Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, October 04, 1949, Page 7, Image 7

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    Many Attend Institution
Of Job's Daughters Bethel
r More than 300 persons witnessed the instituting of the new
Salem bethel, Job's Daughters, Saturday evening at the Masonic
temple. Mrs. Mary Hartwell, guardian of bethel No. 35, Salem,
called the meeting to order. The grand guardian, Mrs. Martha
Elhart, explained the procedure of the evening. The honored
jueen. Miss Jean Herrig, bethel
I No. 35, then presided. Forty-
Wedding in St Paul
St Paul At a beautiful wed
ding, Saturday, September 24,
Miss Kathleen Marie Faber,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed
ward Faber of St. Paul was wed
to Frederick Allen Richtor of
Donald, son of Mrs. J. Krupicka
of Hubbard.
The nuptial vows were per
formed in the presence of many
relatives and friends in the St.
Paul church In St. Paul, with
Hev. James L. Maxwell officiat
ing at the double ring cere
mony at 9 o'clock. The church
was decorated with white and
pink asters and chrysanthe
mums. Furnishing the organ music
was Mrs. Ross Coleman and
singing were Miss Francis Smith,
Mrs. Virgil Faber and Miss Luel
la Raymond.
The bride, given in marriage
by her father, wore a white sat
in gown with a bustle back and
long sleeves. With the dress she
wore knotted pearls, a gift from
the bridegroom. The fingertip
veil was caught with cornet
of seed pearls. She carried a
white prayer book and a white
orchid with a purple throat,
and white streamers.
Miss Mildred Bernard was
maid of honor and bridesmaids
were Miss Dorothy Richtor, Mrs
Leland Erb, both sisters of the
bridegroom, and Joan Merrick
and the Junior bridesmaid was
Lorraine Richtor, sister of the
bridegroom. The bridesmaids
were dressed in slipper satin of
deep gold, blue, green, fuchsia
and tourquoise, with matching
braided headbands, and they car
ried nosegays of white carna
tion and chrysanthemums with
white streamers.
Arthur Faber, brother of the
bride, was best man.
Groomsmen were Virgil Fab
er, brother of the bride. Jack
Capri, Archie Krupicka and
junior attendant was a brother
of the bridegroom, Louis Rich
tor. Ushers were William Ander
son and Carl Mucken.
Mrs. Faber wore for her
daughter's wedding a hunter
green suit, with brown acces
sories and wore a corsage of
gardenias and stephanotis.
Mrs. Krupicka was dressed in
, British tan suit with forest
green accessories and corsage
f gardenias and stephanotis,
A wedding breakfast for the
bridal party and parents was
served following the ceremony
In the City hall with Mrs. Grof
fman of Gervais serving and
Joy Slover assisting.
A reception for friends was
held from 1 to 4 o clock in the
City hall.
Cutting the bride's cake was
Mrs. Virgil Faber and at the
punch bowl was Miss Francis
Smith with the following assist
ing in the serving. Misses Dor
othy Richtor, Beatrice Stuphel,
Betty Frith, Margaret Smith,
Jacqueline Gooding and Patricia
Gooding: and Oscar Davis and
Phil Harold.
Coming from a distance to
attend the wedding were rela
tives and friends from Gari
baldi, Coos Bay, Monroe, Forest
Grove and parts of Washing
ton. The couple left for a honey
moon to the Oregon beaches and
will be at home in Donald.
three members of the new bethel
were obligated at the altar.
Escorts and honors were given
to honored queens, past honored
queens, grand guardian coun
cil, other guardians, associate
guardians, and members of other
Masonic orders.
Officers of bethel No. 85 put
on the initiatory degree for five
of the 35 candidates. Those in
itiated were Misses Carol Ment-
zer, Karen Michelson, Gwen
Phillips, Roberta Sears and Bar
bara White. Eight of the new
members are transfers from
bethel No. 35.
Institution ceremonies follow
ed. Mrs. Elhart, assisted by
other grand council officers, in
stalled the guardian council of
Salem bethel, U.D.
Salem chapter. Order of East
ern Star, sponsors, presented
robes for the new bethel offi
cers and capes for the honored
queen, senior princess and jun
ior princess. Bethel No. 21 of
Portland, presented three
crowns. Miss Dorothy Peder
son played during the intermis
sion. Installation followed. Instal
ling officers were: Queen, Miss
Joan Roack, bethel 5; guide, Miss
Donna Gray, No. 7: marshall,
Miss Helen Wright, No. 9; chap
lain, Miss Dorothy McCaren, No.
41; musician, Miss Ann Gibbons,
No. 35; secretary. Miss Carolyn
Eckersley, No. 35; senior custo
dian, Miss Gladys Polchow, No.
23; junior custodian. Miss Betty
Hillsland, No. 2; soloist. Miss
Helen Thompson, No. S.
After the installing ceremony,
coronation took place. Chemek-
eta chapter. Order of DeMolay
performed this ceremony. Aft
er the regent in the east, Louis
L,orenz, piacea tne crown on
the newly installed honored
queen. Miss Edna May Manning,
Miss Thompson sang "My Task.
Mrs. Elhart, grand guardian,
presented a white Bible on be
half of the grand guardian coun
cil. Honored queens from beth
els No. 3, 5, 7, 41 and 35 pre
sented gifts to the new bethel.
The honored queen. Miss Man
ning, named her choir and drill
team. She introduced her moth
er, Mrs. James B. Manning, who
presented a gift on behalf of
herself, and Earl Beeson, The
two are royal grand matron and
patron, respectively, of the Or
der of Amaranth.
Several members of bethel No.
35 assisted Salem Order of East
ern Star, In the dining room
following the meeting.
church aid society is meeting
Wednesday at 2 p.m. at the
are sponsoring a cooked food
sal at 129 North Commercial,
on Wednesday.
hiltm Jh&
To Wed Soon Miss Bonita
Fehlen, above, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Fehlen of
Stayton, will be married Oc
tober 8 to Jack Arnold Kauf
fman, son of Mrs, Viva Kauf
man of Stayton. (Jesten-Mil-ler
studio picture)'
Today's Menu
Week Day Dinner
Hamburgers on Toasted Buns
Crisp Potato Sticks
Special Pickled Beets
Lettuce Salad with Hard-Cook
ed Egg Dressing
Apple Pie Beverage
special Pickled Beets
Ingredients: 1 No. 2 can beets.
8 tablespoons eider vinegar, 1
tablespoon sugar, H teaspoon
salt, H teaspoon dry mustard.
V4 teaspoon ground cloves, 1
small clove garlic (peeled).
Method: Drain the beet liquid
from the beets into a saucepan;
add the vinegar to the liquid
and heat until boiling. Mix to
gether the sugar, salt, mustard,
cloves in a mixing bowl; add
the garlic clove. Pour the hot
beet liquid and vinegar over the
sugar mixture slowly, stirring
well as you do so; when well
blended pour over the beets.
Allow the beets to stand in the
refrigesator for about 8 hours
Begins Year
An unusually large attend
ance marKea me mii s uw
meeting for Capital Unit No. J,
American Legion auxiliary, last
evening at the Salem Woman's
club house, Mrs. waiter u
Spaulding presiding as the new
Convention reports irom tne
state event held in Salem in
August were given by Mrs. Ray
mond Bassett ana Mrs. llara
Plans were made for the com
ing years actvities, rertaoiuta
tion and child welfare work be
ing featured in the reports.
For the program. Miss Car
roll Gragg, who 1 home on leave
for a short stay from her duties
with the navy, gave a talk about
her work, and Robert Gwynn of
Willamette university sang, ac
companied by Miss Lois Gott
As a surprise members of the
drum corps of Capital unit No
9, American Legion, came to
serenade the auxiliary and Miss
Announcement was made the
membership committee is to
meet October 12 and that a rum
mage sale is planned by the aux
iliary for October 21 and 22.
Capital Journal. Salem. Or., Tuesday, October 4. 1919 7
before serving. Remove garlic
Note: The beets for this recipe
may be small whole ones or they
may be sliced.
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