Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, October 05, 1949, Page 6, Image 6

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    Capital Women
6 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon,, Wednesday, Oct. 5, 1949
AN League
Tea Planned
For Oct. 1 1
Invitations are out to the
membership ior a tea to honor
new officers and new members
of the Salem Women's Army
and Navy league.
The tea is planned for next
Tuesday afternoon, October 11
at the H. G. Maison residence
185 South 15th, hours to be be
tween 3 and 5 o'clock. Last
year's officers are in charge.
Mrs. W. C. Dyer, Jr., presi
dent last year, is general chair
man, and working on the tea
directorate with her are Mrs.
Wallace S Wharton, Mrs. Carl
H. Cover, Mrs. Richard N. Chase,
Mrs. Hugh Adams, Mrs. Francis
T. Wade, Mrs. Farley Mogan,
Mrs. Sidney Hoffman, Mrs. Rob
ert S. Gentzkow.
Mrs. George Spaur is this
year's president, heading the
arouo to be honored at the tea
which is the opening event of
the fall for the league.
Troop Elects
Our Lady of Snows troop of
the Junior Catholic Daughters of
America met for the first time
this season at the home of Mrs.
J. D. White, counselor. Plans
were discussed for the coming
The new officers who will
lead their troop are: president,
Barbara Snook; vice president
Kathleen Dardis; secretary. Shir
ley Taggart; treasurer, Mereditli
Hays and reporter, Joann Poi
nter. Anita Becker also holds a
position as chairman of Holy
Hour, and Shirley Coffey as
chairman of Charub Chapel.
Birthday Event
On Thursday, Becky Purvine,
daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Ralph
E. Purvine. will observe her
second birthday and Mrs. Pur
vine has planned a party in the
In the group will be Mrs.
Carlton J. McLeod and Franca,
Mrs. Conrad Paulson and Kris
ten, Mrs. Richard L. Cooley and
Christy, Mrs. Charles Mills,
Bobby and Martha, Mrs. Stewart
Johnson and Katrinka, Mrs.
Cordon Brewer and Janet, Mrs.
Arthur Fisher and Susan, Mrs.
T. W. Creech, Mrs. Frank H.
Spears, Mrs. Robert Herrall,
Mrs. Purvine, Becky and Bill.
MACCABEES, tent hive No.
84D, are meeting Thursday eve
ning at 8 o'clock at 248 North
Commercial for a short business
session. Folk dancing class will
follow, Chester O. Goodman in
charge. All Maccabees and their
friends are invited. Refrcsh-
UO Groups Meeting
Plans are under way for the
season's first meeting of the Uni
versity of Oregon Mothers and
Dads clubs next Monday, Octo
ber 10, as a no-host supper in
Mayflower hall at 0:30 o'clock.
Parents of new students are in
vited especially as well as par
ents of other students and alum
ni of the school. Those attend
ing are to take their own table
Interested parents who may
not have been contacted by the
committee are asked to call Mrs.
W. W. Baum, 38184, in order
that the committee may have
some idea as to the number at
Faculty members will be here
from Eugene as special guests
for the meeting.
Club Elects
New Officers
New officers were chosen at
the meeting of the Credit Worn
en's Breakfast club, Tuesday.
Mrs. Verne Robb Is the new
president and serving with her
will be Miss Beverly Hartzell
vice president; Mrs. E. E. Sea ton
secretary; Mrs. T. A. Pickett
treasurer; Miss Ann Anderson,
The meeting was held at Nohl-
gren's Mrs. Darrell Walker, the
outgoing president, presiding.
Honored at the birthday ta
ble were Mrs. Lloyd Myers, Mrs
L. A. Lucas, Mrs. Vernon Deca
tur, Mrs. Blanche Hull.
Mrs. Myers reported on the
Oregon regional conference to
be held in Salem. October 18.
The installation banquet for
the new officers of the Salem
club will be at 7 p.m. October
18 at Chuck's Tavern.
Plan for Dance
Halloween decorations and
favors will mark the annual fall
benefit to be sponsored by the
Salem Junior Woman's club on
the evening of Saturday, Octo
ber 29.
The dance will be at the ar
mory as a semi-formal event.
The committee arranging details
for the event met Monday eve
ning at the home of Mrs. Eu
gene Morris, chairman.
Claude Bird's orchestra Is to
play for the dance. Mrs. L. G.
Stoddard Is ticket chairman and
may bt contacted at 25895.
Later, tickets will be on sale
ments are to bt served, Mrs.
Charles McElroy, Mrs. Edith
Strang and Mrs. J. Edgar Reay
in charge.
Wed at Mc.Minnville Mr. and Mrs. Orville A. Colyer, the
former Beverly Jean Lawson, were married September 3 at
the First Methodist church in McMinnville. The bride is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Van K. Lawson of McMinnville, Mr.
Colyer, of Amity, the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Colyer
of Brooks. (Jesten-Miller studio picture)
B'nai B'rith
Women Plan
For Dance
Members of the B'nai B'rith
Women's lodge announce a hard
times dance will open their new
year's activities, the event to be
at 8 30 o'clock Saturday evening
next, October 8, at the Temple
Beth Sholom.
Mrs. Harry Merin is chairman
for the event. She reports there
will be special decorations, en
tertainment and refreshments.
The event last year was a
highlight of the fall for the
group and plans are again un
der way to make this one as
LIBERTY The Liberty Wo
man's club will hold its first
meeting of the year with a get
acquainted tea Thursday, Octo
ber 6, at the school lunch room
at 1:30 p. m.
Invitation is extended to all
women living in the district and
whose children attend the Lib
erty school.
Friendship Night Featured
At Amaranth; Guests Feted
Friendship night was observed Monday at the Masonic temple
at the first fall meeting of Hanna Rosa court, Order of the Ama
ranth. Mrs. William Wilson, royal matron, and Don Patton, royal
patron, presided. More than 75 guests from the various courts
from the state were present. A large group of royal matrons and
royal patrons attended, includ-3
ing Mrs. Lyle McCauley and
James Tindall of Cherry court,
U. D., Salem. The attendance
cup was won by Cherry court,
U. D.
Distinguished guests escorted
and given honors were Frank
Scobert, Eugene, supreme royal
patron, Mrs. James B. Manning,
grand royal matron, Earl S. Bee
son, Eugene, grand royal patron,
Mrs. Frances Hurlburt, Portland,
past supreme royal matron and
present grand secretary, and
Mrs. Frank Scobert, Eugene, su
preme marshal.
A gift of $125 from the phil
anthropic fund was given to the
Shrine hospital for crippled chil
dren. A gift and well wishes
were also given to the newly
organized Cherry court, U. D..
During the good of the order
friendship degree forming a
floral arch was presented by
members of Hanna Rosa court
with the royal matron later pre
senting the corsages to the visit
ing royal matrons. The royal
patron, Don Patton, was given
a birthday gift from the officers
of Hanna Rosa court.
Refreshments were served aft
er which dancing was enjoyed.
The committee in charge includ
ed Dr. and Mrs. R. Lee Wood,
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Robinson.
Mr. and Mrs. Horton Hughlett
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Taylor, Mr
and Mrs. Elton Withrow, Mr. and
Mrs. Gerald Kendall, Mr. and
Mrs. J. B. Protzman and Mrs.
Stella Hess.
8T. JOHN'S Lutheran guild
is meeting Thursday, dessert
supper to be at 7:30 p.m. in the
parish house with Mrs. E. Kil
ber, Mrs. A Kraft, Mrs. W
Jarms and Mrs. A. Johnson as
The members are giving
baby shower for the adopted
Polish family.
Mothers Meet
Alpha Chi Omega Mothers'
club held its initial meeting of
the fall, Monday evening, at the
sorority chapter house. Mrs. J.
W. Hutchison, president of the
club, and Mrs. Glenn Hoar were
hostesses for the meeting. Mrs.
Floyd Siegmund is vice presi
dent of the group this year and
Mrs. Hoar is the secretary-treasurer.
Attending the meeting were
Mrs. Betty Mendenhall. new
chaperon at the chapter this
year; Mrs. Harold B. Jory, Mrs
R. N. Phillips, Mrs. J. C. John
son, Mrs. F. L. Rose, Mrs. Sieg
mund, Mrs. Hutchison, Mrs.
Hoar, Mrs. A. E. Nelson, Mrs.
Tillie Isham, Mrs. C. J. Kimble,
Mrs. Malcolm Hawke as a guest,
Mrs. Patterson. The club meets
the first Monday of each month.
To Speak Here
telephoned to 27578 by Satur
Nina Marsh of Portland. Mrs.
Johnson and Mrs. Marsh are
nieces of Mrs. Olive Adams, 1880
I T 1 -1. ...if U anhnm thav iric
LEAVING today for Los An-1 '
geles were Mr. and Mrs. Gordon 1 . ....
Iir.iii,.i.. j m, Mr. F Also visiting recently at the
McGilchrist and Mr. and Mrs. E.
I A. Robins. Mr. and Mrs. Rob-
home of Mrs. Adams and Mrs.
Florence Shipp were Mrs. Jen-
li. ; , . V Hnie B. Fisher and Mrs. Leona
...... v,. .. -" Iciose, both of Los Angeles. Mrs.
lem residents now at Long, and M Fjsher were
Beach, and the McGilchrists Willi ."V, ,rinri, more than so
visit Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Santori
years ago.
at Los Angeles, Mrs. Santori be
ing a niece of Mrs. McGilchrist. americAN Gold Star Moth-
ers have their regular business
RECENT visitors in Salem meeting arranged for 8 p.m.
were Dr. and Mrs. L. J. John-xhursday in the Veterans of
son of New Orleans and Mrs. Foreign Wars hall.
Mr. and Mrs. Marlow Magnus
who have been working In the
Village Missions program In the
vicinity around Astoria, will be
speakers for the dinner meeting
of the Salem Christian Business
and Professional Women's group
next Tuesday evening, October
11, in the Golden Pheasant
The couple are shown In picture
above with their little daughter
Women from all churches are
invited to attend the dinner and
program. Reservations should be
: "" f
1 3
lo Shipment is in!
New winter styles . . . some will be featured ot the
Fashion Show tomorrow night (Salem High Auditorium).
This li one of our new FALL ona
WINTER models in the famous ARCHLOCK
shoes, by Dickerson. These shoes
have patented comfort features found in
no other shoes, and their fitting qualities ore superior"
lo any shoe we know of. Women whom we have fitted
expertly in these shoes will seldom switch lo any othar
make or brand. If you are hard-to-fit
we'd like to prove this to you.
and materials H fMiftonwiil
your loll OftfJ winltr waraVoba.
Shoe Department - Main Floor
Miller's Annual Fall Fashion Revue
Thursday Night, October 6th, 8:00 to 9:30
It's FREE! For The Whole Family
A Big
and Scientists, free and un
hampered, has built Ameri
can health to the highest level
in the world.
, Almost all the millions of
Americans are honest people,
who want improvements and
progress in medical care.
Your own Doctor, and 125,
000 more like him, are daily
working step by step toward
that end. They are primarily
interested in the quality of
medical care that caves lives
Focs the spotlight of your
good judgment on the advan
tage t of voluntary selection
of your own physician; vol
untary selection of the kind
of prepaid medical and hos
pital care that fits your needs,
for lest than Federal deduc
tions would cost.
Turn that spotlight of hon
est commonsense on the in
variable consequences of
Compulsory Health Insur
ance lowered quality of
1 health and medical care.
lions JVi
jction! Hi9h Schoi Auditor
IK fASHlON RevuLe m
Kert VUfc IN
niSt' DoC""---. j
DiSt! Com rS. pen" 7:00 U
I Teddy Jenk. I 1
-I-"- ... eUtE?"".
' oSSsi Igi BsSj-V FREE!
' 1 r 1 mm ir soiool auditorium ' ---N j