I r"",,""',",""",- I : ' ' '" ' ... . ..; t - , .... 1 L ill i rtl 11 WiL'rtjiM sfc!?3ESS Students Going lhr' Fi,lIi Styf! Rf.vue. To Convention j Capita! Journal, Saifm, Or., Tu4ss?, Ociofeer , 19 f$ 5 Stormbound Shrimp Boat Trawl net hang from boom a ihrimp boat shelter at Southportt. N.C. during storm at M. ov.r Frying Pan Shoal. oH Baldhe.d bland. k w .. Srh, "Our Changed Attitude When We Un derstand," Mrs. Wilbur Wilson; "Our Understanding Through Joyous Giving," Mrs. Harry Phillips; "Unceasing Prayer," Mrs. Emory Good and the clos ing challenge to extend your horizons by Mrs. Cleo Keppin ger. Members attending were: Mrs. John Van Laanen, Mrs. John Ackerman, Mrs. Carl Sny der, Mrs. Anna Wirsching, Mrs. Lee Dow and those taking part in the program. Mrs. Harry Wil son was a new member. The Oc tober meeting will be with Mrs. Harry Phillips. East Salem School Change Makes Group Alter Plans Kat Salem, Oct. 4 This school year East Salem schools will b represented by both Mothers' club and Parent Teacher asso ciations. The first group to meet for the new term was the Auburn Mother club which held their meeting Friday after noon at the school house. It was necessary to elect all new offi cer a tht president and vice preldent will not have children attending the school this year with the new boundary line. Elected were president, Mrs. Krvin S. Sunderlin; vice presi dent, Mr. Orval Pruhk; secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Loran Ri chey. Serving on committees will be: Telephone, Mrs. Enoch Mer rell; hospitality, Mrs. Arthur Fiske; finance, Mrs. S. W. Bur ris; special projects, Mrs. Loran Richey and reporter, Mrs. Rich ey. One of the projects will be "beautifying the school grounds." The club will again sponsor both Brownies and Cub scout troops and some 4-H work is being considered. Arthur Meyers, school principal, was present and explained the new hand books which had been ent to each child's home. There are 55 mothers of school children in the district and about 20 were pres ent for the first meeting. Host esses for the social hour were Mrs. Floyd Seamster and Mrs. .Charles Gillming. Teachers were introduced to new mothers the community. of Middle Grove The first meeting for "the new school year of the Mothers club will be Wed nesday afternoon at 2 o'clock in the school house. ""Th parent organization for Washington school will be form ed after the school has been transferred to the new building. . The September meeting of the WSWS of Middle Grove com munity was held in the home of Mr. Lena Bartruff. Mrs. Wil liam Scharf was in charge of the new project of the group, the children' hour with six children present. A Christmas tree was decorated by the children with gifts for the mission children which will be sent overseas. Lit tle bright paper cone contain ing the money that will buy ome presents and the entire program made it the first Christ mas experience of the season for the children. - Numbers on the adult pro gram were devotion by Mr. Roy Ecofield, "Leading On in the Widening of the Horizon In Stewardship;" "Power to Widen Our Horizons," Mr. Scofield; "The Holy Spirit Our Helper," Mrs. Lewis Patterson; "When Jeweler Gets Job of Picking U.S. Wives for Scotsmen Buffalo. N. Y. ai-B Jewelers usually think of young love in terms of engagement and wedding rings. But one Buffalo jeweler was assigned the task of picking out American wives for a couple of Scotsmen. A letter received from two 17-year-old boys, John Maslerson and Robert Wdyte of GIasgow, read: "We have gone about with each other for about seveni years," the letter read, "and in that seven years we have learn ed that the two of us always think the same. "So when I said I would like an American wife when I got Student Burned with Hot Tabasco Sauce Lebanon, Oct. Dale Piesche, high school freshman, is recovering today from tem porary blindness caused by ta basco sauce in his eyes during a high school initiation. He also received burn about the body. Burleigh Cash, principal, call ed halt to the Initiation Mon day afternoon. The all-school affair was scheduled for the en tire day and as planned had the approval of school authorities. The trouble was, he said, that the affair "got out of hand" when the students engaged in unscheduled activities. At High School Auditorium Salem people will be given a prevue of what Milady will be Salem high school chapter of prewntg its third annual fall atyie show, the Future Farmers of America This slyie show, one is held in the spring, too, 1 to b held will send their three outstand-j in the Salem high ichool auditorium with the public invited io Ing members to the National "d "d no f"ff FFA convention Friday to bejj ?T to ! taif h-w ,n i ! ocio n to tat Jsret SOB b, by Mary Barton t the elec- held October I0-1S in Kansas, women en termg the audrtonum : (ri. gatI TWrtv.ottl modflt, C'tv, Mo. corsages of baby orchid are to)mMj rf fhrm m)i ioyn Outstanding member going S'ven. j will model the clothe, to the convention are Wayne! A n aed attraction dance; tne jrg group of fall and Johnston. Clay Rambo and er 8r ,0 J P"' .winter clothing to b. thowa wiii James Cartwright. Leaving1 f" aVt t , T coai ni ": Friday via the Shasta Dayli-. ;pup l! 3" one .. h 1 rdaf presses. These will be in a wide the boy. will travel to SariiRun?tf the ch!!dr ' "grange of color and Include Francisco then travel on to Ms-mod", !wP!n t,,r- Sclothe ranging from the teen- jouri. j The dance numbers are not agers to the older matrons. Jun- r c . ,, .vt'to be tne only feature attrae-itor e and hail ae are to JdSiT .nSdai7owhlh otgoib- ? rir!1 ,0"d wlth "in state college student, Daryl Van nM"' ' ' ii c T , , t to receive the highest degree l' F0 by Mary Barton jskirt weater. .porta dres given in the FFA. After receiv- v" ana sx logs max. up me econa ina She minor desrees in FFA 1 Dorothy Pederson, Salem glrSUp B(!d the third group wiii Van Cleave had to farm one vear """ " oe nus i-inarrn! u cm- after graduating from Salem Background music for tne mo-ifc-t Tempo." high. Only two degrees are to be given this year for the state of Oregon. Johnston 1 president of the Salem chapter of the FFA and wa a delegate to the state con vention last year at Tillamook. He also won the FFA district speaking contest at Indepen dence last year. Formal and dinner (own in the radiant new color, ttt the autumn season are Included: in the fourth group and bringing the style show to an end will be 4rdal party acene. Thi i ixi to be of the usuai picture vari ety but animated scene, re sembling bridal scene of real life. Woman Killed ia Crih Tht Dalle, Or., Oct. MB ; A woman wa killed and twoj nsen injured when the auiomo bii in which they wr riding werve tuddeniy and tipped Junction, authorities said today. Mr. Lor B. Justila, S3, ISox til, The Daiiet, who Erov tb car, was killed instantly, Paul and George Sellers, Gold endsle. Wash., were taken to The Dalies General hospital wlih minor injarie.. GUESTS WELCOME BETTER TASTE! Smart hosts everywhere have switched to Calvert because Calvert Reserve tastes better. old enough to go over, my friend said that's what he'd like, too. "Well, sir, to come to the point." the letter continued, "we thought if you knew two young: American girls, you could ask them if there was any chancel of them being our pen-pals and giving us some ideas as to what American women are like. "We would like so much if you could do this big deed for us, sir, and we would think of you for the rest of our lives. , . , Thanking you kindly, sir, we hope to hear from you or some young American women about 18 or 18, soon." CALVERT RESERVE Blended Whiskey -88. Proof-85 Grain Ntatral Spirits. Calvert Distillers Corp., New York City ot ho) oncf narrator for . crt&lif ITS RADIO'S MOST DRAMATIC HAL HOUR" USrSN TONIGHT TO 808 HOPE'S FAVORiTI STORT "THI VALIANT" Often Cftfted tht fiettett oo-ct pUy ver written,. Tbe VaHant fc ft gripping tragedy of anusu&i courage nd personal nobiKiy. Don't miu Hob Hope favorite ctoty "Tint Vifutniu"' Prtstnted by w Portland General Electric Co. yl iW NOW! Gen Jiine In bid LtnoSeum Atiover Marbie foifernj f Afmsfrong onsf Sloone Constipation (Colitis Is a symptom, not a disease, Hectal Ailments Are the Underlying Factor Hemorrhoids and other colon ailments must be corrected. No I,oss i( Time No HospiUHiatien Free Descriptive Booklet DR. R. REYNOLDS Proctologist Naiuro-Rectal Specialist 1144 Center Si. Salem. Ore. ASPIRIN AT ITS BEST Fftst.dcDendabla. World's largest , seller st lor. NEW SI.JOSEN spmm FOR CHILDREK So eiy for child to tkF, orange fla vorea. Caty to le eor reet dotage. 50 tableti, 5.V HARD OF HEARING You'v Woittt. for This! HERE IT IS! NO RECEIVER BUTTON IN THE EAR! Tht Pbinio. Bold corobtoed with th Bcltoo Hearing Aid tnuret yov of unsurpssd btariag quality (or both too and ?o!ume. But btii oi alt, Ten four frieod won't notice that jrou art wearing a bearing aid. You owe it to founetf to tee ihia newest hearing improremeat end convince four te if thai now for the fcrat time you realljr can conceal four deafness. Drop io today and tee it. Mean while, fill out coupon for tree book. MONO-rAC OHS-VNIT HIMIM t James N. Toft AND ASSOCIATES as ftH sum - fitm. On. i HAVE A I RepetCa SouChqa AccwkC HAVf EDUCATION FUNDS PURCHAS! NEW APFtlANCK BE READY FOR EMERGENCIES Thrifty families look t life happilyj Ample funds provide the better things ...ready money eliminates worry over sickness or other emergencies. Put your family in a comortable position by saving regularly. Each dollar you set aside earns worthwhile profits regularly. SAltM FEDERAL SAVINGS ttt Star, titaal. Soli Or. 30 i -, .Hi.' '' - i ROBERTS BROS. GREATEST DOUBLE Gl M STAMP DAY -7'. j: - f a: a h 1 rz..F f , i f .xl. : f i llMX -'r I tit r .--4 .-i - 4. hi, 'm-- 1 z L jj.l Clever aijles . j vv WEDNESDA Special Purchase! II r 124 hi new fall dresseis at a low low Look twice at the dever sij'tes, ihz fine (jssality, th tiny pric we've tagged eat tiiese new Fail dress, Aimost unbeievabSe isn't it? Sketched are jast thrc-e from our new group that includes gaSsanfifies, crtfws, taffetas, suitings, faiSScs. TssSored and dr.rsy models, with cJever rsew deiaih such as big scoop pocfcfSs, thre sjHarter sleeves, tiered skirts !jj pvry cfor Josi uu!d wish for. Sizes 3-15; iSVi-2i' k ST(frr, atMi4 fist exeive-iookii fI at our tinv-rie HAT IIAIt Now thot the fol! hot st oson is her visit Robarts' Hat 8or for smort iittie skimmers ot o budget-wis 2.98 price. Off-the-lote, eoioH, plenty ai eotual t?imTr& or pioin irt tiressy biock and new foil cofon. $998 Ad t 177 north iibcrty