IS Capital Journal, Salem, 0r Thursday, October 6, 1949 7 ' " r-' xr m ft - -- "WJ - ..... jJSwt.. ivwtlisr' ti'iSr1 The Day Qff Tomm; Henrloh (15), Yankees' first bs I UJ VII miin wecomed by jubilant teammates ai he uomi home plate after hli fame-winning home run In the tth Inning of the world series opener against Brooklyn In Yankee atadlum. Bill Dickey (33), Yanks' coach, reachea out to pat Tommy. Umpire ! Cal Hubbard. Picture was made with a 60-Inch lens. The score was 1 to 0. (AP Wlrephoto) Pittsburgh Coach Named Top of Week by Press By STAN OFTOW8KY New York, Oct. 6 U. He was bred In the tradition of the sin gle wing and becomes enraged when anyone calls It "old fash ioned." He nearly lost his Job the first year he had It but a hastily organiied student-alumni com mittee stepped In just In time. And he cam through for those who struck out their necks to save his. He Is the United Press coach of the week, Mike Milligsn of Pittsburgh university, whose much-maligned Panthers roared forth with the season's biggest upset Saturday when they de feated Northwestern's Rose Bowl champions, It to 7. "You would have loved those kids," Mllllgan said after the victory. "They were rarin' to go and, gosh, they did. "I can only hop we can be the same next week when we meet West Virginia, they'll be laying for us." The triumph was not just a ball game or even one big ball game for Mllllgan. It meant vindication of the theories which nearly cost hifti his Job. He had been bred In the single wing of jock Sutherland as a guard on the Pitt powerhouses of the isu s. He Joined the Pitt coaching staff In 1834, served as line coach from 1938 to 1941, and at luisa Irom '41 to 46. In '4 he returned to Pitt as line coach under Wes Fesler and the next year took over as head coach. His first season was a dismal failure. The team only won one game but, oddly, it was the SCORES in the ALLEYS University Alleys CIVIC LI AG IS Jaalar Chanbar lit Schmidt 40 B oti tic 4. Wedel 440, Doerk 444, XUler sa9. mmm Uaift (t) Thomtwoa a 10, Ruutfll 441. Surer 40. Smith kit. Pru dent 447. KUMfa Liaae (1 Bate 440. Morten 342. CbrUtiaruon 121, Sc ham rule k 464, uriiu 3z. sviwibu i Lineoerrr , Calvert 179, HutcMittoa 376, Stuttman 111. Pickrell 404. Mmm LWaa S: t ft. 4m til 191. HmI- In 370. Smrera 104. Schuble SCI, Brue- DcKr 309. Saleai Liana If. 1 (1) h01- th 441, Young 1, Todd 411, Helvor MD 494, DcltDCir 414. Haleai Uom Na. 1 (I) EMU Ml. Sea mater 471. Smith BIT, Holme 411, Ftaeher 412. HellrweaS Liana Km. 1 Hanna 6j.MnTr 441, Cox 130, Gllluple 455. Colllne 141. Haiiiwoo Loot Ma. a fl Lantg 144. Porter 424, Tindall 190, Donaldaon )M. Brown 439. Salem Llom No. 1 t Porter 632. Hcnderaon 411, Hor 394, aUvtra 40, aoAtcii i3i. Hlih Individual nm: Doerk 902. Jun lor Chamber, and Delantr of Salem Llom No. 1. Hlih Individual eerlta: Zleler, Jun ior Chamber, 629. Hlih team lami: Salem Lion Ho. 1, 1441. (Complete lUaulU) a Weekend Holds Key to PCC Title Ban Francisco, Oct. t W) This Is the week that should de termine whether either the University of California at Los Angelet or Stanford, or both, are first class coast conference ahamplonshlp football timber. The outcome of their tough game at Palo Alto no doubt will tab the winner as one of the three clubs most likely to end tip with the title late next month. The other two strong contenders at this time are Southern California and Cali fornia. Of their three games to date, UCLA rate the nod over Stanford. The Bruins have crushed Oregon State, Iowa and favored Oregon In suc cession. Stanford was badly ' outclassed by Michigan, 7-27, but: how many teams are beating Michigan these days? Michigan ground Stanford into the turf with a mixed at aortment of plays off the single .wing. Coach Henry, "Red" San ders wes a variation of the wing. - The UCLA punch appears far less effective than Michigan's Stanford la back in Its own class this time. We like Stanford to bounce back. Southern California gets Its atlffeat test thus far against the Invading Ohio State Buck eyes. Jeff Cravath's big Tro jan team was the pre-season conference favorite. A win over formidable Ohio State would clinch the role. The weekly picks: (Last week tl wins, 7 losses, 2 ties). raiDATt Montana aar Colortilo A at af by S. Loyola ovar Pruno Btata by 10. Bin Jon Stata orr Pappardlnr- by 14. Wnltwortb. ovtr Cantral Waahlniton by (forth Idaho OTor Whitman by 1. Southern Oregon oytr Ban Pranelaco Stare by 18. Villanova ovtr Bt. Uary', (at rr.llad.l phlai by 14. Detroit over V. af San Pranelacn (at Detroit) by 7. SATt'KDAY: Uftc over Ohio Btata by 1. Stanford over UCLA by 1. Or.aon oyer Waahlnfton Stata by 13. Washington over Oregon Btata by II. California over Wliconaln (at Aladlaon) by 7. Cardinals Gear Work for Game With Portland Concentrating on aerial defense and attack, Sacred Heart's Cardi nal! are spending long hours In preparing for next Saturday night's grid contest with Colum bia Prep of Portland. The con test is scheduled for Waters field at I o'clock. By converting Jim Heenan from tackle to a halfback po sition, Coach Father O'Callag han hopes to give his Cards ad ditional scoring punch. With the exception of Jim Lancaster, the Cards are In good condition. Lancaster sustained Charley horse in last week's Salem hlKh Jsyvee contest. Duckpin Bowling MINI AUTOMOT1VI LKAOt'l Ct.l.lsX-DM Mr lit (It Don BOari l7t, Bud Rofttlr 341. Hfrbfrt Barry Mt Don 400. Bob Ttj 311; Dsl ajkr Motttrt () Johnny Cootr 111. trftnk Jomi III, Hil Wllion 3f, DftllM J Mr )M, Prink Bnrlirrov 3M. Lln4ii Mtrvarr-Wftrtiffr Mottm (It f. a. Churchmktt aoft. Id Owrn 30S. Karl Braoki 3)1, Bob HuUt 31), Bpud Bpil III: Kklwr rrawr-Tfti Malar li Mubcrt Mink 1, Bd Lyl 34 Bill Hm fcy 431, rUrl Potter 3B. Mlkr P1rk 344 OMaatM1)-t,4wJr HrM. (It Dtway nun fair! ). Prank Ctimkaimn 413. I Rurrslt 33. BUI Shuck 431. A. Wolh 334 dMI..l.rMh Malari ( Bob Shuck 4. Al WAlon 31. Morrli Rom JOT, Llr tobcl )I3. Jrk WMU MI. Rtiok-OIM J. KIIhr (it Jitn tfodtr Sol Htrry Wllion 1M, Dorvan Holt 4Hi. Dart Mooq 3M. M. Van fl 4tJ Pd. Vlly MUr () Vvrn Boork 364, Bnb aurni in. Arnold Holm , Bob liar n 303, Olann Schroyar . Mifh taarn aariaa and im, Bulrk. Ill) CRd 741: hifh Ind atrlM and tama, John t Cootar, 111 and itl. Johnny Mlze holds the major league record for hitting three fcome runs in a game during a tareer ht did It live timet. ly HUSS NEWLAND Arliona ovar Rardln-aimmoni bp 1. Collata of Paelfie avtr Nevada bp 9. Kaitarn Waahlaiton ovar Fuiat Sound bp . PaelfW Lutharao srar Wtttara Waahlnf ton bp 1. rltlih Columbia ovar BAatarn Oraaon bp coiiffa 01 iaano ovar wiuamatu bp 1. Pacific U. Ofar Llnfleld 01 I. S1ND4Y: Santa Clara ovar Portland bp 14. Brooklyn in the Bronx -af SS Bronx for the first fame of the world series as the faithful fathered to see dem Bums frapple with the Yankees. Apron and all, Mrs. Carrie Koschnick (center) of Brooklyn braved the trip Into the hinterlands beyond the East river, but came well fortified with f roceries. Helpinf whoop thlnfs up dur Inf lunch Is Mrs.. Mary Widman (rlfht) of Maspeth, in Brook lyn's nelfhborlnf boroufh of Queens. The Yankees won the fame, though, 1 to 0, with a nlnth-innlnf homer by Tommy Henrich. (AP Wirephoto) faculty committee on athletics which asked for his resignation. The students and alumni, who usually handle the wolf-at-the- door chores for college coaches formed a committee and de manded that the trustees give Mllllgan another chance. It was the single wing that was the root of the ruckus. The faculty committee thought it was outdated. Milligan thinks differently. 'It requires good blocks and tackling, the essence of all mod ern day systems. Our single ac tually is different from most versions. We use different re verses than the old Pitt teams and we pull the man-in-motlon frequently." Teague WVotor Co 355 N. Liberty Salem Ph. Is proud to announce t a authorized dealer for 1 with the ONE and ONLY FERGUSON SYSTEM OPEN HOUSE To Everyone Fri., Sot., Oct. 7 and 8 Oper, Until 9 p GENUINE FERGUSON SERV.CE AND PARTS .. for EvryTvpaolW. SEE the New COM IN... NO OIUOATIONI Month Brings Gain Lebanon Postal receipts at the local post office during Sep tember amounted to $4,465.04, Merrill Smith, postmaster, states. It compares favorably with Sep tember 1948, when receipts amounted to $4,141.50, nearly $342 less. The September total was also higher than the prevl ous month's $4,323.18. STATEHOl'HS LEAGUE Tas CommUilon lit Klnntr 411, Wei. l1 III. WiAon 400, Rob t, Johiuoo 461. TI CaBnliilaa N. t (l)BrMl 141. Sterrett 177, Lockrl 3M, WilUc 439, flatter 363. rrialtrt ill Duncgn 556. Mllnrr 401. Ston 4J9, McCrtrr 396. Mill 29. Li- hrttw Ih-Riad 36S. PoPink 411. Kvfta 384, Ellin Hlllrrlch 4ii- rorettrr (3) Kwini 4S1, Oertl 440, Walter 474. Htnneman 114, Uarl 433. In4alrUI AeelfJrnt Coanlul! (I) Att br 426. Wul 144, Oaiiaihtr 107, Harris 384, OtUtafson 467. Indaalrlal Accident Cas.nla.alaa Na. t S Baker 430. Oerdan 411. Formao 199, Buchannan W7. Bullock 504. Hlwaf Na. I (8) Tow 1 313, HoJtel 356, Quart" r 366, Kar 405. Orlffltru 464. Hiway Dearlnent Na. 1 fa) Merchant 436. JElni lit, Roake 330, Hill IM. Oately 390. Secretary af State 14) Grant 388, Miller 461, L. King 013, Porter 45, 3chult aa 436. Hlth Individual nmet L. Klnr of See retarr of Stata 310. Huh individual st riaa: L. KInc of Secretary of Stale 613. Hlih team fame: Secretary of State 2423. Capital Alleys MAJOR LEA (HE Cupboard Cafe ( Hendemon 647. White 641, McCIURkey 633. Evani 636, Olodt 533: Ac ma Motor 1 Mlrlch 501. Craw ford 333, Ironi 640, Stein bock 658, Hart well ASA, rrieaen 352. Woodry'f For alt are (I) Kitchen B3., Oluiter 641, Parry 633. Oarbarlno 173, Adoiph 488; Maple'a Spartlnf Oeada ) Valdti . Woodford 677, Wlcklaod SOO, D. Paia 133, H. Page 497. Carvallla Merefaanla t) Kennedy 843, Roea 161, Starr 620, Coa 861, Seltilnier 663; Mar'a Laneh (I J Raevea 416, Orefory 130, Kay 652, BeaJ 110, CrlsweU 111. Capital BeddlBf (SI Young 151, Wllker son 53. Nuber 679. Lereon 631. Poulln 563: Lavan'a Cafe of MeMiBBTllla fi Myers 611. Ryala 667, Kraft 498, Minder 472, O. Olodt 461. rtlae'e Caffea Shop it) Ttlne. Sr. 593, Olney, Sr. (71, 6 1 rat ton 183, Bone 493, O'lund 579; Salea Hardwara (I) Theda 596. Phlpps 664, Logan 034, Bojce 131, Wect 633. Hifth tnd. iimi, Ed McClutkey of Cup board Cafe. 356: hlth tnd. aerlea. Joe Coa of CorvallU Merchant. 681; ttilh team eriee and high team fame, Cupboard Cafe, 3041 and 1130. Children Transferred Monmouth Thirty children from the Independence elemen tary school were transferred to the Monmouth school, because of crowded conditions at Indepen dence. The children are In the fifth, sixth and seventh grades and are transported by bus each day. THAT RECAU5 THe v THAT MAKE' Of . ,aie MAN Imperial i made by Hiram Walker. Blended whiskey. 66 proof. 70 grain neutral spirits. Hiram Walker & Sons Inc., Peoria, Illinois. rto35T llMPERIAl I W mm IN THE THE pajiulan PniceJ PKOtUtD QUALITY" r'llllllL- He, I mo pit warp ah woot worsted G1x a EXTRA TROUSERS $14.75 BT WITH THE FIRST IN P b FEATURES i wl ou never bought a rjuit as fast as youll buy Staluon! It's a new, unusual suit quality tailored and becom ingly styled from a fabric that combines more desirable features than you ever thought could be put together. The Stallion fabric is tough, two-ply for punishing-wear but with a fine, smooth, lustrous finish that makes it wonderful to feel beautiful to look at. Wear it all year 'round. Wear it in the rain it sheds water! Holds its shape. See it in rich, solid colors blues, browns, tans. H Ml fe) iS-