Second Moon Eclipse of This Year Due at 6:20 Tonight An eclipse of the moon occurs tonight, and if the weather is cl:ar it promises to be a real show. It will be the second time this year that the earth has moved between the moon and the sun, and as in last April the eclipse "tonight will be total. The eclipse time table follows 'Hot' Pineapple Case Goes to NLB Portland. Oct. 6 fPu-The Ha waiian Pineapple company has formally asked the national la bor relations board to ban pick eting of its pineapple barge at The Dalles. Action on the petition, filed yesterday, may not come for weeks. Gunther Krause. company at torney, said it might be several weeks "or longer" before the NLRB acted on the request to invoke the Taft-Hartley law's ban on secondary boycotts. The company contends its efforts to unload pineapple has no connec tion with the Hawaiian long shore strike. CIO longshoremen from Port land halted the unloading last j week when they raided the wa terfront terminal at The Dalles. Capital Journal. Salem, Ore., Thursday, October 6, 1949 It 0 & C Advisory Group Renamed Portland, Oct. 6 W Oregon- California agency advisory board members have been reap pointed with Frank Graham, Jasper, Ore., added to the mem bership. Daniel L. Goldy, regional ad ministrator of the bureau of land management, said the re appointments included Herbert J. Cox, Eugene; R. E. Dimick Corvallis; George W. Peavy. Corvallis; and Charles A. Sprague, Salem. The board advises on adminis trative policies for 2,500.000 acres of revested land grant tracts in western Oregon. 'Gold Rush' Begins But Ends Quickly Litchfield Park, Ariz., Oct. 6 (P) An unscheduled "gold rush" started and ended abrupt ly here today. A speeding train set the stage for the modern '49ers. It ran over and ripped a postal money bag that had dropped from a second train. Currency in 1, 5, 10 and 20 dollar denominations was scat' tered over an eight-mile stretch of railroad right-of-way. Officers raced "prospectors" to the scene. Deputy Grover Schoonover reported finding between $700 and $800 on a teen-age boy ob served running from the tracks. Quickly a patrol system was set up to keep passers-by from the scene. Other deputies and peace officers searched for more of the money. The money bag was consigned to the Litchfield Park branch of the Valley National bank by the Federal Reserve bank of Los Angeles. There was no an nouncement of how much money it contained. Total eclipse begins at 6:20 p.m. PST. Middle of eclipse at 6:56 p.m. PST. Total eclipse ends at 7:33 p.m. PST. Actually, the eclipse show is due to start at 3:50 p.m. PST. when the moon enters the out side shadow. But such phenome-1 non will not have the effect of bite being taken out of the moon. The moon will be back to normal at 7:33 p.m., but it will be 10:03 p.m. before it fi-. nally leaves the outside shadows. ! The moon will be just about! full for the show tonight and with the satellite blacked out for half hour or more many ofi the faint stars will appear to shine brighter. Atwater said that the begin ning of the eclipse will be visi ble generally in the western part of the Indian ocean, south western Asia. Europe. Africa, the Atlantic ocean, the Arctic and Antarctic regions. North Amer ica except the northwestern part. South America and the eastern part of the Pacific ocean. The end of the total eclipse will be visible generally in the western part of Africa, the ex treme southwestern part of Eu rope, the Atlantic ocean, the Arctic and Antarctic regions. North America, South America and the eastern and central parts of the Pacific ocean. PROOF THESE VALUES ARE OF THE MONEY YOU WILL SAVE BY SHOPPING AT WARDS! COME IN AND SAVE! be convinced. pguoAY . AND SATURDAY ONLY! 'Good Teeth' Puppet Show Barred in State Portland, Ore., Oct. 6 UK A puppet show produced by the Good Teeth Council for Children of Chicago has been denied tour ing privileges in Oregon until it removes all reference to chew ing gum, the state board of health disclosed today. The board said that the good teeth council, in its traveling show, "recommended the use of chewing gum as a routine meas ure for the care of teeth." The executive council of the State Dental association, in its report to the board of health, said chewing gum "is a confec tion with a high sugar content for its appeal and may thus con tribute to dental caries. And ref erence to chewing gum consti tutes an endorsement of com mercial product entirely out of place in professional education al material." REG. 35c 80 SQUA!. JRCALE Hurry! Sale ends Saturday. New fall patterns, fast colors. A rare buy! Shop early for best selection! REG. 29c CURTAIN MARQUISETTES Pickets Overturn Two Cars; Burn One New York, Oct. 6 (U.R)Pickets overpowered police guarding an office of the strikebound Holmes Electric Protective Alarm serv ice today, overturned two park ed automobiles and set one on fire. A witness said a "couple of hundred" men pushed aside the small detail of officers assigned to the strike detail. The dam aged automobiles were not occupied. To Query, 'Who Are You?' How Would You Answer? Los Angeles (UP) "Who are you?" Psychologists J. F. T. Burfental and Seymour Zalen of the University of California at Los Angeles asked that question of several hundred persons at random, requesting the answer in a single sentence. They got some surprising answers. More than 18 per cent con-' sidered themselves a name, re sponding " "I'm Bill" or "I'm Susy." About the same number thought they were a job and answered "I'm a divinity stu dent" or "I'm a riveter." More than 18 per cent replied "I'm a woman" or "I'm a man." One replied, "I'm a woman, a co-ed, a daughter and a sister." The youngest girls played up their social status with such an swers as "I belong to the best club in high school," or "I'm a police captain's daughter," the scientist found. In general, younger persons identified themselves as a sex, mature women as housewives and men tended to identify them selves with their occupations. DON'T MISS THIS SPECIAL OLD FASHIONED CHOCOLATE DROPS 25c Reg. 35c RICH, CREAMY CENTER WITH DELICIOUS CHOCOLATE COATING FRIDAY and SATURDAY at THI STORES OF BETTER VALUES 136 North Commercial Salem I U II 1 S0? Cj'Sg REG. 29c CURTAIN V Don'' Mi" Th"e! J37 KM I - Ci&k ' I 4 I K1FW FALL v -r... ., :sr:-r-;. --ci ".'.. w'-i-r-. . . ft' 3 k..s M-m i t mm. v ... mm r : A 1 1 . i m 1 nAr. 11 Twill I KJ j" -r M k a II la f?L C 9 i 1 Broadcloth! KS-'I rltfrvL ; U J Limit 10 Yds. .Xandb",,d flSff y 4 Lovely new fall I lr' i vil ff ; I rolors! 1 f 1' till f Dotted ond plain marquisettes in white and pastel Just recelved from New f "' V shades. 42" wide (dotted white, 48"). On sale ; Jou beK iff . ,X 1 c .j j c . j .1 I ed impossible at thr I MX. IH A m ;l Fnc)ay ond Saturday only! fr Mnv price! Boll-collars. I w ' V -'- It. Ml ' -i button detail backs! I 3 R ,v: ; ?: If M C i-A I Sizes 10 to 20. On sale 9 f$ V a J yd. m SECOND FLOOR : and Saturday J V ; 1 m i i f I 'l PRISCILLAS j i Another sensational Friday and Saturday special on II Your choice o( 15 or I: Tk'Sr " o-fj-jG F ii- s, 30 denier, 51 gauge ny- Y "i 1 i; mAf. -"-'' tS Wards second floor. Permanent finish organdy! Deep k.. ions at this sensational '.r f 1 I DRAPERY YARDAGE TO 1.98 YD. .... w. , .... t.t Pric . . . and be.iev. B i, H ruffles! Whle only. Limited quantity. or noti ALL perfect V IfT ; Imagine buying 1.98 Pebble-tex. 1.69 Qf M If QUALITY! Umlt 3 pr. I l floral gabardine, 1.59 chevron and sail- j W ?A I f I'll cloth at this sensational price. All 48". ff v K ' SECOND FLOOR t I J V I', Hurry! 1 ' Ti f . i ' -r.:-.t.-..i-v-i; r..,., m6mm-ti tiwWiiiiwiii5WiMiiiiii' tiwiwi'Ai8toJAwii if I ' . x II en rKii v ucki'C fl 1 UliJS I I f jrfir X 'i II Hurry for These! -j'E ; lfim i j H 11.95 RAINCOATS N boys- warm ;j 'y q WA,7e They Lost! Ih, j MJ i: . 1 1 " : Ifv hi 7i ' n - m i fifxilri a Mgr-IM :! ... jr Handsome tan cotton gabardine in comfortable rag- i Your chance to save on r'itM' ?! J I ml t' ' -V" ' W , , . . , , , f 3 sturdy flannelette shirts t'.F-ti,! S . , Ian sleeve style. Sizes 34 to 44. Friday and Sotur- . (or w)mer wear. Solid ' ;' DRESS FABRICS TO 1.19 YD. ;j dQy ony, I Uue. Quantity limited. -Cf Ginghams, chambrays, pique, dimity. $4 , -i I . WP"$' i lawn! Impossible at this price, but hereO ..J I ...... I 1 T'lffW W ' N ,heyare O yd. I J MAIN FLOOR I iHLL1 i , m xfrMr- rTW. II NO. 12-2 NON-METALLIC HlSl''' ' Vv A i fi'i y m"' Reg'sm i ; r Stj. i 1 Double strond inside wire ot a tremendous saving. V, l SPECIAL! 8" BENCH SAW E Combination cross cut and rip blade. Cuts vertically up to 2:S". Table extends to 20x14" . . . tilts to 45. Friday and Snturdav only. 2788 Double strond inside wire ot a tremendous saving. Underwriter approved! No. 14-2 non-metallic cable now only 3.75 100 ft. BASEMENT REG. 6.98 WESTERN SHIRTS Wool and ravon gabardine In choice of Iwo colors. Sizes 14 to 17. (23 wool. 77 rayon) 100 only at this price! Hurry! 397