" " 1 X7 CLIMATE AFFECTS PATH TO FAME Month Baby Conceived Said to Influence Success By PAIL F. ELLIS K'nltrd Prjui acinic Writer New York, Oct. 5 U.R Research by an Ohio scientist disclosed today that babies conceived in the winter or cool months have a better chance to become famous. The report comes from Dr. Clarence A. Mills, professor of experimental medicine at the University of Cincinnati, in the magazine Science, official pub- first quarter of the year, ten In the second, four in the third which includes the hot months and seven in the fourth. Mills said that the human body's ability to resist disease or survive infections is higher the sections of the world lication of the American Asso ciation for the advancement of science. IP. Close Call Chet Derby, in an aerobatic exhibition at an air show held in Oakland, Calif., flies his smoke-trailing plane through the air barely missing a B-29. This unscheduled event occurred when a flight of low flying air force B-29s passed over the field. Derby, flying upside down and unable to see what was above, came within about five feet of colliding with the B-29. This outstanding picture was made by Oak land Tribune Photographer Bill Crouch. (AP Wirephoto) What Makes Johnny Stutter? Some Answers Given By DAVID TAYLOR MARKE (AP Nfjtetiire We hear much nowadays of speech defects In children. Stut tering is commonly included among them, but not accurately so. As Professor Amy Bishop Chapin points out in the National Parent-Teacher magazine, the stuttering child usually has a deep er trouble of which his stuttering is a symbol and symptom. What can his parents andf- teachers do to help him? Is there any known formula that will work for all? Dr. Chapin, who is assistant professor of speech at Western Reserve university; assistant chief of the hearing and speech therapy division of the Cleve land Hearing and Speech center and consultant to the Cleveland Heights board of education, in an article entitled, "When a School Child Stutters," under takes to answer these questions. Much can be done to elimin ate the Irritations that make stuttering worse, she lays. An environment can be arranged, both in the home and the school, that will help to prevent stuttering. d Finally, the child can be help ed to make a better personal ad justment. This usually aids In reducing the tendency to stutter, which is only a symptom of some deeper trouble within. The child most frequently be gins to stutter in the second or third year. It is a time when most children are greatly con cerned with language and when they are probably more often criticized for their speech than t any other age. If they are concerned too much, they find themselves very conscious of their errors, even ashamed of them. Here are some Do's and Don'ts for parents and teachers, says Dr. Chapin: Don't try to correct the child by asking him to "say It over" and so forth. Don't tell all the children to stop teasing him. Don't be afraid to let the child confide his problems to you. Don't shield him from his fa ther or other critical relatives. Don't worry about his speech without doing anything con structive. Don't call too much attention to his speech difficulty. Don't be too critical of his little childish Imperfections. Don't swamp him with sym pathy and emotional responses. Don't ask the teacher to treat the stuttering child as If he were V sick. Do Ignore the stuttering as such but look for undue tension at home and In scnool. Do discuss stuttering calmly wih the child if he brings it up, and let him do his own explain ing. Do help him to solve his so cial difficulties as you would help any other child. Do help him to become a pal to his father. Do teach him how to accept criticism without despair. Do try to build his confidence by praisng his strengths and understandng his weaknesses. Do let him see that you re gard his problem without fear. Do urge everyone to accept him as he is including his stuttering. Recognize stuttering for what it is, urges Dr. Chapin. It may be brought about when a child enters kindergarten or first grade and must suddenly adjust himself to the increased complications of school life. Tensions that arise at the be ginning of adolescence may also play an important role. Sudden tensions at home, such as a ser ious illness in the family, the coming of another baby, or a sudden frightening incident. may cause it. Anything in the home situa tion that increases tension and pressure on a sensitive child is likely to increase his difficulty. Arguments at home, inconsis tencies between grandmother' s methods of discipline and moth- Mills said that temperature bears "an importance to man far beyond the mere matter of his hour-to-hour comfort." In some places," he said. :!,,, h.. ,-mrlr!1,. ,0,u lays a heavy hand., stagnating j , hand over his life and holds him Ted Williams and Vern Ste to a vegetative existence; iniphens of the Boston Red Sox others, it generates an energy make up the first American lea and progressiveness which drives gue twosome to drive in more him forward with irresistible; than 300 runs in one season Revetment Work Bid In Clackamas Low Portland, Oct. S Revetment repair jobs on six sections of the Molalla and Clackamas rivers have brought a low bid from Darby and Foster, Roseburg. that was far under the government's estimate The corps of engineers report ed all the work was within Clackamas county. The low of five bids yesterday was 1 15. 370 compared with a government es timate of $20,585. The work is on the left bank of the Molalla river southeast of Canby and on both banks of the Clackamas river east of Car ver and northwest of Estacada. impetus." The hot months of July and August even in the temperate zone can effect the future of the child, according to Mills. He said that babies "planned" in those two hot months have a "low likelihood" of ever mak ing "who's who," or becoming president. It's because hot temperature causes physiological changes in the parents that affect their off spring, according to Aims. In reviewing the birthdates of the country's presidents, Mills found an exception President Harry S. Truman, who was born on May 8. Eleven presidents, he said, were born of "planning" in the since 1937. Youngest member of the Uni versity of Texas football squad is tackle James Tatom, who is 18 and stands six feet, seven inches. er's, or between mother's and father's, may leave a feeling of insecurity that results in greater speech difficulties. Probably the most serious fac tor of all, says Dr. Chapin, is the nagging perfectionism that characterizes some homes. It is normal for parents to wish their children to be well prepared for life, but driving the child to meet hopelessly high standards can bring only fear and anxiety. Constant unfavorable compari son with other children also is to be avoided. r f,)oving Service' IV ACtOSS TOWN Ot ill ACROSS THI NATION Ml Whether you're moving In town or to a diitant city, we offer the fleet in worry-free movinf eerv ice. Our local tonge end mov ing fecttitiefl ere uneicelled. And a representative for Allied Van Li nee we can place at your diepoeal the know-bow of the world's largeet long-diatance moving organization. Allied 'a expert packers, ksndlere and drivers safeguard your posses sions every step of the way. Call us for estametes. Red Star Transfer liberty Belmoat n. 1-1111 ROOFING Now is the time to order that new roof before the busy summer season. 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Hundred! of ettreetive patterns deiigned to go with sny style of room decoration. Chooie from United Style Album end Si ton electtoni Dorothy Lei tot Waives lovely hand printt, beautiful, lons leoting budget patterns. Ailt eer train' Wallpaper Centvltent ebewt yewr ham deceratlnf prebletm. headquartersX I For tht Finest In t Points Brushis V Wollpoptrs 39c to $4.50 per tlatls rail PITTSBURGH PLATE CLASS COMPANY 254 N. Commercial Dial 3-3636 CASH LOANS Auto i J100to$1000so COMMERCIAL CREDIT PLAN INCORPOMATI Salem Aiency: 460 N Chi Personal lleX!lMr7r,,l s4im talli U Capital Journal. Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Oct. 5, 194911 NOVO! Borden's cottage cheese Fruit Salad! SO GRAMOl TEMPTING FRUiTS-MIXeO WITH BORDEN'S CREAMY-GOOD cottage cweese SoQutCKf jusrop octavo seavej SO-O-O when you see this carton, grab it I Inside are lus cious bits of pears, peaches, cherries, pineapple and Borden's smooth Cottage Cheese. 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