sSggj 1 "i iwMMnii wiiiimi aaaiiniiiwaa iaa TTli m ' ' 1 WEDDING IN THE WIND Ingrid Offers to Settle If Funds for Daughter Rome. Oct. S U.PJ Ingrid Bergman, who wanti a divorce, has ottered to settle halt her property on her husband if the re mainder can be placed In a trust fund for their daughter, the movie star's personal representative said today. Joseph Steele, Miss Bergman s spokesman, said her attorney in Hollywood discussing di- Sleeping Coach Sheared Open This rail coach filled with sleeping passengers was sheared open, killing one person and injuring four severely, when five cars of the west- -.bound City of San Francisco streamliner left the rails near . Ames, la. This coach jack-knifed into a box car on a siding, ripping open the coach. Broken glass, baggage and seats which had been torn from their moorings, flew through the coach. The side of the coach was opened for a distance of 20 feet. (AP Wirephoto) FOUR SETS OF TWINS, BESIDES Housewife, 34, Has Triplets; 17 Children in 15 Years Pittsburgh, Oct. 5 P) Birth of triplets to plump Mrs. Arthur Griser Tuesday gave the 34-year-old housewife 17 children to show for her 15 years of marriage. But she is emphatic: . "There'll be no more for me. This last bunch was just too much." Family Doctor H. A. John said she could go on having babies for another 10 years. Mrs. Grei- ser just smiled and replied seri ously: "No, this is the finish.' She had four sets of twins and six other children before trip lets Roy, Richard and Joanne Marie arrived. Greater Portland Area Extended Portland, Ore., Oct. 5 U.R When the 1950 census rolls around metropolitan Portland will have grown in area as well as in population. The U.S. department of com merce said in Washington, D. C, today all of Multnomah, Clack amas, and Washington counties in Oregon and all of Clark coun ty in Washington will be count ed as part of Portland's metro politan area in the 1950 census. In 1940 the metropolitan area included only the city of Port land plus those adjacent areas having a population density of 150 or more persons. ' . The new boundaries, however, will boost the area of metropol itan Portland from 307.4 square miles to 3,663 square miles. That would boost Portland's metro politan population in 1940 from 406,406 to 501,275. Major towns added under the new plan are Hillsboro, Forest Grove, Canby, Molalla, Trout dale, Sandy, all in Oregon, and Camas and Washougal in Washington. Portland, Ore., Oct. 5 U.R Portland's population stood at 430,891 today on the basis of figures released by the city wa ter bureau. For 36 consecutive miles, the Great Smoky Mountains in North Carolina are over 5,000 feet high. Joanne Marie was first and weighed in at six pounds. . The boys scaled seven and six. The other 14 income tax ex emptions scrambling around the old modest frame Griser house in suburban Pitcairn are: Thomas, 15 months; twins James and Joseph, 3: twins Mary and David, 4; twins, Dor othy Jean and Robert, 6; Harry, 7; twins John and Dolores, 9: Samuel, 10; Sarah, 12; Arthur 13; Agnes, 15. Daddy Arthur wasn't at home as the jolly Mrs. Griser showed off the triplets. Said the moth er: "He can't afford to stay home from work. It costs a lot of money to care for all these kids." Griser is 42 and earns $160 i month as a fireman at Westing- house Air Brake corporation. He often walks the four miles to work to save money. Dr. John said Arthur is tak ing things in stride this time, explaining: "He's getting used to it." Discussing her big family, Mrs. Griser commented: , "Some people have told, us we shouldn't have so many chil dren, but we like to raise them." Recluse Killed in Fight with Police New Bedford, Mass., Oct. 5 (U.R) An 84-year-old recluse barricaded himself in his at tic and battled it out with a score of police early today, un til 10 police bullets killed him Charles Y. Wilcox first at tracted attention last night when he called to the gas com pany to complain that the lights were going out in the park Then he went to the first floor window of his 214 story home and began shooting at persons passing by, police said. Officers, summoned by neigh bors, arrived shortly after mid night to find him throwing water on a fire he apparently started on his front porch. He suddenly fired one shot at them and retreated to the attic, firing again and again with his .38 caliber revolver. After a 45 minute battle dur ing which about 18 shots were exchanged, police standing on narrow stairway leading to the attic, fired at flashes from Wil cox's gun and the elderly man went down. Wilcox, fatally wourded the neck and chest, was pro nounced dead on arrival at hospital. Four hundred persons rush ed to the scene and took refuge behind trees and nearby houses as police trained searchlights on the house. Police tried to argue the re cluse into surrendering, but Wil cox answered only with an oc casional shot they said. When they finally rushed the house they found two gas jets open. In various parts of the house were a shotgun, a carbine dating back to 1886, and a Colt automatic, all fully loaded. Liquor Protest Referred Governor Douglas McKay asked the liquor commission Andy's Tavern, 6001 S. E. 72nd today to investigate a request by a group of Portland citizens that ave., be closed up. The delega tion asked the governor yester day to close the place because it is near a residential area and a park. orce arrangements wun ncr husband, surgeon Peter Lind- strom, whom the actress mar ried 12 years ago. They have one child, a daughter, Pia. Miss Bergman announced nearly two months ago that she had decided to retire irom me screen and seek a divorce. Steele said nothing in particular was delaying the filing of a divorce petition 'It lust takes time vo seme these legal matters," he said. Friends said Miss Bergman still hopes the whole thing can be settled "amicably." They said her dominant desire is to see that her daughter has secur ity. Under California s commun ity property law, Steele reported all property acquired either by husband or wife becomes the joint property of both and in divorce cases, everything must be evaluated and its disposition agreed upon. As for American reports that she might not go through with her divorce plans, friends of Miss Bergman said: That is something on which she will never change her mind She is going to get her divorce as soon as she can." Friends said she plans to marry Italian director Roberto Rossellini as soon as she gets the divorce. Rossellini directed what she insists was her final movie, "Stromboli," and it was during the filming that they fell in love. The blonde actress is spending her time quietly in Rome while waiting for the divorce plans to be completed. She and Rossel- lm are seen frequently in Rome's better eating places. They appear reserved but cheer ful in public. Usually they are accompanied by Rossellini's brother, Renzo, and the latter' wife. Since completing "Stromboli," Miss Bergman has not worn any makeup in public. She usualls wears a plain blouse and skirt with flat-heeled shoes. Multiple Crop Plan Proposed Portland, Oct. 5 Linn county farmers will be told next Monday about a multiple crop government insurance program which may be applied as a test to their plantings. Murl Cummings, regional di rector for the federal crop in surance corporation, reports that if the farmers approve the plan, contracts will be offered tor crops seeded this fall. He said the multiple crop plan would insure all major field crops. In Linn county this would include common rye grass, Austrian peas, common and hairy vetch, barley, oats, wheat and mixtures of vetches and grains. Each farm's total production is considered. Loss of Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Oct. 5, 194915 good yield on another. Cummings explained the idea was to give a farmer a guaran teed return for a relatively low insurance premium. Federal crop insurance, now in effect on Oregon's wheat crops in major wheat produc ing counties, covers losses re sulting from Insects, weather, ' disease and other natural hazards. Deer shed their horns every year. Q ARB VOl' DI II T RIGHT IN THE WRONO PLACES? Hiv your shoulders lipped wit, wu down? WHERR1E TAILORINO COM PANY will fit you Id amart. tllmmlni model. Pare YfrtlB Wool Fabric IhIU tVWftO u n TopeoaU HI. 0 to fMJO Sundin the Tailor 1M So. Liberty Dial S-Wl . Salta SWITCH TO CALVERT'S BETTER TASTE -A You'll find that CALVERT is a better buy! CALVERT RESERVE Blended Wlllskrl 86 S Proof 85 Grain Neutral Spirits. Calvert Distillers Corp, New York City If you're moving .. . Want To Know A Secret? You can save up to Half on your moving bill if you Rent a Truck AT Truck Rental Service By The Hour-Day-Week-Month Special Refrigeration Trucks Padding at No . Extra Cost Gas fir Oil Furnished SMILING JACK'S SUPER SERVICE net Church St. Phong 1-9600 Ir the world's gretteet color authority baa jaat created this new color and keyed to h is a completely baraanoiaee) make-up. Nail Lacquer, 1.00 Lipstick, 1.00, 1.M, J. 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Illinois. one entry per car or truck may he considered. All entries J. In SO words or less on entry tOwmre of any meae ef ear ar truck mar enter eanfeai) (a) Vn only official entry blank obtained at any Ford Dealership displaying the poster shown below. Print nam and address clearly, (k) Contest limited to conti nental U. S. and Alaska, (e) Prizes as stated on entry blank, will be awarded on the basis of sincerity, originality and aptness. Judges' decisions are final. Duplicate priiea in rase of ties, Kntriea must he submitted in the name of the registered owner or his desig nated representative. Only become the property of Ford Motor Company. Contest sun iect to Federal, State and local regulationa and to con test rules on entry blank. (f) Winners' names will be posted at all Ford Dealers' not later than December 1, 1949. 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