In t 12 Capita Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Oct. 5, 1949 5 ' M vemmk hmmm V; 3S H" NT, 30 i;j ..Vjv-' .... " Cf1--', J MMiii-- iiiiafirtilffMflHi'.Ly ' - - - wiwrtlffiapr- miHwiiWW8)IWWiJA ' Mm1 1 Good Old College Days Someone left Wis modern convey ance in the entrance of Eaton hall on the Willamette univer sity campus Monday night. Maybe Freshman did it, but no body knows except the guys who did it. Dallas Methodist Church Planning Golden Jubilee Dallas, Oct. 5 Centennial plans are underway for the Dallas Methodist church which will celebrate its 100th anniversary dur ing the week of October 30 through November 7, according to Rev. Clark S. Enz, pastor. Meetings were held in a local circuit as early as 1847. A church was not built until 1858. Prior to 1890 the old church was moved and a new church was built in that year. It still stands on the Church and Mill street location, although it was re modeled in 1926. Speakers to appear during the week-long observance will in clude Bishop Gerald Kennedy, District Superintendent Roy F e d j e, Ex-Governor Charles Sprague, and a number of for mer pastors of the church. Mrs. Betty Starr Anderson Will be guest soloist. The churcn Historical com mittee has issued a call for all old photographs of the early church, former ministers and early church members. Other items of historical interest, such as old hymnals, bulletins of the weekly services, and other items might be used in a display to be held in connection with the services. A booklet committee plans to publish a 24-page centennial booklet, and some of the photo graphs will be used in it. For mer members or friends of the church are asked to submit any such material to Rev. Enz, Dal las. Suit Against State Filed by Tomasek Karl Tomasek, Marion county rancher, has filed action in cir cuit court here against the state through its highway commission for $38,000 damages allegedly done to his farm land by con struction of the new highway bridge over 99E near Jefferson. Tomasek alleges that 130 acres of his land lying near the bridge has been ruined due to a change in the river course made by the bridge. He said that the flow of the Santiam had been narrowed by the bridge causing the river to change its course, wash away the top soil and cover a consider able part of his 300-acre farm. Plaintiff contends that private property has been taken for public use without Just compensation. It's to keep fit Let Sun Valley add variety to "Bread Hungry died" snd lately, loo. Sun Valley Bread baked with no shorten ing whatever, it low in caloriei, (less than SO to the slice) yet high in enertv nroducinc oroteins. Trv SUN VALLEY BREAD toasted tomorrow morning. m U w WITHOUT I SHORTENING OX 1 UPDID fATS J Brighten Housing Unit Lebanon A new paint job is going on the 75 units of the government housing project at Fifth and Rose streets. The units will be painted alternately canary yellow and gray with brown trim around the windows and pink doors. Manager of the housing unit is Charles Parker. (Advertisement) Lady's Stomach Was Like Gas Factory; Meals Turned to Gas Your medicine can't be beat." aavt this Med ford lady, "Acid and eiu In my atomach made me suffer awfully, and my husband wa.i terribly consti pated. We ue a bottle of it ft woek, and It can't be beat." Folks who know the misery of box pressure and feel like their atomacru will burst after every meal and who often hate to eat because of the misery that follow often find that Irregular bwet action 1 the cause, and KAL-O-DEX taken shortly before meal mixes with the food and helps to eliminate poisonous waste matter through Its laxative ac-tlon. KAL-O-DEX M an herbal formula containing medicinal Juices from & Great Herbs: these herbs cleanse bow els, clear eas from stomach, art on sluggish Intestines and kidneys. Miser able people soon feel different all over, Bo don't go on suffering, del KAL-O- de.a today at all drug stores. Adv. 1949 Tourist Business Brings State 110 Million Oregon's 1949 tourist business brought estimated revenues of 110 million dollars into the beaver state, the Oregon state high way commission travel information department reported this week. This figure shows a substantial increase, or 19 percent, over the 1948 total of 92 million dol- lars and surpasses the 1947 esti mate of 105 million dollars, the previous record. The last pre war travel year of 1941 is cred ited with a total of 51 million dollars. The 1949 figures are based on a state highway depart ment traffic check of out-of-state automobiles at 15 major points of entry. The survey reveals the aver age 1949 expenditure per day per person was $5.75 as com pared to $5.35 during the 1948 travel year. Each out-of-state car represented an expenditure of $113.39, based on an average load of 2.9 persons per car and an average stay of 6.8 days in Oregon, or equaling $39.10 per person These figures represent motorists who stayed in camp grounds as well as those who patronized hotels, auto courts and resorts, providing a thor ough cross section of Oregon va cation travel. Approximately 777,450 out-of-state automobiles visited Ore gon during the year, with aver age mileage of 832 for each, of ficials said. Oregon attracted visitors from every state in the union, with California credited with more than 50 percent because of its proximity and large population As in previous years Washing ton and Illinois were second and third in the number of out-of-state cars, followed by Idaho Barton Has Close Call Near Reef Aboard Velero IV, Oct. 5 ) Otis Barton was in greater danger in his steel sphere at a depth of only 300 feet Monday 'Voice's Electric" Vacuum Cleaner SALES REPAIRS SERVICE RENTALS On All Types Household or Commercial Also Waxers ALL WORK FULLY GUARANTEED Free Pick-up and Delivery PHONE 3-9239 See the NEW KEN MORE CLEANER TODAY! 4650 COMPACT TANK TYPE Reg. 52.75 Now A beauty! New Kenmore tank type cleaner with full set of attachments cleans rugs, draperies, upholstery, dusts woodwork. Powerful 'k H P. motor quickly and easily does the job for you. Call 3-9191 for home demonstration, either day or evening. Shop in Air Conditioned Plenty of Free Parking Comfort 0t out money Jaai ' JMlKJ 550 N. Capitol Street Phone 3-9191 10W IN CAIORIH HIGH IN INERCT AT VOURfAVOnlTEfOOB STORE than when he made the record dive of 4500 feet August 16 in the Pacific depths. In a series of shallow contour dives off Santa Catalina island, the five-foot benthoscope with its thick quartz window narrow ly missed being smashed into uncharted reefs jutting from the bottom. "Up, up, up!" the marine ex plorer shouted through the tele phone as the big winch on the barge above started turning. "Gosh, that was close!" Barton gasped over the phone. am a hound's tooth! -that's PRESTO-LOGS THE CLEAN, ECONOMICAL CONVENIENT FUEL GET 'EM FROM CAPITOL LUMBER CO. N. Cherry Ave. Phone 38862 or 24431 'None So Blind .. ... AS THOSE WHO WILL NOT SEE" that the time has come when glasses would be a decided benefit! Be good to your eyes . . . step up your good looks with smart, modern glasses. Put awoy your magnifying glass and enjoy life again! IB Dr. E. E. Boring USE YOUR CREDIT AND OUR EASY PAYMENT PLAN Optometrists AT BORING OPTICAL Now in Our New Modern Office and Laboratory CORNER 12th AT CENTER Dial 3-6506 Dr. Sam Hughes I'M BEATING THE CROWD! FRIDAY IS . . . YEATER DAY! UsTcTrpTtoiTolImwraTFJd TRADE -IN Allowance 3 DAYS THUR., FRI., SAT. ONLY 1 5J l 1 i I l 'laailifl1') JL. i - laaiiiu yriiv , " lZT "0Jf Free Delivery Easy Terms Open Daily to 9 P.M. Free Parking WE WILL ALLOW YOU $75.00 FOR YOUR OLD DAVENPORT AND CHAIR ON A TRADE FOR ANY LIVINGROOM SET, DAVENO SET, OR SECTIONAL DAVENPORT SET ON OUR FLOOR. Large Assortment, Beautiful Styles and Colors to Choose From HURRY! HURRY! THREE DAYS ONLY! DRIVE OUT AND SAVE MAUKIH - BOGAKOUS Phone 2-6306 .FURNITURE CO. Phone 2-6306 South 12th Street Highway Junction : (Lm YOU'LL find : m YOUR FRESHEST Mil ACCENT Patch pockets herald an unmistakable trend '. ijk ',4 J$k towards a more casual type of suit. Since ; f l ,M men demand a combination of comfort and j 'jjl lx ? J good looks, the patch pocket suit is "catch- '. , flj Jp- jj I ing on." Kuppcnheimer patch pockets are ; ' Jll tW--l I f neater, smarter in shape and actually serve ! sMl" ' I lu to emphasize Kuppenheimer's longer, I . , :-. j f, I lower, looser, loungier look. On the prac- ; "X I ?' J 4 11 tical side, you'll find a Kuppenheimer patch j Cfcl p 'f'. (';h f? I ft H pocket suit well-adapted to many and '. pJ if jaSj varied typei of WC' j I j ' " - jiciTr j Tl tf 7 and I I I r s more 1 S 1 v4 An investment m good appearand 1 N N pv u more important today than ever fHI rff THE MAN$ SH0P I S ''?A'-i I k The Store of Style, Quality l " ?"V- I and Value "' J V,v fl MOXLEY & HUNTINGTON 1 f 4 416 Stat St. Salem, Or. ' i i "auaa , ska Bakari af Mulu lr..4"