8 Capital Journal. Salem, Ore., Wednesday. Oct. 8. 1949 BRITISH MONEY RULES BLAMED Lady Mountbatten Scoffs At Rumors She's Broke New York, Oct. 5 W) Ldy Irii Mountbatten, couin of King George VI, deplored London report! today that she was penniless and living on the charity of American friends. The trouble is English financial regulations and devaluation, laid the blond, 29-year-old British beauty who is well-known ,n New York'a cafe society set. "My family ia well off and Salem Men to Hear Jackson J. Hugh Jackson, dean of the graduate school of business at Stanford university and presi dent of Klwanis International, will address a Joint meeting of the Klwanis club and Chamber of Commerce of Portland at noon Monday, October 10, at the Hotel Multnomah. A number of Salem Kiwanians will attend. This will be the California educator's first appearance In the Salem area since his elec tion as president of the commu nity service organization, which embraces 200,000 business and professional leaders In more than 3,000 communities through out the United States, Canada, Alaska, Hawaii and Yukon Territory. Dean Jackson, who resides at Palo Alto, Calif., will base his address on Kiwanis Internation al's 1949 administrative theme, "Aggressive Citizenship Our Individual Responsibility." Long active In educational and business circles, Jackson Is a past president of the Ameri can Accounting association, the National Association of Cost Ac countants, and the American As sociation of Collegiate Schools of Business. He is a frequent contributor to business and pro fessional publications, and au thor of four well-known vol umes on accounting. Polio Case Reported Portland, Oct, 5 (fl A five-year-old girl today was added to the list of this year's polio myelitis victims In Portland, The health bureau said It boost ed the total to 38 cases. so am 1, Laay MouniDatwn said, commenting on a London Express story which reported her broke. "It's just difficult in these trying times to get money out of the country, but I have not complained," she said. "I'll give you the facts. I get a little more than 1000 pounds sterling a year on which to live. This was not much be fore the pound was devaluated It is less now. But I have neither borrowed nor grumbl ed." Before devaluation, the pound was worth $4.03. Now It Is worth only $2.80. Declaring she now is "a legal resident of the United States and I hope to become a good citizen," Lady Mountbatton revealed she intended to work to supplement her reduced allowance. Back in 19 4 7 when Lady Mountbatten was here on a visit, she was charged with issuing worthless checks amounting to $185. The charges were drop ped when she made restitution. Later she was denied renewal of her visitor's permit because the bureau of Immigration and naturalization said she engaged in work for pay, contrary to the terms of her papers. She went to Canada and was read mitted on a permanent visa. Vet Building Case Unsettled Two of the seven trustees for the building corporation that at tempted construction of a mem orial building for veterans un der DAV auspices did not sign an agreement for dissolution, David M. Brown, national DAV commander, reported, so another method will be used to settle the controversy. Brown came here from Ohio to attempt settlement after work on the building was halt ed and the contractor sued for a claim. Brown proposed disso lution of the corporation, sale of the property and a pro-rata return of money to donors. Robert W. De Armond, attor ney, will represent Salem Chap ter No. 6, DAV, in the contro versy, Brown said before leav ing the city Wednesday. He said his instructions had been to at tempt a peaceful settlement, and if that could not be done, to ask the courts to award the chapter total equity in the property. Director of Biblical Drama Arrives Here Mrs. Mabel Asmundsen of Kansas City has reached Salem to begin direction of the Bibli cal drama "The Light Eternal," sponsored by the Wesley Fel lowship of Willamette univer- NEnvous.y cranky 'every month'? Al jou troubled by dltrf of fmal functional periodic disturb ances,? Does this make you feel ao tired, hlgtwtning, nervous at eueb tlmra? Then tx try Lydla K. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound to reliefs such symptoms! Plnkham's Com pound Is made especially ft women. It also has what Doctors call stomachic tonic effect! Any drugstore. LYDIA L PINKHAM'S eomnSm slty. The play will be presented the night of October 12 at the sen ior high school auditorium for the benefit of the International Christian university of Tokyo, Japan. 'The Light Eternal is a vivid dramatization in which many prominent Salem people will take part. It deals with import ant events of the Old Testament leading up to and including the giving of the Ten Command ments. It has-been favorably likened to the Passion Play, combining gripping drama, music and authentic Bible cos tuming. W. UfPresenls Concert Oct. 7 Vocal and instrumental stu dents from the college of music at Willamette university will be presented in recital at 3 o'clock Friday afternoon in the music hall auditorium. Miss Gloria Stone, soprano, will open the program by sing ing "Air de Lia" from L'Enfant Prodigue by Debussy. Art Di- mond, tenor, will be heard in two numbers: "Per la gloria" by Bononcini and "Amarilli" by Caccini. Lloyd Hanson will play a piano number "Sonatina, Op 13, first movement by Kabalev sky. Closing the concert will be several numbers from the "Dichterliebe, Op. 48" by Schu man, sung by Robert Gwinn. Bid of $297,747 On Cell Block The Decatur Iron At Steel company of Decatur, Ala., was low bidder for steel work on a 400-cell block at the state pen itentiary with a basic bid of $297,747, according to Roy Mills, secretary of the board of con trol. The figures are only on furn ishing of materials with the erection work to be done by con vict labor. The company's bid compared with a basic low of $249,730 submitted on a similar unit just Installed. The 400-cell units will be one man cells, 5x8 feet, of all-steel construction. Included In the bid will be Installation of shelves, tables and chairs and other in terior items as well as landings, platforms and stairways, all of steel. The project also includes electric locking type doors. Emery Hildebrandt At Annual Meeting Oregon State College, Cor- vallis, Oct. S Emery Hilde brandt of Salem, forensics man ager at Oregon State college, was among OSC representatives at the annual meeting of the executive committee of the In tercollegiate Forensics associa tion of Oregon held September 24 at George Fox college in Newberg. Eight Oregon eol-1 leges composed the 'conference. The group selected subjects for coming speech events. "The Present Crises in Labor Rela "tions," for men, and "The In dustrial Future of the Pacific Northwest," for women, will be topics for the stata extemporary contest to be held In December at Linfield college. Other busi ness included the decision to hold a Willamette Valley For ensics Institute at Willamette university, November 5. mssmmmmmmmmn WOOL SHIRTS 'Black Bear," Benmor," "Si's Design" 100 Virgin Wool 850 TH0S. KAY WOOLEN MILL CO. 260 South 12th Street Viso Mother FINDS MEVJ For STUFFINESS COUGHS of COLDS ELIEF! r liar' Wise mothers know how really effective Vicks VapoRub Is when you rub It on. Now, they know for new, amazing, all-family relief when there's much coughing or stuffiness . , . it's wise to use VapoRub this special way, too . . . in tteaml It brings relief almost Instantly. Put 1 or 2 good spoonfuls of VapoRub In a vaporizer or bowl of boiling water, as directed In Use if in steam Rub it on, fool package. Then , . . breaths In soothing, medicated vapors. Every breath eases coughing, relieves that "chokey" feeling. For continued relief even while you sleep rub it on, too. Voregon7 DlPI.Of agricuitureI INSPECTED 1 PASSED 3 rn El rW TT T7Vi (7 1 VU a UV Vi2J IS3 rOREGON7 DEPT.Of ACRICULfUBfl ( inspected V PASSED ) V A 1 351 State St. Salem's Retail Packing Plant NOW You Can Serve Meat More Often. DO OUR MEATS PLEASE? Ask Any MIDGET CUSTOMER! GRAIN FED PIG PORK - new LOW prices Chicken-like texture. Light color when cooked. FRESH PICNIC LEAN CUTS DAINTY LEAN PORK ROAST PORK STEAK LOIN CHOPS END CUT PURE PORK TASTE TICKLERS LOIN ROAST SAUSAGE LITTLE LINKS 49 Mb. sflQclfo. sflgcMb. EASTERN OREGON BEEF Bright red color streaked with whit fat LEAN BEEF CUBES Braise orsie b.40c BEEF to Broil lb. 20c I Round STEAK lb. 59c Boneless Rump lb. 50c BEEF ROASTS lb. 39c MILK FED VEAL STEAK lb. 45c Loin Veal Cutlets lb. 52c Tha above cuts can b. prepared in to many different ways breaded, cooked in catierol with cream simmered in tomato sauce. You con make meal a feast! TASTY "FLAVOMZED" LUNCH MEATS SKINLESS LONG HOME-MADE FRANKS Bologna HEADCHEESE Small, Tender Mokes Meal Old Fashioned IRONING BOARD PAD and COVER k Fits all standard size boards. k Cover attaches to board with elastic cord. k Famous Tex-Knit pro cess. Reg. $1.69 value. NOW 98c CARRY HEAT ANYWHERE in Chase Chills Perfection OIL HEATER A f allon of kerosene fives 10 to 11 hours of heat. 1250 Delta Redbird ELECTRIC LANTERN Equipped with Two Igniter Batteries Ball Type Handle 4" Reflector Reg. Value $3.50 NOW 298 V2 H.P. G.-E. MOTOR tall Bearing This capacitor motor han dies normal Vi H P. jobs such as home working tools. 2850 Industrial and Agricultural WHEEL BARROWS With 2-ply 4.00x8 sturdy pneumatic tires. Heavy duty metal dump bed. Has ball bearings, Insuring easy operation. The No. 5 and 6 models have se lected hardwood handles. Size 5 NOW Size 6 . NOW 2795 2895 Just Arrived A COMPLETE STOCK OF Imperial Candlewick Hand-Crafted Table Crystal A truly beautiful, clear crystal. The engaging 'round-the-edge beaded pattern diffuses cheer 'round the ta ble. So versatile it is equally at home in modern as in early American settings. Open stock. The Crystalware That Is An Invitation to Gracious Living SEE THE COMPLETE STOCK NOW siMSSJiasMsBsMsHaHBlsBsa COPPER COATED STEEL TUBING For Oil Installations Vi inch ar 516 inch sizes. SPECIAL 61 Ft. It Inch Inside Measure COPPER TUBING For Water 22c 15c Vi inch 1 ft. (ALLENj WELCOME RUBBER DOOR MATS Be ready for fall storms. See these attractive door mats made from soft rub ber with "Welcome" de sign woven into pattern. Size 14x20 NOW 109 Garbage Can Special 20-Gal. Galvanized Can with Tight-Fitting Lid 199 Atkins Setting Hammer Reg. $2.23 A Special for only 89c A Dandy for Nur-Craeklng COMIINATION PADLOCKS 89 Mxfom tuUmfl . . . Iters' .rkl. StH-Ucfc. !. SvlW Me ft Carpenters' Pencils . . . . 7c Canvas Work Gloves pr. 29c Meat Saw With 14" Blade Reg. $2.75 199 WE HAVE A PLENTIFUL SUPPLY OF THE CUTS WE ADVERTISE WHEN YOU SEE IT IN OUR AD, ITS SO. 1)4 H COMMERCIAL IT. f AlMfOtMOtT