Spinsters List 12 New Members Salem Spinsters club has an nounced 12 new members. Miss Betty Jean Manoles, president of the philanthropic group, making the announcement. Welcoming meeting for the new group will not be until the holiday time because several of the new members are out of town and away at school. The group Includes: Miss Charlotte Alexander younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Alexander. She is a Junior at University of Ore gon and a member of Gamma Phi Beta. Miss Beverly Briggs, daughter of Mrs. Myrtle Briggs. A grad uatte of Willamette and a Pi Beta Phi there she is now with the Marion county welfare com mission. Miss Nancy Buren, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Wolcott E Buren. She is a senior at Ore gon State college and is affiliat ed with Pi Beta Phi. Miss Marianne Bonesteele, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wal lace Bonesteele. She is a junior at Oregon State college and a member of Kappa Kappa Gam ma. Miss Sally Ann Barr, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Barr and a former University of Ore gon student. Miss Joanne Fitzmaurice. daughter of Mi. and Mrs. Robert M. Fitzmaurice. She is a junior at University of Oregon and is affiliated with Kappa Kappa Gamma. Miss Suzanne Huggins, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H Huggins. She is a junior at Uni versity of Oregon and member of Pi Beta Phi. Miss Virginia Huston, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver B Huston. A former student at University of Arizona and Uni versity of Oregon, and a mem ber of Kappa Kappa Gamma, she Is now touring Europe with her mother and a sister, Miss Har riet Huston, the latter also a Spinster. Miss Suzanne Small, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Brazier Small She also is a former University of Oregon student and member of Kappa Kappa Gamma sorori ty and is now with the state vo cational education department. Miss Barbara Sundet, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Sundet She is at University of Oregon as a junior and is a member of Pi Beta Phi. Miss M a r c 1 1 1 a Schwartz, daughter of Mrs. Lucy Schwartz. She is a former student at St. Ludgers academy at Creighton Neb., and is now on the staff at the Ladd and Bush branch, Unit ad States National bank. Mias Roberta Tussing, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey S Tussing. A junior at University of Oregon she is a member of Pi Beta Phi. BARBARA FRIETCHIE tent Daughters of Union Veterans of th Civil War, Is to meet Friday at i p.m. in tht Salem Woman's club nous. XNGLEWOOD Woman's club ia to be entertained Friday for luncheon at 1 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Ralph Maude, Rt. 9 Box 84. Those wishing to ask about but schedules are asked to call 23243. Today's Menu (Br th AuocUtad Ptmi) Tuesday Dinner Vegetable Soup Crisp Crackers Creamed Ham and Chicken on Corn Shortcake Sliced Tomato and Lettuce Salad Savory French Dressing Fresh Pears with Cheese Beverage Creamed Ham and Chicken on Corn Shortcake Ingredients: 2 cups medium white sauce seasoned with grat ed onion and Worcestershire sauce, 1 cup diced cooked chick en, 1 cup diced cooked ham, 1 cup sifted all-purpose flour, l'-s teaspoon baking powder, M tea spoon salt. 3 tablespoons short ening, 4 cup drained canned whole-grain corn, 4 cup (about) milk. Method: Mix the white sauce chicken, and ham together and heat slowly while shortcake is baking. Mix and sift together the flour, baking powder, and salt. Cut in shortening with a pastry blender or rub in fingers until fat particles are about the size of rice grains. Add the corn and the milk and mix quickly until flour is moistened. Drop in 4 portions on greased baking sheet. Bake in hot (430 F.) oven for about 10 min utes, or until lightly browned Split shortcake and spoon hot cremed ham and chicken over it. Makes 4 servings. MIGHTY FAST RELIEF in RHEUMATIC ACHES-PAINS Officers Named New officers for the Missouri club for women were elected Tuesday as follows: Mrs. W. G. Walker, president; Mrs. P. C. Harland, vice presi dent; Mrs. Wade Weekly, secre tary-treasurer; Mrs. Earl Kasson, press correspondent. The Tuesday meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Walker. Catholic Women Meet at Mt. Angel Mt. Angel Mrs. John Mc- Killip, president of St. Monica's Altar society, St. Paul, was named vice president of the Ore gon City deanery, archdiocesan council Catholic women, to fill the unexpired term of Mrs. Gor don Bruce of Oswego, who re signed, due to her change of residence to the Portland deanery. The affiliation of the Salem Catholic Daughters of America, Court Capital City was received at the meeting. The grand re gent, Mrs. Margaret Brown, is the official delegate. The deanery met Friday after noon at St. Paul, when the St Monica's Altar society members were hostesses in the Legion hall. The officers include Mrs. Mrs. John L. Thorn of Oregon City, president; Mrs. Gordon Bruce, Oswego, vice president Mrs. Joseph L. Wachter, Mt. Angel, secretary; and Mrs. Glad stone McDermott, Oswego, treas urer. Delegates present includ ed Mrs. Arnold Warmouth, Ore gon City, Mrs. Joseph Faulha ber, Mrs. Fred J. Schwab, and Mrs. AI Lulay all of Mt. Angel and Mrs. John McKillip. St Paul. Mrs. Merton Miller, Oswego, council president of the arch diocesan council of Catholic women, reported on the nation al council of Catholic women convention she attended in Ana conda, Mont., in observance of the 28th -anniversary of the Helena council. Council chair men giving reports were Mrs. Gordon Bruce, Portland, organi zation and development; Mrs. Louis A. LeDoux, Mt. Angel shrines in the home; and Mrs. Van Patton, Portland, Catholic P.T.A. Deanery committee chairmen include Mrs. Charles Gildea, West Linn, organization and de velopment; Mrs. C. Karlick, Oregon City, shrines in the home; Mrs. Bert Morgan, Ore gon City, Catholic charities; Mrs. E. Johnson, Oregon City, war relief; Miss Alice Sinnott, Oregon City, publicity; and Mrs. F. L. Mariman, Milwaukie, leg slation. October 24th, the birthday of the United Nations, will be ob served as a day of Prayer for Peace. Affiliated ffrnnns fnrluri th St. John's Altar society, Oregon uity; catholic Daughters of America, Oregon City; St. Mon ica Altar society, St. Paul; St. John the Baptist Altar society, Milwaukie; Mothers club, Mil waukie: Sacred Heart Altar cn- ciety, Oswego; Mariam club, Os wego; Aiiar society immaculate Miss Teter Recent Bride Miss Anita Teter, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Eber A. Teter of Silverton, was married to Hjal mar Anderson, Jr., son of Hjal mar Anderson, Sr., of Turner, Sunday afternoon, September 25, at 4 o'clock in the garden of her parents' home. Rev. David Seaman of Eugene performed the double ring ceremony. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a full length gown of pastel blue taffeta fash ioned with a close-fitting jack et, a lace edged tulle veil and a seed pearl juliet cap. She car ried pink tea roses. The attendants, Miss Sue Te ter, as her sister's maid of hon or, and Mrs. Gordon Teter. wore blue and bronze, respectively, fashioned on the same lines s the bride's dress and each car ried flower fans. Little Char lotte Phillips was the flower girl. John Anderson, the bride groom's brother was best man. Ushers were Henry M. Tobey, George Gordon and Gordon Te ter. Pianist was Miss Janice Her igstad and vocalist was Gilbert Kirkman. A reception was held in the home. Pouring and assisting were Mrs. John Anderson, Mrs. Margaret Kincaid, Miss Mona Sheller, Miss Shirley Young, Mrs. Floyd Fox, the Misses Jan ice and Joyce Herigstad and Mrs. Cecil Skirvin. For traveling the bride wore a forest green suit with brown accessories and a white and yel low orchid. Following a wedding trip to the coast the couple are now at home in Portland where the bridegroom is continuing his studies at the University of Ore gon medical school and the bride is teaching and doing re search at the University of Ore gon dental school. Out-of-town guests for the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. Hjalmar Anderson, Sr., parents of the bridegroom, Mr. and Mrs. William Pearson and family and Mr. and Mrs. Loren King of Turner; Mr. and Mrs. C. A, Ad- amson, Miss Martha Smith, Gil bert Kirkman and Mr. and Mrs. Hull Phillips and daughter of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Glass and daughter. Allen Voight and Rodney Perkins of Salem; Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Quick and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Fries and Mr. and Mrs. Homer Dixon and family of Junction City; Rev. and Mrs. David Seaman, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tobey, Mr. and Mrs. George Gordon and Prof, and I Mrs. W. J. Dixon of Eugene; Ronald Trotman of Merrill; Mrs. Madge Young and daughter. Shirley, of Corvallis. and Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson and daughter. Carol Susan, of Oak land, Calif. Rebekahs Give to CC, Iron Lung Fund Donations to the Community Chest and to the iron lung fund sponsored by the Fraternal Or der of Eagles were voted at the meeting of Salem Rebekah lodge Monday evening. Announcement was made that at next Monday's meeting there will be visitors from the Lebanon lodge, the local group to initiate two candidates. Mrs. Gus Erickson was nomin ated chairman of the T. B Christmas seal sale. The volun teer refreshment committee for next Monday evening will be Mrs. Clem Ohlsen, Miss Wilda Siegmund, Mrs. Grace Maddison. Mrs. William Gardner, and Miss Hazel Price. The F. L. club will meet Thursday night at the home of Mrs. Lawrence McClure. Rt. 1 Box 314. The state convention of the F. L. club will be held on Oct 8 at Newport. November 21 will be the Rebekahs' annual home- Miss Monson Is 1 Recent Bride Silverton The St. Rose Cath olic church of Longview. Wash., was the scene of an afternoon wedding Wednesday, September 21, when Miss Norma Mor.son of Oakland, Calif., daughter of the late J A. Monson and Mrs. Mon son of Silverton, exchanged her marriage vows with Frank C. Nunes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Nunes,"Sr., all of Oak land, Calif. The double ring ceremony was read before the candlelighted altar banked with white flowers. Accompanied to the altar and given in marriage by her moth er, the bride wore white slipper satin modeled on long lines with court train. A coronet of pearls held her fingertip length veil in place. Her flowers were an arm bouquet of bouvardia centered by an orchid. Mrs. Gordon Enbusk, Long view, wearing gold taffeta, was her sister's matron of honor. Miss Lorraine Nunes of Oak land, sister of the bridegroom, was bridesmaid. She wore deli cate blue crepe. Karen Monson coming and on Dec. S will be the official visit of the state president. seven-year-old sister of the bride, was flower girl wearing a floor length frock of yellow dotted Swiss. The attendants of the bride all wore floral head dress matching their gowns, and carried small bouquets of simi lar blossoms. Bruce Monson, brother of the bride, was usher, and Albert Moura of Oakland was best man for his nephew. For the wedding the mother of the bride was in all black silk crepe. Mrs Nunes wore a ma roon suit with matching acces sories, and the grandmother of the bride, Mrs. Lucy Steinber ger, Silverton, wore blue with dark blue accessories. Each wore a deep red rosebud cor sage. At the reception following the ceremony at the Jade Room of the Montecello hotel with En- busks as hosts, Mrs. Albert Mau ra and Mrs. Oscar Kelly poured. Mrs. T. T. Leonard, Eugene, aunt of the bride, cut the bride's cake. For traveling tht bride wore a white gabardine suit with blue accessories and her wedding or chid as corsage. Following an extended trip through Canada, the couple will make their home in San Lorenzo, Calif., from where Attorney Nunes will com mute to his law office in Hay Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednenday, Oct. B, 1949 T ward. Mrs. Nunes has been employ ed in Oakland for the past three-and-a-half years in the steno graphic department of the Red Cross following her graduation from the local schools. Guests attending the wedding from Oakland were Mr. and Mrs Frank C. Nunes. Sr., Miss Lor raine Nunes and an uncle and aunt of the bridegroom, Mr and Mrs. Albert Moura. Women's Council Plans for Year The various women's groups of Salem are appointing their delegates to the Salem Council of Women's Organization for the year 1R49-50. The first meeting of the coun cil will be held at the Cham ber of Commerce at 2 o'clock I on Thursday, October 20. The speaker will be Col. O. E. Walsh of Portland, Division Engineer Corps, U. S. Army Engineers. His address will give the high lights on the Willamette valley dams project. A conducted tour to some of these dams is pro posed for members at some fu ture date. Both religious and secular or ganizations hold memberships in the council, and pay yearly dues of one dollar from each group. The presiding officer of each organigation and two members appointed by her be come representatives of an or ganization. The advantages to be gained by such memberships are many. The council serves as a means of information regarding civic propositions; coordinates activi ties; avoids duplication and an nounces club propects. In short, it serves as a clearing-house from which delegates take back to their organization such in formation as will be Instructive and useful. LEAVING FRIDAY to spend a week at the beach will be Mr. and Mrs. Homer Goulet, Sr., who will be guests of Mrs. Gou let s brother-in-law and sister. Dr. and Mrs. Hugh Williamson, at Cannon Beach. WOMAN'S Relief Corps is meeting Friday at t p.m. in th Veterans of Foreign Wars halt All officers and members arc asked to attend, plans to be made for the yearly inspection. Conception church, Stayton; St Ann's Altar society, Mt. Angel, Catholic Daughters of America, Mt. Angel; Women's Order of Forresters, Mt. Angel; Mothers club, Oregon City and the Cath olic Daughters of America, Sa lem. The next quarterly meeting will be held in Oregon City dur ing December, the date to be an nounced later. The St. Monica Altar society of St. Paul entertained at a silver tea following the busi ness session. THi IMOf WITH THt ttAUHfUL fit Dressiest pump for fall fashions Designed with thought for your graceful autumn silhouettes . . . de signed to complement soft woolens and shimmering silks. fit Mmt (. - 155 North Liberty Phone 3-3191 EVERY ITEM REDUCED! BUY NOW FOR HUGE SAVINGS! BUILDING NEEDS SALE annul) I gGEBgg) EAVES TROUGH with accessories! Wards gutters are made of strong aluminum! Rust-resisting! No soldering necessary; slip-joint connectors hold fitting tight together. 10' length, 4" size. Down Spout! 2 inch; 10 ft. long 95c 1.79 GRANULATED ROCK WOOL! Save up to 30 on your fuel bills every year. Fireproof, verminproof and odorless. Non-conductor. Can be placed near wiring. In sulate now and save dollars. 13.95 ASBESTOS SIDING! You'll get get attractive, wood-grain look, that lasts longer, gives better protec tion. Comes in buff, grey-white, and cascade green. Fire proof. Buy now and save. 98c r 40 lb. bf 12 88 5.95 HEX SHINGLES! Re-roof with hexagon shingles now at big savings! Ceramic-surfaced asphalt . . . resists fire, drying out, cracking, peeling, hardening. 'Covers 100 square feet. 45c SQ. FT. ALUMINUM TILE! Long lasting aluminum tile to redecorate your bathroom, kitchen, or den. Rust proof! Won't chip, peel or crack! So easy to clean! Choice of lustrous, lasting colors. Easy to install! 3.29 ROCK WOOL BATTS! Insulate with rock wool batts. Cut fuel costs up to 30. Easy to install. Fireproof, verminproof! Carton covers 40 square feet. Come in and ask for free estimate on the installation. 5" 39c 88 7.95 3 in 1 ROOFING! Wards thick-tab 3-in-l asphalt shingles to beautify and protect your home. Ceramic and natural rock granules. Each shingle is 36"xl2"; provides for a 2-inch headlap. Assorted colors. 'Covers 100 sq. ft. 1.60 SHEET ROCK! Use sheet rock to redecorate or build. Economical, long wearing, easy to install. Size x4x8. Buy now and save. Also size 14x4x8, Reg. 1.76 158 27.65 HOUSE PAINT UNDERCOAT. We're discontinuing this famous nationally advertised brand so you get this sensational bargain. White and Buff. 9 gal. can :97 144 13 85 1.57 INSULATION BOARD! Does four jobs in one. (1) builds, (2) insulates, (S) decorates, (4) deadens sound. Is easy to install. Ivory color. Size Vix4x6. Other sizes also reduced. 35c TILEBOARD! Modernize your kitchen, bathroom or shop. Made of high grade Masonite. Will not warp, buckle, split, or shrink. Finished with high gloss plastie enamel. Install tlleboard yourself. 5.73 GAL. FLOOR AND DECK ENAMEL. Close-out of nationally famous brand at a give-away price. Walnut and oak shades. Get yours now while quantity lasts. 1 37 29 m. ft 3" Aft) OVER STOCK! SAMPLES! SLIGHTLY DAMAGED MATERIALS! odd-lot CLEARANCE! 15 95 SIDING! 15"x48" Odd-lot insulated brick siding. Ceramic granule surface. Fire resistant. Covers 100 sq. ft. 1.49 CLEAN OUT DOORS! Made of sheet steel. Anchored in brick. Use in fireplace installation. 19c TOUCH I P ENAMEL! Keep your tileboard new looking. Touch-up enamel for tile board colors! Save now! J. 50 INSULATION! Nationally known brand blanket in sulation. Size l"x24". 'Insulates 100 sq. ft. (.95 MEDICINE CABINET! Wooden, unpalnled medicine cabinet. Mirror broken. Buy now and save. 7 only. 16.95 UPPER CABINETS! Discontinued line. Unpainted. Size 36"x50". Also reduced, size 30 "x30". Reg. 13 95 t.77 31 95 CORNER CABINET! Unpainted cabinet with glass doors. Height overall 85"; width 30 'V; depth 15". 597 97' 9 847' I97 ir 27" 80.0(1 FIREPLACE UNIT! Discontinued line, gives 4 to 5 times more heat for same amount of fuel. Save now! 1.15 SHAKE NAILS! 5-lb. package of galvanized steel shake nails, for cedar shakes. 3.75 FOUNDATION BOARD! Low cost building board. Bundle of 10 sheets cover 100 sq. ft. Sheet size 30x48. 9Rc ASH DUMP! Steel ash dump. Dumping door secure to frame. Drop in to clean out opening. 13.95 ALUMINUM ROOKING! 2" corrugated roofing for many uses. Limited quantity. Come in early! VALUES TO 3.98, RYLOCK SCREENS! All metal ad justable screens you can leave in when closing window. 6.65 CORNER SHELF! Handy 24" corner shelf for plants and knick-knacks. Unpainted, sturdily made. Discon tinued lint. 5477 95 c 247 27e ll77 2" 4" OPEN 'TIL 9 P.M. FRIDAY BUY ALL YOUR BUILDING NEEDS ON WARDS MONTHLY PAYMENT PLAN! ELEVATOR SERVICE TO ALL FLOORS 481 STATE STREET