-Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Oct. 5, 19491 I GOSKSTEVE A I CANXSOfW THEY BUND -&Q VOU SEE,fM, 1 T OfVINI LET Me HAVE p U MR5 PARK6 w . LOOK AT THE MC AT FIRST, I THOUGHT KITS ) IT WAS ONLY THAT ADORCSS MY I A -a.-r V I nAkaTsSinK i Jc iki ijb.c nkOKft WA.-n A .BECAUSrl OP THIS 1 1 NURSEMAID IS ILL.AND I ism b II RADIO PROGRAMS DOUBLE TROUBLE By WILLIAM HOBSON AP Newseof urM I bntf WT7TT CKAMPAONE BOTTLB WITH THE AvVONOERPLH. BABY I DONT TRUST THC XfT , - v fb I t l5 tTf . NECK STCKiNO OUT OP CRACKED lggjs.TT.Na SERVICE -f OTHER 72 VP W Xi JS urixkirciMV ft LA 1 iTPrflli .V -( -"LlZr AT ri wy-Afcfp a V vvth ltttle 1 WEDNESDAY P.M. IWk iff lyr'SS 1 S 1 KGW KOIN KEX KSLM I K0C0' ff- WrJr ;a4 fwlffijS. W B (Hi 1 BmSk' ' x 'eeT 5 e wbc vn cas nw sac use mbc I loe Kt. R rv! ' rAm.W J VaaW 15 jTTi A .y,S r JtEfm S 5:30Knf. r TlHHrh.l Bnlir ArMilranrT His plnf CrMby O L V. "1 Jk V v3BJYlliPfe " JVirTll ill JSINy T V'l VW 6:0otrTll. 0r..rh. M.n Hlllu tIU 0brll H.sllr Cndit Lltkt B ISJ VJ0AltkaJLY1S 9F-feifslnill I 'V sfWWrT. . S V a fllSlvear III. Kr...l. M.n Horn. ESIIIn N W Nlwi . Slliu " rrv 1 -icSy-XZ ! ' M Vt-. PtTXtjI flltWIt t I It I ,tll4ll V.- V V. a 6:S0"l CMkUUtal.s Crnhl rmk r. M.il. . lfl 7"V7f Xx-jl WtJmJtM&f ill II III I I III laal )T V. i:4JMU CkullElai Cr.lM rbl.k r..l Hull rrcVl..a. (Chapter 9) He began to quarrel with her. He tttd It deliberately because he knew hie twin brother Joe and how Joe would have reacted. He did It, too. became he couldn't Hand to have her near him, couian i iae nor frankly spoken love nis own a elt. And the thing ended about the way he thought It would. Her band flashed up and slashed across oil cheeks, first one and then the other, in resounding oiows. "Oct out!" she shouted at him "Get on up to that line camp where you belong. You're no good. You never were any good. I'm going to marry Harry the next time he asks me." Tt. tor courace. but he did It He grabbed her by the shoulders nd shook ner. "On the day that you marry him jrouH have a dead bridegroom on Crmr hands," he said with simulated arshness. Minutes later he led a saddled animal to where his gear was piled an the sround. Then he saw the white outlines of her dress as she came close. "Oh, Joe, Joel" she whispered. "How much I love you. You haven't hanged a bit." H took her Into his arms and kissed her hard, and this time there was no acting. He thougnt, I'm falling In love with my twin broth er's girl! He had to get out of there fast Hid he knew it. He laughed. "Ot course you do, honey, and I love you. You didn't mean a word about me being no good, did you?" "Not a word of it. Now get out of here and don't you come back ntll you make good." "I'm halfway there already me beloved." He grinned and swung P. Jay made the trip In a little over three hours. He saw the height of Old 8andstone loom up closer until be could see the aerated back with hump In the middle. Then, when be had almost ridden by, he caught the outlines of a big log cabin made of sandstone and mortar and si small corral. The place was dark and he guessed that Turk Pennock. after a hard day In the saddle, was sound asleep. Jay dumped his gear outside the door, which was open, making plenty of noise aa he did so. From within earn e the sound of a body rolling over In a bunk and a sharp metallic click. "Who Is it?" rapped out a voice from the darkness. "Joe, you fool. I Just got In," snorted the bogus Joe. "Holy amokes! I'm shore glad to have company again." A match flared and Turk Pennock put the lamp globe back on and turned. He was a big, red-faced man of around thirty-five with the coun tenance of a good-natured thief who wouldn't hesitate to steal II there waa money in It. "You damped ol' woman-chasln' hoot owl," he chuckled delighted ly. "I'm sare glad to see you beck. It's been plenty lonesome since rou left." It was obvious that he knew nothing about Joes getting shot. "Man, am I glad to see you. It's Men lonesome up here with me waltln day after day fer you to some back. Say, how'd that raid on the ranch oome out?" Jay wns removing gunbelt and haps. "It didn't work," he said, busy with buckles along hlj left leg. The old man had guards out round the horse pasture and they was well armed, from the way they let loose. One of the boys got shot don't know who." They srose Just before sunup, ate breakfast, swallowed down the last cup of scalding black coffee, and fixed lip two packages of lunch. He purposely waited until the ?ither man mounted first not know na whether Turk had the east or west patrol. Pennock swung up nd headed east with a wave of his hand. Jay turned west, follow ing a well worn trail made by many other riders before him, including his brother Joe, By the time he rode back that afternoon he had met the rider from the next line camp and knew the general lay of the country. He fell into line-camp life with ease and a certain famlllarlly born of his experiences In the Texas cow country. Not until the second aft ernoon, did he spot the strange rider. The man waa about a mile away, and Jay loped toward him But to his surprise the man wheeled his horse and disappeared at a gal lop Into a forest of green mesqulte On the third day he finished his patrol early and came In about two hours before sundown. Pennock was already In, his horse unsaddled In the corral. Turk Pennock was shaving, al ready dressed In his Sunday clothes. "I was wonderin' If you'd fer ret." he chuckled. "Hurry up an' git dressed. It's our night to howl." Jav man t Know wnat it was an about, but he went to his bunk and shed his clothes drawlnp out a pair of new pants and a clean shirt from his warbag. Pennock was fully dressed now He said with a grin, "Come on; let's saddle an' get goln'. We can make it In a little over two hours." It was shortly alter the late sum mer darkness had set In that they dropped down a slope and Jay saw lights ahead, plus the gleam of water among a wide belt of sand. 'Antelope ureexr came rurxs laughing voice In the darkness. "Brad knows what It takes to keep his hoss thieves happy." (To Be uontinuea) IIOum jry .-3. 2380 Xf sizes to M (tat Ji y Rklrt-BIoase Team This season's version of the versatile skirt and blouse team! ttrlsk shirtwaist No. 3380 Is topped by a tidy collar, smartly convertible. Trim skirt No. 3006 provides two big pockets fashion's newest decorative note. (Two separate patterns.) No. 3360 Is cut an sixes 10, 13. 14, 1. 11 and 10. Bias lfl, 3H yrs. M-ln. No. too Is out In waist slses 34, 36. 3S, SO, i and M. Mae 36, J yds. JS-ln. Just outl The PALL - WIN Taut FASHION BOOK presenting fash ions they are wearing now and new styles to come. Over 190 praeMeal, eaay-to-sew, up-to-the-minute pat tern designs for all ages. Remem ber, It's smart to sew your own and save money. Order your copy now. price Just 30 cents. Send 38c for PATTERN with Name, Address and Style Number State Slie desired. Address Capital Journal, 59 Mis sion Bt, San Francisco 5. Cnllf. i..r. rf . . PATTERN Ne. mill New This crocheted beret Is sure to play a big role In your fall wardrobe. The popular casual charmer Is worked quickly and eas ily in shell-etltch design. It re quires only 3 ounces ot wool. Pattern Envelope No. R3TII on talna complete crocheting Instruc tions stitch Illustrations, material requirements and finishing direc tions. To obtain this pattern, send Mr In OOINS, (trine pattern number your Dams, address and tone num ber to Peggy Roberts. Capital Jour nal, tit Mission Street San Fran oleoo I, CeJIt. Q 1 r laBM n sas' i Mi r O'Brien Ma ileal J Mb ft Eveiya iBif d! ureal B aorta flYaek 4M Track 14M Track 14M rrrk 14M Frank Kit Frank Baee Kfasle Yea Wanl Mat!. Yos Wen HrUrrNtctirM Nectarae Blfn6fr" BackeUffe Wife: Stella Dallas lLorrnie Jonea Wldder Brown A Girl Marrlei Fort. Faces Life If tut Plain Bill iFrt. Ff. rarreil Wet come Travel. Welcome Trarel. Aunt Mary Love and Learn Woman's Road f Life Trople Echoes Isannr Side fereakfait Club hr 'n Counter Break fact Ciubi"!- nreakTait Club Breakfast Club News Stars of Today iriri Linaieiier Urt Llnkletter Ed Mrs. Burton1 Perry Maien IN or all Drake Brighter Day Newt Come Oct It brlrht ft Llfbt; LArt Baker Barnyard Fol. Garry Moore Garry Moore Hlrkham News. KTrkhamNews. Meet tb' Missus Meet th1 Tune, Yours Art Klrkh Arthur Godfrey Arthur Godfrey Arthur Godfrey SeeretvArthtir Godfrey Mod Arthur Godfrey Curt Massey 'Edw. B. Mnrr'wl IMornlnf Bpeelali Timekeeper March Time News hlOCO Rleek KOCO Kloek News trkfat. Oanr Hrlfst. Gane- Mannars fT'P Trades Tii Rlttsr News k Saorti flop ' Mornlni rTi a' Morning hTropleana lOalen Drake My True Story Wy True Story Betty Crocker Moneymakers Northwest-ernert IBaokhajfe News Noon Dreams Ukieet Menjous Breakfast In Hollywood Kay West Kay West Jay Stewart Jay Stewart Groom bride Groom I Rons of Pioneer si Mining Spec. bull Club ' pastor's Call World Series World Series World Series World Series World Series Mrs. Plilt Orchestra Ladles Be Seat. Ted Malone Romances! Mod. Romances! Squirrel Cage Haulrral Caga Haven af Best Haven f Best Weet'n Meledlei Church Melody Tint iMdody Time With or, tfttrds J. Cb. Thorn ai LJ 1 " m I lf aast ' 1 fc 1 18 t ' - I I i:3n oiid.r.i,. ,. ch.c.n.. wu iiri.il Lr M.rrr V"MJi I i i i jM-yprpjj-r I I t i l:45 SHS.r.l ? r. Chrlillsa B.rl. Kfl Lynn M.rrr ' sj&OK ss' -fk (rVyj. r :0fl BrukTlh. B.nb rrTilTa... r.upl.r Km VI f i'-,'; ..v S JiV ItV V 11 t:15 Bruk lh. B.nk rr.ok Rat. r.upl.r Ninml X 1 ..'.....,'. -f I rV ' f Y 9:30 Dl.l. Atirr liuUk Drch..lr Bnmbl.rt " JtKtJJ tK? iyM 10:00 S 7M iSUr ribkl BtMld. Hrp.rl.r rollon Lawto r- MTV- 10:15 Ckrr.nl a Ch. V.k. the W.rli Inl.rmmi. l.oekl N.wi U S. hL rLz&rj f A f A 10:30 IpU. Flnkl llr-n C.n .ri Hour N.w. " I A iH tfJr ' - f si I 'J I J 10:4.1 r WIUI.ji Dr.b..lr Cm.rl H.ar H..I. I V n f V (1 tt) k'lV fl V VJ y ll:00N.w. imiili Caneut Baar I L.t. Hrtu l" T X- J A) I yiy J li:15mks MaaaeH 3r.ba.lrk Canaart B.kr Marina BanS N I y- ) r fTykur " JlC H'.SOWak Haaaaai rraa.. BanS M.anaa Tamor. Baa Marian B) 1 J ' ZjJSlll 0 jK H:45a Maa. rr.aa. BanS M.ata. Tomar. Ba. Marian J ZaI JtVV 5S JiM (jT Pwi hf 18:00Blsn Oil Bllnl Klra Hoar blaj Off Y Cr: iJ SalT VX t J THURSDAY e A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. fcJ fJ Clj VK. V- I :O0Bxlta raSf. paw. IBaa, Sralllns W VJ SJKTfr JferS JT ' 1 :15 KOIN Klark Kr.p lall. TT I tSrSkV -JA K rrnK 6:30rarra Tlra. KOIN Klark K.rp Smlllnt rl jCA- JS& ,,,Oal Tl" I n. , w.. . II AxonSea K5 l-.W'm BaTaa trad Back Haka 1 I 8:00pln.oth Mn.la hf.w. nnnBnaankvnaaaBaBnBanaBaBaBKaBnvamnaaBBnnnwafaaBBnnanel aaaaaaaaaafaa-.aaasBnB"""eBfJ Bw"""""w,wBTaTSnanaTaTSarsaeai 8:15Lsmaoth Mu.la (v.w. 0 aa saaasa. -ai"--- ... IWWBEST DERNTrBy d9? THS I LffTTO, WHEN WC HffVB T 3, OOC- l f? ,. Sld.r. ?.".," R -Tr-THT BTOM 7 i OF rT-WHflr t WE 16 COITAL -FgOM I BUTUT UP OUfl EXPMBNT, SOURg ft "M rT.B..i.s.to-WSS; IDBSTERS, P6H, AND OTHER 1 RIGHT "TO DO? SPLIT IT NOW ON W6 SHOLU I PLOKT. CTC-THt Wg SUICJEa, ll5 The eeond CuplAunt Jenny P THINGS FROM MXJ9 RSH WHARF? A PENNV POUR WVS? OPCRftTE IN THE M CONSOEfi 0taW5 tJAN, Ta2J H 9:30 Hom.lown.n ..l.n Tr.nl H i wr correct, Rocvv? S j -N &&'tr k06 JL j:45 .""""Z i ai ii bh imi in p I I'D LIKE TO M 1 NKVTMERE MUST Bfe. VBUTJ WAS ACCEPTKDJ I TMIS SUPFROM IWE QTHm .?! T VOURBAOB6R- UMIV6RS1TV DOESN'T UAVE Artf? Sul FfS 1 V f . r-ifiy VOORESSJ : 0 YA 6L00MIN' " tSLABST YOUR ) ( Yummy':'- Tm "l I now that .KlGMICS? Tht tames auu BlICUTEn " fSLINKIN' atVS is mu luckv V WE'VE GOT IT K IS OUT VO-AN. AS FO' TH KCm L 'to DO this A'0THis Ir 1 the one ij.th - sSTCMSm,l,','''" mTZm I To-ffiu :coM,N'iD0VM7 Uh, Blj teat.'' SHVKX.-when YO,,t "?S WM. '' 1 VAS.FH(IN'A CAR IN THE (3ARA4E, DOC. AND I CUT MV HAND; AND NOW ITS SWOLLEN ' f7 rtM- THAT WILL BE FIVE DOLLARS' I HAVg A FLAT TIRE.' "f I Dl AS NOSE IT A3 AN I WONDER WHAT CAUSED ABSENCE OF FLATULENCY -4 flPTHF PFPIMETPB 8VTHE 21 niETOiriMJ AC A CsiDXZIShl OR.lr-fT aMuTrl PERMITTED THE I COCPRESSEP ATMOSPHERE FILLER I TO HISSITATE AND THAT WILL COST YOU ONE BUCK.' UTHE INCISION KAS BECOME J THAT WILL BE Y CONTAMINATED WITH STREP-1 cije DOLLARS 1 I TOBACILL0S,CAUSIN8fKb- 1 rtfX tV, IT. yyr FREQUENT SUBMERSION. N I fi M Mt Wf Til I aBaanr ' -..V I UAMC;illM U PHArSOLUT ON1 I aa B Jk rS SakiK a) v .over . ani-n vv'wnm arn-a aaar. a U'll Tal 1 L. L-Mu-kSBaaal'&V f IXX bTI I w-a-" -aT I TfE? ZV. Vi S Sr-ei IKMsJMa-eSWWWl I nai T , ' LEAKV FWCIONfi BOX flSSMEINTHE F OP COUBSB. 63ME ON. 7AL ,Y WAITA MWUTB, Yoh.THATS JUSTA SAIL THBPElIw 6WO0 NOW ? J 6H0W VOU. FOLLOW MB. ArS A KlOW OCF THE'COMST' A . JUST WHAT IS WBON6 BBAWN6THE S w-tV RI6HTAR0SS TW R- 'J1 wi?SuT THSRSI I aS'T Ert 1 ' ' -ANB HERE.'s1 bC3(?l,UST TWJ!JK"'0l f'T'S TOO B.sV WHAT?V llsORrrA OiPPERENT, V (THE, WINNER Ol CM-D" - uNCA DONAuOJAMD WASTE HUH TOOTS TTflo D s"svchjsod&Oi-C rHrI". vT rfri, vou'llmaveJallthat , i-, r- Vv K (fc wrist w4tch X" - 3S T'MAve rsouo OuO? ! r7 0 V'W;''iVVITHASOl-ID Wrt)3" Tn) i THE BAND 1 -'A i (.laL ' A N P I " WANT A KNOW WHY -o wviVC 60T A ANO HIRE ARf M0R0f OllR a-- THE ONLY THINO THAT fA BlUINISiBBAO.MARTY?) BIRTHDAY' A -WUMATIC RHYM E..' PROftAB LY COULD IMPROVt BUMNEM v JifJ 'PIN BACK YOUR BIO wy lf WJIB PCNNtD BY iMRVWttTLItiMT 'j' WOULD BE fOR MRV,WEETU6HT I .. PINItEAMANO IITMMAKT' CURING GRANT'S a- 4.7 'COAl TO DISMOUNT f ROM HER BROOM I ftfP M UlTENly,,. ( ,f p, yoti- . ADMINIS1WTION VVierrT C1'' " AND LIE IT TO SWEEPTHESE OUT! J I A rl"""f a eAjMOAv xwA 7 VvLor '".'. 2 " vr af5 I f N W Kewt Mnela rTane Time IM Keiw World Berlea World Berlea World Serin IWorld Seriee Top Tradei LNewe Newa Bob Eberlv Tell TT Nelh. Hervrr Hirdmi urtu Reverie Ufalnit Storm nueinil tarn Muele fMnala S7 It With Mule Newa Dave Roei Fnlton Lewis Hemlntwaj Behind Stoir !Car. Cavvallarc Mnela Mart Muele Hart Jan Garber Vocal Varletlei Ilollrw'd Mailt Hollyw'd Mueli Headline Newa Ted Dale Mac'i Melodlea Hac'a Melodlea Mac'i Melodlea Mae'a Melodlea Mae'a Melodies Mac's Melodlea Mae's Melodlea Mae's Melodlea Mao's Melodlea Mae's Melodlea Mae's Melodlea Mae's Melodies Movie Time PhHooovnar iBrara Can BeaaHfal DIAL LISTING, KOAC 550 lnAr Wednesdav P.M. 6:M. Cnll VM dren'a Theater, R:M, MO Sports CUbt , Nawst Dinner Mel odlea: :4B, Gneit Start 1:M. Farmers Un ion. 7:15, Evening Farm Bonn l:M -die Shorthand Conteitt t:S0, Veteran's New- Review; 0:45, Loiser's Fire Weather Feroeaeti t:M, Mails That Bndnresi Kvenlnr Medltatlonai lfl:00t Skn Off. 1r.Ar Thnrsday AM.-lt M, Newsi lsMV- 10:15. Kepeclallr fer Women i 11:fM, School of Alrt U:l. Concert Halli 11:00, Newn 11:15, Noon Farm Hear, 1:00, Rldo n Cowboy; 1:IB, School of Alri 1:46, Melody Lane, t:0A. Home Garden Hour, 1:80, Memory Book of Muloi t:4B, Excarslons In Scleneet S:A0, Newsi 1:15, Mnele of the Mai torsi 4:00, Oreton Be porter. Methodists Schedule Planning Conference Amity Rv. Fremont Faul, pastor of th local Methodist church, one of the state leaders of the Oregon Methodist Con ference will attend a three-day planning conference at Camp McGruder, beginning October 10, and continuing for three days. The total Sunday School and educational program of the churches, of the conference will first be set up. The year's activities of tha three Methodist camps In th state will be reviewed and plant for the future mad. The con ference board of Evangelism will meet to coordinate th whole program for the confer ence. Mr. Faul has several proj ects to report on or to promots in this series of board meetings Undergoing Surgery Mt. Angel Mrs. George J, Hauptman of Brooks entered Silverton hospital on Wednes day for major surgery. - " s TTI 'Ill 1 1 T O P El IS L A pIIk AY M V I VM " l"M K Ml at l T K 1t1ryUl1ateUtrap ACROS a 1. Bzcludo C. Meadow Rotating mechanic part II. Anoint 11, " Baoa" 14. Jap&naia aaah 15. Cotton fabrlo 16. Stickv IS. At a higher point 10. Pasa (radii ally tl. Obtain 23. Thicker 14. Anger 25. Born first 17. East African coin Pareal of (round Tax Channeled! Literary sorapa Oriental drum Raised American Indians CompouDd other Hold back Unoren Land measure Tear apart Orion tal ffultar Grow drowsy Furtive Famous electrician Solution of Yeattrday't Puzzl DOWN 1. Father S. CompafWJ point ' I P K I V h P' Mi 3 -j m m mJ " 5 ---m- p4 ite S3 iSf4 7m i P I. Sacred elty of India 4. Excuse (. Take away ft. Bath 7. Samuel' mentor I. Passage wart . Chicken en- closures 10. Misuse 11. Skinflint 17. Tips up It. Fine calfikln parchment tl. Immerse 22. Before 23. Restraint 2ft. Small rounel mark . 18. Bohlnd tl. Edible root 32. Two halve 31. Youngster So. Thofle defeated 3ft. Hate 31. East Indian irateway II. County in Colorado 40. Acted out ot sorts it. Nest of a blr of prey 44. Catch sljrht etf 4ft. Tellow ocber 4. Salt 41. Historical parlod ROOM AND BOARD By Gene Ahem TMAT MEAL AT ERCS MOUSE wc wORKlD UNTIL M