1 r'Ov ,.r. . TlAga Khan's 17-Year-Old Son asks Daiienna to yyea By SALLY SWING Paris, Oct. t U.R Beautiful Ethery Pagava, youngest ballerina of the grand ballet De Monte Carlo, said today that Prince Sadruddin Khan, 17-year-old ion of the Aga Khan, had asked her to marry him. But the 17-year-old ballerina said the did not plan on be coming a sister-in-law of Rita Hayworth for at least ten yean I can't possibly make up my mind for at least 10 yean," she said. The dancer lives in a small Paris apartment with her father, Georgian Prir.-e Lev3n Pagava t ft' . r.,. .... , w ?f 'jf' ... U4 Hodges Leaps in Vain stE. S in the second Inning of the opening world series game at Yankee stadium, but Yankees' first sacker Tommy Henrich already has the ball for a double play. Carl Furillo (6) of Brooklyn was forced at second on Hodges' grounder to Pitcher Allie Reynolds who threw to New York's Gerry Coleman (upper left) to start the double play. Jake Fitter (31) is a Dodger coach. (AP Wirephoto) income. It is now taken on the first $3,000. The tax will go up automatically to 14 per cent in 1950, under present law. Social Security Expansion Bill Passed by House Washington, Oct. 6 WP) Riding a triumphant 333 to 14 house vote, legislation vastly expanding the nation's social security program moved over to the senate today. It would add 11,000,000 to the 35,000,000 workers now covered by old age insurance. Its sponsors voiced hope It- would lessen strikes and strife over labor demands for pension plans financed wholly by em ployers. In the federal program, workers and employers share equally the cost of the benefits the workers later receive. Senate approval is considered virtually certain sometime be fore the 1950 fall elections. Chairman George (D., Ga.V of the senate finance committee said the senate is bound to vote for higher security benefits, but will not be able to act before the second session of the 81st congress convenes in January. The new bill would raise the minimum old age benefit from $10 a month to $25 a month. It would increase the maximum benefit for an elderly couple from $85 to around $126 a month. Benefits are based on a person's average wage and the number of his working years during which he paid payroll taxes into the program. In addition to blanketing new millions under old age and sur vivors insurance, for a total of 48,000,000 covered workers, the 201-page bill would: 1. Boost, benefits by 70 to 80 per cent or more. 2. Create new disability in surance, to take care of persons who by illness or accident can never work again. 3. Increase the payroll taxes on employe and employer. The tax would go -up from the pres ent 1 per cent on each, to 14 per cent next year: 2 per cent in 1951; 24 per cent in 1960; 3 per cent in 1965; and to 3 '4 per cent on each in 1970. Th tax would be collected on the first $3,600 of a person's Seeks to Enjoin Painters Union Complaint filed in circuit court here by Don F. Steppe vs. Brotherhood of Painters, Decor ators & Paperhangers of Amer ica No. 724, Salem, and War ren P. nigeiow, ia i-raine, James Cutler and W. L. Barnett, seeks to enjoin the defendants from preventing members of the union from working for plaintiff or in any manner pre venting plaintiff from hiring union painters. Steppe alleges in his com plaint that November 1, 1947. acting through the Painting and Decorating Contractors of America as its agent, he enter ed into a contract with the de fendant union whereby the de fendant agreed to furnish at plaintiff s request skilled work men journeymen painters and decorators from the membership of the union. Replying upon this working agreement, he says he entered into contracts with third persons for work grossing a sum in ex cess of $25,000. On September 2, this year, he says that the defendant union breached the contract by pro hibiting the union from furnish ing journeymen painters from its membership to work for plaintiff and sent him a notice stating he was not to have union painters for a period of six months. "This action," he says the notice advised him, "came as a result of your having been found guilty of working with non-union painters at the Yea- ter Appliance Co." Defendant James Cutler is named as business agent of the union, Warren Bigelow, presi dent; Sid Prairie, financial sec retary, and W. L. Barnett, re cording secretary. Among the United States, the amount of insurance in force per capita varies from $400 in Mis sissippi to $1970 in New York. Sarcastic Note Traps Burglar Marshall, Mich. (U.R) A young burglar's sarcasm led to his arrest. Eighteen-year-old Maynard Miller left a note which told store manager Neil Smith: "Next time don't leave a broken window for me. It was too easy to get in." Smith recognized the handwriting and Miller was arrested. He confessed robbing the store of $67. 'He is a very nice and a very serious boy," she said. "But we are too young to marry. He is only 17 and so am I. We are very good friends." Prince Sadruddin, a younger brother of Prince Aly Khan. Rita Hayworth's husband, is studying law at Lausanne, Miss Pagava said. "Perhaps someday he will found a ballet company, and I will be the star." she said wist fully. "But unt'l then my only ambition is to be a great classi cal dancer. In Lausanne Sarruddin's tu tor, Alfred Tochtermann, denied reports of a serious romance. 'One cannot tell what young people say when they are alone but it is safe to say that my pupil has by now forgotten all about this little Paris romance," Tochtermann said. Miss Pagava said her work left her little time for courtship I felt sorry for 'Sad' at Monte Carlo. Every time he came to see me I was rehearsing or per forming. But he sat patiently and watched as I danced," she said. Despite her youth, the young ballerina is considered one of the stars of the Monte Carlo company, where she has per formed such veteran roles as "Giselle." Plants sometimes have a con dition which is akin to human apoplexy and they wilt and die suddenly. (AdvtrtijtnKnt) RELIEF AT LAST For Your COUGH Creomuluton rllvei promptly becaute H (rota right to the tat of th trouble to help loosen ind expel germ laden phlegm and aid nature to toothe and heal raw, tender, inllamed bronchial mucous mem branes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulslon with the under standing you must like the way It quickly allays the cough or you are to have your money back, CREOMULSION lor Coughs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis LEGAL NOTICE OF PI'BLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to all peronx particularly Interested and to the general public that a hearing will be held before the common council of the city of Salem. Oregon, at the city hall on the tenth day of October. 1949. at the hour of I SO p.m.. to consider an ordin ance to change from a Claj I Residential Dm t net to a Claw II Residential! District tht following described premiaes, town: Lot Five 15) Subdivision of Blocks 3 and 35 of V' Park Annex No. 2 to &alem. Marlon County. Or' a on. Ree Volume II, Pase 27. Record of T w n PI a u for Sa id Cou t y and State BY ORDER OP THE COMMON COUN CIL; ALFRED MUNDT City Recorder. Oft . . T. BUNIONS Get thlaj quick relief. LiftJ ho preiHiire, aoothea, mart ions, protect the aenaitiv spot. Auk for th Bunion ait. r Why Suffer Any Longer Frn tAbtra tan m tut Chinese rented! Amatlng suceea for WOO ear n China. No natter wito hai itlmeotj you are afflicted disorder lnuiua bearv Innca. Uvet. Ktdneya (as. toBMlpatten. altera, dub tea rheumatism aa!) and bladder. ! tcift. rmM complaint CHARLIE CHAM CPITXtsE HERB CO. ortie Han a i a Fiea, t Only N Cnaereial Phone ttl SALEM. ORE Simmons Space Savers Li! .... J. lA.tti I Smart STUDIO DIVAN Make room for this beautiful Beautyrest Twin Divan . . . and it will give you an extra bedroom besides all the comfort of a luxurious daytime piece. Covers have been specially selected to entice you . . . give you new decorating schemes and ideas. 119 so 1 50 Luxurious SOFA BED Another Simmons EXCLUSIVE tor spare-shy homes. This sofa is very smartly styled . . . It's wonderfully comfortable . . . and it opens Into a big Beautyrest bed! Some and see how it works! See new textured weave fabrics in modern colors. 139 Capllnl Journal. Salem. Ore., Thursday, Ocloher B. 1949 21 . . SENSA TI0MAL THI 8TOBE3 OF BETTER VALUES jr& iff lill f nnf nrlnllv Pi irz-hncorl isw O'' f-' - I J I Ml .1 (UVU you would expect to pay much more! Metropolitan brings you these FRESH! NEW! 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