'8 Capital Journal, Salem, CLAW in ID ADVIRTI9INO. Pr Uni 1H Per Lin t time 40e Per Line time 00 Per lid 1 month S3 00 Outside of Aft tern 15 per Hot per day. UId. lOct I time miD. lot I time mln. 11.20. No Refund 'READERS In Local New Col Only: Per Line e To Place an Ad Phone 2 2406 OR SALE HOUSES 1QUERN 3 bdrm. 36500. Ph. 3-fllBB. a236 T OWNER; 2"i BR nouM on creek. Fireplace, tarate. ta furnace. iu rang Included. I670O 11400 lowo. m DO. Ph. Salem 3-4831. I to 10 pm 317 -ENTAL PROPERTY showmt rood re turn on investment. 1516 6th fit. 4 rm. house, plaatered, paved street. 13350. Term. AST EWALD. New 3 BR modern house. Wired for range. 1. water heater, city wattr. Only 13.050. . E. SALEM. New 3 BR better-built home. 1 aero fine black land, drilled well S5750. i. E. MEREDITH Rlt. or B. M. MAttON 176 B. Commercial. Ph.J-8841. 236 LOTTA HOUSE FOR THE II 111.500. New 4 Dtt home located N. of Mkt. fit. In Enslewood. 2 BR up. 2 dn. fully plastered, Brut of construction, and Very attractive. A real place for aome one who needs the rm. and don't have a big bank roll. Buy now and choose your own color. Rea. term. Ph. 2-6680. ED. LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 433 North HUhJSt. 2S7 EW 2 B.R., F.H.A. loan amall down butlt home. Large payment. 810 'ord 236 756 Late built 3 B R. 1 -683 4. horn N I. Ph. a259 T OWNER WHO IB EMPLOYED IN DALLAS. NICE 5 ROOM HOME, ATT. OAR., NICE VIEW, HDWD FLOORS. FIREPLACE. FENCED IN YARD, LOTS OF FLOWERS ft SHRUBS. CLOSE TO SCHOOL ft BUS. KINOWOOD HT. DI8T. 14000 EQUITY WILL HANDLE THIS. SOME BALANCE. F.H.A. AP PRAISED. PH. 3-5059. a237 BY OWNER 1 bdrm- one block to McKlnley achool ft bu. Hdwd. fr., open circular slalr way, plastered dry basement, oil fur nace. Will conalder any reasonable of fer. Ph. 3-5472. 240 Open for Inspection Modern 3 bdrm. home. Large living room with circulating fireplace, dining room, kitchen breakfast nook, attached garage ft Inside utility room. Very large lot. Fenced In front awn. Reas onable price for this type of home. Can be seen anytime. Call at 3330 Sunnyview Ave. a340 Near Glen Creek Road Not far out. Cute 2 BR home. New modern and only 14250. Ternu. B. Isherwood, Realtor 2007 N. Capitol St. Office Ph. 2-3862. Eve. 2-3147 or 2-8136. a237 IY OWNER: R rooms, large lot. Ideal lo cation. 18500. 462 Hoyt St. a240 REDUCED Large living room, DR, 3 nice BR. bath, kit., large utility, at. garage with lots of storage pnce. Extra big lot near Highland achool. FHA term. Priced at 19300. To ghe Immediate possession. Chas. Hudkins & Son RFALTORS SfiO N. High St. Phone 3-4120 B237 Close in Location An xtra lot Included. Oood 3 BR home. Xtra bamt. rra. F' place. Hdwd. fir. DR. LoU of fruit garden. 3040 Market St. We will be glad to make an ap pointment for you. 19500. Ternu. B. Isherwood, Realtor 2007 N. Capitol fit. Office Ph. 3-3862. Eve. 3-2147 or 3-BS16 J37- IV OWNER modern 2 Br. home with dining room ft 12x20 utility room. I blk. E. Of City limit. Ph22775. 337 FAIRMONT HILL Llv. rm.. din. rm., kit., nook. 2 BR. den. and bath on one floor. Full baaement with play rm.. BR, shower A laundry. Auto Electric furnace, 2 fireplace. In eulated. weather at ripped, V. blind, awning, dble. gnr., very la. lot, fenced yard. 1070 John St. Phone 3-8226. a240 I GOOD BPY In a 3 BR home In Weat Sa lem. Only 16 mo old, wall to wall ruga, plaatered, 3 block to achool. 1 block to bus. Let tu how you thl home. Priced at 18500. Oood term. ,ET I'S SHOW you thl older type 3 BR , home. Very well located In Eaat Salem. 1500 down, total price $5,500. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exeualvo Llatlna Peraonat Service 164 8. Com 1 St. Ph. 8-8389. Eve. 3-7440 or 3-4937. 2S7 tODERN 3 bdrm. home. Pull alte baae. ment with 1 txlrm. Child' play room and lota of cupboard. Newly drcoratrd. Englewood dil. New auto. Montag oil furnace. Ph. 3-7931. a23R i BDRM. home. Living room, dining room, kitchen, bath, full bnaement, auto, oil furnace, hardwood floora, ven. blind, fireplace. Lot 100x165, Undamped. Im proved road next to bu. I2.S00 down, tail. FH A. Inquire 3615 Hulaey Ave.. Ph. 3-3201. a242 McKillop Real Estate REALTORS f-RFDROOM HOME, living room, large kitchen. lobt of built ma. Paved street and aldewalk. Clone to arhonl. FHA bp prataed thU property at 17.000. Make u an offer. f -BEDROOM HOME. Large living room with fireplace, good dining room, fine kitchen. Ioia of built In. Hardwood floor throughout. Full baaement, auto, oil furnace. Pnvrd 'treet. large lot. aood lawn and ahrub Bu paat front door. FHA appraised thl home for 111,500, make u an offer. COMB IN OR CALL Daytime Phone 3-ftlSl Evening phone 3-8400 or J-JSt McKillop Real Estate - 493 Center at Hitfh WE MAKE REAL ESTATE LOANS 3J tr.Mt tntns. full price I630. bur a two bom. with atairrd attic, near bua and aiboota UW DOWN payment on new t bdrm home. Kelrtr dut. Take over O I loan. I0 per month. Be aure lo ak about thu one. TWO BDRM. home Inn If wood dlatrkt. now vacant. aRaement. oil furnace: owner equity 2MX. Balance T H A. at IU month. Salem Realty Co. Realtora 13 N. Huh St Phone I-7M0 Eve, phone 3-4591 3-66H3. t.T MANBHTN OAR PEN I10.SO0. Re value In thla 3 B R. home Colotlla bath, flrerlc . pecan floora, nice nook, 1. well landacaped lot. FHA. loan may be aaaumed Ph. 2-6680 ED. LUKINHKAL REAL ESTATE 411 NOHTH HU1H ST. Srv. Ph. 3-1704 - 3-7769 - 1-3836 Worth $8500 geTI tor tUM walking dlManre down town. 3 B Rnu, plaater, basement, fire place, hdwd . garaee. llv., din., kll 13000 down, I Ml mo. E.M. Hunter, Real Estate 770 S Com Ph. 3-4649 3-5497 a3S9 ENGLEWOOD Well-located 9 room home with tile bath, fireplare, heam-ceiline L R . full baAement aith furnace, unfinished up. JuU 1 8 S00, W. SALEM STECIAL 390 take this amall 3 B R. completely furnished home on a hlth n drv corner Int. paved at. both aide, make an excel lent rental, room to build another houae Crawford. Eea, pi 2-539" BURT PICHA. Realtora 379 H. Hllh St. Ph. 3-3649 a217 BY OWNER er? attractive t bdrm home Nice neighborhood. Convenient location nest Le!le achool. 4, irtan. IB'.OO Would take car a part down payment. Ph l-teet for Mora detail. Ore., Wednesday, Oct. 5, 1949 FOR SALE HOUSES REAL tood smell home, H I, floora, fire- place, full basement, lot to ller. near school, bu by th door. Priced to Mil. Goodwin and McMilun REALTORS Pho. 1-4107 464 Court Eve. 1-4171 a239 BY OWNER Leaving town, nut Mil at sacrifice: 3 bdrm.. I replace, hdwd. lira. full basement, nice yd. Enilewood diet. 630 Thompson Ave, t340' FOR HALE or trade: 5 rtn. house. Lot exl30. wired for rente. Will trade for large trailer home. Rt. 1, BoE 376T, Lo StandUh. a239 REAL ATMOSPHERE A beautifully located 2 bdrm. horn com binini attractively arranged living euer tera. Full baaement. party room. 3 fire place, built up lawn. line ah ad troai. Price 113 500. 13.700 will hand) a Of amall houae in trade. Walter Musgrave, R'ltor 121 1 Edaecltr. Ph. 3-5700. Ivt. 1-9999 242 too acre, proflublr Improve with .tr.w brrrlpj, cn. bcrrlu, etc. Very pl.u.nt Rome; one bdrm. down 2 up tunrtn tilled), excellent deep well. 1195 Clear. view. E. A. McOLAUPLIN, REAL ESTATE 225 N. Com 1 St. Ph. 2-5111. Eve. 1-2209 331' BY OWNER Scenic View Property 36 ACRES 8PRINO FED CREEK 6 ACRES FRUIT 6 ACRES PASTURE 12 ACRES IN CULTIVATION 3 mile of Weat Salem. Rt. I. Box 940 340 $750 DOWN $50 PER MO. l'i atory houae 3 bdrm. down kit chen-dinette comb. - living rm. - atalr way with unfinished attic - utility rm t attached garaae large lot - good aoll - paved atreet - Reiser dUtrtct - Full price 17200. $500 DOWN New 2 bdrm. houae - kitchen -dinette comb. - nice alze living rm. - elec. heat - utility rm. - attached aarait - large lot - paved atreet - Keller dlt. - Full price 7650. SOUTH 12TH ST. Coxy 1 bdrm. houae - kitchen with table apace - living rm. - elec. heat - plenty of storage apace - large lot 70 ft. front age on hwy. . houae aettlng far enough back for bualnea apace In front - Large ahade tree nice ettlni lor home A bualne. Abrams & Skinner, Inc. 411 Maaonlc Bid. Ph. 1-92 II iruurance Loan a239' WHY PAY RENT When you an buy a dandy 3 bdrm. home com p. furn. incl. elec. range, re frlg. 17150. Owner would ell unfurn. Call Pat Kemper. $8750 Nice 2 bdrm. home, lge. Ilv. rm. with fireplace, beautiful lot. Enilewood. $14,250. Lovely 3 bdrm. home In perf, cond., car peted llv. and din. rm., kit. with nook, full bmt., ant. oil furn. Beautifully landscaped. Well loc. In Enilewood. Gray-Himmel Realty Co. rn. 2-B3B. eve. j-saT, j-owi, 3-4352. a239 FOR SALE LOTS 111,000 110x130 LOT Corner lot ha two amall houae. Oood location for aerv.ee atatlon, or drive In reat. Located on two well traveled at. In north part of Salem. Ph. 3-6680. ED. LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 443 North High St. Eve. Ph. 3-3831 3-7769 - 2-2704 aa242 BRAND NEW ADDITION North. Cloae to Hayeavlll achool. Lot With water, electricity, bua aervle an.4 fruit treea. $10 down 115 per month. Keimann for Real Estate 201 South High St. Ph. 3-9203 Sun. St Eve. 2-8241 4-3874 3-3532 3-9718 BB242 FOR CHOICE realdentlal tract in King- wooa hi, ft caacade Terrace, at mod erate price ft very low monthly term, ee the original owner ft developer. C, A. Robertaon. Ph. 3-8413. aa259 LOTS EAST ON BROWN ROAD. Electri city, water, lis down ft lift month. General Real Estate 255 Center Ph. 3-3369. ,a338 Milftft VIEW LOT. 3365 View avenue. City waier-a-aa. near eaiem HCianta arnool IB50. Ph. 30H96. BB247 FOR SALE FARMS BV OWNER in Mt. Angel dlat. Lovely 37 A arm all under cult. Willamette silt soil. Very good bides. Mod. 7-rm. house Equipped with tractor and farm mach. ft grain. 113,000 equity 13,000. 4,ii 20 year loan. 3'a miles east of 99E on McKee Rd. Ja. S. Ridings, Rt. 3, Box 37, Woodburn, Oreg. b240 JM ACRES 19 MILEft north of Salem. No building, will trad on houae. Inquire 607 N. Capitol, Apt. No. 9. b23t Farms and Acreages 15,300. Excellent soil, new outside build. Nice older type house completely modern. 15.000 down. 18.500. 121 acres, I BR houae. barn. 2 aood row, chickens, fruit, nut, ber rle.v good soil. 115.750. t acres located Just worth ef Kelzer Sch. on River Rd. 7.000. Excellent II acre of Wit. allt aoll all In new berries. Irrigation well and equipment. 1 ml. north. 124.500. tirade A Dairy. 40 acre of fin oll. cowa and all farm machlnerv first cla, Buildings are In perfect condition. Ph- 2-6680. Ed. Lukinheal Real Estate 433 North Hlah St. Eve. Ph 2-8704 - 3-3836 - 3-7769 b243 16 AVHKS, 1 mile from Aumavllle. new 9 room home. El. water heater, wired for el. range. 2 car tarage, 4 cows, milking machine, barn 30x38. chicken houae, good well. Thl is a tood place, end worth the money. Goodwin and McMillin REALTORS Ph. 3-4707 484 Court Eve. 3-4773 3J9 NEAR SUNNYSIDE " 11 W acre In frutl ft nuts, 2 B R. furn Uhed house, D. garage, tractor, equip ment A tool all go for I90O0. excellent term Crawford. Eve Ph. 2-5390. Bl'RT PICHA, REALTORS 379 N Hteh St Ph 3-1649 b317 FOR SALE ACREAGE 4 Acres, 3 B. Rms. Only 93700 full price. Timber, tood veil, pving, part terms or consider Salem liae. not over 4500. E. M. Hunter Real Estate no a com. Pii-Mwt-iwikbiM i ai nr.rim. lo eitr W hi. iim" w.ii Aorolol.kr, Re.1 BMltf, Ph S-1V bl40 REAL ESTATE NELSON" NEWS FORECLOSURE SALE If you tan act quickly, quickly enough to forest all foreclosure, you can prob ably aet a 9 bdtm . mod home, with full twin I , furnace heating, on ac land with rustic aettinc for about 17509. For de tail check with Chet Nelson 2 BPRM. HOME N. 97500 A good 3 bdrm suburban home near bus. store ft school, t.R A DR, elee. ranae, elec. wtr. htr . V blind, gar., fruit rm., ulll. rm 9 blk to Keller school ft I blk. to Keller bus. About 4 A. 93 A 111009 Mod 3 bdrm home: 34x40 barn: poultry houae; hay barn, exceptional good well. 10 A. clover; equipped with tractor. Plow, diact A other machinery, Oood soil, 10 ml. N 30 A EQUIPPED ! 13A filberts 7 to 11 vrs. old. 9 A wal nut 15 yr ok), mod. 9 bdrm home, lee barn, chicken hse , brooder rise., 9 veil with isoo gal. capacity per hr. Bqupt. include Oliver Cletrac with at tachments NELSON & NELSON Multiple Lialmf Realtors Persona! Service Men who Speclahie 74J1 N. Hits P. I-413. e9V FOR SALE HOUSES REIMANN FOR REAL ESTATE $350 DOWN! 37 M per month. New livable, 3-bedroom home wired for electric range. Plumbing rouahed Id. Chimney in. Double constructed. Immediate 90- IOB. FAIRMOUNT HILL! very nice 3 -bedroom home with all hardwood floor. Dining room Bad eatinf space in kitchen. Large lot. Price 88,500. No. 364. WE NEED GOOD LISTINGS REIMANN FOR REAL ESTATE 301 South Hllh Street Ph. S-.201 Eve. & Sun. 4-2874, 2-S7M. 1-1337. 3-5S05 .23 REAL ESTATE BEST BUYS $6850 TOTAL PRICE Older type home. Near Leslie school. Full baement. fireplace. Choice lot. Oood cond. Term. Eve. Ph. 3-3558. $9850 TOTAL PRICE Nle home. Close In. Eaat. Extra lane lot. Electric heat. Approi 1,000 sq. ft. floor apace. Almost new. Hdwd. floors. Attached garage. Term. Eve. Ph. 3-3551. 5 ACRES I rm. modern houae. Well. Family ber ries fruit ft nut trees. Total price 16800. Term arranged. Eve. Ph. 3-9403. GRADE A DAIRY Very good buildings. Oood stock and equipment. Located close to Salem ft schools. Aim oat Immed. pos. Oood soil, year around creek. Total price 124,500. Term. Eve. Ph. 3-9403 or 3-3558. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors 203s Portland Rd. Ph. 3-7810. C236' $4950 3 bdrm. older type, plaatered home, Englewood dit. Term. SMALL FARM It acre. Oood 4 bdrm. plaatered hoiue. Oood out bldgs., farm equip, toe. Will consider trade for 4 bdrm. house In or near city. G. A. VICARY, REAL ESTATE tit N. Com'l St. Ph. day or eve. 3-0421 c238- Drive Buys T ! f 600 Paltview Ave. (with 4 acre) I S.950 1718 Fair mount Ave. Term 6.750 796 Waldo Ave. Immediate pox. FHA term 8.250 150 N. 16th. Englewood Dltrlct .. 10,500 Lots Lots Lots 60x90 Across from 730 Waldo Ave. ONLY 430 Lone Oak 2 large Lots 1800 ft. 1.200 3 lot corner Cros Davidaoo. Both for 0 78x100 South or 3750 S. High fctty water) 1-450 TSllOO Corner S. High ft Waldo.. 1.650 See or call "Bob" Sullivan, Broker WITH Mattson & Roethlin Ph. 3-3636 REAL ESTATE 331 N. High Even. St Sun. eall 3-6770 - 3-7634 C237 FOR TOCR SATlNOh mveatment buy a flrit mortgage on real estate Salem ft rtclnlty. Examine security yourself Amount 1500 to several thousand dol lar, net lnve'tors 6 We make all col lection for you U desired, STATE FINANCE CO . 153 8 High r CLEAN 3 BDRM. HOME completely furnished. Price only . . .' eois FOR SALE OR TRADE for a farm. Oood I bdrm. home. Close In. Price S T.850 NEW BUSINESS BLDO. 76 ft. frontage, 36 ft. deep. Price . .110,000 10 ACRES. 3 bdrm. house. Barn, chicken houae. Fruit, shade trees. Shrub, year around stream. Price 110.500 Terms. LEO N. CHILDS. INC., REALTORS 344 State St. Ph. 2-3663 Evening call: Mr. Voorhees. 2-4007 or Mr. Sederatrom. 3-6789. c238' WANTED REAL ESTATE NOTICE! If your property 1 for sale rent or exchange, list It with u W have all kind of cash invers TATE FINANCE CO. EEALTOB9 163 8 High St ea THE PORTLAND BRANCH of a national organisation I expanding it Salem division. We can alve permanent work with a good future to the 3 men se lected. Thl I a sales position and re quire that you be bondable. We are pre pared to give adequate training o if you have never aold before come In and talk to u. you may be lust the man we want. Ask for Mr. Merke, Senator Hotel Thur. 9 a.m. ca237 WE ARE In need oi gooo nouses to eel! In or near Salem If you wlb to list your property for sale aee OEABENRORST BBO. REALTORS 134 S tlber St Phone 3-747) e EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE ftEVERAL nice properties In Bend to wap for Salem ft vicinity. Call Crawford with Burt Plena. Realtora. Ph. 2-3649. 379 N. High St. cb217 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SERVICE STATION for sale. Inventory only. Corner of Fairgrounds Rd. ft Capi tol St. Ph. Portland, Eaat 1106 or Salem 2-9114. rd239 Drive In Snack Bar Seat 40 Inatde. Downtown location. Fully equipped. Trailer houae and or car a part payment. Term. Full price. 7000. Write Capital Journal Box 46V Cd340 DINING and DANCING Restaurant with aet-up license. Sale Include properly, equipment and bu.l ne.M located on Hiway 99, 330.000. Ph. 2-6660. ED. LITKINBFAL REAL ESTATE 433 North Hlah St Eve. Ph. 2-8704 - 3-7769 fd241 (3.000 11.000 DOWN Well equipped garage, f25 mo. rent au burhan location north. Ph. 2-6680, ED. LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 433 North Hleh St. Eve. Ph. 2-7769 3-3816 - 2-8704 cd342 HERE'S SECURITY Grocery atore, aervtee station, package beer, modern 3 BR. living quarter, lo cated In one of our best farming com m unit le price of 13,500 Include S acre lot. building, stock ft f Ixt urea, household furniture -showing good net ret-irn Crawford. Eve. Ph. 2-5.190. BURT PICHA. Realtors 379 N. Hlah St. Ph. 3-3649 cd337' MARE GOOD money In your spare time. Will sell Alkuna t rot. vending machines for half of cost. Other recent business Intereat force sale. Ph3-4432. cd23 FOR I.EAAE or sale, new store building, 49X90. at 444 Marlon St. Ph. 2-4526 cd340 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES DUPLEX Completely furnished, one 2 BR apt., en I BR apt., entirely separate. Oood location. Live In half let the other half Pav for your home, or rent both for 1119 per month for a real Investment. The price only 110.800. Owner will con sider trade on 4 BR home near high school. Chas Hudkins & Son REALTORS 319 N High St. Phone 2-4139. rdStf FOR l,EA: bu!n space new bid. 3039 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-4433 or t-6793 ed:i9" FURNITURE FOR SALE DAVENOR FROM 919 to 917 90. TRADER d3.)9 LOUIS, 3059 Portland Rd. DAVENPORT A chair, chrome breakfast ael tor sale. Ph. 9-0149. dlJS nOl'RlE COIL sprmgi 913 S.ngle rotl prints 19. TRADER LOUIS. 3055 Port land Rd dJ39 499 North dJSI COI EM AN OIL circulator Trailer sire. 919 90 Duo-Therm circulator. 919 50. TRADER LOUIS. 3095 Portland Rd d3.t9 ovtnaTirrro sofa rhatr like new. TRADER LOUIS d31 9350 value for 99 90. 3099 Portland Rd To Place Classified Ads Phont 2-2406 IFOR SALE HOUSES FURNITURE FOR SALE Today's Top Buys Wine velour daveno was 1119, priced for Immed. disposal at only 150. Cannot be told from new. 170 oak l-plec dinette set, only 135. Maytag washer, S1SS new, youra today for only 153. 9x12 Ax minster rug and pad. both youra today for only 139. Gorgeous modern occasional chairs. Regular 127.95 today. 114 93 and 19.95. New chest, ft. 95. 1290 drum set. 186. Regular S55 dinette aet. new, only 139.50. Furnish your home at Glenn Woodry's Furniture Market 1605 N. Summer At a Fraction of Regular Cut Term Trade Cash paid for used furniture. d23t FADE Closing out our entire stock of nation ally adv. Quaker OH Circulator, t rm. size res. 9fl.95 now 169.95. 2 rm. Slxe reg. 164.95 now 149.95. 15 down deliver. SAVE $60 Modern daveno matching club chair with blond trim. Nice tapestry cover. Ouaranteed construction. Ret. 1159.95 now 999.95.110 down delivers. SAVE $50 4 piece Mr. and Mr, bedroom suit in beautiful Prima Vera. Suite consists of 3 Mr. and Mrs. Cheat, full else bed ft 30x40 Inch level plate mirror. Ret. 1149 95 value, now only 199.95. 110 down deliver. CHROME CHAIRS Reg. 17 95 ft 98.95 chrome chairs. Tour choice for only 15.95. Red or blue leath erette upholstery. H & H Furniture Co. 1510 Ftlrirouncb B-d. Ph. 1-17(7 Open Eve. Until 9 p.m. 4239' WANTED FURNITURE AUCTIONS FI'RMTl'RE Auction tonight, 7 p.m. Lane Sudtell Auction Sale Yard, located Pa mile eaat of Fairground on Sil ver! on Rd. Ph. 3-6098. dd237' FOR SALE LIVESTOCK BLACK MARE. 3 yrs. old. Broke. Safe for anyone. See Oeo. Oreen at Stop Lite Coffee shop. Ph. 39342. e23f BONDED AND LICENSED livestock buyer. E. C. McCandlsh. 1127 S. 28. Ph. 38147. e257 RABBITS WINO'S BABBITRY need rabbits. Top price 398 Stale Ph 3-14R9. eb242 PETS COLLIE PI PS. A. K. C. re. 470 Wayne Dr. Ph. 2-3013. BFAI'TIFI'L fan tall pigeons. 91 pair. 4310 Silverton rd. Ph. 2-2756. ec239 WHITE GIANT rabbits. 2 doe and Ph. 3-7130. I buck. r341 FUEL SPECIAL BUY YOUR WINTER'S WOOD NOW 3 CORD LOAD. 110.00 PH. 2-7442 ec245 OREGON FUEL CO. GOOD drv slab or green for furnace. Dry editing 16 load. Green edging S5.60 load. Double load 10. Good Clean Sawdust Ph. 3-5533 ee248 SHELL STOVE ft DIESEL OIL. Ph. 3-3181. Shell Oil Co. L. T. Maxwell, distributor ee349 CALI HIOHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oils. FRESH CUT SAWPDST Dry Slab Wood Dry Plainer Ends ft Block Wood Ph 19444 PHILLIPS BROS Old fir, oak, ab ft maple. C fir. slab and edgings. Ph 31459 West Salem Fuel Co. 19 IN DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DR PLANER ENDS OLD OROWTH BLOCK WOOD, 19-IN. CLEAN NO BARK SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone Filem 2-4031 A Io pick up wood at 1535 Edte water St. West Salem ee TRI CITY FUEL PHONE 37443 tf Slab Wood and Edging Fre-ih Ci;t Screened 8awdu ir Inside Mill Wood Dry Wood ASK FOR SAB G RLT 14 STAMPS FOR SALE POULTRY NEW HAMPSHIRE ch'.rka every Thurs day, order Fry or Hens now at ape rial quantity prices for your lockers Custom Drr suing a specialty. Phone 22861. Ler a Hatchery. f EW HAMPSHIRE chiefs for immediate or future delivery Hatches every Tut Foi Hatchery, 3830 State St Ph 3-4964 f" PRODUCE I. ATI: t.HAVKNftTEIN and King apple. Jte Lucas, Orchard Heights rd. Ph. 2-S9A9. ff239" LATE PEARS, delicious eating DrAnloui, now ready. Bring boxe. A I Inn Motel, 3645 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-4310 ff33t GRAPES 4e lb. You pick. Brlnt contain ers. Walden, 3845 Portland Rd. H240- TOMATOrS V-F1CK 75c bll. Rt. J Box PH2F.Ph.31 145. IH37- TOMATOES 75eRe. TJ-plck. Imlah Fruit farm, mil on Wallace rd. Ph. 30374 ff337 TOM ATOM a bu. or ton. TJ-plck It bu. man. Box 12. Ph. Jefferson 904. ff343 FII.RVRT AND Walnut dry Int. Special service for small lot. Phone 32961. Lee Hatchery. ff TOMATOES, cucumber, fresh eta. Frl taard Fruit Farm, H ml. N Kalaer school ff340 HELP WANTED A SPLENDID opportunity for a middle axed, ae mi -ret i red. man or woman lo serve a a representative tor an es tablished investment counselor service. Room 119 Pacific Bid. Salem Oregon. gai:- PART TIME HELP WANTED Can uae few men part lime, to make 13 anv night or day rou r eble to work. Car neceaary. We Will shew you how. Call 3-4M1 Thursday 9:00 to 19 00 (No other time please i for Appoint ment. t2S9 ACCORDION INSTRrCTOR, Part Ot full time. Excellent opportunity so ex perience necessary W train you. Write Capital Journal. Box 413. till HELP WANTED MALE WANTFO: A young man who la ggreime and willing to work. To be trained for an outside selling lob. Setltnt experience or car not necessary. Must be a high school treduete. Steady work. Rapid promotion and toed pay. Apply 396 S I3th. Salem. te3J9' NATIONAL CORP. offers profitable Puil neas oponrtunit) to middle eied r o'nr its car. write Boa 44 capital Journal. fsMl' REAL ESTATE GRABENHORST SPECIALS NEW 3 BDRM. HOME EAST S Mrm... ill on 1 fir., h.1.4. fl. Ihruout. Die. 1... 11,. rm.. 4tn. rm.. Iraki, unlit, rm. with .xtr. I.v.tory. nr... illimi. ThU hom. U IB .xc.llent U7 .1 111. U0. CALL EARL WEST. CLOSE IN SUBURBAN 3 borm ln:o utllitr. luto-oll heit to .11 rm... nice yird, tttlch4l I. rill. Prlc. ll,10. CALL ROY FERRIS. II, SOU will h.rxlle. SALEM'S FINEST RESTAURANTS Are lo the merliet for t Clui "A" rwt.urint? W h.v. n. Tor .11 Del. Ill C.ll Coburo L. Grioenhor.t GRABENHORST 134 South Liberty Evening and Earl Wast 2-0609 Ror Ferris 21010 - HELP WANTED FEMALE want woman for light house work ear for 3 small boy. Ph. 2-0594tb337 WOMAN FOR HOrHEWORK and care of children. Call 2-7529 evenings alter a. a b237 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS 369 State Street Phone 3-1488. tf WANTED SALESMAN EXPERIENCED furniture salesman, lut exp. ft qualification. Write Box 194, Capital Journal. tc WANTED POSITIONS CHILD care by day or hour. 1090 N. 16th. netvi Tw.EE WORK. toDDina. trimming. remoY ing. Ins. op. Work guar. w. n. mcaiils- ter. 140 Trade. Ph. 3-1496. h261 Mimeographing-Typing FOE'S. 965 North 16th. Phone 3-3643 h259 INTERIOR PAINTING. Exp. Ph. 3-6796 TREEWORK Topping, Removing, Etc. INSURED OPERATOR JOHN PAYNE 241 8. Church Ph. 2-6014. 1)237 CUSTOM WORK: Plowint and disc in t by the hour or Job. Ph. 3-1121. Springer. h239 CHILD cert by day, to my home. Ph. 3-4871 11337" TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 24 hr. serv ice. Former phone opr. Ph. 3-5072. h256 CHILD CARE, 183 B. 19th. Ph. 26871. h343 BABY SITTING. Nlrht relief. Ph. 2-0380. h259 NEW LAWNS prepared and seeded. Light tractor on rubber wlht dozer. Ph. 3-8127. h251 CEMENT WORK wanted. Ph. 2-4850. EDUCATION Rawlins Music Studio Violin and Piano, teacher, Ph. 3-6013. accredited hh230" FOR RENT ROOMS PLEASANT SLEEPING room for gentle man. 1050 Norway. Ph. 2-4547. Jk24l ROOMS FOR girls in modern home, with working girls, use or entire nouse. w N. Winter St. Ph. 34373 after ft p.m. k23ta ROOM FOR gentleman. Close In. 632 No. Winter. Call after 5:30 p.m. SLEEPING ft light housekeeping room. Ph. 34335. 790 N. Church. Jk238 ROOM for 1 young tlrl possible 2. Break fast prlV. If desired. Ph. 2-3420. JK238- NICE sleeping room (men). 448 Center St. Rear Woodrow Bldg . jjc.231 SINGLE and double sleeping room. 1143 Oak St. LARGE SLEEPING room. Gentleman. Close to bu. Evenings Phone 34931 jk240 ROOM FOR WORKING girl. Cloae In. Ph. 3-4515 alter I p.m. Jk239 NEWLY DECORATED rm. for lady. 1st fir. Close In. Cooking priv. 740 Chemek eta Jk239 LARGE warm rm. for 1 or 3. 1555 N. CapltOl. JK339 NICE SLEEPING RM. Ph. 3-7559. jk239 SLEEP. RM. Hollywood, 203S McCoy. Ph. 39093. JX256 SLEEPING ROOM. Hot ft cold water. 461 . High. Jk240 PLEASANT heated bedroom. Cloae to bus line. 468 N. 18111. Jk237 SLEEPING RMS. for men. 385 W. 14th. Jk239' SLEEPING ROOMS. PH. 3-4335. Jk237 FOR RENT APARTMENTS NEW 2 rm. unfurn. Duplex Apt. V. Blinds. ah eiectric. 33JI Lee Bt. pw LARGE Fl'RN. Apt. Utilities furnished. Will care for baby for working parents. 365 Spilth. Jp231 SMALL newly decorated furn. apt. 125 Gerth. JP239 CLEAN Fl'RN. 2 room apt. Priv. ent. Rea- sonanie rent. rn. 3soi, JpzJt 7 RM. apt. 1 housekeeplnt rm. 432 Mar- o. JP338 Fl'RN, 3 larte rms. Clran. Prive. ent ft prlv.bath.Rcfrtg. 419 8. 19tb St. JpJ37 LARGE 2 room apt. furn. Elec. stove ft retriR. 949 mo. no cniidren. Hiway bun. Ph. 24226. Jp337 NICE HEATED turn. t adults, at 1P237 359 N. Liberty. t BDRM. furn. apt. ft garage. Ph. 2-1565 between 9 a.m. ft 6 p.m. Jp236 NEW APT. 3 rm. unfurn. except stove ft reint. priced right. ptfj"'- JP339' COZY 3 rm. mod. furn. apt. Clo in. 533 N. Winter. Jp237 NICE Fl'RN. apt. all-electric. 1075 N. Capl'ol. Ph. 3-8708 Jp237 FOR RENT HOUSES t BDRM. house. 1595 Lee St. See Colbath Land Co. Ph. 94552. Jm2J7 Small Acreage 2 BEDROOM If you are looking for a place to live and want to be your own landlord, why not stop by for a free Inspection of our home. Term to suit. Rt. 2, Box 390B. iChemawa", Jm238 9TRMSHED 2 B R. mod. home, close in. Hollywood Diet, 2 mo. only !o per mo. Ph. 3-8389. jm237 GARAGE house, Nice location. Write Cap- ital Journal Box 469. Jm239 FOR RENT 3 BR house unfurn.. 150. 3 month rent in advance. Children al lowed. Ph. 3-9465. Jm339 MOD. Fl RN. ott. One bdrm. 1 ml. N. ef Brooks on 99E. Mrs. C.P1 Martin. Jm34l I IM. furn house with A. Rt. 9. Box 307. 1 mile south of Stale St. jm339 I BDRM. t'NFTRN. house. Close to school Some rent may be worked out. 9397 Harel )m317 MODERN two-bedroom house in Wood- irn. Call at 3330 Hyde St., Salem. JmIJ7 FOR REN1 MISCELLANEOUS Nrw STORE building for lease. Ph. 21135 or call at 1079 Broadway J247 garage FOR rent. Union ft Capital. Ph J"1' FOR RENT Cottages, weekly or monthly hi won a Die. bu oy aoor. ssiv roriiano Rd. JJ39 STORE BLDG. Hollywood DLst. Inquire 1390 Fairground; Ph. 9-7149. )J1 Bt AINFSS RM for rent H L Stiff. ) OFFICE, desk space, Coov loe. Ph. 39113 . J349- FLOOR SANDERS (or rent. Meatgomer Ward. J oW$R TOOL rentals for noire and n ds trial . Heesei Broe. Ph. 2-3649 (REAL ESTATE BROS., REALTORS Phone 2-2471 Sundays Call Peter Oeisei 3-9961 - Ben Rolseo 3-3371 237 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS TO DO a tood Job eent a tood floor tend- r We aeU everything to templet the lob. BOWSER BROS - Ph. I-314S J' tOOD CSED PIANOS. H, L. Stiff. OFFICE apace and desk space. Ph- 25992 r FOR RENT: 13 A. farm with modern 3 BR bouse, 14 atanchton barn, silo, etc. Family orchard. For on year or longer. Cash rent. Cecil Wolverton Rt. 1 Box 415. j237' TRAILERS S2.00 per day. Bowser Bros I41v b 12th, Weat Salem. J 4INGEB ELECTRIC portable sewim ma chine. Reasonable rate. Free pick up ft delivery. Singer sewing Machine Co 130 N. Cora L Ph. 33312 j I DRIVE truck, car Ph 3-9103 WANTED TO RENT YOUNG WORKING couple need turn. apt. close in. Ph. 36473. Ja341' WANT a place to live for the winter. Help witn we wort, anare living expense. Henrietta Martin. Rt. 3, Box 21, silver ton. Jh237 WOULD LIKE TO RENT 30 or SO acres of farm land. Ph. 3-1131. 1239 ROOM AND BOARD BOARD ft room. 495 N. Cottage. BOARD and room. Ph. 3-9706. JJ358 LOST AND FOUND LOST: BROWN purse In Miller's. $30. Re- wara. rn. zibst or 37670. LOST Orange Persian cat, vicinity 1980 S. Hlth 8U Child pet. Ph. 2-4646. Re- ward! kJ39 FOUND: Lady's wrist watch. Sat. nit. Corner of Stat Hlth. Call Amity 372. 1(339 LOST: 2 yr. old child's blue coat, trimmed with pink. Between Capital Journal oi flce and bu depot. Mr. Taylor, Silver ton hospital. k238 STRAYED: ENGLISH Setter. Is being cared lor at Leo ray Kennels, owner must Identify. Ph. 31399. k237 MISCELLANEOUS LES SPRINGER, men' hatter. 464 Court. We close Saturday 12:30. m244a POWER TOOL RENTAL: VALLEY FARM STORE, 4345 Silver ton Rd. Ph. 2-2024. m359 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 2 HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY 8EULKR DENTIST Adolpb Bid. Stat ft Commercial St SALEM Phone 3-3311 m BUILDING MATERIALS YEAR'S BIGGEST BUILDING NEEDS SALE! EVERY PRICE SLASHED! New . . . make tremendous saving on Ward first-quality build ing needs. Full line of roofing, aiding, tnsuaition, wall tile, kitchen cabinets, etc., etc. ... all going fast at Ward amazingly low, lew price. AND . . . aav p te 50 on odd-lot samples and slightly damaged item. Come In new . , . today . . . before the limited stock are tonel Cash In on treat value like these . . . Rex. $8.60 2-8x6-8 screen door ..15.95 Reg. 81.79 granulated rockwool ....91.48 Reg. 113.95 Asbestos siding 312.88 Reg. 45c aluminum tile 39c Reg. 13.29 rock wool batt 32.86 Reg. 37.95 3 in. 1 shingle $6.97 BUY NOW PAY LATER! ONLY 10i DOWN . . . BALANCE MONTHLY MONTGOMERY WARD 155 N. Liberty, Salem ma 237 SHINGLES No. 3 3.00 sq. C. G. LONG. Phone 3-5821. One mile north Of Kelier ma238 SHINGLES missing? Gutter down? Get 'em fixed up! See Keith Brown, Front ft Court St.. Salem. ma PLYWOOD New supply, complete stock Pick your choice of material. At lowest prices. C. G. Long. Ph. 2-6121. 1 mile N. of Keizer. ma237 Windows Sashea Hundred of new and used ahe. For kitchen, bath, bedrooms, commercial and farm uae. Used double and triple window, complete with frame. C. G. Lont, Ph. 2-5831 1 mile N. of Keizer. ms237 SIDINGS New white asbeato aiding 110 .00 per sq. Carload supply. No paint required. Ce dar ahake in the carton 312.00 sq., un dercourae Included. C. G. Lone. Ph. 2-5821. 1 mile N. of Kelrer. ma337 GRAVEL FOR concrete mix and roads. 81- gurdson. Phone 31160. maaw NEED LUMBER? 4 larter amount. Builders are realising substantial saving on all trade of framing lumber. No. 4. 2x4-1x1 ship lap 117 per M: 2x1-2x1-2x10 115 per M No. 1. 2x4 ahlplap 136 per M. Price in cludes delivery. West Salem Saw Mill, 10SO Wallace Rd Ph. 19593. ma249 NEW KITCHEN sink complete with fauc et, trap only 113-50. Used wasn oaain with all fitting. 112.50 to 915.00. Large attractive, new medicine cabinet 17.50. C. O. Long, Ph. 2-5821, 1 mile N. of Keizer. ma237" CEDAR SIDING New tnrpment 4xt" and .xl(T cdsr siding all grades iseitn Brown, Front ft Court St.. Balem. ma SAVE ON R CO PI NO Let Wart give you complete IN STALLED price on rout roofing need Wide range of color Call our mtlde salesinxo for fro estimate Phone 1-3191 MONTGOMERY WARD CO. 8ALKU. OREGON ma DEAR CUSTOMER, Insist on your con tractor ana carpenter usinf ine nncsi old growth vertical greln yellow fir finished lumber In Salem. On hand at Dick Meter Lumber Co. 39 Lena Ave Ph. 34939. Free parking. ma COMPLETE F7RFPLACE MATERIALS. SUPERIOR HEAT FORMS. -PERMANENT MATERIALS AT" PUM1LITE BLOCK ft SUPPLY CO OUT EDOE WATER ST., W. SALEM ma237 WRECKING AT 12.16 FERRY ST. Kitchen bultt-ln. veneer cabinets, tood used sawdust furnace. See Christ Mad ton. ma237 ALrMA LOC 9. ALCMINTTM LOCK INGLE The modern permanent rocf tnt See ronr dealer f Call Dt 3-9401 m373 LUMBER and milt work, cabinet, too. Everything vo'i need. I nere for you. Keith Brown, Front ft Court St.. Sa lem, ma RED CEDAR SHINGLES Rlfb Mountain or Coaat Timber No 1 $7 73 DELIVERED ANT AMOUNT 100 . Ro. 3, 1 tn clear, tultabl for roof or si dew all. Ted Muller, Ph. Sa lem 2116. Salem-Indep. Road. ma DOORS New IV Colonial door til 50. fir altb door 113.50. mahogany alab door $34 50, new gl doors $10 25, acreen doors 16 50. combination torm doors $10 00. interior panel door $5 75 ft up C O Lont. Ph. 3-9921 1 milt N of Keleer m337 fOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS ROOFING Wuiaaett Valley Roof Co., 10 Lena are 3J7 REAL ESTATE OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS Just Right for Two A n..t ntf el.an 1 brtroom horn., hardwood floor, tat V. bllndi, Mtra l.n. lot. ONLY IKKW. Don't Miss This Buy Within 9 block of city center, an attractive home on th creek, basement, aut heat, fireplace, brick patio. 1 bedroom down. 2 email bedroom up A REAL BUY FOR JUST 91950. Good term. Right on North 19th Street Just about 1 block from th Englewood School Dlstrlet, an attractive t bed room home with unfinished upstairs, baaement. fireplace and hardwood floor, extra deep lot. New low price $1900. Do You Need More Room We have listed a good modern 9 bedroom family home, well worth the money, the llvint-room Is 12x11 with a 12x12 dining-room, the bedroom down ean dou ble for a den, the kitchen ha a nook and there U part plumbing down, upstair he 3 bedroom and bath, full basement and 3 ear garage, fireplace, etc. There lot of llvablllty offered her for 111.350. 5 Acres and a Home Located right on Center St. Home ha 2 bedroom, basement, ha good ban, culcken house, lot of fruit and berrle. 1 13,600. Buy More for Your Money See this very complete 2 bedroom home. It ha many feature you usually find only In top priced homes: Triple plumbing, auto, oil heat, party room 1b large baaement the low price of $16,000 make It a real buy. OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS Eve. 2-3481 - 2-69S6 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS WHITE TREADLE sewing machine. Re a. onaoie. vs saginaw, rear apt. or ph. 3-4519. n339 TWO M M. deer bunting rifle. Ph. 3-1303 n239 WOOD CIRCULATOR, oil circulator, wood neater, gas ranae. wood ranges, aew ing machine, old 3 drawer chest. 14! SouthChurch. n239 BED DAVNEPORT $10. Daveno 110. Rock er 12. Heat M eater roaster with timer. Good amall circulating heater. Window 5x6 ft. with frame. 345 black tab. coat sin. w inamcBta. 0239 USED SPINET PIANO" Kimball Consolette. Mahogany Queen Anne period design. Thl beautiful piano 1 just like new. substantial saving. STONE PIANO CO. (The Valley's Finest Piano Store) 1540 Fairground Rd. n242' LOGS wanted. Schwab Lumber Co. Mill located at Hazel Green, P.O. Box 201, Silverton. Ph. 1722 Silverton. n342J WHITE chiffon ft satin formal, size 14. Could be ued for weddlnt drew, Ph 3-5937 evening. n239 11x7 FT. trailer awning. Good cond. Will aacrifice for 330. 988 N. Com'l. n242 BATTERY PENCE CONTROL Ward tood quality! Give a atront harm leu shock I Case I 18-tauae steel with baked on enamel finish. Weather proof! Sturdy! Economical! Price less battery 919.95 WARDS FARM STORE Trade ft Hlth St. Salem. Ore. n237 L. C. SMITH No. 5. 130. Can be aeen at 1680 N. 17th after 6. n339 GAS WELDING set. Gauges, hose ft tor ches, rn. aulas. 330 Charles Ave. n?3BB LEONARD REFR1G. Roper gas range. As gooa as new. aiso Montgomery wara washer. Must sell Immed. Wilt sacri fice to someone taking all three, Ph. 42036. 11238- LUGGAGE TRAILER. Covered top. Well oaianceq. .au . uonvi. vaiw MIN. washing machine. Oood cond. Chrome wringer. 1308 N. Com'l. n237 PR. knee-high rubber boots, site I'-i. Also combination leather and wood Jack et, site medium. 415 N. Cottage St. Up stairs room next to bathroom. Call be tween 1:30 ft 1:30 p.m. n237 Washing Machines Repaired Vacuum Cleaners Repaired Sewing Machines Repaired ALL MAKES. PICK UP AND DELIVER. W. DAVENPORT PH. 1-7671 n203 SMALL BUNGALOW piano and bench In excellent condition, icvo B. cottage. n231 ENFIELD SPORTER. Restocked. Redfleld eights. Excellent condition. Ph. 2-5422. n23t STERLINO SILVER Ware, West Morland, Meioorn Rose, service for six. call 3-7026. 0231 FROGIL oil circulator. 122 N. 17th St. U239 NARROW arm daveno with matching rocker. Wine, blue, beige. Floral pat tern homespun. A beautiful combination for $98.00. And green stamp too. SALEM HOME FURN. CO. 137 No. Com'l. n231 MM WATT Weaix heater, thermostat control. With built-in fireplace. Just rltht for a party room. 721 Ferry. n238 RUSSIAN squirrel Locke fur coat. Size 12. Excellent condition. Newly glazed. Call after 4.00 p.m. except Sunday. 730 N. Commercial. Beat offer over $75. n241 OIL burner for furnace. Pot type with oiower. Automatic, 140. 2190 Myrtle. 2-7873. n339 64 NOTE PIANO A dainty Instrument of modern design. Regularly $375. Special $195. . STONE PIANO CO. (Th Valley Finest Piano Store) 1540 Fairground Rd. n343 CUSTOM built 270 Mauser. New. 471 Cas cade Dr. n232 YOUNG man' suit, size 35. Like new. Call 3-9401 after p.m. n23i BABY bed, spring ft mattress. Hlth chair. baby outty. run kte sprints ft mat tre. Ph. 2-5526. n331 BURNER 2-0798. oil heater. Oood cond. Ph. moving! Mut sell Launderall auto. "her. 3165.00. Ph. 2-8421. n238 FOR SALE: Savage 22 ahort, lont, lont rill. Model 6-a. Bolt action repeater. Excellent condition. Box 463, Capital Journal. n237 BABY BUGGY, padded sides, lined thru- out. Excellent cond. rn. .am. najT TAPAN GAS Rants ft Water Heater. 860 8. 14th. P337 FEAT MOSS fortified with turkey drop- Ing. Only toe a aeefc. valley farm STORE. 4345 Silverton Rd. Ph. 3-3024 n239 SHELLS for foreign ft odd caliber rifle Sackett, 1910 So. Winter. Ph. 1-4912. n241 USED ELECTRIC refrigerators Y EATER APPLIANCE CO., i 373 Chcmckctt. n231 USED-EIECTRIC rentes. YEATER AP PUANCE CO., 375 Chemekete. n251 USED WASHING machine. YEATER AP PLIANCE CO., 375 Chemekete. n35' OIL CIRCULATORS, drastically reduced price. YEATER APPLIANCE CO.. 375 Chemeketa. 0251 HUNTERS ATTENTION: Save your tame In a Deepfreeze Home Freerer YEATER APPLIANCE CO., 375 Chemeketa. n231 ALL FAMOUS make of small appliances YEATER APPLIANCE CO., 375 Cheme keta. - 0.251 SEWING MACHINES: Free Westinthou TFATER APPLIANCE CO. 37$ Chem eketa. n251 WFsflNGHOUSE radio phonograph eon sole. A llttl a 199 50. YEATER AP PLIANCE CO.. 275 Chemeketa. 0251 NEW ft I'trD mualcal instrument ft spinet ft trend piano at reduced price JAQUITH MUSIC CO. Ph. 2-4941 n244 Pl.ASTI-ROTE: The cellophane -Ilk fin lih for your floors, woodwork or lino leiim, no waxint required. YEATER AP PLIANC1 CO- 373 Chemeketa. n231 9TLLER bruhea, 1743 Orant, Ph. 1-9337. 0244' SEWING MACHINES, New Horn electrle $89.9$ ft up. Ph. 33139. Ralph Johnson Appliances Journal Want Ads Pay I REAL ESTATE - -2-3633 FOR' SALE MYst SEPTIC TANKS. Concrete Pipe and Tlte' reinforcing steel, mesh and oolorln. All kind river oll, pit-run, travel crushed, sand and mixes. OREGON GRAVEL COMPANY 1405 N. Front St. Phono $-3417 343 USED SEWING Machine. Reasonably priced. Ph. 3-1139. Ralph Johnson Appliances STEEL CLOTHESLINE posts, ratling In tock ft mad to order. 1141 N. Liberty. nS42 SEWING Machine, electric or treadle. B""w on m mate, rn. 3-771. nt04- CRUSHED ROCK for road and drlvwy, cement, ready mix concrete, tardea sand Bulldozing, drainage and ditching. -yd. (hovel nod drag line. Ph. 2-9349. SALEM SAND U HAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road Clearing Ditching Sewer ft Baaement Equipment Rental 19 B I yd 10 B yd. D-7 Cat ft Dote D-6 Cat ft Dec er D-4 Cat ft Dozer See u About ditching by tht ft Phono Day $-9409 Ee 3-936 Off 3-4400 ttatem Oregon U,U1- "laepenaence Lumber ft Mfg. Co, Ine, Independence, Or. GENERAL ELECTRIC Crosier. Gibson and Montag Appliance at Gevurtx. n FENCE POSTS, pole, all type. tlnIe. ........D. a. n.woci. rauupt srot. Rt. 6. Box 111. Ph. 31481. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED: GOOD piano. Can pay cash. Ph. 2-1725. 33t" WANTED furniture 10 wine J made iwg ntlUUUB V rJ 1-701, USED F TJB i NT TTJRR Phone t-ltl. , PERSONAL FIRST Nohltren Vlttle Vine customer Jo anne ucuoweii, ur. Joel Norn. Mr. Lell Phillip. Nohlgren have special gift for you. Come and ask at th Vit tle Vine. p33t RUNDOWN? LOST PEP? DOCTOR SAYS: reu pcpiess. uatrex took Tablets lave pep quick." Dr. A. W. For body weak Just because lackint Iron. Intro ductory size only 50c. At all druttUts-e In Salem, at Fred Meyer'. plSI- STANLEY Home Product. 911 Crow. PhT -D4o. f, o. Renahan. p247 SALEM Nursing Home. 3595 D St., Balem, MADAM MORA GIFTED PSYCHIC READER AND ADVISOR Can help you where others hat failed. Satisfaction aaaured. Advle m all affairs of life. Special reading 12.00. Located lust couth of Bubbard on Hithway 99E. Between Woodburn and Hubbard. Look for alga Reading Dally and Sun. B350 AUTOMOBILES 1941 Stude. Champion Tudor. RAH and OD. Thl clean, economical car priced at $595.00 Eisner Motor Co. 352 N. Hlth Salem, Oregon q339 1940 CHEV. Special Del. 4-door. R. ft H., new battery, new front shock absorb ers, good tires, good motor, private owner. $598. Phone 3-7314 evenings. Joe Brooks. g.237 2ft MODEL A touring. Runt good. Ph. 3-1117. ejtSI Eisner Motors to Buy 29 DODGE aedan. Also 17 Plymouth. All new rubber, rebuilt motor. 1 ml. north Independence. Ph. 200-J. W. O. Oreue, e.216 1946 Plymouth Club Coupe Dark blue. RAH. A beauty In A-l mech. condition. Eisner Motor Co. 153 N. Htth Salem, Oregon 339 WILSON'S Compare - Compare -Compare 1941 BU1CK R'dmMttr F4lta ....12241 1849 CHEVROLET C.rmll HIS 1947 BUICK R'DMAATER SEDAN I'M 1941 BUICK SUPER SEDAN .... Ul!l 1941 BUICK SUPER SEDAlfET .. 1J79 1947 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1299 1942 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1M 1929 BUICK SPECIAL SEDAN .... Ml 1931 BUICK SPECIAL SEDAN .... 999 1917 BUICK SPECIAL SEDAN .... 413 1939 DO DOE COUPE U 193 REO SEDAN "AS IS" 39 OttoJ.WilsonCo. Commercial at Center 231 Eisner Motors to Sell 9M mrD CAR LOT SO Ji your old on. 12th Si. Opto mi 10 p.m Junction. .241 '49 Chev. Sedan Driven 3900 mile. Save $200 on thl one at $1693.00 Eisner Motor Co. 353 N. High Salem. Oregon q239 ZEEB'S USED CARS- BUT SFLL TRAD! TERMS t PMrtrann Rood Pbon. f.4414 car Accmsomps tiru . iun t tm prtr. Plr.l com. tint Mnrod u thl u clo.out mi.. Dt.lcr. n.leom. R. D Woodrow Co., 450 Center. Eisner Motors Fine Cars '41 Chev. Tudor A nil Tain, only lt.1 n Eisner Motor Co. 1?9 N. Hllh S.I.M. Omen .239 Continued on Pogt 197 1