SO Capital Journal. Salem. Ore.. Thursday. October 6. 1949 DT I ASSURE YOU, MRS. PARKS-- V AKJV fA.t I CDAtl witi it ii i RADIO PROGRAMS DOUBLE TROUBLE RECEIVE SPECIAL ATTENTION, THURSDAY P. M. f"vOU DON'T NEED TO T RIGHT MR. LJfltL CALl MRS. FWfiKS VVOULD"nATURALLV J I SHALL 1 3 1 THE SITTER AGENCY. A. HIMSELF r"1 ' g "Zmi. i H K5HLV COMTTNT k KGW At NewifeorurM By WILLIAM HOBSON (Chapter 10) Jar law the dark outline of pos albly a dozen crude ahaclu and at ut Illteen corral larther out on the prairie. The horse raider must have been pretty sure of his strength and cunning to have such a big camp within thirty or forty miles en a big ranch. Thev rode ud and swum down A dozen or so riders lounged about Doth on the porch and inside. "To, boys," Pennock greeted them as they mounted the porch. "Look who I got with me." "HI, Joe," several men greeted Allison, though there was some thing curious, almost strained in their looks. Jay knew that word of Joe's getting shot in the raid on Randall's Morgans was bound to spread. He'd Just have to let things go and see what happened. They went inside and a pretty, dark-faced, dark-eyed girl who was either half or full-blooded Mexican oame over and looked up with a bright glance. "So? You have come back at last?" she asked, and he caught the faint trace of an accent In her TOlce. . "Yep, he's come back, Lucia," chuckled Turk Pennock, turning, glass in hand. But it won't do you any good this time. Old Man Ran dall laid down the law to him plenty." "Who la this old man Randall?" aha demanded. Pennock, with a guffaw, replied for him. "Shucks, Lucia, didn't he ever tell you as Dow he's going to marry Randalls ranch one of these days? That gal over there" "So?" Lucia demanded. "I let you kiss me an' now you have an other girl all the time." Jay squirmed at the laughter of several men and was glad when she flounced over and leaned be side Turk. . "That's all right, honey," he drawled, and slid an arm around her waist. "I'll kiss you any time, and I ain't got no other girl." A lithe-looking, Mexican rider, moved In, wariness In every move ment of his body. "Lucia, she Is my girl," he said in slow, precise English. "You keep awny from her, Joe. You understand?" i "Take It easy, Miguel," grinned Turk. I "I am no man's girl," she In formed the three of them. "And my father Is an American and I 'was born here." "You are my girl," the border , Mexican Insisted. "Some day I take ,you with me to Mexico." i "Her paw might hev aomethln' 'to say about that," grinned Turk 'good-humoredly. "He catches a jgreaser from across the line fool jln' with Lucia an'" J Something like a snarl broke from jthe Mexican rider's Hps at the word r'greaser," the greatest insult you jcould utter to a Mexican. His hand j flashed to his hip and started up, I but Jay was standing beside him land his hand flashed down, holding the gun In Its sheath, j 'Turn loose!" snarled Miguel. "I ,kel you. I keel both of you now!" Rage had changed his precise Eng lish. He was snarling like a cat, 'his dark, handsome face contorted. JBut Jay's fast action had given ,Turk and the others time to move. Three men were on the Mexican iralder In a flash. They held him while he struggled and cursed in JSpanish. One of them slipped the (gun from Its sheath, laughing, and land handed H over to the man back of the crude eight-foot bar. J "Here, Limpv, put this back there till Miguel cools off. Come on, boys; CUt it out. You know what Brad's torders are about flghtin' amongst t ourselves In camp. Cool down, Mlg. JJoe an' Turk don't want yore girl." J "I am not his girl." snapped Lucia. JShe stood, slim and willowv. head ,back. her eyes flashing. She was mot at all disturbed that the trou ?ble had been over her. ! They released the Mexican raider His face was a shade paler, his eves J W,B,,. AXC J,KU .cgaiucu ills turn . posure. 1 "Some day I kill you for this, roe,- ne aaia quieuv. "Aw, fergit it, Mlg," Turk said good-humoredly. He turned to Joe, the matter now past. "If you ever git In a Jain. Joe, an' need a friend, you won't have to send word more than once to Turk pennock." "I, too, do not forget," the Mex ican vaauero said with a signifi cance In the words that left no doubt as to his meaning. Jav turned to the bar and heard footsteps beside him and looked up Into the face of Jim Swlnnerton. The lawyer was smiling. "That was a nice bit of work but you've made an enemy. We don't allow that kind of thing here in camp. So watch your steD . Joe. That makes two enemies you've got here now." This last In a very low voice, -peg smun is here." "Yes?" Jav answered in an eaual. ly low voice, inaudible to all but Swlnnerton above the hum of con versation in the room. 'Maybe we'd better take a walk Your brother is here, too. Hank brought him In on a travois. My orders. ' (To Be Continued) Mill Takes Holiday Lyons Mt. Jefferson lumber company mill closes down Fri day night for a week's vacation, with repair work to be done. Some of the men on vacation will take advantage of the hunt ing season. The Jacket Dress A dress look a two-piece look both in this new est of ensembles mating a cap sleeve charmer with its own but ton-up bolero-Jacket I Tills Is a style that takes well to many fab rics, irom casual wool to a dressy crisp faille or taffeta. No. 3060 is cut in sizes 12. 14, 16. 18. 20, 36. 38 and 40. Size 16 dress. yds. 39-in.; Jacket, 2', yds. 39-ln. Just out! The rALL - WINTER FASHION BOOK presenting fash ions they are wearing now and new styles to come. Over 150 practical easy-to-sew, up-to-the-minute pat tern aesigns lor all ages. Remem ber, it's smart to sew your own and save money, order your copy now price Just 20 cents. Send 25c for PATTERN with Name, Address and Style Number State Size desired. Address Capital Journal. 552 Mis sion St.. San Francisco 5. Calif Knr i .jr R2832 RUNOUT 0 Blue Bird and Roses Enhance bed or table linens, nil low top or chair back with these lovely vibrant colored bluebirds and rose motifs. Simple cross stitch worxea in lovely shades Pattern Envelope No. R2833 con tains 10 hot-Iron transfer motifs four 10 by Inches and four l't Inch squares: one 13 by 6 Inches and one 1J' Dy V inches; color chart; stitch Illustrations; material requirements ana complete directions. To obtain this pattern, send 30c In COINS, given pattern number your name, address and zone num ber to Peggy Roberts. Capital Jour nal, 838 Mission Street, San Fran cisco 3. Calif. 7 MW5. KAKISD HfcKfc tC t 9mMi 1 s N H'.tS OITTCK l IWT . T w T I 10 If ., i I I I'- '.'- . I I AKOaJO -t 7;4S O EZ"""SSE2K2f3r3 BUT WINTERS COMIN' NO THE COBInI F I HAVE CONSIDERED "TSn !?! f ALL OF 'EM SOCK NATURALLV-ANO nr W 'FORE IflNG-WHERElXWE IS HARDLY III THAT I THINK I HAVE I ' ' I J:4S R m AGAIN WHY, TH' WILL CONTINUE TO BE II FEED 'EM THEN? CANT LARGE ENOUGH 1 K A PLAN I i:M p I PLACE IS LOADED "LOADED" AS LONG AS WH I I EAT OUT HERE IN FOR THE I Hgt9aK I 8:I5 I CAM WE PUT P I - EC MADE A SUGUT T fl WAS SO SURE IT WAS TUE 1 I DOMT FEEL BAO.DADCriC.l!L2t55.1 I TUETRAILCbJ ERROR..THE EASTVJESTERrJ K5AME SCHOOL THAT 1 DIDW'TJ THE REASON YOUUE ' ; WlTj ESO ,?:JS frr- ah dowt know HOW ah kin "K . ( why. ( thass ) I I jest point th-y . -NT-r" f'vDul git o kigmiesTth vew-nitzd states.1:' ) Aj I bless on direction thass ) -and X f vo see I S v 1 see? I all ah got is mam RETURN TicKET'Trrfl ycxir JN( account whar the V on C when we ) -we i-V wsl now ) ( I , o sEE.AHTHcxjaHTAH wASGcwNA7(i,y soul.-T we -- cw-mted foccoont ) Pits IS f ( -kia?V S 1. inherit hfty million dollars-TfM you dorft y IS t states is. we is X thir-well ) part us WaLSO) I but all am got was FiFTY , I hfta worry T part and well A FAKT O find vo' ! blcod- Tpcodbve-A part J ' million CF-gitPy-YQ'.r Sjj , bout inrr Wi- ) o,t thac riomingleasv-kerouiJSnd don't foot L 7x l( iWV'Ki llke pic)eon-ytJoodhounds , worry f ball J ( foit itCZy fl 1 tO llWe f,sn- J 1 T CY rominoV? 7 I f 'bout I l ISRMPR M rfAJ;' P'-jeonS-) T I VTHAT-) ) IMUTT.LEND V DIDN'T I WHy ) fl I nST YwKAT ASAINU r rut THAT Kin's 1 1 M ME A QUARTER WOO GO HO.M N0T? MY I TrtATS TrtREE Vf.Tj. , K LU cAN'T U TO CO TO rTO WORK ) 2J" BUS DAYS THIS MN0W-JT & .-J.-, J T UWORK' S YET? fJ pABp WEEK YOU t & L J , PI HOPS rrS BETTErI I BY 6ECR6E! W HAVE TvtS.WE MOOONTO I mm-A WJ i pcTpe THAN THAT TWISTED Wt IMPROVEMENTS! THE ST0(?A6E BATTERIES ' SALTY ! t TWOU6HT RUSry R;AV - FOLLOW ME. SANDWL. 'SNAKE HOLE' VVE ELECTRIC LI6HT6 Ji OF TWE"FISHrSlT POWN. I HEATO VOICES ' M OVER TO THOSE . ?J?-WatiL USEDTOKAVETO . v wJZf 1 I WA TO EE BTOvHT HBWP ESv" RCWS. ' MM wmwmm HOW ION6 CAN IHt WILLILKsHr .nnwI (.Tll&HT 1 I? KfANINOHt'DMAVt ANOTHER I lBsHajSSBflTrT?' COMrv)NVITMi.KANC)WAKHtH)wou, L PHONY HtAUT ATTACK.?--ONAY.'iVv y I ""'A g.-Wfc'1 61ACIERS WHIZ WiT, WARTY? mMl0lf lKOr (.) AAAVft Wt CAN GIT THt STUFF , KS. I &i,,2fT i. WHVrx)N-tYOUHIRlAMOnRNUCMArfR.R0N u WITHOUT PAIN . L "J A S- la'o Wt M VERC WRITtR AND PUMP SOMt y ONTMt PAYROLL' I V OR PAYIN'- ! 7 , IVL. VI I R b"' aa'Ob KmonT lld . sj Fitter, ftw IOongt f Tinea 00 frt nili Mttlie Mart Ire 45 " 00 Prr? Cmm II rrry Cam Afl Slnilr-KlrtB il Warld Stmt ;3AAldrlrb rnl? ;454ldrlrh rmllv Afl'Filhfr Kntwi ;WbaUr Ravi ;() Wvbilrr Bajt 00 k a in Havn iclMart. Downfr 30lpl. Pi. Final :00rWB 1 e; iftii Mum am 30 Wax Muwnm Wax Muaeam OOAlR Off K0IN 170 CB Knax Maanlni ILIIII Shaw iFralura iUry p(wa jSaapeaaa Crime Ptaatatraabrr jTha riahaaaa fTh Plavhaaat Elral Nlfhttr irat MfbUr writ Tbaaaas flak aallk 114 r. Kni Mr. Kcaa KEX 11W ABC Grcaa Harntl r.rtiii Haratl kr Kins Sb r Kim Hraalin E4II. H. Kalliaa Tha Eva Tha ta ICaaattnav CaanlrriBT riral IM yra. rtrt IM vra. mi. r.B.i. Beulah Club II Tatar Pinal Yoa anal World AlfFIa prchralrs Kcrrnada Orehtalra Randatand N'awa 8Hent Amataar Haar Amataar Haar !A ma tear Hair (Name Marie Name Maria Rebt Mntamrr Daman Ron ran Thaater RlrhCId Rrp'trl Intarmaiaa Concert Hoar Concert Hoar Concert Hour Concert Hour Mtmea Memaa Xtra Hoar KSLM 130 UBC K0C0 MMJCc. r IRhTthm Ranch ifltralabt Arrow I lralibl Arrow Abjrtbaa Raneh raft. MldnlihtlRini Croib ant. MJdnlfht nnilnaea Mwi kGab. Healer Candle Llfht , Newa I dllftr Maale In Mar (New a an planner IBiU Sttra Drama af Med.Tal O'Brien ftlntlnr Ktlrnn iMaale. Jacknal It am bier a IF.eelrn Knifhl Ramblera Faotball Praahel LHan'Ini (nldTrf b Hflt" Map'lnr CaaaldrTrack KM frarn lam rack 14M barld iJarld Rata (Newareal IMuela piaalo Full. Lawla Jr. II oral Ncwa New a Muale Lore Mratery T B A 'Rnaa Morran Ruta Morfan 8lm Off (Track 1M Track 14M Skip rrell Frontier Town Frontier Town Muale You Want Muaifl Van Want ! Nocturne Nocturne Nocturne FRIDAY S A. M. TO 4:45 P. M. OA 'n ad ee Pod re ;15;Kneai Newt ; 45 (Fr J i me 00 Old Same l." Old Mania IO Kneaaa Newt Sara Hire Sneaeoth Mnalc Knoaootb Mnalc lack Berch 4 Spate Rldera Second Cap Second Cub flfTrople Echaaa Kneaei ,ewa Marrlata for t Lora Lawton Hot t tea Honaa Party SCWB KOIN Klack KOIN Klack KOINElack IkOIN Klack Comaaer Newa Wendy Warren Aunt Jenny Helen Trent bar Gal Sunday Blf Kilter Prrklni Dr. Halona Guldlnf Llfht 'Double, Nothlni lSlDouble, Nothlni ftHiTod'ya Cbildren 45 (Light af World 00 Life Beautiful l.VKnraii Newa 30 iP. V ii'i ram. 45Rliht la Hap. HO Rarkitafe Wife :15lteila Uallaa :30il'Orenxo Jonca ;45 Y'ng Wld. Br'a :O0'wh. G. Marrlrai ll.SjPor. Facet Life ;30Jnet Plain Bill 45 Front Pi. Far ll Ofl'Wcte. Traveler' nrlr. Travelers Aunt Mary Wa Lore. Learn I Worn. Secret Road to LUe Kins Cola Trio lOn Snnny Side Keep ffmlllnv Keep Smiling Keep fttnlMnf Keep Smlllnx W'aihb'rn Newa! Mart. Affranakr Bob Haien IZcko Maancrt nd Mra. Burt'n Perry Mason Sarah Drake Briehter Day Newt Come Get It Brian! A Llffht Art Baker Barny'd Folllea Garry Moore Kiarry Mao re Klrkham Newa Meet the Mhans1 Meet tba MUaai Tnnefnlly Tonral Art Klrkham Arthnr Godfrey I Arthur Godfrey Arthur Godfrey Arthur Godfrey Arthur Godfrey Maaaey JEdw. Murrew Mewa Summary Timekeeper March Tlma (Newa Breakfaat Club Breakfaal Club Breakfaat Ctitb Breakfaat CUb Mildred Bedell Stare of Today Art Linkletter ArtLlnkletter Malone Galen Draka Mr True Story My True btory Betty Crocker Rid. af P. Sate Vrtnweeternera N'weatcrnera A khaie Talking iNewe Victor Llndlahr Meet MenJoua Brkf. In Holly. Brkf. In Uoily, Kay Weil Kay Weat (Ncwa &rkfat. Ganff aalc Top Trades Warf. Cannier at Khlna Sona af PloneeraWeatera Melad. iMornlni SpeelalCh'rch In Wild. W. Newa ul Club raitar'a Call Warld Serlea Jay Stewart Jar Stewart Bride Jt Groans' Brlda aV Grooaa Talk Way Out Talk War Out Be Seatrd Ted Malone Mod. Romaneea Mod. Romance! seulrrel Cava Squirrel Caere Tea Rltler INewe dt Saorta Tap a' Mernlnc Newa Klng't Crnaad. IKInc't Crnaad. World Serlei World Serlea World Serlea World8erlee World Serlea World Serlea World Serlea World Serlea Top Trades INewe NW Newa Bnb Eberly nll Neishbor Harvey Harding lOrcan Rev'riea Bins Slnsa Asalnat Stoma IAsalnat Staroa Muale Muaia Way It w. Muale jsay It . Muale LNewB Konia af Tlmei rulton Lew la r. Hemingway Behind Story Time for Mel'dr Tlma for Hel'dy Ktara 81ns Chat Thomas NW Nawt Muale Tune Tlma Wis Keya Muale Mart Muale Mart Jan Garber Vocal Varletlea H'llywoad Muaia H'llywood Muaia Newa fTrd Dale Prea. Mae't Mac's Mac's Mac's Melodies Melodiea Melodies Melodies Mae'a Mar's Mae'a Mac't Mae'a Mae'a Mae'a Mac's Melodiea Melodiea Melodies Melodies Melodies Mrladles Melodies Melodies Movie Tlma iPhllaaopher By era Can Bl Beautiful DIAL LISTING, KOAC 550 ffkr Thnredav P.M. S:M. Chll T WnV dren'a Theateri S:IS. On the Vpbeatl 6: SO, MO Sporta Clnbi :, Newa i :15, Dinner Melodlett :M, 'Round lbs Campfirtl 1:M, Headlines In Chemlalryi 1:1ft, Cvanlnr Ttm Houri R:0O, Aviation In tba Newa! B:lft. Great Sonsat :, Prorram af Canadai 11:45. Lossert' Firs Weather Forecaat, Newa; B:0A, Muaia That Endureai :. Eva. nlns Mrdltatlonti ln:M, Sign Off. KOAC Frld-ir A.M. 1 0:00, Newt an Woment 11:00, Oreson ScDooi ai ins Airi 11:16, Concert Hslli lt:M. Newel lt:IS, Noon Farm Hourt l:M, Ride 'em Cowboy i 1:15. Oreson School of Iho Aln 1:30. Th Story Brhlnd lbs Dltcavery; 1:15. Melodr Lanei t:0O, Tha Clubwomen'! Half Honrt X:.t0, Memory Book of Mualet X:00, Newel S:15, Muale of the Maatersi 4:00, Oregon Reporter i 4:15, Favarlta Hymnai 4 :, Proudly Wa Hall. Red Cross Budget Kept About Usual Albany Linn county's Amer ican Red Cross budget for 19S0 was determined by the board of directors this week at $16, 500, approximately the same as that of the current year, sub ject to headquarters approval. The board pared estimated appropriations for some depart ments to make way for a $600 allocation to finance the Impend ing blood bank program and in creases in the swimming and disaster relief budgets. New executive board mem bers are: Mrs. Lars Frederick sen and the Rev. Morton L. Booth, who is blood program chairman for the county. -knwfiMaM ACROSS X. Part of t dress C Climb 1L Stationary part IX. Pronoun 14. Part of a harness 15. first stun of tha zodiac Rtryptlan cod Season Article of apparel Hawaiian food Myself Prow a S3. Musical In at rum ant Literary auperviaora Perch 27. Flows . Ratify 29. Solitary tl. Less dens 14. Stopper for a cask Si full of uaelea planta 15. As far as 17. Indefinite amount 18. Coin 19. Public vehicle 40. Continent! abbr. 41. Woman servant! 42. Cipher IS. Kind of sweet cake V Escapes 47. Sailing vessel! 41. Heavy corde DOWN L Put on the boarda O B B A RflL tt AflC A M A N g L el I A U TtlO B I 0 1 mIJv I 5COU8 trf B O Vglll APSE PER I V EHD ENS E R 1 R CQg IDE S i 1 I P g JaQL O TQ8C O T I l LUTE DBA N A T OlM T O MQR EAR E D OTP E SllEls T E Rl REP R 65 SE ROSE n o dUs l yt e s l a Solution of Yesterday's Puxiln 1 Glacial rldaje t Inhabitant of! suffix 4. Artificial lancuac WA' I I V V W I7 I I' I" m m " J3 I" I! Mz. 11 mz&i m "' zr yffi 7it -LL 1 1 1 1 lrl 1 1 1 m 4 Mewtfewf wres .6 Inqutrlee for lost goods Moras Chief cook Roman foronio Island south of Connecticut: abbr. MlitaJcea Ignominy Godly person Stuffs KOCH Small Pod tea of water Pained Gray with age Subtle sarcasm Prepared Author of "The Faerta Queen" Humble Mental derangement Cauae to ro Music aturliea Flowers River da mi Bucket Portend Anlmal'a stomacb Drinking vessel Note of the scat Behold ROOM AND BOARD By Gene Ahern HUZZAM. HUZIAH, DEAR. bKCMHfcK. KINKY ANU LUCK, WITHOUT A PEER.' cJOVE ' -A MOST HEARTY VELCOvE BACK TO PUFFUE TOWERS A MOTHER CAY WITHOUT YOU, AND VcU AU- PERIbH FROrA OUR OWN COOKING NrVELLYOU MIGHT FIND SOME NOURISHMENT IN YOUR FINGERNAILS AND LHfcW ON EVV POTH DAY WHILE I CRAWL INTO TH' COCOON FOR. SOAAE 5LEPP-- I SAT UP ALL NIGHT IN A CHAIR COACH TO GET HeRfc 7