for builder. McKinley and Leslie Dist. 1 bdrm., 1 floor. Fireplace, utility room garage. Only $8900. 11500 down. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 480 N. Church - Ph. 3-7642, Eve. 2-0126 a238 ,l?,HWl. NEW 3 bdrm. homoe Enalewood nas iuii oasement with oil fur nace, fireplace, also fireplace in base ment. Attached garage. 12.500 down, balance terms. Call O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 183 8. High, Ph. 3-4121, Eves. 2-5208 new And shiny"1 2 bedrooms, living room, nook, kitchen bnth, larne garane. near Leslie srliool. Tills home is finished to perfection. $7150 Clean as a pin. 2 BR., L R.. kit., dinette bath, utility. Tree.s, 100x113 lot, fine garden. Quick po.sAe.wlnn CAM, D. L. BISHOP Chas. Hudkins & Son REALTORS 250 N. Hlxh St. Phone 2-4129. 240 SI .000 DOWN, 150 00 per month buy modern late-built 3-BR. home. Fireplace Hardwood floors. Venetian blinds. Fur nace. Attached aaraKe. Call Stanley Brown with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 8. High, Ph. 3-4131, Eves. 3-5861 a241 $9500 Modern S bdrm. ranch style hse. In nice location. Hdwd. floors, oil furnace Very atlractlve hse. Easy terms. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 945 8. Com'l. Ph. 3.4591) ?4n BY OWNER: Modern jTberlrm. "house wltl noor iiirnar & garage. 14100. 2330 . 1 343 FOR QItick sale owner win sacrifice 1 BR home with separate cottage rental Ph. 2B4B8. 340. $7500 J bdrm. home close to school and tree Paved set. and sidewalk. Small down payment and monthly payments C. W. Reeve, Realtor 945 8. Coml. Ph. 3-4590. 240 $3500 Will give you the house and sell you the furniture or give you the furniture and sell you the house all for the same price. Cash. S bedrooms, L.R., large kit chen. bathroom, also room for addition al bedrooms upstairs. Lot 60x120. North Would consider a trailer house for part payment. Call McQueen eve., Ph 2-8476 $7000 Nioe new home with hardwood floors and automatic heat, ranrh style 2 bed room home, suburban, reslrlctrd area, good terms and Immediate possession Call McQueen eve., Ph. 2-H476. Joe L. Bourne, Realtor 1140 N. Capitol Ph. 3-8216 Eve. 3-A476 a239 UNFINISHED" HOMES 129MI0O Located east, outside finished. Altached aaraue. Lot lOOxIHO. Terms 4Hf.O0l. Locnted NE. Htm sq. It. floor spnre. Plumhin ami electricity routined in. Electric hent. Fln.Mrred Cull o V Hume with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 8. High, Ph. 3-4121, Eves. 2-5206 a24 NEW t B.R.. FHA. built home Larae ikhu at niiiaii oflivn pavment. 910 Ford st a 3 38 RY OWNER 2 bdrm . one block to McKinley f hnnl A bus. Hdwd frs.. oikmi clrfiilar .-lair-way. Plu-sterrd dry basement, oil fur nace. Will consider any reasonable of- ter. Ph. 3-5472. R240 RDKM. home on view lot. Elect7heat. Hdwd floors, fireplace, basement, large lot Price 110.000 with very liberal terms. Cull O V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 . High. Ph. 3-4131, Evas. 2-5306 B241 FOR SALE LOTS 111.000 110X130 LOT Corner lot has two small houses. Good location for service station, or drive in reM. Loc a led on two well traveled st. in north part of Salem Ph 2-6SK0 ED. LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 443 North Hich Bt. Ph. 3-3836 3-7769 2-1704 aa342 BY OWNER: 2 lota. 50x250 at 3865 Brooks St. 00 each. a341 BRAND NEW AnPTTION North. Close to HmeMille school. Lots with asier. electricity, bus serMce and fruit trees, lo down - 5 per month. Reimann for Real Instate 301 South HIah St Ph S-9203 Sun. Si Eve. 2-8241 4-3874 t-JMl 3-3738 m aa343 FOR CHOICE residential tracts In King wood His. Ai Cascade Terraces, at mod erate prices St verv low monthly terms, see the original owner At developer, C A. Robertson. Ph. .1-8411, aa)5l I.OTH EAST ON BROWN road. Electri city, water. Ill dnn St 15 month. General Real Estate 259 Center Ph 3-3389. ta)3l 8SUM VIEW LOT. 315 Vlfw avenue. City wnrr-ea. rear raiem Heights trhool 150. Ph. 20mt. aa247 To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 REAL ESTATE GRABENHORST SPECIALS ENGLEWOOD 9 bdrm.. Hv. rm . hall, bath, excellent kitchen, hdwd fir., fireplace, lie. Jnsid utility, attached taraae. 1 yr. old $l!.iU0. CALL ROY FERRIS. APT. HOUSE SITE Clone to Willamette University, State Bldaa.. shopping district Si Bush School. 72.8x156 5 ft. No. 2 rev.ldenl.al ion. Prlc 10,750. CALL COBUKN L. GRAB ENHORST. CLOSE TO SCHOOLS Immediate possession 2 bdrm. home. lae. rooms, kitchen with nook. hdwd. firs., fireplace, full basmt., sawduM heat. he. lot fenced in back, on bus line and close to both trade and Jr. High schools. CALL BEN ROI8EN, GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 South Liberty Phone 2-2471 Evening and Sundays Call Earl West 3-0008 Roy Ferris 2-8010 FOR SALE FARMS BY OWNER in Mt. Angel cltst. Lovely 27 A farm all under cult. Willamette slit soli. Very good bldgs.Mod. 7-rm. house Equipped with tractor and farm much. St tram. 113,000 equity 15,000. 4' a". 20 year loan. 2"a miles east of 99E on McKee Rd. Jas. 6. Ridings, Rl. 2. Box 37. Wood burn, Oreg. b240 879.W. 6 ACRES with clean 3 bdrm. home. nam. Chicken house. 3 acres in berries. Family orchard, balance pasture. Call Stanley Brown witn STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 8. High, Ph. 88 ACRES IS MILES north of Salem. No building. Will trade on house. Inquire 607 N. Capitol, Apt. No. 6. b233 BEAUTIFUL setting,"TloReto Town" 8 1 a A. Modern 4 room hou.se, good basement, barn, hog-house, berries, fruit and nuts. Chas. M. Coburn, R. 1, Dayton. b243 Farms and Acreages 118.500. Excellent soil, new outside builds. Nice older type house completely modern. 15,000 down. 18,500. 13 1 a acres, 2 B R. house, barn, 2 good cows, chickens, fruit, nuts, ber ries, good soli. 115.750. lB acres located Just north of neizer ecn. on River Hd. (7.000. Excellent 11 acres of Wll. silt soli all in new berries. Irrigation well and equipment. 5 ml. north. 124,500. Grade A Dairy. 40 acres of fine soil, cows and all farm machinery first class. Buildings are In perfect condition. Ph. 2-6680. Ed. Lukinbeal Real Estate 433 North High St. Eve. Ph. 2-8704 - 3-3330 - 2-7709 b242 5 ACRES, 1 mile from AumsvilleTnew 5 room home. El. water heater, wired for el. range, 2 car go race, 4 cows, milking machine, barn 30x38, chicken houie, good well. This Is a good place, and , worth the money. Goodwin and McMillin REALTORS Ph. 3-4707 484 Court Eve. 2-4773 b2H9 FOR SALE ACREAGE 4 Acres, 3 B. Rms. Only 13700 full price. Timber, good Well, paving, part terms or consider Saltm hse. not over 14500. E. M. Hunter Real Estate 770 S. Com. Ph. 2-4649 - 2-5497 bb239 1 ACRES on N. River Road close to SalemT Inq. at Clear Lake Store. bl240 It ACRES Close to city bus. N.7"4800. Walt Socolofaky, Real Estate, Ph. 3-8835. bb240 Kfl ACRES unimproved with approx. 65 A. in cultivation. Located East. Year around stream. Price S7.500.O0. Call O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 8. High, Ph. 3-4121, Eves. 2-5206 a ACRE, Fine view. Inquire 401 Oronon Bldg bbiMO 5 A. 5 mites south, some prunes and wainuia. excel, view. Price JUOOii. Ph. 3-Hfifll, bb240 REAL ESTATE BEST BUYS $6850 TOTAL PRICE Older type home. Near Leslie school. Full basement, fireplace. Choice lot. Oood cond. Terms. Eve. Ph. 3-3j;i8. $9850 TOTAL PRICE Nice home. Close in. East. Extra large lot. Electrie heat. Approx 1.000 sq. ft. floor space. Almost new. Hdwd. floors. Attached garage. Terms. Eve. Ph. 3-3358. 5 ACRES S rm. modern house. Well. Family ber ries, fruit St nut trees. Total price 16800. Terms arranged. Eve. Ph. 3-9403. GRADE A DAIRY Very good buildings. Good stock and equipment. Located close to Salem St schools. Almost Immed. poss. Good soil, year around creek. Total price $24,500. Terms. Eve. Ph. 3-9403 or 3-3558. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors 3035 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-7820. c238 CLEAN 3 BDRM. HOME completely lurnished. Price only 6675 FOR SALE OR TRADE for a farm. Oood 3 bdrm. home. Close in Price 1 7 850 NEW BUSINESS BLIJO. 78 ft. frontRKP. 26 ft. deep. Price . 110,000 10 ACHES. 3 bdrm. house. Barn, chicken house. Fruit, shade trees. Shrubs, year around stream. Price 110,500 Terms. LEO N. GUILDS. INC., REALTORS 344 State St Ph. 2-3663 Evenings call: Mr. Voorhec-v 2-4007 or Mr. Sederstrom. 3-6789 c238' NELSON NEWS N. HlttnVY. HOME t!300 2 Bdrm. plastered home, romli. t.R .-pi DR.. kit . bath. utll. rm. on one fir., elrr. W. htr, wired for ratine, circula tor hir, lge. gar., lot 50x120, lawn, gar den, fruit. CHOISAN CANYON WITH INCOME Approx. 3 A , of the area m well cared lor 10 yr old holly trees vieldmn a MibMamtsl annual Income A .rv well limit 6 rm. Cane Cod home, .-pa rlous l.H with attractive f place., lull osini., ftawauflt piped furnace, elec. W. htr., ul ll. rm Pano with Hood lights, beautifully necluded setting with pri mitive atmonphere. About 250 ft, crrek frontage, nr. ring wtr., under pressure. 115.000. BEAN FARM $8000 20 A. total bean land, livable home, barn, chicken hue., hog hse., fruit hse ' cash. 38 A. FARM IfltWO ,10 A in cult 8 A pasture, family or- rnara v nomesite with all vr crk. pvd. rd elec. pump, a tm. mod home wnn ipiace, ham, chicken hse, Good fa mily farm FOR INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES SEE INVESTMENT COl.MN NELSON & NELSON Multiple Listing Realtors Ptr.onal Service bv Men Who Speciallie 703 N. High Ph. 3-4622 r2.IB' FOR foil MYING investment buy a flrtt mortgage on real estate Salem A vicinity. Examine security youraett Amojnts t.v to several thousand dol lars, net Investors t We make all col lection for you tf desired STATU FINANCE CO. I Si 8 Hllh e NOTHING DOWN Small acreage, no buildings, all land ran be placed In cultivation, or be aubdlvid d. hat good drainage. Location good, surrounding neighborhood bmldins up rapid Iv. with good average homes. No restrictions on chickens, cow or horses. Owner doesn't need the money, so name your own terms within reason. $:.soo Remember you can't rash thoe rent receipts Call Joe Eve Ph 3721" STATE VETERAN Oood plastered two bedroom home, about I yeart old, automatic heat In all room, elty aewer. water, bus and grade school about 4 block. (Highland district", can be sold for a low down pavment. bal ance like rent. Qnhs po.vslon if ne rrssary $70iW Call Joe Ee. Ph J7217. Joe L. Bourne. Realtor I14 H. Capitol. Ph. 32l. Eve. 37317 2Jf (REAL ESTATE - Peter Geiser 3 -SB 68 . REAL ESTATE $4950 3 bdrm. older type, plastered home, Englewood dist. Terms. SMALL FARM 18 acres. Good 4 bdrm. plastered house. Good out bldga., farm equip, goes. Will consider trade for 4 bdrm. house In or near city. G. A. VICARY, REAL ESTATE 818 N. Com ! St. Ph. day or ev. 2-0421 WANTED REAL ESTATE NOTICE! if your property U for aaie rent or exchange list tt with us We nave an Kinos or cash buyers STA B FINANCE CO REALTORS 153 8 High St WE ARE In need 01 gooo nouses to In or neat Salem If you wish to (1 your property for sale GRABENHORST BROS. REALTORS 114 H Uoerty St Phon 1.271 . EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE or trade my $1,000 equity In a new 2 B R. home for best car offered or reasonable cash offer. Large lot with nice lawn. Ph. 4-2842. cb240 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SERVICE STATION for salt. Inventory only. Corner of Fairgrounds Rd. & Capi tol St. Ph. Portland. at 1106 or Salem 2-9184. cd239. 8 L'NIT APT., very best of location, base ment, amo. neat, you will not go wrong at thin value. tllS.oon THIS REALLY IS NICE. 8 Unit cottage court, each has own furnace, fireplace, H.W. floors, garafre. walking distance to Capital St downtown 4n onn ONE OF THE BEST 5 Unit apts. In Salem, u bin., ioi jarge enougn for another unit. 131.000. Larsen Home & Loan Co. inclusive Listings - Personal Service 164 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 3-8389. Eve. 3-7440 . Cd240 Drive In Snack Bar Seats 40 inside. Downtown locatfon Fully equipped, Trailer house andor car as part payment. Terms. Full price 17000. Write Capital Journal Box 465. cd240 DINING and DANCING Restaurant with set-up license. Sale Includes property, equipment and busi ness located on Hiway 99. 130,000. Ph 2-6680. ED. LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 433 North High St. Eve. Ph. 2-8704 - 2-7769 cd242 FOR SALE 3 operator beauty salon, in Rood business 'town. First reasonable of fer accepted. Phone 2637 days, 2086 eve- nlnss. C0243 2,000 - 11,000 DOWN Well equipped garage. 125 mo. rent su burban location north. Ph. 2-6680. ED. LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 433 North Hlnh St. Eve. Ph. 2-7789 - 3-3836 - 2-8704 cd242 MAKE GOOD money in your soars time" Will sell Alkuna 4 col. vending machines for half of cost. Other rerent, business Interests force sale. Ph. 2-4432. cd239 FOR LEASE or sale, new store hnllritnir 45x80. at 444 Marion St, Ph. 2-4526. " cd240 NELSON NEWS INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES PRICED RIGHT 8-UnitiPw rental, low upkeep. . .153.000 8-CottflKe court, 1500 per mo. income 148,000 uenuiinii a-Ddrm. units, won derful location, nothing to com pare with this in S.ilem 131.500 wen io-aie a, moo. snapping cen ter with established rentals 'none Inflntedi. good leases. . M50.000 inese win oring a .substantial return on investment with minimum maintenance. For details see Mr. Schmidt, he spe cializes in business amT income property. NELSON & NELSON Multiple Listing Realtors Personal Service by Men who Specialize 702 N. High - Ph. 3-4622. cd240 FOR LEASE: business spare new bldg. 3023 Portland Rd. Pn. 2-4432 or 2-6793 ffi-ffmi-rmjjjjjjj cd219 FURNITURE FOR SAU DAVENOS FROM 15 to $37.50. TRADER LOUIS. 3055 Portland Rti. d238 DAVENPORT A chair, chrome breakfast set for sale. Ph. 2-0348. d238 IOt HI F COIL springs $12";" ' Bin trie roll spring S8. TRADER LOUIS. 3055 Port- land Rd. d238 COMPLETE house furnishings. 419 North nn m.. Oiiiem. d238 COLEMAN Oil. circulator. Trailer nlze 810.50. Duo-Therm circulator. $39.50. TRADER LOUIS, 3055 Portland Rd d23B I PIECE walnut bedroom set with aprins. A: limit re Mi. M00 Pli. 2-,iflfi2. d240- NEW 3 pc. sect, daveno. Priced itoPqufck ale. Pli. 2-38.15. d240a OVFRMTI'FFED SOFA & "chair "like new. $!?50 value lor S8P.50. TRADER LOtJIS. 3035 Portland Rd. d238 Today's Top Buys Wine veloiir daveno was 1119. priced for imnierl. disposal at only l.iO. Cannot bt lold from new. 170 oak 5-nlece dinette art. onlv $35. Mitytag washer, $133 new, vhum trxlny for only f.ss. 9x12 Axiniiwter rug and pad. both yours today for only (3i Gorgeous mi'dern occasional chairs. K-Kiilnr 27 9i todnv. M4 H5 and IP. 95. N.'tt cievl. 8 9.V 2H0 dru'il ct. .SS. U miI.ii' "i5 d 'i lie set. new, only :i S(. Kunuj-h your home at Glenn Woodry's Furniture Market 1605 N. Summer At a Fraction of Regular Cost Terms Trades Cssh imld tor used furniture. d218 SAVE Closina out our entire stock of nation ally adv. Quaker Oil Circulators. 5 rm sl7e rev 99 95 now 169.95. 2 rm. sire reg. 64 95 now 49 95. 5 do n delivers SAVE m Modern daveno St matching club chair lth blond trim Nice tapestry cover. Guaranteed construction Reg. $159-95 now 9! io down del! SAVESoO 4 piece Mr and Mrs. bedroom suite In beautiful Prima Vers Suite consists of 2 Mr. and Mrs Chrsis. full site bed ft so 40 inch beveled plate mirror Res H95 value, no only $99 95. 110 down delivers CHROME CHAIRS Rer. 17 95 ft 18 95 chrome chairs. Your choice for onlv 5595. Red or blue leath er, tie uphoUteM . H & H Furniture Go. 1550 Fairironnds Rd. Ph. 3-3797 Open Eve. Until 9 p.m. d?9 WANTED FURNITURE FI'RNITI RE ,aPiWiaoce a nd hwisehoid articles ol all kinds, wanted for cash. Free appraisal. Trader Louie. 3055 Port land Rd. Ph. 3-8558 days. 2-440? ves da HI(iHI'rT rillH paid Phone Glenn at Woodr AucMon Uaraet Ph 1-illO da To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 AUTOMOBILES Bonesteeles 1947 8TUDE LAND CRUISER. FULLY EQUIPPED 111(95 1948 CHIMFION STARLIGHT COUPE. FULLY EQUIPPED V " 11695 1948 CHAMPION 4-DOOR SEDAN. FULLY EQUIPPED ... !$1j95 1948 COMMANDER 3-DOOR SEDAN. FULLY EQUIPPED ..'.".,'.11895 1948 COMMANDER 8TAH LIGHT COUPE. I-ULLY EQUIPPED 1 1098 1946 OLDSMOBILE 4-DOOR SEDAN. FULLY EQUIPPED .,!."..... .11395 1946 PLYMOUTH 2-DOOR SEDAN ...... ! .'!..'! . 'll 195 1946 CHEVROLET 3-PAWBENGER COUPE .". .$1045 1946 NAfiH 4-DOOR SEDAN '...'.'..'..'.".,... 1995 1949 STUDE. COMMANDER REGAL. 7500 MILES ..'.....'.'.'.".'.'.".'.. 12395 1941 8TUDE. CHAMPION, RAH. OVERDRIVE. ..........'.....'...'.'.'.'..,. 1595 Bonesteeles 370 NO. CHURCH ST. TEL. 3-9277 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK BLACK MAKE. 3 yrs. old. Broke. Safe for anyone. See Geo. (Keen at stop Lite Coliee mop. Ph. 29J4;. eZJB' BONDED AND LICENSED livestock buyer. , C. McC andu.ii, 1127 S. 25. Ph. 38147. e25T RABBITS WING'S BABBITRY needs rabbits. Top price. 39H'; Stn.e Ph 3-1489. eb242 PETS COLLIE PI PS, A. K. C. rcg. 470 Wayne Dr. Ph. 2-3013. 9 weeks old. ec240 FUEL ACRES yng. oak. 6 ml. Pvd. Rd. Sell stumpage or by cord. Call 3-3055. ee240 SEAL POINT Siamese kittens. 2 mo. old. Sired by 'Knight's Miguel i. Rev. Arthur Goble, 1197 E. Lincoln. Ph. Black 7. Woodburn, Oregon. ec243 SPECIAL BUY YOUR WINTER'S WOOD NOW 2 CORD LOAD, 110.00 PH. 2-7442 c245' OREGON FUEL CO. GOOD dry slab or green for furnace. Dry edging IB load. Green edging 15.50 load. Double load 110. Good Clean Sawdust Ph. 3-5533 ee248 SHELL STOVE A DIESEL OIL. Ph. 3-3186. Shell Oil Co. L. T. Maxwell, dlstrlautor ee249 CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oils. . FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dry Plainer Ends St Block Wood Ph 86444 PHILLIPS Bit OS Old fir. oak, ash Sz mapie. slab and edgings. Ph 31458. West Salem Fuel Co. 16 IN DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD, 16-IN. CLEAN - NO BARK SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone F'lem 2-4031 Also pick up wood at 1525 Edgewater St.. West Salem e TRI CITY FUEL PHONE 27442 16" Slab Wood and Edgings Fresh Cut Screened Sawdust 12' Inside Mill Wood Dry Wood ASK FOR S&H GREEN STAMPS FOR SALE POULTRY NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks everv Thurs. day. Order Frys or Hena now at spe cial qunniuy prices tor your locKers Custom Dressing a specialty. Phone Z286I. Lee s Hatchery. ( NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks for Immediate or future delivery Hatches every Tues Foi Hatchery. 3R30 State St Ph 3-4U69 f PRODUCE GRAPES 5c lb. U-pick 4c. Tomatoes 11.00 bu. U-pick 80c. Rt. 1, Box 290, 3 miles on Wallace rd., 1 mile sand and travel rd. A. E.Pelker. If 240 FlLBERT-WALNrTdrying. 1 mile E. Lan raster Dr.. Auburn Road. Claude Mc- Kinney, Ph 3-1632 ff249" LATE C.RA VENSTEIN BndKlng applesT Joe Lucas, Orchard Heights rd. Ph. 2-5958. ff238 LATE PEARS, delicious eating D'AnJous, now ready. Bring boxes. Alirma Motel, 3645 Portland Rd. Ph. 2-4510. ff238 APPLES: Spitzenberg A RomeBeauty extra fancy, order your winter's sup ply now, delivered. Call Hancock. 2-4280. fi249 GRAPES 4e lb. Vou pick. Bring contain- 1 ers. Walden, 3845 Portland Rd. II240' I TOMATOES a bu. or ton U-Pick $1 bu. man. Box 32. Ph. Jefferson 504. f 243 FILBERT AND Walnut drying. Special service tor small iota, pnone 2-2861 Lee's Hatchery. ff TOMATOES, cucumbers, fresh eggs. Fri aaard Fruit Farm. 4 mi N Kefzet school. ff240 HELP WANTED PART TIME HELP WANTED Can use few men part time, to make 25 any nln.it or day you are able to work. Car necessary. We will show vou how. C;ill 2-4517 Thursday 9 00 to 12:00 No ot her time please 1 for appoint ment. g239 ACCORDION INSTRI'CTOR." Part or full I time Excellent opportunltr No ex- I prrlence necessary VI Write Capital Journal, HELP WANTED MALE WANTED: A young man who Is aggressive and willing to work. To be trained for an outside selling Job. Selling experience or car not necessary, must oe a nign school graduate. Steady work. Rapid promotion and good pay. Apply 395 S 12th, Salem. ga238 YOl'NG man 17 or 18 for heavy work. Part-time, after school and Saturday, Apply 7 30 am. Friday or Saturday on ly Bradley Furniture Mart, 1978 N. Cap itol St. ga239 THE PORTLAND BRANCH or a national ot nan nation Is expanding its Salem division. We can give permanent work with a good future to the 3 men se lected. This Is a sales position and re quires that you be bondable. We are pre pared to give adequate training so If vou have never sold before come In and tslk to us. vou may be lust the man e ftunt. Ak lor Mr. Merke, Senator Hotel Thurs. I a.m. ga338 NATIONAL CORP. offera profitable' bust, ness opportunity to middle aied or older i men with car. Write Cox 464 Capital ton rnnl. gn21 , HELP WANTED FEMALE WOMFN wanted for lttht housekeeping, 80c per hour. About 10 days work onlv Call after 9 00 p m. 2-14:9. gb240 MAID WANTED ArgcT Hotel. gb240 WANTED 3 women between air of 30 A 5s years to make appointment for salesman for reliable firm doing busi ness thruout northwest, Salarv Apply btteen hour of 9 a.m. to 12. 8aturdsv. 38 N. Commercial. Rm. 23 gb239 EXPERIENCED Beauty Operator- capa ble of managing shop. All answers kept confidential. State qualifications and and salary expected In first letter to Bog 461 Cipmi Journal. gh240 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY ?r AfD CLERICAL POSITIONS 18 8tau street FbOM J.1484. ff (AUTOMOBILES Sales & Service WANTED SALESMEN NEED 2 ambitious salesmen, neat appear ing. Must have car, exp. not necessary but helpful. Men seeking an Income In increase to 1150 per week. Qualified leads furnrished. If you are not ambi tious and willing to work do not waste your time or ours. Apply in person be tween hours of 9 a.m. to 12. 248 N. Com mercial. Room 23. gg240' MAN WANTED for Rawlelgh business. Sell to 1500 families. Write today Raw lelah'a Dept. PRJ - 155 - SA, Oakland. CL't- 8K23B WANTED POSITIONS CHILD care by day or hour. 1090 N. 18th. h241 CHILD care by day or month In my itumr. rn. a-tm. h240. MIDDLE AGED practical nurse. Well "re- commenaea. .Private duty preferred. Ph. 2-4469. n24o WILL OPERATE your tourist court, salary . bwimuiiiaiuii oy coupie. excellent ref erences. Phone 28338. h240 MARRIED man, no children desires Job on farm or dairy. 432 Marion. h240 WILL care for children in my home by the day. 1 month up to school age. Ph 2-l541: h239 " ot!?E;ORKJiy day. Ph. 2-1046. h239' TREE WORK, topping, trimming, removr ing. Ins. op. Work guar. W. H, McAllis ter. 840 Trade. Ph. 2-1496. h261 Mimeographing-Typing POE'S. 665 North 16th. Phone 8-3643 h259 INTERIOR PAINTING. Exp. Ph. 3-6796 h253 CUSTOM WORK: Plowing and discing by the hour or Job. Ph. 3-1121. Springer. h239 CHILD CARE day or hr. Ph. 3-8685. h258 TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 24 hr. serv- ice, rormer pnone opr. Ph. 3-5072. h25fl' CHILD CARE. 183 8. 18th. PhTiWvThM BABY SITTING. Night relief. Ph. 2-0580. 259 NEW LAWNS prepared and seeded. Light tractor on rubber wiht dozer, ph. 2-8127 h251 CEMENT WORK wanted. Ph 2-4850. EDUCATION Rawlins Music Studio Violin and Piano. Stat, accredited teacher. Ph. 2-6013. hh250 FOR RENT ROOMS PLEASANT SLEEPING room for gentle- limn, may norway. rn. 2-4347. ROOMS FOR girls in modernhomCwith working girls. Use of entire house. 645 N. Winter St. Ph. 34372 after 5 p.m. Jk238 ROOM FOR gentleman. Close In. 632 No! Winter. Call after 5:30 p.m. Jk241' s L E E P I N G Si light house ke epi ngr 00m . Ph. 34335. 790 N. Church. Jk238 ROOM for 1 young girl possible 3. Break- fast priv. If desired. Ph. 2-3420. Jk238 NICE sleeping room imen). 448 Center St7 Rear Woodrow Bldg. Jk238 SINGLE and double sleeping rooms. 1143 Oa St. Jk239 LARGE SLEEPING room. Oentleman. Close to bus. Evenings Phone 34931 Jk240 FIRST FLOOR sleeping rm. Tor gentleman. Ph. 2-7898. Jk239' LARGE FRONT sleeping room for women. Clean and neat. Ph. 2-7898. Jk239 RO O M FO R W OR K INfTVlri. Close In. Ph. 3-4515 after 6 p.m. jk239 VERY close In sleeping rm. Ph. 2-7817. jk263' 1 B.R. FOR 4 girls. 115 per mo. each, with nome priv, no drinkers or smokers. Ph 2-3541. jk239 NEWLY DECORATED rm. for ladv. 1st fir Close In. Cooking priv. 740 Chemek- eta Jk239 7555 N. Jk239 Jk239 LARGE warm rms. for 1 or 2. capitoi. NICE SLEEPING RM. Ph. 3-7558. SLEEP. RM. Hollywood, 2035 McCoy. Ph. ouj. jit256 LEEPING ROOM. Hot & cold water. 481 JHlgh. Jk240 SLEEPING RMS. for men. 385 W. 14th lk23ft CAD DCkIX AUAOTiitkJTC rwK KtlN I ArAK I MfcNTS NICELY Fl RN. 3 rm. Apt. 550 N. Summer. apt. Ambassador JP240 F1RNISHED APT. Close in. For two em ployed girls. Private entrance. Ph, 25519 Kve. jP239 3 ROOM APT. with bath. priv. ent.. range Sz refrig. furnished. 776 N. 14th. Ph. 26992 jP240 FI'RN. 3 LGE. rms. Priv. ent. St bath. Available for 3. 419 S. 19th. JP240 CI.EN, FI'RN. 2 rm. apt. Ent. At bath. 1 bik. bus Ac market. Baby accepted. 725 S. nth. Jp240 COZY S rm. modern furn. apartment. Close-in. 535 N. Winter. Jp238' FI'HN. APT-Tlrns. " priv. batnV Elec! "tove A- refrig. Near shopping ren. Bld,t' Emp' cpl' 845 Ph "JU- 'pM0. NEW s rm. unfu Duplex Apt. V. Blinds, All electric. 2231 Lee 8t, Jp238' VERY attractive modern 2 bdrm. unfurn ished apt. Heat and automatic hot wa ter. Ref, Write Capital Journal Box 490. JP240 NEW spacious 4 rm. apt. All electric. Ph.' 3-7071. Jp240 LARGE FI'RN. Apt. Utilities furnished! Will care for baby for working parents, 365 S. 16th. Jp238 4 RM. APT. $50. 1942 Hanel SM ILL newly decorated furn. ueruj. CLEAN FI'RN. 2 room apt. Priv. ent. Rea son a Me rent. Ph. 34307. Jp238 t RM. apt. 1 housekeeping rm. 432 Mar" ion Jp2i NFW APT. 3 rm. unfurn. except stove ft re frig. Priced rlsht. Ph. 3-537. tp319 FOR RENT HOUSES OLDER STYLE 2 bdrm. house in King- wood Heights. $45 month. Immediate possession. Phone Aumsville 2682. R. C. Adams. 2's miles E. of Shaw. Jm240 Small Acreage 2 BEDROOM If you are looking for g place to live and want to be your own landlord, why not stop by for a free Inspection ot our home Terms to suit. Rt. 2, Box 390R. 'Chemawa'. Jm238 3 RD. RM. house Enalewood dist. Lease. 387 N Ji,,n' im GARAGE house. Nice location. Write Cap italJournel Box 489. Jm339 MOD. FI'RN. rott7onrbdrmlmi. N. of Brooks on 99E. Mrs. C. P. Martin. m341 s RM. furn house with A" "RtrY.Box SOT. miles south of Btat St. JmJJg FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS NFW STORE building for lease. Ph. 21835 or ran ai to, a Broadway. J247 GARlGE TOR rent. Union ft Capital. Ph 3828 1338 ReaaonsbltTVui , to to ' ?0 M and Rd. i 'AUTOMOBILES Valley Motor Co. PICKUPS 1947 Ford 1-ton, 4-speed trans. 1943 Ford '2-ton 1944 Dodge 'a -ton, 4-speed trans. 1941 Dodge 'i-ton 1941 Chev. 'i-ton 1937 Chev. i-ton, 4-speed trans. TRUCKS 1947 Ford C.O.M. Stake body, 2-speed axle. 1946 Chev. flatbed 1948 Chev. chassis 4 cab, 5-speed trans. 1946 Chev. chassis & cab, 3-speed Brownie DUMP TRUCKS 1949 Ford 4-5 yd. box, 2-speed axle 1948 Ford 4-5 yd. box, 2-speed axle, 3-speed Brownie 1940 Chev. 4 yd. box, 2-speed axle WE CAN GIVE YOU FAST DELIVERY ON NEW PICKUPS AND TRUCKS - ANY SIZE Valley Motor Truck Dept. LIBERTY AT MARION PHONE 3-3147 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS V DRIVE Truckw. Robinson Shell Service. Centerat Cottage. Ph. 29103. j STORE BLDG. Hollywood Dlst Inquire 2330 Fairground. Ph. 3-7146. J239 BlalNESS KM. lor rent H L Stilt, OFFICE, desk space, Conv loc. Ph 39133 J245 Montgomerj J POWER TOOL rentals for nome and in dustrial use Howsei Bros Ph 3-3646. 1 TRAILER house for rent at 1210 N. 5th St. j240 TO DO a good Job rent good floor sand r W tll everything to complete the job BOWSER BROS . Ph. 3-3646 1 OOD L'SED PIANOS. H. L. Stiff. OFFICE spaces and desk spaces Pb. 25692 r TRAILERS 12.00 per day. Howaer Bros 141u b 12th, West Salem. J SINGER ELECTRIC portable sewing ma chines. Reasonable rates. Free pick up Ai delivery. Singer Sewing Machine Co 130 N. Com 1. Ph. 33512 f WANTED TO RENT YOUNG WORKING couple needs furn. apt. closein. Ph. 36473. Ja241 FARM OR HOUSE in vicinity of Salem. Year's rent in advance. Write Box 491 care of Capital Journal. ja243 FAMILY NEEDS 2 or 3 BR later built home, city or suburban, by Oct. 15. Ref erences supplied. Guaranteed good care. Phone 3-1080. ja238 WOULD LIKE TO RENT 20 or 30 acres of tarm land. Ph. 3-1121. Ja239 ROOM AND BOARD BOARDjb room. 495 N. Cottage. Ji241 board St ROOM for children by day! week or month. Ph. 22606. jJ243 BOARD and room. Ph. 3-8706! J25T LOST AND FOUND LOST: BROWN purse In Miller'a. $20. Re ward. Ph. 21897 or 37870. k238' LOST: GLASSES, brown case. Mary Campbell. Ph. 25265. LOST Orange Persian cat, vicinity 1980 6. High St. Child's pet. Ph. 2-4646. Re ward. k239 FOUND: Lady's wrist watch. Sat. nite. Corner of State St High. Call .mity 3 7 2. k238 LOST: 2 yr. old child's blue coat, trimmed with pink. Between Capital Journal of fice and bus depot. Mrs. Taylor, Silver ton hospital. k238 MISCELLANEOUS LES SPRINGERrrnenV hatter. 464 Court. We close Saturdays 12:30. m244' POWER TOOL RENTAL: VALLEY FARM emjKis, J4o suverton Rd. Ph. 2-2024. m259 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 1 HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolph Bid,,. --State & Commorvlal Sts SALEM Phone 3-3311 - m BUILDING MATERIALS SHINGLES C. O. LONG. Phone 2-5821, north of Keizer. SHINGLES missing? Gutter down? Get "em fixed up! S--e Keith Brown, Front ft Court St., Salem. ma GRAVEL FOR concrete mix and roads. 81 gurdaon. Phone 31160. ma249 NOTICE CONTRACTORS 50-ft. trusses for a building 50x140 ft. See Christ on the Job at 1256 Ferry St. Madson Wrecking Co. ma.-240 SALE ENDS SATURDAY f BUILdTncT NEEDS AT SLASHED PRICES! Here's your last chance to cash in on Wards tremendous sale! Roofing, siding. Insu lation, wall tile, kitchen cabinets, etc. etc. ... all going fast! AND . . . save up to M'f on odd-lot samples and slightly damaged items. Hurry . , , hurrv . , . HURRY! Don't let the crowd beat you to itf Make huge savings now! Check these typical values . . . then come In quick and nave! Reg. 8.60 2-8x6-8 Screen Doors .... 5.95 Reg. 1.79 Granulated Rock wool .... 1.48 Reg. 13.95 Asbestos Siding 12.88 Reg. 45c Aluminum Tile 39c Rg. 3 29 Hock Wool Halts 2 88 Rea. 7 95 3 in 1 Shingles 8.97 BUY NOW FOR BIO SAVINGS PAY LATER! ONLY 10', DOWN, BALANCE MONTHLY. ma23B NEED LUMBER? 4 larger amounts. Builders are realizing substantial savings on all grades ol framing lumber No. 4 2x4-1x8 ship Up M7 per M: 2xfl-28-2xlO $15 per M No. 3. 2x4 shlplap 136 per M. Price In cludes delivery. West Salem Saw Mill, iu.-u waiiace ho. Ph. 39593. ma249 CEDAR SIDING New smpment ixS" and .xio- cedar siding, all grades Keith Brown, Front & Court Sts., Salem, ma RAVI orT roofTnq Lei Wards give you compieu IN STALLED price on rout roofing needs Wide range of colors Call our outside aalesman for frtv estimate Phone 1-3191 MONTOOMERY WARD ft CO SALEM OREGON ma DEAR CUSTOMER, insist on vour con tractor and carpenter using the finest old growth vertical grain yellow fir finished lumber In Salem. On hand at Dick Meyer Lumber Co. 35 Lang Ave Ph. 34939. Free parking. ma M.l'MK . LOCh"ALOMINUM LOCK jli INGLE. The modern permanent roof ing Sea your d-aler of Call Dlst. 3-6401 ma272 LUMBER and mill work, cabinets, too. Evervthine you need, is here for you. Keith Brown. Front ft Court St.. Sa lem, ma RED CEDAR SHINGLES High Mountain or Coast Tlmoer No 1 $7 75 DELIVERED ANY AMOUNT 100 aqs. No. I. I in clear, suitable for roofs or Jidewalls. Ted Muller. Ph. 3a lem J-119 Salem-Indep. Road mi FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS WHITE TREADLE sewing machine. Reas onable, m satinaw. rear apt. or ph. t.239 TWO I M.M. deer hunting rifles. Ph. 3-1303 n239 WOOD CIRCULATOR, oil circulator, wood heaters, gas ranges, wood ranges, sew int machines, old S drawer chest. 145 SouthChurch. n239 BED DAVNEPORTflorDaYnollorRock er 2. Heat Master roaster with timer. Oood small circulating heater. Window 5x6 ft with frame. $41 black gab. coat 111. 140 Cbtmektta, 1.3)9 17.75 sq. 5.00 sq. 3.00 sq. , One mile ma338' I AUTOMOBILES q239" e4 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS USED SPINET PIANO" Kimball Console! te. Mahogany Queen Anne period design. This beautiful piano is Just like new. Substantial savings. STONE PIANO CO. (The Valley's Finest Piano Store) . 1540 Fairgrounds Rd. n242 1 LOGS wanted. Schwab Lumber Co. Milla locaieo at Hazel Green, P.O. Box 201, Sllverton. Ph. .1722 SUverton. n242 WHITE chiffon ic satin formal, sin 4. could be used tor wedding dress. Ph. 3-5937 evenings. n239" 18x7 FT. trailer awning. Good cond. Will sacrifice for 130. 888 N. Com'l. n242 L. C. SMITH No. 5, f2o7can bt teen at ioou n. inn auer 0. n239 CAS WELDING et. Oaueei, how li tor men, rn, mim. jjy un.rie, Av.. n238 LEONARD REFRIO. Roper g.s ringV A, good s new. Also Montgomery Ward washer. Must sell Immed. Will sacrl ilre to aomeon. taking all three. Ph. . nB Washing Machines Repaired Vacuum Cleaners Repaired Sewing Machines Repaired ALL MAKES. PICK UP AND DELIVER W. DAVENPORT pH. 3-7"i n263 SMALL BUNGALOW piano and bench ln ,.v.ic. vuumtion. iouu B. cottage. najfl ENFIELD S PORTER. Restocked. Redfleld Bleu"'. dAtrneni conaition. pn. 2-5422. n238 STERLING SILVER Ware, Weit Morland! Melborn Rose, Service for aig. Call FROGIL oil circulator. 822 N. 17th St. 1)239 NARROW arm daveno with matching rocker. Wine, blue, beige. Floral pat tern homespun. A beautiful combination for $98.00. And green stamps too. SALEM HOME FURN. CO. 137 No. Com'l. n238 8,(MMl WATT Weslx heater, thermostat control. With built-in fireplace. Just right for a party room. 721 Ferry. n33B RUSSIAN squirrel Locke fur coat. Slxe 12 Excellent condition. Newly glazed. Call after 4.00 p.m. except Sundays. 736 N commercial. Best offer over $75. n24l OIL burner for furnace. Pot type wit oiower. Automatic, 140. 2190 Myrt le. 64 NOTE PIANO . dainty instrument of modern design, tegularly $378. Special $195. STONE PIANO CO. (The Valleys Flnst Piano Store 1540 Fairgrounds Rd. n2421 Ct'STOM built 270 Mauser. New. 471 Cas 1.238 YOUNG man's suit, size 35. Like new. Call a-umi aiLer a p.m. nMg BABY bed, spring ft mattress. High ehalr!" uaoy ouggy, run gige springs ft mat- tress. Ph. 2-5526. n338 2 BURNER oil heater. Good eond. Ph MOVING! Must sell La under all auto. 1-8421. n23S washer, $165.00. Ph. BEAUTY COUNSELOR products. Ph. 27334 B240" PEAT MOSS fortified with turkey drop- "L"'- wniy uc a sac. VALLEY FARM STORE. 4345 Sllverton Rd. Ph. J-2024. n3591 SHELLS for foreign ft odd caliber rifles eacicett, 1S10 So. Winter, Ph. 1-4912. P241 L'SED ELECTRIC refrigerators. YEATER arrLissua tu., 375 vhemeketg. n251 USED ELECTRIC ranges. YEATER AP PLIANCE CO., 375 Chemeketa. n251 USED WASHING machines. YEATER AP- r LiswuE CO., 375 Chemeketa. n25'- OIL CIRCULATORS, drastically reduced prices, IIAIUK APPLIANCE CO., 875 Chemeketa. n251 HUNTERS ATTENTION: Save your gam in a Deepfreeze Home Freeeer YEATER APPLIANCE CO., 375 Chemeketa. n25 1 ALL FAMOUS makes of small appllancesT YEATER APPLIANCE CO.. 178 Cheme- ke'- n381 SEWING MACHINES: Free Westing house". YEATER APPLIANCE CO., 375 Chem- ct: n2ftl- WESTINGHOUSE radio phonograph con soles. As little as 189.50. YEATER AP PLIANCE CO., 375 Chemeketa. n35i NEW A USED musical Instruments ft spinet ft grand pianos at reduced prices. JAQUITH MUSIC CO., Ph. 3-4641 n24 PLASTI-KOTE: The cellophane-like !nZ ish for your floors, woodwork or lino leum, no waxing required. YEATER AP PLIANC E CO., 273 Chemeketa. p35 1 FULLER brushes, 1745 Grant. Ph. 3-8357" 0244" SEWING MACHINES. New Home electrlcT $89.95 ft up. Ph. 33139. Ralph Johnson Appliances 11245 PURE MANILA HAY ROPE Strong and durable! Gives top perfor mance under any conditions. Made of the most carefully selected manlla fib ers. Waterproofed, lubricated to lncrea, pliability. 7 8". Per 100 ft $13 00 WARDS FARM STORE Trade ft High 8ts. Salem. Ore. n238 B M.M. deer rifle and shell. SporterT uooa cond. Ph. 2-8194 before 1 p.m. n240 I EVANOIL oil stove. With barrel and stove mat. 1 combination wood ft gas range. Ph. 3-4084. n24(l OLDER model Frigldalre. single bed. sfmT mona springs, oeautyrest mattress. Llxe new. Lane old fashioned book case Round coffee table. Nice trash burner. All good furniture. 721 Ferry 8t. n340" MOVING by 15th. must sell Frig., deluxe 2-oven stove, refrig., L.R. set, rugs etc Redwood lawn furniture. 185 N. I3th! n240 ELECTRIC range, apt, size Montag, 4- nurner. 1129. Custom Aire oil circula tor, 140. Maytag washer, $30. Ph. 2-8809. n240 APROX. 15 yds. 2 tone blue carpet. Ben" dlx auto, washer. Rt. Boi 427. 0 milei east on Market St. 0 DAVENO AND matching chair, Lawson style; maple dining room set. bedroom furniture. All good condition. 438 Wayne Drive. Manbrln Gardens. Phone 23051 10 a.m. -12 or 3-0 p m. n33 AIR-O-FLAME oil circulator. I room lire Oood condition. Nice looking. Ph. 23182 D240 ONE MITRE box. 1388 8. 13th. n240 (Continued on Page 23) i -4