16 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, October 6, 1949 JANE RUSSELL'S SISTER-IN-LAW Blonde Beauty, Bible Student Signs Cheesecake Contract Hollywood, Oct. 6 W) A beauteous blonde who spends her spare time in Bible study is the newest addition to the ranks of movie hopefuls. And she's Jane Russell's sister-in-law, too. Universal-International announced today the signing of Les lie Banning, 18. She is married to Jane s Drotner, Wallace, a "Tnavy aviation machinist s mate. Miss Banning signed the stu- Lumber Market On Upgrade Portland, Oct. 8 ) The lum ber industry has perked up favorably in the past few weeks according to trade reports from Washington and Oregon mill points. The West Coast Lumbermen's association reported orders for Douglas fir in the last week of September totaled 108,547,000 board feet. This was compared with 80,554,000 the same week a year ago. Orders have been running 10 to 25 percent ahead of production for the last few weeks. The association said both pro duction and shipments were ahead of a year ago. Demand has affected prices, too. Quotations regained some of the cut of the summer's slump In the industry. Green two-by-fours were at $49-$52 a thou sand feet compared with $48-$48 in mid-summer. Last year the Item was priced at $60-$65. Fisheries to Be Topic . .Astoria, Oct. 6 W Fisheries problems related to construc tion of dams will be taken up -here October 12 at a public hearing of the Columbia basin inter-agency committee. dio's new clause which requires bathing suit art for the first five years with one proviso: "I see no harm in posing in a bathing suit," said the shapely Leslye. "But I feel it will be time to stop when I have chil dren. I expect to have six, four boys and two girls." The studio agreed that after she's a mother there will be no more cheesecake. Miss Banning is a member of the Lutheran church in nearby Glendale. She spends spare eve nings studying the Bible at a Van Nuys class conducted by Mrs. Geraldine Russell, Jane's mother, which the latter also attends frequently. She says she hopes soon to be come a Sunday school teacher. Minnesota Brings Paul Bunyan Home Chicago, Oct. 8 (U.PJ Paul Bunyan was headed for his Brainerd, Minn., home today be cause Minnesota Gov. Luther W. Youngdahl won a nation wide fight over other states who claimed the legendary lumber lack. Bunyan, in the person of a giant - size animated replica, spent 100 days on exhibit at the 1 1 i I'V W '. i I ' "m i-W, r. n Bible Student Blonde Les lye Banning (above), an 18-year-old Bible student who wants to become a Sunday school teacher, will spend con siderable time posing for sweater and bathing suit pic tures in the next few years. She signed a motion picture contract in Hollywood which requires her to pose for such publicity pictures for the first five years. (AP Wirephoto) I00F Honors Wm. Sigmund William Sigmund, 88, was honored with a surprise birth day party by Chemeketa lodge No. 1, IOOF Wednesday night in observance of his 60 years of membership. The program included community singing and refreshments served by Rebekah i lodge No. 1. Sigmund joined the organiza tion July 3, 1889 and is a past noble grand. He has represent ed the lodge at numerous state affairs. He was married to Lucy Barzee Jan. 5, 1891, and they expect to celebrate their 80th anniversary in 1951. Sigmund is a member of a Marion county pioneer family. The honored guest had little to say other than "I hope the next 60 years are just as good." Tribute was paid by County Judge Grant Murphy, who re called that when Sigmund was a boy wheat was selling for 30 cents a bushel, bread five cents' a loaf, a shave cost 15 cents and; a good cigar a nickle. "This fellow," Judge Mur phy said in referring to Sig mund, "was around when the farms were divided by crooked Chicago Railroad fair. Youngdahl won the fight for possession of the giant statue by saying "any inference or con tention that Bunyan was not a native of Minnesota is as pre sumptious as it is ridiculous." rail lences, neias were pioweat oy oxen ana tne roaai passaDie only in the summer." Canadian Lumber Imports Protested Seattle, Oct. 6 IP) Enough Canadian logs were brought into Washington state last year to have given every logger in Wat com and Skagit counties full time employment, a resolution adopted by the Seattle Congress of Industrial Organization coun cil last night said. The council's resolution urged that an import quota be placed on Canadian logs to maintain American forest industry em ployment at levels above 88 percent. 9MMg mm0? Decker's is coming to Salem! Watch for the Opening Announcement - THURS., FRI. t SAT. ONLY FREE! "'IX?''' SUIT Virgin Wool Blanket at Only $40 $45 $50 Thos. Kay Woolen Mill Co. 260 South 12th Street 0NCE-IN-A LIFETIME Entire $fo SSI TV,p0KTEBS ' 10 WATCHES FOR! EVERYONE! ALL AT ONE PRICE Come Early for Best Selection 9 m mT? .iiaI ! 6 . EACH fofc &y WATCH WTH Fine name make... precision movements ...and styles for everyone from junior to grandma! But hurry we are authorized to sell for HALF PRICE AND LESS for a limited time only. You must act NOW I MANY OTHERS NOT ILLUSTRATED Authorized Distributors for all World Famous Watches Lay-A way for Christmas 5 CD0WN A WEEK NO EXTRA CHARGES soon Now You Can Buy Men's and Young Men's Finest Quality Clothes ON A WHOLESALE BASIS Starting with JOE'S Big 10th Annual mni BUY A COMPLETE NEW FALL OUTFIT SUIT, TOPCOAT AND HAT BUY ALL 3 TOGETHER Bring a Friend or Relative and Share the Savings Select your choice from our entire new fall stock nothing reserved. Hundreds of suits, topcoats and hats to choose from. Every wanted color, pattern and style. Siies to fit all regular, short, stout and tall. Chest sizes 34 to 50. Every garment made of the most expensive 100 wool worsted materials, woven by and tailored by America's oldest best known mills and clothing manufacturers. You'll find no better materials, tailoring and styles anywhere at any price. HERE ARE JUST A FEW SAMPLES OF THE GREATEST CLOTHING VALUES IN YEARS TOPCOATS Regularly 35.00 SUITS Regularly .. . 45.00 HATS Regularly . . , 7.50 Total Regular Price 87.50 Deduct 25.00 3-IN-l SALE PRICE 62.50 TOPCOATS Regularly 40,00 SUITS Regularly . . 50.00 HATS Regularly 7.50 Total Regular Price 97.50 Deduct 25.00 3-lti-l SALE PRICE 72.50 TOPCOATS Regularly 45.00 SUITS Regularly . . 55.00 HATS Regularly . . . 7,50 Total Regular Price 107.50 Deduct 25.00 3-IN-l SALE PRICE 82.50 TOPCOATS Regularly 50.00 DlJl I 3 Regularly OU.UU HATS Regularly . . 7.50 Total Regular Price 117.50 Deduct 25.00 3-IN-l SALE PRICE 92.50 3 inl SUIT TOPCOAT HAT 87.50 VALUE NOW 3 inl i SUIT TOPCOAT HAT 97.50 VALVE NOW 3 inl SUIT TOPCOAT HAT 107.50 VALl'E NOW Si 3 inl SUIT TOPCOAT HAT 117.50 VALl'E NOW Bring a relative or friend and share the savings. I'se our layaway plan. Single suits, top coats, hats, sport coats, slacks and pants on sale as usual at Joe's great monev saving prices Joe's low upstairs rent, little overhead expense, 44 years experience in the clothing business, volume sales and small profit, makes these gfreat savings possible. OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT 'TIL 9 O'CLOCK m. m mrn mm Above .Morns optical t o. next door to Noiirigrens KestauranU Look for the flashing Save S10 Sign above the entrance. .