AS WIFE OF A SAILOR Princess Faces Problem: Home or Follow Husband m London, Oct. 6 U. Princess Elizabeth faced I problem today confronting the wife of every tailor to stay at home with her baby or follow her husband overieaa. Informed sources said that Princess Elizabeth wa expected to leave baby Prince Charlea in Britain and join her husband, the Duke of Edinburgh, In Malta shortly before Christmas. The duke is scheduled to join the British Mediterranean fleet based on Malta, as first lieuten ant in the Destroyer Chequers on Oct. 17. No definite plans have yet been announced from Bucking ham Palace. It was under Flood the princess was torn be tween leaving her 11 - month -old baby or joining her sailor husband. Prince Philip's sea-going ap pointment will last about two ill President Monmouth Club Monmouth The Monmouth Community club held its regu lar monthly business meeting Tuesday evening. Jean Grice, chairman, presided. New offi cers for the coming year are Fred Hill, chairman, and Mrs Earl Conkey, secretary. The committee feel very for tunate to have Miss Alice Pen d 1 e b u r y , exchange professor from England to Oregon Col lege of Education, in charge of the youth activity for this win ter. Miss Pendlebury will be present Thursday at the dinner. Plans were made for the com munity covered dish dinner Thursday evening at 7 o'clock. The 7th and 8th grades will meet on Thursday evening start ing October 13 and the high school will meet on Friday and will start October 14. Mrs. C. A. Fratzke of Indepen dence talked briefly on youth activities. Matt Thompson and Thelma Gunn gave a report on present ing the budget to the commun ity chest. Those present were Dr. and Mrs. Donald Searing, Mr. and Mrs. Jean Grice, Mrs. Thelma Gunn, Mrs. Sarah Kaplin, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hill, Matt Thomp son, Fev. Hash, Henry Alsip, Ro bert Knox, Mrs. Dora Schulmer ich, Mrs. Celena Conkey, Miss Pendlebur" - ' ,'-. Fratzke. Albany Postal Fund Upped for Quarter Albany Postal receipts for the quarter ending September '30 are up about $900 over the same period last year, Tom Pal mer, local postmaster, reports. So far this year, he said, total receipts have been up every quarter over last year. Total receipts in 1949 have been to date, $88,602.53, as compared with 1948 s total for the first three quarters of $84,694.93. September collections also lopped the record set last year Palmer disclosed. The collec tions as of September 30 were $10,288.47 as against last year's September total of $9,911.91. Gates School Forced To Add Classroom Gates Work has started on the construction of a room to be added to the grade school build lng. This room, 24x40 will be used as a class room for the second grade which has had to use the hallway of the building due to the increased attendance. At last reports there are 106 pupils attending in the first six grades, double the usual num ber. Mr. Kadin, of Gates In charge , of the building and his helpers are rushing construction in an effort to complete the room be fore winter sets in. 'Advfrt Lament) MANY NEVER v SUSPECT CAUSE OF BACKACHES Thia Old Ti-Mtmont OfUn Brinf s Happy Relief When dliordw of kMnry function nrralU poiftonoui matter to remain in your blond. It may mum ntiriinc btckacht. rbeunwUe pairu. 1r painx, loin of pep and enentr, Kit ting up ntffhti, gwellfnt, purine under th eyea. hearinrhet and dluifteaa. Frequent or canty pa.are with Rmartinjr and huminar aometimet ahowa there la aomcwififf wrong with your kidney or bladder. Don't wait ! Auk your d-umriKt for Doan'a Pilla. a atimulant diuretic, lined tueeeaafullf by millinn for over 5ft years. Doan'a aji harpy relief and wilt help the. 1ft mile of kidney tube fluth out poionoua waaUfroa mtr blood. Get Doaa'a Piila. (Advertisement' QUICK RELIEF FROM Symptoms of Distress Arising from STOMACH ULCERS out" EXCESS ACID Fret oakTelliof HeiMTrMtaMntttiat Mast Htlp w It WIN Cost Yra N.tMias Overthrew million botttonf th Wn.UM TirATMtwT hr hen eolri tor rHir of mn'nmnfrilreMariiins from Stomach and Duatfanal Ulaartduatn Eiaeaa AcM Paw Dlintlen, ar or Uaari Stameeh, Caitlnni, Haartaam. ilnaHamaia. aaa 1 in Ctceaa Acta. Sold on 15 dart' malt Ak tor wniara"a Maaaaia" 'hick tllUr splalnt thu iraimanl Irea at ram M'rra. rvr. frrv-s nam store years and he is likely to be at sea for at least three months at time. It was expected that Eliza beth would fly to Malta to join the prince whenever he return ed from his tours of sea duty. Banking Hours Here Extended Banking hours are being ex tended at the Salem branch of the First National bank of Fort land, it was announced by Guy N. Hickok, manager. Effective October 10 this branch will be open for regular banking business from 10 a.m. till 5 p.m. Monday through Fri day and from 8 a.m. till S p.m. on Saturday. The move not only offers First National customers all day banking six days a week, but also Includes a new work sched ule for employes of the bank, Hickok announced. Employes, Including officers, will hence forth work a five day week on a rotating schedule. The longer banking hours on Saturday were first tried out in several of the Portland branches of the First National, where sev eral thousand customers took advantage of the opportunity to bank between noon and 5 p.m. on Saturdays, thus testifying to the popularity of the plan. The longer banking hours for cus tomers were then extended to all the Portland branchrs of the bank and to 11 other upstate branches. Christmas Seal Plans Discussed The annual Christmas seal sale campaign was given its ini tial Impetus Wednesday noon when a number of persons inter ested in the program met to dis cuss the situation around the luncheon tables. County chairmen who were present included Mrs. Ronald Jones. Brooks; Mrs. Arthur Kreiver.Mill City; Mrs. Marion Druba, Gervais; Mrs. Robert Jones, Gervais: ;Mrs. Elmer Klein, Aumsville; Mrs. Carl Smith, St. Paul; Mrs. John Pow. ell, and Mrs. Hansen of Stayton; Mrs. Clarence Friend, Hubbard; Mrs. Floy Story, Idanha; Mrs. Paul Smith, Jefferson. Others Interested in the pro ject are Mrs. James T. Brand, Salem seal sale chairman; Mrs. Barbara Stumbo Elofson, county seal chairman; E. Burr Miller, county bond chairman; Mrs. Sam Campbell, bangle pins in schools; Mrs. Robert Gangwire, publicity chairman; Mrs. R. F. Rouner and Mrs. Hall DeSart, booth chairmen for Salem chap ter 162 E.O.S.; Miss Ulva Derby, Chadwick chapter 37, E.O.S.; Mrs. Jene Aston, Amaranth; Capital Journal, Salem. Ore., Thursday, October 8, 184913 Mrs. Justina Kildee and Mrs. Gus Erickson for Rebekah lodge No. 1; Mrs. James Bunnell, ex ecutive secretary of Marion County Tuberculosis and Health association; Mrs. Frank Zinn and Mrs. Geo. Edwards, office secretaries. Interior Advisers Urge Parks Free of CYA Washington, Oct. I W A group of interior department ad visers urges that the national parks of the northwest be kept free of any Intrusion by a Col. umbla valley authority. However, the group the de partment's advisory committee on conservation expressed ap proval in general of watershed development practices. It urged that the national park service speed its survey of beaches and other areas along the Atlantic and gulf coasts which the federal government should acquire for wildlife, scenic preservation and recreation. The average capacity of V. I. freight ears is more than SO tons. Pmmm Here'- good news for all you apple lovers! The '49 crop is a big one. This means extra good values for you. Use plenty, use 'em often ... in cooked dishes . . . salads . . . and eating out of hand. Hurry to Safeway now for your favorite kinds. Table GRAPES Tokay Grapes 2 lbs. 15c Casaba Melons Jonathan Apple Ortley Apples Red Cabbage Carrots Celery J,b5c Turnips Parsnips Green Peppers Rutabagas Dry Onions ySt SQUASH. Danish Hubbard Marblehead lb3( Green Onions Radishes Beets Swiss Chard 5c f BUNCH Bright, red berries full of fresh, rich flavor . . FRESH DATES 15c The Tosty Foil Delicacy HPAKIftEC .. 11V ef viniiiof ivv I7C YAMS ., 10c Serve 'em More POTATOES U. S. No. 1 Q so-'b. ock 98c All Prices are Low if Guaranteed" MEATS TRIMMED WASTE-FREE BEFORE WEIGHING! Standing Rib Roast Grade 7fV Grid Pr "Good" Lb. 3 "Comm." Lb.05 T-Bone Steaks Grade Commercial lb. 79c Sirloin Steaks Grade. Commtrcial lb. 59c BEEF ROUND STEAKS Cut thick for "Swiss- Grade "J fir Grade fPf lng" if you like. "Good" Lb. 17 "Comm." Lb. D Beef SHORT RIBS For braising or boiling! Lb. 25c ILADI CUT Beef Pot Roasts Very meaty and IPkilsweefl Goirim ssr 2 Cranberry Jelly Chili Con Carne Baker's Chocolate No. 303 Cans Sliced Beets "S? r 10e Na-301 f Ac oil Jir 17 Del Monte Beets v Cream Corn Ga ' No. 2 cm 10' Spray Can 1 -oi. Hormal hi Vi-Lb. cake 20c 17' 29' 35' B)efl MIo&Qfie iHipirkoQs as? - '25 Heinz Soup Heinz Soup Oyster Crackers of Toms to Chiclrtn-Noodlo Can Mb. Dandy pkg. c. 10' 18' 27' Tea Timer Crackers X 29c Pop Corn Joiiy Tim, ..r 19C Oregon Walnuts E E 29' Specials in Tender Veal! Shoulder Roasts lb. 45c Rib Chops JZt;nd lb.59c Shoulder Steaks lb. 45c YealStew Bsfir lb.19c lb.55c Values from Young Porkers Pork Loin Roast, lb. 49c Center Cut Chops, lb. 65c 8 Directions for 12 delicious bakings on package Pancake Flour 4iT 39c Creamed Honey t" 25e SkippyPeanutButter";:i35c 2':-lb. pkg. 3C 37' K.ggl.r of 1-Lb. Quid pkg. Quaker Oats JCCUIC55 naiillli M.;d pk,. Folger's Coffee 55 Sun 15-ei. gf I? Coffee Savings! Edwards Coffee COc $405 Mb. can e?J 2-lb. can I .A luxurv blend extra rich! Nob Hill Coffee 12 48c X 95c Fr.lh Whol. Mb. Bain Sonny Dawn BIG 46-oz. Can 23 FrerJom Goes Where I The Newspaper Goes National Newspaper Week Oct. 1-8 2 No. 2 Cant 25 No. 1 Can 39' TOMATOES Gardensd. PINK SALMON .i.. ZEE WAXED PAPER HID. Wliyill DUEUXU or Wheat Mb. Loaf Nu-Made MAYONNAISE ,.,39 Airway Coffee Bag An Outitanding Valval Mb. 5ftc 2-lb. Bag J7 White Magic SOAP 23-oi. fW 46-oi. p Pkg ZOC Pkg. DlC KEEP A BOX ON HAND! The Bin White Magic Telephone Quiz Has Been Extended! Shortening Crisco, Spry, Snowdrift 3 79c 125-Foot Kelt 19' White lit 11 FLOUR TREND Enter iU i, For all kind, of NOOOie JOUP Det.ili .t S.(.yl waihing A lot for your money io-ib. p7c25-ib. $498 iQc iOe Sack 0 Sack I Large pkg. J7 JPkts Ja4 PR0MPTLY HELP RELIEVE ttch.tlMaaia