AUTOMOBILES 1942 CHEV. SEDAN TWO TONE GREEN. VERY OOOO TIRES. HEATER. AS CLEAN AS A PIN. ONI OWNER. 1940 CHEV. 4-DOOR SPECIAL DELUXE SEDAN. OOOD TIRES. OOOD PAINT. RADIO ft HEAT IK. 1940 FORD SEDAN BLACK FINISH. HEATEH. OOOD TIRES. CLEAN INSIDE & OUT. WHAT a Bun HERE IS SOME REAL GOOD TRANSPORTATION 1937 FORD SEDAN $215 MOTOR IN OOOD SHAPE. LOTS OP OOOD MILES IN THIS ONE. 1936 FORD 4-DOOR : $195 SEDAN. RADIO St HEATER. SEAT COVERS. CLEAN INSIDE AND OUT. 1935 FORD SEDAN $125 REAL OOOD TIRES. RADIO. RUNS VERY OOOD. 1940 DODGE 4-DOOR $295 SEDAN. HEATER. NEEDS 1928 OLDS SEDAN A CLEAN OLD CAR. OOOD THIS PRICE. TRUCKS 1940 FORD lio-TON $395 LONO WHEEL BASE. '46 MOTOR. FLAT BED. OOOD TIRES. 1936 INT. iy2-T0N $325 FLAT BED. VERY OOOD TIRES. LONO WHEEL BASE. RUNS OOOD. 1939 FORD 1,-TON .$275 PICKUP. COVERED TOP. A LOT OF RKRVTfl IM TMIA ACME MOTOR CO. FRONT AND CENTER STS. AUTOMOBILES Save $600 1949 Mercury sedan. Radio, better it, overdrive, J 1995. 00.. Eisner Motor Co. 163 N. High Salem. Oregon q23P ! CHEV. 2 -door. Oood shape. New paint. Ph. 554 Jefferson. q237 rV ANTED i Clear useo tart Bob Uarr 3160 South Commercial 7 FORD pickup. Very good mech. cond. RftdiO rack. $285. Ph. 3-3998. 1205 Ftrrr St. after t p.m. 240 E. Ma drone. "339 FARM EQUIPMENT USED TRACTOR TIRES, popular ilieJ. 15 00 and up. Montgomery Ward & Co.. Salem. 1M39 SO CLETRAC crawler tractor with Isaac ion blade. Oood running cond. Ph. FINANCIAL k HOW MANY BILLS? Do you pay each month and what do they amount to, add them up . . . then phone Personal for a loan on their "Smaller Payment" plan one loan and one monthly payment . . . generally much lea than the monthly total you are now paying. You may spread the payments over 30 months. Borrow wisely where a loan would really help. Come in or phone tht "Yi" Man, ht saya "Yea" to 4 out of I. Personal Finance Co. OI Balem 111 State. Rm. 135 ..U'tSt A. R. Allen, Mgr. Ue. -"3M-J5, $ CASH $ Hollywood Finance Co. 1989 Fairgrounds Road Next Door to Bank Free Parking Fhone 11032 Llo N M3 89 -8291 Floyd Kenyon. Mar. PRIVATE MONEY Special Rates and Terms On Larger Loans Long and Short Tlmt Payments ROY H SIMMONS 111 South Commercial St Phone 1-1181 SEE OS FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4 OR 4 INTEREST to 40 Years and No Commission Leo N. Childs, Jnc REALTORS 144 State St. Phone 1-3683 GENERAL FINANCE CORP. LOANS Lie S-133 and M-328 and ROT ft. SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS 138 B Commercial St. TcL 3-9181 FARM AND CITY LOANS 4'i and 5 TOUR OWN TERMS of repayment within reason Cut) for Real Estate Contracts and Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 101 Pioneer Trust Bldr Ph. 1-HB1 r AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT OO. 182 8 Church Parking a Plenty Ph 1-24S7 Lie. No M-159 S-154 TRAILERS 1 FT. Ollder trailer house. Sleeps 4. Neat and clean. 3240 So. Com-!. "38 SMALL trailer house with lots of built Ins. $200. 2803 Maple Ave. MM WILL TRADE lor house nailer. Suitable (o rent. Ph. 1-1748. "1ZI DIRECTORY ADDING MACHINE; AO make wed meehlneg sold, rented repair Roes Court Phone A FPU A NCI SERVICE ELECTRIC ROME appliance repair unlet new appllaneea Vtnee's Bieetrle Phone Free estimates Trade-ins accepted an l-923t 157 8 Liberty St AT-IR DOOR SHARPENING Lawn mowers, scissors, knives sharp ened. Dexter. 1220 Center. 3-6833. o' AI'TO RADIOS Authorised Warrantj Repalf Station for all makes of Auto Radios Morrow Radio Co., 153 8 Liberty ph 1-6953. o' MARION MOTORS NASR SERVICE Towing, aerrieo day phone l-tlts. Went 1-1104 33" Center Mike Panek. 273 8. ConVl. Ph. 3-3111 Brake and wheal aligning specialists o3 Brick work Brick block work ot all kinds. Ex perienced, competent masons. Call Davidson Bros.. Ph l-IHT o2M ' ILDIXO CARPENTRY Remodel, rrpair trial home now Terms We dowa payment. Phone i-UM. AUTOMOBILES WE DON'T PUT ON A SALE VERY OFTEN, BUT WHEN WE DO, WE REALLY HAVE THE BUYS! 1941 CHEV. Fleetline SEDAN. RADIO, HEATER, BEAT COV ERS, WINDOW SHADES. THIS IS AL SO A ONE OWNER CAR. PRICED RIOHT. 1942 FORD ST. WAGON THIS ONE IS IN REALLY OOOD SHAPE. THE BOSS HATES TO SEE THIS ONE OO. LEATHER SEATS IN PERFECT SHAPE. LESS THAN 10,000 ON NEW MOTOR. 1939 CHEV. SEDAN MASTER DFLUXE. RADIO St HEATER NEARLY NEW TIRES. A MCI CLEAN CAR. A LITTLE WORK. OOOD $40 TIRES. WHY WALK AT DIRECTORY BUILDING CONTRACTORS Alt Bros. Also houses raised. New foun dations. Phone 3-5909. o242 BULLDOZING Dean Robinson. Ph 3-8937 or 3-4306 0239" Bulldozing-, leveling, road bldg., clear ing teeth for brush. Virgil Huskey. 1010 Falrview Ave. Ph. 2-3148. Salem. o239 CARPENTER WORK Carpenter work. New. repair. Ph. 2-2093 239 CASH REGISTERS Instant delivery of new RCA cast register Al mates sold, ranted, re-pa!-ed Roeo 450 Court. Ph 3-8711 o CEMENT WORK For expert guaranteed satisfaction oe or repair or foundation, sidewalks driveways, patios, eurba, walla, ate. Cal) 2-4850. o CHIMNEY SWEEP Furnace chimneys vacuum cleaned. Ensley. 771 8. 21t. Ph. 3-7176. o359 DRESS MAKING Alt, dress making. Good used clothes ror sale. 300 state St. Rm. 27. o244 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING VInoe's Electric for electrical wiring, contracting, repairing, 137 0. Liberty 303 o EXTERMINATORS Cockroach, Moth Exterminator Service. Ph. 3-3056. Lee Cross, 1635 PearL o259 BrelthauPt'a for flowers Dial 1-9171. o t'hel. stove diesel oil. Ph. 3-1188 8haU Oil Co L T. Maxwell, distributor. 0241 FURNACE CIRCULATOR SERVICE Vacuumed & repaired. Dvorak. Ph. 34963 0263 HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS J. R Watkins Oo products. Fret .Ivery 1717 Oeoter. Ph. 3-B395. INSULATION Johns-ManvUle. Phone 3-3748. INSTRUMENT REPAIR Expert musical Intrument repair. All work fully guaranteed. JACQUITH MU SIC CO. Ph. 3-4841. o344 JAINTOR SERVICE Window Cleaning Janitor Service Floor Waxing Buildings - Factorial Homes Estimates Without Obligation AMERICAN BLDG. MAINT. CO. Ph. Salem 3-9133 o LANDSCAFr NURSERY f A. Doerfler A Sons, Ornamentals. 150 N Lancaster Dr at 4 Cor Ph 21323 DELUX SERVE SELF Laundry. S4S Jef ferson St. Phono 33433. LAWNMOWERS Sharpened, guaranteed service. New power and hand mowers. Call Harry W. Scott, 147 S. Com'l St. 0259 MATTRESSES Capital Bedding Phone 1-4069 MUSIC LESSONS Spanish A Hawaiian Guitar. Mandolin, BanJO. etc. 1523 Court St. Ph 3-7569 O240 OFFICE FURNITURE SUPPLIES Desk chairs, files and filing supplies, safe, duplicators and supplies, desk lamps typewriter stands, brief eases ?lrc Wire Recorders, Rood 438 Court Interior painting. 0. Horn. Ph. 3-5518 0257 W Strom's are equipped to painting Phone 1-2493 PAINTINO PAPERHANG ING Painting papering. Free est. Ph. 1-2A08 0261 PAPERHANfllNG Expert Paperhanelng and painting. J. Woodworth. Ph. 3-M68. Free ast. 0352 Jerry Johnson. Ph. 3 4831. PAINTING PAPER HANGING O250 Patntlng Si paperhanglne, int. At ext dec. H. r (Woody i Wood. Pb. 3-3072 0258' Painting and paperhanglng Free tl mate Ph 19513, 957 Shipping. Q240' PICTURE rRAMINO Picture framing Hutch eon Paint Store PhOVt I-6PB7 w- PLUMBINO FUhir, 844 Com'l. Ph. 3-3019. 137' SAND GRAVEL . Oarden SolL crushed rock. Shovel and dragline excavating Walling Sand Orael Co. Phone 3-9249. O Valley Sand Grew Co Sill, aand f II dirt Excavating io enovci m caw Tractor scoop ft trucks for dirt moving Ph office 34003. res 37148 SAWS Salem Saw Wrk. Ph. 3-7601. 1293 N Sth o3S3' Journal Want Ads Pay AUTOMOBILE!. TEAGUE'S BARGAINS . JOIN THE CROWD! HEAD FOR KAISER FRAZER'S GALA "USED CAR BARGAIN HARVEST" AT TEAGUE MOTOR COM PANY. YOU WILL FIND THE BIGGEST BARGAINS OF THE YEAR. ALL MAKES AND MODELS REDUCED JUST IN TIME FOR WINTER. COME IN AND SAVE. GET THE BEST BUYS IN TOWN. Here Are a Few Fine Cars 1349 KAISER 1948 FRAZER MANHAT TAN 1948 DODGE SEDAN 1948 CHEV. SEDAN TEAGUE MOTOR CO. 352 N. Commercial Ph. 2-4173 ! PONTIACS GOOD WILL CARS '48 Pontiac Sdn.-Coupe, R&H $1795 '42 Pontiac Sedan. R&H $895 '37 Pontiac Sedan $ 195 '41 Olds Sedan $695 '38 Pontiac Coupe $ 195 '38 Ford Tudor $ 145 '36 Dodge $245 Herrall - Owens Co. TRADES 660 N. Liberty DIRECTORY SEHEBS AND SU'TIC TANKS Eectile Roto-Routei Exclusive Patent Rasot 'harp Steel Cutting Blade Clean Hewer 01 Drams Septic Tank Cleaned Heaa Pb 1-5321 or l-HU SEPTIC TANKS Mike's Septic Service. Tanks cleaned. Roto Rooter Service on Sewers. 1079 Elm St., W. Saem. Ph. 3-968, 3-5327 OJ61 K. P. Hamel. Septic tan its cleaPMl. Electric machine service on ee- and drain lines. Guaranteed or. tU3-8'n St., West Salem. Ph. 3-7404. o249 Vacuum Pumping, no mlleaee charge Call us collect Todd's Septic Tank Service. 254 State St. Phone 2-0734 o' SEWING MACHINES Bought, sold, rented, repaired. EZ terms. Ail makas. W. Devenport, Ph. 3-7671. o254 Al) makes repaired, free estimates Sinter Sewing Uach'nt Co. 130 No Commercial Ph 3-3512. o TYPEWRITERS Smith Corona. Remington Royal, Onder wood portables Kh makes used machines Repairs and rent Roen. 456 Court, o TRANSFER A STOKAGI .ocal A Distance Transfer, storage Burner oUa, coal & Briquets Trucks w Portland dally Agent for Be kins House hold goods mored to anywhere In O S ot Canada banner Transfer A Storage Ph 3-3131 O VENETIAN BLINDS Salem Venetian Blinds reflnlAfted. Relnholdt ii arte to order u a Lewis 2-3S39 Elmer The Bllndman. Ph. 37328. WEATHER STRIPPING Free estimates. T. PULLMAN. Ph. 3-5965. 0259 WELL DRILLING WINDOW SHADES Washable Roller Made to order 1 Day Del Relnholdt & Lewis Ph 23639. Q WINDOW CLEANING Acme Vtndow Cleaners Windows, wail At woodwork cleaned Floors cleaned waxed and polished Ph 3-3337 14: Court Langdoc, Culbertson and Mather WOODSAWI.NO WOOD A SAWDUST West Balem Furl Co Ph 2-4011. LODGES srys. l.O.O J meets every Wed ncsday night Visitors wci come A Salem Lode No. 4, A.F. & A.M Wed., Oct. 5. Stated communi cation, 7:30 pm. A Pacific Lodge No. 60, A.F. & SA AM. M M. Degree Friday, Oc tober 7, 7 p.m. LEGAL STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP. MAN. AGEMKNT. CIRCTLATION. ETC., RE- QllKlh BY THE ACT OF CONfiREKH OF AUGI'ST 4. 11?. AS AMENDED BV THE ACTS OF MARCH X. IMS, AND jt i.r t. iniit. Of the Capital Journal Published dally except Sunday at Balem. Oregon, lor Oc tober 1. 1949. State of Oreron. County of Marion, ss: Before me, a Notary Public In and fnr the State and Countv aforesaid, personally aopearrd Oeorre Putnam wno. navim oeen duly sworn accord:n to law. drposra and sars that he is the Publisher of the Csp ital Journal and that the lollowin Is. to the best of his knowledee and belief, a true statement of the ownersnip. mnnne ment (and It a dally paper the circulation etc.. of the aforesaid publication for the date shown In the above enntion required by the Act of August 24. 1912. as amrnO' ed by the Acts of March 3. 1933 and July 2, 1946, Sertion 537 Postal Laws and Re lations printed on the reverse side of this form to alt 1. That the names and addresses of the publisher, editor, managing editor, ana business msnaie rs are- Publisher; George Putnam, Salem. Ore. gon. Ass't Publisher: Robert Letu Jones, Ba lem. Oregon. Editor: Genree Putnam. Salem. Oretnn. Msnadnv Editor: George Putnam, Sa lem. Oregon. Business Manager: Robert Letu Jones. Salem. Oregon. 2. That the owner ts' 'If owned by corporation Its name and addre.vs must be stated and aLo immediately thereunder the names and addre.ves of stockhoidrrs owning or holding one percent or more of total amount of to-k If not ond by a corporation, tlte names and addresses or the individual owner. must be aiven If owned by a firm compan or otli'r un incorporated concern, its name and ad dress, as w'll as thoe of each Individual member must be alvenl Oeorne Putnam. Salem. Oregon. 3. That the known bondholders, mort gagees and other security holders owning or holding 1 percent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages nr other se curities are: 'If there are none so state) Non. 4. That t.V average number of copies of each iff if of this publication so;d or dis tributed tnro'irh the malls or otherwise to paid subscribers during the 12 months preceding tn date !ion above is 16 750. Oenre Putnam, Pubil'ier. Sworn to and subscribed before me this Sth day of O'h-r 199 OLAOVS LANE. 'SEAL Notary Publ:e for Oregon My commission expire Jan I. 1951 Journal Want Ads Pay IAUTOMOBILES 1948 FORD SEDAN 1947 CHEV. TUDOR 1947 KAISER SEDAN 1946 CHEV. 4-DOOR TERMS Phone 3-4113 LEGAL SITMMOIfb In the Circuit Court f the Stat ( Oregon for the County of Marion ISABLLLE L. RYAN. Plaintiff. a. ETTA JAMES, a widow and unmarried. CORA SMITH, a widow and unmarried. fc.MWA ller VCX1ET, a widow and un married, KATHRYN MEYERS and C. L MEYERS, her husband. JOYCE DRAKE and CLAUDE M. DRAKE, her husband. IVA F. PAULSEN and E. F. PAULSEN, her husband. ELLEN FELLER (also known as Nancy E. Feller I . a single woman. AL FRED E. FELLER and CLARA E. FELLER, his wife. MARY ELIZABETH BAREINOER. a widow and now unmarried, CHARLES E. FELLER, a single man, HATTIE BARK MAN and J. C. BARKMAN. her husband. IDA KRAU3 and A. W. KRAUS, her hus- oana, ahna OROVER and WILLIAM M. GROVER, her husband. KENNETH FEL- LKR and VIOLET FELLER, his wife. HOWARD BCHEURER and MARY JANE SUIiKUKEK, his Wlft, ADAH M. RYAN. widow and unmarried, DOROTHY KUNZ and PETER KUNZ, her husband, NINA C. HARR and ORIN B. HARR, her husband, JAMES ROBERT RYAN and EVELYN RY AN, his wife. MARGARET DICKSON and FRED DICKSON, her husband. MURIEL HAYES and BEN HAYES, her husband, FRANCIS X. RYAN and AUTRE Y RY AN, his wife, HAROLD RYAN and HELEN it AN. nig Wile. FREDERICK RYAN a single man. ELIZABETH PARROTT and RICHARD V. PARROTT, her husband. CARL LONO and IDA LONO, his Wife, ELIZA JANE CONE ORAHAM, a widow and now unmarried, MARY FIDELIA CONE TOWER and MILTON H. TOWER her husband, A. E. LaROCQUE, and JANE DOE LaROCQUE, his wife, the unknown ucirs oi a. c. uKutwus, aeceasea, he man b. CONE, a single man, REBECCA m. inAMfcK, a wiaow ana now unmar- riea, jessie J. MURRAY, a widow and now unmarried, MAY SMITH and DON ALD R. SMITH, her husband, MARJORIE mukkay, a single woman, HAROLD MUR RAY, a single man. JACK MURRAY and lAjia mukkay, his wife. CARL J. LONO. widower and now unmarried, JESSIE LONO. a widow and now unmarried GLADYS RICE TUFT and ELICK TUFT, her husband. REBECCA RICE SIEGER and JOHN DOE 6IEOER, her husband. MOSE RICE and LOTTIE RICE, his wife. JANE DOE RICE, widow and now unmar ried, Alice cone, a widow and now un married, EARL CONE and VERNA CONE. Wife, GERALD CONE and OPAL CONE, his Wife. ELDON CONE and LO. LA CONE, his wife, HAZEL PEPPER and VERNON PEPPER, her husband. LETHA uuLbtn ana fked DOLSEN, her hus band. ELMER E. JOLLY and EVA E JOLLY, his wife, and also all other ner- ons unxnown naving or claim ni ant right, title, estate, lien or Interest in and to the real property described In the compiaini nerem, uerendants. TO: EMMA ILER VOGET. a W dow i unmarried, ANNA OROVER and WILLIAM M. GROVER, her huaband, HOWARD BCHEURER and MARY JANE BCHEURER, his wife. A. E. LaROCOUE and JANE DO: LaROCQUE. his wife, the unknown heirs A. E. LaROCQUE. deceased. JESSIE LUfto, a widow and now unmarried. GLADYS RICE TUFT and ELICK TUFT ner huaband. REBECCA RICE SIEGER ana JOHN DOE SIEGER, her huaband. MOSE RICE and LOTTIE RICE, his wife, JANE DOE RICE, a widow and now un married. HAZEL PEPPER and VERNON PEPPER, her husband. ELMER I. JOLLY and EVA E. JOLLY, his Wife. CHARLES E. FELLER, a single man, and also all oiner persona unknown haying or claim ing any right, title, estate, lien or Inter. est In and to tht real property described in the Complaint herein. Defendants. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF ukeuun; tou are hereby required to ap pear and answer the Comnlalnt filed against you In tht abort entitled suit, as to those of you within the United States of America, within four weeks from tht date of first publication of thla sum mons wnicn is September 28th, 149, and as to those of you who art without tha Unit. ed States of America, within tlx weeks from the data of first publication of thla summons, which is September 2sth, 1949; and If you fall so to appear and answer, then, tor want thereof. Plaintiff will apply to the Court for tht relief demanded In tht Complaint filed against you herein, a succinct statement of which relief la as id, lows: For the decree of this Court adjudging mt riainuii to ot tne owner in let sim ple oi thai real property described as: Beginning at the moat Easterly corner of land conveyed to Oeorge Herren ry Deed recorder October 7. IBS? In Volumt 2. Page 498. Marion County Deed Rec ords, said point being also tht South east corner of land conveyed to tht Buttevillt Farmers Warehouse Associ ation, a corporation by deed recorded July 8, 1B91 In Volumt 42, Page 2M, Deed Records: thence North bb Degrees 30 Minutes West along the division lint of the above noted tracts 4 00 chains more or less, tb iha high water mark of the Willamette Rivtr: thence North 34' Degrees East down said rlver'a high wa ter mark 8.70 chains to tht Northwest corner of said Butte vllle Farmers Ware house Association tract; thence South RS Degrees 45 Minutes East along tht Northerly lint of said tract 3.30 chains to tht center of the County Road; thence South 31 Degrees West 8.10 chains to the place of beginning, containing S arret, more or less, and being a part of the Joseph La forte D.L.C. No. 31 and i.tuated in Bertlon 32, Township 1 South. Range 1 Wet: and al'o that certain right-of-way ease- mrni aesrnoea as' The Right-oI-Way for a water pipe from the creek East of the wartboust of Buttevillt Farmers' Warehouse Associ ation to the engine house belonging to said Association, together with tht right to place one hydraulic ram on aaid rrerk and also tha right to use the wa ter of ssld creek In quantities sufficient to run one No. I hydraulic ram and no more and construct trenches and dam In said creek necessary for tha proper con struction of said hydraulic ram and also tht right and prlvklegt of keeping tht same in order, tht said right-of-way and rlghta and privileges being those convey ed by instrument wherein A. E La Rocque is the grantor and Butter lilt Farmers Warehouse Association la the grantee dated August 11th, 1191, and re corded in tht Deed Records of laid Mar lon County. Oregon, as of January If, IBM, in Volume 111 at Page 402 there of; and that the Defendants herein have not, nor has either of them, any right title, interest or estate whatsoever in or U uch real property and easement rights, and decreeing that tht title of Plaintiff In and to turn real property ana tuTt east' ment and etiemenl right be forever qui tted as against the Defendants strain. Stocks Advance To Recede Later New York, Oct. 5 "P The stock market developed a wob bly streak after an opening burst of strength today. The early rise carried the general price level to a new peak for the year. The market, on average, remained higher but individual advances were chop ped down. Changes either way were lim ited mostly to less than a point. Sales were at the rate of around 1,500,000 shares for the full session. The market managed to make further headway despite contin uation of the steel and roal strikes and apparent absence of any progress toward settlement Higher most of the day were U.S. Steel, Studebaker, Wool worth, Emerson Radio, Ameri can Telephone, Anaconda Cop per, American Woolen, Santa Fe, Republic Pictures and U.S. Gypsum. Balky spots included Admiral Corp., Montgomery Ward, Un ion Pacific and American Air Lines. Apple Growers To Gel Some Aid Washington, Oct. 5 (A1) Some relief for northwestern apple growers is predicted by Rep. Sanborn (R-Idaho). He told a reporter today traf-l fic representatives of western railroads are to meet in Chica go October 11 to consider the possibility of emergency freight rate reductions on western ship ments. He had asked the Union Pacific, which serves Idaho, to consider such a move. Sanborn, Rep. Compton White (D-Idaho) and a member of the staff of Senator Miller (D-Ida-ho) discussed the situation at the agriculture department yes terday. They sought to learn what purchases the government plans for school lunches, for federal institutions and for foreign shipment. Sanborn said there were three regional meetings on Mon day to consider needs of the pro ducing areas and that upon the recommendations from these meetings the department will organize its aid program prob ably within "a few days." Sanborn said the 1949 apple crop is 130,000,000 bushels. This, he said, compares with 88,000, 000 last, year and a 10-year av erage of 110,000,000 bushels. Grains Weaken, Loss Not Hinh Chicago, Oct. 5 VP) Grains weakened late in the session on the board of trade today. In most instances losses were not large, although they ran to more than a cent in soybeans. The July wheat contract drop ped quite sharply toward the close. This represents 1950 wheat and its price trend was greatly influenced by the run ning battle in Washington over farm legislation. Wheat closed y-l4 lower, December $2.12-, corn was unchanged to Vt lower, Decem ber $1.18V4-, oats were V- lower, December 67 - , rye was 1 to 1 lower, December $1.45 '4- V4, soybeans were 1 v, to 2 cents lower, November $2.31 $2.304, and lard was 15 to 25 cents a hundred pounds lower, October $11.20. Arizona Times Suspends Phoenix, Ariz., Oct. 5 UP) The Arizona Times, Phoenix aft ernoon daily newspaper, an nounced today it would suspend publication. It was established by John Boettiger and his wife, the former Anna Roosevelt Boet tiger. They disposed of their interests in July, 1948. LEGAL and each of them, and al! persons claim ing by, through and under them, or either of them; and for such other and further relief as to the Court may seem Just In int premises. J. 8. MIDDLCTON Attorney for Plaintiff 103S Pacific Building. Portland. Ore Sept. 28. Oct. S, 12. 19. 26. IM THE CIRCt'IT COt'ItT OF THF. STATE OP ORF.OON FOR MARION CO! NTT. PRORATR DEPARTMENT In the Matter of the Guardianship tele of OLLIE D. HA1NF.S, a mentally diseased person No. 118M NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that the undersigned, by an order of tht Circuit Court ot the State of Oregon for Marlon County, Probate Department, made and entered on tht 30th day or August. 1949. was appointed guardian of tha estate of Ollle D. Haines, a mentally diseased per 'On. and that he has qualified as such tuardlao. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to bi'ng the same duly verified and proper vouchers, to the undersigned gjrdlan at 219 North Liberty St , Salem, Oregon, within slg months from the date of first publication of this notice, which, first publication Is made Sept. 14, 1949. CHARLES M tOVPTT Ouardian of the estate of Ollle D. Haines, a mentally diseased person Sept. It. 21. 19. Oct. I, 12 NOTICE OF PI BI.IC IfEtRING NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN to all persons particularly Interested and the general public that a hearing will be neid before the common council of the city of Salem, Oregon, at tht city hall on tht tenth day of October. 1949. at tha hour of 10 pi , to consider an ordin ance to change from a Class I Residential District to a Class II Residential! District tht following described premises, toarlt Lot Five S Subdivision or Blocks 19 and 91 of Tew Park Anneg No. 1 to Salem. Marlon Count j. Oregon See Volume 11, Ptte 27. Record of Town Plata tor Said County and State BY ORDER OF THE COMMON COUN CIL: ALFRED MUNDT City Recorder, Oct. I. C I. STOCKS By the Associated Pr-ss American Can ev, Am Pow Ac Ll 121. Am Tel At Tel 143 Anaconda 2t1l Bendlt Aviation ji1, Beth Steel 28 i Boein Airplane ji', Calif Packing J4, Canadian Pacific 14 Cae J I 37Ti Caterpillar 32'. Chrysler J3 Comwlth At Sou Cons Vultet 10 Continental Can 34'. Crown 7elerbai'h Curt us Wright , DouKlaa Aircraft , Dupont de Nem Geiu-ral Electric Cieneral rood 21 , J7S i 45 S General Motors Goodyear Tire lnt Harvester 3"' hit Puper ol't Kennecolt 4V Llbby MrN Ar L ' Long Bell A" . 7V t Montgomerv Ward Nash Kelvlnator 14'v Nat Dairy NY Central 10 I Northern Pacific "'i Pac Am Fish Pa Gas At Klec 32". Pa Tel Sz Tel ' Penney J C Radio Corp 12' Hayonler 21' Kayomer P?d 31 ' Reynolds Metal 13 ' Richfield S.ifeway Stores 2HH Sears Roebuck 43 Southern Pncific 3S Standard Oil Co Studebaker Corp 23 Sunshine Mining 11' Transamerlra 13 s Union Oil Cal Union Pacific 81 United Airlines 1 U S Steel 23 Varner Broa Pic l Woolworth 6 MARKET QUOTATIONS alrn l.itesto.a Market iBt Valle "ackina Ci'tnPtnT' Lambs H9-00 to 120 00 eeer Ismbs iu ou 10 siowu FwrA r. -V 'o uo Cutter cows IB.00 to tiooo Fat dairy cows iio.uu to t ill 10 Calves, good (300-450 lbs) J1S.00 to 117 00 Veal 1 150-300 lt.l top . 10 em.uu Portland Produce Butterfat Tentative, suDjeci to imme diate chance Premium quality maximum 35 to l Dcrceni aeiauy aenverea in Portland 3-66c lb- 93 acore l-64c lb.. SO score. 57-60C. 89 score, 55c. Valley routes and country points 2r less than first. Butter Wholesale run duik cuoes to wholesalers: grade 93 score. 62 cents; A 92 score flic; B 90 score. 59c lb.; C 89 score. 6c. Above prices are strictly nominal. Cheese Selling price to Portland whole sale: Oregon singles 39-40r. Oregon ft sm. loaf 43-43c. triplets l less man singles. Eggs (To Wholesaler! A graoe large. '.a-ae'ac: A medium, 51-54 tc: grade lame. SO'i-SS'ic: small A grade, 42,c. Portland Dairy Market Butler Price to reiauers: wrsas prints 67c: AA cartons 68c; A prints c. A cartons one; prints inc. Eggs Prices to retailers: Grade AA large 73c dog.; cert Hied A large, 68c: large tic; AA medium, 5Bc: certified A, medium. 57c; A medium, 55-56c; A small. c, cartons itc acimuonai. Cheese Price to retailers: Portland Oregon singles 39-42c; Oregon loaf, 6 1b. loafs 44'a-45c lb.; triplets, l1 cents less than singles. Premium brands, singles 51 4e lb.; loaf, t3'ic. Poultry Live Chickens no. i quaiuy run plants, No. 1 broilers under 3i lbs. 2S-20C irvers ids., aa-oc; s- im., a 29c: roasters 4 lbs. and over. 27-29c; fowl. Leghorns 4 Uv. and under, 18-20C. over 4 30c; coiorea iowi an wtisnti, c. roosters, all weishU 18-19c. Rabbits Average to growers, live wnues, 4-5 lbs.. 18-20C lb.: 5-6 lbs.. lo-lBC 10, colored 2 cents lower; old or heavy does. And bucks, 8-12c; fresh fryers to butchers, 50 -53 c. Countre-KIUed Meats Veal, top quality. 30-32c lb. ; other grades according to weight and quality with poor or Heavier au-asc. Hogs: Light blockers, 30-31c; sows, 93 24c. Lambs: Top quality, springers, 35-37c: mutton, 10-12C Beef: Good cows. 23-230 lb.; canners- cutters. 20 -22c. Fresh Dressed Meats (Wholesalers to retailers per ewt.i: Beef steers, good 500-800 lbs.. 14345: commercial, 127-30; utility. 131-34. Cows Commercial, 131-33; utility, 137- I; canners-cutters, 123-26. Beef Cuts (Oood Steers): Hind quarters. SS5-57; rounds. $52-55; full loins, trimmed. (73-77; triangles. 131-33: square chucks. $39-41; ribs, 152-55: foreqtiarters. $37-38 Veal and calf: Oood, 137-40; commercial. $33-35; Utility, 128-32. Lambs: Good-choice spring lamas. I4i 46: commercial. 136-40: utility. 133-35. Mutton: Oood, 70 lbs. down, iio-i. Pork cut: Loin No. 1 8-12 lbs.. 136-57; shoulders 16 lbs. down, 140-42; spare- ribs, $47-50; 132-33; mixed h-eights $2 per cwt. lower. Portland Mirrllnneou C'ascars Hark Dry 12 "ae lb., green 4c lb Wool Valley coarse and medium gradea. 45c lb. Mnhalr 25c lb. on 12-month growth. nominally. Hides ca:ves. Jtie id., according 10 weight, kips 25c lb . beef ll-12c lb., bulls 6-7c lb. Country buyers pay 2c less. Nut Quotations Walnuti Kranqueiies, first quality turn oo, 34. 7c; large, sue. meaium. z j.jc second Quality Jumbos. 30.2c; large. 28.2c medium, 26 2c; baby, 23.2c ; aoft shell, first aua ltv large. 3.7c: meaium. ae-.zc sec ond quality large, 37.2c; medium, 34.7c; baby 22 2c. Filberts Jumbo, joc re.t large, lec medium, 16c; small, 13c. Children's Farm Home Cottage Dedication Dedication ceremonips for the new boys' cottaRe just completed at the Children's Farm Home of Oregon WCTU will be held on the home grounds at Corvallis Sunday, October 9, at 3 p m Judge Donald E. Long of the Multnomah county court of do mestic relations will deliver the dedicatory address. Mrs. Betty Starr Anderson of Salem will sing the solo, "Bless This House." Remarks will be made by S. L. Starr, president, board of trust ees of the Farm Home, II. C. Sey mour, chairman of the Home building committee, Mrs. Fred J. Tooze, president of Oregon WCTU. and others. Music will be furnished by children of the Farm Home un der the direction of Mrs. R F Larson. All friends of the Home are invited to attend. Portland Paitvlde Market Sweet corn sold at II SO top fnr S-doren ears on the Portland EnsUide market to day. Tomatoes sold to wholesalers at 71 cenW-l 00 per flat Cabbage brought tl 50 for single crate lots Turnips were quoted at 6S-iQ cents per dor HOW TO PUT OUT FIRE OF STOMACH ULCER PAIN rwutetf by csccee mcid Don't Juat suffer from agonising pain and ennitant bo mug of atnmarh ulcrr. indigrf Iton. u. hoaritxirn, other ditre rauind hp eieeae ilnmirh aeid. Pfunder'a Tablrte are guaranteed Ut bring amesmg quirk, soothing relief of orb arid ttomaeh ditrea OR MONEY RA K ! Formula of K. II. I' fond, Ph U., ennlama mrdirally-provrd Ingredx ents, Aeid Hirer lunVrere he bought over Ml 000 orrfi I'funtW TuMrt- In past W rear. Utt ffunaei s labial lode. Cupital Journal, Salem, Ore., Senate Confirms Judge Minton Washington, Oct. 5 U. Sen ate confirmation of Federal Judge Sherman Minton as a supreme court Justice today ad ded another member to the high court's "liberal" bloc. Minton is expected to be sworn in within the next few days. It is generally believed that he will line up in many de cisions with the bench's two remaining "liberal" members Justices Hugo Black and Wil liam O. Douglas. The senate voted last night, 48 to 16. to approve Minton as Rutledge's successor, despite re publican protests that the nom ination should be returned to the senate judiciary committee for hearings on his qualifica tions. Backed by Sen. Homer Fergu son, (R., Mich.), Sen. Wayne Morse, (R., Ore.), protested that the committee should have gone through with its earlier decision to let GOP members question Minton personally about the views he held as a new deal senator from Indiana. Morse's rocommital motion . , , ni" ' ana mia narper lOWevlT, Was rejected by a roll; And Mrs. Edna nsmp. both of Brooks: and .nil vote of 46 to 21. SALEM MARKETS Completed from reports of Salem dealers for the guidance of Capital Journal Readers. (Revised dally). Retail Feed Prices: r.Kg Mash tt.m. ha libit Pellets $4.30. Dairy Feed S3. 70. Poultry: Buying prices -Grade A color ed hens 32c; grade A Leghorn hens, 18-lSc. grade A colored fryers, three lbs snd up, 37-29c. Grade A old roosters, 15c. i:gsa Buying rrlrea Extra large aa. one. arse AA. 65c; large A. 63-6.Sc; medium AA, 53c: medium A. 31-52c: pullets. 34-37c. Wholesale Prices Ejjg wholesale prlcea Tc above these prices; above grade A generally quoted at 70c: medium 57c. Butlerfat Premium 64-65c. No. 1. 63c; No. 3, 67- 39c: (buying prices). Batter Wholesale grade A, tic; re call 13C. Portland Livestock Portlaeid. Ore., Oct. 5 (UB Livestock: Cattle salable 300. calves 125. Market opened rather slow, about steady. Quality mostly common and be low. Assortea loea average medium light steers late Tue.nday 21.50; few common steers today 16.00 to 18.00; common heifers 13 50 to 15.50: cut ters dairy type steers and heifers 11.00 to 12.50, few canner and cutter cows to 11.50; common and medium beef cows held uround 12.50 to 14,50 or above. Bulls scarce with demand limited. Veeiers very active, early sales strong considering quality. Good vr nlers scarce; salable around 21.00 or 23.00 and above; top Tues day 24.00 on odd choice grades. Hoes salable 300. Market active: steaay. Oood and choice 180-230 lbs mostly 21.00. few 300 lbs 18 50: good 350-500 lb SOWS quoted lfl.OOto 17.00: late Tuesday around 150 had good and choice eu-W lb feeder dIks 21.50. sheep aaiapie 750. uooa ana cnoice lambs good and scarce early salable around 20.50 to 21.50; few lots medium nnd good grades steady at 20.00; common down to 16 00; very few feeders sold this week. Quotable 17. 00 to 18.00; good ewes 6.00 to 6.50. Chicago Livestock Chicago. Oct. S (JPl (USDA Salable hoxs 11,000; slow, 25-75 cents lower both butchers and sows: most decline on but chers over 220 lbs and on sows over 350 lb; top 18 50 for few loads choice 240-270 lb: bulk good and choice 200-280 lb 18.00- 18.25; 18 00 popular price on 200-315 lb: tew 200 m late at 17.73: lao-zoo io n.aa 18.00; few lots 160-180 lb 16.00-17.50: good and choice sows under 400 lb 16.50-17.50; 425-500 lb 15.50-16.50: odd head heavier sows low as 14.50: good clearance. Salable cattle 11.000: salable calves 500: steers grading average-choice and better active, steady to fully 50 cents htgher; steers grading low-choice and below strsdr to fully SO cents lower; few loads choice heifers strong: others weak to fully 60 cents lower; cows weak to fully 23 cents lower; bulls active, strong; calves and vealers steady to 50 cents lower; top 35.50, a new high for the year to date, paid for four loads choice to prime 1,100- 1,295 lb steers; several loads high-choice Ktcers 34.50-34.85: bulk choice steers 32.50. 34.23; good to low-choice 27.50-32 00: me- n to low-good 19.00-37.00; common down to 17.00; good and choice fed heif ers 26.00-31. 50; bulk common and medium beef cows 14.00-16.00; csnners and cutters 11.75-14.25: medium and good bulls 18.00 19.50; vealers 28.00 down. Salable sheep 2.000;slauthter Iambs and yearlings slow, 50-75 cents lower: practic al top native lambs 23.75 with bulk unsold: good to choice yearling wethers 19 00; ewes full v steady with choice to 10.00 end bulk 8.00-9.50. Perl rind Grain Portland. Oct. I 0)0 Cash grain: Soft white 219 bid: soft white no rex. white club and hard red winter ordinary not quoted. Hard white baart ordinary not quoted. Coarse grains Coast delivery: OaU: No. 2 38-lb white 53.00 bid. Barley; No. 2 43-lb west 53.00 bid. Italian Boxer Dies Buffalo, N. Y Oct. 6 (A1) En rico Bcrtola, the heavyweight boxing champion of Italy, died at about 1:20 p.m. today of a brain Injury suffered last night in losing a 10-round decision to Lee Oma. (Advertisements) Smooth Away Discomfort of Chafed, Itchy Skin Yes, It's simple as thatt Rathe with mild Kcsinol Soap, then spread on medicated Ren not. Wonderful how quickly and gently the soothing ingredients in thig famous ointment give blissful relics'. celly-iawndfrMt. men) thai tla reel reiellg Contact Lens Users After lenes are removed and your eyea and lldi feel tired, tore. Inflamed, burn ing and imartlng enjoy the soothing rum fori of pleanant Lavoptik. tjulrkly help relieve irritation. Your eye feel refreshed and rlean. I.avoptlk has been Uied for more than 20 yean Muit delight or money bark. Get Lavoptik today. Eye- cup indudedi. At all drugguti. ' 'tisemcnli - WANTED - Walnuts Filberts Nut Meats IIIGHKST TRICE CASH ON DELIVERT FOR ORCHARD RIN . . . SEE IS BEFORE YOU SELL. MORRIS KL0RFEIN PACKING CO. 480 N. Front Strwt SALEM Telephone J-7MJ Wednesday, Oct. 5, 1949 19 DEATHS Mrs. Ulllt Stewart Mrs. Ulllt Stewart, late resident of 9M Tamarack street, at a local hospital, Oc tober 1. Survived by two sons, Rslph Stew, art of Canada and Douglas Stewart of Austin, Minn. Shipment Is being made by ciousn-Barrlca company to Janesvilie. Minn. Lillian Frances Hebbs At tne residence at route I. Dallas. October 4, Lillian Prances Hubbs, at tne ate oi ot years, eurviveo or inree cauin ters, Mrs. Wendell DeHavea of Dallas, Mrs. Harlan Taylor of Lake Grove, Ore- ' gon, and Mrs. E. L. Morse of Salem, two brothers. Mark Jones of Dallas and ' Reeca Jonesof Balem: and five grandchil dren. Member of the Dalits Methodist church and past matron of the Eastern Star at SUverton. Services will ba held at the W T. RIgdon chapel Friday, Octo ber 7, at S p.m. Aastla Reed Austin Reed, at the residence at 4l North Liberty street. October 2. Private services were held Tuesdsy, October 4. at the Howell-Edwards chapel with Interment in the City View cemetery. Bert Ceg Bert Cox, former resident of Balem, at Sedro Wool ley. Wash.. October 3. Sur vived by wife, Mrs. Hattit Cos ot Sedro Wool ley. Wash.: and two sisters, Mrs. Kste Rose of Columbia. Mo., and Mrs. Helen Perdue of Salem. Services will be held at the Howe 11 -Ed wards chapel Fri day, October 1. at 1:30 p.m. with Rev. Dudley Strain officiating. Concluding services In Belcreat Memorial park. Samuel Paul Jones In this city October 4, Samuel Paul Jones, late resident of route 1, Brooks, at the ate of 50 years. Survived by wife, Blanche E. Jones of Brooks; four sons, 3. Paul Jones, Jr.. of Mission Bottom, Daryl O. Jones of Brooks, snd Evans W. Jones and Stanley W. Jones, both of Sa lem, three daughters, Mrs. Blanche Haw. ley. Bertha Jean Jones and Sally Jo Jones, all of Broolu: five sUters. Mrs. W. P. Collard of Mi-Mlon Botton. Mrs. Alt.ia .-iaUser of Wilder. Ida.. Mrs. S:ivla Ur x- ' seven gr.-nacniioren. cervices win be held it tht W, T. Rledon chapel Friday. Octo ber 7. at 10 a.m. with concluding services In the Pioneer cemetery at Brooks. Ritual lMic services by Oervals ItxUe No. 54, At AM. OBITUARY Henry L. Kapllnaer Mill City Funeral services for Henry Kapllnser, 88, who died at his home here Monday, will be held from the First Presbyterlsn church Thursday at 3 o- lock with burial In the Pairview cemetery. He was born In Oreenfield. Mass., May 9, 1861. and had lived in Mill City since 1903. Surviving are a son, Leland Kaplln aer. Mill City; daughter. Mrs. Minnie Kane. Kalama, Wash.; sister, Mrs. Min- Dunn la an. Balem: three grandchil dren and one great granddaughter. Mrs. Edward H. Holtoway Albany Mrs. Edward H. Ho oway. 67. route No. 1, Albany, died Saturday In the Emanuel hospital, Portland, from com plications suffered from a broken hip. Funeral services were held from the Fisher funeral home Wednesday with bur ial In the Willamette Memorial park, fih was born July 9. 1832 at Yaquina. Ore., , when a small child moved to Newport, where she lived until she was 6 years of aae and then removed to Albany route where she had since lived. On Septem ber 25, 1907 she wits married to Edward H. Holloway, who survives as do two chil dren, Mrs. Iretha Lansing, Albany, and Royce C. Holloway, route 1, Albany, and two grandchildren. Mrs. Holloway was graduated from Albany college. Elmer W. Webb Albany Funeral services will be held for Elmer W. Webb, 35, Brownsville, who was killed while on a hunting trip near Wamlc, 40 miles south of The Dalles. Saturday, In Brownsville but the time had not been determined late Monday. Ar rangements are being made at the Fisher funeral home. Webb was born February 4. 1924. In Nebraska, and lived there until he was six years old when ha moved with his parents to Idaho. He came to Oregon four years ago, living at Chllo- quin tor two years, ana moving to Brownsville two years ago. He was engag- ed in sawmill work. He married Betty Lou Smith August 20, 1945 at Lakevlew. She survives as do two children, Bruce Aaron Webb and Karen Sue Webb, his parents, Mr. and Mra. John Webb, O rants Pass: his grandmother, Mrs. Frank Davis, Olendlve, Mont. ; four brothers, Russell, Stanley, Burrell and Gary Webb, Grants Pass; and a sister, Mrs, Owen Morely, Brownsville. Webb was scoutmaster of Brownsville Boy Scout troop No. 34 at Brownsville, Gnat are Tewe SUverton Itinera! gervlces for Ouj tave Towe, 59. former SUverton resident who died In Portland Sunday, were held from the Immanucl Lutheran church' Tuesday afternoon. Rev. S. L. Almlte of ficiating and burial in the Valley View cemetery. Surviving are a daughter. Mrs. Elinor ootkin; three brothers. Jalmer Towe, Portland: W. C. Towe, Salem and Casper Towe, Beverly Hills, Calif, Samaet K. Zollinger woodburn Samuel Edwin Zollinger. 84, late resident of 422 Settlemler Avenue, Woodburn, October 4 at his home after a lone Illness. Born at Polo, Illinois, April 1865 and came to Oregon from Mon tana In 1936 and to Woodburn 10 yeara ago. Member of the First Presbyterian church at Woodburn in which he held the or nee or eider and for so years was amem ber of Golden Star lodge, I. O. O. F. at Ollle, Montana. Survivors Include hie wife, Laure J. Zollinger of Woodburn: two sons. Ross O. Zollinger of Austin, Texas, Ray Zollinger of Frexno. California; four grandchildren and 10 great grandchildren. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Friday, Oct. 7 at the Rinao chapel with the Rev. Harry Ryan of Dayton officiating, assisted by Rev, E. Kay Fenton, pastor ot the local church. Interment will be In Belle Passl cemetery. (Scabies) highly eea ITPH"'' I iteped. Ita a weald een Hfe If a el aele eaaae la I be Iteb anile which la taaaiene te ordinary treatments. Ei qORA kills the Itch aslte almost Instant ly. On It three days EXSOBA Irealaaeat la re, a I red At Tear Res rail FRED METER Drag Section Mall Order Given Preaael Allentlen 'Advertisement) GALL BLADDER lUMIRIIt UNO CU OR MISIRT OUI TO LACK OF HIALTHT IILI apply bed Heee Sefferer Belele New relief for gallbladder sufferer lack lag healthy bile la aen today la announce ment of a wonderful preparation which acta with remarkable effect. Sufferer with agonising colic, tomacb and gallbladder misery due le laek of healthy bile now ull of remarket! results after using this merit eine whlrh has am ting power to atitnulate Sow of healthy bile. 6ALLUSIN la a eery espeniiee medicine, but considering reeulte, the It 00 It costs ia only pennies per doee. OAUUSIN (eauttoa. as only as directed) la sold with full BMMf be ok guarantee f Hehaefer Dreg. Isa N Commercial Mall PILES (MIMOKHHOIM) RECTAL AND COLON AILMENTS STOMACH DISORDERS tmtil littoit tntf iMntM Wion. inrour ..... .ww...- ( to 5 P "V Ev.ningi: Mon., 0-t . M D Wd ond Frt.. until IS8MV4I W. Of call lot ll oMcriptlvo bookW The Dean Clinic In Our 39th Veer H.I. L .mil, ond antna Avo, T.l.rk.n. lArt !. 14, Of. 9 irJ 4 s