10 Capital Journal, Salem, Or., Thursday, Ottober 8, 1949 East Salem Deer Hunters Back With Prowess Proof East Salem, Oct. fl The men of East Salem with otheri from surrounding communitiei are highlighting the newi thij week with their deer hunting tripi. One group made up of Ralph Hein, and Stanford Hein of Lancaster drive. George Crump, Jack . Hein, Corwin Hein and John Ritter left Salem on Friday for the area near Bend, and returned- with every man having nil deer, aix of them. Otheri from Swegle communi ty who are hunting are Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rennaude, Adam Hofsletter, E. E. Brandt with Claude and Lee Edwards from Middle Grove. Others from Mid dle Grove who are out this week are Melvin Van Cleave and Vir gil Perrine; William Massey, Robert Bartruff, John Van Laan nen, and Dale Van Laanen who are in the Silver Lake basin; Paul Bassett, and his father and Donald Bassett are in the Meto lius, and going out just for the weekend Garry Keppinger in the Abiqua area, Cleo Keppinger to the Silver Creek basin and Earl and Orville Malm above Silver ton. Glenn Larkini of Park av enue is In the Bend territory. Moving this past week Into the former Bahnsen home on Lan caster drive, Swegle district, were Abner J. and Bessie Cobb from Turner. New home under construction on East Garden Road, Swegle district, are two being built by E. J. Welty and Homer Welty with the E. J. Welty home being built for their own new home; and the Reinhart Jink family, who recently came to Oregon from Nebraska, all on the same new division. Seattle-Fairbanks Road to Cut Mileage Seattle, Oct. 6 ) Fairbanks, Alaska, will be BOO miles closer to Seattle next summer by auto mobile. Completion of the John Hart highway f r o m Vancouver, B. C, to Dawson Creek, the Alaska military highway bridgehead will cut that many miles from the trip by eliminating the long jaunt from Seattle to Edmonton, Alta. The highway, named for the former British Columbia premi er, runs from Vancouver through Chilllwack, Clinton, Williams Lake and Prince George to Dawson Creek. It already Is j passable except for 24 miles. I Need in U.S. Schools: 'Teach Democracy' Buffalo, N.Y., Oct. 0 u Teaching of democracy and its principles Is one of the great est needs in American schools today says Mrs. John E. Hayes of Twin Falls, Ida., president of the National Congress of Par ents and Teachers. Mrs. Hayes was here to attend the annual convention of the New York state session of the congress. "We have no assurance that our civilization will be endan gered even if Russia does have the atom bomb," declared the leader of more than 0,000,000 parents. "We must redouble our faith in people and our confidence that the f 'ture Is worth build ing strong and free and work to attain for every child the full est possible growth toward use ful citizenship," she said. Mrs. Hayes declared that one of the organization's main aims during 1930 will be to strive for enrollment of the "brightest and finest" students In teacher-training schools. Call for Dam Bids Soon Seattle, Oct. 6 ( Inital con tracts for work at Chief Joseph dam on the Columbia will be let next month, the district army engineer s office said yesterday. Others will be let as rapidly as work progresses. WALNUT MEATS WANTED We will Pay Top Prices for WALNUT MEATS Depend On I's For a Square Deal Willamette Grocery Co. 305 So. Cottage St. Phono 34146 SALEM, OREGON Central Howell The first of Marion county's 28 home exten sion units which are in commu nities east of Salem, held their Initial meeting Tuesday, Octo ber 4 In the home of Mrs. Theo dore Kuenzl beginning at 10:30 a.m. Members in this unit live In both Middle Grove and Cen tral Howell districts. There were 20 women who have been mem bers present, and two new mem bers, Mrs. William Massey and Mrs. Norman Fletcher, both from Middle Grove. Mrs. Flet cher is new In the community. Mrs. Kuenzl, the new chair man, presided at the business meeting. Required standard projects selected were adopting the constitution, recreation and 4-H work. The unit will spon sor the 4-H sewing club to be organized by Mrs. Lewis Pat terson and Mrs. Harry Phillips and will provide a one half scholarship for some club from Middle Grove or Central How ell. Mrs. Frank Way, a member of the county eouncil, Azalea house chairman, announced an apron sale for some time in De cember and the unit will pro vide some aprons for the sale. A jar will be provided for the pennies to be given each month to be used for the pennies for friendship by the ACWW chair man. Hostesses for the dinner hour were Mrs. Anna Kuenzl, Mrs. Earl DeSart, Mrs. Lewis Patter son and Mrs. Ted Kuenzl. The project discussion was given by Miss Eleanor Trindle on "Unifying Home Furnishings." The ancient Greek physician Pcdanius Dioscorides recom mended dried rose leaves in wine for headaches, pains in the eyes, ears and gums. TASTY FRESH! ECONOMICAL! HOODY'S PEANUT FRESHER t your GROCER'S! MM .. How many times Have you been useless When In the dark Completely fuseless? Pr) 4990 N. River Road Phone 2-8230 wm mrket Save Every Day Shop the Easy Way These Prices Effective Friday, Saturday, Monday Good 5akas s tfo ACCfDEMT... IT'S 0GCIDEI FAMILY HOUR 50-lb. BAG $3.79 OCCIDENT DEVILS FOOD CAKE MIX 35c IS OCCIDENT CAKE MIX ONE MIX WHITE GOLD OR SPICE CAKE 35c SANKA COFFEE Regular or 17 fl Drip 1 LB. j"C TREE TOP Apple Cider Gal. . 59c GLIM 1 c DEAL You Buy GLIM 33 c 1 Can BABO c BOTH 34 c WALDORF TOILET TISSUE 4 ROLLS 27c LIGHT AND DARK TUNA FISH 2 45c GLASS WAX 59c TIME TO CLEAN WINDOWS PINT CAN s & w SPICED PEACHES LARGE NO. IVx TIN 39c CL"" BABY FOOD m. 6 .... 45c MORRELL'S pgyp g Jfr o.as SNAC LUNCHE0N meat .,,35C DELHI FANCY SLICED PEACHES 19c HI NALLEY'S Atd POTATO CHIPS 23c ALWAYS FRESH LARGE PKG. . . . Bj33c Daily Fresh Vegetables Fresh, Tasty Lg. Head CAUUFL0WER 15c Deschutes Netted Gams Q LBS. SPUDS .Z9c EATMORE LB. CRANBERRIES 20c YAMS or SWEET LB." POTATOES 10c KEIZER KKK MARKET Swift's Gov't Imp. SHOULDER OF BEEF For Roasting; Extra Tender 43c LB. GOVTINSP. YOUNG BEEF LIVER 49c Mey! Wake Up! Ver Breamin! Now folks, as we were sayin, heres a store that saves you money, do your buyin here and watch your savins pile up. everything is sold lower'n anywhere else, in fact our customers hafta watch themselves or their money piles up on em til they almost stagger carryin it. the reason we can sell less'n cost is we sell so much of everything. "Hey, Wake up!" Huh! Ho! Whatcha say? "We said wake up, yer dreamin. You don't hafta write yer dreams. All ye gotta do is tell the folks the facts about these markets . . . like, fer instance, all the good things to eat are to be found right here and they can have it delivered if they like. Why man alive I could go on ravin about how easy it is for the women folks to set a better table and as to prices, our prices quality for quality is right down there where they belong, one store sellin' cheaper' n everyone else is a lot of malarkey, just tell the folks to come in and see for themselves. Meat Dept. HILLS BROS, Lb COFFEE .55c MJB, Folger's lb 55c Empress Coffee ib.55c Old Golden Coffee Ground at the time AQf you buy it lb. "IC Manning's Coffee .b. 58c SCHILLINGS ORANGE PEKOE TEA vi ib. 49c LARGE OVALTINE Chocolate or "f P Plain, Ib e?C EAGLE Sweet Chocolate 12 ib. 35c BAKER'S SOUTHERN STYLE COCOANUT 19c JUNKET QUICK FUDGE 35c LONG SHRED COCOANUT ib. 45 c PILLSBURY'S PIE CRUST 19c UNCLE BEN'S INSTANT RICE 17c SINCLAIR'S ROAST BEEF 57c FISHER'S CAFE FLOUR 29c We are reducing the cost of living to our customers ENORMOUSLY. For instance, this week we are reducing the price of shorten ing way down, and we're doin' it our own little selves. BAH! folks, that's a lot of bologny! We Snowdrift and Spry and we got a tip the price was com ing down, so not to get c a u g ht with our . : . oh, never mind, just buy whatever amount of Spry, Crisco or Snow drift you need. We're gonna have it all the time and the price is going to be right, of that you can be sure. This week we ara going to hove dressed young frying chickens. When we showed this to our top butcher boys they (aid in unison, "Well, what's so unusual about that . . . everybody's got fryers. Why don't ya tell 'em what kinda chick ens wo got? Same chickens we've seen offered for sale have a neck on 'em longer than a giraf f or whatever that long-neck animal is, and they still have their feet hanging on, too, about a foot of useless skin, bone, and besides they still got all their in nards in 'em and they are blue like they'd been . . . never mind . . . uit say these fryers we have are young grain-fed Rhode Island Reds, weigh ing 2'i to 3Vi lbs. They are per fectly drossed and drawn and when we say they're fine eating, we're blabbin' no secret!" 214 lbs. to 354 lbs. per lb. 63c Swift's Premium or Cascade BACON perlb. 69c Beautifully Marbled Beef POT ROASTS perlb. 53c CHOICE VEAL Roast Steaks CUTLETS GROUND GRADED BEEF perlb. 39c Pure Pork Sausage or Link Sausage and oodles of other quality meats to select from. Overheard in our vegetable and fruit department . . . sounded authoritative, too! You know says onea our vegetable department men to a lady customer, take citrus fruit, now do you know if folks would just realize how healthful they are. Now take our ad writer for instance, he's had the FLEW you know. Walked around here like there wasn't a thing in the world after him, his face was longer than the necks of somma chickens our butcher was tellin us about. I just come plain out and told him, I says, you get yer self a bag of those juicy oranges and george yerself, or what ever it is when you drink a lotta anything and you'll be over that FLEW of yours in no time atoll. Did he do it, the little lady wanted to know? Heck, we don't know, a feller that writes like that you dont know what he's apt to do, but I showed him all the different priced fruits, nice juicing oranges 19 a doz., or those over there, 3 doz. for 89c then theres those two big sizes the first one there 49( and those over there are 69 per dozen and for grapefruit I showed him this size, a nice one too, 2 for 23, or this other size, 3 for 33. Lemons are used a lot for colds and the FLEW too, we told him, a dozen nice lemons for 49. J.L s ck & sons For Better Eating Court St. or Marion St. Markets Uniformly Sliced LB.