Federal Grants Tie Up Stales , Portland, Oct. 6 (" States have too little money and ton much federal interference, dele gate! to the council of itate gov ernment! were told at the dol ing session of the western re gional meeting yesterday. Every additional federal grant of aid to the states "ties them tighter to the federal wheel," Alvin H. Reading, Idaho budget director, said. Frank Bane, the council's ex ecutive director, also noted fed eral effects in pointing out that a decade ago the federal govern ment took one-half of all taxes and now takes two-thirds. Since the war, federal aid to states has double, he said, and this brings about more federal con trol. States should be more self reliant, he said. Reading said there are a ris ing number of costs in welfare programs which he called irre ducible even when state income alls off. t Washington's tax commission er, E. W. Anderson, said his ttate needs more income and "it is highly probable that we will laws. have to raise our 3 per cent 'of western highway and truck sales tax. In a resolution the conference recommends that the "federal government begin leaving to states those problems which can be left there." It also decided to set up a committee to seek coordination Capital Journal. Salem. Ore.. Thursday. October fi. 1949 11 Forest Group Formed Portland, Oct. 6 Wp A new Pacific northwest forest con servation organization to pro mote private tree farming and related projects was announced today. " Y0UR R0CERS Mar& delight! plump plum dumplings and Give a man full-bodied Hills Bros. Coffee . . and watch him beam ! Its distinguished flavor is rich and refreshing. It's a blend of the world's finest coffees, and deliciously uniform. "Controlled Roasting," an exclusive Hills Bros, process, roasts the blend a little tt time continuously to Insure an even roast of every coffee bean. Vacuum-picked for utmost freshness. A.. 4j ill PLUM DUMPLINGS tort r t mmH Hum Imw BtMutt mla CrtrtW mm rind 1 fhliiM"" tiwHwlW Buttar ar martarln fMwtnd fit p4tw. KUk tow fworit rtcifM ice btecvtts or m nix, adtilnft 1 Mblwpooa xtr bortantat to dry tnftredicmt. Roll Into jhlnofetot thtwt nd cat Into 4k Much quart. Place 1 or iplom hl In cuter of aach aquarc. Sprinkle fruit liberally with auftar and with a Ilttla grated orartga rind and juice. Dot with butter or marftarlna. MoUtan ada of dough, and preaa point together over fruit. Place in treated dlih, brush with milk, and bake In moderately hot own (400 F.) about 30 mlnutea an til lightly browned. Sarr with cream or with orange eauca. Hotat Kithar fraafa plume ar trained pitted piuma ma oe uaaa. Everybody likes Mills Bros Coffee Serve wM Hllh Bros. Coffee fnOmmta Rn lit. M Of. CwrW UO-Nlh f I I .J TWO GRINDS! 4 Regular Orlnrf 4 Drip an Clau-Makar Grind VALUIS A-PLINTY IN OU GiTrjMr. i UV i.-ci - aaaaaaa ek7 ems' AftARKET G. 0. CHRISTOFFERSON, OWNER 2060 MARKET ST. PHONE 24149 FREE DELIVERY AS YOUR TELEPHONE SNOWDRIFT up.... 79c CORN Del Monte . . 3 cam 43c I Cream style No. X CORNhD 3 can. 39c Whole kernel No. I PEAS 5:Mon,e....3 ,.,49c PEACHES HAD 3 cani59c No. Vt, Heavy Syrup PUMPKIN 3,..25c Stokeley't No. IV, PRODUCE POTATOES ,b,. ... 89c APPLES EST. 98c CELERY Bunch . , 9c Sweet Potatoes ?bs. 29c BEETS Bunch 5c MILK All Brandt . . , 10c BISQUICK Pkf 39c BUTTER Gru.rde A, ib. ... 67c CHIPS 23c QUALITY MEATS Wt Sell Grode A Beef ond Veol ARMOIRS STAR HAMS Whole, Ib. . . RIB BOILlb 19c Gride A B"' 1Qs I Shoulder, Ib H7C TAMALES n&2 ,45c Fresh 59c I MONEY-SAVING- I IMNEST QUALITY 1 " Yes ERICKSON'S has something to crow about in the high quality foods and money-saving prices found here. You, too, will like both our high quality and low prices. Shop ERICKSON'S today and everyday and secure full benefit of the savings and quality. SALAD OIL SNOWDRIFT RAISIN BRAN BISQUICK CAKE MIX Quart Swift's Jewel Jar. . . Pure Vegetable Shortening Skinner's Large 40 ez. pkg. Betty Crocker. Party cake mix or Devil's Cake Mix Reg. Pkg, 39c r. 23c 3 1 79c 2 pUgiSC 39c 31c GRANULATED SOAP 31c MARGARINE t,27c 2.53c WAX PAPER s MLl 19c EMBOSSED NAPKINS - 10c PRICES EFFECTIVE THROUGH SUNDAY STEAKS Grade A ond Commercial Sirloin . Ib. 49c T-Bone . Ib. 55c Round . Ib. 65c Swiss . Ib. 59c VARIETY MEATS Cool weather appetites Ask for Mora Vitamins. Here's the Answer. Baby Beef Liver . Ib. 55c Beef or Calf Hearts Ib. 29c Beef Tongues or Pork Hearts . . lb. 35c FRESH FISH .Pint 59c Willapas Medium sue . OYSTERS SLICED SALMON bright color & fresh, . . . Ib. 55c HAM Armour's butt-cuti LB. 59c Swift's shank cuts LB. 49 C UCIWICDC Armours O lbs. $-100 TT ElrCIVJ Banner Brand .. . J for I All meat U. S. Inspected Juicy Tender SAUSAGE Bulk country style . .... 35c 9wH0UWHTaiUL Reg. Pkg. 19c LING COD FISH No. Vi can . . . 10c CANNED SHAD Silver Lake O C No. 'aeon ) cans ZOC Canned Shrimps 29c Dewey No. SVi ex. con GRAPE JUICE lie Bell e)F Juart bottle JmDQ Pineapple Juice )el Mont I f 4o.211 can I UC Tomato Juice 23c Swift's Premium 46 ox. can . . . . SWEET APPLE CIDER TREE TOP CO GALLON jua )7C Vl Gal. Jug ,39c Spry Shortening 3 ib, 79c Kraft Mayonnaise Pint Jar . . . 35c GRAPEFRUIT Sweet and Juicy ARIZONA 35c dox. FRESH TOMATOES FIRM RED . . Tuba 15c TOKAY GRAPES 3. 25c For Table and Salads CRANBERRIES The Finest Grown . . 1 Ib. pkg. 19c Danish Squash SiVef" 3 for IOC Potatoes No. 2s 501b. bag Netted Gems O ft Q7C Tuna Fish Sr.altd . 23c Duo lixht and dark meat TUXEDO GRATED, No', H can. . 25 C Oysters lr.knd.T.Ne.,.!on 35c FANCY ALASKA No. Vi can Tuna Fish ; Bumble Bee, Light Meat, C I : J Bt. skobbc No. Vi can ...31 C 1 Lowest price yet. e.k AA t- wiuu msui 49c violet nr Canned Salmon ca3C HARPOON mm Pink Salmon .n 41C Burger 8 ox. sons. . . , Dennison's No. 1 tall can Chili Con Carne 2 29c 25c Weiners ?oT T' . 39c Pigs Feet !;'.. 29c SMITH'S CANNED SPAGHETTI 3. 28c FRANCO AMERICAN fm SPAGHETTI 2c,ns25C HEINZ TOMATO KETCHUP Larce O - ijirtraiiitis Botie J HEINZ Tomato Soup O 00 0 cans OOC I Nestles Instant Cocoa I Vt Ib. f)F 1 Ib. A C ,or mo,nna can....X3C can....JC ?. ... vV&jZ- Nestles semi-sweet chocolate IIULL nUUJt I z i'kj.. IC00KIES 35c Crown Flour Finest Hard Wheot f.Vb: 1.89 SO lb. bat .., 85c No. O cans. . . lie. cans 15c 33c STANDBY Fancy Pumpkin cr SEASIDE I Hi A DC A vlC k.ilYf UbMllJ 0. i cans. . for MERRIMAC f fk SWEET PEAS K, ... 3n.33C COTTAGE BRAND MM TOMATOES No'Veans 2 .,33C Red, Sour Wf nr Whole I npecled Jt no. PINEAPPLE (nTx n -tOC 17- PEACHES HrlTlL lC STOKEI.KY DiTTcn rucDDlcc rh,! ril I baV VilkiMtikrf No.Unni DEI, MONTE a nnirrtTC MriXICW I J No. 2's Jar KITCHEN PARADE STAR DEE No. ti can Shoe String Potatoes Blue Bell . No. t'i can 2 cons 29c 3060 Portland Road 3720 lost Statt St.