Capital Women Edited by MARIAN LOWRY FISCHER Tuesday, October 4, 1949 Sojourners Club Names -New Officers 6 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Sorority Alumnae Entertained October marks the beginning of a new year for several of the Salem Panhellenic alumnae groupi. Delta Delta Delta alumnae met last evening, Mrs. John R. Caughell, Miss Josephine Baum gartner, Mrs. Kenneth Brown and Mrs. Charles Clarke enter taining the group at the home of Mrs. Caughell. Mrs. James McAfee, who re eently moved to Salem from New York City to make her home, was a new member wel comed by the group. Others attending were Mrs. C. R. Nelson, Mrs. Mark Astrup, Mrs. H. J. Anning, Mrs. L. V. Benson, Miss Esther Baird, Mrs. Wallace Bonesteele, Mrs.. Clark Brown, Mrs. Kenneth Carlson, Mrs. Ralph Mercer, Miss Bertha Kohlhagen, Mrs. Walter Socolof sky, Mrs. Robert Sprague, Mrs Alan Siewert, Mrs.. George Wei ler, Mrs. George Tomlinson, Mrs. W. L. Braun, Mrs. James Morse, Mrs. Clifford Hill, Mrs. Robert Upson and the four hostesses. Hear About Convention Alpha Xi Delta alumnae also met last evening, Mrs. Elmer S Meade being hostess to the group at her home. Featuring the meet ing was a report on the national ' convention which Mrs. Eugene Laird as the local club president attended. The group voted to oontinue its local philanthropic work, its project being assist ance for the Navajo Indians at Chemawa school. Attending the meeting last evening were Mrs. Laird, Miss Ellse Schroeder, Miss Eleanor Stephens, Mrs. William I. Healy, Mrs.. John Hann, Mrs. W. E. Knickerbocker, Mrs. William D. Galloway, Jr., Mrs. R. W. Tav enner, Miss Verna Keppinger, Mrs. L. E. Darling, Mrs. Orville W. Kannier, Jr., Mrs. B. J. Kerns, Mrs. R. O. Lewis, and Mrs. Meade. SONS OF Union Veterans of the Civil War and auxiliary are to meet Wednesday at 7:30 p.m in the Salem Woman's club house. Engagement Told The engagement of Miss Ly- dian Braun, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Braun, to PFC Jesse H. Burington, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Burington, all of Salem, has been announced. No date is set for the wed ding. Both young people are graduates of Sacred Heart acad emy. The bride-elect is employ ed at the capitol building. Pri vate Burington is stationed with the army at present at Chanute, 111. Mothers Club Meets Thursday Highland Mothers' club has it- first fall meeting Thursday, October 6. at 1:15 p.m. in the school auditorium. A special in vitation is extended to the new mothers of Highland school. Officers for the year are: Mrs. Russell S h 1 p m a n , president; Mrs. Arthur Boyle, vice-presi dent; Mrs. Harley Cordray, sec retary and Mrs. H. W. Scoggin, treasurer. . Golf Group Stages Special Event Sunday Members of the Oak Knoll Women's Golf club sponsored two-ball foursome Sunday. It was a dress-up, costume affair. Players used only three clubs and a novelty play featured the day's program. Winners in the novelty event were Mrs. J. J. Sechrist and Don Huff, both of Salem; William Blackley and Mrs. Jakowski. both of Dallas, as runners-up; Mrs. Loren Chase and Al Cleve land of Dallas, consolation. For the costumes, Mrs. Sam Miller of Salem won first for the women and Leland Lefors of Dallas, first for the men. Following the golf event, the group met at the Veterans of Foreign Wars hall In Dallas for a no-host dinner. MEMBERS of the board for Unit No. 136, American Legion auxiliary, are to meet Wednes day at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Edward Klippert. Mrs. Harold H. Heiserman is the new president for the So journers club. The nominating committee met recently at the home of Mrs. Frank Ward at which time the names of offi cers were presented and the an nouncement made following ac ceptances by the candidates. Serving with Mrs. Heiserman will be Mrs. William E. Healey as vice president; Mrs. Farley Mogan as secretary; Mrs. Otis Berry, treasurer; Mrs. Hobart Jackson, membership; Mrs. L. w. Miles, telephone chairman; Mrs. Charles Gray, publicity chairman: Mrs. Clyde A. War ren, remembrances chairman; Mrs. Donald Jessop, locker cus todian; Mrs. Smith French, name plates chairman; Mrs. Frank Ward and Mrs. R. O. Lewis members at large on the board. The new officers will be in stalled at the October 13 meet ing of the club. Legion Auxiliary Silverton Mrs. C. E. Higin botham is announcing October program plans for the Delbert Reeves unit, No. 7 American Legion auxiliary of which she is president. The membership chairman, Mrs. Wesley Grogan, vice pres ident of the unit, is striving for renewals and new member ad ditions in a contest for state and national honors. Mrs. Er nest R. Ekman, poppy poster chairman is to report on school contacts for the art work in the local schools. Fifteen hundred poppies have been ordered for the child welfare work, the sales to be late in May. Mrs. Larry Carpenter is to report on the progress of the American ism essay contest among school students. Columbus Day, Oc tober 12, and Navy day, October 27, and as a social affair Hal loween, will be observed. Junior auxiliary officers are to be installed at the October 24 meeting. MISS MARY E. LOVETT has entered Columbia university in New York to do graduate work at the teachers' college there. She is the daughter of Mrs. Mary Lovett of Salem and taught at Swegle school last year. MEETING Wednesday eve ning at 8 o'clock will be Cen tralia temple, Pythian Sisters. There will be a degree staff practice. The meeting will be in the Knights of Pythias hall. j i Engagement Told An an nouncement of interest to many friends was made re cently, Miss Lois Gillings, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Gillings, telling of her engagement to Kenneth Thornton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Kellogg of Port land. No date is set for the wedding. (Jesten-Miller stu dio picture) Dinner Event Hosts for a dinner next Satur day evening will be Mr. and Mrs. Russel E. Pratt, who will honor Mrs. Ralph Wirth on her birthday. At the party will be Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wirth, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer O. Berg, Dr. and Mrs Horace McGee, Dr. and Mrs. Maynard Shiffer, Dr. and Mrs. Charles Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Pratt. FOLLOWING a visit here Mr and Mrs. Lyman Preston John son (Susanna Schramm) have left for their home in Denver. They have been visiting her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred A. Schramm, and at the Schramm summer home on the Little North Fork of the Santiam. VISITORS over the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Melchert were Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Kraft of Santa Cruz, Calif., and Mr. and Mrs. Bernhard Ehrlich of Newport. Mrs. Kraft, Mrs. Melchert and Mr. Erhlich are all cousins and this was the first time in 30 years that the three had seen each other. Nile Event At Portland covAml members of the Salem club. Daughters of the Nile, have chartered a bus to go to Port land Wednesday for tne monin w eathertnff nf Kvdia temple of the Nile. Others from here will be going by car. Tnmher of the Salem club hiv hepn asked to present the program for the temple meeting. Josephine Albert spauiaing is to sing, accompanied by Mrs. Alfred A. Schramm, as the fea ture of the Salem program. Mrs. Douglas McKay is to in troduce the local musicians. Included in the group going from Salem are the following: Mrs. James Bird, Mrs. Max Al tnrA Mrs Russell Bricht Mrs. Charles Boyer, Mrs. Estill L. Brunk, Mrs. J. N. Chambers, Mrs. A. H. Davis, Mrs. C. Ward Davis, Mrs. Frank- Chatas, Mrs. William W Ellis. Mrs O. R. Eck- ersley, Mrs. D. M. Eby, Mrs. J. A. Frizzell, Mrs B. B. Flack, Mrs. r F Guenther. Mrs. M. F. Grub, Mrs. Gregory Haetliger, Mrs. John Imlah, Mrs. Percy R. K.ei lv Mrs. Abner K. Kline. Mrs. .T h Miller. Mrs. Harrv Miller. Mrs. Harris Ltetz, Mrs. uougias McKay, Mrs. Frank Minto, Mrs. Claude H. Murphy, Mrs. William R. Newmyer, Mrs. E. M. Page, Mrs. H. E. Phillippe, Mrs. E. J. Scellars, Mrs. C. R. Staats, Mrs. Sam Stitchler, Mrs. Merle Tra vis, Mrs. L. R. Tweedie and Mrs. David Wright. e WOMAN'S SOCIETY of Chris tian Service of the Leslie Metho dist church will hold a business and program meeting in the church parlors at 1:30 o'clock Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. G. H. Templeton and Mrs. T. O. Ad ams are hostesses for the tea hour. In charge of tl"- program on the topic: "Why Home Mis sion Schools?" are Mesdames V. E. Burson and C. W. Stacey. NEBRASKA CLUB is meet ing Friday for a no-host supper at 8:30' o'clock in the Veterans of Foreign Wars hall. Troop Elects Star of the Sea troop, Junior Catholic Daughters of America, met Saturday at the home of Miss Charmaine Roguski and elected the following as new of ficers: Miss Coral Taggart, presi dent; Miss Dolores Riley, vice president; Miss Mary Etzel, sec retary; Miss Patsy McReal. treas urer; Miss Ann Marie Burdick, reporter. The troop members were di vided into two teams to sell the Catholic Digest with Miss Eve lyn Drummond and Miss Jose phine Schlageter as captains. Plans were made for a troop picnic at Silver Creek falls, Oc tober 8. The honor, nature stu dy, was worked on with Misses Drummond and Etzel chosen to mount the work In the scrap book, ETA chapter of Beta Sigma Dki u in nnnHuct a model meet ing for its regular event Wed nesday evening at 8 ociock, ai the home of Mrs. Wilbur Pear son, 375 North 18th. MISS CLAIRE MAXWELL of Salem is among local girls pledging sororities at Oregon State college. She is a new pledge of Alpha Phi sorority. Miss Maxwell is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard T. Maxwell. LEAVING TUESDAY to spend the winter in Los Angeles was Mrs. John Estudillo. She will be with her daughters, Miss Ra mona Estudillo and Mrs. Qwen (Marguerite) Hansen. v 'S!W f FRIDAY IS... YEATER DAY! ? ft JW RITA" Schoolgirli love II because this smart dimrdi style ll '9 sister'!. Pleases mothers, too, with its sound construction tor lasting ramfort and assured foot- health . . . ond for leather that wears, and wears, and weari. Every (dianle feature spells too value made even ,nn niovable DV OUT fitting. Sixes V4 to 4. I Shoe Dept. Main Floor YOU HAVE A DATE WITH MILLER'S Millers Annual Fall Fashion Revue r b Mnnuai ran ra Thursday Night, October 6th, It's FREE! For The Whole A Big Fashions PrnHi irtinn! I sr VI W i I I I Plus Ballet, Concert Pianist, Soloist! You 1 the $L I I WALLAH Wmf: UADii 1 o? h mm MA 7;00 mmMi 8:00 to 9:30 Family 5? High SooUud!tn,: MLLER's FAl I FASHION pcL Clrtain: 8:00 c Doors Open of 7 00 ' Mar9oret Allyn fiD sr-- GROUP tf0 2 P c'0,fybQ"umb,v. Sporfsw Teddy JenL. rP NO. d NO. s High School ski of ter GROUP spi GROUP .u . Miliar i . i T aron Spaa SwtmZki' snr.ioKis 0 FOR LIVING.. FOR SLEEPING More room means more comfort . . . more comfort means better living . . . and here are three Simmons ways to give you an EXTRA ROOM at home at NO EXTRA COST. You'll want to see these handsome livini; room pieces that turn into lusciously comfortable beds . . . sofas that make your dollars worth twice as much. The Lawson HIDE-A-BED It's hard to believe that a beautiful livlne; room sofa can hide a FULL SIZE, reai-for-eure Jnnersprint; mat tress. This one does! The pevteetly amaaint; Hide-A-Bed sofa! Strictly Simmons. (You can even get the Beautyrest mattress in your Hide-A-Bed). Come sea the newest styles in beautiful decorator fabrics. Feat ure showing this week. 285 00 Smart STUDIO DIVAN Cflf Make room for this beautiful Beautyrest Twin Divan "JjUj?' . . . and it will give you an extra bedroom besides all , J the comfort of a luxurious daytime piece. Covers have Cl been specially selected to entice you . . . give you new 1 1 J decorating schemes and ideas. M m Luxurious SOFA BED Another Simmons EXCI.l'SlVE for spare-shy homes. This snfa Is very smartly styled . . . It's wonderfully rnmfnrtahle . . . and It opens Into a big Beautyrest bed! Come see how It works! See new textured weav fabrics in modern tolora. 139 50 IT'S Fret FREE! Orchids! 340 Court Phone 2-2493 HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM JtJk